;) T, ; -nun, tU-ra, Ore., We!, Apr. 11, "53 2l-Long Mode Nuclear Attack iii July to est America's Readiness, Civil Defense T f FRANK CORMIE VAr"TNGTOM -A week-long war tt J to July will test Amer ica's rd,Jisi to meet a swift and far-reaching nuclear assault en scores of cities, air bam and atomic Installations. The office of defense mobilia lion (ODM announced Tusday that an "operations alert 1934" will be held July U 2S on almost a con tinental scale. Canada will participate- la Ihe slmuktad emergency, which will Salem Not Target Area In War Drill llllm m Hi W tarfet area h a week-beg waelear war Via whka win be beM eersas the N'ortfe Amerlraa ellaeit frees JeJy M-H. Wallace E. Waartra. Marlea Ceeaty errl V If km airtcUr, saM Taes4aj. Bowerer, Ctrl eefewse workers from the eeawty win aaaerf exercfaws hrerrtaf frweral i aiiaicaUaas sad wUl be toeeirei la war wtta aeOee aa4 tire at aertmeaU aad wUh Reel Creea anKs. It harts reaerteel Civil wefeaea werkers will aba ttlmulaio reeeaUea aU (are el eraeaees (rem rortlaad, wakk Is eae ef the O cities listed ai a tarfet area, ttharte said. measures, operation of civil de- broadcasting and evacuation plan- aider during tha teit their plant fense forces at all rels, emer- aing. for transferring production or gency government procedures, ia- In addition, ODM baa urged la- finding new source of materials itructioa of the public, emergency duatrial plants to voluntarily con-1 la the event of an actual sttaefc. Hamrnarshjold Arrives in Egypt sea President Eisenhower and key government personnel evacuating Washington or secret relocation sites. Similar to Last Tear The combination civil defense and government evacuation test will be similar to last year s ner eis In which Eisenhower and fed eral officials directed government affairs from hideaways outside tha capital A total of 71 areas la tha United States. Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rica' and tha Canal Zona will be "tar rots" for 129 nuclear bombs. Ia addition, Canada ia expected to assume attacks en its key cities, though it basa't yet disclosed the extent ef its participation. The maneuvers will assume that each target Is bit by from on to six bombs having destructive pow er equal te from 20,00 te five million tons of TNT. Attach far I Heare ODM said the alert will at 10 a.m. (EST) on July and that tha "attack" will last five hours. The continental United States wUl get advance warnings ranging from 1 hour 40 minutes to I hours SO minutes. The mock raids will come without warning In the Canal Zone, Puerto Rico and Hawaii Each community wiU decide the extent to which It will participate, and whether to stage an actual evacuation even en a limited Kale of civilian residents, More thaa Jt federal agencies will staff relocation sites with se lected workers ranging from agency heads to stenographers. Congress kas been invited to take part ia the test, but leaders indicated privately it ia doubtful senate and bouse members would leave the capitoL Targeta Usled The 78 target areas listed today Include el cities, I air bases and 4 atomic energy commission (AEO installations. ' Many of these will be assume' hit with bombs set to exploda a ground level. This will create prot kms in radioactive fallout, evac uation of surrounding areas and shelter of refugees. Virtually all emergency activi ties that would be set in motion by an actual attack will b cov ered. These Include air defense J 7 4 V I 1 .Ax CAIRO Dag baaaaarthkM, right, VJt. aecretary geoaral, skakes baa with Egyptian Foreign Miabter u.k a r i r.u. hiraaMi airmw fiiii Ukriu ku arrival Iaraal Haaauurak- JeM, ea a peace aabaaaa tear ef the tease Middle teat, had stop-eel la Tel Aviv lor a brief talk with Israeli Detail before flylag aa to Caere for a ateettag with Egyptian Premier Nasser. (AP Wlrepaoto ay radi (ra Cairo) Hoover Criticizes 'Ill-Advised' Paroles for Hardened Criminals By JACK ADAMS WASHINGTON Til Direc tor J. Ediar Hoover spoke out Tuesday against "ID-advised par ole and probation" for hardened criminals. In a speech prepared for a na tional conference ea parole, Hoov er said 11 of the IS FBI agents killed la lias at duty were slain by ex -convicts who had been panted parole, probation, or aome other form of clemency. Hoover condemned what he de scribed as attempts to "coddle" unrepentant criminals, asserting: "Parole upon parole and proba tion upon probation for those who have not reformed are unreason able and nn justified. ; "I appreciate the fact that for every flagrant mistake in parole and probation, there are scores of cases reflecting dynamic reform. I tioa and rehabilitation. What I am saying is not that parole and pro bation are wrong but that Ul-ad-vised parole and probation reflect adversely upon these methods of protecting society. It is the old case of a rotten apple tainting the whole barrel." Some got state and federal spe cialists ia penal and probation work are attending the conference called by Atty. Gen. Brownell. It ia a three-day exchange of ideaa looking te uniform practices ia the clemency field. Chief Justice Earl Warren told the gathering yesterday there should be "a public awareness of the fact that the parole of a prison er is not aa act of coddling." He called it simply an extension of the state's effort to assist the wrong doer te reestablish himself in so ciety. - Brownell asserted yesterday that the great majority of parolees suc cessfully complete their paroles but that "only the parole violator hits the headlines.'.' Hoover submitted a long list of major crimes in which be Mid pa rolees figured. The list included the I'Vmillion-dollar Brink's hold up ia Boston six years ago. Hoover said one of the most ser ious law enforcement problems in volves the criminal repeater. He reporteVI that out of all prisoners received at federal Institutions In 1954 for sentences of more than one year, C3.S per cent were prev ious offenders. At the end of 195S, the U.S. population waa 160,740,000. Four Oregon QiurclicsTop In Designs ...' NEW YORK ( Four Oregon churches were among Itall of contemporary design selected Tuesday as winners in a design competition of the National Coun cil of Churches. The council's Commission of Architecture, Composed ef archi tects, editors, " clergymen snd church design specialists, made the selections from a group of 72 churches, all built in tha past 25 " 7eara. The Oregon winners are: zion Lutheran Church. Portland; First Presbyterian'. Church, Cottage Grove; Central Lutheran Church, Portland; and Central Lutheran Church, Eugene. About a third of all passengers tiataM Pirlt and London trivl by air, says the Twentieth Century Fund. ' Isbris! Wives! C:t Pep, VL-n; Fcil Yocnger - Tkwiidi ai Mupl m Mk, worn-out, o awutod Jurt brna kodr laekt Urn. tat ttw twMim foliaf after 40, try (Htm Tmir Iir, iwnw ma lor api mwpWmm mm vHmim Si ud Bt. T-in ''i,l-- jMialra" (In Mi liltU. Ot it htmi MHSa tUi. AI ail tfrauu. EAT ANYTHING WITH FALSE TEETH 1 BOYS 11 THROUGH 15 . . . EST Hm mxMt wi tlua Am tli. tack aa4 cnu Mm tuau' Trr Siii riiti-Liar! On pplKiuoa FUsti-LiM Bird,) MM mil m rifSl'" t' ' -J t" '" ttim mwr M aawoar ar mm cm o. Sia aaaa w aatf aa vaar fvorttt fooai. With tumm baM ttm ar ftacal liaar. van cm im aa aa.aiM.au aawar towaf. IKt aa4 M aaaaaa aaraxirf. Lift mm. um-m. akM aa aWciaS. Maaaf hack tamaiaa. At HERE'S ONE RACE EVERYONE WINS Every boy who enter ike world-famous Soap Box Derby comes out abigvnnnerinun,sporpmamhip,aidaaflsmmhip. True, the winners 'of the Afl-Ammcan Soap Box Derby Finals in Akron, Ohio, on August 12, will divide $15,000 in college scholarship prizes, as well as many valuable merchandise awards. 4 ' 1 ' Still, we think the most important prizes of all are the fun and the valuable sports and crafts experience every Soap Box Derby contestant gets out of the race. , . And fg to easy to enter your heal derby! ' Just bring a parent or guardian to your nearest Chevrolet dealer ' sign an entry blank there and pick up your free rule book. The fun begins as soon as you start building your car, and who knows maybe we'll see you in Akron. ia'Ju AuPtal kCO-SrON'SORED BY CHEVEOLET DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS i and Capital Journal YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER Lumber Meet Hears Morse Win Backing SAM FRANCISCO - Dele- (ntes to a regional convention of lumber and sawmill workers were told Tuesday that it was neces sary to support the candidacy of U.S. Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore)j for reelection. I The delegates slse were in-; formed that the time Is coming' when they will have to consider, asking a shorter work week. j J.T. Marr, executive secretary! of the Oregon State Federation of Labor, In an address said labor should support Morse's candi dacy. . Marr also told of an impending AFL-CIO merger convention in Portland. , Oat pet locreaard . Frank Chapman, treasurer and director of organiution of the Carpenters Union, said technolo gical Improvements enabled lum ber mills to increase their output SO per cent, while reducing the work force. Carpenters In the San Francis co Bay area presently are seek ing a 7-hour day. Chapmair told the delegates the time is coming when they also will have to con sider asking a shorter work week. Chapman said the carpenters remained ready to talk merger with the CIO ' Woodworkersv who claim 40,000 members in the Northwest. Merger Negotiated He also said his union was ne gotiating a merger with the CIO United Furniture Workers. The four-day 19th annual con vention of the Northwestern Coun cil of Lumber and Sawmill Work ers opened Monday. Some 300 delegates are attend ing from Montana. Idaho. Wash ington. Oregon, California and Nevada., Chapman said locals in Arizona A'dlai, ICefauver Eye Debate Date MIAMI, Fla. (ft-A political de bate between Adtal Stevenson and Sen. Estes Kefauver In Miami the week of May 20 was beginning to shape up Tuesday. Benmont Tench. Jr., Stevenson's Florids campaign director, said Stevenson will accept Kefauver's invitation to a "discussion" during the week of May . Tench sad be didn't want to call it a debate since It Involved two Democrats? Poultrymen FormBroiler Growers Unit CORVALL1S un-Oregoo poultry men organized the Oregon Broiler Growers Assn. Tuesday to promote the sale of Oregon-grown broiling chickens. Sixty poultrymen attended and j elected Cornelius Bateson, Salem, president. The state now produces nearly seven million chickens annually with an estimated cash value of S4 million dollars. ! The organization was formed after the live weight price of broil ers slipped from a peak of cents a pound in 1947 to a low of 22 cents this year. Growers will pay voluntary dues to the associ ation for the, promotion program. ' John Dixon, Dundee, was elected vice president and Delmer Stutzman, Aurora, treasurer. ! Directors: William Martin. Mil waukie; B. J. Rogers, Springfield; ; Kenneth Flanagan, Crawfords- Iville; Dave St. John, Gervais; 1 Don Norton, Eugene, and Milton Clarke, Corvallis. and New Mexico soon would be invited to Join. Informed of Tench's offer, Henry Sinclair, Kefauver's state cam paign manager, Invited Tench to contact him and work out details for the meeting. The two candidates for the Dem ocratic presidential nomination probably will be In Florida that week in any case, winding up their campaigns for the state's May 29 presidential preference primary. Woody Kepner, city of Miami publicity director, said the city would pay the 'costs if the candi dates will meet in the Orange Bowl stadiam, which seats about 75.000, Miami stadium, with a seating capacity of 14,000, or Din ner Key auditorium, which accom modates 15,000. Kepner said the enclosed Din ner Key auditorium probably would be more acceptable because of the weather element, especial ly If the meeting is televised. "We appreciate the city of Mi ami ofter," said Tench. "We will let -the city know as soon as pos sible the exact date on which we will djscuss the issues with Sea. Kefauver." Hanna Plant Near Capacity' RIDDLE, Ore. in The Hanna nickel plant will reach Its planned capacity with Installation of a fourth smelter furnace in a few weeks. General Manager Earl S. Mollard said Tuesday. He said the plant's payroll now Is abort 400 men in the smelter crew and 50 to 60 men In mining at Nickel Mountain, near here. Mollard said the blans produced more than IS million pounds ot ferronickel last year with two furnaces operating. HEAVY DONATION MEXICO CITY I - President Ruii Cortines received a heavy I donation literally heavy, mister for the national emu weuars fund. It was 120,000 pesos $10, OOOi in gold coins from aa anon ymous donor. Mert Comfort War la ej FALSE TEETH Im la a plaaaaat way to ornromt tooaa plata ajacamfort. FABTEkTM. a Improrae aewoar, aprtnklad aa appar aaa krr ajataa feokSa tlwaa Srmar aa thai they lad aaeta earn fortabla. No fummy, sonay. Baity taata or faaltna. li t alkailna moa. arid). Dma aat aaur. Cbarka "plata ator" idmtura braathl. Oat FAS TUTH today at uy eruf aountai. Incncoionia TO GUARD YOUrThEALTH Only the best ts flood enough for your babyl Wo offer you complete supply of finest Infants' needs. You'll like ur prompt, courteous service. Stop inl Capital Drug Store TWO LOCATIONS TO BETTER SERVI YOU ' Main Stare: 405 State, Comer of liberty Proscription Shop: 617 Chemeketa, Griffin ltdg. WI CIVI Z.4C GREEN STAMPS ANNOUNCEMENT! lUJli. iQl ICRfOlrOllllCfTll 1 1 1 1 I II i I lint HOi U aVl Va" W V U 1 to mm yp to Hi IX M MB lo Jt ! V I a t " "''-it, ti Jil -r.r,, , NEW MEDALIST HARDTOP COUPE one of 3 big, new, lowest-cost Mercurys. Others svailable are s 2-door and a 4-door sedan. MERCURY introduces a groat now low-cost Medalist series offering all of these extra value features! Big-car weight, width, length, and wheelbase Dis tinctive styling, shared by no other car on the road High-torque 312 cubic-inch safety-surge V-8 Impact absorbing safety steering wheel Triple-strength safety door latches Ball-joint front suspension New 12-volt electrical system 4-barrel vacuum carburetor Center-fill 18-gallon gas tank Dual-duct vent system. 04, $272060 IUYS THIS BIO 1956 MERCURY MEDALIST 2-DOOR, 6-PASSENGER SEDAN frk MusJm rlo-Ten) pobtf, JtiN tletawnl HrH. Olliw tHf4 ' , ' tquipttim( ccttiexta, Matt and (ecaf ny, CrdrtiOMb f trkM rMy vary lihriy to tdrMnfl WeiwwwWw. " COME IN AND SEE THESE GREAT NEW LOW-COST MERCURYS IN OUR SHOWROOM-TODAYI Let us show you how YUC toJIf easy it is to own I Mb! OlIP Don't mlsi the big televisloa hit, "THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW," Sunday evening , :M te IM. Statioa KOIN-TV, chaaael . - Mi RCURY McKinney Lincoln - Mercury, Inc. 430 N. Commercial St. Silent, Ore,