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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1956)
c. IV) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Frf., April 13, '36 on or h ramps id Swim Effort Doing Olich With Pddm Boxer Faces Theft Charge TACOMA (-Bert Thomai kicked up rooster tails dowa Pueet Found (or nearly nine houri Thursday In hi SattleTacoma swim attempt but finally bowed to tides and cramps jutt abort of his goal. The hffty Instger was hauled aboard accompanying craft at 1:41 p m. off Dash Point. The shelter ing waters of Tacoma'l Com mence Bay lay Just around the corner. Big Bert, affectionately called TTacoma'i polar bear." was whipped by stronf tide and; cramps in nil right leg. Ha vowed Hia progresa after walking Into! LOS ANGELES - Boxer Ray the 44 degree water in Seattle at mond Criego of Denver, who 11 45 a m. wai excellent until fighta a a welterweight under the bout I p. m.. when the tide be-lM" of Ray Creco. was ordered (an changing. j Thursday to appear for arraign- Thomas ia the only man to ever ment in auperior court April 26 try the Scattle-Tacoma iwim. He m three count! of robbery, failed once before. He also tailed Matchmaker Jack Lenard of ..v.r.l times hefora becomlnr the the Hollywood Legion Stadium. wnera ureco is oooaea ror me main event Saturday night, said he confirmed the boxer's identity with the district attorney's office. Leonard said Greco had sever been arrested before and until convicted, will be allowed to fill his engagement, Greco, released on I2.S0O bond, allegedly three times robbed a service station operator, Fred S. Long, of $30, $3S and 130. The robber, Long said, simulat ed a gun, and on his second trip, inquired casually, "got any mon ey tonight?" Long said that while the robber never threatened him, he got "fed up." Last March 17 officers staked out and arrested the al- first man to conquer the suit of Juan de Fuca. . Skin Ailment Pesters Doby CHICAGO W Outfielder Lar ry Doby. who makes his formal Chicago White Sox debut Tuesday, will undergo allergy tests the next few days to determine the cause of chronic skin infection on his tight hand. ' The ex-Cleveland Indian slug ger arrived from Denver ahead suspect. oi ine lounni ran now u navi his hand examined at Mercy Hos pital. Doby thinks he contracted the ailment In the South Pacific dur ing military service ia World War II. The Infection is oa the back of bis right hand, between the index and middle fingers. The skia is broken in several places. . , . if I ' -OvV V ?tit-2 I OCE Pastes Linficld, 9-6 Stayton Nips Cascade, 3-2 (Cont'd front page 11) fence. In the seventh, Linfield added one more tally on a single and three bases on balls. OCE countered with one more run In the etchto Inning on two bases on balls and Wayne Ok born'i single. Also in' the eighth, Linfield threatened again, but the tally was quelled. The Linlields were paced by Don Porter, who got three hits in five trips to the dish, including two doubles. OCE pext plays Oregon U. at Eugene Tuesday. Linfield 400 001 1008 I 0 OCE 000 080 Olx 9 I 3 Schaefler, Scherpf. (S), Meeuw en (5) and Brown. Brandt, Owens (1), Summers (7), Hoy (8) and Oiborn. , STAVTON-(SpeciaI)-The Stay ton Eagles went two extra innings here Thursday before downing the Cascade Cougars J I In their Capi tal Conference baseball clash. The win gave Coach Roger' Dasch's Eagles a M record in loop play. Bob Stewart's losing Cougars now have a 2-1 mark. Bob Weddle's single and stolen base, a sacrifice and a wild pitch by Jerry Pflug brought in the win ning run in the ninth. Weddle got two of Stayton's four hits. Gary Downer had three of Cascade's nine blows, one a triple. In a Junior Varsity track meet here Thursday, Stayton downed Albany High 71V. to S04. Cascade 010 001 000-1 I I Stayton ...... 001 000 001-J ( 1 Pflug and Laccy; Hendricks, Carrick (4) and Smith, Ware (7). Floyd Robins, above, who broke late professleaal baseball as a i year-old last season with the Salens Senators, Is aew patrolllag ee ter field for the San Dlege Fadres of the Coast League, la Wednesday game against Los Angeles, Robinson kit a homer, triple aad double, bat Padres lt. M. Idaho State Bengals Lead in NCAA Boxing MADISON, Wis. - Heavily favored Idaho State maintained Us edge in the NCAA boxing championships Thursday night as the meet's only two defending champions fell by the wayside. Idaho State's Bobby McCuUom. last year's 119 pound kingpin. dropped an unanimous three-, to left held when Sandy Amoros Old, New Freshen Majors Ball Clubs Near, End of Training' By JACK HAND NEW YORK New names! like Don Buddin. Charley Nealj and Ted Kazanski and old family iar names like Hank Sauer, Larry Doby and Early Wynn are in the news Thursday as the ball clubs near home on their long spring training junkets. Washington played a home game' Wednesday night and Cin cinnati and Baltimore showed be-' fore the borne fans Thursday. Over the weekend all major league parks will see action .ex cept in Boston, Detroit. Philadel phia, St. Louis and New York's Polo Grounds. , The managers anxiously await a chance to see how the new! phenoms look against a back ground of double or triple decked stands and how they perform on big league infields. . Owe of the Best Buddin, one of the best of the new rookie crop, already has the good word from Mike Higgins, Boston manager, that he will open the season as regular shortstop for the Red Sox. That leaves Bil ly Klaus, the 1955 Wonder boy, to fight it out with rookie Frank Malzone for third base. Much has been written about Neal, Brooklyn's new second base man. Now it becomes definite that he has chased Junior Gilliam out of the infield, at least tem porarily. Gilliam promptly moved Theyll Do It Every Tim; PPOTECTS LC3 PJRMITUR2 ja"j m p'0 7 PLASTIC r r I 1 fC ?N I H4TS AH' t ? ,7 f R3PEI? .. .. siVT '5 J I !l' 4l m Hi I i r i h i a W'W i - i a w k .. Ml ' " ' V OXLVSTAYA " ' " 50T HOW DOES SHS ' ,fSF0 : B TRZAT EVERYBODY ' t HIS W$Z- V. & 1 ; Jersey Joe Subpoenaed round decision to Chiken (Mike) Maekawa of Michigan State in the first bout of the evening. ' Earlier in the afternoon, Michi gan State's George Sissini, a per petual motion machine, scored a split decision over Max Voshall of San Jose State, who was de fending his 165 pound crown. The Bengals of Pocatello, Idaho the only undefeated squad in the 20-team tournament-ran up six points to stake down first place CHICAGO Iff Former heavy weight champion Jersey Joe Wal cott was subpoenaed Thursday to testify before the Cook County grand Jury Monday concerning bis possible knowledge of alleged cor ruption in Illinois boxing. Walcott. here to plug a boxing movie in which he appears, debat- vzz .;hTetco"m;!sslo,n;,; 1 Mi- r- wjzrm v on and n- hi Radiienda on television Tues-- 01 "e tniver- that he showed Wednesday , uon" wvl1- . ., was injured and hit so consistent ly that he will open in the out field, where he played part of last season. If fans remember Kazanski at all, it would be as the bonus shortstop who didn't make it with the Phillies. He's back again, this time as a second baseman and a regular in the Phils' Tnfleld. Ted, 22, still must prove he can hit big league pitching. Pleasaat Surprise The St. Louis Cardinals have V Achievement Winners Told Local winners have been named in the National YMCA Athletic Achievement Program in which more than 200 Salem boys took part, Dale Dykman, physical direc tor said Thursday. Leading the Salem scorers in the' three months training program is little Wendell Barnett who chalked up 360 points "out of a possible 5U0) in the national contest events which test speed an accuracy, arm and shoulder strength, leg drive, flexibility and general body co-or dination. Other top Salem scorers were: Loren Whittaker 345 points: Corn ell Dyer 340; Phil Brandt 335; David Davidson 315; Leonard An derson 306: James Bauman 304: Dick Carbon 289; Steve Bonnawitz 285 and Mike Kolb 282. The ten high scores In addition to high totals in individual events have been" "sent to New York where Salem's youngsters will be com' SPORTSMAN'S' DIGESTS SINK FLY LEADERS jY I Mf.WC.INE jy going mto .m. Mb.toT .a' . ... . trainine with th hest wnn.W I involving some 50,000 U.S. boys. It Wisconsin was secono wnn lour, " A, : , , .7 ,int. .r,A,. "cofd ' team is the majors. will give us an opportunity, Dyk man said, to see how our boys Brongh Heads WiglitnanUnit Owen Plans Triple Tag Go Leu day night. Walcott was served the sum mons in front of the downtown j theater where the movie is show ing. Jersey Joe portrays a trainer In the movie, which has as Us theme crookedness in boxing. Frank Ferlic. assistant state's attorney, said the action was not instigated by the state commis sion or Radzienda, who had of fered to resign if Walcott would accept his state job. Radzienda is president of the National Boxing Assn. against Chicago's White Sox In! Youngsters compete in the pro sily of Wisconsin ueidhouse was treated to a pair of technical Denver they can be roueh Bi! Bram on tne basi ot tncir n'fint- l7"u" "" " Han followed Slan Musial's horn- e Bno wtl- the 25 bout card that didn t go uarghman i the regulation three round dis-! wv. .1. r.nA r. ...... uu. I tance. Fishing Report: t Matchmaker Elton Owen is planning one of his rare triple tiif team tussles as the wrestling main event at the Armory Tues day night, he announced yester day. . "I haven t tot them all signed NEW YORK W-Louise Brough vef he exolalned. "but I hoDC of Beverley Hills, Calif., Thursday to have Larry Chene, Rickie was named playing captain of thevaldo and Herb Freeman on one V. &. Wightman Cup team which ,jde. and Bull Montana, Pedro will meet Britain's best women Godoy and Tommy Phelps on the tennis players at Wimbledon June 15-16 Other members of the squad will be Shirley Fry of St Petersburg, Fla., Dorothy Head Knode of For est Hills, N. Y, and Beverly Baker Fleitx of Long Beach, Calif. Miss Brough, former national champion and four timet winner at Wimbledon, has played in eight Wightman Cup matches without a defeat Montana and Godoy won a regular tag team battle with Chene and Waldo via disqualifi cation this week, and both Free man and Phelps joined in the wild, post-match scuffling in the ring. Freeman is the outstand ing youngster who recently made his Salem debut, and who Is a I fine weight-lifter. Phelps' first Mini Frv 1 makine tier filth Wichtman Cun aDoearaneo Salem appearance this week lm and it's the second time on the Pd fans that he is definitely team for both Mrs. Knode and m,in 'venter, ai d a rough and Mrs. Fleitx. .tough one at that. Since the series was started in NORTHWEST Surf llihin. .lorn "Walcott made the inference he "orui com h tn ctiient might have Information concern ffi JM '.,'.1' ing Corruption in tne DOXing game ' 8ur perch are hilling t Pacific City. In this county, so our office is 9Um "Mer ' r investigating," Ferlic said. Yanks Edge Redless, 8-7 (Ceat'd frtm page 11) contract Wednesday for approxi mately $15,000, gave up four runs on five hits and six walks in the first five innings, then Jim Owens, who relieved him, was nicked for two more.- Frank Sullivan held the Thillies scoreless for the first four innings but Botman and SmUley broke the spell in the next two frames. thi iMk tnd with food tide condi tion. Largemoultt black ban art bc finninf to hit at Lake Lytic. Good prlns ehlnook Mining haa been re portrd on the Willamette River. The unelt run la (bout over In the Sandy with juat a trickle oi fiih. reported. SOl'THWIST-Slrlped baas angllnf la only fair In both lihmua alough and Coos River. Perch and flounder fiihinf hat been good off the dock and highway bridge at Charleston. Tuning for tnapper. lea trout, perch, and flounder haa been excellent In the crlba In the lower channel of Coo Bay. The upper Rogue River la Intermittently muddy from mow runoff which accrue! during beat of the day. A few Chinook are being hooked and a few are landed in the Granta Pau to Cilice section of the river. Some good catches of yellow and four runs, including a homer. by the New York Giants, in his tune-up for the regular season. Mike Garcia was no ball of fire in his late inning relief work, and Bob Lemon has pulled a leg mus cle. Fielder Beached The Milwaukee Braves, already plagued by Gene Conley's chronic tendonitis, had to bench center fielder Bill Bruton, who was hit ting only .ill. That gave Man ager Charlie Grimm a chance to move rookie Wes Covington Into left Held while replacing Bruton with Bobby Thomson. Unless the pitchufg tightens up. Ernie Banks will have to hit three ijna. nomers every uay w seep tne Chicago Cubs in the ball game. Cub pitchers allowed 207 runs in the exhibitions, an average of more than seven per game. Russ Meyer, ex-Dodger, Warren Hack er and Bob Rush all have been treated roughly. Babe Said Getting Along Quite Well GALVESTON. Tex. I - Babe Zaharias, "greatest woman ath lete of the half century," was getting along "pretty well," John Sealy Hospital, authorities report ed Thursday. She returned to the hospital three weeks ago for treatment of a recurring cancer condition. A hospital spokesman said Thursday that the pain has subsided. About Vjto h of Aony n.y UAOCm END 9HOUL0 MtX; a IT FCOftrS, ITS SHADOW tCARet FHW. PIP HAP ALL OP WET FL LEADER SHOULD SINK vOU'Sd FHSHINS DEEP. A NCV LEADER, OR ONE VOOLfD ONTO REASEO H.y LINE, HAS A FILM THAT RE SISTS SINKINO. IT aUJST BE RE OVEO TO SINK QIHCKLX 'LEADER-SINKS' CAM m B0U6MT M A TACKLE SHOP, OR you CAN FIX , VCHJR OWN MERELY By FILUK& A SMALL MEOCIME BOTTLE WfTH A HOUSBHOLO DETtMENT POWDER. TO USE: WET ftNECRS AND BUB A PINCH OP POtVDESI ONTO LEADER. aa TtUO REMOVES PS.aH, ALSO, BUT IT MAY ROU6MEN THE LEADER. Orioles' Roster Suffers Bonus Players Burden Bench BALTIMORE tl Manager Paul Richards said Thursday oth er club owners are sitting back in "smug satisfaction" as they watch "the Baltimore Orioles suf fering" with four bonus players, but predicted he'd have his In ning later. I wouldn't have one of the bonus players give us his money back and release him If I could," Richards told the Baltimore Sports Reporters Assn. He said Jim Pyburn, an out fielder, and Tom Gastall, a catch er, have shown the most Improve ment of the four bonus players signed last year. But he said the other pair, Wayne ,Causey, third baseman, and Bob Nelson, outfielder, "art more likely to be stars." All of them, he said, still art i couple of years away from be ing major leaguers. The Orioles had to keep them on the roster for two seasons and unable to have them play regularly in the minor leagues because they wert paid a' bonus for signing. Richards' remark about the "smug satisfaction" . of the other clubs was in answer to a ques tion whether he thought there ia any chance the bonus rule may be changed. . In his second year as manager of the Orioles, Richards said he" wouldn't guess where they might finish, but does feel the team "will be better than it was at any timt last year." The Orioles last season finished seventh. Baker High Gets Corey for Coach BAKER, un 'Varney Corey, completing his work at the Uni versity of Oregn for a master's High School football coach. He has coached at Quinault High School and at Grays Harbor Col lete in Washington and was. fresh man backfteld coach at the uni versity. Ken VenturFs Quote Rapped MEMPHIS ult n hope." laid Cary Middlecoff. "that the kid was misquoted. Getting a reputation as a crybaby is no way to start off in golf." The former Memphis dentist, now one of golf's top pros, was referring to reported complaints of young Ken Venturi who blew a four-stroke lead in the Masters Golf tournament to lose out to Jackie Burke. . The San Francisco amateur was quoted as saying among other things that be was "lonesome" and didn't have anyone io talk to on Sunday's disastrous final round. A protege of Byron Nelson, Ven turi had been paired with his friend, but a switch placed him with Sam Snead. 'I can't quite understand his lonesome' complaint," Middlecoff told Memphis Commercial Appeal sports columnist -David Bloom. "It's really ideal to be quite alone and at the Masters the gallery is well controlled. "I can see that he'd have liked to have been paired with Nelson, but the tournament committee con trols those matters. As to his three late starting times, well, I might remind him that I had lour, but (hut's nart rf the. earn Inn " I Were Middlecoff. who won the Masters opt'rnism expressed by veteran last year, finished one stroke in il"?d members hack of Venturi and two behind! The return of Vinegar Bend Cards Foresee First Division DENVER - Members of the St. Louis Cardinals, in a self evaluation poll, Thursday picked themselves to finish in the Na tional League's first division after a dismal seventh-place 1955 sea son. A conviction of stronger pitch ing, added experience for young but Playrs and a better team spirit tne cniet factors for the Burke. Beavrrs Date Pilots Bunn Hearn is in his 27th season as baseball coach at North Caro- 1923, England has won only four T 17 times and hasn't been able W rCTltll L4XC8 break the U. S. monopoly since1 -' British Game . . . Ili a ' j i "i i 7b 1 i J, rch have been taken from Tenmlle Lake. Black baaa have been hittinf Intermittently on Tahkemtch ana Stlteooe lakes. Salmon anglers have been havinn a slow time throughout the Umpqtie.' The river, ia falling and Is fairly clear though some of the kmer tributaries are quite roily. Very few fish have been raught. but some finh are moving over Win chester Dam every lsy. Last winter fitwwlt anrurntlv fhmnmmA Iha ph,r. INDIANAPOLIS W Southpaw arter of several of the more popular Jim Constable wa ked Chco Car-i",nln f""1- rasquel with the bases full and Indians Whip Giants one out in the 11th inning Thurs day to force Rocky Colavito across the plate and give the Cleveland Indians an t-1 victory over the n,,fA,t v I i Iff uia uiema. m r.1"' The game ended the annual JS"k MJlw"uk?' -5r:Prta haviTitormin series be-.e.b5U-d.u ewne to, nUm 'tween the two club, with the In- jiiuiauu wnn a rrvuiuuunury NOaTHEAST rishlng has been alow in the Columbia River due to murky waters. Spiny rav fishing has also been slow in Told Springs reser voir and neighboring sloughs. Steel head have been biting on lower Pine Creek, Eagle Creek, and Powder River, Ladle City League reeultf Thura. Uy: Kay's 14), Hollywood Cleaners Oi: C. t. Miller Co. I9, Bob Uw. less Masons ill; Karr'a (0), Randle Oil 4i: Maater Bread (11, Chuck's niea nouse ui; cupboard Cale I3, Marshall's 11): Dutolt'a Berv. Sla. (4), Good Housekeeping (Ot. High team series, C E. Miller Co.. ISi:; high team game, Randl Oil. 1.011: high Individual aerie. Donna VanDell ot Randle Oil, 873; high In dividual game. Marge tpperly of Du toll's, Jit Other high scores: Phyl lls Curry S47. Kay Krejet 831, Clnny Carbartno 824. Clnrls Whit 121, Barb Smith 81T. rthel Riches 817, Wary Bowder M1-80S, Mary Pollns kr 829. Alma Penny 804, Marg Ep perly Sft4, Velma Stettler S0J, Dot Olney Sua. . t'NrVBRSITT BOWL ? University Commercial No. 1 League results Thursday: Lee's Used ' Csrs IS), Claude's Tsvern II); Lon Osk Tavern (3'j(. Portland Rd. Lbr. Co. f'jl; Western Paper Conv. Co. 14), Earl Malm Tr. Sales (01; Untied Comm. Trav. (41, Remington Rand (Oi: Johnson's Meats (11. Team No. I 11); Erani Bread (',). Osk la guranc )j). High team series. Team No. I, I -SM; high team game. Team No. 8, 80; high Individual aeries, Roy Far ley of Team Me. 8. 608: high Indi vidual game, Tony Prudent of Claude's Tavern. 13S. Other hlih srnrea: Wayne Domes. SOS, Dftv till- lertcb. 888, Tony prudent SSL plan cricket baseball for Britain and for the United States dians holding an 11- edge. Friday the Giants play the Senators in WnaitinnlAi, ...k , 1 . t U - 1 .J 1 helen ATToXVZrlet ith '"e Milwaukee Braves. Journey from Britain. That's why I believe in sports we've got to j Dodgers Wla aopi one anomer s cusioms. me BALTIMORE m Bnnki. r.inn British should bring first class Cimoi( substituted for Duke Snid soccer and cricket teams to he Thursday night and drove in United States and we should bring i five- ,, whi)e tw0 oaseDaii over here." niirher. olen Irvintf In mnlr tha n 1 1 1 im vn iiie iaurnu m City Archers Meet GOLF TOLRNEY CANCELLED PENDLETON Wi -The Pendle ton Open golf tournament, an an nual affair here since 1947, will hot be held this year or next while the Pendleton Country Club builds a new course. f GLAD BULBS 50 for $1.00 MIDDLE GROVE NURSERY The Preakness Stakes is named after a horse that won the Dinner Stakes at Pimllco in 1870. ( Mizell, southpaw burler, from the Army, the progress of third base man Ken Boyer and addition of veteran pitcher Ellis Kinder and outfielder Hank Sauer rew men tion in (he poll. Manager Fred Hutchinson also C0RVALLIS (A - Oregon State will be out to even the score Fri day in a scheduled ore-conference baseball game with the University came in for his share of bouquets of Portland. The Pilots defeated as one player commented; OSC, M, at Portland Wednesday. "Hutch is no softie, but aa On Saturday the Staters have1 'coach Bill Posedel said, ha at elnaiK!nkaeale mnUtiAt ilntw milk AnMan't A dim a t A aBrsWfr ke I Portland Slatt College her- commands it." . Reward! "NAGER" The first 10 persons to un scramble this word will re ceive FREE the down pay ment on ANY item of their choire in our store or equivalent in cash discount (Includes tires eefrlfer stars rentes TV Power Mewsrt ere.) BATDORF'S HOKE i AUTO UZi State Ph. 3-95M . Open Eves. 'Til t P.M. See TOMORROW TODAY at General Motors Flock Wins Race ATLANTA UJI - Fonty Flock of Atlanta won the 200-lap all- convertible Nascar auto race at Atlanta's Peach Bowl race Thurs day night after Darel Dieringer of Indianapolis blew a tire oa the 162nd Ian. Flock drove a 195 Chevrolet, Diennaer a 1855 Butck. Marvin Panch of Gardena, Calif., finished second In a 1956 to Dodge. Don Odenberg "'"'., H. Y. took third ia a I95 Mercury. ' world swing, His object Is to gain reaction to a possible European tour by the Milwaukee Braves and the Brooklyn Dodgers. He plans to be bark in the United States Monday. That's when he will decide ' .,;., a,katl.. It I. .. 4L...U11. I. ; .v.rv.0,u, v .iitii- i, ia ftui UiWIIliC Ml spuil' sor me tour. Brooklyn Dodgers held the Balti more Orioles to four hits for -a 7-J exhibition baseball victory. Chuck Templeton and Ken Leh man each gave up only two hits to the Orioles before 22,548 fans in nippy weather of low 50-degree Tide Table ; tides for faft. Orrfoa (Compiled by U A. Cnast and Geodetic Survey. Portland. Ore) Lew Water - Tim Hisht ft. 1:18 am. -IS 1 41 p.m. 18 8 00 a m. -11 8 31 p m. 11 8 S3 am. -It 8:30 p m. iS 16 81 a m. -8 10:41 pm. 8 11 :M a m. -4 8 April U 1 OS s m. i n pm. 1:48 a m. 8 35 p.m. 1 J a m. 4 ss p.m. lis am. 8 41 p.m. 431 a.m. 5 4a p m. 8 48 a m. 7:4T p m. 7 :18 a m. I 39 pm. 8 ID a m. 8 28 p m. 8 41 a.m. in ns pm. 10 44 a.m. 10 44 pm. tl:3S am. ll:l pm. II !S p m. 11 :H pjo. Hlih Water Tim Heisht Braves Lick Tigers COLUMBUS, Ohio W - Ray Crone and Lou Stealer combined to put the Detroit Tigers down without a hit in the last six in nings Thursday night as the Mil waukee Braves won their exhibi tion meeting, 7 $. in Results of the March team match of the Oregon Bow Hunters Indoor Archery Tourney have been ; received by the Redwing Bowmen of Salem. The Bowmen placed second and the Rogue River ar chers of Rogue River were first. Members of the team for the Bowmen were Bob II inkle, Ed Isaac, Jean Bennett and Bob Nor ton. Hinkle also placed second in the instinctive men's division. The March match-was the final for the winter season. The Redwing Bowmen have closed their indoor range at the Keiter skating rink and are now working on their field and target ranees. The field ranse is located rl... .:!. hAM C.Um am t" lltv llliica iiuiii faicin vn i.o(i Crest Koad in West Salem, and the target range is located at the fairgrounds. The club will conduct a state wide Invitational field tourney here May 20. 81 18 48 48 48 88 48 8 1 88 81 81 84 88 . 8.1 II 84 II 84 SS 84 81 81 4 II -84 11 II -07 in, 1158 p m 1.11 am. . 1:58 pnu -0 I 1 45 a.m. I I 1 M p m. I 41 a m. 1 41 pm. 4 .18 a.m. 4 M pm. 1 28 am. I IS pm. 8 08 sm, 1:84 p.m. 81 81 88 81 I 01 I I -88 14 J. J. CLOTHES SHOP J. Im CShea Now Owner Men's and Young Men's rHew Patterns - Sport Coats vr 35 .5 $2S50 J. J. Clothes Shop, 387 Statu St. Ph. 2-1612 nV 470 SHverte lead A ff tiiic lAirrix run n 1 Visit us at our New Location Monday! j 355H. LIBERTY If IWe will be open Mondays and )) Fridays 'til 9 p.m. Other days t 'til 6 p.m. J? r Shop Our Store This Weekend For Last-Minute Close-Out Specials! Pacific Aulo Supply 1 1I N. Commercial Open Evo. 'til 6 p.m. n ; " I I a X 1 , T" ai I .1 l't v THRIUIN0 EXHIBITS OF SOENTlFIC WONDERMENT PRESENTED IN SUPER PUTURUNERS PLUS THE THRILLING SCIENCE STACESHOW UNDER THE GIANT SILVER AERODOMI 0 BIOGEST EXPOSITION OP ITS KIND IN THE WORLD NOT AN AUTOMOBILE SHOW NOTHING TO BUY o BRINO THE FAMILY TO THE BIG SCIENCE SHOW OP SHOWS THE WHOLE TOWN'S TALKING ABOUT FREE ADMISSION Now Thru April 15th - 2 to 10 P. M. Southeast Section lower Area BUSH PASTURE PARK I Turn en Crest Street from either South 12th er South High Street. Entrance at Creti Street off , Davidson St. Watch for the Directional Arrows. .A A X eV i Af A. A 1 I i