Statesman. Salem. Ore, Fri., April 13, '33 (Sec 1 ? Cancer Fund Collectors to Visit Stores Salem tmsineumen will be asked to contribute ta the 1958 Cancer Crusade Saturday as the down town drive gets underway.. Richard H. Fidler, chairman of the downtown section, announced Wednesday that 30 to 40 volunteer collector! will visit local businesses Saturday and again April 21. Firm employes will not be solicited individually, Fidler said; just the businesses. A similar campaign was field a year ago. Letters are being made to busi nessmen rtpaining the work of the American Cancer Society, Fid ler said. Marion County goal in the 1958 drive is $10,000. Workers in the downtown drive will Include members of the Salem Business and Professional Women. Willamette University students and other volunteers. 'The Truth About Cancer", a book describing the disease, is currently on ale at Meier L Frank's, Fidler said: all proceeds;, trill an. fn (Via Amnr;,..,. r.nnjr fcociety. Movies on cancer will be ahowa at 7:30 p.m. Friday and 2:30 p.m. Saturday at the Mi-ier k Frank store. The films will be shown again at 7:30. p.m. April 20 nd 2:30 p.m. April 21. Tti ia haw I laak 4 mf 33th awrk d.y. Cam in aad Ma m M my 0r'l 25m anaivarsary. Dr. Harry A. irawa Salem Man to Head Oregon Broiler Unit Cornelius Bateson. Salem, has been named president of the newly formed Oregon Broiler Growers Association. Other officers w,ho will assist Bateson in managing the association are John Dixon, New berg, vice president, and Dclbert Stutzman, Aurora, treasurer. The secretary' post was left unfilled until the first annual meet ing being planned for June. Direc tors include Dave St. Johns, St. Paul; William Martin, Milwaukie; B. J. Rogers, Springfield; Melton Clark. Corvallis, and Kenneth Flan agan and Don Norton. Portland. Industry source indicated Thurs ' day that formation of the broiler association deals a setback to plans for merging the Oregon Hatchery Association and the Oregon Poultry Improvement Association into one group to represent the entire poul try industry. Broiler men believed that each segment now will have its own orgapization, then work on industry-wide matters through a strengthened Oregon Poultry coun cil. ... - Vv;7, MKT- ' - SAVE ME Dr. irawa lavtrat yaa la a hat hWfkday party la cabbrara a f.narirlaa af batman m Salaai. I want my fftawai aad Maa an ra kaaaM fkraafh aw ntccata m talam. Ta prava M, I kaaa may aH will cama aad laa far M. Diaataadt will a. ma haadbjia faarara af rka Srh Aaarrartary Sala. FUirt far thit avaat atartad lit bl af laa) yaar, wkaa Dr. Irawa trtvalad aatantivarf Ihraafk Earaaa, vttitiaf ma Jawat ry, Diamaad aad Wtrtk taatart af ma warki; iailuai Lawaaa. AmDwium, Gaaava, Park) aad Naw Vara. Dariaf ma trip ka wda tr.maaaau. aarckatai diract fraat ma awavfactwan aad diamaad tartar. . BUY NOW FOR GRADUATION, MOTHER'S ' DAY, FATHER'S DAY, WEDDINGS, ETC. NOTHINO DOWN, EASY PAYMENTS GOLD RINGS Birlhttene Rings . Emblem Rings Signer Ring Hundreds to Choose From At Much Ai 72 Off Buy Now For Graduation, Mother'! Day, Father' Day Gift PS) R Girl Scout Delegates Call On Governor Oregon's delegation to the 19r Senior Girl Scout Roundup at Pontiac. Mich., received the of ficial blessings of Gov. Klmo Smith Thursday when two repre sentatives called to brief the chief executive on the first large-scale national camp ever held by the Girl Scouts. . Gov. Smith requested the Oregon Girl Scouts to carry with them plenty of material extolling Ore gon's beauties ' and advantages- along with the Oreson state flag which has been lent to them by . Secretary of State F.arl T. New-j bry. The camp is scheduled for , June 29 to July 11. ! Representatives, of the Oregon delegation who visited the governor were Beverly Minqler ana Arlene Itybloom, both of Salem. New Costume Jewelry Special Purchase Necklaces, Pins, Earrings, Bracelets XvjT ' a for 1.00, -Pilots Sponsor Scholarships for Youths in CAP Srvpral vouth schoIarshiDs to the Salem Civil Air Patrol will be; sponsored by the Salem Pilots' Association, it was announced this week. At a recent meeting the Pilots i group agreed to sponsor a schol-1 irship immediately and srve I more, including a summer train ing encampment scholarship, Li .er. t , The CAP is an Air Force auxi- j liary for boys and girls interested In aviation. ! SILVERWARE Rogers 1847 Holmes & Edwards ...... Community 1881 Rogers TttOII Tea Sets Silver Plated Vi Off hiiltiilteiiltiGq See and Select a WURLITZER PIANO Thousands are doing it, you can tool I RENT or BUY for as little as $3.77 a week. lessons individual or group available . . Phone 25!81 roue MANO COMPANY 1280 State St., Salem, Ore. 3 ff k DUiMira vi Yai linf im Va Ct. Diaawatl timj QQOO MO 00 VtUa . W Ct. Diinaai 400 00 Vtlaa 19900 399m I Ct. Diamaa 100 00 Valaa .. ....U00 7500 ............. T2 ow 14 K OaM WaWt arnSt Q9S l.f. 11.00 ...NOW 1 $0 17-JeveI Vatchss Fcr Men cnJ Women Values to 35.00 LIMITED QUANTITY You won't believe your eyes! These unique Lustre Crown settings moke their brilliant diamonds eppear fwice as large. SEE a Vi carat look just like a full one carat that sells for twice the price. Presented in an exclusive Prism-Lite lock-Set, Lustre-Crown is a beau tifully exciting Diamond Ring exclusive. Prices so low ...their sensational value never before equalled... Low prices, top quality, exquisite beauty make a thrilling Prism-Lite Diamond Ring combination. , rn(l Sale Watches Socoo Up to J Allowed on a New Hamilton, Elgin, Bulova, Benrus, Gruen Sale Fine Watches j YOUR OLD WATCH AS DOWN PAYMENT il'VT P 1 1 J II. UUK ,S ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL ttot In A," I vf Plus ftt 111 SILVERWARE BARGAINS sunn DISHIS laa. I M ,88 MEAT PIATTIRS Traa Wall 21-DIAM0ND Wedding Ring SENSATIONAL VAIUI Threa rowi of iparkltng ditmondi In )4 wlnt or vllow "old niountino. 25th Anniversary Values BINOCULARS 7x50 $200 Value -49.88 1x25 $59 Value.. 24.88 Opera Glasses $14.95 Value 6.95 J 40 DIAMONDS ' 17-J. Fine Watch , w 2 Dia. Benrus Watches g. OQ50 49.00 Sale a7 WITH YOUR OLD WATCH IIOUIAI ttse fain ELECTRIC APPLIAIKfS TOASTERS MIXMASTERS FRYPANS . PERCOLATOR SETS ELECTRIC SHAVERS ELECTRIC IRONS As Much 1 ...... . ... . i As watei pitcheis r88 ' Elc. Clock. $16.95 V.I...5.88 iCGrQL j t ,-v . 3 Man. Clock. $24.50 V.1. 12.88 Mt I ' i StUa, Vh, 1 01.a A.k Tray. C.., WWEV lea. Billfold $5 Val 1.98 ( jVT')' . , t' j ' ' ! sr"'::? ffWyS) gift items Now jgar.-,r-'.."r--- 2" Rvgfej 1 Vihesto .gg ! ,t3Sysror' ..: HraMMfh.. a 88 eg. $tU 7Q23 $5.00 FOiHOUS Moke I i so s.ia I Value -Is Tax sti qui oit take I tlHllfi ' l, , , , T. .. I Watches fcZiTwi mT-. . " J"-;:: Gold Filled Watch Bandt L V .11 y I Grab Bag IjZv . N,wp' . 7 fftr W W,TH Y0U" 010 WATCH 'J'' j : sdie-; 1 Sale iiii'i. i MartkaridiM Mlactad tram ill avar . I V.'.'--..'V- ' ,. - - i,'," : " V''..' ' tha tiara. Vthm la $ 00 caatitriaf Jj JEWELER'S , VI y ,t wtkhH .aw.l,,, itrwar., W 11 X) J SINCE 1926 . BB B fjEl 7 I k talan, lattkar aaadi tad awny may , , ' f 1 M M . f III WmT-9SaX-m ' . l nAyrJ fl u,,ul "if, wi" b i,n l): I (T fllffl f If t ff Cv the firt 25 ladie entering our IU I h. Vk.., SAUM'S OWN CKtOIT JiWiUIS AN0 OMICIAMS .Syy...., -' ' - A. I ,....r OPEN FRIDAY IVt llll P M,r ' ' " "m X f . . . , ' '''' ? . yw-in.,-iiiW .v. . . ' ' , ii ' 1 ' ' i. ax.o. Jt. l aA fi a iiritt ti t -