The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 15, 1956, Page 17, Image 17

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    Mhs Carolyn
Pepper Drido
Of Mr. Hovo
Aqua and pink with a touch of
garnet was the color scheme se
lected by Mis Carolyn Joyce Pep
per for her marriage Saturday
night when the became the bride
of Robert L. Hove. The ceremony
took place at the Eaglewood United
Brethren Church at I o'clock with
the Rev. Lloyd Uecker officiating.
The bride li the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Pepper and Mr.;
Hove ia the son of Mrs. Julia Hove
of SUverton.
Lawrence Thornton was the vo-'
ealist and Mr i. Berwin Murray the
organist. Mist Janice Drakeley
and Mist Judy Query lighted the
randies. The altar was decorated ;
with bouquets of pink snaodra"nnt'
and pink cilia- lilies. The alter
nate pews were marked with aqua
candles tied with aqua bows. 1
Of white brocaded faille was
the bridal gown fashioned with a fu
waits length skirt. The bodice was
made with a rounded neckline
edged in sequins and three-quarter
length sleeves. A- crown of lace
and seed pearls held In place her
fingertip illusion veil. She carried
a crescent of white camellias cen
tered with pink rosebuds.
The Bridal Attendants ' ' ,
Mrs. Charles N. Svejkovsky was
the matron of honor and she wore
a rose pink brocaded faille gown
made similar to the bride's. The
bridesmaid, Misa Barbara Lytne,
wore an aqua brocaded faille waits
gown. Their headbands were of
matching net with sequin trim and
they carried crescent bouquets of
blossom pink camellias centered
with garnet roses. .
Kenneth Myren served ai beat
man for Mr. Hove. Ushers were
Darrell L. Pepper, the bride's
brother, Virgil Lawrence, Gene
Roberts and Sam Kleen.
A printed blue silk gown with
White accessories was chosen by
the bride't mother. Mrs. Hove
wore a peach gown with navy and
pink accessories. Their corsages
were pink rosebuds.
KeeeptlM Follows Rites
A reception was held in the
Church parlors. Pouring were Mrs.
Alton Anderson and Mrs. Virgil
. Lawrence, sisters of the groom.
Cutting the cake were Mrs. John A.
Wagner of McMinnville, aunt of
the bride, and Mrs. Harold Dourit.
Assisting were Mrs. Richard Sor
Ick, Mrs. Melvin Propp, Mrs. Wil
liam Pero, Mrs. Lloyd Uecker,
-Mrs. Robert Yarnell. Mrs. Mas.
Groves, Mrs. Ben Saalkeld, Mrs.
Harlon Jackson, Mrs. Robert Svej
kovsky. Mrs. Wallace Wall and
Mist Alice Joy Miller.
For going away the new Mrs.
Hove wore a cinnamon brown
ahealh dress with matching jacket
and bamboo colored accessories.
Following their honeymoon along
tbe Oregon coast and California the
couple will be at home in Salem
at 26S S. 22nd St.
Heads Now Woman's Club
Medico Wives
To Meet for
The Marion-Polk County Medical
Auxiliary has scheduled d i n rte r j
meetings for Tuesday evening at I
the homes of members. Covered
dish dinners will be served at :
p.m. with social evenings follow
ing. The hostesses are as follows:
Mrs. William L. Lidbeck. Pringle
Road, Mrs. wtflard N. Tbompsoa
and Mrs. George R. Hoffman as
sisting. Mrs. Carl Helm. N Winding
Way. Mrs. Russell Guiss and Mrs.
Douglas Thompson assisting.
Mrs. Lynn Hammerstad, 710
Winding Way. Mrs. Lewis D. Clark
and Mrs. Harold 0. Schneider as
Mrs. Robert T. Boals. S3 West
Salem Heights Ave., with Mrs. Wil
lard Stone and Mrs. Merle Brown
The Sigma Kappa alamaae win
be entertained Wednesday sight at
the bom ot Mrs. Stuart Corapton,
12M Heather Lane; at I p.m. Mrs.
B. W. Slacey wfn be the co-hostess.
'Don't Cook flow...
but ... a fellow doesn't know these de
ceiving mornings, whether to drive to town
with the top down or wear sou'wester.
- if .. -
Colorful war 14 ... A
woman certainly hat to lock
twice to recognize her best
friend. The beauteous bru
net of yesterday it the, gor
geous, blond of today, and
while the lady of question
able age fights to keep her
tresses a disguising black,
her young daughter comet
out with a head of tilvery
hair. Which gives ut art idea. Now that no
holds art barred, wonder how a middled ege1
gray haired lady with a secret yen would look .
at flaming redhead.
Anal speaking of color . . . with no limits.
Havo you seen colored display of men's
fashions as they art offering in the mort sty
lish parts of the U.S.A. lately? Now on
mustn't be surprised to see the Insurance
salesman in a lavender suit with yellow shirt
and cerise necktie, the doctor wearing a mad
pink jacket and lefke green stacks, or the
banker in Bermuda thortt with broadbrimmed
Panama hat. When our boys go wild, they
really go wild.
Uotadaity . . . on of thit firm's employes
who grewt orchids, cam in pal and upset
the other day, shuddering and said he had
just prepared an orchid corsage tor cus
tomer, who immediately pinned it on upside
down. Thit, wt presum shouldn't happen to
a cypripedium insigne. Orchids, lik other
flowers, grow with their heads held up, and
lika to stay that way, unless of court the lady
it to tall the can't tee over her own corsage.
Irrr . . . Seemt that th costumes the
ectort art wearing in th ads of th movie
"Picnic" aft a bit inappropriate for picnics at
thit season of tha year ... Maxin luren
Statesman, Silra, Ore, Sun.. April 15, t3 (Se III)-!
Mrs. Karl Hamnterbaraer will 717 N. Cottage St Mrs. G. W.
entertain members of Chapter Bruce will be the co-hosteM and
CO, PEO oh Tuesday at a 1 Mrs. Fred Wiatenbach will give
o'clock luncheon at ber borne, 'the book review.
Tn hoard ambers of Sacred
Heart Parents Club will meet
Monday at tat school library ft
7:30 p. m.
Chairman of the convention com
mittee for the Lutheran Women's
Missionary League Convention to
be held in Salem on May II and
17 ia Mrs. William H. Fischer, past
president of the Northwest District
of the League and at present serv
ing as second vice-president la the
international organisation.
Other subcommittee chairmen
include Mrs. Clarence Kraft, regis
tration; Mrs. Donald Schaefer,
bousing: Mrt. Steven Washburn,
publicity; Misa 'Amanda Scbwab
bauer, information; Mrs. Lyle
Poole and Mrs. Fred Carstenson,
hospitality; Mrs. Lawrence Shrake.
Ihnchet: Mrs. Carl Anderson and
Mrs. William Hinx, decorations;
Mrs. Vernon Barisch, reception;
and Mrt. Jay Schaefer, first aid.
Three to four hundred delegates
art expected from societies la Ore
goo. Washington, Alaska, Idaho
r -
SILVERTON - Tbe Seventh-ray
Adventist Dorcas Society w;3 boll
a work session Tuesday afternoon
from 1 to 4 pm. at the church,,
according to announcement by H. ,
J. Johnson, eUier of the church. . ,
Calvary Lutheran Aid , :
Society meets Wednesday. April It
at o'clock la the afternoon at.,
the home of Mrt. MUtaa Bugze.
Immanuel Missionary Federa-.V
tion hat arranged a meeting for "
Thursday at I p m. at the churrn
social rooms. Tbe program ln "
dude devotions by Mrs. H. C ,
Bnks, and the topic, "Missiong
Today" to be discussed by Mrt,'
David Strand. s,
Immanuel Married Couplet Club .
will be guests Thursday, April 19. '
at I p.m. with Mr. and Mrt. Daryt ;
Johnson la their Salem home. Mrt. ,
Marvin DahJ will be the discus ';
sioav leader.
V ,
and Northern ' California. F'd-,
q ufters for the convention will be ,
St. Joan's Lutheran. Church.
Phi Beta Kappa to
Meet at Dillins
The Central Willamette Valley
Association of Phi Beta Kappa will
hold its spring meeting at 1: 15 p.m.
on Monday, April It at the home
of Dr. Harry L. Diuin, president
of LinfieW College, on the Linfield
campus in McMinnville. .
The guest speaker will be Dr.
KarlUher of Vienna, Fulbright
professor ot foreign languages at
All Phi Beta Kanm '"'
this area, whether members ot the
local association or uv i
dially invited to attend, together
with their wives or husbands.
Mrt. E. D. Bartruff, who was installed as prttidont of th newly
organized Salem Zenith Club Wednttday night. Thirty women
comprise th charter of th new club, organized tor inter
mediate clubwomen. Th group will b affiliated with th
Oreoon Federation of Women's Clubt and hat scheduled
meetinas for the second and fourth Wednesdayi of each
month. (Kennell-Ellit Studio).
Miss Lavonne Brannon Weds
Mr. Hemann at St. Vincent's
(Picture en Page 11)
Prettv. brunette Lavonne Brannon became George Hemann's bride
at a If o'clock nuptial mass at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic church
on Saturday morning. The bride Is the daughter ot Mr. and Mrt.
Walter E. Brannon and Mr. Hemann is the ton of Mrs. Eva Hemann.
The Rev. John Reedy performed the rites before a setting of pink
and white snapdragons, carnations and other spring blooms. The
alternate pews were marked with
clusters of the flowert and bows.
Vocalists were Mint Mary Kreft
and Jerry Neitling and Wayne
Meusey was the organist. The al
tar boyt were Tommy Alley and
Billy Barr.
Of nylon tulle was the bridal
gown fashioned with a floor length
skirt ennancea wun inseis oi man-
tilly lace. The portrait neckline
and short sleeves were also edged
in the lace. Her fingertip illu-
inn v.ll wit raueht tn a .
dress of net and lace embellished
with iridescent sequins and seed
pearls. She carried a prayer book
marked with a white orchid.
Walk Before the Bride
Three attendants preceded the
bride to the altar, Mrt. Clifford
Tuss, tier aister't maid ot honor.
Mist V'Anne Chance and Mrt.
Marvin McKee, the bridesmaids.
They wore gownt ot delft blue
taffeta fashioned with floor length
skirts, bustle bows, short sleeves
and portrait necklines. They car
ried colonial bouquets of pink,
white and blue sweetpeas and
! roses tied with pink and white rib
bons, and were matching bandeaux
of flowers In their hair.
! I7r4.i et T ITitmnnfi minfiA frith
his brother as best man. Seating
the guestt were Marvin McKee,
John Hemann, the bridegroom's
brother, Layne Brannon. the
bride't brother, and Vernon
Haugen. . , .
Mrt. Brannon chose a blue two-
piece box style sun lor ner
daughter'i marriage and Mrt. He
mann wore a mauve-pink tuit.
Their corsaget were pink rose
buds and pink feathered carna
- 4786 YiT
Smart fashion for the half titer
cut to tit properly the shorter,
fuller figure! Sewiy you're
aure to want more tntn one. Se
lect stripes they're slimming,
torra lovely ehevrwi-effect tn
front! Popular 4-lore skirt drapes
gracefully from hlpline.
Pattern 47M: Halt Sires 144.
184. 18. 20a 224. 244. Sire
16't takes 3' yards 39 inch fib
re. This pattern ety to ue, sim
ple to sew. Is teted to fit. Has i
complete Illustrated Instructional
t4 mioTv-rrvi n etin
Sm ttiM mm a tantt foe
arh Mttm In. ill.a malllne
SV.K4 tn ANN! ADAMS, car. Onri
tl.Marn., Ol Pallam Dt. SO
nih nt y it. n y
print plaint HAWK APP)VM vita
toNaV u4 4 nru tiUMtu.
Rrreptleo at Legtea Club
The ncwlyweds greeted their
guests at a reception at the Amer
ican Legion club between 1 and
1 o'clock. Pouring were Mrs.
Lawrence Alley and Mrs. Ted
Leonhardi. Cutting the cake were
Mrs. Roger Burns and Mrs. Floyd
Edwards of Portland. Assisting
were Mrs. H. E. Thompson. Mrs.
Donald Wackerbarlh. Mrs. Ronald
Zwicker, Miss Janette Dahl, and
Miss Sharon Barker.
When the couple left on their
honeymoon to Las Vegaa and Cali
fornia the new Mrs. Hemann
changed to a navy blue two-piece
suit with portrait collar, pink hat
and gloves and navy accessories.
The newlyweds will makt their
borne in Salem.
Leslie Circle to Meet
Edna Holder Circle ot the
Woman'i Society ot Christisn
Service ot the Leslie Methodist
Church will meet Wednesday aft
ernoon at 1:30 with Mrs. Earl A.
Strode, 1780 E. McGilchrlst Mrs.
T. O. Adamt is the assistant host
ess. Mrs. A. W. MeUger will lead
the devotional period. Mrt. H. H.
Boyes will report on the Little
United Nations, recently held at
Oregon State College, which she
attended at a guest ot one of the
students from abroad. The meet
ing ot the Evelyn PeVriet Circle
has been postponed for a week,
and will meet on April 23, with
Mrs. C. W. Stacey, 763 Boone
Delegate in Elected
Beta Sigma chapter ot Epiilon
Sigma Alpha mrt at the home of
Mrt. Elvin Hsktnson with Mrs.
Richard O'Connor and Mrt. tow
ard Elwood assisting. Mrs. El
wood elected delegate to the
Committees for
Nile Benefit
(Pictures ea Paga 1)
Committees have been announ-l
Ded for the Salem Daughters of
the Nile Club annual benefit card
party and dessert luncheon to be
?iven on Friday, April 27 at the
Scottish Rite Temple. All pro
ceeds will be turned over to the
Shriner's Hospital for Crippled
Children. The Interested public
is invited to attend and reserva
tions may be made with Mrt. Vir
gil T. Golden or Mrt. Jacob
Mrs. W. Clark Barhman it serv
ing as general chairman of the
event with Mrs. Albert W. Morris
the co-chairman. Other commit-1
tees are as follows: tickets, Mrt.
Joseph B. Schaller and Mrt. Gil
bert B. Wynkoop; hostesses, Mrt.
Earl Andresen, Mrs. Lloyd Lar
son. Mrt. Walter Zwemke, Mrs.
Kstill Brunk, Mrs. Leon Barrick,
Urt. L. V. Benson. Mrs. Joseph
Felton. Mrt. ArthurXrickaon and
Mrt. Norman Fletcher, refresh-
nents. Mrs. John T. Graybill and,
Mrs. Elmo W. McMillan:
Serving. Mesdamea Carl B.I
Armpriest, Lawrence Anderson,
Richard H. Davis, Robert Giles,
Ferd Huenke, Steve R. Rosen
baum, George F. Tbomaaon, S. C.
Rolfsness, L. S. Davenport, James
C. Bird, Milton Thomls, Loran
Spaulding, Tillman Leasure, Har
old T. Jenkins; publicity, Mrs. Da
vid H. Cameron;
Prites, Mrs. Willard N. Thomp
son, Mrs. John M. Ramage, Mjs.
Winston Burris; decorations, Mrs.
lohn S. Lochead, Mrt. William
Braun. Mrs. Leon Everitt; audi
torium arrangements, Mends met
Earl i. Cook, Emmett Kleinke,
Lesion Howell, Delmat Shields,
Robert White, Edwin Tueski, Jo
seph Ritchie and Herman Joch-
Mrs. Sterett to
Head Alumnae
Mrt. Clark Sterett was elected
pretident ot tht Kappa Delta
alumnae at the April meetirg
held at the home of Mrt. Hope
Edwards. Other officers are Mr si
Robert Hostetter, secretary-treat-1
urer; Mrt. Harris LletT, publicity;
Mrs. Peter Stoltenberg, magatina
chairman; and Mrt. H. Burdette
Collins, editor.
Kappa Delta Oregon State day
will be held May 18 in Portland.
Tbe alumnae will entertain with
a coffee honoring their molhert
on May S at the home ot Mrs.
John Ficklin. Tbe group tur-l
prised Mrt. Collins with a shower.
Announcements were made of
the presentation ot Kappa Delta't
262nd charter at the University
of Oklahoma and the winner of
the 1933 Ktppa Delta award
for Orthopedic research as Dr.
Iganacio V. Ponseti ot tht l'ni-1
rerttty ot Iowa.
state convention to be held in
Roseburg April 21 and 23. Miss
Norma Petersen, president, read
a summary of the year'a work.
During the evening members
wnrked on favors lor tht con-.
ttnUoo, I
lowest National Wholesale
rM M r f W
lw 90 eW HtJ ItftJnVtsnV
Wt can save yon at high
at 50
Bedsaul Bros.
1721 Center Ph. 2-N71
u rn u i
i ' - S ' "z t
v. : m
3... .
t -o " f
playwear in authentic Hawaiian prints
designed ond mode in Hawoil for big ond Rhie soo-sookort by loetd ond
to.,,Colorfott fin quality cotton broodclom In Gordeola Topo, Jungle
Uty ond Driftwood parlorns, lei ten gloriovtfy shodod oeabro tones of yoilow,
Ivown, oqwo, red, pvrplo, blue ond grey.
Misses' two-way bailor dress.""
Sites 10 to Id 8.93
Miitot'2-pc. twnswlt, lined shorts
ond boned br. 10-11.. 6.9S
Mokhino.f'olit shirt.
Sites S M l. ......... ..3,?I
Mines' ftored skirt, side olaitic
woiilband. Sites S M l.. 5.49
Misses' notching sleeveless
blouses. Sites 10 -II.... 2.98
Men's cobono tel.
S-M-l-Xl.-. ,
Cirtt' thirroJ eloitic tw!rolt.
Sites 714 4.91
Girls' (tote king Pate shirt.
Sites 7-14 2.91
Tots' ihirred elastic twlmtolt.
Sites 2-4-4 3.91
Toti' motching Pole shirt. (Not
pictured) Sites 2-4-os...2.39
Mines' olosticiied ono-ptoco
Swiatuit, ptol cup Of a. Si tot
S-M-l , . . 7 .91
: .
loys' coboeio set.
Sites 6-11 .V..V.......3.95
aNV' tf ftl
L msXo i.. , ffcHwAj -si Mil i ll i m 4n.
v-.. .. r . J : !- " f "k. r v( I
; ....... a .. . .... , a..,., asF, on. wn in i .V i ii is i at
s i . n - . t
.1 a I I Iti
Bug? a? skeb M-n'r im
m 4 :
yr 550 N. Capitol Ph. 3.9191;
-t f