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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1956)
Statesman. Salem, Ore., Tlmrs., April 12, ofl (See. II)-23 COO Real Estate COO Heal Estate " I COO Real Dtale COO Rfal Estate COO R-al Entate COO Real Estate BoO Automotive 806 Houmi For Sola 806 Houit For SoU 8Q& Houiat For Sold 806 House For Sold 806 Hou' For SoU 886 Hoii For Sale) ISl Ntw Car fl.'O Automotive C.'O Automotive n."0 Automotive Ire. lailpKit Id 111 N. Church St. LET US HELP YOU BUY AND SELL $.4o. TERMS IT DESIRED. Modern I bdrm. horn., with un finished attic, Fireplace, hdwd. fin., Venetian blinds, T. A. oil furnace, double garage. l. lot. with fruit, garden space, low taxes, Washington school dial Aak tor Mn. Lcmm, eve nings 1-liM. , 4.S00. MAKE OTTtn. Older type home I kdrm. Could be used rental or business property, for particular! Hk for Miss Wootten, tvtnmia l-WM, 12,$.V. 4-l'MT APT. HOUSE. I unit completely furnished. Good location, private bathi, Inrom $210 per month, Let ua show you thu food buy. Aak lor Ed Schroder, svsnlngs 1-7124. tfJST lABISrf VtLtACt: CM. fir. apart, rencea Dan yarn Mr. Cheatham evenings 4-SS45. TRADt-D you want to Uvs on in lh. u.ll.ul Ulll nvthln fenced and In permanent pasture. Very nice I bdrm. home hut owner neede more room. Will trade for bigger acreage or farm up to $$.000. CU Mn. Graham. Will sell for $4,000. HOUSE 11 IMMACVtATI and In an excellent neighborhood. BeauUlul corner lot. I bdrm. homo with extra large combined ll ii furnace. Only I yra. old. Owner will tak ofiar for down payment Priced M.JO. Call Mr. DsStrano. A I-OT FOR A LITTLE-ln thU noat mall J's Mrma. NIc living room, fireplace, well-arranged kitchen and breakfast . nook! extra Urge garage. Very well-bu It. One block to cltv . bus. $504 down wlU hsndle. FuU price 41J00. CaU Fred Doertler. 1 ' OLDER 4 BDRM. ON A LARGE LOT-Wonderful for children. Only I blockt from school and city bus. Large Hying room, dining room, convenient kitchen. Nlca yard with lota of trees. Possible lutur. business property. Immediate poaaaaalon. Property In excellent condition. CaU Harriet Ness. 1 HOUSES OK OM LOT -Close In Live In one and rent the other Small houa renta for $300 and U furnlahed. Urger hoiss hu i bdrms., living rm. and dining rm.. new roof. ThU ta g good ivestment at 7.0CO. Call Mr. Hick, to sc.. HOY TODD REAL ESTATE VII State St m... ..,.. n.o..... n.a: Todd Harriet Weal l-3M; Doerfler S Trade Your South End -Lot For This Owners ' Equity" 1 True ranch atyle Red A White bat and boi rd 3- bed room Cheerful birch kitchen-Mae-ter built by contractor-owner. An outetandlng value It $10.- Mfl. IVES RAY MASON. 2-9M1. Real 3A7 N. High 802 lutintgi Property FOR SALE or trade, country firocery store. Attractive llv ng quarters. Write Box Ml. Statesman-Journal. SespoNSIBLE family need! 4 bedrm. home, South. Prefer lease with option. Box $M, Statesman-Journal. loTTt ToTT loutei olo DRIVE BY J4 Hollywood Ave. Stop and the owner will be glad to show you through thia 4 bdrm. all plastered home en U acre of ground. Priced at I9.9K.00. If Inter ested call Mr. Keene at 4-139 for terma, eve. $-407$. C.V.KENT&CO. REALTORS 45lM1 Church Phone 4-2293 TRIPLEX located on Lancaster East unit haa 1 bedrooms, llv lng room, kitchen and bain, hardwood floon F. A. fur naces. Income $135 mo. Room 1 ior another triplex and busi ness bulldinel 131 ft. frontage by 239 deep. Thia is a real opportunity to develop. Call Geo. Painty with Allen C. Jonea. Realtor, 231 No. High, l-SKll. .Eve. 4-1(119, 2-2701. COLBATH BUYS GOOSE k GANDER CAT4" MEANDER WITH THEIR LITTLE FLOCK on thli nice ehady one acre located on the Sunnyilde road. Haa nice 4 bdrm. home with bimt. St . hdwd. floors. Plenty ol pav ed road frontage. Excel, deep well. Price 11930. Terma pr will trade for a city nome with 4 bdrmi. call t. t ANDERSON, day! 4-4494, eve. 4-2714. SPLENDID 4 SPOTLESS IN ACCESSIBLE LOCATION New Enelewood Dist. 2 bdrma, - living room, with fireplace. dining roorn, many cloaeti. secluded back yard with out door fireplace. A BRIGHT A- SHINNING BUY FOR 110 M. TERMS. CALL MRS. WELLS, dayi 4-4494, eve. 3-37.14 WE'RE ALL OUT OF CASTLES But here'! home built like one and It's only 4 yean old. Two very pacloui bdrms , hdwd. firs., oil heat, dble. garage It cov ered patio. Nice ' acre of round plus a new 24x34-11. shop. Ideal for cabinet mak er, painter or contractor. Lo cated cast and priced below . $14,000. TERMS. CALL TOM days 4-4494, eve, LAND CO., REAL' S!7 Court St. Dial 4-4494 4 BEDROOM home for as la or trade. Extra half bath and Inree utility, Double garage. Almost 1700 so. ft., all on one floor. Value $13 990. Will ac cent small home or real es tate contract In trade. Call 4-1471. Stites Realty, 3431 Center. CANDALAR1A home. East view. Finest loc. fly owner, rn 3-078.1. CLEAN 3 bdrm.. attached I rage. Near school tt bus. 1490 no inin eiicr p.m. BY OWNER : Small clean I B R" home, drive by 341$ Williams Ave., but DO NOT disturb oc cupants. I.i.790. good terms. Phone 4-22113 Mr. Kiggins. BY"0WNER. North new 3 bdrm., double plastered garage. F A. Heat, Swedish fireplace, ce ramic tile.. White birch kitch en. Large lot. Near school, church k store. Terms. Ph. 4-39!l$. BY OWNER, equity In nice comp re-dec. horn at 1.VJ0 N. 19th. Immed. posi- Ph. 2-2717 tor Info, before noon. BY Owner: 2 bdrm., home, en Hansen Ave., unstaln play rm. F. A. heat dbl. garage Irg. corner Jot, near school. Ph. 2-199$. BY Owner, late 2 bdrm. house. - near grade Khool. bus & store Ph. 4-3431 after 9 IS. 2!H Scdona. - EXTRA well built 3 bdrm. home plastered frnl, oil heat, fenced yd. sttach. garage, lg. lot, $71 ' tjiarmoni near IVM.M. SEI L OR TRADE, 2 73 acres In Kelrer District. A reel buy at $2,790. Terms $900 dn. Allen. C. Jones. Realtor. 231 Nn. High. Ph. -e$3$. Ive. 2-270$, 4-144$. FAGAN, 4-9193. mm tors Phoiw 3 KM noiisefT Sri "old, 43 M. ft. 14. 101. u w taxes, ask ior erreege with ths best Poll In gvcellent WCll. I gCMS III Ph. I-U91 S-1731-. Mn. Graham 4-4741: - 3714; Vandervort 4-701; Hlcki ENGLEWOOD Attractive I bedroom home con talna living room, dining room, kitchen with eating apace, and batlvon main floor. Full basement with fireplace. Lawn h' uprlnkler avatrm. $13,900. EVES tD BRISTOL, $-814. 3 ACRES Located In area of new homer Haa older home and bldaa. now. Ideal lor aubdlvlaion at present time. $14,290. EVES MB. VICARY, 4-S944. E1 Eatate Ph. 4-0331. S-1S.13 OWNER transferred: Went Salem on Cascade Dr. 3 bdrma, Llv. rm.. dinette, kitchen full bsm't aawdust furnace, elec. wall heaters i fireplaces excel, view. Well landscaped. $909 dn. Ph. 4-642. 4 RM. modern houae completely furnished. Mostly new furni ture, sleeps 4. Large lot. paved treet. 2330 Townsend Way. $500 Down 4-bdrm. home with dble. plumb ing, dble. garage, paved treet, city sewer water, home la In good condition In side and out. A buy ior $3930. Could bat used for Income. Call Mr. Bourne Ive. 3-7217. Chicken Farm In Dallas region. 37 acre! near ly all In cultivation, barn. 3 chicken houses, 4 springe, 2 reservoirs, garden tractor $1 some machinery, nice 3-bdrm. home In a lovely setting, of oak treea. On good hardtop road All goes ror gwao. Al Roome Eve. 4-141$. Joe L Bourne, Rltr. 1144 N. Capitol Ph. 2-1214 The HOtvlESELLERS C. D. McCARGAR, RLTR NEW 3-BDRM. HOME SOUTH, paved streets, curbs, sidewalk. city water, in new addition. $I0.$9S. G I.'i low down pay ment. Call Tvlliua, eve 4-aoM. TRADE ENGLEWOOD DIST, Lovely, l-bdrm. home plus a Sunroom or family room. I1, hatha, small green house, beautifully landscaped yard. Tetio. Will take small home n trade. Call Faye Seal, eve. 4-S3R4. $1 ACRES miles South on Al bany Rd. Good terma. Price only 14,9U0. Call Office 4-4441. 702 N High Ph. 4-44411 ONLY $1000 DOWN 2-bdrm. home, 2 fireplaces, at tic, bsmt., oil furnace. Plus apt. rents!. Price $10,900. SUBURBAN 1 BEDROOM Home, Roman brick construc tion, beautiful fireplace, large lot. Price only $13,900. Terms. 3 BDRM. HOME. SO. Only 2 years old. Price $7M. WEST SALEM 2-bdrm. family home. M.'MV JOHN J. DAI, REALTOR 45S N. High St Ph. 4-342 Eves. 4-3220, 2-7401, S-5219, 2-743$ $87S DN. on this brand Inew' 2 bdrm. home. F.aat In city. Forced air furnace, hardwood - floora, close to atore and bus. Only $".150. Ask for Geo. Patrny with Allen C. Jones Realtor. 2.11 Nn. High Ph. 3-534. Eve. 4-IS or 2-2701. LOW DOWN PAYMENT Bargain of the day on thia handy livable home. Good sited living room. Large kitch en. Brk. nk. area. Oil heat. Inside completely remodeled and redecorated. Close to , school snd transp. On, large lot All being offerrd at the low of only 14790. Better hur- Kon this. Call Mr. Stewart e Ph. 4-9131 AL ISAAK k CO., REALTORS 322 N. Church St. Ph 4-3.111 or 3-7820 Built-in Range A choice buy. Just t few blocks from school, close to a public park. This new home has 3 bedrooms. 2-car garage, din ing room, birch kitchen with large breakfast bar. utility room, built-in oven and range, rianeled (irrplace wall In llv ng room. Thia can't be brat. . $i:.900. Office 4-7977. Eve. Cordovs Stephenson 4-8149. TED MORRISON, 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 HOMES lino to 9oo dn. $4$ to $71 per month. Why rent when you can buy your own home on tnese terms, can Alien 1. Jonea. Realtor. 2a t No. High. 2-9tt. Ive. 4-16M, 1-270$, l-4. Family Room South Hare'a good one. Brand new, wnlh a l-car garage, thia home haa a large living room, dining room, 3 bedrooms, birch kitchen and generoul family room with fireplace and panrlrd wall. The utility haa' 'a bath. Good location, paved street II4.9O0. Office 4-771. Eve. liarjort fanning TED MORRISON 350 N. HIGH PHQNK 4-7977 UNFINISHED 1 bedrm. hs7 Exterior complete. Plumbing eV-wiring roughed 'In. Sheet rock for walla. Lge. lot. Price $1,450. Term!. C. W. Reeve. Realtor, Igeo Miaalon St. Ph. j 2-4580. Eve. 2-S53 or lM f HA appralaed HO MO. Will sac- 4M riflce for $.7M. Located Ind wrn nome wun ia sq. it. hdwd. floon. dining room T A. oil furn. fireplace and cloea to but. Thia won't laat For appt rail Allen C. Jones Realtor, 131 No High Ph. 3-&4T4. eve. 2-270. 4-1 or I-S444. HOST H I bedroom , Price two, inci. an furniture. eiMi down, balance 141 per month. SUBURBAN a bedrooma. ell furn. att. garage. If. Int. Newly remodeled. Price I7IO0, flog dn. EMGLEWOOD 4 bdrma. baamt. II furn, fruit nuta. Priced at IDMO to cloea aetata. FAMILY HOME 4, bdrma. I hatha, oil furn., dbl. garage. Suburban loc. Nice for , large family. Price 110 000, terma. CENTER STREET REALTY 1741 Center, 4-431, Eve. 1-711 , I ACRES SUBDIVIDE OR FARM IT 185 (t. frontage on Lancaster. 1 BR home with aeparate din ing room. Machine ahed. brooder houee. poultry house Variety of fruit treea, Apple Cherrv. Filbert. Plum r Fig Grapes. Entire I ACRES $13 Son. Ask for IRA MANS FIFXD. Eve. Ph. $-173$. Office 4-3394. CLIFF BOWDER CO. REALTORS 190 FAIRGROUNDS RD. COLBATH'S BUYS HERE'S THE ANSWER DO YOU HAVE A LARGE FAMILY? Buy this 4 bdrm. home located In the Fair- mount district. Has 2 complete baths, large living room, din ing room, kitchen with nook. Also nice basement with eco nomical sawdust heat. A PRACTICAL HOMT PRICED RIGHT AT $4990. TERMS. CALL TOM FAGAN, days 4-4494. eve. 4-9193. PIONEER FARM 31 ACRES. SAMS' OWNER HAS LIVED HERE FOR MANY YEARS Raised his family and now past $0 years of sge decides to sell. This farm haa well supported the family and put money in the bank. Over $ acres of dandy cher ries with approx. Income of $4,000 per year. Clean farm home with 4 bedrooms and basement, many good out buildings. Located on Oak Knoll Road. Price $17,000. Terms possible. $3.00 down. CALL T. T. ANDERSON, days 4-4494. eve. 4-2114. POSSIBLE $60 DOWN WILL BUY THIS 2 bedroom home on I business lot locat ed on N. Commercial St. Pay balance $40 per month. Price ' $4930. ' BUSH PARK VERY CLOSE IN 2 bedrooms VERY CHEERFUL. L. rm. 21 x 14 with fireplace. VERY LOVELY dining rm. VERY LARGE bedrooms. VERY BEAUTIFUL ceramic tile bath and half. VERY SECLUDED back yard. VERY HANDY basement with oil furnace heat. PRICE $14900. TERMS. CALL MRS. WELLS, days a-ettrt, eve. 4-Iiis. LAND CO., REALTORS $11 Court St Dial 4-4494 Comfortable rJastmoreland ' Home Tired of pioneering? Why not buy in an established neigh borhood? This lovely home Is only 2-3 veers old, hss s well established lawn and nice shrubs. There are 3 gen erous bedrooms, full dining room, dlshwssher. and lots of natural wood. You will like thia home. Office 4-7977, Eve. Merle Teter 2-3234. TED MORRISON ISO N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 FOR RENT 2-bdrm. home. 3223 June Ave. $63 per mo. Flren!r. garage. $250 DOWN Small, modern rsnge Included. -bdrm, home In city, North, city water and city sewer. Electric wster heater, garage, good fi""dtlm. Small lot. $500 DOWN New, 2 bdrms., fireplace, forced air heat, separate utility, at tached garage, city maintain ed street. Lot 79xl20-ft. No extra move-in costs. $79 per month on balance. Business Zone (C-3) Ideal setup for business snd home. 2210 North Commercial St. (corner lot). 3rd bdrm. has separate bath and could have separate entrance eas ily. Separate utility room, comfortable aire rooms, loti of cabinet space. outside freshly decorated. Inside needs some decorating. Full price S8950. Eve. phonrs on above: Wes Gregg at 2-8241: Bob Sleeves st 3-3973; Leonard Relmann at 4-3789. PHONE 4-4494 RON JONES REALTOR 1955 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD LOVELY 3 BEDROOM HOME Spacious bedrooms. 14'Xl4'i 11x12. 11x12. Living room 14x19 wilh stone fireplace Entry hall, separate dining room. Very modern, beauti fully built In excellent neigh borhood and only 2 vrs old City water, sewer and paved street Only 114 SO0. Ak for GRANT BOWDFR. EVE. Ph aim $450 DOWN 4-390. Office 4-3394. CLIFF BOWDER CO. REALTORS 1190 FAIRGROUNDS RD, rs WIST SALEM, living room, kit and nook, lit floor, g bdrma. and bath up Baaemt. Full price only .VS0 00 with $150 00 down, balance $.vt 0 , month. Hurry! Call Mr. Kig gina, ave. t-UM, $300 00 DOWN, and 1 good btiv loo. Get your atari here. In city 1 bdrma., I yra. old, $2$ ao, ft. Lge. lot with treea. Lge. utll. rm. Only 44.500 no Call Edna Morgan, eve. 4-40:1$. ROOMY 4 BDRM Sawdust! heat ige. lot. In North end of city. C. V. KENT & CO. REALTORS MORTGAGE LOANS, CONSTRUaiON FINANCING W. Church Phone 4-UM STEVENS RE ALIO RS Very. VERY special. Convenient, woos nome. plus 10x34 ft. shop Firrnlace. wrought iron railing, wall-to-wall carpeting. $ICM. FHA applied for. Ask tax- Cllbertaon, eve. phone 4-9140. ; SOUTH. $100$ down. Remodeled noon, newly plastered, brick ment Airoomy family home. Close to 8. Salem High. I, A, Estill, eve. phone 4-$m KD40WOOD HEIGHTS. Good view. s-an eaermeui. luuxiis It. lot. 73O0 and only ISM down. Ask for Burt Picha, eve. phone 4-3132. $30$ DOWN. Englewood. Older home with t bedrooms up.' Re- oecoraiea inside tnrouihout. $5358. Only $44 00 monthly payments. Call Bill Estill, eve- sunga -ejos l$$M This Cory I bedroom plastered home has hobby green nouae ana 10 is or rare ftnwera n.ft. Terms- tall Burl picha. STEVENS REALTORS 379 N. HIGH ST. S MORTCAGI LOANS FOR BUYING OR CONSTRUCTION? $ OR !i' NEW I BEDROOM HOLLYWOOD e. 'w, mo oMier nom wiin peaTooms. 1 block. Holly wood Dtst. with basement. An exceptionally good buy at 19 eUWi. ilA 1"aa a a II r I T . . I . em HnBai t",w.wv. " ve nayourn, eve. a-wea. ... CORNERS 2 bedrooms. I living rooms, dining room, kitchen, all nice site rooms. Tiled bsth, utility room. Lots of cup boards, large closeu hardwood floon. attached garage, ap- ?rox. ' acre finest garden soil. A very clean, attractive home, ou will love this one. $1,000.00 down. $60.00 per month. To vv wi sm n. aaccirvy. eve. f NEW HOME, JUST FINISHED - 2 bedrooms. 1301 sq ft., good neighborhood of new homes. Near school and bus. Hsa living r oni. dining room, kitchen with eatine uui and html, ak- 'Inets, Corner lot 70 x 12$. F.H.A. apprsised at $13,173 00. Price $13,000.09. Low down payment, F.H.A. terms. To see call Deaa s)iarr eve j-itwo. BEDROOMS. ST. VINCENT DISTRICT Large living room, with fireplace, separate dining room. 2 laree bedrooms, and full bath down, S bedrooms and old. Located only I blocks to Priced at only 1915000 for . nenry ttunq 10 see, eve. 4-1120. 7.504 ACRE (ASTERN OREGON gated, meadow, free water ftom John Day River, using flood system from ditch. Balance good grazing land. Two creeka. and John Day River run through property. Apprx. 200 cow capacity. 2 sets modem bldgs.. one 4 bedroom, one 2 bedroom. one 1 bedroom home. All In good condition. This piece is now being operated as 3 aeparate ranches. Can be purchased Indi vidually or all 2 together. Located on paved highway In the nean 01 gooa tuning ana nunung area. To see call I red Hose, eve. 4-74J1. RAWLINS REALTY (ACROSS FROM STATESMAN -JOURNAL) - $0$ Chemeketa Street Office phone 4-417$ WE'RE MOVING TO TEXAS SO, we must sell our lovely ranch saiems select netgnrjornooas. spacious lawns, snsdr trees, choice shiubs. and flower beds make beautiful setting. We nave apples, cherries, prunes, pears, Perries, figs, etc. on Hi 234' lot. Convenient floor plan comprising over 1309 sq. ft living apace, plua two-car with powder room Attractive living room with fireplace separste dining room with French doon opening to. sheltered. partly covered patio. Three bedrooms or two large bedrooms and den with book shelves. Large kitchen, plenty ol cup boards, delightful breakfast nook In bow window overlooking lawn, flower beds. Large utility room off kitchen. Tastefully oecoraiea tnrougnoui. oaraen Ideal for the smaller family both Inside and out WE KNOW WE WONT FIND ITS EQUAL IN THE LONE STAR STATE FOR $14,300. APPLY TO jOWNER, 1930 PARK AVE. BEFORE YOU BUY - $809 00 DOWN 2 bedroofh oiner type nome on 1 rioor. 1 block to city park. All spa cious rooms Full price $4,230. Eve. Ph. 2-S443. SUBURBAN-, bedroom home with unfinished upstairs,- Ley seated North on paved road. This home Is plastered, sepa rate dining room, lnaide util ity room AY attached garage. Will Trade for 3 bedroom home In Salem. Full Price $7,990.00. Eve. Ph. 4-7429. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT 2 bedroom home with attached garage, glasa paneled heat, very clean 4V well kept. Full Price $$,790. Eve. Ph. 2-6SM. BELIEVE-IT-OR-NOT 3 bed- rooms on 1 floor, 2 yean old. ZEEB'S REAL ESTATE 2315 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-3031 H1MMEL & FERRIS, REALTORS CLOSE DOWNTOWN LOCATION nr. uiu. im. Dig peurooms. fireplaces, aoie. garage, ocv inia LOVELY HOUSE ON CRESTVIEW ODie garage, 'a oioca outsiae wuey. RETAIL k WHOLESALE NURSERY - A great money maker, $7,000 in Nursery Block or will wholesale, excellent site at around creek. Over 1 900 feet 01 mammal property, with mem goes ai roca, pouom price ni ai.suu. COFFEE SHOP-938 LOCKERS-Wonderful wile downtown location. Health forces owner to retire. Full price $11,000. Trade for a home cr business property. CLOSE IN RESIDENTIAL 2 Individual 1 bedrm units plus fine modern 2 hr. home for owner. Only 4 years old. excellent condition always rented. May taks good clear 2 bedrm. home In trade. A buy at $30,900 TO SELL YOUR HOME IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS Eve. 4V, Sun. Salesmen Bon Clesry 3-9939, H...Peck 3-M12, Roy rerris z-wimi, joe nimmei 2 - 124 SOUTH LIBERTY STATE FINANCE 167 S. HIGH ST. , - . $6S0O. Transferred, will trade this clean 2-BR. home for Corvallls property. Located on paved street. Close to schools. Largs Int. Call Stan ley Brown. Eves. phons 2-1541. $12,900. Resutlful rsnch style home close to 4 Corners. Large living room with fireplace, dining room, very modern kitchen. 2 large bedrooms with spacious closets. 2-rar garsge Well kept lawn, gar- den spare. A home you will be happv to own. Call O. V. Hums. Eves, phons 2-S20S. $79.10. 1H sere close to Swegle School. Neat, attractive home. Garage. Work shop Garden pace, fruit trees. This Is sn Ideal home for older couple. Call O, V, Hum. Ives, phons S-$20$. You'll like the homeyneta of this good older home. Prtra 111 000 no-with, II.5O0M down. Call Stearns Culhlng. eve J-iOll. DIVERSIFIRD FARM. 40 arret all cultivated. 1 bdrm. home all on t floor, family fruit, barn, hog bouae, chicken houae, marh. ahed, full line of farm machinery. Coop. S3 tractor. Only 1J milea to Ra lem Terma. Owner may con aider leaalng Call Mr. Leav ena, eve. 3-4718. compact 4 bedroom Ingle- I bedroom home, hardwood planter and trim. Full base VERY REASONABLE TERMS. oil heat. $10,730. Aak for Bill 2 bedroom, plastered home. Corner lot. oil circulator heat ana eh runs on ' acre located Eve. phone 4-3131. TEL. 4-6837 REALTY DIST. - Thli one you'll like, for - eeij. t bath up. Home only 7 years St. Vincent on small corner lot. quick sale. $2,400.00 down. Cell . STOCK RANCH 200 acres Irri style nome. located In one of garage. Charming entrance hsll nouee for storage, nose 10 dus. that appreciates quiet beauty PHONE 4-163 GIVE ZEEB'S A TRY large lot 7 X 240, oil furnace, attached garage.- Hardwood floon. Full Price $9,900.00. Eve. Ph. 2-906. SI 1 ACRES of Willamette Silt Soir. If you are getting thi Spring fever for a farm close . in mis la - uie farm ior you. All of acreage is in cultlva. tion and under Irrigation, ;ood 30x90 with concrete floon. 20x4 machine ahed. chicken house, tool shed. The land alone is nesrly worth the asking price of $14.290 00. Older type 4 bedroom home Eve. Ph. 4-4291. We have several home "List' lngs" who want to TRADE for small acreages. Also, prop erties to TRADE for Income property. Hot water heat, lovely large - 3 way view 2 hie bedroom. city. Lovely at $19.900 Call inventory 20' below Portland edge of cltv limits with year of BR trackage and S 41 acres office bldg 21 x 29. All equip opportunity tor a man aic. PHONE 4-447$ CO. REALTORS rilONE 3-3151 $650 down. Modern 2-BR., 2 yrs. old. Hdwd. floors. Full bssement, Montag furnace, paved st. Full price 2WM. Bal. $M per mo. Incl. Int . taxea and Ins. Cell W. H. Stevelev, salesman. Eves, phone 4-241$. 2', ACRES EAST 2-BR home, barn snd outbuildings nn pavement Clo to school. $100. Cell W. H. Stevelev. salesman. Eves, phone 4-il$. $70 Clean 2-BR home. 4 Cor ners Dist. Anprox. $ vrs. nld. Hardwood firs. Inslds utility room. Auto oil furnsce. Storm windows. Lot goxino. Black-lop street. Call Stan ley Brown. Ive. phon 1-tMl. JUST LISTED St'Rt'RBAN 4 BDRM. HOMT WITH APPROX. 1 ACRE around. North. Has comfort able home, flreol Ddble. gar.. workshop. Variety of apples. On paved rd. 410 500 Call Dorothy Deal. ave. 4-433. JUST LISTED NICE ENGLEWOOD DIST. HOME you must see. Has I bdrms., Ige. living rm. with flrepl. dining rm. 12x14. Good htg svstem.. Gar. $9500. Call Echo Vaster, eve. 3-4471. INCOME PROPERTY CLOSE TO WILLAMETTl UNIV. AND LIBRARY. 1 fur nished apta. wltn Income $130. plus main floor wmcn rouia be rented for $8$ All fur nlahed $11,930. Terms Call Clyde Foulk, eve. 2-34. Nelson & Nelson REALTORS 1590 I Commercial Ph. 1-3$$ SELL or trade duplex on beau tiful lot 131 x 100 with small year 'round creek. Each unit naa 1 ' norma. Approximately 2 yrs. eld. Price $13090. Will take home te $7,$0 In trade. Allen C. Jones, Realtor, 231 No. Hlth. Ph. S-seUd. Eve. 4-1$$ 2-270$. BREATHTAKING VIEW IN BEAUTIFUL C iNDALARI A charming home) from entry hall to spacious llv. rm. and din rm., efficient kitchen. loads of bullt-lns. dishwash er and dlsDosal. Large mas ter bdrm.. 2 other bdrms., 2 baths. 2 fireplaces, party rm. and den. Let ua show you sll the other features of this tine home. Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 10 SOUTH LIBERTY STREET TELEPHONE 2-Z471 COUNTRY home with t acre or more. 4 bdrm.. bath 4V ., fireplaces, basement, auto, oil heat, wall to wall carpeting, fruit 4r nut trees, garage it ton) shed. South. 14.7. Call 2-9494. 808 Lot For Sol VIEW LOT Excellent view and daylight basement lot Sou la en Heath er Line. 120x14, $2. 100. Ph. 4-3994 after a jo p.m. FOR Sale. Urge view lot with trees, mngwooa fits. rn. 4-4891 after 9:3 p. in. WELL located small tracts. Rob erts ares, fine bldg. sites, nice view. 10 min. to city center, Lee Byers. Ph. 4-492. MADRONA HILL Beautiful view lots 1st restricted district. $ minutee to Meier 4V Frank 1. Pavement, water, good drainage. Salem schools. Any type loan available for home construction. Ph. 4-9092. Emmet Rogers. Owner. LOT for gale en Baler SL 810 Farms For Sole IN Tumer, 1A acre and small has. $2290. Cash or W by 130' lots at $290. Turner, ore. P. Box 233. On top of the World 10 A . view property. 2 bdrm. Modern home, bam, I $7J0t terms. Star Realty $330 Pacific Hwy. Ph. 2-201 3'i A. So., part oak. Spring, $390 an, 42.730. m. z-sjim. RAISE FRYERS TREMENDOUS BUILDINGS will handle 20.500 fryers at one time, completely equipped with Auto, watercrs. self feeders 4c trough feeders, Overhesd trsrked dollys for clean out. Additional spsce for 4000 more fryers If equip ment Installed. MACHINE SHED 20x24 with misc. equip ment including tractor 4i disc. TENANT HOUSE 2 br. 24x30. OWNER'S HOME large bed room with separata dining room 4V spacious kitchen. WALNUTS, S acres of line older trees. FILBERTS. 2'k Acres full besrlng. ENTIRE PROPERTY 1C acre, min utes from Salem. $34,000. Owner will help finance good buver. Ask for DON BELL INGER, Eve. Ph 4-0492. Office 4-3.1M. If neither answer call 2-S954. CLIFF BOWDER CO.. Realtors, lap Fairgrounds Rd Salem. XT A. ONE of the finest views In Willsmette Vallev. All In fescue Price $10,000. C. W. Reeve,- Realtor, 140 Mission St. Ph 2-45M. Eve. or 2-01)4. 11 'i A. North, excel, soil, good home, barn 4V outbldga., price reduced to $15 000. JOE NOONCHESTER. RL. EST. 180$ N. Cottage Ph. 4-2941 185 ACRE farm for sale. ml. from Brooks. Also 77 seres nesr Brooks. J. W. Fltts, Brooks, Or. Ph. Salem 4-J4J. 112 Each. Reel Eto FOR SALE or trade, equity In 2-bdrm. home as down pay ment on small farm. 2271 Townsend Way. RENTED business property In Albany, value $10,000, Sslem property considered, lit Ferry Bl. BY OWNER, ( unit apt house, close In sale-trade. 4-9441. WILL swsp my equity In beauti ful country home for ruatom built trsllrr house, or sell at discount, PH 2-2M2. SELL or trade for Salem prop. any; s nouses m saanna, gooa repair, 1 bdrm. 4V bath. 2 bdrm. 4c bath, wired tor range. Write Mrs. O. H Perkins, Detroit, Ore. IH Wonted, ft I Esfote WANTED from Owner, good suburban 3 to 4 bdrm., apprnx. I to 2 seres. Close In. Ph 2-702. We Need Listings 7 Actlvt Sale, people ifiiun quick results. , Salem. Properties Real Estate 347 N. High Ph. 4-0331, 2-1M3 850 Automotive 8S2 Uied Cor For Sole OLDS 98 HOLIDAY CPE. 19M. low mileage and one own er. Two-tnne green. Everlv Fnreun Cars, 4S2$ S. Pacillc Hiway. Ph. 2-taJ93. '$1 Ol.DS Holiday, equipped w radio, heater, hydtnmatlc, new , white sine wall tires, power window It seat, tutone pslnt 47 outside sun visor. A-l cond, Ph. 4-1421. 140 CHEV. sed. Good running cona. s-io. tall 4-4DO. T4T STUDEBAKER Champion, w. fa, i-sas. - ' SEE & DRiyE THE LITTLE ENGLISH BUILT FORD THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST SMALL CAR ON THE ROAD IT WILL AMAZE YOU AND IO WILL THE PRICE, , $1575 " Delivered, Includes healer, de frosters turn signals, stop liters, white wall tires, twin fender mirrors and a lot mace. British Car Sales KM No. Capitol Ph. -4Mn2, DRIVE THE BIG . mm Phaeton The Smartest 4-Door Bars Top est the Read. . ivicKINNEY LINCOLN - MERCURY $2 . Commercial Salon 152 UmI Cr. For SoU M PONTIAC I DR. :.. J1095 SI FORD CUSTOM V4 1 DR. SO C MC PICKUP 545 U ton, 4 spd. trsns. 'SI STUDEBAKER V I ..$ 59$ 4 dr. sdn. 40CHEV.4DR.CLEANI 95 Many Mora Makes and Model To' Choose From Come Out .And Look Them Ove? 199S SILVERTON RD. PH. 4-9114 CLEAN '$1 Coronet Dodge, auto. shirt, radio, neater, lota of ex tras, low mllesge. See after I at lo M. capllol. '4 PORO, owned by mechanic, will take alder car as part pym t. aerator uarage, iss, ISM COUNTRY Sdn. Ford St a. Wgn. 4 JU mL Equity. Ph. 4-42M. 1955 CADILLAC "42" Convertible, full power equipment plus Eldorsdo en gine, ssfer spoke wheels, 100 warranty. $4895 DONT MIM THE O. M. PARADE OF PROCRESS. STARTS TODAY BUSH PARK, f P.M. . Union It Com! Ph. 3-3175 TAKE "SO to '$2 car or caerTfor equity '$$ Olds. $$ 4 dr. - "Loaded". Call Dayton, ! after p. m. GOOD older car. 2,100 miles. 2-412 between ( eV p.m. HOTROD '24 Ford coach very food cona. win take in trade on '38, '4 or '41 Ford. Ph. 1-TI34 eves. '41 WINDSOR Chrysler motor up-top. rn. i-ssiet. 2 FORD, a-A-1 motor. Phone 1-4W94. 2 CHEV. Sdn very sharp. Call a-474; SACRIFICE stther one. NI 14 Bulrk. tlM or 1HM Kaiser, like new, only 22,000 actual miles, HU. 2-4744. 154 Truck, Trail, tor sole 190 DODGE ton walk In de livery, excellent condition good rubber, priced to selL Call 4-777. 14 WILLY'S 4 wheel-drive, ton pickup. 2-4377 eves. 14 DODGE plckuo. Very clean uooa motor at uree ssie or trsde. $25. Ph. 3-4J43. $1 Plymouth Dr. 18$ INTERNATIONAL log truck t trailer, use new, rn. 4-42SS, Hi Wtfiroi, GTTnii WANTED, 's Ion pickup, '5 to M. ft. r. ennstenson. m. s. Box MF, Arnold Rd.. McCleay uist. WE RE PAYING For Clesn Used Cars Pelnr0r or Not TO? CASH Bob Bill' Used Car Union k High St. 162 Hou4 Trailer DESIRABLE trailer space now avail.' at Saiems new mod residential Court Center St Trailer Court, 4154 Center, 4-44M. VACATION size trailer houses for sale or rent. See Earl Malm. 4030 Sllverton Rd. 4-7127 VACATIONS Best Buy 15' Shniia. Lana Lane Trailer Plara. 104 Lana Ave, Ph. 2-tlM. 1D54 37a delus 1 bdrm. Psremaker modern. Excellent cond. Phone Aumavllle 2743 SACRiricE equl"ty"lnSalem"j bdrm. home, for good house trailer or j-sr Jack Toombs ' 2W3-Pacific Hwy Ph. 2-337 Wondhurn. WE mm ypitoD- Chevrolet Cadillac Cash for Trailers LANALANE, 1040 LANA AVE. TRAILER TOWING JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 244$MPortland Rd Ph iSTJJ KOZY NATIONAL JEWEL The nest fnr le-s 1V4' ft, SECURITY TRAILERS 41M PorUand Rd. Ph. 1-00 8S2 Used" Cor For Solo WANTED A chance to please you, too. Many people do have AUnn n rner? n A and alwiyg buy or trade their Thi$ partial list of bariain ire with you and likewise u$ tool , $7.00 (SEVEN DOLLAR) SPECIALS IMS Rambler cros-country station-wsgofi One owner, hester, two-tone, white-walls, radio, hydra- ' malic and lust like new . $211 1953 Hudson Hornet sedan Rsdlo, htr hydramstic, two-tone paint, very sharp $1247 ltt! Ford tudor sedan Very clean, radio ft htr., only f TJ 1M1 Ford 4. ton Htr. 4 speed trans. 1951 Chevrolet Bel-Air Sedan 4 dr. extras 1953 Chevrolet 210 4-dr, sedan Extras very sharp 1952 Studrbaker 4 ton pick-up Overdrive, heater, and very at 1953 Hudson Hornet 4 dr. sedan, full eauipped. matic 1951 Pontiac sedan delivery Vsry clean ... 1951 Rambler station wagon $i htr., clean 1951 Hudson Hornet sedan Rad. $i htr., overdrive 1951 Hudson Comm. I sedan Many extras and clean 1949 Ford (tation wanon New motor. $ seats, rsdlo, 1949 Chevrolet Fleet line Tudor sedans, choice of 4 1949 Hudson tudor - Sedan, extras 1947 Hudson tudor sedan Original pslnt 1941 Oldsmobile 4 door sedan Look Many others too numerous to mention at prices that will astound vou. AVE CYCLE STORE 1271 Highland Ave. Ph. 2-1423 I BUCK! Three low mileage cars we told regularly. Truly the finest concern is atyle, aalety, periormaDce, dependabUity, com fort, or price. We invite '55 BU1CK SPECIAL TWO '55 BUICK SPECIAL FOUR-DOOR SEDAN $2,495 '54 BUICK SPECIAL FOUR-DOOR SEDAN . $2,195 Good Values At Lower Prices 54 BUICK SEDAN :....$I895 51 BUICK RIVIERA ..$1595 53 BUICK SEDAN 1495 SS PONTIAC I DOOR.. 995 "53 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 195 '51 BUICK RDMSTR. .. 795 '51 BUICK RIVIERA ... K5 '51 STUDE. V-l SDN.... 593 50 BUICK SEDAN ..... 595 '51 PLYM. 1 DOOR .... (45 'SO STUDE. SEDAN .... 345 ' BUICK CONVERT... 145 '43 BUICK SEDAN 145 '41 BUICK SEDAN 145 ' DODGE SEDAN .... 143 Other Model Available. CUSTOMERS RETURN WITH CONFIDENCE TO OREGON'S OLDEST AUTO DEALER We serviced "OLD continental run. Now on display at the General Motors Parade of Progress. COMMERCIAL AT CHEMEKETA 1. 0. So TRADES 1K3 CHEV. Heater. "210" 4 DOOR Windshield wash ers, beck up I lies. A one owner csr In excellent condition ., i $W 1950 HILLMAN MINX 4 DR. Ready to five low cost servlc $12$ 1953 FORD ZEPHYR "6" 4 DR. Completely reconditioned. Including tires. A resl bur st 1956 MORRIS MINOR 2 DR. 1956 MORRIS MINOR STA TION WAGON Here sre two of the best economy rsrs.nn the mar ket Dependable and fully guaranteed at a pries that will surprise you. 1948 FORD "O" PANEL. Hers Is s good work unit that runs line $27$ British Car Sales 2085 N. Capitol PtL2-6fV12 1992 CHEV 4 dr. sdn. Power Glide, hlr. $74S. Independence. Ph. Hte-J. 447 Butler St. . 1947 FORD sedan, new rubber, good motor. HAH fog lights, will trade for ssddle hnrse or Shetland pony. 1413 S - 2.1lh. Salem. '31 FORD tudor. overdrive, radio, heater, 1 owner, 2 spare .tires, chains, top shape. .1-41139. U 01 JS $R It H ."hydra"." fxcT cond., w s.w., $423cssh. 2-3214 1S5I STUDEBAKER Champlnn Starllte rnipe, overdrive. very economical car tn own and operate .tff McCall Vied Cars, 12)1 Slat. sed I 852 Uod Con For Solo I transportatioa rvwdt from does bexom habil tormlnf t 7 cleaa. Really priced te sell , 47 Red., htr. two-toee. hydra- f 171 $T7 -4 MI heater, good " . , . " .1 $77 -J $77 -t 27 .1 177 .1 f AT HROCK'S NORTH FORTY 122$ fairgrounds Rd. . Ph. -7ltt whet new and have aervlced transportation whether your you te try thern. - DOOR SEDAN $2,195 SCOUT" on its trans fn fng W vv PHONE 4-5711 1955 CHEVROLET Deluxe 1 dr. sedan, very clean. low mileage, with I year loo", warrantee. $1695 Chevrolet Cadillac DONT MISS THE CM. PA HADE OP PROORKMS STARTS TODAY AT I P.M. .,.,,,, BUSH PARK ,,.,. Union k Com'l Ph. 3 3175 mi NASH Ambassador, 4-dr. hdn O dr.. bed type. This car Is far above average, onlv $795. McCall s Used Cars. 127 Stele St. '22 RANCH WAGON and '49 Champion convertible. . Both excellent condition. Make an oiler and tske both. For a real steal, call, 3-3345 after $ p.m. '3.1 BUICK Riviera hardtop. Siwtal coupe, 2-tone. R It II, dvnsflow, good tires. Clean. See at Frerea Building Sop- Elv, Jefferson. FA 7-2ZJ4. ves. FA J-J53J. EXCEPTIONALLY nice $2 Chev. 4 Dr $645. Ph. J-4439. MODKL A Ford pickup, while side wall 14" tires, seal beam lights. M Boone Rd. 3-4444 SFI.L nr tr.ide' 1951 Oodge dr. 19S2 Hulrk hardtop, pvt. owner. Priced right Call 2-1127 or see at 143 Wallace Rd. '4 " FORD pickup, $100. Ph. 4-4.i;t after $ p.m. i;i0NASH Rambler Convert , .tV See at W N. 20th. Ph. 4-97(l. A $2 WILLYS AERO ACE 2-rtr I rvl., clean, good condition. PH. after ( ain. 1-M34. 852 U$t Cor For SU mm Id Pay Fd If your credit win merit It, drive away ia o e these food used cars k ( ) mooey Is your pocket 1951 KAISTB DELUXE 4-dr, sedan. Radio, heater, hyrtraroauc, Ms food condition, $3. . 1951 TUDEBAKER LAND CrsUTSt 4-door sedan, v-a esigtae, suto trana. Red), heeler. Real clean Inside 4s out foe. 1950 OLDS $ 4-door sedan, fully eauipped. tu-tntie grey With white walls. ss. 1950 FORD V- l-deor sedan. Good tires, and eeey. A food huy at $9Nv , . "77, , ,' 1949 FORD 4-door sedan. A Nasi car and real buy at SIS. 1949 ' FORD T-a. a-paa. atatlml wagon. This la reel food. Drive tt and pen, $, 1948 ' PONTIAC sedaaette 9 erl g oio, neater as yaramstw. 1946 PICKUP DODGE 1-ton. A at. SEE GFJ4ERAL MOTORS PARADE OF PhOGRth BUSH PARK, APHIL 11-17 461 N, High HH-797J , "The Jot with a Lot' rion hol:eofmi 1955 NASH RAMBLER CROSS COUNTRY New ear, fully equlprwd with overdrive j-t RAMBLER HARDTOPS . We have a lasi-lMa-WI-ttM, sll fully equipped. Tarns all uooed and guaraateed. "ford 1954 CUSTOM UN E t DR. Fordometlc. radio, heater, manv other extras. AVB atUNDlUS Marion Motor's ;:: Bonded Select Used Cars BANK TERMS 333 Center St. Ph. H Oregon's Oldest Dtaler , BEST BUY Used Car Commercial a, CI Ph. 4-4711 '54 PLYMOUTH SDN. ..99S M MERCURY 4 DR. SDN. .9895 SJ STUDEBAKER 4 CPE SI PLYMOUTH CRAN. SDW. '50 OLDS. M SDN. .... ..m '31 HUDSON COMM. SDN f4S 4 OLDS. M SDN 39S "41 PONTIAC 4 SDN DR. m '51 KAISER 4 DR. SDN. $291 '49 FORD 4 4 DR. SDN .... $295 .1 -$12S IN "43 PONTIAC t DR. 47 PONTIAC SDN. , '47 FORD SDN. ..... PONTIAC CO. 660 N. LIBERTY ST. PH. 2-4113 HERE'S YOUR CAR! 'JcD S 1 1611 MIDWEEK Splits A. beautiful 19,-4 Packard 20 4 door deluxe sedan absolute ly loaded. One of America finest and beat built rare ex tremely low mileage and look whst you get? ULTSAMATlC-POWra BRAKES $) TINTED GLASS W. t. WASHKRS t NKW TIHES WHEEL DISCS BKS RADIO ELECTRIC AERIAL THKRMOSTATIC HEATINO BA(-K-l'P LIT ES TWIN itiinm inn t CLOCK-FLIP MIRROR It' s . twn.tons green excel lent condition with beautiful upholstery. Truly a quality car. , 2 $ ONLY $895.00 British Car Sales 20U N, Capitol k-HOt