Filbert Cookies With Bananas Aro Novel jtm r hke 1) ihM.niri bj v Cooked" chicken Joint cheese, with the tauce of cream, , n top. . Chicken the French Way Is Appealing Roast thicken eeemt etpecltlly appealing- at thia lime of year, but after K hae been enjoyed, there may be ln overs. Tura tn problem Into culinary tri umph with Chicken ParUiaa. B wi- ZlZi .i.h 'ih. .h r.flcult to make, and here's u in- coffee adds (t to Una lnterestin BieaL nnnitM r awsun I packagea rroien broccoli 1 can rondenerd muihroom aoup H cup heavy cream traspooa coarsely ground black pepper K teaspoon roaemary 1 teaspoon Worceeterthlra eaure . Sliced left-over chicken, turkey or duckling 4 tlicee packaged proceaa American cheese H cup buttered toft bread crumbt Cook broccoli tut!) fork-tender and drain. Meanwhile combine aoup, cream, pepper, roaemary and Worcestershire aauct. Heat, atlrrlng, until smooth. Arrange broccoli la shallow, greased cas serole. Cover with sliced chicken. Arrangt cheese alicet on chicken. Pour sauct aver all. Too with buUertd crumbt. Place la hot oven, 42S degree!, until crumbt art goldea browa, about 10 mis- Utet. Makea I servings. Ccrcsl Make Pia ..ere Gf amorous Whei your menu require a man tlzed dessert, nothing can beat I hot apple pie. But Instead of (err ing the traditional two-crust pit, try surprising your family with lighter tnd even more delicious French Appl Pie. Thii new version U made with a crispy topping of fugar-coatad corn flake that go right from package to pi with no additional weetening needed. Slightly crush the flakes, sprinkle them over tht pi before baking, and presto there t your French accent! FRENCH APPLIE PIS I cup thinly sliced applet 1 1-inch unbaked pi shell cup sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon tablespooni butter or margarine 4 cups tugar-coated corn flakes Arrange apples in pie shell Combine sugar and cinnamon and aprlnkle ever applet. Dot with but ter. Crush Sucar Frosted Flakes slightly; sprinkle over pie. Cover. Bake in not oven U2S degree) about SO minute. Uncover; lower heat to moderate (375 degree) and bake about JO minute longer. Yield: 10-Inch pi. Lemon Sauce for Fine Meat Topper Ram I doubly delicious served with this new tauce, which com bine raisins, pineapple, and lemonade in a apicy and flavorful blend. . The tauce 1 mad with frozen concentrate for lemonade that pure lemon juke, already frozen with tugar, wmcn givet taucet a delightful lemon test and tang. This recipe Is particularly easy; and once you have tried it, we are sur it will be a favorite. Here it ia: LEMONADE FRUIT SAUCK FOR HAM 1 (top.) can frozen concen , . trste for lemonade 1 ctnful water (fill lemonade can once) 1 cup raisin ' 4 cup crushed pineapple 4 cup sugar (or to taste) 2 tablespoon cornstarch 2 tablespoon cold water 1 tablespoon butter 4 teaspoon allspice 4 teaspoon nutmeg Combine concentrate for lemon ade with one canful of water, in saucepan. Cook raisint in lemonade mixture, over low heat, for 5 minute. Add pineapple and tugar. Dissolv cornstarch la cold water and Ur into the mixture. Cook over low heat, itirring constantly, until thickened. Remov from beat; add butter and iplcet. Serv hot over hm. NICE GLAZE Slightly beaten egg yolk thinned with water, will give pastry or cookie thlcy ll. 'J. ft " it ; broccoli and breadcrumbs in Chicken Parisian, which galnt ftvor and mushrooms, nicely tetsoned. The nUture It btted until crisp : Yeast Bread Has Crispy Cereal Remember Uio wonderful thrill ; water. Set in wjrm place (Mt$ of eomlnf home from arheol oa a , drgreeti until double In bulk, about cold day te find the kitchen filled 1 1 hour. Punch fltt down Into dough, with the fragrance of yeast bread, full edget into renter. Turn dough fresh from the even? Thoae still-1 completely over In bowl. Cover and arm altera covered with lata of , let rie again In warm place H0- butter and jam made irom the summer I choice it mint muiiim healthy young appetttea aa bo food ever haa before o since. Homemade bread doei take little eitra time, but It lin t dif- teretting new recipe: OLD-rA-IIIIONrD "WHOLI WHKAT" BREAD 1 cup bite-tlu threaded wheat biscuit S teaspoon salt cup sugar h cup shortening 1 cup milk 14 cupt water 1 package artiv dry yeast OR 1 cak compreised yeast 44 cup tilted all-purpoM flour . Put "blte-tiie" shredded wheat blacult. tak, wgar, and thorten-1 iuywibu AtWKriaiBy Nautical Crew a saucepan. Bring to a boil over low beat. Pour over cereal mix ture. Stir. Cool to lukewarm (torn H decree), stirring frequently. Dissolve yeast la remaining ty cup water. Tor dry yeast, use water it 110-111 degrees (few drop on wrist feel warm). For compressed yeast, tu witer at 10-83 degree (few drop oa wrist fed cool). Stir dissolved yeast into the luke warm cereal mixture. Add flour a cup at a time. Mix well after tach addition. Finish mixing with hand and form into a ball. Turn onto floured board and let rest for 10 minute. Knead until the dough It smooth and elastic. This will take (bout I to 10 minutes. If dough sticks to board or hands. flour them Juat enough to keep the dough from t ticking. Form Into a ball. Wash the bowl. Great it and two 14 S 44-inch loaf pant. Put Af. '.nd tur? It over so top of dough I gretsed Cover with cloth wrung out in hot nPineappIe-Liver Patties Good Liver step out in a new dress in thii receipt for Pineapple Liver Pattic). It' a good idea to serve liver, on of the most healthful of food, in a variety of ways in ad dition to the usual pan fried liver. If you or membert of your family eat only because it ia good for you, do try this simple trick. First pind the liver, form into patties ana Dan atop a cue of golden pineapple. The good fruit flavor penetrate the liver and maket it taste to good. PINEAPPLE LIVER PATTIES 14 pounds liver 1 medium-sized onion 1 eggt, well-beaten teaspoon talt 4 teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons flour 0 slices bacon, partially cooked 0 pineapple tlicet Cover with boiling witer and let ttand for 10 minutes. Removt tkin and veins from liver and put through meat grinder (fine grind) with the onion. Combine ground liver and onion thoroughly with eggs, seasonings and flour. Shape into 0 patties 1-inch thick. Fry bacon for a minute or two, just until it ia limp but not brown and crisp. Wrap bacon around edge of each patty and secure with a toothpick. Lay pineapple slices in a tingle layer on a cooky sheet or shallow baking pan. Place bacon wrapped patty on each slice. Bake in a hot oven (400 degrees) for. 15 to 20 minute or until well browned. Serve 4. SALEM'S OWN! Dutch .laid Margarine 1 n drgrtet) unlU double in bulk. auoui i nour. runcn pougn oown and pull edge into center (gain. Place on floured board. Knead for a short time, about 2 minutrt. Cut dough ia half. Prest cut edget down firmly to teal and form two ball. Form each ball into a loaf. Place ia greeted pans. Cover with cloth wrung out In hot water and let rise In a warm place 5 j . i . . . j . i. , . i r?Lu.m" " "S: ." minute befor loavn hav. fb lidied rising, beat even to moderate I (1M deeees). Bik. on canter rk , 1 hour or until hollow sound is heard when top of bread I tapped. Remove from pan, at one. Cool on a rark or crostwlt on top of bread pant. Maket 1 loaves. mamIa C.w..M J Your "crew" will love every mouthful of thii Old Salt't favor It and you'll be able to spend lest time in the galley. Old Salt't raverite Caaiereie 4 pound quick froten flounder fillets, thawed I tablespoons butter 1 can condensed cream of mush room soup or condensed cream of celery soup Hi cupt water or milk 4 to 4 cup finely chopped onion 1 teaspoon lemon juice 4 teaspoon salt 14 cupt (S-ounce package) pack Dash of pepper age pre-cooked rice 1 box quick-frozen peas, thawed Cheese slice or 4 cup grated t Cheddar cheese. Paprika Cut flounder into small ttrips or cube, and saute in butler S min- Utet. Meanwhile, combine soup, water, onion, lemon juice, salt, and pep per In a saucepan. Mix well. Bring to t boil over medium heat, itirr ing occasionally. Pour about half the soup mixture into a greased 14 -quart casserole. Then, in layers add the pre-cooked rice (right from the box, the sauteed flound er, and peat. Add remaining aoup, top with cheese, and sprinkle with paprika. Cover and hake in mod erate oven (375 ) 20 minute. Maket 4 servings. Note: If desired, remove cover after casserole has baked 15 to 17 minutes and place under broiler 5 to 5 minutes to brown the cheese. Pineapple Proves Handiest Fruit For a festive dessert, drain syrup from a No. 2 can of pine apple chunks or tidbits. Mix with 2 tablespoons brandy and pour over Rineapple chunks. Chill f or S or 4 ours. At dessert time, cut angel cake into wedges and spoon pine apple over cake and top with whipped cream. Pineapple and cranberry sauce combine to make a quick and gay garnish for meat. Measure 1 cup of whole cranberry sauce into a bnwl Stir lightly with a fork to break it up. Add a drained No. 2 can (2 cupt) pineapple tidbitt and blend. May be served immediately. This delicious tauce is especially good with veal or ham. To your favorite noodle casserole, stir in 1 cup of drained pineapple tidbit and 4 cup of fluffed green olives. Bake at usual. Combine equal amounts of crushed pineapple and maple syrup and simmer for 5 minutet. uldiT&id HUNDREDS Of . . . ASK FOR MILES FRESHER AT YOUR LOCAL FOOD STORI .I Friday Night Shrimp Bake; Supper Dish Friday night dinner party ever aluinp you when you ralud mat aome of your gunii wouldn't be eallnf mea(7 Thia Avocado fihrimp Bake It the perfect anr fur turn quandary. It i a real partl fird mala duh, Rmooth tliret of green avocado and curly pink ahrimp in rich eh taute, over rice, are colorful a can be. And you ran prepare the whole thing ahead, 'esrept for tliclng the avocado, to you won't have to be a hualrta who pulls a dlaaimrar. ing act In the kitchen, and miaeet out en all the fun! AVOCADO IHRtMP PAKE 4 cupa hot conked rice Vi cupa before cooking) 1 tahlespoont butter or ' margarine I tablespoons flour 1'4 cupa milk teaipoon aalt cup grated American chert 1 cup it-ounce cant cleaned, cooked ahrimp I large avocado Withlly- prcii rice Into well, buttered 'i by 5' by IVInch loaf pan. Keep hot until time to serve. Melt nutter and blend In flour. Add milk and cook, stirring, until thick and emouth. Add aalt and cheene, and atlr until rheee mrlta. Add ahrimp. Turn rice mold onto plutter and apoon aauca over it. Cut avocado in half and remove aecd and akin. Slice fruit over rice and aauce. Makea 4 to aervlngi. Pink Shrimp in New Supper Salad Most colorful It this supper MW h it. curly pink ah.imn: Sl"" wd11.tom,. "JZaJ ... 1 " . 'hredded lettuce. It sure to whet appetites, especially u you serve anul U. .....1 It with flrst-of-the-teasnn aspara gus and buttered carrots to take care of (lie hot part of the meat. Toast hard rolls, buttered and tiwlnkled with Parmesan cheese, until golden brown to round out supper, and top it off with apple pie. FRIDAY Sl'PPER SALAD 4 cup ripe olives 1 medium-sized tomato 1 cup cooked cleaned shrimp 2 cups coarsely shredded lettuce 4 cup salad oil 14 tablespoons lemon juice 4 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoon pepper 4 teaspoon dry mustard 4 teaspoon celery seed 4 teaspoon grated onion Cut olivet into large pieces. Dice tomato. Add olivet, shrimp and lettuce. Stir together remain ing ingredients and pour over first mixture. Tost together lightly. Serve at once. Serves 4 to I. Cranberry Juice a..--. J ! r ireaiureu in JUUCB Cranberry Juice and cloves pro-! vide a sweet, spicy sauce that adds I special flavor to ham, pork, and veal. CRANBERRY-RAISIN SAt'CE 4 cup brown sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch 4 teaspoon gTound cloves 1 cup cranberry juice cocktail 1 tablespoon lemon juice 4 aKI ArYss-n a waieina .... ' uti tuu, luiiiBisiiu, auu iiurs ; ta. r..j.,.n .i;. i a saucepan, oradually stir in' k i,.; i... 4..; a- cranberry juice, lemon Juice, and ..:.!. rJji. ..... l ... til thick, about ( to 7 minutes Serve hot. CLEAN KALE Be sure to remove all coarse stems when you are cooking kalr, and wash the vegetable well in several waters. Chop the kale and cook It rapidly in a small amount of tailed water, plut a little butter or margarine, until it is tender. r 3r-! FRESH FOR SALAD CRAB MEAT-SHRIMP MEAT Allow Approximately 30c Per Serving Prawns Freth Fillet of Red Snapper Fresh Fillet of Sole Finnan Haddie. W FRESH FRYERS 3 la 4-lb. K(D1 Avg. lb.EU5sJ A rjee dull than preny enough btk with luioout avocado and peechei, to be lerved with tour cream. 6. ! These little farts, made of petal '- VK coarsely broken pecans nd brown tugar for tweetening. They would b a sensation! tweef to serve at an afternoon coffee. Tarts Filled With Coffee Mix When the stage is set for det-1 aert. coffee and pecan peUl Urt. make their entrance, front and center. The tarts' pastry is deco- rative. the filling lixht and fla- vnrfnl AnH Ih. nf fprnhit steaming hot plays a leading role at any time of day. PECAN PETAL TARTS 2 packagct pie crust mix 1 egg cup brown sugar 2 teaspoons instant coffee Few grains salt 1 tablespoon melted butter or margarine 4 teaspoon vanilla a cup coarsely broken Prepare pie Crust as directed on package, and divide, in half. Roll out each half 4-inch thick. cut m mm 72 2-inch circles. . .,, , Place one circle in bottom nf . :. ,,. . each of iz muffin cups. Ar- ...i; ,;i. range 5 overlapping circles around inside of each muffin cup pressing securely. Beat egg just enough to blend yolk and white. Combine sugar, instant coffee and salt and add gradual- ALA KING - Tuna fish on fan u-hon von put it in a cream sauce thickened i with egg yolks and add mush- j rooms, green pepper and pimiento ; to it. - It's Crab Louis Time... Try Thit Delicious FRESH DEEP SEA CRAB 45c OVEN READY HENS r .,-4 . " ; '' , (s for your mceit Friday mghi tauca. The fruit pictured hart Vi.v' ft' - shaped bitt of pastry have a ly to egg, beating well after each addition. Add melted butter and vanilla. Sprinkle pecans evenly Into muffin cup. Spoon filling!" company "" - " over pecans, filling cups not ! pieces of canned pineapple rather ninf In Inn Rait in mnrlrrat oven, 350 degrees F., 20 mm utet or until set. Garnish with whipped cream. Maket 1 dozen. Spring Greens Need New Dress It's getting along toward the time when well be looking to spr ing greens for salads, and that means French dressing. Here is f "l ul ",UM tries CHIEF BREINF.R'S FRENCH DRESSING 1 cup chili sauce 2 cupt ketchup 4 cupt talad oil ' " Vi cup vinegar - 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon dry mustard Vi cup sugar 1 clove garlic LomDine cnui sauce, xeicnup ana saiaa oil. Mir weu. Ada vine- gar, salt, pepper, mustard, and sugar. Chop garlic fine and mix in last. Makes 2 quart dressing, Store in refrigerator. Crab Louit Recipe CRAB LOUIS Arrange lettuce leavet on plate. Heap a generous amount of shredded lettuce and cover with dressingCover with Crab Meat and Garnish with Tomato and hard cooked egg wedges. DRESSING! ..... 1 Cup Mayonnaise 1 Cup Monarch Sea Food Sauce or Chili Sauce Juice of Vi Lemon Blend Wll IMtMHWaMtlHHMN ttnttHINtl Fresh Seafoods! and Poultry PITT'S 216 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-4424J 1L .--1 ' V 4 A 4-. 1 Kit dinner gueiU it Ihit Shrimp Rice it combination of canned peart C N X, filling that takes instant coffee. FRESH FRUT Sliced fresh pears are delightful added to a compote of pineapple ' 0 " "'r.u" ". ,'r"" j . .,r" .'"T. C 'vlM ? " " ,. : ' i le crusnru iruu lur afycmi anre sake. Have the oranges and grapefruit cut into membrane-free j sections. Pit the fresh date and sliver them. Add some maraschino cherries, If you like, for extra pretty color. WEIGHT WATCHERS Cut a baked potato in half and scoop out the insides. Put the po tato through a ricer and mash with salt, pepper and hot milk un til fluffy. Spoon the mashed potato back into the shells and sprinkle with paprika. Reheat in the oven or under the broiler. Garijish with a parsley sprig. Chances are that you won't miss the calorie-rich but ter usually lavished on baked po tatoes! The PRQTEX- protects head to toe-all day lortgl Now it's food-by to colored, chemical-smelling deodorant topi. For new PROTEX Deodorint Soap i WHITE fragrantly perfumed, too. Leaves you feeling so clean, and protects from body odor all day long. PROTEX-Vm utterly new deodorant soap FROTEX sets on contact. Uied daily and ectuvelr, PROTEX greatly reduces akin bacteria that cause body odor. For PROTEX contains MS-9, one of the moat effective antiseptic ingredients known to science. PROTEX- true PROTEX is oval shaped-pure, mild, gentle to most sensitive skins. Perfect for daily bath and complexion care. Get PROTEX today-regular and bath eiie. Gives you dependable protection the whole day through. The Dependable Deodorant Soap J; 'iiasasa tunnt '" J' cue lif'd I'1"1' ' bkH' P"'lf h rup hiniH t tf .ufri nullrd cWoUle H rup rhmi4 fU'ta y lumpoon ih baking la. cup (irmly patted brown ir I tim vanilla I rup ripe matlird hananai I pakage tend tweet tnotoiai . l AIIMa, I m cupt ronlertloner'l tugar t tea'l"""! vanlllt 4 rup buiter 4 rup undiluted vpald milk I Ooum Mtle marawhlno rherriet Sift together flour, baking pwd. r, anda end tall. Cream hutten Ing and tugar together until fluffy. Add eggt en at lm. healing well after ta h, Sur ia vanilla, end melted chocolate. Mil In Hfte4 dry tngresllentt alternately with ban anat. Add chopped rUbert. Chill ia refrliefator I nour. iiuf r taatpoonfuli ont wigreal coukw liQUilBlllilS aT m a A - w mm V.izaaQaaaaj JJ 'JSSm ENRICHED! I wmmJ asow MACUOM aueic wNint auicMOMi UUtONI wou iim tieatoM I Sunday Dinner Special i I Pan-Ready-Hiit up loiorea, rresn H J. II AW n Large lf lbs. I I Plump L II -Each U ) I Limit 2 Please NOW! Body-Odor Protection You'll Enjoy Using! First Dependable Deodorant Soap! beauty soap, too! ioi rr. rc WITH MIRACU MM tivn Mht a I mil ll wnk a thl'k 11)1 Uf t'f fliHllllg. 'l ei hull nmiinMiHi rtieiiy, tut tide d"n, In rnif of troailng t'liMllng -Mll ihiiti.kila bill and buiier tutritMri a'lr bdtkly and riil to iuktwarin Add Vanilla Ulend In toidM tlwwrt' aunar al Irrnaltly wlih vaHK!rd nulk and cra4 Ihorwighly. IYK TO rot.oa. Hlend all dropt af vegetoble fund coloring Into half a tup of tuiar: toread the iiinnr on p4(f ir,d dry at room temper i f. 1 1 k. i ..I A - . - aloft The lightly Colortl ttigaf will look pretty Cok let, tpriiikled on rrp writ tMh ph klrd and tmoked tongue need to be refrtgertted. Try to ue the tmoked tongii within thre dart, the pickled tongue within about (even dayt. Add rt'ed orange rind to par, age vamilt pudding and pi Idling, Krv the pudding over memiirn free sect Mint of fresh orange. Save aome of the araage tectiont for a garnuh. KONOMlCAli tAJY TO ntrAM, miT It' Miy to rv a viritty of tppninng mil wh yaw M PORT! It MkmoiiI products. Their bmtf Ituing Iwwt tp jkiIi n children ni tft tJulli, lt ' km