Plane Flips While Landing KODIAK, Alaska ll Hire and possibly four men escaped unhurt Tuesday when a Fish and Wild Life plane flipped over while making a landing on an emergen cy air atrip at Sitkinak, 100 miles aouthwest of here. Soft mud on the landing atrip was blamed for the flip-flop. Known to be aboard the aircraft were: Bill Harvey, the Dilot: Will Troyer and Jim Branson. A fourth man-Roy -Lindtley may . have left the plane at Alitak, 23 mile to the northeast. The report mere ly said all aboard wre safe. The let down by the amphibi ous plane on the landing strip probably was made because of low water in Sitkinak lagoon. The plane left Kodiak early Tuesday. New York Stock Quotations Compiled by The Associated Preia Salem Obitunries A Ufa it C. BrelUieup Lat resident ol 333 Si 15th street In this city on April I. at the sge ol M year. Survived bv one sister, Mrs. Cora I. Llppold. Salem. Two brothers, John C. Brcithaupt, Bequlm, Wash : .Henry Brelthaupt, Craigmont, Idaho. Two nephewe Paul J. Uppold. Salem: Ernest F. Brelthaupt. Salem. Nieces, Mrs. Alma Jarvls, Salem: Mn. E. T. B. Hill. Salem; Mint Marie Uppold. Sa Irm; Mrt. Ellis Walker, Corvallia; Mr. Paul Heath, Salem, and other nieces and nephewi In varloua places. Member of the Weileyan Methodist church. Services will he held In tha Wcsleyan Methodist Church. 15th ft Mill Sti., Wednes day, April II, at 1:30 p.m. under the direction of the Howell-Edwards Chapel. Rev. Lore Miller will of He inle. Interment at Belcreat Memorial Park. , David W. Hamilton Late resident ol 111 Evergreen Avenue, Redmond, Ore., at a local hospital. April 1. Survived by wid ow. Mrs. Edna Hamilton. Redmond; aims. Glenn and Everett of Salem Daughters, Mrs. Wavne ( Jewell I Murphy. Reaverton. Ore., and Mrs Keats i Dor HI Gene Oliver, Vale. Ore.. 13 grandchildren and 3 great I randehlldren. Services will be held Wednesday, April 11 at 1 pm. In tne Virajil T. Golden Chapel. Interment, City View Cemetery. Howard Mitchell Perry At JIM So. View place. April ft Survived by his widow, Mrs. Myrtle L. Perry, Salem: one son, Bruca R . Perry, Dayton. Wash.; one sister, Ada K Perry, Florence, Aria ; stepson. Robert H. Hill. Carmlrhel, Calif Member of Salem I.odge No. 4 A. F. A A. M . 32nd Degree Scottish" Rite, and Alkader Shrine. Services will be held in Howell-Edwards Chapel Wednesday April 11. at 3 00 p m. with Rev. Brooks Moor officiating. Concluding services Belcrest Memor ial Park. Ritualistic services bv Sa lem .Lodge No. 4, A. F. It A. M. William Barley Moon At the bom of his daughter-in-law, Ll la Moon. 129 Oxford, April t. Survived by daughter. Maude Lovlna Hathaway, San Joss, Calif. Two grandsons, Merrell u. Moon, Seattle. Wash.: Ronald Hathaway, San Jose. Calif. Granddaughter, Mrs. Betty Tolbenaon, San Jose, Calif, Thirteen grt-randchlldren. Announcement of services will be mad later by Cloug h-Berrlek Co. Admiral Corporation Allied Chemical Allis Chalmers Aluminum Co.. America American Airlines American Motors American Tel It Tel. American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner Burroughs Adding Mach. California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanesi Corporation Chrysler Corporation' -Cities Service Consolidated Ed Uon Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft du Pont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio 1 Ford Motor General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestake Mimny Co. International Harvester Stock Market Hits Setback NEW YORK - Blue chip stocks sagged Tuesday in a quiet but relentless decline in the stock market. Losses amounted to around 5 Most Grain Futures Drop If International Paper 124 Johns Manville 70 H Kaiser Aluminum Iim ' Kennecott Cogper 24 H Libby, Mcneil 7H Lockheed Aircraft 183 Lowe's Incorporated 7 H Lonf Bell A 77 H Montgomery Ward New York Central 161 ft Northern Pacific 113 Paci.'ic American Fish St hi Pacific Gas k Electric 37 Penney JX Co. 44 Vt Pennsylvania R.R. 34 14 Pepsi Cola Co. 67 Philco Radio "im Puget Sound P t L 73 H Radio Corporation (3 ' 1 Rayonier Incorp. 4 ls Republic Steel M Reynolds Metals 31 Richfield Oil II Safewav Stores Inc. 227 Scott Paper Co. U Sears Roebuck at Co. .11 'i Sinclair Oil 57 H Socony 61 Southern Pacific M 'Standard Oil Calif, f 45 SHUdard Oil N.J. . 49 Si'Odebaker Packerd 71 4 Sunshine Mining 3d Swift tV Company 3fi , Transamerica Corp. Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific ' United Airlines United Aircraft, United Corporation United States Plywood United State Steel ADVERTISEMENT FOB BID! Sealed proposals for the improve ment of CRESTV1EW DRIVE will be received by the Marion County Court, Room 110. Courthouse. Salem. Oregon, until 10 .10 am. on the JulhJ DU u April, ijo, ing men will i pubhi ly opened and read. The tm nrovemrnt consuls of earavatinl 45 ls grading and paving. 32 a. Contract Documents can be ss- cured from the Countv Engineer, 1' i Courthouse. Salem, Oregon. 4 H ; The County Court reserves the ! ngni to reiect snv or an mo-. I i uminH rnliMTV rnllBT 133 S4V 75H 92 4J4 Al.i.11 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS IK li : sealed proposals tor tne improve , ment of VISTA AVENUE wtll be re- 10 j ceived bv the Marion County Court. S3 Room 110. Courthouse, Salem, Ore , , 1 gon. until 10:15 a m. en the 01h day of April. 193. and then will be 26 ' : publicly opened and read. The Im 43 i. ' provement consists of excavating. 11 i ' r,i'n n Paving ai 4 Contract Documents can be se lf, V enred 'rom the County Engineer lourinousc, saiem, uregon. The County Court reserves the right to reject anv or all bids MARION COUNTV COURT ' Attn 44: 48 V 14 J? J ' ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS W H , Seajed prnoosals Inr the Improv 68 ment of PEA( E STREET will be ... received by the Marion County Court, Room 110. Courthouse, Salem. 67 H Oregon, until 10 00 am. on the 20' h 73 div of Anril. 1854, and then will be ' , I publicly opened and read. The Im 54 lA provement consists of excavating. 105 Mi grading and paving. ul, t Contract Documents can be se w " rurrd from the Countv Enelneer. Courthouse. Salem. Oregon. Tha Cdunty Court reserves the i right to reject any or all bids. MAKJUN LUUNiX IUUKI A.MU CHICAGO ( A majority of S" "i'L" " grain futures closed lower Jn an ! Wester) Vnfou Te, Westinghouse Air Brake erratic nervous market on the Tl A -1 f I - TV . J .. oonra oi iraiur lucsuuy. Wlinc.hnn Fleclrie Despite the generally lower tilt w,' r,.n.n. to the price trend, some futures ' ' ended with gains. And everything was a good deal higher at the close than during a morning aell off which knocked prices down sev eral cents. Wheat finished- 4 lower to 14, Portland Produce PORTLAND un - Butterfat tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, deliv- higher, corn Yt lower to H higher, ; ered in Portland, 56-61 lb; first oats ',s-4 lower, rye 4 to 1 cent quality 55-58; second quality 50-53. lower, soybeans 2ls lower to 24! Butter Wholesale, f o b. bulk higher and lard 5 cents lower to 23 cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, cents a hundred pounds higher, 9 4 IH -.7 4 39 4 25 4 NOTICE NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that 1'B 4 by an order of the Circuit Court of 3D 4the State of Oregon for the County to I, of Marion.' In Probate, duly marie ,, ion the fourteenth day of March ' :iS.. LEOLYN C. BAR.NETT was 47 4 duly appointed as administratrix of Mat the estate of BERTHA R. BARNETT, A ...1 mnA .1.-1 mhm. ha. , , 1 ., 20 V if if a as such administratrix All 21 4 parsons having claims against ssid estate hereby are required to pre " sent them, with proper vouchers, to 56 4 said administratrix, at' 113 Pioneer 47 U Trust Building, in Salem, Msrlon l..ouniy vrrsun, wunin iiiumrw from the date of the first publics linn of thia notice. Dated and first published on the twenty-first ay of Marcn. ihm. LEOLYN C, BARNETT, As Administratrix Aforesaid. Carson, Carson & Gunnar, Attorneys for said Administratrix. M .11.28. A 4.11.11 ' The market's turn about coinci ded with announcement by the Agriculture Dept. that it was halt ing export sales of government owned soft red wheat at Atlantic coast ports. This created a sub stantial buying move in May wheat. Portland Livestock NOTICE TO CREDITORS The underslined has been appoint ul Executor ol the Estate ol Alvaro 93 score, 564; 92 score, 564; B S. Hgasey, deceased. All persons hav vrarle on unr W4 C orri Sti claim int said estate hereby grade, W ICOre, 53 4, L graae, lr, r(qurd to present them, with SCOre, 53 i proper vouchers, within six months Cheese To Wholesalers Oregon from the date hereof, to tha under- singles. 384-41 lb; Oregon 5-lb court street, s.iem. loaf, 41-44 Eggs To wholesalers Candled f o b. Portland, A large, 45-474; A medium, 44-464; A small, 36- 374 Oreaon. nBt(4 March 90. IRM. The UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, a national banking association, of Portland, Oregon. , . Executor of ssid estate DeArmond and Shermai, Eggs To retailers Grade AA'attorneva for Executor. large, 50-51; A large. 47-49; AA en Court Street. Salem -Oregon l: Asm. k i: u ,i. MZI.2A11 netum ,. ,iren r...t. medium, 46-49; A medium, 46-48; f Y V H w m , t . A ""all. 38-39. Cartons, 2-3 cents salable 400; holdover 350; market additional slow; sales iteady-weak compared E To consun1crsAA ,argei with iMondays unevenly 50-1.00 ..??. u. maAi lower trade on steers, heifers cows generally 50 lower for twoj. J i , - tf mm I J 1 W-W, oays, on muic; la ucau lot 892 lb started feeder steers grading high good from slaughter standpoint 19.25; truck lots good with some choice fed steers 1,082 1,001 lbs 19.00; part load choice 786-799 lb fed heifers 18.50-19.00; load mostly choice 18.50; one 1st good 785 lb hellers 17.50; canner am cutter cows mostly 8.50-10 00; few utility. cows 11.00-13 00; utility bulls 15.00-16.00. 54-59; A medium, 53-59; A small, Live poultry No, 1 quality, f o b. Portland Fryers, 24-4 lbs, 23; at farm, 22 roasters, 23, f o b. Portland; light hens, 19-20 at Port land, 18-19 at ranch; heavy hens, 23 at Portland, 21-22 at ranch; eld roosters, 11-14 . Turkeys To producers L 1 v t weight fryers, 27. Rabbits Average to growers Lire white, 3-44 lbs, 23-26, 5-6 lbs, 18-21: old does, 10-14. few higher. Fresh killed fryers ' to Calves salable 50; good -low u.l. . i jj. . haia iimi ' I retailers. 58-61; cut up. 62-65. i .w, icw vuu'Uiiiiij Team 9 i .w 13.50. Wholesale Dressed Meats Beef carcasses Steers, choice, Hogs salable 300- fairly )b,( S2.oo-35.00; good. Sl.OOeo. N steady: most lots No, 1-2 180-235 ' '... Im Pac Ik A..,... iti.a. - a ". luiiiiiiciiioi, ao.iw-oi.iw, IN THR CIRCl'IT COT'RT Of THE STATE OK ORKC.ON OR MAR ION COCNTT, PROBATE DE- rARTMEIxT In the Matter of the Eatate ) of I ROBERT QLLSSON. ) urrnKii. f No. 1070 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Albin H. Olson has, by order of the Circuit Court of the Stato of Ore gon for Marlon County, been ap nointed administrator of the Estate of Robert OUssen. deceased, Case Nn lains. All persons having claims against said eatate are required to present them duly verified, with proper vouchers to said administrator at 117 Pacific Building, Salem, Oregon, within alx months from the date of this nntire. Dated and first published: March 21, 19SS ALBIN H OLSON. Administrator of the Estate of Robert OUsson. Deceased. Gross. Pacific Bldg.i Salem, Oregon, .............. - - in DUtcners i.uu-ou no. i mitcn- .,.,. j -h,. m a isaiem, uregon. points at the in significant j er, .g. gows lbs )isted l.0. canners and cutters, 22.00-, Attorney iot Admlnwrinr. 25.00. Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind areas, and falls ol around 3jat n.00-14.50; individual 550 lb nninte u.nre nnit fremient a m. - i i - i r " -i - i ' 0uw ju am. !rvti el tuts Kuuu-: MM,M. . ,, j Th. ..thar-k mat the orealed of -u: 11. j . . IQUarterS, 39.00-42.00; rOUDItl the past six months and erased an j 50, j estimated three billion dollars from the quoted value of securi ties. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks lost $2 60 at $118 00. big gest fall since Oct. 10. The indus trial component of the average atepped down $4.70, rails were off $2 no, and utilities lost 30 cents. The market was the broadest since the third day of the big break that came last September with the Sheep salable 100; early receipts too limited for market test: choice shorn lambs Monday carrying No. 1-3 pelts 17.00-25; other classes mostly untested. Portland Grain 37.00-41.00; full loins, trimmed, 30.00; chucks, 29.00-33.00; ribs, 40.00-45.00. Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-10 M.28.A.4.11, 18.25 NOTICE Of INTENTION TO CONSTRUCT A HEW FR NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that fhe Common Council of tne my 01 Salem. Oregon, deems it nereary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and intention 10 con down, 25.00-28.00; spareribs, 36.50- 40 00; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs, 43.00 47.00. Veal and calves Good-choice, I It ... t-1 nei aa an nn. PriP.TT.AlVn M fW.. trains " wciKnts, ji.w-w.uu; vwnnicr- 15 . day shipment, bulk, coast4 n.OOOM. " ; delivery: v j Spring lamb Choice-prime, 40 flatu n 1 nlh while S7 Sfi. nfl 50 lbs, 42.00-45 00. news of the President's heart at-ln,-i. v ae ik n.w tn w1 Lambs Choice, 40-50 lbs, J700- tack. There were 1.231 individual , Corn No 2. E-Y shipment T. t 90 40,??: .M -M'W 1 . I.J 1 J . 1. l .. ' r VJaa! UAmiN, a aaii iucs iraueu luuay ui wnicn oniy 1!X advanced while 794 declined. Twenty-one issues managed to make new highs while new lows oat, j were reacnea Dy 64 issues. The sting was taken out of the decline to a certain extent by the fact that volume came to only 2.1, 5UO.0O0 shares. Wheat- No transactions i Wool-Nominal, clean basis. 4 Tuesday's car receipts:" Wheat ; 5 ,lb,:, booi, t; barley 3; flour 10; corn 2; Stocks and Bonds Compiled ky Tat Associate Press April 1 BOND AVERAGES so io io ie Rails Indust Utll Egn Net change .. A I I nch D.I D.l Tuesday .SIS Ui Ml Ml Prev. day ... mi mi SSO Week ago 7 1 S S MI SS 0 Month ago 7 Wl 4 (74 S4.9 Year ago IK)0 MS HI 84 1 1!M High SS3 D7 7 MA SS J Wl lj)W m f1 .1 W.I 2 I9vi High !' w s inn i sa s IMS Low tft S M.4 W O 84 0 STOCK AVERAGES SO 1 IS so Indust Rails tTtil Stks Net Changs . D4 7 D2 0 OS TZ Tuesday 2B 143 7 74 1 lWtO Prev. day .273S 143 7 74 S 190.6 Week ago . 272 S 149 9 74 4 190 4 Month ago - J5 7 142 4 74 1B 2 Year ago 270 S 133 S 71 J 163 3 ltM High 273 2 141.1 7S2 lnl.S 19MI Ixiw 244 (I 12P0 71 171.8 - I9S5 High .. 2S7 H2 4 7S 1 11 8 1935 Low 2113 1 114 71 148 Salem Market Quotations (As of lite yesterday) . Rl'TTERI-At Premium No 1 BUTTER Wholesale Retail KOGS (Buying) (Wholesale prices rsngs from ( to I cents over buying pries) Large AA Medium AA Medium A ' Small POULTRT DOW JONES AVERAGE NEW YORK (API Dow closing stock averages: High f.ow 30 Inds. Sit 72 JS 24 2 RRs. 170 4 168.16 15 Utll. 67.07 (Kt 61 65 Stks 181.50 178.97 Jones Close 510 04 168 54 eui 68 17D44 Investment Trusts (Zllka. Rmlther At Co. Inc.) Bid Affiliated fund 6 13 Canadian Fund .. 19 4 Century Shares Trust 24 72 Chemical Fund 17 8(1 Delaware Fund 1133 Diver. Invest. Fund 9 65 Dividend Shares 2 82 Eaton A H. Bal. Fund 2 35 Gsa Ind 13 83 Group Tobacco .... 4 24 Incorp. Investors 19 .3 Key Cust. Funds: R-J ; , 19 17 B-4 10 93 K-l 1930 S- - 12 92 S-4 10 .15 Man. Bond Fund ... 8 13 Mass, Invest. Trust ....33.21 Natl. Sec. Series; Income Series S3 6 97 Block Series S 84 9 as Pref. Stock S 95 9 78 Natl. Liv. Series 4 96 S 31 Tel.-Elec. Fund 12 07 13 16 Value Line Inc. Fund 4.28 6 86 Wellington Fund 27.32 9.99 lbs, 43.00-46.00: shoulders, 18 lbs ! iruct a r.v' THE CITY 'OF SALEM, POLK COUNTY. ORECON. In accordance with the plans, spec Ideations, and estimates for such sewer which were adopted by thi Common Council March 26, 1956 which by this reference thereto are made a part 01 tnis notice. The Common Council declares Iti purpose and Intention to make such sewer improvement at the expense and cost or the property tne 10m mon Council deems Denetnea oy in ronstructlon of such sewer, to-wlt property in the following descftbed district: Lots 5 and 6. Bow Addition, city of Salem. Po k County. Oreion. The Common Council will, at 7 30 o'clock p nt , April 23. 1936. In the council cnamDers or tne cny nan, hear and consider objections If any there be, to the proposed sewer Im provement, or the assessment ot tne total cost or any part of the cost thereof against said district or any oart cu nr property tnerein. The plans and specifications above referred to mav De examinea at tne office of the cite recorder, and an Interested properly owner may si certain his approximate slisre of thi cost of making the Improvement at the Office 01 the city engineer. By Order of the Common Coun ell, March 36, 1956. ALFRED MUNDT, Cily Recorder. A 4.11 lb, i blood. 1.12-18; fine, 1.17-23. Country-dressed Meats, fo.b Portland: Beef Cows, utility, 24-25 lb; cutters, 19-20 Veal Top quality, lightweight, 34-36; rough heavies, 20-30. Hogs Best light blockers, 21-23; lean light sows, 16-18. Lambs Good yearlings, 35-38. Mutton Lightweight ewes and wethers, 12-14; rough heavies, 8-10. Fresh Produce Onions Idaho Yellows, med, 2.25-50; lge, 2.75-3.00; v hites. 4.25 50; Ore Sherwood Danvers, No 1, 225; Wash Yellows, lge, 185-200. Potatoes Ore. Central Russets, Asked a 64 21 on 26 72 19 03 12 46 in sa 3 in i No 1-A. 100 lbs. best. 4.50-75: 25 51 w , lh narwr sack 100-10- 10 Ih nniwr sacs., to-M, iti id nirsn sack, u 42 No. 2, 50 lb sack, 1.50-85; bales No. 1. 5-10 lb, 2.40-50; No ls, 10 oi mm, 450-500; Klamath Russets 1-A, 4.75-515; Idahc bales Russets, 5-10 lbs, 2.75-3.10; 100 lb sack, 4.50-5.00, some to 5.15. Hay New crop, No. 2 green alfalfa, baled fob. Portland, 43.00-46.00 ton, some sales higher. 466 21.13 20 91 II 93 21 05 N0- is iu , 11 29 91 38 06 Chicago Grain ,. 2 33-32i .. 2 12-1P. .. 2 14',-l.T, 17'4-i . 19! Colored Hens Leghorn Hens Colored Fryers .. Colored Roasters Old Roosters - .22 .19 23 J3 .14 Onion Futures CHICAGO (API Onlnns: Open High Low Clns. S Kov. (old) ... I 45 I 43 1 45 I 4S 1 Nov. (new) 1 35 1 57 1.35 1 57 5 Jan. 1.77 l.U 1.17 1 U CHICAGO (API Open WHEAT May July Sept Dec Mar. . CORN May 1 4SH-45 July 1.49V.1 Sept. 1 49 's Dec 1.42't-42 Mar. 1.4 OATS Mav July Sept Dec. RYE Mav 1.34'4-34 Julv 133V32 Sept. ..?2, Dec 1.34 1, SOYBEANS ;-', 66', 68 70' 70 Mav Julv Sept. ... Nov. Jan. 2t-0l, 2 MVS 162', 33-52',, . 1.55', Clois 2 351, 2 12's-H 2.14',.'4 J 17,-, 220 1 46-43 1 Sfl-491, 1 Mi,-t, 1.4.1'i-43 1.46', S3",-', 61', 6T, 70'. . 1 34i; 1 .11 '4 1 3.1', 135 2 84-i Westtrn Stcurities (Zllka. Smither A Co. Inc.) These bid and ask Quotations rep resent prices at wnlrh one or more dealers, members of the National Association ol Security Dealers. Inc.. would trade with fhe general public at the time the quotations were gathered at 1 p.m. yesterday: Bid Asked Bank of America o9 42 Bank of Calif. 74'4 79' lascaae fiywooo 3.V4 Consol. Freight 2(1 First National ex. M'4 Iron Fireman 15 Jantren Inc. Com. ............. 22a NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids for 4he construction of Silverton Jr. High School. Sllverton Oregon, for School District 41:. Mar ion Countv, Oregon, will be received at r.irgene riein Bcnooi. anvennn Oreson. until B 00 o'clock, p m.. S. T.. April 18. 1936. and will then be publicly opened and read almid. The plans, specifications and other contract documents may be examine and copies thereof may be obtained at ins ofice of games l.. favne. a I. A., Architect, 725 South Commer elal Street. Sslem. Oregon, A deposit nf 125 00 per set of draw ings will be required. Any bidder upon returning his set promptly wi be refunded hit depos't and any non-hidder unon returning hit will be refunded one-half of his dr posit. This prolect Involves the eontruc linn of s wood frame and brick VS' neer school building. All classifications will be coverei under the General Contiait Pro poal. Attention Is called to the bidders prequallficatton requirement of Sec tions 279 012 to 279 0;'4. Incl., O R S.. which must be filed with the Clerk in days before date for opening of bids and for which forms may be obtained St the office of the Archi tect. A haae hid alternates, anil unit 3734 , prices are required. All proposals 'I'll must be ecoomp.mied by certified Meier At Frank Ore.-Port. Cement Pac. P AL. Com. Pope St Talbot Port. Gaa A- Coke Port. Gen. Elec. U.S. National 13', BS'a 30', 28 . .14', 23 75. 58 I6, 24', 17 73i 32s, 31 .17 27 ' 79 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That Rayco Mfg. Co., Inc., a New Jerey corporation, of Paterson. New Jer aev. has filed lis "RAYCO" trade mark, for automobile seat covers, furniture slip rovers, auto pillows check, cashier's check, or bid bond made payable to the Owner In an amount of not leu than i of the bid. A performance bond will be re quired in accordance with terms of contract documents The Owner teservea the right Io waive any Infrrmalllv in. or Io re ject, any or all bids, or to accept any bid. SCHOOL DISTRICT 4C, MARION COUNTY, ORrr.ON Signed by: Nellie Watson.. Clerk, A 4.U. 187',-,jsrm rests, sutomobile convertible I About 95 per Cent of Canada S I, i..:.r:.V.7: L"cr-, supply is carried by truck, im, 1' Vui.illMy. tha Twentieth Century Fund. R ill 1 TO PLACE CLASSIFIED ADS CALL 4-6811 Classified Index "For Vour Convamieai-" ilO Meeting Notices) ji2 Loel and Found 114 Transportation 116 Personal I iia SUinpa and Coins) 400 AGRICULTURE W2 Livestock for Sale) H13 Livestock Wanted 404 Poultry and Rabbits 1 4U7 Fur Bearing Animals ina fats 109 Sea Foods 110 f-eeds and Plant 412 Fruit and Farm Produce 113 Fertlhrer 114 Farm Equipment 125 Auction Sales ISO MERCHANDISE j 451 Machinery and Tools 151 Wanted Machinery Tows 134 Sewing Machines 133 House Goods for Bais 1436 Wanted Houe Goods I 437 Radio and Telev'sios) 43a building Matenele I3W Do It Youraelf IM) Musical Instruments 46 Sports Equipment 1464 Bicycles 166 Trade Miscellaneous I th8 For Rent, Miscellaneous 170 For Sals. Miscellaneous 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous 174 Miace laneous 1 47 uel SOO BUSINESS AND FINANCE 510 Money to Loan 312 Loans Wanted 315 Investments 0 EMPLOYMENT 603 Help Wanted 1 104 Help Wanted. Man U) Help Wanted. Lady a Pickers wantea 1610 Sales Help 112 Work Wanted. Man 614 Work Wanted. Lady ,13 Situations Wanted 117 Job Information I 818 Education ','.'C Dav or Contract ' ino HENTALS I 7n2 Sleeping Rooms Board 70.1 Wanted Rooms. Board 1 705 Apartments for Rent 704 Duplexes 7ti7 House fot Rent 707-A Furnished 1 70S Farms for Rent 1(1 Wanted Io Rent 710 Wanted to Rent House 712 Wanted to Rent Apts. 714 Business Rentsl 71 Resort Rentala 71 Convalescent Homes 780 Koving sndStorags (00 MEAL ESTATE I tni Business Opportunities 801 Business property W3 Suburban 8 Houses for Sal 607 Apt. Courts (or Sal 80S Lots for Sal 110 Farms for Sal 812 Exchange peal Etat ! Resort Property 811 Wanted Real Estat 825 Insurance 65(1 AUTOMOTIVE 831 New Cars 832 Used Cars for Dal 633 Auto Parts snd Repair 634 Trui ks. Trallera for Sale C3S Wanted Cars. Trucks as Motorrvele 860 Auto Miscellaneous 862 House Trailers 804 Heavy Equipment 680 Aircraft Too late to Classify Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed.. Apr. 11, o5 (Sec. II)-21 prai Ph. BY OWNER: Small clean IIS horn, drive bv 341 Williams Ave., but DO NOT disturb oc cupants, t 730. good terms. Phone 4-221 Mr. Kigglna. EXPERT home building re modeling. Phone 4-7477 TEMPORARY houework wsnt- ed. Jh. Dallaajtayfair S-136. Steno l-2 1 da. wk. (225 start Steno Exp. 25-4 ( da, wk. l 30 nr. Billing eper. I da. wk. (1 25 hr. Capitol Employment Agenrv .134 N. Winter Ph. 2-06.1 60 TREES cut down to give sway for firr. wood. 1-3233, PORTABLE garbage disposal. never been used, sacrifice at A5. Just the thing for rent era. Apt. or trailer bom. Ph. Keebler J-tSM.j 400 USED bricks, (5 x 12' bide could be moved, also Wards Mangle ironer. reaa. 2-477. FOR SALE or trad for ham gear, or receiver. 10'j It. ram 1 h p. chrlacrart eng. 2-74M. PIECE dining room set. king air Orthopedic springs A mattress. Westinghouse re frigerator. Kenmor wringer wearier. 21H table model Trav eler TV. antenna. Misc. Items. Ph. 4-370. ANTIQUE green velvet couch. 12. Ph.- 4-sav. WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator. runs food. (41. 187 S. Capitol, Linoleum ruga (3 S Valley Furn. Co . 21( N. Com'l. I IN. SEARS gas rotary lawn mower, high chair, basinet, waffle Iron. (064 Bailey Rd.. Keizer Dial I960 20 IN. Howard ha tiller wtrailer, (275. Ph. 3-743. STILL available for Immediate planting. Bartlett pears In dwarf sV Standard. Apples (most varieties I dwarf It Standard. Blng aV Royal Anne Cherries In seml-dwerf. Shade At ornamental trees, roses, large blueberry plants Mid dle Grove Nursery. 420 Sll verton Rd. We five SJiH Green Stamps. ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late to Classify 400 Agriculture 430 MerrbanJisfl 404 Poultry and lobbiu 435 House) CsMdf for Sal FOR SALE: G. E. iron. Ilk new (3. Ill ruf pad (1, deep frees (160. rhrom dinette table S7, antiques. IMmmsge, household goods, reasonable Moving swsy. Ph. 3-300. 50 Rom St. CASH for best used rubber boat. Ph. 4-790. CARPENTER Job: new ft re- modelinf. re as. 4-1424, 3-23 FOR SALE or trade, equity In 1-bdrm. horn aa down pav ment on email farm, 1271 Townsend Way. fOO bliploy CloTsif i' CASUALTY ADJUSTER Each M to 3. law background preferred, salary plua car al lowance, opportunity for rap Id advancement At eicellent employee benefits See Mr. Cox, It . Commercial, All sUt Insurance Co. Ph. 4-461. I t I KM. ADta. nicely' furn! private bath, laundry facili ties SJS r 1.19, utiL pd. N. Commercial.Ph.4-5!!3L BABY sitter, my horn.' ph. S-124 between si i i m. WANTED: S4.0O private money n real estate. Yearly basis. bank interest Ph. 2-5374. FAMILY man deeires full time work, experienced In meat rutting produce St frorery. Belongs to umoa. Dependable, ref. Ph. 4-1447. FRYERS (121 Ph. 4-411 dress Is draw. EXTRA LARGE While Legnorna. Parmanter Reda. cornun a Whue Rocka. Hatches vry Tuesday. Send for fro folder. Wenorn cockerel 1 per 100 Parmenter Red cockerels 8 per 100 Wru!0l S HATCH tRY. LYONS, OREGON. Ph UL (-23.13. BABY CHICKS. lc straight run. choir of Parmentera. w Hampa . Whit Rocka and Leg hnma Special New Hamp and Whit Rock pullets. Its. Par enenter red rooster. IV VAL1 EY FARai STORE n 4-424 Baiem 4S3 Pott PITHS bred Grmsa Shepherd female. 1 yr. old. Rt 1. Box Jn. ArnoldJBrtggs, Sllverton. REG. Colli pups. Full whit collar. Ph t-SM. YOUNO parakeets, rate feed Mickey1. 225 1 Com. 1-275 lUrtPArlAkEia-Normai 245 W Browning Ph l-2u7 BIRDParadr'fof 4rda. eages supplies 3lst Uvirifsuw t-ltu 410 Swwdt ond! Plonrt 1,000 Misc. Items Cloeeout cheap to snake needed room tnc. Inoia. disnes. pie tures, utensils, luegage. mir rors, books, records, antiques. Glen Woodry l05 N. Summer BE rHRlFTY Buy smd tirm. lure appliance. THI THHIFTY WAY ea Lai Terms at WOOnRYl THRIFTY. . USED FURM. (1( . Com ! Ph 4-231 APt.I spool bed. (M. UV3 Mdse. Mart. 270 8. Liberie. Ph. 4-4JI1. No down paynMsit, is a c. i PC. Solid Map! Bedroom suites U5 on. Very nice. Glee) Woodry, IMS N. Bummer. FAST replacement service on water heater Guaranteed workmanship SO gal. and larger incruaing is year glass lined tank. Call for e tlmates Ph 3-1191 MONT. GOMERY WARD. Salem, Or. B. apt sic rang, laree oveai S surface anus. Guaranteed onlv N Hogf Bros, m Slat St. UNFINISHED WANTED. k ton pickup, 'SO to '54. H. F. Chrlsteneon. Rt. I. Box NF. Arnold Rd, McClesy Dist. ' PLOWING At discing. D. Mar shall, 3-1341. TrPl Classified Advertising Thrifty-Cut It-inch MOWER Dpdabl I cycl nqia. Trim fight up t milt and treat. Cutt Tom 1 7 h) Z't hiflh. NO MONEY DOWN We Give S1H Green SUmps Batdorfa Firestone Stores 1420 Stat St. Ph. 1-M2 20DS Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 1-7455 WANTED to rnl. bov svr aa or bdrm. horn In nod neifhborhond by widow who will fiv it Immaculate ear. No children. Prefer 1 XT. lease. Call Adrlenne Ser- eombe, 2-41 1. 3-ROOM turn., adults. Holly wood. Ph. 2-rn. 15 It. Capitol. WANTED from Owner, good suburban 3 t 4 bdrm. approx. 1 to S acres. Clo In. Ph. 3-702. 7-PIEC'i walnut dining table set. also round oak table, very reasonable, 1-M13. mak offer. Ph, RHVBARD planU. McDonald's canaaun rea, lrg ctuni, (I. Ph. 4-327. DAHUA tubers, pwnsiee. fuchlaa ft Ivy geranium, warns bar- den. 43o Cherry Ave. AZALEAS. Will bloom thia Spring. Warings Nursery. 1025 Oak hi II Av. Turn w. rrom B. 12th St. i, ml. S. of Morn' Ingsld School. WILLAMETTE Raspberry plants. W. Leo Nelson, (19 River- bend Rd. Ph. 1-133. PRIM roses Is Begonias (79f Lardon Una, Ph. S-27. PERENNIALS At Swan Island Dahlia bulbs now available. A Plant Green Houses. 1214 S. 13 A Plant Greenhouse A Florist Garden suoollea seeds planta ISM B ir Ph. 3-4479 Eva ft Sua 412 Fruit & form Produco FURNISHED bachelor apt.. 21(3 Fairgrounds Rd. (4 Pr mo. , Ph. 3-313 before a m. or 1-950 after ( p.m. (.Mas Nrthwat strawberry plants, new field. Alas Marsh- ana rn. 4-.n arter a p.m. PASTEURIZED wnol milk. 75 gaL t.i gaL 40c. delivered. Cleary Dairy. 1-3031, fry. 1 413 Portilitor BABY Buggy and stroller, 1 12. ph. 3-4J44. , CHICKEN manur. (Or sack or (J.50 ysrd. Ph. -m. BOTO-TILUNG, 30-ln.. 11 H P. Roto-hoe, ph. after I int.. 1-6S91. ELDERLY woman and daugh ter want furnlshtd 2-bed room house. Suburban. (81. Prster North end. Ph. 4-741. SOLID mapl gsteleg dining table At 4 chairs, 105. S place Cambridge tabl crystal; Ar lington pattern. (17. 4-3083. WANTED: Strawberry plant 8 ackers B. i. Towry, nt. i, alem. Ph. 4-75. '11 FORD elb. cp. New white walls, dual pipes with head ers. Excel. Co no. jn. s-sau. FOR SALE: Craftemen " table saw H. P. mtr., (51. 1020 Harria St alter t p m. FOR SALE: 1 David Bradley Card, tractor wplow disc., emit, ft blad. Good aond. (13. ION Harris, after 1 p.m. MANURE: aged neb numue I weeds, Bal loll builder I towns, fardeisa. Ph. 1-0331. PEAT MOSS with poultry drop pings only 7se per sack. VALLEY FARM STORE FRESH or rotted tnanur. Rich, fine manur be aarK or yard, Delivered or at farm. Phillip Pro, rl ( Box 493. Ph. 4-J091 Statesmaa-Jaaraal Newspaper BN N. Chart St, PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mlo. 1 lines) 'Weekdays "SaJL per line I tlm 35 13 per line 1 tune 90 M per tin ( time (I 30 (1 20 per line 1 mo (100 Unci Sun. I Classified ads will bs run in ooth pspers to giv advsrUiers th advantage nf tha tremen dnus pulling power of 37.074 I combined circulations When an ad la ordered three I or six times and a Sunday lasu Iis included tfor example Friday. Saturday. Sunday) the lower Sunday rates apply because only The statesman puousna nun- days Classified sds will stsrt la th I morning Oregon Statesman, con clude fa th evening Capita) Journal but ads will b ac cepted for Sunday aatesmsn onlv. The deadlln for classified ada lis 1:00 pm. th dsy befors pub lication except lor Sunday wnen deadline is 5 30 p m. Friday. Emergency ada and small lln ads received after 1.00 pm weekdays and until 11 noon Satudray for Sunday may be placed In the 'Too Lat I Claa- alfy" column. Ads lor Monday papers must o In by ( Dm. Saturday. rh Statesman-Journal Nw papers reserve th right to re- teci quesuonaoi aoveriising; ii further reserve th right to I place all advertising tinder the oroper classification. Th Statesman-Journal Nsws- papers sssume no finsncial re- IsponaiDiuty lor errors wnicn mav appear In advertisements I published tn Its columns snd In caaea where this paper la at I fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which th typographical mistake occur A "Blind" Ad an ad contain ing a Statesman-Journal News paper box number for an ad dress Is for th protection ot th advertiser and must there fore be answered by letter. Th Statesman Journal Newspaper are not at liberty to divulge in formation aa to th Identity nt an advertiser using s 'Blind" ad THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect its readers againat fraud deception, or Injuries. Readers are cautioned Io mak NO PAYMENTS to gel a po sition advertised in the help wanted columns All help wanted ada MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE Or THE WORK. Sale help warned ada must state If the pay is In tha form of salsry, commissions, guarantee, or Include firm name. Bon fid offers ot em ployment with pay belong to th "Help Wanted" columns. Ads in other columns which re quire Investment In stocks. samples, equipment or cash bond should be tnorougniy in- veatigaed before paying out ny money Advertisers re quiring a cash Investment for samples or merchandise, sales sids. etc.. must so specify In their ads Kindly report any exception to this ruis to tie ciassinea ad vertising manager I ' SAVE NOWt I Brand new Kenmor Consols 1 I .SEWING MACIUNE 1 I $59.95 , I Only SS Down Brand new Kenmore Canister I VACUUM CLEANER 1 $29.95 s I SEARS ROEBUCK It CO 830 N. Capitol ' 1 Vacuum Cleaner Tank Type $39.95 Vacuum Cleaner Clinic land Sewing Center 43 Court St. Ph. 4-1302 I BRAND NEW i NECCHI PORTABLE SAVE $40.00 ICtM0.NLY 7938 1 PORCELAIN top baas cabinet Ilk new, all 27x22. (2. 102 Harria Bt after 1 p.m. t-RII. turn. ant., orlv. bath ent., far., lee. best North. Ph. 1-4351. 1 WHEEL trailer. 14xM box, ply tires. Phone 20034, 19 FORO, '4-A-l motor. Phon J-OUM. '52 CHEV. Idn., Call , 1-M74. very sharp. ORGANIC FERTILIZER ODORLESS BT SACK OR BULK PHONE J-31S Hi Awctton Sale BY OWNER. North new 1 bdrm., double plastered garage. F.A. Heat. Swedish fireplace, ce ramic til.- Whit birch kitch en. Large kit. Near school, church It stor. Terms. Ph. 4-393. BY OWNERS, soully In nice romp, re-dec. horn at 1.10 N. 15th. Immed post. Ph. 1-2711 for Info, befors noon. 300 Personal 310 Mtlnt NtrtlC) BAHA'I WORLD FAITH InformaUoo Pb. J-S344 312 Lett Bird Fownd FOUND: Cost near Senator. Owner Identify is pay for ad Call eves. 4-M71. LOST Black Lab. reg , female, Jlcena number 313. Ph, 4-4132. LOST: 1 mo. old Pekingese Tuesday eve. Gervals. brown e black. Reward. 10 Ind St, Gervals. 316 Personal ALS BAKERY 1040 MARKET Frnren tuns, tsmsl. chicken dr beef plea. (225 s dm, Pltrs pie. 3c, large bread 2 for 45c, fresh doughnuts every morn ing by 1 am. Ph. 1-7371. INCOME TAXESI Ar you over paying you rat Ph. 2-4743, IffsJ rr vrT Aa I" I i Ur Round bobbin Forward and reverse I stitch ! Automatic darning ! Portable carrying case & Genuine Need i AIX;OHOLICS Anonymous group No. 1. 208 N. Com'l. 1-4337. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, i S CommercisL 1-1 10 or 4-181 PSYCHIC READER Madam HAZEL, Salem's oldest, reliable reader ran help you win success, health and hap- yinees. No bargain price, ust truthful, reliable advice. 4330 Portland Rd. at Albany rut off. Look for aign, MADAM FATIMA PALM. CARDS. PSYCHIC ADV. Telia past, prevent as future Advlc on all matters. SPECIAL (5 complete reading i with ihia ad, for limited time only Be wis. 3121 So. Commercial across front Ran dall's Chuck Wagon. 400 Agriculture 402 Llvttteck for Sold HEREFORD registered cow A calf.JTerms 2-452 orl-3450 Salem Meat Co. locker beef. Custom killing, rutting A wrap ping, trailer loaned free. BEAUTIFUL black yearling colt, t Shetland i Welch. Ph. 2-22S5. gjNICE Duroc weaner pigs. Call furniture Siift rurmtur. 175 r4 R U High EW book cane. (14 M V4 Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-4J71. No down payment. lose.) WRINGER washing machine, Eood cfind , boat ffer. Ala ble model aew. . mac hi n. Ph. 8-11 5S. Pc. Junior Dining Set. So fid oak w buffet, real bargarn at Sa. Glen Woodry a. Isu N. ummer. GOOD Montgomery Ward eorf ventional saslmi U. Pa. 4-27.15. ' FOR , SALE. Solid Mahogan chair with rollers reclining back, 115 Ph. 4-434. UNFINISHED chnt-o-drawer. all sale priced. Used Mda. Mart. No down payment, lose) 27 S. Liberty., Ph. d-d.T71 ReClines Contour Club Chair. sou a usuauy pay over uur ape. prir just colors, few trtem today, Woodry, 10 N. (ummer NEWLYWEDSI I Buy that fur niture lor muro teas st Glen -Woodrys, 101 N. Summer. Easy terms. Large variety COLDSPOT .-sfrigerator, 1 cu' sue fully reconditioned At guaranteed only (47J HOGO BROS 2O0 Stat St APPLIANCES - Used washers, ranges. frrs, clothes dry "1. ers, Ironer. N money down. 1 Easy term. S A H Grea S lamp Master Senrtrt Sta Hons, 31 N. Commercial t COSCO high rhalra, (11J. rt) X a. Uberty. rn. 4-311. Used . Mds. Mart. N down payment, - : DRAW drip,' upright piano, J5 Chair, T y. Chm X ru girl's bicycle, walnut dresser. in. FURNITURE AUCTION Wed, April 11th 7:30 P.M. Sharp Several Lota of Very Good Furniture 1 pc. Blond bedroom suit, ne. bedroom suit. 1 maple twin beds, Mshogsny desk and chair 21" Weettnghouse T.V. Console. Westinghouse T.V. ron aol. Westinghouse auto washer, G. E Dryer. 1953 Frtgidatr Eaae. rang, (xll Mohawk rug I good condition), Mapl book caie, mahogany book ess, sev eral wringer waaiwrs, cheat of drawers, dressers. Glsdlron mangle, seversl seta of food mattresses At box springs, 131 Champion outboard motor. Reo lawnmoww. eon epringe, oreaa fast aata. davenoa and daven ports, upholstered chairs, many other misc. artlclea ot furniture A good plsc to buy or aell la at Sudteil'a. Open every day LANE SUDTELL'S Auction Sales Yd. VIS Sllverton Rd. Ph. 1-OOM LIVESTOCK It MISC. AUCTION THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 10 A. M. Misc. of all kinds, furnltur. shrubs, product. 13 P M. Livestock of sll kinds sold by th hesd or pound. For food results consign to audieus. " LANE SUDTELL'S Auction Sales Yd. 3011 Sllverton Rd. Ph. l-0) Sslem, uregon . 4-1511. FOR guest room or Den. Love ly Simmons studio Lounges, double size. Bale Price (? 30. 4 colors. Glea Woodry. isol N. Summer.. USED Davenne (lt.M Up. Glesi , wooory. inua w. aummer. NEW bahy beds, (175. V4 Mdse, Mart, fit B Uberty. Ph. 4-4JJ1. No down payment, C.a.e.) INLAID Lino, ll.H per sa yd. R U Ellstrom C-, M (, Lib srty. INLAID Une. (1 st per q. yd. im austron vw as a. ua srty. - ' 450 Merchandise 431 Mochlwtry t Tools 151 MASSEY Harri pony, 421. n , u 1 H P. Gravely Garden tractor 1 speed, forward reverse. (250 with attachments. Box 171, Amity Oreg. R. 1. Lore sen. USED welders for sal. Inquire at x Illinois Bt. Ill Horse Wlndolph eat w blade, 3 In. tiller, good rond wall attachments. Ph. 4-R27. HAVE several used welder AC s DC. tali -?. 454 Sewirg MochirtotT YELLOW chrom trim dlnett set with extension leaf. Also blu lOxtt wool frits rug. At Thayer light weight rollapaibl baby buggy. Mahogany te rt Ph. l-0M. - GOOD Paint. (1 ( gallon. Glai Woodry, 10 N. Summee. DISHWASHERS - New G Mobil, mad automatic dish washers. Special whll they Ust ! NO DOWN PAY MENT Easy terms. FREE It day trial. We ll furnish th soap I Master Service Stations, Inc. 33 N, Commercial. ' NEW (xll Rug A, rubberiied pad. (4M. Used Mdse Mart. 270 t. Liberty. Ph. 4-4.T71. Na down payment, lo.l t ) SELUnf Uk Hotcskesl Beautl- ful swing rockers, genu in Blltwells new colors. Why pay SO Glen Woodry low overhead price Just (.'13 M. ethers from (24 (S up. Term tool 1(0 N. Summer. INLAID Un, 11. 3 per so. yd. R L. Ellstrom Co , IM t. Liberty. SPEED Queen clothes drier. (I2S. A-l. Uad Mda. Mart. 170 S, Liberty. Ph. 4-4371. Na down payment loa-ej . LIKE a bargain. See th new Mr. At Mrs. 3 nr. - bedroom suites. Glen Woodry I o w overhesd Stor offers at lust (Ml 30. Stork limited Buy now. At iwi N. aummer, WATER HEATERS -New Gl fast recovery water heaters table too nr uorlaht at LOW. LOW. LOW Prices! No Down Payment Easy Terms SAIt Green Rtampa Master Servird Station Inc., KS N. Commr iclal. GOOD Paint. (1 M gallon, Clew Woodry, 105 N. aummer. USED Conlon mangle. Ilk new J44 M. Salem Ironrlt to, I13T Com I. Ph. 4-373. USED Maytag washing m ch!na z call a-o.wi. C t AUTO, roaster even with csblnet. Excellent eond. 't0. Also large pressure cooker S3, 1-0430 THOR Semi-Automatic Washer (35. Ph. 4-0644 after p.m. 1 WOOD circulating heaters. Closeout 1150 e. Glea Woodry. 105 N. Summer. SEALEY box spring $15. used hosp. bed 10. 1751 Pioneer Dr. Ph. 4-4Q47. HOUSEHOIJJ items, sntlqua brass bed. umhrells and coat etand. desk, smsll refrig. oak library table. Ironer. basinet. See at IV W, Miller St. Call S-sWM. Too Late to Classify CLEAN 3 bdrm.. attached ga- rnge. Near school A bus. 18:0 No IDth after 1 p m. GOOD children's horse, "Pinto" bridle At saddle, $123. Ph. 2-s?:,J : lively 1 bdrrn. unfurn,, near I W. U. It Capitol. Crrrk, 1 barbrcuc. Brndix. Adults S-9o24. I Reconditioned 1 Machines I Singers Kf-nmorcs ! Whites Kldridgcs I Montgomery Wards f Priced . . . $19.95 up Also Treadle As Low As; 1 9.95 . 2-lloS FOR SALE or trad, gentle ponies for children, slso good saddls horses Boh Franks, 303, N. Water St., Sllverton. Ph 3-S134. PROFESSIONAL horseshorLe Hanson, 4-0724 or 4-lkaM. s lFNTiFic "rtoRsrsHoriNO TEX aWVLEY Ph. l-.1s. 403 Livestock Won tad TO PLACE AD Ptt 4-6811 I Vacuum Cleaner a Clinic i and Sewing Center;1.; CATTLE noraea. at eouf larm E CMcl'iindlisn. Rt 1. 3-41 JATTLE buver A F Somme'. CM Harmony Dr Ph 4-os. CATTLE bnversl-4207 Stste E A II Snrthen. 2-1115, S-4.1S0. LIVESTOCK buyer CIS 'de Ed- wards HI 4 Boa iwr. 4-IH1 PORTABLE KI.KCTRIC BRAND NFW ' $79.50 sSEWING CENTER IM N Com'l. Ph 3-331 Cabinet elec. walnut head. perfect Shane, used less than 1 year. Sold new for (2tl 50. Now $119.95 SINGER SEWING CENTER 130 N. Com'l. Buy j V, w M . beds, com SOLD maple bunk beds, niete vmatiressa. uniy 49 30. Bhop Glen Wnodrvs. f Low overhesd stor. 10 N. b Summer. i p. Ho. i WASHING machine wringer 1 Maytag with pumi 2-7437 eve. NEW hardwood "hl"rhlr SI s". Glen Woodry 1405 N. Summer GUARANTEED refrigerator 1.130 Up. Woodry, I"5 N. Summer. IF YOU-need singi Item ar complete household of aew or used furniture or ap- filiances, buy now oa ur easy erms Woodry Thrifty Used Furn. Ill So Com'l St Ph 4-221 1 slock So. of Paper Mill 456 Wonted Houso Goods Ph. 3-3312 45 5 Houm Good for Salo S Court St., Salem Ph. 4 5502 404 Poultry ond Rabbits FOR SALE: davenport, chair .. upi- pictuiea A miac, Ph. for Cl'STOM I1RKSSING I details t-otu Of poultry We buy rabbit" ' SMALL rubber seat sofa SHOO. "f'Tf vtfyg'r'j-w-.tlt Wings, 3vS State. Ph. 4-3911 Woodry, 1601 N. Summer. WE NEED FURNITURE Vajley Furn Co.. 1-747 Need at" One Lat model E Appliance. Pay rash premium for Hi Oradd Electric Ranges, Refrigerator. Automatic Washers. Driers At l ate Model used , Furniture. I'M Clrn Woodry 3-5110 right Now for Pleasing Results! I I TOP CASH" MKKETrtifiNU Tl'RE APPLIANCE, rrc I'Sru MERCHANDISE MART ;70 S LIH1RTY l'H4-37t WE "WILL PAY CASH FOR COMPLETE HOUSEHOLDS OF FURNITURE OR ANY OTHER TYPE PERSONAL P R O P E R T Y. CALL CLAUDE KILG0RE. 4-606X .1 at