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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1956)
II) r:;.trsman, Salom, Ore., Wed., Apr. 11, '53 jred Allen Estate Tops Million Dollars, Most Goes to Widow DAILY CROSSWORD NEW YORK uf-Fred Allen. Ihe, lett in estate valued at more than on million dollars, a family source said Tuesday at hi lull wit riled tor probate. 1! died II arch 17. ; Allfn. whose real namt wu John T. Sullivan, bequeathed halt the estate to hit widow, Mary Port land Sullivan, known to radio lis tenders ai Portland HoKa. . lit also specified that the re ceive the interest from the remain ing: half, which he art up at a trust fund (or three young nieces by marriage, wht ultimately will f et the principal. He directed, however, that the executor? dip rata this trust fund f"7 for his widow's benefit should she need further funds at any time. Additionally, he left hl Jewelry, manuscripts and theatrical posses- isoo tMnomi. mom cum on tvurrruw. ff RtlTAURANTl 4) COCRTall 10UN6CS INCLUDINtf H.TNORf OWl ae' KNOCZVOUl i Mmurn to iwusicui ttcnoai... moustinai corru: .. nmtHuu ' ...nawara, - Jk B it, Bmutijui iLTr.ionn Slh Street, 4h Street 0UV1ANDCXAND Adlai Casts Ballot, Leaves For Florida CHICAGO uD - Adlal E. 8te ensoa left by plane for Florida, and another round of campaign ing, after casting his vote la the Illinois Democratic primary. The former Illinois governor made a weekend effort to stem a write-in vote move for Sea Et tas Kefauyer of Tennessee. Stevenson was the Hat person to vote Tuesday morning at his polling place In the Vernon fire house at Half Day, a hamlet Bear his suburban country borne aoruV west of Chicago. I ' Stevenson probably win discuss Issues on the same platform with Kefauver during the week of May to la campaigning for the May Florida votes. lions to the widow. The nieces are Frances Hcrsh kowltt, 12, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hershkowitz, of New York; and Barbara Bond, 13, and Mary Bond, 13, daughters of Dr. and Mrs. Guy Bond, of St Paul, Minn. The win, dated July , 1954. listed the estate at more than 1100, 000. Executors are the Chase National Bank, Mrs. Hershkowitx, actor Jack Haley, and the widow. Carpe TV EXPANSION Pll MEXICO CITY ID Mexico Is studying s plan to make TV arail ahU In ever .corner of the coun try. It calls for n broadcasting and retransmitting stations la eight tones. Mexico bow has eight stations. . nters Tieup Goes On KLAMATH FALLS ill -.The strike of union carpenters contin ued here Tuesday for a ninth day after they rejected an employer motion for work to resume while negotiations start up again. ' The carpenters are asking $3 hourly.' The employers have of fered $15. The union objected to an employer offer to resume negotiations because the employ' era wanted A. H. Harding. Port land, of the Associated General Contractors, to take part. The union Mid he should have bo voice in the Klamath Falls dispute. The union asked the international union headquarters at Indian apolis to send a representative to help settle the dispute. No surgery needed ! Reduce swelling of painful piles at home! Aa amastnf new, stainless wound has been developed to treat e at none, u 1 1 l broufh Id doctor's teats: internal and ex- istalnleas fht tartan rtUtf piles' torture i Faro, and It I In aoctor-i te oarnsd rr lief without sunrrryl No other preparstloa oilers such roof of result. Many who aull er4 for yari now enjoy real catnfort. Her a why. Pass combines I ssed. fceilr-proved Infradtenta, toclud- Int wonderful Trtolrte, not eon touwd In any other leading pile preparation. Tha amaaing sub etance haa remarkable ssesttetie action that stops pain and itching instantly . . . while the medica tion goes to work reducing too swelling, promoting healing! Oct new stainless Peso). WonV stain elothas. Modern suppositories or ointment Both ai druggutal . ACROSS 1. Kind of rock 4. Border for , a picture II. Kind of bear 12 Of the rnooa 11 Sheeplike K.Greek letter IS. Denary IS. Note of the acale 17. Suppose (archaic) 11. Live eoeJa . 21. A tribe of the Mao Hilla HCvea (poet) 19. Lends 39. Btaff of life It. Custom 33. Capital (SwiU.) 13. Medieval boat 34. Affirmative vote 13. Nickname for a short peraoet It Shinto temple 41. Cry of para 43. Rubber tree (Me.) 43. Thin, brittle . cookie 47. One waa rune a bakery 43. Eff -shaped '.- figure 80. Amid tl. Conclae 12. Raves DOWM 1. Blemish J. Ardent aXfectlosi I. Arrange la aline 4. Brown la the sun .Before t. Bottom of a room . T. Alcohotle drink I. Afreah f. "Three Wiae Men 10. Epochs 14. Lair 11. Consider . . able " pecuniary resource SO. River bottom 31. Entrance to ' a mine 23. Warp-yara ' 33. Coin Owed.) 24. Slber. Ian . (Ml' tl. Poly. Ma la herb it. Pig pen 30. Erbium (sym ) II. Pern. - Inine pronoun S3. At the present time i' vtj'Ti' ' ' (' vl ' 4.1 Vetterder' Aaewer 43. A period of fasting 44. Units of work 34. A quadruped 44. Elevated 37. River (Alaska) 33. Hit (var.) 39. Own 10. At a distance . tralaa (short ened) 47. Stripe 48. Wine . receptacle 1 I 1 i4 11 yl I' I1 I4 Y T" TaT IT 777 wTi. i; it & 5-f " "I I 11 miT r 4-11 Puget Sound Plane Raising Work Begins SEATTLE Ul Salvage crews Tuesday - fastened steel cables about a Northwest Airlines plane which sank in Puget Sound April t Northwest Airlines officials said the wreckage may be brought to the surface as early as Wednes day. The plane ssnk to a depth of 400 feet. Thirty-three persons were saved, four are known dead one one is presumed dead. . . .1 1 'i .n. C B Bsnni 11 sssat sssawa o)f?(? S . Iff is-" Itil Adequate Salk Supply Seen For Summer DETROIT Mich. (II - A U.S. Public Health Service official pre- ' dieted Sunday that despite short ages enough Salk polio vaccine would be available this summer to "break the back" of the crippling disease. " Dr. Jack Haldeman told the na tional conference of State rharma c e u t i c a 1 Assn. secretaries the health service "hopes to have enough vaccine available this sum mer to sdminister one shot to each of the 53 million persons in the 1-14 age bracket and to pregnant women." , . "Based on this vaccine cover age, we hope to break the back of this, summer's polio season in that group of the population," Dr. Haldeman said. He said there is a possibility the current shortage of Salk vaccine may be alleviated by late this year. Mearl D. Prltchard, of Buffalo, N.Y., outgoing president of the American College of Apothecaries, told delegates attending the ACA annual meeting that the govern ment should get out of the distri buting end of the Salk polio vac cine program "as soon as pos sible." He said attempts by gov ernment agencies to assure fair distribution were "sincere although clumsy." The pharmaceutical secretaries and the apothecaries are meeting in conjunction with -the national convention of the American Phar maceutical Assn. John B. Heim of Salt Lake City. president of the pharmaceutical association, was presemea wun the J. Leon Lascoff Memorial award for outstanding contribu tions to the pharmacy profession. 1 In Shopping, 01 In fishing, th secret of ; ! success lies largely in knowing WHERE to go to get the best results. The : experienced angler "picks his spots", carefully on the basis of the best advance ( Information he can get. The experienced shopper , . does the same thing. Scans the ods In this paper to find . ,. , out exactly who's got what for sale and for how much . . . uses , the advertising columns as the tried-and-trusted guide to - the best "buvs" In town. Thus this paper - renders a stoubl service... valuable alike to the , ' shopper who wants to buy wisely and to the advertiser who wants to sell we Herchanh...'.' If yea ccdi ess mere hsintts,., Call 4-6011 MWM SS4I Losfiing Resumes As Weather Better CORVALLIS m - Logging Is resuming In the hills with Improved weather, but the higher roads still are closed and some sawmills are closed for lack of logs, Oregon State College reported Tuesday. The weekly farm forest products report said Willamette Valley mills were paying mostly $55 a thousand for long No. 2, second growth Douglas fir logs. Long camp-run logs were mostly $50 in the central valley and SbO north and south of there. Insul TV Quickie Films Aim at Quantity; Not Quality me her Li By EV E STARR HOLLYWOOD STARR RE PORT: When you get down to the level of the quickie adven ture TV films, quality goes pret ty well out the window and mass production sets in like s lsying ben. Kim Winona was telling the other afternoon about experiences in the "Brave Ea gle" series, which Roy Rogers is turn ing out with s meat grinder for the kiddy trade on CBS. "Rehearsal," says Kim. s full-blooded Indian girl herself, "is a word I hardly ever hear. We shoot two episodes a week and half the time don't know which scene is to be in which episode. Continuity is snother word we never hesr of. The director says we'll do this-and-that and thus-and-so and OK let's roll 'em. So the lines come out as though I was reading them off the ground. When I saw the first film I nearly died." Barry Sullivan is even worse off, being tripled up in the "Man Called X" meat grinder, which shoots no less than three half-hour episodes in a week's time. It all started w hen a cou ple of writers invited him to lunch at Romanoff's, where the story they outlined to him sounded like an art form with an $83,000 budget A week later a ZIv producer called him into the office and laid it oa the line. "We've got this property," he said. "Here are the scripts. We'll turn 'em out three a week at $20,000 a film. You want in?" It was ss cut and dried as that and Sul livan tookjt. far get lag all about the $85,000. art. form which no producer In his right mind would dream of turning out in the first place. Art for art's sake Is strictly for "Omni bus'' and network prestige. Whea it comes to the weekly adventure series, the ssussge factory takes over. ' You csn look tor sn announce ment any day now that the new Gale Storm film aeries, "Oh! Susanna," has been sold to s national sponsor and will start in the fall on CBS, quite prob ably in the present "Stage Show" time spot following "The lloneymooners" on Saturday nights. ' TV'S IMPACT on movie pro ducers gets bigger snd bigger. No fewer than 13 movie produc tion companies have put in bids for the movie rights to "Joey," which aired on NBS's "TV Play house" March 25 with Kim Stan ley and Anthony Perkins starred. IF YOU WANT to be a com edy writer for TV, get a copy of the 19S( Writer'a Yearbook at your newsstand. In it, NBC an nounces an open competition for the would-be writers, bo strings attached. All you have to do Is write a four-page monologue and send It to NBC along with the release form you'll find la the Yearbook. The tea winners will be placed under contract to the network for 13 weeks at $130 a week. GINGER ROGERS screamed like a wounded eagle when in formed that her leading men in her new RKO picture, "The First Traveling Saleslady." would be Jim Arness, Barry Nel son and David Brian.'Briaa she knew, but other two she'd never heard of and she was darned if she was going to share star billing with a couple of unknowns. Ginger, who doesn't watch much TV, wu soon straightened out. It's a new RKO policy. In cidentally, to bolster slightly facMng movis names with strong supporting players brought in from TV, thus sdding to the box-office appeal of the picture. Used to be the other way around, with movie stars heing brought in to bolster television! 8TARRDUST: Don Taylor has a double assignment rut out for him oa the new Four Star ae ries. "Richard Diamond." Hell aot only star la the show but direct it as wefl . . . Mark Stev ens, 1 e e k I a g for someone to plsy the title role la bis owa new series, "The Mysterious Trsvrler, has thus far Inter viewed such worthy souls as Peter Loire, Boris Karloff, Basil , Rathbone and Vincent Price . . . NBC drew an audience of 28. 000 jOOe for Its "Barretts of Wim pole Street," and let's hope WEDNESDAY BROADCASTS (Miter's aoO! Tht SUttnnaa n1llli (a t faith the frai ruu nS limn m pravldr br rdl ana TV iUIIoiu, hut bram minw th procrami ara rnanfra wiinam aouiicauva una aawipapar r.ijximliU far th sraaracj karala.) WEDNESDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS Channel Chuckles By BIL EEANE HOUR igiiJ I If jA, 7 w "Groucho sent me." J KPTV WEDNESDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL 17)! 13:10 boos NBC Matinee Theatre-'Teople In Class," a story of a family with tradition and no money, and a family with money and no tradition. 2:31 a.m. Matinee Theatre "Accomplice" stsrrlnf Richard Ark-n and Veda Ann Borg. ; l:M p.m. Kraft Theater "The Last Showdown," ' with Edward Arnold. A big city real estate dealer becomes legally Involved. 11:M s.m.-Nite Owl Theatre "Oriental Evil," starring Martha Ayer, William Andrews. ROIN-TV WEDNESDAY'S HIGHLIGHT'S (Channel lit 1: a.m. Armchair Theatre "The Boxeh and the Stranger": George Wallace, Carol Mathews. 7:0t p.m. U. S. Steel Hour Imogens Coca makes her dramatic television debut in "Funny Heart." 10:Ws.m.-Studio S7-"The Regulstors": Lloyd Bridges stars in the role of a rancher who fights to regain the respect of his son. 11:5 p.m. Showtime On Six "Daughter of the West": Martha Vlckers, Donald Woods. KLOR-TV WEDNESDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (Channel l!)t ' 12:W boos Afternoon Film Festlvsl-"The History of Mr. Polly" starring John Mills, Sally Ann Howes snd Finlay Currle. The story of a man who is unable to adjust himself to practical realities. 7:00 p.mWednesday Night Fights-Chuck Speiser, light-heavy, weight vs. Joey Rowan, heavyweight in a 10-round contest. I:M p.n. Disneyland-'The Story of the Silly Symphony." 11:10 p.m.Hometown Theatre-"It Started at Midnight" starring Richard Attenborough. WEDNESDAY'S TELEVISION KPTV, UHF 17; KOttt-TV. VHP I; KLOR, VHP 13 00:00 00:1$ 00:30 00:43 An airliner took off on an aver age of more than once every 11 seconds for a flight within the Uni ted States during 1955. Grain Elevator Fall Kills .Man COLFAX. Wash, tr) - Edward II. Broeckel, 54, was killed Tues day when he fell 40 feet from a grain elevator on his ranch near Dusty, Wash., about 10 miles southwest of here. Broeckel fell from the manlift to the floor of the elevator after he had gone up to unplug the machinery that was loading grain. that's about the end of that one. Katherine Cornell's TV bow waa not particularly suspicious, snd I for one sm getting a little tired of the story. Or maybe I'm just getting old . . .' Rlcbsrd Carlson, all through with "I Led Three Lives," Is gettiag ready to be producer-dlrector-star of not one but two movies. "The Daoe Rollers" aad "Couaterpaacb." But he's still looking around for a good property that would make a new TV film series for him. SHORT SHOTS: Most shows are renewed oa a year-to-year basis snd many aren't renewed at all. but .Art Linkletter's "House Psrty" has been re newed by CBS for no less thsn seven years . . . Dinah Shore goes to New York in the au tumn to do s spectacular, appro priately titled "Autumn in New York" . . . Sterling Hayes, who hasn't done much TV, will do "The Traveling Companion" with Lola Albright for the "Celebrity Playhouse" series at Screen Gems . . . Oscar Levant to Elsa Lanchester on "Words About Music," a local show on KNXT: "You have the body of Gina Lollabrigida and the face of Gary Cooper." (Copyrlsht lM. General feature! Corp.) X !3!To4,r ,T,,d, rrod,y rrod v aOINpanoratna Pie. IPanortma Pae. Panorama fat. Tun to fttduw A KPTV! Tana, Irnla ITtnn. Xrnls lathr Nart ITtathar Nad KOINI Valiant Lady Lot of Ufa ISaarch Tomofr IGulSlns Ufa I 1 A 'T''D,n' Do0 ID'nf Doaf irelerours rralteoura IV KOlNlAnnchalr Thta Armchair ThaalAt World TWAi World Trns KPTV" Rami IHonw . Homa Homa II KOINIrbdL Q. Lewis iBobt Q. Lewis lUnklttter ILlnkUttar bLORI I I Pub. Intarart KPTVI NBC Mat ThfllNBC Mat TheilNBC Mat Thai I NBC Mat That. KOIN Blf Payoff IBIS Payoff IBob Croaba IBoh Croat.. KLOR film Faitlval JTIlm Peatlval Ifllm Faitlvil fllm Peatlval ' 1 KPTV Dta w'th Ufa IMod. Romancti Quran a Day Quran a Day KOINiBrifhter Day Btcrtt Storm lEdra of NlfhtlEdf of Nlfht KLORI Film FMtlvil irilm Itlvil ITIlm rwtlval IFIIm Peitlval EPTVIwhafs Cooklne What's CooalnfMatineo Thaa. Matinee Thaa. KOINlKOIN Kltchtn KOIN. Kitchen Strike It luck iStrlke It Rick KLOK'udr of Homatady of Houic'Lady of Hounr't.ady of House KPTV' M.tinea Thaa. KOIN Carry Moors KLOR Eliza bath iMatlneo Thaa. Matinee Thaa, Matlnoo That. Carry Moor lArth. Cod fray Arth. Cod fray I Elizabeth rha rVifHra The Runlet KPTV Bar 37 Corral Bar 17 Cornl Harper's Jamb. Warper's Jamb. KOIN Arth. Godfrey (Arth. Godfrey Mr. Moos artooa Tlma KLORjKukla. Fran U'n Paly News Whey Learn IThey Learn KPTVlpinky La Pinky Lea Howdy Doody IHowdy Doody KOIN! Bad Dunning . Rrd Dunning Red Dunning Had .Dunnlns ' KLORlMlckay Mouie IMIckey Mouie Mickey Mouet Bflckay Meuee KPTVlNewa Central KOINwaather-Naws KLORIWeifn Marahl INaws Ctntral Mayor of Twn!Mayor of Tw Bdwards News IXIt Canon Kit Caraon IWaifn MarahllN. E. W. I. IN. B. w. 8. 7 X r io iT KPTVIMv,t,ry Thes. KOlNju S. Stael Hr. KLORlnihta ' Myslerr Thea. Cok Tlma News Canvas U. B. Steel Hr.U. S. Steal Hr. U. 8. Steal Hr. ,'FIShU Iflthta Mirl. Braaana KPTV'iDlrect Plhea. Dlrect Plyhia. Dad Knows Dad Knows KOINIpcter Hayea jpetar Hayes jpeter Hayes, Peter Hayes KLOR Dlaneyland IDitneyland IDImeyland IQIanOyland KPTVKraft Theater-Kraft "Theater KraftTheaUr IKrait Thaatae , JOIN Millionaire Millionaire H'ro a Secret Tvo a Seerat KLORiMGM Puda MGM Parad Vaaquorado Maaauarada KPTVIyour Lite " (Your Ufa Mr. Dirt. Atty lMr. Diet Atty. KOIN'studlo ST Btudlo ST IPattt Fife istiow. aa S KLOHjBraak Bank IBreak Bank Itllery Queen Ellery Quaes KPTVl Newa-OWl The.lNite Owl Thaa NIU Owl TbealNlto Owl Taea, KOINshow an I - Bhow oa I IShew oa I Shew aa S KLOR'Heeao Ta The.IHia. Twa, Tte.lHm. Twn. ThealHomo Twn. Tk. WEDNESDAY'S RADIO KOAC, 550 k.c EOAC (Wedneiday) II :M am The News and . Weather: IS:1S Ke oecially for Women; IS M OSC School of Home Economics Staff; ll:ea Oreon School of the Air Adventurea in Research, Inventione: 11:11 The Concert Hall: I2:ee The "Peter Cooper'a Firat Skvacraper ": Farm Hour; l:eS Melody Lane: 1:3S Newa and Weather: W it p av Noon penally for Women For Lifetime The Mill on the Float; S:ea Ea ot Mental Health: "Junior Achievera in lha ramllv": S:SS Memory Book of Mualc: J :4i Oregon School of the Air Morlea Thai uve 1 reasure Inland: "Mutlnv and the Stockade": jao Oregon Reporter; J:IS Mualc of the Mastera; Standy by for Mu.ic; 4:IS On the Upbeat: 4:45 Newa Commentary; S:St children's 1 neater: l:Ja London Forum: w The Newi and Weather: S:IS Social Security; S:2 Acroaa ilia Desk; S:3S The Child Beyond; 7:H Game CommiMion Bulletin; 1:1S Eventns Farm Hour: S:M Radio Shorthand Conteit- 1:31 OSC Library; S:H Mutic The Endurea: S.-4S Kvenlnf MedlUtlona Rev. Lawrence Porter. Chriallan House; H:ea sign on. KVAL TV, VIIF 13 Prevent Eye Injury I In the shop, in sports, or while driving, wear the new Unbreakable Glasses that won't shot ler . , . won'l break, Ready in 1 day sw Sender Optical. Liborzd Credit NO EXTRA Chorg Pef elr I Axeeafs e can oHara. veeel or eieefMr, Wear yaue Cleuat Walla reyias' af'-s. ) T.VC.T.ST.: KVAfTV, Channel 11 (Wedneulav): See Stoo. Look. St Li1en:S:l It's Fun to Reduce: t:3S r.ther Your Nejf. 3: Matinee "Phantom of Chinatown": 4;IS Th..t.r nreaent Keve Luke In Modern Romancea: 4:1S Gueat Book; : Bl( Roundup; S:4S Newa Brieft. S porta Headline!. Weather- I H Wild Bill Hickok; 1 ll)r..k the -Bank: 7:eS I I.ed Three Lives: T:SS DlmeyUnd. Walt D t a n e y answers the queitlon "Where Do tho Stories Come From"t S:3S Life of Riley: S:S Science Fiction Theatre; S:JS Sherlock Holmea;lS:a My Hero; 1S:1S Mid Weatern Hayride; 11 H Inapector Mark Saber. ' - WANT TO TRY v AN RCA VICTOR CALl MARRS 3-9201 till 8. Commerrlsl KSLM Use KOCO 1H KOAB 143S KOIW Tit BOW SIS KBX US s FM: Meiacycles KOIW 111 I; BEX SS.3; ROW IM S HOUR M:M M:U :M M:iS BSLM KGAS KOIN KGW KSX 7 KSLM KOCO KGAB KOIN KGW KSX KSLM KOCO KG4I ftOIN KGW KBX KSLM KOCO KGAB KOIN KGW KSX 1mm KOCO KGAB OKOIN KGW KSX 1KSLM KOCO KGAB 1KOIN KGW KKX 6 Via Farmcaat VaU. FarmcaaS ValL Farmcaat Jewa Farm News iBrk. Nook rk. Nook IN 00k -Newa Amer News KOIN Klork KOIN Klork KOIN Kleck Heck Harper World News Sleek Harper iHeck Harper Newa-Ke p Tm lKeep Time Keep Time Keep Time Brkfet. Gang Brekf. Canf 'Eariv Worm Earlv Worm . tlrK. NOOK IBTK. IHOOk HemlngwSy Early Worm Brk. Nook KOIN Klock Newf-Webb Newa .HeadL News iGoea News (Webb Spinning McCall News IKrep Time IKeep Tune uNewa ftarly Worm Nook-Newt Babbitt Shew Fliher Report Keep Time Cliff Engle' Family Altar Bible Imt iBIhle Inttl Wally's Sports Jtollle's RecordslRollie's BecordilRollie's Records Brk. Nook Hrk. cjook Brk. Nook - Nook-Newe Contum'r NewtlValle, News Shelley Sere. Shelley Sere. Webb Spinning Webb Spinning Webb Spmnlnt'Webb Spinning Newl-K p TlmtlKeep Time IKeep Time IKeep Time Newa ,Newa iPton Call Baraain Count'i Newt-Sports Rollic's Becordt! Hollie s Rec'ds IRollie's Rec'da Spitter-HItt Spider-Hitt iSpider-Hlta Hilt-Newt Wendy Warren Howard Miller Helen Trent Newa Webb Spinning Webh Spinning Webb Sp n ng Webb Spinning Brkfit. Club iBrkfut Club tarkftt Club Brkfit Club News News-Sports Spider-Hitt Road of Life Weekday Coff.-K Wett ITello Test 1490 Tune St (Coffee Time Ma remins Weekday Bob uarrea iWinga of Song 14W Tun St. 1 Hollyw-r CaU'lll ur. mi ion Welid IMy True Story My True Story I Wing of Song I14M Tun st t!Hlt-New IGuldltis Ught .. Tune Tett Newt-Sportt Dinner Winner Mrs. Burton Weekday Girl Marries iTune Tett jQueen a Day 14M Tune St 14W Tune Sk (iflnner winnrspiaer-niu Am fVl unt Mary Norah Drak Weekday To th Ladles iWhltp'rlns Stt.fWalt Pitney Queen Day 14W Tun St rilta-New Aunt Jenny To th Ladies (Paul Harvey 1KSLM KOCO KOAB 2 KOIN KGW KSX News World News News Newa, Wetther Fenner News Art Baker IN. W. Newt IMlddav Mutl feuncmn Munch time Gat It Norman Peal Lawrence Walk Newt-Croeby Geo. Putnam Top Trade Midaay siuat Town Crier Houae Party iVall Farm cart Midday Muila Lunch-Newt Hout Pirty Monaco iFarm New 1 2 3! KSLM KOCO KGAB KOIN KGW KKX Matinee Newt-Sportt Lunch. Munch Artn. Godfrey Happlnett Newt-Conrad iMatlne Matinee Ladiet' Lane IClarlne Calling! iLuncbin MunchiLunch. Munrn Arth. Godfrey Arth. Godfrey Widder Brows Pepper Young Ruu Conrad Rust Conrad IMatlnee Clarine Cllllng unch-Newt Arthur Godfrey Woman In H e. Hut Conrad .KSLM Matinee IMatlne New IMatlne I KOCO Newt-Sports IClarlne Calling! Clarine calling! tiann vtning f KGAB Pat Parlor Pat't Parlor Pat t Parlor Parlor-Nwt KOIN Arth. Godfrey Arth Godfrey Good Newt Make Up Mind KGW McAn. Mutie McAn. Muilc. IMcAn. Mutle ll.lltenlng K1X Newt-Conrad Ruta Conrad Rut Conrad Bum Conrtd KSLM Matinee Store rim Mid-WUIam'tt Telio Ten SKOCO Newt-Sportt Clarln CalUng! Clarine Calling! Clarln Calling FKGAR Pat Parlor pat parlor rat pirior rarior-newt anlN Ruth A.-ilnn Dnr C.mi Sund. Take TnlrtT Tike Thirty PKGW McAnulty Mua.McAnulty Mus. Mua-McAn'lte Mu-McAn1ty KSX ' Newt-Conrtd IRut Conrad 'Rut' Conrad Hui Conrad 4 5: 6; OSSN SwuttJ a-im f Ww.m I i,h Mi,, SIAII t COMMIRCUl Itfca. Omj - - - - . : 1 tomM afffH attaaa CfltCIIN a "f VVETAKEEETTER CARE OF YOUR TV PHONE ANYTIME 4-3327 w 2 l4.. CaBa - A Dairy. 1410 k. lit Of leodiy Service re I aa t p. aa. f i TELEVISION SERVICE CO. 0 B1 J KSLM Fulton Lewi Jlemlngwiy ill e re t Antwer Sam H7 KOCO New-aports ajiarine tin g i,nne liii i.nm u a KGAB Pat Parlor IPat Parlor Paft Parlor Parlor-New KOIN Klrkham NewslAlexandera Newtp'r of Air Newtpr m Atr KGW Mut-McAn'lty IMua McAn'lty Mua McAnulty Mu McAnulty KKX New-BltckbTnBob Blackburn 'Bob Blackb rn moo piacaourn KSLM Bob Rtv Bob St Ray Bob Green Bill Brundaee mnrn M.w.-Knorlt Sine Drlv Slow Drive Wally S SPOrtS iKGAB Traffic Jambr. Traffic Jambr. (Traffic Jambr. Sign Off I KOIN Ed R Murrow ILocal Newt ITom Harmon Frank Goat 'KGW Mut-MrAnlly local Newt Jeas Maton Flmor f'""" HEX Newa-Blickb'rn Bob Blackbra Bob BlackbrnlBob BUckbra KSLM Gab Heatler IMemory Tim iNew ' '5mJ,H,'!!! KOCO Nws-Sporta fjanoieurm , iLinoienini v."u,,""' KOIN S porta, News fcowell ThomatlAmoa n Andy 'Amos a Andy KGW S Sur Xtr Stock Beport ILona Range Imt "ansr KSX Bob Blackb ni IBob Blackb rn lBob Garred I Bill Btern KSLM True Detective (True Detective iG rowing Up Wutlo KOCO Newt-Sports Rhyth. BlutlRhyth. Si BlussRhth. : Blues KOIN Melody I Melody , (Bins Crotby Johnny PU KGW Chet Huntley lNew.-Motcow Old Dutty told Dusty KKX FlKhtt Fisht. Fighta IFlSht 8 KSLM Show Tune KOCO Newt-Sportt KOIN Jack Carton KGW World Newt KKX Adklnt Show , Show Tunet IWhittlln' TunetWhltlin' Tunes iRhyth. -Bluet RhytH.-Blu IRhyth.-Blua I Jack Cirtoa (FBI (FBI World Newt (Dane Tim pane Tim Adklnt Show lAdkin Show vAdkln Shew 9 KSLM Mutic Mutle Hweei swing sweei at swingi KOCO "ewt-Sportt frack 14B0 Ifrack 14S0 (frack 14S0 KOIN My Son Jeep 1 1 reaaury snow rrei u ni n,,nnt..Mn.CT KGW Groucho Mtrx IGroucho Marx nanaweaon """ KSX Bob Adklnt Bob Adkint Jimmy Fidler Edw. P. 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