rn. Or?., Sun., April 13, 'Z3 ;vc::cl Events on Agenda, oner's Wife to Entertain New Officers cf Alumnso Club t r . JTXYMS ENGLISH Sutttniia Society tliif v jmsro'ji social events will mirk the April filrndar. Including Ui, lanct.coM ind tofleei. Orto'i tint lady. Mr. Elmo E. Smith, k j ..en -f ib informal tea for Thursday afternoon, April 20. The if.t r mill be held in the Cold Room of the Mirion HoteL Mrs. 5 ;b U Invitint all iitrfd $tm eooli r4 uW.own tend to ciU between 2 30 and S.33 o'clock. No invitation! are bang issued to the tea. fuesta being invitea througu toe piesa ut attend and meet tbo wife o( Oregon! governor. Tail will be the Ism affair for which Mrs. Smith will be boateM line her husband took oiiice. An An leToir Caffeo - Mr. Edwird A. Lebold and Vrt. Frederick Hill Thompson will be hot"wt for in au revoir toffee Tuesdiy morning at tlx for mer i k.ngwood HeighU rendenee tor tne pieaiure ot Mn A. L. Adulshson, who ii leaving later in tht month or Portland to make ber home. A few ot Mrs. Adolphson'a longtime frienda have been lnvf-d to nil between 10:30 and 12:30 o'clock. ItMid-ni at the tee btm will be Mre. Herbert L. Stiff and lira. Jimet T. Brand. Assisting will be Mr, mnk Prime, Mn. Harrii Lie. Mr. Leslie Burdette, Mn. Willieni i. Brsun, lire. William SccUt and Mrs. Chester OUon. To rterta!e it Lanckeen aid Coffee , , ... hit. Bertrim L. TreliUd and Mre. Thsd Moreland will enter US on tifsdiy at a 1 o'clock luncheon and afternoon of bridge at the former ! Candalarie Height! home. Coven will be placed for twery-fmir guest. . .. On Wednetday the hostesses are planning is Informal coffee In ccmr'iment to their immediate neighbor!. Assisting the hostesses will to Mrs. iiurict Brennea and Mr. Bjaroe Erickien. The coffee wiU'obeheldattheTreliUdhome. Kf 4" Ej'n L Bnink ii arranging 12:30 o'clock luncheon for We -jiliy ifternoon at Lipman'i Cherry Room. Twenty-four gueiti hive ben invited to the affair and bridge will be Ujr following the 5 snrheoa it the Brunk home en Moctn 21at Street Dances Slated On Weekend Calendar t. :.;t dubi ere winding np their lesson tfcli month, with lev oral t.::;r their final partlei of the j-r r. Tat Tuxedo Club'l iprlng form 1 la s for Friday Bight in the C M Room of the Marion Ho tel. .II: eochl hour wUl be at 7:30 p ro; wiia dinner at 1:30 p.m. BID DeSr-tn and bin orchestra will play f ;r dancing. A Dr. and Kri. Charlei Gray are ea.'ng the directorate for the din ner! dance. Till will be the club'l last party of the season, dancing to be resumed ia October. Ban' r -ur Daace TTie Eon Heur Club's seml-for-mat d .tvi win be en event of Fri day r at the VFW Hall be twpn and 11 o'clock. Dancing will be to the music of Fera Cra ven.' s orcheitri. Te committee tncludea Mr. and Sirs Orval Prunk, chairmen, Mr. am: 'In. J. N. Brinkley, Mr. and Vrtv Hayden Smlthson. Mr. and Mrs.- Roy Howard and Mr. and lira: Wayne Gordon. Tew Club Formal The Town Club'l awing formal ilnper dance ii listed for Saturday Us' t in the Cold Room of the Mai.un Hotel. Harry Wisely and hia 'orchestra will play for ding ing, following the I o'clock dinner. Th will be the club'l final dance of the season. I't. and Mn. Jamea O. Mount are 'ehairmen of the directorate for the.' evening, aulated by Mr. and air. Raymond Buiick and Dr. and Mrj. Robert T. Boali. a r jr..? n: v.- 4 From Roberts' f Decorating Studio 'i ZJ V- A-Adt Jle Hit vA chance renurk heard la eer etudie the ether nay wu, "in tne iprtng I ut win! to thro everything eat et the keuie and buy new furnlik-In-t. We didn't y "Way dual JV for we aider itued thi inotloa which prompted the ndden eatbunt At t.,a time et year all aitore d 'yi a aewneie la the an foiuing ef learn and bleeMiM which Invltn ni te leek ibeet ear lived In reemi with dUut 1 1 f a 1 1 1 e a and mtlenaete. Hhat cia we do about It? ferhipt lew drape rWt with aili Uated in a related relar are bmK needed. Often, hew eter, an arnafenwnt ef new pkrturei will hit year iplriti with iheer kappiaeei. Try anaulag dlffereta aim aad akipei for an ImpertaM ar ringemeat ever the daveaiert Oae en flink n beiutlful piiatlng wltk gold wall ecea eta, tee. We thew theai In nteay aliri and Mylei la ear ihew reeeu. Then what fun te nie the popular lavake ai a renter ef latereet In a grep lag ef plcteree. We Mew a pink klMue one la ear itadle little ehentbe en the foot with klaqee wedge weed eeplee el Tie reu BeaMM" In white ea pink at either tide. ui ut lee It with Freech previaclal or F.ngllib freia leg where pink ia an accent eelor or even In an elegiat hlthree etiag perkiM the imld dalpala bathroom flilarre )ilch are araiUble te at, We like te im l bvabe la aa off. center image ateet em the aaantle, Ue. Our while cklaa efee wltk Ua eeeratien ef inull aaacbee ef grapee and l'ri weidd he ee pretty ii iee wiia wining Ivy aad a few ipriaf flewere frem the gtrden. we night biliece It with twe whlu elepkaat fig. Heee ea Ike ether aide ef Ue roitie. Hive fan. I .ye HI Uler, '' lOIOtTSIIOS. Inttrlee Decnrafer 340 Court Street Sharcn Beard is Brida Tussday of Edward Small The Church of the Naxarene In New berg wu the acene- ef the marriage of Miia Sharon Beard, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Jamei R. Beard of Silem, to Edward R. Small, aon of Mr. and Mn. Oraa Small of Stayton, on Tueaday, Ap ril 10 at 1 o'clock. The bride wore a black and white checked iheith drew and match ing Jacket, white hat and patent leather icceisoriei. She carried a white Bible marked with a white orchid. - Mr. Gerard Layer waa the only attendant, wearing a light blue and white checked eoat drew, blue and white acceuoriei and white carna tion COTMgl. Sam Wtllea wu beat man. The couple left immediately for trip to Seattle and Vancouver, B. C. They will be at home la Salem. The bridegroom ti a itu- dent at Llnfleld College. . . Honored Qneen Nancy Weeki of Bethel 33, Job'a Diughtert will preilde at formal Initiation to be held it thn Woodbura Lodge lot oa Monday night The bua will leave the. Scottiih Rite Temple at 7:30 p. m. v? r .1, I First preiident of the Selem alumrtee chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon, national music honorary, it Mr. Paul Allen Hale, right. Otben pictured, left to right, are Mrs. Peter Gunner, vice-president; Mn. Forrest Seemiter, recording secretary; and Mrs. Frank Asiy of thn Eugene Alumnae chap ter, who installed thn officers on April 9. The alumnae were installed from club status to that of notional chapter. A banquet preceded the installation with a concert presented by the alum nee following in the College of Music Hell on the Willamette University campus. (McEwin Studio). dub Calendar ry with Mm I Ave., I ' ' ' Mm7 WllUawtti Ihrin. Order ot Wfcttt Bhrtne of JtruMiem opa buul- la lion. MMonle TemDle. I e m. Capttal Unit !. Amciieaa Uftoe Auxiliary, aitet at Laaloa Club, I p.m. Kflrtr LiH Aunllli: Otto Yunktr. 1071 Will Amcrlran War Hainan with Mn. Laura Tandr. Ml a. Slat at. II a.mu tovarad llih turxhaoa at noea. Etokta Club with Mn. s. A. nana. lino N. Wlntar at., 1:11 daanrl. Chadwkk Chaptar. OU. Maaonle Temple, I pjn. ' WteaaOay Woman 'I Aawclatlon. Pint Prtaby. teiiaa Church, profram and Ua, 1 p.m. at church Alnaworth Chaptar. OU maat at cotUalt JUtl TampK, I p.m. Tkanaay Airiraa Vlolat Club. Iilam chap tar. (akia Wemaa'i ClubhouM, I 'ri'nt Mathodltt Church WICt. proeram and taa, I p.m. eualnaaa intin. 1:N p.m. Hlbbard Camp ana Auillliry. Miss Janet Westfall is Bride Of Stanley Allen on Saturday (Picture on Page 1) The newly married Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Curtii Allen are flying to ine nawanan laianoa en ineir Honeymoon, ine coupiei marriage was Church. The bride, the former Janet Carol Westfall, it the daughter of Mr. and Mn. Harold X WeitfaU. Mr. Allen Ii the ion of Mn. Irene Allen of Salem nnd Dr. Stanley Allen of Pendleton. Dr. Paul Newton Paling Mrs. Thomas New Chapter President Mrs. Earl T. Andresen enter tained member of Alphi Pl blcchi, E. Hoffman Homo Will Dd Setting' For Benefit Tea on Thursday (Ptrtare eaage 11) One of the social highlight! of the coming week will be' the in nual benefit tea to be given by the Salem Memorial Hoepital Aux iliary on Thursday afternoon it the Cendalaria HeighU home of Dr. ind Mrs. George R. Hoffmin. All auxiliary members, friendi ind the interested public ire invited to call between 2.30 ind 3.30 o'clock. Fundi derived from the tea will be wed to augment the auxiliary'! fund for the new ther-r" py pool and automatic im in the proposed wing of the boa- piUL Greeting gueiti at the . d o o r will be Mrs. Emery Hobba, Mrs. Robert Ebenole ind Mrs. L. E. Myers. Tiking ticket! will be Mm Doratbea Steusloff, Mrs. E. F. Kirkwood and Mn. George SwarUley. Introducing to the receiving tine will be Mrs. Stewart John son, Mn. Wheeler R. English ind Mrs. Robert M. Fischer Jr. In the line will be Mn. Hoffmin, the hostess. Mn. Charlei Heltzel, president of the auxiliary, and Mrs. Adam LeFor, superinten dent 6f nurses at the hoipital. To Peer Daring Afternoon Presiding at the eta urns dur ing the afternoon will be Mrs. Elmo E. Smith, Mrs. Sigfrid B. UnanderrMn. Robert White, Mrs. C. Ronald Hudkins, Mrs. Floyd Bowers, Mrs. Bertrim L. Trel iUd, Mn. Im D. Micdonild, Mrs. A. C Hagg and Dr. Mary B. Pur vine. Serving in the dining room will be Mesdames James R. Phil lips, Philip Hiwley, Irwin F. We del, David Crockett, Daniel J. Fry Jr., Jamei C. Stone, Otto J. Wilson, Samuel R. Haley, Joseph Felton, S. D. Wiles, Mirjorie Ga briel, George J. Arbuckle, Jamei R. Todd, Roger Probert, Joseph Solomon, Jamei Piyne, H. H. Hollowly and Miss Mirjorie Becke. Inviting guesti into the dining room will be Mrs. Hirold 0. Schneider. Mrs. A. D. Wood- mansee and Mn. Richard Upjohn. Assisting about the rooms will be Mesdames Bruce F. Pickett, Arthur Erickson, William L. "id- beck, Marens Maltby, Stephen Ta- W. Rector, Lynn Ham- Wmea'i Ciih!ie Order t Far- esters meet tcr a oo-oot sup- per and business noet.nj Wedr1,- day n:ht at the home of Miss Pearl Bairey. H-W N. Liberty S, at t 30 p m. Co-hostesjes are Mrs. ' Doerf.er and Mn. B. F. Dime Wr. pe formed the 7 o'clock nuptial! be fore memben of the Immediate family. Mrs. Richard Mam played the wedding muiic. The couple exchinged their vowi before the fireplice which wu flanked with eandelabra decorated with ipring flowen and blouomi. For ber wedding the attractive, blonde bride selected a ihell pink cryitallette gown fuhioned on princess lines with full ikirt. The long, sleeved bodice wu designed with a wide V neckline and front twist ending in two back paneli which extended .to the hemline of the wiltx length ikirt She wore a white satin hat swathed In Illusion veiling and adorned with a white pearl tear drop in front She completed her costume with white kid gloves and white metallic thread pumps. She cir- ried a ilngle, long itemmed American Beauty rose. The Brlde'a Attendiati Mrs. Frank Wallis wai the bride'i only attendant and ihe wore a pink brocaded iheath gown with bodice fashioned sim ilar to the bride's, a pink hat and long, white gloves. She car ried a spray of white carnation! and pink tea roses. Brenda Jo Westfall and Stev en Westfall, young sister ind brother of the bride, were the flower girl and ring bearer. Craig Dudley stood with Mr. Allen ii best man ind Diniel Boone leated the guests. For her daughter's nuptials Mn. Westfall chose a beige faille sheath gown with matching ac cessories and a corsage of Til- iimia roses. Mrs. Allen wore a duity rose lace gown with match ing accessories and corsage of lilies-of-the-valley and rosei for her lon'i mtrriage. Reeeptiea at Marion Hotel The newlywedi greeted addi tional gueiti it i reception in the Ivy Room of the Marion Ho tel it 8 o'clock. Mn. E. H. Ken nedy, aunt of the bride, and chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Wed- Mrs. Charles Shaw was selected to attend the state con vention in Astoria on April 30. Mrs. ' Lee Thomas was elected preiident to take the place of Mn. A. J. Becker, who resigned due to ill health. Mrs. P. C. Anderson was elected vice-president and Mn. Howird Hunsaker was appointed extension officer. Chapter memben will attend the Founder's Day banquet in Lebanon on April 30. Mrs. Lee Thomas was voted the 'Woman of the Year" for her outstanding service. Mn. Stanley Miller poured. Mrs. Irving Warnick, the bride's aunt, and Mrs. Deane Curtis, aunt of the bridegroom, cut the cake. As sisting were Miss Sally Becker and Miss Mary Jo Brown, Mrs. Ferra Brown of Forest Grove and Mrs. Craig Dudley. For her plane trip to the Is lands ihe pew Mn. Allen donned a toast colored suit with bud jacket lined in red paisley tie silk with blouse to match and a wide brimmed pansmi hit. After Miy 1 the couple will be it home in Salem on Birds Hill. mentad, Robert Dyer, John Gra ham, Parker , Gies, Charles D. Wood, A. W. Loucks, Ralph E. Purvine, Maynard Sniffer, James G. Watts, Horace McGee, Charles S. Campbell, John A. Heltzel, Cliybourne Dyer. Erwin E. Bat terman, Stanley Grove, Thad Moreland. Wayne Hadley, Frank Shafer. Robert T. Boali, Frederick Hill Thompson and Lee Ohmart. Mrs. John H. Johnson is serv ing as general chairman of the tea. Leslie Davis, Roy Todd, Percy Thorn and Milner Mead. Representing the South Salem Auxiliary will be Mesdames Clar ence Feller, president. Robert Mor row, Clayton Jones, Nels Johnson, Donald Cooper, Winona Martin and Charles Nielsen; East Salem Auxiliary, Mesdames John Riches, president, Roland llochhalter, Ben Gilford, Donald Barrick, Virgil Pade; Hollywood Auiliary. Mesdames Harold Gillespie, Cecil LanU, Al Grose; Keizer Auiliary, Mesdamei Jam ei Morley, president, Stanley Wat-' son. Gordon Bressler, Ewald Franx and John Coomler; West Salem Auxiliary, Mrs. Robert Covert and Mrs. Dean Tucker. Faculty Club Will Meet at Reese Home The Willamette University Fac ulty Women's Gub will be enter tained at a tea oa Thursday after noon at the borne of ueaa ana Mrs. Seward P. Reese, S37 South High St.. at 3:30 o'clock. For the program Dr. Helen Pearce will speak on "Women of Willamette." Mrs. Maurice Bren nen. president, will preside at the business meeting at which time officera for the coming year will be elected. Mrs. Edwin W. Butler is chair man of the hostess committee, as sisted by 'Mrs. Thomas Bennett, Mn. . Maurice W. Brennen, Mn. Robert V. Hale. Mrs. Samuel R. Haley. Mn. Noel Kaestner. Mn. David A. Lewis, Mrs. Kenneth Lot tick, Mrs.- Norman Todd, Mrs. E. J. Whipple. Mrs. Alda Stillwell and Mrs. Edna Stokes. Many to Attend State Board Meeting . A large group of Salem Lions Auxiliary member! will be in Port land Wednesday to attend the an nual ipring board meeting of the Oregon Lions Gub Auxiliary. The affair will be held at the Columbia Edgewater Country Club with luncheon icheduled for noon. Several of the clubi will be pre senting contributions to the Insti tute Fund for the Oregon School for the Blind, instead of at the state convention. Attending from the Salem Lioni Auxiliary will be Meidamea' F. N. Young, preiident; Burton Dunn, state first vice-president; Denver Young, Roger Hoy, LaVerae Young, Bruce VanWyngarden, Wil liam Leeper, Milan Boniface, Jos eph Paulson. Harry W. Scott, Wil liam Newmyer, Walter Martin, To Confer Degrees Alnsworth Chapter, OES will meet for their regular meeting Wednesday evening, April 18 at the Scottish Rite Temple. The degrees of the order will be con ferred and Mre. C. M. Doin ii in chirge of the sociil hour. i f" I ! m a i .i i i. i rf j One Touch of Genuis! With the deft, light touch tlidf s utter magic And his staff of artists are creating the most exciting new coiffures! Come in and see-let them design for YOU the loveliest hair do you've ever worn. To hold this beautiful hairdo, we suggest one of our natural looking permanent waves starting at $10.00. Malta Yovr Appointment ' With leouty Today Phone 34921 or 4-4481 1 llAftH You May Use Your tlpman Charge Account In the Beauty Salon , Saltm Womaa'i Club, lam. I btrtri. Hal V8WV, Amarlcaa Cola Star afothara lar dinnar, VrW Hall, I M pm. Wllamatta Unlvaratty faculty Woman Club taa at aaward Raaae ham, in a Hlh BU, i ll p.m. L 1 Tht Original Eyi-lml Ovtn I 3 ti rl Will TUIKUt:i the bilt-in Electric Range 0rf Ttar taa yt tiaptale lUalUllr, at ii(aa 4aila. laait Nta eoaa arlamr rM al bed rariae r Wa ImIM. ClwaM Ira Wtfaa aaallaa, lap 0 WWe warwlae Tiarailer yea law piaa lar wart MWaarf t4 Ha tawaat awaeer al tfaai ...ka a aaear el aiaa aMUa la awa a aiMHliaia al Mf etiaiK I Mm. Jm TlirBi irU,,, Tht ips Co. ISSCeaweetl. Phone Wm Open Man. anal M. TU p m. AT ROBERTS BROS, e 340 COURT ST., SALEM .1 I I I Os!- Sleep in the Handsomest Bedroom in Town Continental's Topaz-finished Hardwood Bedroom Your bedroom con become o decorotor'f delight with this hcncJiorrie set. Slim, low lines with a toilored look. Addriorol pieces odded ot ony' time from open ifock. All hordood construction ill-finish td. SCRIBBI $IC0ND 'LOCK Twin lids 59.95 Full Sin ledi 59.95 Night Table 29.95 4-0rewer Chest .. .......... . . . 98.85 NO DOWN PAYMENT On Our Approve Credit and i Una nt.24 Mentha to Fey 73) 340 court trect WE GIVE AND REDEEMGREEN STAMPS SAVE ONE D O LLAR ! Helena Rubinstein's Color-Tone Shanlpoo j iL . v Once' 250 offer only! Ten size, now rv a-year Wash your hair with color! Helena Rubinstein fabulous creation, Color. Tone Shampoo it not a dye. not tint, but extra creamy shampoo, with certified color built into the deep-cleaniing suds. It polishes your hair to a lively daiile. It conditions your hair to good health so that it feels like, satin, combs like magic. Now, for limited time, save 1.00 on 14 colossal ounces. Five glamorous months of hair care (for average shampooing), -regularly 2.50, now just 1.50 plus tax. There'i a ColorTone Shimpoo for every elude ot hair. llONOt-TONt SHAMPOO addi golden Uli le blood or li(ht brown bair. lID-MfAO SHAMPOO Iti a fusing aura to redhcadt ot "borderline" colon, HUNtni-TONl SHAMPOO adds brlllUnl wirmtb le dark browa or black bair. ISOWN410W SHAMfOO waihei red fold lour Into TP11" aewn bair. WVWTONI SHAMfOO baloe grey, vtUt or lalien bair hh Alinraet.eomcU riHowfa f. SIU4HtlN CltAM SHAMPOO eenditloM dry. daauaed bair le heabhy lttatre-ne fed. tax, CAPITAL DRUG STORE 403 Stile Si. - Corner of liberty We Give i W Oreen Stimpi