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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1956)
Statesman, Salem, Orp., Wed.. Apr. 11, "53 (Sec. 'HW Nation's General Prosperity Finds Farmers, Textile Industry, Automobile Dealers Unhappy - ;".. ' . ' " (Editor's Note: Farmers arc complaining about thrlr lot la thii year al almost frnrral arot prrltjr. R ll the teitil Induilrjr and retail auto dealers arc aot happy. Th story la told al these o(t apot la the aallnnal econo my la tha trrond of two articles Ilvta the llndlnfi of aa A to dated Press antlon-wlde sur vey). By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Farmers, an Associated Press business roundup shows, will not Waves Could Complicate Reunion of Grace, Rainier By EDDY GILMORE .' (Picture aa Wlrephoto page) MONTE CARLO I Prince Rainier III eyed the choppy waters of his pint-sized port Tuesday and crossed his fingers for fair weather (or the arrival of Grace Kelly. The blonde American movie stir who is to marry Rainier on April 18 is ' to arrive here Thursday morning aboard the liner Consti tution from the United States. Strong winds and waves in the Mediterranean could complicate the arrangements for the romantic reunion of the prince with his princess-to-be. "We don't want anybody's boat to be rocking," said an official, Plans now call for the Consti tution to Steam up to Monaco's pretty port about 7 p.m. (local time) and for the prince to come . alongside in his yacht, May I'se Teader .race and her family then are 4a tuiHrfm T i . ID k r.i t D" t tab. ff fir J. .nA Mr ! to take off Grace and carry her to Rainier's yacht. Bright blue weather accompanied by a fresh wind prevailed today. That's why his Serene Highness Government Not Liable for Vanport Flood SAN FRANCISCO 11 - The gov. eminent Is not liable for flood i damage caused by overflow of the , Columbia River in the Vanport ' Housing area in 1948, the U.S. Court of Appeals ruled Monday. The ruling was an affirmation of a Portland federal court deci sion. The suit was brought by property owners of Drainage Dis trict 2, who also asked compensa tion. ' ' The decision said that the gov ernment was not liable and that if property owners had any claim for damage, it should have been pressed against the dike builders and the Oregon State Highway Commission, ' The 1948 flood wiped out the Vanport Housing project. Spring9 Love and Poetry" Get Extra 10-Day Leave for Sailor LEONARDO, N.J. UT-The Navy encountered spring and poetry Tuesday, Bruce Nichols, a radarman as signed to the ammunition ship Great Sitkin, tied up here, was due back April 13 from a 10-day leave. Rut today he sent tiiis telegram from State College, .Pa., to the skipper: -" ' ' "I like my ship and all the men, "So when I left I took but 10. "Well, here at home it's spring, I find. "I've met a thing that changed my mind,. Use Your Glasses For Better Hearing NOT glasses that change your appearance . NO horn-rimmed frames NO heavy black bows NO dangling cord NO ear button Your Own Glasses Brand New Hearing Here is a hearing aid that becomes a part of the eye glasses you are wearing. It's a miracle of concealed hearing. If You Can't Come In, Write for Free Booklet. Office hours 9:30 to 4:30 daily Ph. 2 0702 i Maiio Salem Hearing j service 311 State St., Salem, Oregon : Please send me Information Name t. .. I AiMrwu : ' - City. State. i,l.iiiiiin,iii i mm " i m i share fully in the bounding pros perity that now seems to await most Americans In 1956. The indi cation! art that auto dealers will not either. These people constitute two ma jor "soft spots" in the current great business boom. You can find other soft spots here and there in carpet weaving, hosiery manu facturing and textiles. How serious are the! Complaints Listed Here's the thinking of farmers, bankers, auto dealers and others kept his fingers crossed. He wants it to continue. Asked where he learned to cross his fingers for good luck Rainier told friends. "I learned that from Texans during the war." Rainier was a captain in the French 2nd Army Corps during World War II and served as a liaison officer with In American unit that included many men from the lone star state. , Confusion Moaats As the time of Grace's arrival approached, confusion mounted' ill Monte Carlo where harassed of ficials are dealing with one of the biggest events in their country's hundreds of years of history. They announced over the press center loudspeakers today that new press passes are being issued for the arrival of the bride-to-be. "The original passes have been Thar h'ta .,,-L . J-,1n. ,:. ,.,r (is.,:i iUt.1HililS HVIII ISM lt Vlll'90 llIICU reporlm that Monacan officials P? conferences These conferences are held at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. and are novel in that they consist of announce ments in French by an unseen of ficial over a loudspeaker with! which correspondents can neither argue nor ask for more informa tion. . . Reporters accompanying Grace on the Constitution are having their troubles, too. The bride-to-be was decidedly annoyed that her father, John B. Kelly, gabbed to at least one of them about the heart-to-heart talk he had with his I beautiful daughter Monday. - Kelly disclosed ne naa advised Grace not to let herself be pushed around or be bothered by protocol in Monaco. When Grace learned this had been reported, she had a few words with her parent. ' The -consequence was Kelly's an nouncement Tuesday that he would have practically nothing to say to reporters henceforth and had ad vised others in the 70 member wedding party on the Constitution to "firm up" also in communica ting with the press. The Constitution Tuesday night stopped at Algeciras, Spain, to dis embark -snme passengers and pick up others Wednesday and Thurs day it will be in the Mediterranean, headed for the Riviera and the romantic rendezvous off Monaco. "Now I'm in love as ne'er before. "So, please sir, grant me 20 more." The skipper, Capt. N, D. Gage, '. of Newport, N.H., couldn t give him 20 but granted another 10. He replied to Nicholas: "Comprehend your yen. "Can give you but 10, "On the 23rd to end." A wonderful "show" and the cost is low" SUPER DOME Tacoma Seattle) Spokane Missoula Buttt Twin Cities ' Milwaukee Chicago You can see everything from the full-length Super Dome of the Olympian Hiawatha. You can relax on this Speedltner and do as you please with plenty of lounging apace. Enjoy the finest of foods and bever ages atlnoderate prices. .. Round trip fares in reserved-seat leg rest coaches are only about two cents a mile aa much as 60 less than airline fares. Touralux cars offer the lowest cost sleeper travel in the United States. Pullmans have private rooms and Skytop Lounge. I0&WM1 Interviewed by the Associated Press in a nationwide business sur vey: Number one complaint of many farmers is the continuing decline in the prices they get for crops and livestock, while costs of gaso line, tractors, machinery and fer tilizer climb higher and higher. The weather, as always, is also a target of criticism. In the drought pb'ued Kansas farm belt, Ray mond Dell, agricultural economist for the loth Federal Reserve Dis trict, say farmers' income right now ii the poorest it's been since the depression days of the early liUO's. Bad times on Kansas farms are blamed for lagging overall business activity in Kansas City- one of the very few U.S. cities where business is expected to de cline this year. . Sharp Contrast In Nebraska, an Industrial boom In Omaha contrasts sharply with stagnant business conditions throughout the great farming areas. Two counties have asked to be declared eligible for drought emergency relief. A Denver econ omist says 54 out of 100 farmers in Colorado aren t showing a prof it and the livestock growers face rT Death Toll in Algeria Hits 5,724 Figure ALGIERS, Algeria W-French of ficials estimated Monday that 5.724 Moslems and Frechmen have lost their lives in the first 16 months of the Nationalist rebellion in Al geria. The figure includes both 1 Civilians and soldiers. Unoiticial estimates run more than double 'that figure. In addi tion to the total dead 765 others are listed as missing and presumed dead. The official breakdown includes: Pro-French 1.32S killed, (84 wounded, 504 missing. Military and police-472 killed, 1,484 wounded, 261 missing. Rebels 3,724 killed, 391 wound ed, 2.0O5 captured. Exclusive Dis tributorship Available For Established Local Firm or Right Individual National" manufacturer AAA 1 has new, but proves product designed for use In every home, at derate cost Strong patent protection fore stalls competition. High nnlt profit Nature of product re quires ne technical knowledge. Full assistance given in sales and promotion. Inquiries from regional advertising tamed over U you. Only capital la vestment is for minimum in ventory. For prompt attention direct pertinent details of bus iness background, address and phone number te Box (39, Statesman-Journal, Salem, Ore gon. ntn aooui money-sating , Family Fart Portland Office S2I S. W. Yamhill Si. hone Capitol 1-0204 R. J. Daniel, Control Agent iOLYMPANj "disaster." The drought has left its mark, too, on farms in the Iowa corn belt and in Illinois. Fruit; crops in some southern states have! been nipped by a late freezing spell; farms in the Pacific North west have been hurt by heavy rains and floods. Real Estate High The survey points up one big dif ference between the current (arm slump and the cruel farm depres sion of the '30's prices of farm real estate are holding up. Some say it's because farm land is being sought Increasingly for jndustrial development. Be that as it may, there has been no epidemic of fore closures. Truck farmers in California are looking for a banner year. The loudest beefs of tne auto dealers concern the great out o o o o o o pouring of new cars from the fac- tory gates, and skimpy dealer j profit margins, jnow inai protec tion has been throttled down, some dealers are breathing easier al though inventories of unsold new passenger cars are still close .to the 900,000 mark. Rudy Fick, Kan sas City dealer, says his new and used car sales are off four per cent and "profits of, my firm may be down is much a 40 per cent by the end of this year." A Seattle dealer complains that too many potential customers are "either paying off on the new can they bought last year or waiting for the 1957 models." Heavy Tarnover la St. Louis,' big volume dealers are reported quite pleased with the present heavy turnover ana low profit situation but small dealers IT'S DIG! IT'S SENSATIONAL! IT'S EDUCATIONAL! IT'S FUN ! IT'S FASCINATING! IT'S F - Q - G - "j" ' Hi AMAZING EXHIBITS IN HUGE SUPER fUTUR LINERS PLUS D0 SCIENCS STAGE SHOW-UNDER THE SILVER AERODOME -GREATEST SCIENTIFIC EXPOSITION EVER PUT ON WHEELS! And rAony Oer . J are shouting "uncle," An Evan ston. 111., dealer, Earl Zweifel, says unit sales are ahead of last year "but profits per car are not what they should be." Dealers in 19 of 21 cities checked said they expected sales as well as profits to show a drop this year. The big exception is . Denver, swollen by an influx of new popu lation and new industry. New car sales for the first two months this HINDI'S MIGRATE , CALCUTTA un India estimates 60,000 Hindus migrated to India from East Pakistan in March. It is the largest exodus since Pakis tan was born in 1947. Indians at tribute the increased influx to fears arising from Pakistan's new official status as a theocratic re public dedicated to Islam. G! . tto I wj--luiji ii' ' '-V'-" -' """ 4 ssaManeatefa1 oMiyi ., . ' I a T""l,,""",'" ypAW) ivVj-uJI J Southeast Section Lower Area BUSH PASTURE PARK Turn en Crest Street from either South 1 2th er South High Streets. Entrance t Cross Street off Dividton Si. Wttch for the DiectionaJ Arewa year were up a whopping 63 per cent over year-earlier levels. Textile manufacturers are wor rying out loud about the rising tide of Japanese textile imports. VS. mill men say printed and dyed cot ton fabrics are coming from Japan at the rate of 20 million yards a month and the Japanese are step ping up their exports of cotton handkerchiefs and blouses.' New England mills, which make the same type of goods produced in heavy volume in Japan, say they are feeling the squeeze; one large New England cotton manufacturer has already curtailed production. Overproduction Aside from the import problem, there are signs, too, that the U.S. textile industry is suffering -from a mild case of overproduction. Prices of synthetic textile yarns ri if v,' '. v n I . I -;:vv :; i . r A 'i Ll nn and fibers have been cut recently and the huge Burlington Mills or ganization last week curtailed out put of synthetic fabrics. A big carpet mill at Amsterdam, N.Y., has slowed down. The textile in dustry traditionally runs in cycles, with good years followed by lean years, and there are some in the trade who feel a lean year may be due about now. CoastraeUoa Olmblag Home building Is sometimes des cribed as a "soft spot" in the eco nomic picture. The AP survey shows home construction on the upbeat In 7 of the 21 cities checked and definitely on the downtrend in 19 others. Some contractors com plain that building loans are hard to get; a Philadelphia analyst ob serves that "it's not so easy for the builders to borrow money. t a ryrz 1 ' ' EKING TOUWriF i... BRING YOUX FAMILY Vo-e BRING YOUR WINDS Not an Automobilo Show . Nothing to Buy Everything to See ADMISSION FtlEQ April 12 thru IS - 2 to 10 p.m. Home building is down la Denvi proper, but only because all avail able land has been used up and the . boom is now burgeoning out in the'' ; Denver suburbs. U.S. government statisticians reported that 78,000 ' new homes were started in Feb- ruary as compared to 89.S0O In the same month last year. Activity has picked up sharply since then. Nobody seems te know for sure how home building will (3 in 1956. One thing is certain, however: . . contracts awarded for future con struction indicate that any drop in , housing starts will be more than offset by a continuing boom la .. construction of dams, bridge t,t roads, schools, churches, and shop-, ping centers..' One basking shark weighed 1,600 ? pounds. ' t i