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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1956)
-( :c. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tucs!, April 10, '53 Br CLAY t POLLAN 1 I A' Am jr k4! S-M-Tl '7 S MAY Jl 7?5-S 57 571 MAY S LJUKtfi V-.ALld At 2. JlW 22 ' Atctrdt'f H Mi Slmrt. To dtvlop mttsogt lor Tuesdoy, reod words corresponding to number of your Zodioc birth sign. M5-nr.fl I lot 31 VKjoM 41 ArW J liaMn 32 Wort 42 Mourn Touch JJ Unda 43 Today 4 Of ... U for 44 lrt J larmnn 3S CJtwot. J Ovw tk 3 Your M Dor J A " 37 A 47 Todoy I WJ 31 For 44 Mow Doom.! 3 . Alone 10 0 40 Sw 70 To II An 4 1 Rod 71 Nornm J 2 You 42 Aoimmwtt 72 Mmn;i 13 oomi 43 Undor 73 A 14 nn 44 Somt . 74 kifluonco) )J W 45 Wfitw 7$ Nietly It You 44 AccmI 74 ShouH 17 Iiim 47 A 77 Clo . II Your 41 Sul4 71 Stop You 44 ki 7 And 20 Any SO lottor ' W Cormoction 21 Cm 51 Chnjn II r-otttoWy . 22 Orhonj 52 AoWtmnf 12 Your 23 v.. - S3 Van 13 rwi . 24 Km 54 Ctrtwn 14 Uu 25 7mt ' 55 Lilt - IS Domnh 24 A 54 rV.iWrty 14 Todoy 27 ShouU 57 And 17 Mont 21 New ' : 5 Colli 1 -, It Them 2 M:oodi 5 Gotting I Socally - 30 U tO Imoorioni 40 Pwotti Cood (&)Advtr d)Ncuil2l OCT W f NOV 33 Va 713 54 V- itrr OCT IAC4T1AMI NOV DCC I 4MI OtC 23 jam je 4 fc4-7444-WSi UAN. I Ft "dtfS 4.27-3S-47J1 r.scn ftf H7-34-40T1 3547 A U.S StUl itidiiig High on Business Boom, AP Survey of Nation Indicates Hitchcock Slates 20 Appearances : PORTLAND i ?- Phil Hitch, cock, stepping up tha tempo of hit campaign for the Republican nomination to the U.S. . Senate, scheduled 10 appearances this week. -; ' ? " " v One of them is a speech Tues day noon before , the Salem 1U wanis Club. ' , . In a talk before campaign committee here Monday, Hitch cock said that Sen. Wayne Morse, the Democratic Incumbent, "be trayed voters and the Eisenhower program" when he voted to or- Piece of Cheese Traps Gunman ' CHICAGO lit A bite in piece of cheese sent a robber to jail. The case was reported to the American Association of Physical Anthropologists Sunday by two re searchers at the University of Chi cago, James A. Brown and Dr. Al bert A. Dahlberg. The gunman took time during a grocery robbery to nibble on the piece of cheese. Later, when the cheese was displayed in court and experts testified the odds against leaving identical tooth marks in the cheese were U million to one, the robber talked things over with his attorney j nd pleaded guilty. ganiie the Senate fur the Demo cratic Party. (Editor's aoir: What's the (Ute af tlx aatioa'i nasi. aww? I s aid d the leiftfe of Mala Street I'. 8. A. folks ay It's food aa4 thooid be tor the rest ef' the year. There are some table eireptlas farat-, era, sat dealers ad the textile Isdmlry da nat exaect la share avUpia( arwaerUjr. Here . la the first af a series af twa ar ticles are the Dadinfi ef a -tlaa-wide sanrey.) By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS How's business so far in 1936? A nation-wide survey shows that most folks are better off than they were at this time last year. Jobs are more plentiful wages higher. There are soft spots in farming, automobiles and textiles. Home building is down a little. But by and large, the survey Indicates, we're still, riding high on the boom. To get the picture at the main street level. The Associated Press Interviewed bankers and brokers, merchants and manufacturers, farmers and factory workers, eco nomist and consumers, in 28 maj o cities. "Things look awfully good a lot better than a lot of people expected a few months ago," ob served Kurt J. Mahrdt, Indianap olis banker. Herbert Wilson, president and general manager of Kansas City's Emery Bird Thayer department store, opined that "business is good and it should get better because this is an ' election year. Leonard Drake, J economist for the Greater Phila delphia Chambers of Commerce, 'declared: "People are more pros- ' perous today than ever before." : Markiag Tim : ' ! The dominant viewpoint among businessmen queried that busi ness right now is marking time on a high plateau shows up, too. in the latest official U. S. govern ment barometers of business. These show most industries (auto manufacturing is the outstanding exception) well ahead of a year ago. Industrial production overall, according to government statistics, is up 74 per cent and total em ployment up 4 per cent. Some government economists say total output of goods and services in the first three months this )ear, may have surpassed the record an nual, pace of.;$,oooB.i achieved intbe final 195i quarter. Few Slgas af Decliae Leading businessmen In t of the cities predicted business would definitely be better than last year; in 7 cities the consensus was that it would be at least as good. Only I areas reported definite signs of decline and even here there was every indication that the decline would be slight. In almost every area surveyed, there' were one or more leaders who looked for a continuation of the status quo. Business, they felt,' would show little change from today's lofty levels. Dcscribng Texas pros pects. Dr. John R. Stockton, di rector of the University of Texas ' bureau of business research, said: "No signs of a vigorous upswing ; but neither are there any signs of a collapse." ; Figuring prominently in fore casts of good . business was the , current boom in industrial employ , ment. In of a areas checked, : jobs were found to be more plen tiful than a year ago (the only declines were in Detroit and Kan sas City). Industrialists in Dela ware and San Francisco com plained of a shortage of skilled labor. Teae at Optimism A Ion" the stores and shops of Main Street, U. S. A., the generan tone was one of hopeful optimism. Leading retailers in 23 cities said they expect to do more business this year than last, but it was evi dent that some were keeping their fingers crossed. A potential barrier to any big increase this year, said merchants, is the consumer who has gdne heavily into debt for a II I At r jf a A .4 s. . 1 i' f MM BUILDER i ,L 70 u or W r VT I nm 'II' Leave Portland daily at 1:00 P.M. II Jl t Reclining Seats SSfVl pTV Mora Scenery VlOvY rarK Me"h for NYsil tJSS, ' lof " Jael new bouse, a new. car or a trip to Europe and' bow finds most of his earnings sopped up by monthly In stalment payments. "People art getting caught up with What they vent into hock for last year," com mented John Stewart, research di rector for the Detroit board of commerce. To accommodate customers short of ready cash, many department stores are plugging "revolving credit" plan a kind of extended charge account system which of fers monthly payment terms and low interest charges. Department, chain and specialty stores look for an increase in business this year (Sears, Roebuck reported record sales for March, up 14 per cent from the same month last year, Montgomery Ward's March busi ness was up I I per cent from a year ago). Many merchants ex pect to do less business for cash, more for credit PLAN REJECTED . TEGUCIGALPA. Honduras tAV Foreign Secretary t, Esteban Mendoza reports Honduras has spurned a Czechoslovak sugges tion for setting up diplomatic re lations. He says such relations would be only means of com munist penetration. Ctrsrtio Gala While Homebuilding is down from last year's high rate, construction of just about everything else is ex periencing an unprecedented surge. Dr. George Cline Smith, vice pres ident and chief economist of F. W. Dodge Corp., building trade an alysts, say new construction in New York state this year will be "considerably ahead" of 19531 re cord high. Major projects on tap include big office - buildinps and sprawling apartment developments in metropolitan New York City and the huge St. Lawrence seaway project (20 million dollars ear marked for construction of dams and other facilities this year) en the New York-Canadian border. The south is expansion-minded. Construction activity in the Car Unas is expected to show a S per cent gain over last year, , (Ttmarraw's article teMs af saft spots ia the big hoom.) BLArK RAVIM Sir. VII victT COVENTRY. England - (fi -Refugees from Soviet Russia'i Ukraine have decided to wear black arm bands April 18, tht day Russian leaders Nikolai Bui ganin and Nikita Khrushchev ar rive for an official visit to Brit ain. : '-' 1 . ' . . ,,"','' . - ' t ' ( 1 ' ' , ' ' ; . . 1 '. . . ..: " . f. ' ' .. . ..... I ' T ' ' " " " " ' " ' - t : y-r i " . "V'i i " '4 .? - ... , , ;: - '. 1 j , a . : . v ' ' , ' . ' . ' . . i' . : a r I v 1 I 11 V ' " -l 'V - C- ' : '.IA oL ,Lo .ioi ii5 ', II I,,,..., . i' II. ' 1 I I r in I I i I I i mm mm ntMW& tenrJer-fresh il'i'lyjt like butter right down tha ftclkf ... Gorgeous, bright green spears, tender as butter-from the tightly budded tips all tht way downl Rushed from the growing fields, dewy-fresh-direct to Safeway for you. ,1 Our Famous GARDEN ROOM COMMAND PERFORMANCE This sailor brooks no argument on pcrformance-on land or sea. That's why the pump he's pulled reads "The Finest." It's new Royal 76 gasoline. It's the West's most powerful premium and you can log many hours of smooth going on every tankfuL Rocket-smooth going on the open road. Glass-smooth going in congested city traffic. Enjoy this command performance in your car New Royal 76 at the sign of the big 76 where you know you always get Tht Finest UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Peanut Oil Cracker jacks Deviled Ham Minced Clams Planters QU Qr Prise in each O 1 C- Underwood flt- Snow'i 7'i-ot. nil Quality Btl. OOC Package Pkgs. iC Brand Can ddC Brand Can .. . " Peanut Butter Table Syrup , Dill Pickles Beef Stew Peter Pan , 12-ei. Lumberjack M as. nj Nalley's 21 ot. ftQ- Nalley's Brand Moi. Q7 Quality Jar OC Maple Flavor Btl. OOC Banquet Jar OwC Brand Can OC ... BOOK MATCHES Sauerkraut 3i!1 Pickles Ste Infield 10 ot. in. Columbia 24.ox.n7 Brand Can UC Old Fashioned Size OC Stock up now ot T this reduced price. wj Tuna Fish - Floor Polish '. Save at Safeway ctn surkist n. h nn. ocedar ls-ot. co- - ' f". Chunk Style Can 3C Brand Siie wOC Palmolive t . Dial Soap. - Shortening Aerosol Hand I) Bath 97 Protection n Reg. nnm Crlsea Sib. QQ- Florlent 5's. OQr Soap I. Site all day long bars 4'C raad Caa 30C Brand Can O Vel ijlfo OLDSMOBILES Lifebuoy Washday JVj-ei. Wn M CJ To Be GIVEN AWAY Mild, gentle n Bath rtQ- Detergent Siie 'C fc Bath Soap Siie Bars wV ' - Plus 200 Westinghouse Appliance Prizes Fab Enter NOW... Toilet Soap Mild, gentle 47o 70 mm .fjiaa. I " 0 RfK- 01 r Detergent Site 3C Nlflflfll'lf Rlf FAll Brnd Bar LiC Cleanser - 70,000 Contest "mite -li-i;- ' W,W " Protex 9 Bath m Kingt Site llC Entry Blanks at Skylark Bread Saction Deodorant Siie Bars C "All" Ivory Soap Ivory Snow Tide Laundry 1Mb. (ft rn Medium ft 07m For Mild 12'i 01. rjQ Home 16 lb.'l or. &n QQ Detergent Siie 4io03 siie WBars'C gentle washes Pkg. 03C Laundry Siie -?0OQ Cheer Liquid Joy f flP5MEft .ST 33c S 79c 33c 73c WU4llEE All Safeway Beef is "USDA I Liquid Trend Purex Bleach chof;" ;neless Jrisk,e;- ll Vi' aged for flavor and II Ifj U i 7 Detergent 2-b. rft Mild Half r)Q tenderness. JJ for dishes 12 bis. OSC Gentle Gal. 3C Wrisley Soap' Starch Shortening Margarine Regular Q Bars CO- Niagara 12-ox. 1 Q Royal Jib. nn Sib. $1 C7 Sunnybank r Mb. ! ftfl "Siie Bars 0 for DOC Brand Pkg. 13C Satin (an OCcan Brand U pkgs.oDl.UU 1 I I iand Soap KVie Team t ! . Parson's famous mmonia lor 4Uiuv 4JB Rice "-aSS Oog Yummies W; JoanSproutoS! ;rench Dressing SS" Krispy Crackers "ivirite. 'rices in this advertisement are in ef ect through Wednesday, April 1 1th at afeway in Salem. We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantiliet rkg. 29c ST 29c . QQ pkg, OJv. pkg! 19c No.,03 Bottle 3C pkg. 33c pig! 29c Cleanser Parade Buy One Get One FREE! TJ 1 L Wonderful eleaen white Magic Instant Coffee Edwards. Table Syrup JX. Tuna Fish Chunk Style Crackers Fresh-crisp Crackers 3 Can 25C 62c Pkg. Hc:!:27c tot. 47c Bottle OOC Kf 23c Mb. 1 lb. OO- 33c Pkg.