l lit I 3 Vilh Seals... All Teamg la PCL Divide Twin Bilk (Ttelluard from preceding ft-) All were scored ii unearned. The Seals rallied In thi nvenlh Inning to tcor three rum on Port land ttartor Bob Hall. Ray Shaft went In and cut all the rally in the last lnninf. Ftrtt Im box: .rllud (1) (I) B H O A Young! 4 11 PtriB.r 4 11 Hrqn.il 111 A. pro J M'm'n.m 4 4 1 ITsnnerJ 4 114 Kk'i'n.t 4 4 1 ILnhdt.l 4 4 R'k'skl.r 4 114 DiPro 1 (Ml J.x.iJ 11(1 U ph't.m 411 C 1 ne.4 4 t t 1 1 & f kl.e 4 11 LittrelU 4 114 M'Ii'im 4 I I 1 e I i I I r...ir 1 t I S-Ha ski Mil Siack.p I 1 -Wltsot) I I I I W'B'rnJ t Totalt MlSilia Totalt M 1127 I a Baalntkl ran for Llttrtil In llh. b-Wilson hit Into double play for ri in au. PorUnd . , . IW6 430 ftftO tan Franciero ... tntt 114 4II K-Bea (II. RM-Umphlett, Ma tinney. Maroiut, Wtrl. Caaait, Tan. Her, Sadowskl. IB Calderone, Mar nee, LittraU, DIPletro, Cattle, UerVt. Borknwakt Jft-Umphkll. HR -Tanntr. SB fSadnwskL Castle. SF Marques, DP Slack. Aapromonte and DiiPetra, Left Portland 7. Sta Francisco I. BB Casalt I. SO Ce la I tWrle I. Slack t. HO-Werle III In I; Ctsale I la I; Hark I In 4. R-ER-Cesala t-l, Hack 4, Werle f t. Balk-Cattle. W Caaait U-Ot. L Went (1-1), V emert, Orr tod Ktrr. T-1J1. Second eanui box! trUaa4 (4) (I) laa Frsnelaea no n u a Yiwnil 4 111 rrson.r 114 rquesj 4 11 A.pr..,l fill M'riVm I I I 4 TanntrJ 114 1 MkVn I 4 I T DiP't'o 1 4 S 4 I B'rk ikl d 4 111 "m'l'l.m 4 111 BaireaJ ttlrlU B'ttlar.a Xall.f nertj 4 111 W dh'aj III 1114 rn'w till t I I 4 114 1 M'hoa 1111 B w'ld.a I I I 1 Crba I I I I b-Taor. 1 I I I Oab rn p I I I I e-L'vtna 1111 d-DiPip. 1111 a-B'waU I I I I Tottle II lllll Totala M 111 T e Manrr ran lor Bowifitid in Jtd. h Ttormtaa flitd out lor Crba la Ith. e Uvtne ilnled tor Hahoney la Itn. . d DlPlnoo forced Lavena tor Oa Bora In llh. Itdowakt raa for DlPletrt'ta tth. . , Portland nl I4 1-4 San Franrlaca .. Swl 004 11 I D.HrtUe (II. Ttnrwr. Mtrrl man. hat Mlcktlaon, Baxtt, Llt tr.ll I Ttantr 1. OlPlttro. 1B Bixm. 18 Atpromontt, Mtrquet. Lr-ft Portland i, San Frtnctaro 4 BH Bowaflald I, Rail 4. SO Bowt. "Id I Crba 1, Otoorn I, Hall 1. li(-ewjf!ld S In 1, Crba I In I. Oiborn I In t Hall I In I',, Short I In . -ra-Bowfllcld 1-4, Grha 1-4. Otborn 4-4. Hall Shore t-t. WP-Bowalleld. Crba. W-Hall (l-Oi. 1 Bowttiald 14-1), U-Orr, Kerr and omen. T-l. A-1.11L Flnl ium! BVattle una ana aae a a s Bsrramento sa out it a a i Sinelelon. Srhalock (41. Valentino III, Pirkoftr III. and Lohrkt. Har net. Flic har Hi, Bttrdea (ll, Candi Bl lit and Batch. Sarond amt 1 Innlnea: atuie . n mi a 1 1 s tcramento IIS 0-1 S 1 Lombard! and Botttrtaot); Johnaon, Ltvrtcb U). 1- Jonaa 14) and BrlhL Plret lame! ? Hollywood , .,,., ana em tnS 11 1 Ban Dial 104 004 0001 I I lawyer, Daniltet II), Murray Wade III and Onuika. Koback; kr- au't. Gatlol II) and Arlwtrd. econd aamo I Innlnea: Hollywood , OK) (KM 41 4 I Ban Oieto ...001 401 4 11 S Grutnwald. Churn 14) and Onueka; Cermlchttl and ionee. - Flrit fame: Vancouver . IIS 1W MM 41 T IS 1 Lot Antelee 124 X4 All 0O4 11 I nr'T'mrSi Hannah. , Beamon, Orummond I), Htrrlaon Sacood tame: V-ncoover 404 AOS S 1 I I Lea Anitlta t . aid 111 14 11 lekt and Maateraon, Natl (I); Droll and Fanning. Braves Nudge Indians, 3-2 (Caatiaaed from preeedlag page.) ceri iprayed 21 hits around Forbes Field Sunday, with the Na tional League Pirates finally claiming their second victory in two davs over the Tigers, U-f. The Pirstes hsd seven hits, one of them a three-run home run by kftfielder Frank Thomas, with two men aboard. In a six-run third Inning that put the Pirates ahead to stay. Phillies Borrow Temple Diamond PHILADELPHIA ( - The Phil- Bdelphia Phillies, bsck home for a day of workouts and rest before their opener la Brooklyn Tuesday, had te borrow a college baseball diamond for practice. They've scheduled a workout Mondsy morning at Temple Uni- verslty s baseball field. Connie Mark Starlium ivaa Viv. passed for the final preseason drill because of last-minute sod- ... ...w 1. ........ .... --- -- PhillUei ensil Ik aiUill.irM -riir as x.aai.va aaeaaw WW Slttjiuiuill W l be In lhape for the first home game against the New York Gt- anti Friday night. i - TI...3 rUI3 life Insurance coifi leu when you ore younger. Don't let your time flip by -plan NOW for tecurt future. Never again will the ratet be so low for YOU. Earl A. Gooth-Iupervlsor Salem District Telephone Salem 34314 i, Ore., Moii., April 10, u.1 . iniiiiiniiiiii Theyll Do It Every Time Ey Jimmy Ifctb Yiju$t C4ti'sj0, I Them t urtp mt I'M tut x'is's'Z 1 Twa rim sloppiest guVJlive-. EEG4N" f look.' sotT our ivtiyy' ryv,, 1 I , -. , THIM3 THS FILES MV TS' 1 t rO " . L' W. - i 4ryy P4E(J JUNK .f .X Xi. r?J- - PRIO TO iWHU4I?y CfL ' X-FSA m mssm Moore to Fight Agnin f.liddloiveights to Top VJeelis Fistic Cards By til ASSOCIATED PBtll The middleweight division keepi the boxing world ipinning this week with Bobby Boyd meeting Holly Mlmi and Tiger Jonei facing Gene Tullmer In bouti that might produce an eventual challenger for the Ray Robinaon-Bobo Olson winner. Archie Moore, the light heavy champ, keeps busy with soother non-title tuneup on his once-s week schedule, boxing 220-pound George Parmentier st Seattle on Monday night. Ex-heavy champ Euard Charles Is slated to go to work st Wind sor, One,, Saturday night against Don Jasper. Willie Pep. the for- home of Hartford, Conn, Tuesday against Jackie Blair. . Valries la Teat Mackea Nino Valdes, giant Cuban heavy weight, will test Eddie Machen. latest California phenom, at San Francisco Monday and Texas con tinues Its boxing revivsl with sn Isaac Logart-El Conscrlpto wel- terwelght match Tuesday at Hous- ton. The television schedule starts IIWlM H.ltk - iMlhMIMlNkl UMI """". " tnm mu irom new ioti, ii-aiurinj miauei Berrios of Puerts Rico and Bobby Bell of Youngstown, 0. When they met Feb. 27, Bell won a split de cision. The match will be seen on Dumont. Boyd, a high-ranking young middleweight contender from Chi cago, takes en Mims at Chicago ta the Wednesday show (ABC-TV). la Boyd s last start ne scored a surprising victory over Eduardo Latuse of Argentina. Mima has met them all since IMS. The Friday show (NBC) wsn- ders to the Cleveland Arena for the Tiger Jones-Fullmer scrap Jones, a winner over Robinson be-, fore the Sugar Man regained bis 't' fr! fmpi0n- ship bouL In two fights this year, Jones stopped Tony Baldom and FrJr rSl, it .. T ihi France. Fullmer also is on the Cisco Andrade. the fine Call- lornia ugmweigni prospect, lops a Tuesday card at ban Joie against Jorge Macias. Navy Crew Loses 1st Comeback Try ANNAPOLIS, Md. UR Navy's 1952 Olympic champions found the going rough on the Severn River Saturday and lost by three lengths to a smooth-stroking Princeton crew In their first test of a come-1 back campaign for the 1956 Olym-'day ptci. Princeton took charge after the first three-quarters of a mile and pulled iteadily ahead to beat out tne Olympians snd Navy s var- sity in the one snd three-fourths nuls -rsce. Princeton'i time was 10 minutes seconds. The Navy slumni fin ished in 10:21 and the varsity in 10:29, five lengths behind the win ning shell. Female Labrador Wins Jov H0nori in Show jiop iionun in sdqw SFATTT1P 11a ' .li.mr.'. Rowdy Lady, a female Labrador owned snd handled by Frantz E. r.. .1 cm. L-...A L: - " r - v 4TVIM VI VI IV AS Wl III- D.tei..,.. T.i... nt..i.i. WV91 I.CtllVVCI 11111 1 SpritlE meeting. r . The open all-age was the con-If11 I eluding event of the trials. - - ' Chiefs Whip Huskies Twice WENATCHEE HI The Wen- rookie first baseman Harry Jack' son, whipped the University of Washington In both garnet of an exhibition baseball doubleheader M and M. Jackson got three hits in five trips -to the plate. He whacked out two bits in the opener, in- eluding a double, for three rum batted in and drove in the Win-, ning run In the T-inning nightcap as a pinchhitter. ft Tl. i !l . . uun rcieraon nu -run nomer ior me Hussies in me second inn- ing of the first game and Bill Carrabba led off Wenatchec's end of ths third inning with a solo homer. WSC Switches Turnout Date PULLMAN, Wash. OP - Head coach Jim Sutherland switched me siaruna asy &unasv for the Wsshington State College Cougar's apring football practice, but he ".ngedhismindshoutt. ginning with the "scientific" sp- P-. i proach, JmLIa Va originsily scheduled for Monday, must get in their 20 davs of ortr. uce witnin x calendar days. rimi d t.i. Sutherland said '41 l a . , . " I ui be devoted to tests of speed. agility, endurance, strength and the like. H Pitta it hia "l.nlirU" . .... v..v,vii,t, approacn. I .k".U u ,howl in the' ,esU that he I got the Qualities " Sutherland points out, "then it's' up to the coach to teach him how ' to play the game." I About 70 are expected to turn out for the opening sea-jon. The gridden will get their pads Tuet- and knuckel down in esrrest i for the remainder of the spring . 1 1 practice. , c , , t jhih, iauaa DOWmen rntiiri Kiint ap'ure hoot Honors SPBtvr.niri n ie i.n Salem and Dallas trrhmlvZ .ii'Ij ' nil with au.ri .r ik a 1 ... -- -ii on in the Springfield invitation si shoot held Sunday. ...... n..bii lift iiiv tup nun. Salem winners were Chuck 1 Anglin, first in the bowmen divi- ion; Bob Hinkle, tecond; Marge Angun, nrst in the women's sreher division; Robbie Norton, :nird ln tne Pee we; Betty Nor ton.' ,econ(l in. ,he womcn'i free- itvle archer rtiviiinn I , Dlll., winnerf KfB I ,,, , , QUette. third in ii.nnrt "R" liiui. 1 " " i "n; Don Stcforth, third in arch- dlvl!lon; Eileen Brown, first 1? wom" ' bowmen division; Iflpnna Cook, third in women'i i bowmen; Pitty Choauette. first in Junior girls; Stanley Cook, tint, ind Dennii Brown, iccond in pee-weei. .. . Ernie White, new manager of Nashville'i Vols, started his man agerial career by winning the 1949 pennant and playoffs with Blue field. W. Va., in the Appalachian League, CHA'MF.OJMI CHIN'S! alDICINI AND HFll CO. pjew lOfATION SO 12TH AMI I.RS1.IK 1195 LKSI.IF OFFICI HOURS lues snd Set Only ,im,Sm. Phone 3-1130 S. B. FONG. BliRBIST the first dav ta I f SPORTSAW DIGESTS FISHHOOK TIPS s TX TUerNBtMN POIHT C CLAW HOOKS KAB pooat hook me ability, BXCKPT WHEN SWAL LOW BO HI WITH A BAIT, IN WHICH CAM ANY HOOK tS,L WOBK A TIIT BV PULLS A' CtAaVS POIHT OVBN A PLAT SUr PACK SHOWS IT LACKS WTB. f (bNMOOBL P- PtCTBHOWM S ATtBPT.MASA ' 4JOOO BITf .' m PINI PON BAIT I OH AarriPKIALS, I THB ABBP!PBBN,e MAOC OP PtHBN WIM, B) SiaULAN wrni widbr evAP. rrs a FAVomTB BAIT HOOK PON Mlrw3WS,tlC. Al PiHarrr,ABOVt, AHOTHM HOOK vttm A eooo srrB.a wrm subht CHArt4BB,IT HAS MAMV HAPWS. . StV- a, BUWU1 eJ Ip MXrW aVBSavS BTBaXtS, BiHO point t4.HMmy. rr pjuwdm a pooh hook s rr mrt wuttlb. I 4 Duck Bowlers Snare Title . EUGENE Wl Oregon's bowl ing tesm swept to its third North west intercollegiate bowling cham pionship Saturday with S583 pins. Washington was second for the fourth straight year with 5482. Bob Boyle and Vera Jackson paced the Ducks with a tie for high game at 225. Boyle had 1251 pins for the three-day tourney while Jsckson hsd 11J5. n.,i. .i. tk. .n ..i. with 176S Gene Schille Sesttle won the hih aerie withVa Hun! ter Goin and Roger Blakeny Washinitton. took the doubles with Washington, took the doubles with rtra nf lOnl TV., aln.1.. waul ' Wafd- State with 629 Ben Green of the Huskies won the wwu viiv tfr. nti uiiuniua ijsssv assiu . ping-pong championship in other Satchell of Portland State out events Saturday.- pointed Wilbur Bauer of MAG for avv rr aaiia, VOlll S VOUVO. VIiWU ( 5585. Washington 5482, Oregon Bowlinf team result : Oreenn state 5174, Yakima Junior College ut.-L! . c.-.. . i aiin. nanninuLon niaia aiiu nrai. , It SlW Woatorn Waahinotnn 4004 Central Washington 4874, Gonzaga ajut tintnrA a. ,n nf-n. T,. . n oil Million r isn 10 To Farm Finit Pnnila r"r,n rl8n UUU8 WASHINGTON un - The Fish snd Wildlife service said Satur- day it is supplying more than 30 :lll t- L . , I , million fish a year to stock farm fish ponds. "A one acre fish pond-well- managed, properly fertilized, ade quatcly fished will yield an an nual narvest ,veraging 200 pounds f fish esch year and provide 400 1 nour f S00 fishing." the service o.v. .. j Look and Learn By A. C GORDON 1. How much does the sversge I American smoker spend for cig- arettci per year? a. which i. the longest Hate in the U. S., and which ll the wid- 3. What li the name of the In strument for measuring the rate and pressure of the wind? 4. What country has more sects and varied churches than any oth er in the world? ' 5. Of what in the medical vorld was Wilhelm K. Roentgen the discoverer? ANSWERS 1. A little more than $97. 2. California is the longest, Tex as the widest. 3. "Anemometer. " 4. The United States. 5. The X-rsy. Catholic Doctrins Explained and Radio Rosary Ivtry Monday. 7:104 .ML, KILM la. Joseph Vandaibtik at I aleaa Join thi Rosary Prayir Tha family Tha4 Prtyl Tttthtr tityt Ttfratkar Elks Tourney Enters Finals Bob IVkII Forfr itu To Barney llodak '. (Cealluard frera preredlnf page.) Run Boneiteel over Joe Gray. Erirkaea Beati frail 12th Bjarne Erlckaen over Clyde Frail; Ralph Kletilng over Jim Brewer. 13tb Ralph Gor don over Joan Fry; Jim Minty over Kelly Peleri. Mth Roy Maltby over Bob Kelly: Sid Schechtman over Bruce Willlimi. 13th-Divi,Hillerick over E. E. Beckman; Dan Gamner over Johnaon. 18th Ray Howard over lci Uivii; Al Cowen over George GanL 17th Don Weill over Tim Lannn; Otto Albert over Mer ritt Truax. 18th Leonard Ahsenmicher over Jim Phillipi; Jack Wlie over W. Tbomai. 19th Clark Lee, bye; Dick Nelion ever Jack Til ton. 20th Don- Davis over Dick Taggeiell; Jewell Jacobion over Dick Gribenhorst Zlit Grover Hoffstetter over Tom Elliott; Jerry McCallister over Pete Mc- Cailery by default. Majors Open fCantlaaed from preceding page.) New York and Bobby Bragan of Pittsburgh, will duel at the Polo Grounds. The Pirates will have rookie Danny Kravitx catching Bob Friend. Johnny Antonelli will pitch for the Giants before 25,000. Lefthanders to Battle Freddie Hutchinson, the other new manager, will find out If his Cards can live up to their spring showing when they move into Cin cinnati for a battle of lefthanders. Vinegar Bend Mizell of the Cards and Joe Nuxhall of the Redlegi will be the pitchers with 20,000 due to wstch. Charlie Grimm switched from Bob Buhl to Lew Burdette si his ! Milwaukee starter agsinst Chics go's Bob Rush at Milwaukee. Given a break from the weather ' man, the eight openers should drsw about 230,000 fans. Olympic Mat Trials Finish PORTLAND UP Longview, ; Wash., Athletic Club grapplers' won two championships Sunday as the Pacific Northwest regional Olympic wrestling trials closed here. Portland wrestlers from Mult nomah Athletic Club also won two titles, with the remsinder spread among four other teams. George Coleman of the Portland Y pinned Willie Stefon of Chehalls, Wash., in 2:33 for the heavyweight crown. Del McGhee of Longview won the 174tt-pound title by pinning Keith Archer of Portland State in 47 seconds, and Lloyd Mendenhall of MAC In 2:11. Don Whitbeck of Multnomah pinned Kim Brewster of Milwau kie. Ore.. High School in the l0tt-pound clan." but Byron Nel- .r f J.f t - J uruu beck in a later match to win the -a ava 125tt-pound championship. Donald 1304-DOUna laurels. - I I Dave Newland of Eugene pinned Dick DeChaine, Portland State, in a.i r- k. ia-ri ...J .k. .i lui upa ni twuiiu iibiiiuiuii- ship. Don Allen of MAC outpointed Paul Buhler of the tame team for the 191-pound title. Naughty Mary Proves Good Mudder in Race AGUA CALIENTE, Mexico Iff) Naughty Mary ran up to her . -1 1 . . I J .J . rcijuioiiun aa a uw niuuucr l day In winning the featured mile and a furlong in 1:32. She paid 97.80. Baron Noore was second, by a length, snd the fsvored Minyoko wss bsck snother two lengths, Attendsnce of 10,550, high be- csuse of s horse-naming contest, brought the Saturday-Sunday to tal to 13,133. The betting handle on 12 racei was $355,595. Satur day's handle on ten racei wn $102,813. fide Table Tllei for Tart. Oreioa (Compil-d by U.S. Coast ind Geodetic Survey, Portltnd. Ort I Hih Water! Time Helht Low Watcrt Time Helaht ft. April 14 3 21 am. 1:13 p m. 17 4 .11 am. 1:41 p m. II S:4S am. . 7:47 pm. II 7:1(1 a.m. I 39 p.m. 10 1 29 a.m. I M p m. 1. I 43 sm. ft. ll 41 Si ii 1411 a.m. 14 41 p m. 11:54 a m. -01 ss -IS 12:07 a m. IS 51 p.m. .1:J1 .a.m. 1:.M p.m. f: t.m. I M p m. 1 44 t.m. 1:47 pm. 4:3d t.m. 4:3.1 pm. 1:21 t.m. 1:11 p.m. 1:01 am. I 54 p.m. 4 54 a.m. 1:11 P m IS -0 4 I 1 -0 1 15 II 07 0 5 1 1 01 05 11 -01 1.4 -t 1 17 10:05 p.m. 10:44 a.m. 10:44 p.m. ll:.1l e m. 11:11 p m. 13:21 p.m. 11 M p m. 1:14 p m, 22 WE TAKE OTTER CARE OF YOUR TV PHONE ANYTIME 4-3327 he Itevttt Cant M Daily Mill lilt) TElEVISIOrW SERVICE CO. Play Tuesday Inside TV Sleepy Town Ear Caught By EVE STARR HOLLYWOOD - STARR RE PORT: Los Angelei. a surprisingly sleepy town which generally folds up its streets at 10 p.m., la being stood on Its 11 o'clock esr these Sat urday nights L -4 -II oj, wi thtngi, a panel show., And a show thst lasts for a solid hour at. that. ' The snow, umortunnieiy, carries the sleep-inducing title of "Words About Music," but everything else about It Is designed to keep the viewer wide-awake, "everything else'' meaning Oscar Levant. Le vant is perhaps best described si a man with the wit of a near genlui wrapped, up in the person ality of a child. He has a way of putting his finger iqusrely on half truths and speaking his mind with a child's msgnificent disregard for the consequences. "Words About Music" wss con ceived, in the msin, by musical director Frank DeVol. something of a local TV personality himself who has done a number of net-, work shows as well. 'Regressing back to his cueball days, he wss the deadpan comic oa "Pantomine Quix," show that won an Emmy . back in 1930. Thereafter, however, ' he bought himself a hair piece and learned to smile for the people. On "Words About ' Music" he serves ss emcee, feeding the straight lines to Levant. The rest of the show, strictly padding, has composers presenting their new comment. Jo invite comment"" " " , from Uvsnt in such matters, ol Jtrrr exclusive contract course, is like asking Frank Si-, natra to say something nice shout Ed Sullivan. Elsa Lancbeiter holds ap her end pretty well as the ether rego- lar aaaellst, with two wary gnests ruling eat the forum each week.! Zaa Zaa Gabor tried It one week j and has never come back. Levant devastated her. "I hope," Levant remarked, ameag ether things, "that her hatband waa't Interfere with her marriage." He also noted that abe eould aever be psycho analysed beeaase "she has at aub- IVBHIHI Ull.H, ... , A prize example of hn disinter- est in revengeful ngeful thunderclaps was tion of the recent Lou- ni story on "aimax!"i his summation ella Parsons story "It wss." he said, calmly, "a great example of the power of nothing. Ten years ago a man I could hsve been shot through thejsesson, moving from CBS to ABC, heart within 24 hours after a re mark like that, but apparently times change. Oscar is still alive, and as neurotic as ever. There has beea some talk about tioep u buT,Df , TV Ma) tper, the possibility of "Wards About -pl? But It's happened. Ab ageat Music" showing aa CBS aa a aet- , pickti , TaU. Dark Straa werk summer replacement. If It ger from -Matlaee Theater" and soes, look out. This ma a caa make tau..a,. . m.kt . ,lctur, ,( u a shambles af year living room ,n,,n- DINAH SHORE'S second hour- long show didn't seem to me quite up to her first one. It had. in fact, just enough top-notch material to have made a sensational half-hour, There just isn't anyone around who can come within 40 miles of Marge and oower tnampion, wno Infant Left At Hospital By Parents ILWACO I A baby's world is a limited one, bound by a moth er's arms. A chubbv. blue-eyed baby boy started his second week of life here Saturday without his mother, Police authorities are checking his parents' unexplained disap- pearance. Tk. i.r... ..... k a.ii a . imam wi iwt ry 11 n ai ib. neon n.oh tinanii-t iti. pital records reveal a Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gaff of Grays River as the parents The mother registered as Mrs. Alts Gaff and gave her age as 17. She is believed to have left the hospital with her husband last Sunday night. Authorities said Gaff, about 25, arrived April 4 in the Grayi Riv-! presents warren Domita m - Below er area seeking work. He was em-; the Deadline:" :is Modem Ro- .i...,j ik. ruA..:.. j... u.. . i. 1 mances; 4:34 Guest Book; 5:04 ployed the following day by a log-;Blg Roundup: 5:45-The News; 5:54 ging company. Sports Headlines: 5:55 Weather Re- Gaff visited his wife Sunday ; ft? .JSTKiaEW1 evening. Hospital tytendants later : nmd Time; J:oo iiopaiong cassidv; noted Mrs. Gaff'l absence. Heri"-- Search for Adventure; 1:04- I clothes were left at the hospital, j Secret ;u5Ar.Rohert I Police believe the pair returned I Montgomery narratea William Ken ,tn their firava Biver rohin onrl ! dall Clarke's ' Portrait of a Man." I then fled with their belongings. i They had applied for baby neces i sities at the local Red Cross chap ter, but failed to pick them up. Hospital authorities say the ba by will be turned over to Ihe Child Welfare Bureau sometime avt ,L- v, nll k. ..,;ll k. next week. Eventually, he will be piatru mr auopuun ii me parents -are not located. "He is a darling baby," one in dignant nurse said, "and I just I don't know how anyone could bear to run away and leave , him." Meanwhile, the infant lies ln a itrange, new world of white sheets and antiseptic lotions, unwarmed by a mother's arms. " i" 1 ART ACCTION DI E NEW YORK - A collection of paintings by Dutch and Flem - ih nIH mo.L.r. .nit .iohlaenlh .................... .... yo , ceiliuiy Driiist. WOIKI Will oe auc - , t. ., l , ',. , iioneo at tne farke-bernet gal leriei on Wednesday. The collec tion of the Vogel family was taken from the continent to England ln 1939 for safekeeping. by Levant i walked off with the show, and Marge's "Honey Slaters" routine with Dinah wai a young classic. But I'm In the dissenting minority when it come to Dean Martin, which ll no doubt why I didn't particularly care for the rest of the show, Just give me Dinah and Marge and Gower and leave me alone. JERRY LEWIS, speaking af rv... u..n. k.. k th. .hi. n." ! i. d ra straLght damaUe ahajw, and i ..... ,. a. ., keth he ad the Stidle One" pea. Channel Chuckles By Bit KANE te NBC, , TV WRITERS used to be. con sidered in the hack class, serfs who would . pound out routine scripts for carfare end sandwich money, but no more. When CBS asked Paddy Chayefsky to do a "Playhouse 90" script, be stopped them cold. He not only demanded 523,000 plus approval of the cast, but insisted that he be named the producer for still another fee. No deal. 1 STARRDUST: It's an expensive ,business. "I Love Lucy," the na- .lions lop-raieo snow, is costing . . . , tw.ooo an eptsooe tnis season, vet Desilu calmly spent 560,000 on the pilot 'of "Adventures of a Model." with Joanne Dru. I've read the initial script and can report that jit's genuinely funny , , . "Omni- bus makes a double switch next and from Sunday afternoon to Sun day night, probably In the 9-10.30 spot following "Film Festival." Wha would ever think that .the mlrhtv movie Industry would ever CMt,rring Zaa Zsa Gabor aad her ,'ormer husband, George Sanders. "''"V ,Urrt ,h ri,iM, IV Ten,loB ! SHORT SHOTS: The Friars Club here will give one of their famed toastmaster Dinners for Phil Sil- Ven May 7. George Jessel will be the Toastmaster (who else?), with the speakers to include Jack Ben- ny, George Gobel, Milton .Berle, George Burns and Eddie Cantor. That should be s dilly! . . . Perry Como and Jackie Gleason, who have been battling it out opposite each other every Saturday night on NBC and CBS, have wound up in a draw. They've won a double Peabody Award as the best TV en tertainment of the season. Beea missing Ronald Colmaa lately? He's beea approached a down times to host this or that " '" series but he's having i none of It. Wish he'd come back, i AB ho"M' weatherman an a , ,ecal "ss made this flat sitate. : ment the other night: "I have aa Idea what the weather will be likel . tomorrow, Give that maa aa Enmy! (Copyrliht 19M. General Features Corp.) KVAL TV, VHF 13 Kuiene: KVAL-TV, Channel 1J (Miinday) 1:40 Stop, Look Si Listen: MS L,.,..FuJ?.. . i?lSucL .. !.i?Jf r'SI a tribute to Albert Elnsteine. 14 December Bride: 11:40 Film Fea ture "Club Paradise " with Robert Lowery and Doris Merrick KOAC 550 k.c. i 44 a m.-The Newi and Weather; 10:15 tspccial y lor Women Home ( l;xten,,()n" Visiti: "Trends in Home Furnishings;" 11:44 Oregon School ul tne Air Standard Scnoul Broad cast; 11:14 The Concert Hull: l.:44 The News ind Wetther: 11:15 p.m. Noon Farm Hour; 1:44 Melody Lane; 1:15 Oregon School T the Air Land of Make-Believe : "Mr. Posaum'e Sick Spell;" 1:14 Lett F.xnlore Art: 1:45 Look to the Skies 2:04 Espwcltlly for Women Early Settlements of Oregon: r.arly Set tlementt of Umatilla County;" 2:34 Memory Book of Music; 2:45 Ore gon School of the Air Great Mo ments in Oregon History : '"Conquer ing the Mlehtv Columbia:" 1:44 Oreion Reporter; 1:15 Music of tht .i,?b2S:Z Uarv: 5:04 Chllrlren'a Theater; 5:14 , Tales of the Valiant; 4:0 The News 'and Weather; :li M anrt ne.mrri a 14 win. it ill inv j Making: l:34-Worklng tor Oregon: Oregon; 4:45 Hert s to Veterans: 7:04 Gen eral Extension Journal Institute nf International Attairs: 7:15 Evening Farm Hour: 1:04 University of Ore- ton; 1:40 Music thst Endures; 1:45 Evening Meditations Wesley toun, dation, 14:44 Sign o(L ' ' MONDAY BROADCASTS (fHllor't !: Tha Slltma nihil. ha In ood faith the prorraaad and Maaaa ta aravldad b ratio ant TV alaiioni, kul kuauat oililm.4 Ikt arairana art rkaagad wnkonl oailllcaUon this aawipapar aao4 at raaftaaikle for Mt accuracy kartln ) : MONDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS KPTV Monday's Highlights (Channel nil 12:M aooa NBC Matinee Theatre A restaurant proprietor evades the marital plans of hit female partner In "Ask Me No Questions," stsrring Alan Young. , 2:M p.m. Matinee Theatre "Man Who Walked Alone," stsrring Dsve O'Brien, Kay Aldrich. t:N p.m. Robert Montgomery Presents "Portrsit of a Man," a tribute to Albert Einstein. II: 10 p.m. - Nile Owl Theatre - "Charlie Chan; Jade Mask," KOIN-TV Monday's Highlights (Ckaaael 1)1 1I:N a.m. Armchair Theatre "Miggles": Mary Sinclair, Edgar Barrier. ll:M p.m. Showtime on Six "Woman to Woman": Douglas Montgomery, Joyce Howard. A Canadian officer is sent to Naxi controlled Psris on a secret mission. ' KLOR-TV Monday's Highlights (Channel 12)1 , 11:01 aasa Afternoon Film Festival "Eureka Stockade," stsrring Chips Rsflerty, Jane Barrett and Gordon Jackson. An adventure of gold hunting in Australia. I:M p.m. TV Reader'i Digest "The Woman Who Changed Her Mind" Vith Victory Jory and Marilyn Erskine., A movie pro ducer marries an sctress- for her beauty and discovert ihe has mind of her own. l:M p.m. Voice of Firestone Mildred Miller, Metropolitan Opera Mezio Soprano. Program "When I Grow Too Old to Dream," Romberg; "Dancing in the Dark," Schwartz; "Styrienne," Thomas; "I Give My Heart," Mlllocker. 1:00 p.m. Premier Theater "Reckless Moment,," starring James Mason, Joan Bennett and Geraldine Brooks. The story of a mother's attempt to protect her young daughter. MONDAY'S KPTV, UHF 27! KOIN-TV, HOUR at:M N:1S SKPTVlTodty Todty Todty Today KQ1N Panorama Pte. IWth'r-Ptnor. ' IPtnortma Pte, IPtnortmle Pta. 9 KPTV! Tana. Emit (Ttna. Ernlt (Ptathtr Ktit IFaather Nott KOINI Valiant Lady ILove of Lift 'Starch Tomorr.lCuldln LlfrU 1 ll nr n , pin j Donr tch Dlnf Don KOINI Armchair Thtt lArmehtlr U KPTV Roma IHomt KOIM Robt Q. Uwts RobL Q. KLOR! l - JKPTVlNBC MiL Thtt.NBC Mat I KOINI Bit Par Off IRK Par KLORI Film Feitlvtl IFIIm Peitlvtl IFtlm Futlval IFIIm Feitlvtl IKPTVlDttt with Life Mod. Romance. Quetn a Day IQuetn a Day KOINlBrlfhttr Day Seeret Storm I Edit of Ntsht Ed4 of Night KLOR Film Fttttvtl IFtlm Ftittvtl IFIIm Feitlvtl IFtlm Feitlvtl 9 KPTVIWhaU Cooking IWhati Cooking IMaUnee Thea. IMttlnte Thea. KOINI KOIM Kitchea KOIN Kitchen Strike It Klch Strike II Wch KLORI Lady of HoutoLafy of House ILtdy of Houtt ILtdy of Hpuaa, 3KPTVI Matinee Thea. IMaUnee Thea. Matlnee Thea. IMttlnee Thta. KOINI Carry Moort ICtrry Moore lArthurGodfrty ArthurGodfrtp KLORI Ellrtbeth tEllrtbeth The Hugnlet IThe Bulea J KPTVlBar Ft Corral I Bar M Corral IHtrper's JamblHtrper'l Jtmo. a KOIN Art Godfrey Art Godfrey Mr. Moon ICirtoon Time KLOR Kukla, Frtn U'n Dtly NewtlWt'n Bttr The.lWi'n Star Tha. KPTVI Pinky Ue IPtnky Let Howdy DoodylHowdy Doody K0IN Red Dunntni IRed Dunning IPed Dunning Red Dunning KLORI Mickey Moute IMIckey Mouae fMlrkf y Mouse M1rkcy Mmiea 6"KPTV7New, etc" Tncwi, etc. Croas Current ICroai Current KOINI Newt A Bporti F.dwtr-Ntwi Robin Hood Robin Hood KLORI Judse Roy B-n' Judge Roy B'n'TV Sportt INewa-Wttther KPTVI Badn T14 Bad1l KOINI studio One iStudioOnt ; a 1 BIUII I , B.LOR' i.ittit Marett iLittte Marfie , - X Yms ?afln " f.osii . n, KLORI. TV Rttd Dtt TV Rttd. KPTVI The Medle IThe Medle IRobt Monts'm IRobt Montfea. KOIN Love Lucy U Lovo Lucy p.e'mb-r BrldtiD'e'mbtr Brtda KLORI Premier Thett.lPremlcr Thcat.Premler Thett lPremler Thtat. 1ft KPTVI Robt Montrm tRobi Montrm.lPowerltnd IV KOIN Life of Riley . lift of Hilar PatU Pal KLORI Premier Thett. fPremler 11 KPTVI Twt-PtuL Frd lNtU Owl 11 KOINtnwttmeonl 'SowHtc KLORI Wrottllng tWreitllnf Wrest1lng MONDAY'S RADIO KILM 13 KOCO 144 KGAB 1434 FM: Megacycle! i BOIN HOUR MM M:15 1 ! ' I RSLM Vat. Farmcatt VeL Farmcart BGAI (arm Newt Br kf'it Nook KOI Amer. News KOIN Klock KGW Heck Harper Wld Newi BIX Newi-Kp Time .Keep Time KSLM Hemingway neco Etrly Worm Bk'f'it Ganf B kf 'it Ganf Early Worm Early Worm Bkf'it Nook B'kfrat Nook Headline NewilGon News I Listen ILIattn IKeep Time (Keep Time 171 KGAB Brrakfast N'k KOIN KOIN Klock KGW Listen KSX News KSI.M Cliff Ende .Family Altar 8 KOCO KGAI KOIN KGW OCO Wtlly'i Soorta Early Worm KGAB Bklai Nook B kf it Nook N Conaum. Ntwi IVallt Ntwt Liiten . Llatcn BIX Keep Time Keep rtme Kl KS It KSI.M Newt iNewt IPastor's Call Barealn Cnt'r I KOCO News . Sports Early Worm lEarly Worm Early Worm KGAI Spider-Hita Spider-HiU Spidcr-HiU Hits-Newt KOIN Wendv Varrn Howard Miller Helen Trent Mid-Morn. N'WI kW Llatcn I Llatcn BEX Breakfast Club Breakfast KSI.M Newt Trllo Test I KOCO Newi Sports 11490 Tune Slit! BacKftnce Mat. Coffee Time OKOIN Road of Uft Ma Perkins K(.W Weekday Weekday KIX Ore. Divorcet Bob Carrad Ins KC Kt ksi.m rune lest rune rest OCO Newt Sportt 1490 i una St. 1490 Tune St I4W Tune St .(iAI Dinner Winner Dinner Winner Spider-Hita Hits-Newt 1r-oi Mrs. durion Auni Mary Mora urake Auni jennv i KiW Weekday Weekday To the Ladies To the La at KEX Ctrl Marries Whlspr Sta. Walt Disney Paul Harvey . KSLM News I KOCO World Newt K(4C Noon News 2 KOIN KGW KSX KOIN Noon News Tenner News Art Baker KSI.M Wtllam. Mat. WIH'm'ttt Mat. I Willamette Mat iWlllamette Mai KOCO Newt a Sporta Ladles Lane Clarint Calling Clarine Calling KGAB Lunch Munch Lunch Munch Lunch Munch Lunch-Newl KOIN Arth'r GndfreylArth Godfrey Arth Godfrey Arth. Godfrey KGW Dr.'i Wife Widder BrownlPepptr Young Pepper Young KEX Newt-Conrad Buss Conrad Bust Conrad Bust Conrad KSLM Will'm'ttr Mat IWIll'm'ttt Mat INewt Jlmmlt Fidler KOCO Newi Sporta Clarine Calling Clarine Calling Clarine Calling KGAI Pat'i Parlor Ptt'i Parlor Pat's Parlor Parlor-Newi KOIN Arth Godfrey Arth Godfrey Good Newi IMake up Mind KGW McAnulty Mils. McAnulty Mul.lMcAnulty Mui. l istening KCX News-Conrarl Rusi Conrad Buss Conrad Husi Cnnrad KTMWiilamTM'at. WIllalnTMat. WiliamTMat. tTeHrTTest" 2 3 KOCO KG. I KOIN KC.W OCO Newi Sporti Clarine I Pat s Parlor Pats Parlor Pats Parlor Parlor-News Ruth Ashton Gal Sunday Take Thirty Takt Thirty KGW McAnulty Mul.lMcAnulty Mui.lMcAnulty Mua. McAnulty Mua. KIX Newi-Conrad Run Conrad iRuss Conrad Russ Conrad KSLM Fulton I-ewls Hemingway Here'a Answer Sam Haves KOCO Newt - sporta iciarine calling iciarlne ilKGAS Pat's Parlor Pat's Parlor Pat'i 'Pa UKOIN Klrkham Newi Novelette Newi of KGW McAnulty Mu. McAnulty Mui.McAnult; KEX Newi-Blackb n 'Bob Blackb'rn Bob Bla KSI.M Bob It Rav Bob It Ray KOCO News Sporti Slow Drive 5 6 KGAB rraliic Jamor iramc jamor. iraiiic jamnr 1 ramc Jamo. KOIN Ed R. MurrowlNews Weather Harmon. SportslGnss Newi KGW McAnulty Mill (Loral News Jc! Mason rimer Peterson KEX Newi-Blackb'n 'Bob Blackburn Bub Blackburn' Bob Blackburn KSLM" Gab" Hentter Mus Mem 'ry T INews SamHavei KOCO Newt Snorts iCai-dleiight ICandlellht ICtndlellght KGAI Traffic Jamb. Sign Off I I MHN. Sporls-Newi - Lowell Thomai lAmot -n Andy Amos n Andy KGW 1 Star Thea Stock Reports 'Lone Ranger IRanger-Law KEX Bob Blackburn Dob Blackburn Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn KSI.M Secret" Fllei (Secret Files Catholic Hr Catholic-Hr " KOCO Newi Sporti Rhyth. it Bl. iRyth. & Bluel IRhvth. & Bl 7B KOIN Talent Smuts Talent r,W Chet Huntley cavellero KEX Bill Stern Bob Garred iVanderrook Bob Adklns .KSI.M Rerxirt'n Rdupl Rrport'rt 8 KOCO KOIN KGW KCX News Sportt IHhytnm Hlues rthvthm Bluet 'Khvthm Bluet Jack C arson I Jack Carson Romance Romance World News ll Man'i Earn. Dance Time Dance rime Adklns Show lAdklns Show IFIrestone Hr iFirestone Hr. 9 KSLM News IMusle KOCO Newi Sporti ITrack 14M KOIN Sevareid Son Jeep Treas, Show Treaa. Shore KGW Phone Hr. Phone Hr Bandwagon IRandwagnn KEX Adkini Show lAdkins Show 'Jimmy Fidler 'Ed P Morg'a 1 KSI.M Fulton Lewis Music INews ISp'ts HI t.ltet KOCO Newi . Sporti ITrack 1490 ITrack 1490 Track 1490 KOIN Star Final Chamber For'm I Chamber For'm'Chemner ror'ra ft KGW Richfield Rep Dance VK'.X News 'Dancrland KSLM Woody Show i Woody I KOCO News . Sporta Silent KOIN 1 KGW Newa-Muiic Dante Time Danceland I KEX TELEVISION VHF ; KLOR. VHP 11 B0: : tch Ttltcourt - TTlltcourtt Thta.lWorld Turns World TurnaA IHomt Homt Uwli IHouaeparty IHouae party - ITeat Pattern "Public Inttretl Thtt. IN BC Mat. Thta.lNBC Mat. Thta Off IBob Croibr IBob CroibT Gordon MtcRaelNewt CtrivtB Studio One IThe Falcon Studio One Thc Ftlcon Sid Caeaar I Sid Caeatr ld Cteatr Burns k Allen 6cl. Flct. Thta.jSd. Flct Thea. Dnl f'reatone Hr. IFIreatone Hr. IMovle Muatunt IShowttme on I Thett.Wreatllng jWrwtllnf Thea.lMtt Owl Thea INIte Owl Thee on 4 IWreatllng BOIV 174 ROW 4?4 RIX UN HI 1; B w,i; lew mi 0:31 64:45 Val Farmcatt Ntwi .Br'kf'it Nook Nook Newt KOIN Klock KOIN Klock Llsten ILiiten Keep Time Keep Time Nrwl A Weath. iF.arly Worm iNook-Newa Bibbllt Show IFIaher Report Bob Haien Bible Institute Bible Institute Early Worm Early Worm Bktit Nook Nook-Newt IShclley Scran. Shrlley Sera. (Listen Listen Keep Time Keep Time . I Listen ILIstcn Club i Breakfast Club B'kf st Club Wings of Song Wlnrs of Song 1490 Tuna St 1400 Tuna It. St Hollvw'd CaU'elHitj.Nawa Dr Mtlont Guidini Uht Weekday Weakdar My True Story My True Story - queen for Day Quetn t uty iNews Se ts Bike ShoplVall. Forecast Midday Music Midday Mill. Middav Mima. Lunch Munrh - Town "Crier Lunch-News Come Gel it House Party House Party Dr Peale Ltwrenrt Wtlk! Happiness News-Crosby Geo Putntm Farm Newt Calling Clarine Calling .Clarine Calling Calling sVlarlne Calling Parlor Pat'i Parlor Air News of Air Ity Mut IMcAnult Mm. rkh rn Bob Blackburn Newi Rill flru"dsce Slow Drive Wally'l Sporta Scouti -Hing Crosby IJnhnny Dollar B5 000 Chlld'n Know P'tland, RduplJayceea IJayceet ISweet A Swing Sweet & Swing ITrack 1490 ITrack 149A Time Dance Time Dance Tlmt Danceland IDanceland Show J Woody Show IWoody Show I Mua Midnight I Mm Midnight Mm Midnight Dance Tlmt I Dance Tlmt , iDanrt Time Danceland IDanceland IDaneelana