Sa!.:;i, Ore., Sun., April 13, 1 fr C:OADCASTS K pi-- in Rn4 fx h tfit) MriMi f 4 h f? ant) IV mshmmi. bet Mmt iitmii r f arerd without Rmifieua (All 8jsf oim o-urr Mrm U;i2AY'S TILEViS:crJ HIGHLIGHTS By RL'X THOMAS th university ever unproved MONTGOMERY, Ala. UP In the charges against chool authorities wake of mob violence. Alabama started a bold new program Sat urday aimed at preserving school segregation by voluntary instead of mandatory compliance. I Li IV HNJAV '8 iiit.iil.lG.iTS (CHANNEL V): K:(4 Nob Fa;;h for Today A eollcee student asks Pastor Fagal, "II CM is aU-pnwfrftil, hy doesn't he eliminate evil and suffering?" i:i.a a m V J.e V irie World "The Pursuit of Happiness". Ameri- - - . , f -Tl I ... . r c n r- -e now have more leisure time wan any wner peopie on t u. rat,ruuwm1nHiaB enabling act to implement a e rth twause of oiir free ay of life. j refused to approve other anti-race proposed constitutional amendment 43t ).m. Color Spread "Salute to Baseball." by tome of base- m,xln biUl Bd t law a j which sill be voted on in a special t uIj tnp name including Roy Campanella. Willie Mays, logi btr which grew out of the rioting. She has said she will seek readmission next fall. The "take your choice" meas ure was enacted by the legislature during a. recent special session as ra, Em feller and Commissioner ora l. rnca. :M p.m. Alcoa Hour Even the Weariest River", starring Franchot Tone and Boris Karloff; the story of a triple tragedy which marked the demise of the town of Weary River. 10:t p.m,-Loretta Young Show Frank Love joy and Alan Hale riar In "Ca?e I'S", story of a loyal friend who saves a maa from self destruction. . KOIVTV SUNDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL I): 12: St a.m. Front Row Center 'The Human Touch", itarring L'tsa Kirk and James Daly. Aa artist face the choice of a career or upholding ber principles. .m Telephone Time "The Maa With The Beard": A Story kid in 19th Century Massachusetts, about the persecution of man who wore a beard whea his fellow townsmen went clean shaven. . . r- TV.'. Ti. Hf ,-. TJ UiH..J .1.... i:vc p.m. u.C .inrdUP" aiiau m me Miflii . Miwum ymj a staunch, hard working citixca who to mistakenly arrested for theft. 10:3 p.m. rirst itua ineaire ine unnoiy rour : starring ' Paulette Coddard. KLOK-TV SL'NDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL 12): 1:15 a.m. How Christian Science Heals "The Lame ShaQ Walk presented by the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massa chusetts. J:3t a .m. Imperial Theatre "Toto The Sheik", starring Toto, Tamara Lees, Laura Gore and Ada Dondinl. Toto, the valet of a 5 nuns Marquis, loins bis master ia adventure in Africa with the I orei?n Legion. . I H p. nu Portland Junior Symphony. 7:38 p.m Famous Film Festival "The Clouded YeDow", star ring Jean Simmons and Trevor Howard. A story of mystery and suspense of a young girl whose fear-clouded mind prevents her from clearing herself of a murder charge, and of the man who does clear her. 1:M p.m. Coronet Theatre "The Three Points" starring Mas simo Girotti and Tamara Lees. Sicily in the year 1(70. A military tribunal tries a Bourbon accused of conspiring against the Italian troops. SUNDAY'S TELEVISION KPTV. U1K 87; KOIN TV, VHF I: KLOR, VHF U I jLR 89:08 88:U 88:J8 98:48 KOIN-4M las - ChureB of the Air 13 11 KPTVl tChrlstophert IChrlitophers KOIN.Lamp to Test Lamp to Feet (Lamp to Pert LamptPcct KPTV!Pl.lnct,0ll M iprlnctton M I On Person (Your Trouble' KOIN'iWt sjellevo We Believe BII1 Hlckok (Bill Hlrkok KL0R jTest Psltcrn (Tet Pattern (The Pastor 1 KPTVl r.lth for Todayiralth for Todayprhts Is Life IThls Is Ute 1 KOINI Liiht to Feet Uht to Feet IFront Row Ctr IFront Row Clr " KLORrjeMed Wind. LIhted Wind. IKcl. T. H. Mtg lRel. T. H. Mtg. I IPTVIwtd World IWIdsWorW WWt World Wld World I. K01N front Row Ctr. rront Row Ct. Adwnturo lAdrenlurt 2 - KPTVl Widt World Wlo World Two Grind llndustry KOINI Lono Rannr ILorM Ranger ISunday Ntws ISumtar News piynw. irion. piynie. "KPTVIWidt World KLOR! Cr. Ols Qpry IGr. OH Opry IPtw. 3KPTViDr. Bpock . IDr. Rpoek ITttacourst Tieour KOINI rlephont Time Telephone TtmolYour Carter Your Csreer ; KLORlPtow. Plyne. Plon. Plyhie. lmperlil Thet. Ilmperlel Thee. irKPTVIcieoKld ICIscoKid IColor Ipresd IColor Spread nt vi .-....( rii.i.. irrlend PHeka IGreit Deds'ns (Great DeeU'as R1.0RllmTenl Thea. llmperHI Thee. Bmperlel The. Imperlsl Thee. 5 7 X jAbbnnia La Give: Parents Freedom 0. Choice in Sdicol Segregafion Dispute must hasten to equalize and im prove all school facilities so there can be no charge of discrimi nation of any kind." Here's how the law would work: Before the start of each school year, every prospective student would apply (or admission, signi fying his choice of segregated or integrated classes. Local school boards would know in advance what to look for. Hare explained, and would designate one or more schools for mixed enrollment. The legislator emphasized that the law was designed to comply with the Supreme Court decisions but on the theory that "forced integration violates the U. S. Con stitution the same as forced lnge gration." "The court didn't say there must be forced integration," he ob served, "it simply said there can be no compulsory segregation. Who can complain if he is given what he has freely chosen?" Alabama already has a school placement law aimed solely .at keeping Negroes out or white schools by giving local boards al most unlimited authority to assign students to classes. But Hare said a similar Louisi ana law has already been held unconstitutional. legislative act 10 give parents a statewide election Aug. 28. freedom of choice' in sending its purpose was to put the con their children to segregated or inte-1 stitutional amendment into opera grated schools. Ition immediately upon ratification.) It would recognize mixed white since the amendment itself auth-j and Negro classes, now specifically j orizes the legislature to act and : prohibited in the state constitution. isn t sell-executing. Like the act but no child would be compelled : signed today, it authorized "free to attend school with students of dom of choice" schools, the other race. j But the sponsor. Rep. N. S. Hare Thus it could lead to a three-way of Monroe County, said the new school system segregated for j law will work without the constitu white and Negro, and integrated t tonal amendment. He contends for both. j that the constitutional ban on But it applies only to grade ! mix, f"001 nich woull be re school and high school students I P1 by the amendment is dead and does not affect institutions of anyway because of the U.S. Su higher learning such as the I'ntjP""0"1 Integration decrees, versify of Alabama, where rioting I . ! 11 Purel? volun'ry recently greeted the enrollment of , P'B-, ne explained ' it oilers an the first Negro itudent. Autherine i "PP""""" f nyeaom oi cnoice Luc. .. iw me type a school the parents t.ur . Wrt from lh.!WB u,e,r. n,.. ena. v ai iua wu.i vi otsv siiw rvmvu Feb. and later expelled from New York Pushes Anti-Noise Drive NEW YORK I - New York's anti-noise campaign Is' clanking along. Needless horn blowing hav ing been disposed of, the Commit tee for Quiet City ia now out to get: "Garbage can rock and roll, manhole-cover clatter, caca phonous automobile exhausts and that particularly inexcusable rack et produced by eager-beaver but and truck drivers who thunderous ly rev up their motors whenever they have an audience." KVAL TV, VHF 13 EUGINI: VAL-TV, Channel 13 (Sunday): !: an. Orel Roberta: 1:M a.m. In God We Truit; ll:te Thu ! The Life: 1I:J e m. Lighted Window; M:M ween Chim. pionshlp Bowling: p.m. Wide Wide World with "In Punult of Hap piness" live pickupe of leliure time activities around the country: l:M p.m. First-run Theatre omenta Johnny WeissmuUer and Buster Crabbe in 'Swamp rire :tl J Your Career; 4:J p a. Sunday Spectacular with "Salute to Baetir a SO-minute- program presenting "the greats" of baseball history: (:M s m. Mrtt the Press: t:3S mm I Spy; pm. It's A Great Life; 7:34 p.m-Waterfront: ' t.H p . Grand Ole Opry; S:H Surnrlse Theatre: t:J pea, Famous Play hnuu1 ISae a mm Lnretta Ynunf Show; S;J a nir Sunday Showtime with John Barrymore. Jr.. and Free ton Foster in "The Big Night tion and preference. "It furnishes a workable way to maintain segregation. It is not anti-Negro and it is not discrimi natory." Of course. Hare continued, "We Folsom. in signing the Hare bill today, said "it's a down to earth proposition we can all work with. This is not a force bill. We down South object to force." liPftfSTAR GAZER! AM. 30 4.S-14-W AM II A I MAY II ma MAY S JUNC22 CAMUS V110-14-1M1 v3 y14 m 3-17 M rVIV64-71 vaoa -Br CLAY K POLLAN1 Tour Ooify ArnViry Gvidt K JT According to (he 5ori. . To develop message for Sunday, rood words corresponding to numbers or your lorjiac Dion sign. I tvenifie 3 Oon't 1 epect 4 Look 5 Up Seinw 7 Don't I Jump Good 10 Good 11 Inter 12 To 13 Keep 14 Old ' 15 Concisions 45 II - 16 Nm 17 Much II Hunch 31 32 Tongue 33 Move 34 Poy 35 Good 36 Fnendl 37 No 31 A 39 Rene 40 (Xd 41 Endrne 61 And 62 Need 6 Some 64 Or 65 Epecl 66 At 67 None 61 Wished 6s Pnvote 70 Heart 71 Proposals OCT. 24 NOV 22 7. Hll 5T1 to2J44-89'4U If Vie 20 From 21 Your 22 . 23 BtntlKiol 24 Aik 25 le 16 To 27 Could 21 To 29 Oomettic 30 Atk , 42 Settlements 72 Ovenpend 43 iKome 73 And 44 Watch 74 One 75 Encttino 46 Or 76 Monert 47 To 77 Matter 48 Entertaining 71 On 49 The 50 Favors SI 52 Off 53 Favor 54 To 55 II 56 Tt 57 You 58 Talks 5 And 60 You 79 tecsme 10 Comet 11 It 12 Be 13 Lusuriet 14 Deliberate 15 Independent 16 Promised 17 Today II Unexpectedly 19 Cool-heodedi 90 Angry . ST 11 OCT U &042-74 SAOITTAaJUS DEC. 22 -1I-27-34CH CATtKOaN DEC :4 P4.J750-S9, IJAN II ISMS fei i Siz. 4T-Vf 23-26-29 BI-09 76 Good Advcne t) Neutral mas I 20 1- M8-7J-75 "iPTVlcolor Spread RDINlpUvhauM - 11X1R Super Circus IColor Spread IColor Spread IColor Spread (Playhouse IClty Detecttva City Detective Super Circus Supet Circus ' Super Circus I FT V Drew Pesrsom (Newsmaker (Secret ftl lieeret Tue . r H IN You Are There (Tou Are There ILasele Msalo tLCSionl Pohertt Oral Boberts Pout, ralrfta IDoug. FalrbtS "tPTV Crest LUs Crest Ule Jtoy Bogeri Roy Rolen It 01 V! Private Bee'y (Prlvste See (What's Mr LlnelWaafl Mr Ltae 1 1 n'n i.krf tor It'll Ataed for Itifsmoiis films ffsmmis films . "KPTVIcapt CaUant (Capt Gallant Next tl Hr. Next k Hr. . wa rKulltvaa lEdSulIlvan Hil l u sullivme . .- tLCBIramnus films If amnus films fsmous films (Tainout films 13 n "KPTVI Aim Hour KOI!r..Thestre ILORI Mx-k Am. Hr. lAleoa Hour lAlcoa Hour I Alcoa Hour C-I Theatre -Alt. Hlttrieock lAlt llteheeek Mark Am. Hr. IMark Am. Hr. Mark Am. Hr. KPTVlLoretU tounf ILoretU Youns Cham. Bowllns ICham. Bowllns KOINI 14 000 ChalL S4.00 ChaU. list Sun Thest Hit Rua Theet ELORI Coronet Thea. Coronet Thee, Coronet Tnee. sroronet Thee. KPTVjMeet the Press Meet the Prest I KLORl I I SUNDAY'S RADIO Iq u'liei KOCO 14M SOAK MIS KOIW tS ROW K ISX I1SS "aiilTMeiacrelee - ROIW Wl.lj SX .lj ROW ISO N:M Mill M:4S K.W 4 :1 Caarck Hyuu 7 ROIN :! Cknrtk of Ue Air Welody Journ ylMelody Joum'ylMusle IChurch Bellj OIM News-B. r USS'lvews-K r eei'tnurcn m wiwm v h HOW Bsdio Pulpit Radle PMlnlt Bntlsl Hour i '"in nour SIX isme Com. ironcert Hall ook to Skies I God St Country SBI NTbons'e BapUstlSalem Acad. CMH O Mime K-H Club hi.Ai Wilile Cub Willis Club MHS Inv. Learn ln. Learn miis. (or Sua. Mot for Sua. Kf.X Bible Study 'Bible Study KSI M Bible CUss Bible 'Class imi(0 Mus for Sun. Mus ft Sua. I i.AK RoberU "rssei imiiS Jfwuh , 1th M . 8sndin Hr. kr X Quaker ..jnr Bsrk to Cod Nsiarene Ser. Willie Cluo Sail Lake Tab Mus for Sun. iLisht Life Back to God Mus. lor Sua. Wiffls Club Salt Lake Tsb. Mus. for Sua. Lint h Life Rnberts Orsan Muile Scandlnae. Hr. lluakrr Hour k -1 M Christian Set, I Kim O Pmuvtertaa rreiovteriaa 1 SLAB Hit Rrrue "it ' , mus St. franc. Hr. Top ef Week I k'." Musle for Sua 'Muilr for Sun 'Miair for Sua.iMuslr for Sua. Sews-Brsnoh Brsnch Brsnrh Brsnch Voice of Proph I Voice of Proph. Or(an Loft Drsin Loft Wallle Club Waffle Club IPIeasure IPlewmre Scandinae. Hr. Scandinae. Hr. Chooen People Home Dernsfr prank St Irn ttiPsufai'rord Manh. Met. Snnt to Rene, Hit Revue Hit Review IWorld Affairs World Affairs lm Join Nivv km i first Baptist an A ( Cslvary Bipt, Ruin Svmphonette P'.vr Church Berv. HI ews-Brsnch SUM () SOAR I ROIf 1 m.vr ' III Concert Mln'tr First Bapiist Calvary Bapt Bymphonette rhurrti Ser. Braneb first lethodistiftrst Methodist first Baptist first Bsptlst Cslvary Bapt. Science Church per. iBrsnch Cslvsrv Bspt. Wsshlnftnn Church Ser. (Branch 1 2 3 KSl.M K rrar ROIS ROW RKX RSI.M KOI O OAB ktilS .W REX ' RSI.M kOCO KGAI KOIH anw RIX News World News News Forelsn Aff'rs Niws-MrmltoT Mus. fidelity Squad Room Bun. MaUneo Serenede Percy raltb Monitor Revival Hour Aftn'n Mehtd. Sun. Matinee Sun Serenade Univ. Iiplor. IMfinltrtl IMus. fidelity Squad .nom Sun. Mstinee Sun. Serenade Percy rail Monitor Revival Hour loha Steele Sun. Matinee Bun. Serenade News-Hosp'I'l Monitor Prophecy John Steele Bun. MsUnee Sun. Serenade) iTIty Hospital pMnnltor Prophecy Heart Beet Th. Sun. Matinee Sun. Serenade Bob Crosby Vonltnr IMus. fidelity ubL Proa. Sun. Matinee Sun. Serenade Percy faltb Monitor Revival Rout AfL Melod Sun. MaUnee) Bun. Serenade 'Phllhirrnoole Wonllor Greatest Story Heart Beat Th, Sun. Mstinee) Beren. News News Monitor Mus.fldellty VubL Pros. Sun. Mi'lnee Beren. Newt Perry faith Monitor Revlvsl Hoar Aft Melod. Sun. MaUnee Bun. Serenede Philharmeeue Ponitor Greatest Story Crime flsht'ra iTrtme f tfht'ri Teenase Tunes Teenaae Tunes nun. bcrenaae nun. Serenade Philharmonic Philharmonic Meet the PretaiMeet the Press' Billy Crshsm eStlly Graham City Editor Teenaee Tunes Sun. Serenede Philharmonic Sen. Neuber(f Billy Graham Cltv Sdltor Teenate Tunes Bun Serenade Philhirmonle iMonltor iRIIIy Grahtm KSl.M OCO . KGAI .HOIS RKX KSl.M 5KOCO kOAB KOIS K(.W - RSX KSl.M r RflAI yw KfX KBI M KOI( K.W arx Aft Melod Teenaee Tunes Publ. Service News-Bea , Monitor HI ftl Mnfnnt( World Window Teens re Tunes Sen. Morse tdsar Berfes Monitor iHieh IMennonite Hr Mennonlte Hr Teenate Tunes fTeenafe Tunes Sundown 8ere.lSundown Sere, unr Bergea Edfsr Bersea Monitor Monitor (5e to Town Mus. "Cr. Sea News U Never Rnowit.uthersn Hour ulhersn Hour Teenste Times rTeenase Tunes ITeenate Tunes Teenafe Tunes sunoowa sere. Eunaowa bere. 'Sundown Sere). Sundown Sere. rlnllyw Musle Hollyw. Musts CBS Newsr'm CHS Newsroom News-Monitor Monitor , Ihlrley Themasi.hlrleT Thomas i own meriina- i own aeenn Town Meetlnj Town Meeting Wilt Winrhell IFront Pure Bob ConMdlne "News Teenste Tunes Teenste Tunes jr senile Tunes Teenste Tunes Sundown Sera, Sign Off. 1 I Miss Brooks Miss Brooke- I tor Monee 1 for Mrmev B inf. In Sound Blot:. In Sound Blof . In Soun4 Pln. In Sound lrew Pearson Jimmy fidiet Many Thines iTBA i e KSI -HI .nil i.vr Krx "SUM I ROIN " K.W Qkhx Merrtorv Room Memory Room Pearson Musle Dure. MeredlthlBurf. MtredlthlOuntmnke Uunsmoke opinions opinions Amer ronrm Amer Industry fTmrel Tsm Growlnfpalnt iGrowInf Pslne Music B CunnlnehamlNewa KVell st Work face Katies I race Nation Juke Be JurylJuke Box Jury wuaie rrn. v mill rest M US INI Mwi. H'diinea V tt O fortjm'W. of O foromirslth tn Timed News Dave Hoes IPeare In ValleylPeace In Valley juat ux7irfuv eurjiTount ideea ITount laeae Musle feet Muitc fest Meet Preet Meet Press Rath Ruhlmea Rath Ruhimen lirsel Meeeste ilarsel Meesei Decision Ipeclslon Sun Nile Pin, Mi Memeys Rich. Renorte Vets' Newt final Luitioa flneat Muets fWlnrt of HUnl'Winrs of Hllnf rnua. orrn. iphiia. orrn. Caih Hour Cath Hour Revival Time Revival Tlnve 1 1- srofC y-hlla. Orch. IPhila. Oreh. (Must MldntWt Must Mldnrkt S ews Nlihtca C ity council city Council t Jjuiif iataiaaaas aUilf toTSJiase rati! LatSS City Council Paul Cars an Premier Sunday' Cross-Word Puzzle -IsURd Intha Atlantic Chopper 10 Asido IS Start drama It River in England SO Call forth 21 Supply food J2 Grain of Astatic civiliza tion . 2 J Dissolve 84 Untwist 23 Wroni- doing 2 Pot 27 Formal retraction 2 Jot 21-Evil 33 Feast 1 34 Dwarf 36 Ceaso J7 Counter irritant 40 Able to contain 41 Piaifuo 47 Beetle 4 Defact 60 Japanesa aaiih Si-Holy M Ooverm -S3 First Caroen S3 Soak BwOBIZONTjU. 87 Ntat 68 Celery. lika plant 69 Alarm . 61 Expres sion of rrief 53 Sinjla unit 54 Threat ening 6 Mountain In Greece Cs Restored 70 Mythical bird , 71 Running away 74 European bird 73 Breast work 7 lndit;o plant ; " 80 Bril- ' liancy 85 Danish 84 To decree 8 Ornamen tation in Roman 80 Even I poetic) t-Forfeit 83 Stereo typed phrase V-Kiln Tount; oyster 7-Mulct 89 Definite attic la 100- Color 101 Lubricata 103 Propor tion 104 Register again 107-Loafer lOSS-ScolT 110 Scotch cake 111- New Zealand edible mollusk HJ-Link 117 Torrid 118 Long, this cigar (var.) 122-In the fork 121-Cspital of Oregon 125 Decree of Sultan 127 Wild goat 128 Alone 129 Likeness 130 Ob- ' server 131 Verbal 132 Cutting 133 Rule 134 Alluvial matter 135 Joint or stem 1 Collec tion of tents 2 Layer of Iris 3 Cotton pod 4 Remedy 5 Wading bird 6 Avoider 7 Contrived 8 Piece out 8-Teller 10 Hedge sparrow 11 Common level 12 Monks hood 13 Give claim to (law 14 River In England 15 Outlook 18 Cheerful tune 17- AsintiC . tree 18 Twelve month 28 Enned 30 Drinking vessel 32-Jot 34- Poor 35 An Indo Chinese language 37Whey of milk 38 Evade YIMICAI. 39 Claw . 41 Appear " 42 Tendnled plant 44 Missile 45 River of France 48 Sidled 48 Reserve 51 Cutting into amall pieces 54 Son of Jacob 55 Contemn 56 Vehicle 59 Range 60 Diving bird 62 Slow moving person 65 Macaw 67 Muddy deposit 69 District in Oahu, Hawaii 72 Fastens 73 Monkey of the upper Nile 75 Arctic 76 Fra grance 77 Printing term 78 Dancer'a cymbals 81- Mature 82 Asiatic country .. 83 Refrain 84 Penetrate ST Quote 89 Stir up 92 Aster- aceoua plant 84 Trusted 94 Treason 98 Mint t00 Suggest ing 102 Seasoned 104 Plant of Peru 105 Card game 106 Suit of card 109 Funda mental 112- Sluggisl 113- Keg 114- Drug plant 113 Yarn 116 Dash 118- Skin of calf's head 119 River in Spain 120 Head 121- WheeI pin 124-Self 126-Fish delicacy 19 2 11 11 41 52 5 b4 15 as 91 103 Hi ill IS 19 7t H4 4S 17 IIS 10 ft 6b 40 SI 54 WL H5 in ift 104 41 4 II I! 61 lib 1Z 110 24 W. 1 55 60 94 111 25 50 105 77? 42 So bl 100 I2S IW l4 iZ bl 1 89 9T Zb SI V7. ya 14 80 11 14 VA 4 5b 81 lob III si 101 112 22 it 45 b2 VA 102 KOI lb Zb 51 bT n 44 b5 to 82 119 45 83 120 16 4b 64 121 (Answtra sn Pigs 23, Sec 3) Bsc to Schoo r ror Brid e ' Vt. v ' til m -) t J , '. i 'ti ; j . i -;1 ; J, Mnrript n 11 SANTA PAUU' Cdif-Mrs. Batty Sue marries T ,J Holl.d.y, J, talks to her husband, Robert J. Helladay, II, in her eighth grada classroom as she prepares to resume) studies after a two-day honeymoon. They were married Tuesday with tho permission of Betty Sue's mother, Mrs. luthor Evorly. Bridegroom is a service station attendant and part-Nmo evangelist. (AP Wirtphoto). Itf0an Cnnrr lONDON-Tho Duke of Edinburgh It Ieep5 VeOnirOI ,h0wn al controls of a Blackburn mill, tary rranspot piano a faw minutes beforo fire extinguisher burst and filled cockpit with choking fumes. Tho Duko man aged to keep control of tho piano and land it perfectly 10 minutes later. Blackburn can carry 94 soldiers or six and ono , half tons of freight. (AP Wirtphoto). - 1 ft ,ti;:- I I J at il " s-y, y y, ' t 1 I ... . ) L XVI I I X V If' is II If I ' s - Confer on Form Bill r"l? of Agriculture lira Taft Benson pose for photographers ia the Prtsidenfs offieo here Saturday, at they start confers net on tho farm bill. Eisonhowar has not detcidtd tho fatt) of th bill. (AP Wirtphoto. '1 - J ii j - to -i. t. 1 1 -sae . Vfj , t -z-'i-'t-rA h ,'i aV " r . . t 4 J V ' 4 tT at fcat .a? aiWa l5l'Or vict -president of rht AFl-CIO, wears turban Rin Hnn4 (nr ArllnS TAMPA, Fla.-h't a big hand that greeted Adlal Stevenson and floral decoration in tho Uiy I1UIIU iwr MUIUI whn ho arrived at fish fry Friday. Junior Chamber of Com- villagt of Paridbab, ntar I mtrct drtamtd it up and Olga Arenas presented it. Adlai and rival Esfes Kefauver both ap Ntw Dtlhl recently. (AP peered at avtnt, but did not moot. (AP Wirtphoto). Wirtphoto.) om U J WfArHfN MKIAU m LeenmeHie A i Je-t-J iTTi V T m aaA. af aV tBSsaeMeaataSl r . Ii. . i S I aa fill iiiy it tttt- -vwnnuff BU 1 (jtfir SKiafi High fmpfaliiM Cleared munist Party Saturday offici ally admitted innocence of UJJ. R nt Dnn NEW YORK-Bain it expected Sunday for New England, middto ' Traicho Koslov, former do- ',u 00,1 IVUI11 Atlantit states, Ohio and Tenntssot Vallty, Culf coast, ctntral puty premier and party sec- Plelrj,end Rockies, and California. Snow It forte est for northern New England and upper rotary, who was txecuted in Great Ukos. H will bo cooler from Groat lakts ft) Texssj warmer from southern flatttn 1949. (AP Wirtphoto). through Montana. (AP Wirtphoto).