600 Etnployrarnt ., 114 Wsrfc Wtwul, lady ! MOTHER, ill country, wowld like car ot emldren. Pa. 1-141. WILL Care lor children, my home. Keirer Dm. Phl-7740. tot'SIWORK by'the WourTExI rtcncd. Call collect Mayfair H 4 Dailae. ioUtlwORK for I la earhange tor horn at (mall vim. Write bo 154 aUateiman-Journal. fti'ILL car lor elderly person In my horn. Ph. MOM. IbviNG tupervltion lor your child in my . Salem horn. Adiseent to park tor summer Pitying- Ph. I -ohm or 1-3310, ftONING WANTED. 60c HlC PH. 4-5182 CHILD tar 1 yr. ovr, my how. 1MI Trad. Ph. 4-c4. BlMeoORAPHINO. typing Mr. Po. HI N lath Ph i-3643 ilWINO . Dreaamskini. In my home, all type, Ph. I-Ml)t WtNTEO Ironing In my home. Mil N. 1th. l-llll ilj Situations Wontee SPECIAL tpray painting. Ne. on, 3-S4B3. 1.1341 lira U fnn wukTspecuu Power mower sharpening, oiling S4.HI -hind mowara UU Work guarantor. 1930 Uwli. Ph. 1-UMI. pickup. rfEIMALS daynurtery. Lie. tt Itala impeded. Supervision at individual training, i-ooie. IMMEDIATE SERVICE. PLOW. INU fe DISCING, PH. 1-1300, iuSTOM plowing, $4 par hr. era at up, ph. 4-1 MI , av. Bruoa Cordon, HTl Byram. . SCKARFF BROTHERS Initallatlon. Repair. 8ewr, SepU Tank. Drain Flolds, Powrr Ditching, Backfill Pn. i-iwB r a-toii. ROAD GRADING It DOZING Hancock & J ,C. Co. Ph. 4-8353 or 4-3791 HOWARD rotovttor work. Ph Bill Bevent 4-2526 alter 1. PAINTING deroralini. low prim II yra. In Salem. Ph. a-iau. FemENT finishings. Ire ait I snsttt, no Job too mall. 4-0313. fTANLEY FACG. ctrntnt eorZ tractor, all work guaranteed. rrtt csumtttt, pa. 4-lti, VINCENT C, NEAL" ExcaviUnf Co. Excavating Grading. Ph I-1IU GARDEN prpard with tractor rotovator Ph. 4-2629 Eve. BRICK and Ph 4435 block work, guar LIUH1 crawlrr dozer, leveling griding. 3-7042 L, Kurth. Land clearing d-i ht. l. C Mitchell. Ph. 3-8337. CARPENTER work, any kind rcaa, 4240 Maclny Rd. 4-596L JT5 Situations Wanted DOZING & LEVELING Ph 1-M3I D. PANTOVICH PAINTING. papr hanging, four paint or mm. nt ire tit, tarmt. N1on 1-I493, J-tciJ. PAINTING, panerinil. Free estl- matn. onn Lucrro. a-9:. ' SLEET ROCK" Expertly taped. Ph, 3-8347. KKW lawn complete, tree cat 3-H45 morn., 4-2941 Eve. INCOME TAX RETURN PREPARATION Ph 2-M4J BULLDOZING It LEVELING LELAND C. SMITH Ph. 1-4583 '. yd ahovel, crane, hoe. dri. line. 25-ton mobile cranea. D4. D7 cti. carry all clear ing blade. Rental contract or unit pricea. SALEM SAND GRAVEL 1403 N Front St ' Ph 1-241 618 Education CAPITAL REAL ESTATE SCHOOL SO houra of qualified instruc tor, in real estate felling, luting and proper use of all real rotate forms. Primarily flanned for lalnmen prepar ne to take the state examina tion, but contains Information alM of Interest to the layman. C'lnrses will start April 17, 1!M and will be held Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the American Legion Club. 2650 S Com'l. at 7:00 p.m. Tuition for the course $25.00. Regis tration should be in advance, because classes are limited. Roister at Rnr Todd, Real Estate, 2311 State St, Ph. 1-83IU. Arangementt can also be made for training for the Broker's Examination. DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT WE NEED several mechanical ly inclined and reliable men to train for positions In the Tractor and Equipment In dustry. If you are not mak ing better than 190 per week or you don't hav all year Job security, you ow It to your self to writ for Ire acta, without obligation, about thia training and our advisory Placement Service. TRACTOR TRAINING SERVICE box 936, Statesman-Journal. 620 Day and ControcT REMODELING - decorat ing must please. Ph. Dallas Ms. 3-2423. Write D. P. Harrl. rnsn, Dallas, Rt. 3, Box 32. (00 Rentals 702 Sleep. Roomt, Boord I WORKING men tor hskpg. room. No drinkers. 669 N Front. DOWNTOWN lovely rm. Lady. won-smoKcr. 765 Marion, BOARD At room tor elderly or -convalescent man or woman. 1880 Center St. CLEAN, warm rms. In 213 S. Winter TV. tlot 2-I72S. WANTED Man to room and board 266 N Capitol sJlMET. near state hin7gi shop diet., kit. priv. 2-1411. M1CELY firm rm also Bsmt hsrkeeptng rm 5.11 N Winter HOME away from home. Men Pac k lunches. 1091 N. th 705 Aportmenti For Rent CM FAN I rms. furn. bus, garage S.W S. 12th, t BDRM. close In. Ph. 1-1121 be- twren 1 At 9 p.m. FURN. 1 bdrm.. elec. heai stove, refiie. antenna, util rxi 5550 S. Peciflc Hwy, Ph. 2-7141 FURN. apt, All electric. Near 4 corners. $30 mo. Ph 2-5644. I-FM. Court apt. Laundry lacIN Hies. 3rd St. W. Salem. Ph. 4-8514 mornings or eve. after 6. FURN. or unfurn, 2-bdrm. act. Priv. entr. Util. pd. 165 S. 16th CLOSE In, nlc mod. furn. Csll any day except Sat, apt Ad' una only, pit. 3-81U0. FURN. apt., ail electric, near 4 Corners. 130 mo. Ph. S-5644. toWNTOWN, nice furn.i apta --till- t, -170,.765-Mrioei. I FTCDRM. UhH in 4 plex. ?. East. Refrig. & range, $45. rnnne z-ixm. t XCEPT ION ALLY nice.' " oiiiet 1-bdrm. turn,, apt. Large laundry, garage. W. Salem, a-B.t4i. 1 RM turn. apt. all util. "pd. I-7W155II7 N. Liberty, JLEAN turn, 1 bdrm. upstairs Bat, adults, m g, list. 1-7179. 1 A A HV . . , 11 B4' SM, atsul Apia, Ph. IOM. 700 Rentals 7S1 lfrtmtH For Rtwf i COURT Apia. (Court Cot tattl otter downtown quiet asti, Irom t2M to $s. Pn 1-7440. UNDER new manatement: lurn. apt., uttl pd. escept gat. up. Ph. 4-9J80. t OH I bdrm turn, rourt apta. All uttl turn. Weekly or monthly ratet. Ph. t-1723 LARGE I RM. FURN. APT. CLOSE IN SO. PH. 4-3661. SMALL apt aulUbl tor on. Kap, tntranc. I-X. tall iw Iwmii lo ao-l 10 p. m, MM. FURN. I bdrm, tut, $vL bath. Ph. MM. COURT cottages living room, bdrm., kitchenette A? bath. Laundry lurn. (40 plus util. MM Trad, Ph. 4-747). VERY ale quiet 1 It I rm apt. jCloa In. 4 i. Summer. FURN. I rm. apt., utiL in. 30. Ph. S-77M, im. state. KEWLV dee. amall apt. Cloa In. Udy. 4l perry. HEATED turn. 4 larj room apt Electric eonnectiona, no enu dren. 141 E. Myera. 1-BDRM. turn, apt, heat water inc. M. Mill. rn. -jai, COl'RT aot.. extra nlc. turn. 1 rmt. 0tn l. iarypera Ing avail, inq, m. iitn. CUTEJ rm. turn, apt, rut. 1153 Court. Ph. mw. , SPA'CIOUS 4 ROOM FURNISfT- ED ACACIA AFAHTMSNIP. 1140 South 13th. 3-700S. FOR employed lady, 1 rm. lurn. cioaa in. a-ou. a-ean va. tjNFURN.'l Mrm. court apt. Range, refrlg. aucura. mw, COURT APTS. Haa private Si modern down town apt, rrom IN to 165. Ph. M440. Inquirt m court. BMVUij I'flunn, nufivjk Apt. part turn., aultabl lor 1 or I peraena. No yard work. On but line. 135 mo. Available now. 18) Chemawa Rd. Ph, 9-1994. NEWLY decorated t bdrm mod ern furn. court ov 159 w Sa.em. Ph. 44171 or v J-1743, CLEAN 3-rm. Iront apt. Ground fir., refria,, ltov i utimtei lurh., ptiv. bath. Ph. 1-7145. FURN. 1-rm, Court Apt. 141. 1083 Madlton, 4-4754. FURNrJ rm. ApV"Privat bth, ea n. nign FURNISHED 4 room and bath, near uanito . clean, oieaaam. Aln bachelor apt., ground floor, pn. 4-WJi. CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BDRM. UNFURN. 1 BDRM FURN. APTS. 1185 Chemeketa St Ph 3-M30 1 BDRM. unfurn. refrlg. range, heat, water, very aenraoie, 60. 1132 8. Com! Ph. 4-5339. 706 Duplexes WANTED 1 couplet that like to live aide by iiae in aupiex. Garden apot, place for cow or pony. Ph. 4-37U or e-isnw. FURN. 1 bdrm, ground fir. Cloae In. Shopping Center e State Bldg. 1232 Center. 1-BDRM. furn. court duplex apt., water garbage pa. w Sslcm. Ph. 2-tHKie. 1 BDnM., unfurnished duplex Oil heat. i'h. 3-mn. 2 BDRM. unlurn., aide-by-slde, gar, yard. April ht. Ph. 4-3253 I ROOM unfurh. flat. 1 block P.O. Inq. 45 Ferry. NICELY furn. duplex. So. of town, r0 & 155. Couple only. Call 3-5763. BDRM. DUPLEX PH. 3-3997 707 House For Rent 2-BDRM. house, partly fum. Nice dlst. 150 mo. Ph. I-NK. 1 UNFURN. houses II mi. north Salem nwy. zu. jo peaty. FOR RENT, almost new 1-bed rm. lurnished home, oil fur nare. basement, dining rm view, south. tftSOO. Call Geo A. Walters, Realtor, Ph. 1-4714 or 4-6365. 4-BDRM. home. Inquire 2292 N. Llbertyjar I75D. St. 1-BDRM. basement, furnace, a. rage, adults only. 1380 N. 5th. NEW 2-bdrm. house i garage. 165 per mo. Ph. 2-3486. 2-BDRM. hse., stove & refrig. See at 2283 Lee St. 1-BDRM. Rant, refill. ...... 135 2-BDRM. touth, furnished .145 2-BDRM. west, furnished -too 4-BDRM.. suburban $80 3-RM. turn apts. .. $35, 145. 159 Center St. Realty Rental Serv, 1748 Center. 4-6831. Eve. 3-7812 COZY clean, amall hout waa rage c garden toot Liberty Ditt, 130 mo. J-2UW. 1-BDRM. house, oil heeter at tacn., also garage. on sua sion St. $41. Ph. 1-4091, 1-BDRM. cottage, stove, refrig. hdwd. firs. Close in. pn. j-mi 1-BEDRM. Cottage, recently re. decorated, oil circulator, neat. gas range. 524 N. nth, gag. VERY CLEAN, new dec, water pd, range, frpl, rear I bdrm, baby o k. 1525 Stat. 1-BDRM. on creek, close In, frpl., icing., range it garage 4-1963. 1 BDRM, modern house. rent. lease or tell. Ph. 4-4216. I bedroom, 11 IS Nebraska. $40 PIONEER TRUST VU. . Ph 3-3134, to I IDEAL home for elderly couple Low rent, fenced, pn, 1-6BY3. HOUSE for small family with upstairs, utility rm, modern East, water supplied, $20 mo. Phone 2-2861. VERY nic 1 bdrm. wstov refrig, gsrate, oil heat, Englewood, $53. Ph. 1-3000 CLEAN unfurn. 1-bdrm. hse. Lit, living room. $50. No pets. Ph. 4-2662, 45UI state. CLEAN 2-bdrm oil clrc, $80. 323 Aeadrmy Bt. 2-1113. REDEC. furn. 1 h 2-bdrm, close to bus. Adults. Quiet neighbor. hoosd. 1136 Ruge. 1-5277, rARTl.Y furn. 4-hdrm. Wster pd. $75. Lease. 15115 State 1-BDHM. house, 1345 Cross, $45. Ph. 4-8O04. 1 BDRM housa In court. Unfur, txrent elec stove v refn 1813 Lee after I p.m. 707-a Furnished Houiet FURN. 1-bdrm. house, " full bsin't, good furnace, clean $75. Ph. 3-4370. SMALL 2-bdrm., water, garb. age, no garage, gas. I'reier ao ulU. 1415 Jflterson. 1-BEDRM, couple only. Ga rage. No pets. Ph. S-2392. AVAIL. April I: 1-bdrm. hse, wlge. closets, comp. furn, $Sfl mo. No pets. Ph. 1-1885. 1740 uxiora. FOR LEASE or rent: 1-bdrm. mod. house, furn. No children, Ph. 4-5182. 1 BDRM. home, fireplace, T Antenna. All Util. furn. $60, 4010 S. I'acifi Hlwsy. Phone 1-6890. 708 Forms For Rent RAWN--Tnr-TrTir-wTlsture. rnq. Z252 Mission. 710 Wonted to RenTHies FURN I. bdrm. Close In. By April nth. Ph. 4-3803, WE NEED more 1. 1 Si 4 bed room houses to rent prices lurnished At unfur nithed. Many on our waiti list. We speclalir In renta Center SI. Realty, 1741 Cen ter, Ph. 4-4M1 Cv. 1-7111. 700 Rentals 712 Went ta Itswt A pN. BDRM. furn. apt or duplex. immediately, Vimt b vety nice. Prefer cl- down town. Pay to IIOS. PH. M. 1. 14 luiinots RtntBuT Capital Shopping Canter ator. room avaiium anon, auitant itora or ofnra. at lllf Center St. Ph. OFFICE Spar, la heart of downtown Salem, I, I, St 1 room auitaa. Inquire Liberty InvMtment Co, Room 1, IJ$ V. Uberty. Ph. 1-3111. STORE room. Rlutabl lor any ina u re'ai) nuatneaa or aiiicea SU N. High. 4-4il. FURNISHED Office Space, F-T acceaa city ai Ireewap, ilH Uincaiur. Ph. t-tun. DOVvJl towo of fie ipare, iture rma. WkrehouM. i-4114. 4-CORNERS Community HaU availaUle. Fh. M29I. . 718 CenveUictnt Hems OTTAOI CONVALESCTNT HUMB..1H 14. COtUge. 1-7U30. 710 Mavifif o Sterogs Urmer Trsnifer k Stories Complete moving tenrteo, Ala Menu for Bf.KIM Nation- Wid Movn. Ph M131, LOW COST itoraii H U Still rurmtur t l-llat BUO Real Estate 801 luslmss Opportun. ESTABLISHED aho repair ahoo. reaaonabie. 1143 B. Commercial Bt. aUUHT 1-bdrm. apart, all on l floor, all furn, older noun with more apta. Well lo cated. Owner living in Call forma. Price 130,000. Will consider offer. J. E. LeClerc. Rltr, IW N. Capitol Ph, 1-3131 FOR SALE, by owner, active, profit making reitaurant, fed eral Income tax record avail' able. Price S3.ono plua lnven tory. INVESTIGATE. Write box 111, Satteaman-Journal, ESTABLISHED dealerihtp rout. few daya mo. to eervlr. Good money maker for part-time work. Could be built into full time Job. 11,000 will handle Box 137, statesman-Journal. Abb u, rcaw. mw;in mvw. care, on acenie nwy. u, aeau 31. Tourlat. local trad. Drive In. pooe. M. B. Jepaen, . Mill City, Ore. WILL build to suit tenant, fire proof warehouse with railroad aiding at edge of town. P, O. Box 168, Salem. FOR LEASE: Service Station. S 12th St Hlnes, Inquire 1320 Fairgrounds ltd. T il DISTRIBUTORSHIP AVAILABLE FOR SALEM AREA. THIS IS SOLID AND PROFITABLE. TIIOR 0UGH TRAINING AND FACTORY. COOPERATION 11500 TO 12500 REQUIRED FOR FAST SELLING, RE V0LVING MERCHANDISE, WRITE FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW GIVING PHONE NUMBER . . , ENGLER, NEW HEATH' MAN HOTEL, PORTLAND, ORE. 802 Business Property NURSERY HOBBIEST Here'i your chance. 2'j acres good soil, green house, lath house, large work shop, some nursery slock, lots of flowering trees ii shrubs. A lovely 3-bdrm. English type home, fine loca tion. . GEO A. WALTERS REALTOR 960 So. Com'l. 1-714 of 4-6365 FOR SALE or trade, country grocery store. Attractive liv ing quarters. Writ Box 951, Stattsmsn-Journsl. 803 Suburban $39111. I A. cult, I bdrm. hse. Ph. 4-2551. gisoo dn. 806 Houses For Salt T BUSINESS BUILDING AH brick and stone construction, 10,000 sq. ft. of floor space. 10 years old. Houses well established automobile agency, $.100 per month Income. Has outside service station. Good investment property. Call Fred Doerfler. CHARM, PERSONALITY. COM- rorlT A Deautifui contem porary 3-bdrm. 1 yeara old. newly redecorated through out. Finished floored attic for storage or extra bdrms. All rooms good sired. 4 blocks South Salem H.S. Many unique features. Really a charming home. $15,250. Call Mr. Hickt. YOU WILL LOVE THIS NEIGHBORHOOD and thll beautiful 2-bdrm. home. Liv ing room, dining room, beau tiful kitchen. All roomt ex tra larg. Bsmt, fireplace, F A. oir furnace. Large lot. Everything neat and clean. A home you'd be proud to own. $12,500. Call Mrs. Graham. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 2319. State St, Ph. 2-8591 Eve, calls: Todd 2-1731; Mrs. Graham 4-4748: Harriet Ness I-38M: Doerfler 2-3781; Van dervort 4-7602: Hicks 4-4930; DeSerano 1-909S. UNEXPECTED change lorces owner to sell beautiful brsnd new home. 3 bdrms., huge liv. Ai din. rm., wa view. Extraor dinary kt., auto, dishwasher. Full batm., playroom 16x34. Many, many other dlx. extras. Cloae In south. Ph. 4-9572. Se any time, day or night, Homes $106 to 'n. $45 to $75 per month. Why rent when you can buy your own home on these terms. Call Allen C, Jones. Realtor, 231 No. High, 3-58.18. Eve. 4-1689, 2-2701, 1-H48, $500 Down 4-hdrm. horn with dhlt, plumb ing, dhle. garage, paved street, city sewer A- water, home Is in good condition In aide and out. A buy lor $5950. Could be used fr income. Call Mr. Bourn Eve. 3-7217. Chicken Farm In Dallas region, 37 acres near ly all In cultivation, barn, 1 rhlckrn houses, 4 springs, I reservoirs, gsrden tractor It some machinery, nice 1-bdrm. home In a lovely setting of oak. trees. On good hardtop road. All goes for $9950. AI Roome Eve. 4-5416. Joe L Bourne, Rltr. 1140 N. Capitol Ph. l-tlll jf.OO Real Estate 134 Homes For Salt j OWNER transferred. Must tell lovely home In Ensiswoid Ditt, see at 1410 h. liih. For Sale or Trade 1 Bedroom Home Large bedroom wtth walk-In cio.it. living room, aitcnen. beth, large utility loom. gUaa beat, wired fur washer aj dry. er Larre Iront yard, 'i acre, Kctier Li.tnct. haa .wn well H aul equity traoe tor I bed room home up to $1(1,001 Se at IMia Aider St. or Ph. 4-lllt. HOME & INCOME Older 1-bdrm. hem, with sep arate furnished rental. Cloa to but line, school at store. Intld city limits For fur trier Information Ph, 1-6731. SMALL 1-bdrm. house, low dowa payment, owner win n nanc. Drly bp 4031 Earl Av. Call 4-7260. FOR BALE or lease modem I- Mrm. nome ai tua jenersott. Furn. or unfurn, Owner leav ing Salem. Pn. 1-tutf. NICEclean I bdrm. residential area. 4 yra. old, on furnace. era go, fenced yd. 4M da. Ph. -4MI0. 17.150. .OUT OF Tl LOW DOWN PAYMENT New 1 -xlrm,, larg lot, I mile out. tiy owner a no ouuaer. Ph. 4-7IM after 4 o'clock. MR. OWNERI Glen Woodry will aay top price lor your furn lor your i Ph. I-5U0 appliances ONLY $3950 Neat and clean on-bdroom home with good add-on pos sibilities. City water and sew er. But by door. Nlc district, N. t. Call 4-167J day ortve. STITES REALTY 3433 CENTER PH. 4-1671 A real daylight bsmt. home. 1 norms, on main floor, two more in bsmt if wanted, two lull ceramic til baths, a really larg living ind dining room with permanent view to the NX, bkfst. nook in kitchen, two fireplaces, party room, ete., too many features t is it about here, com and sec it, $23,500. Owner, 185 culver Lane. BY BUILDER New 1-bdrm near So. Salem High. 2-7071. EQUITY in older 3-bdrm. house with radiant heat. $1000. Owe aajua. uuver Bare, li5 Co lonial Avenue. Ph. 4-9173. $400 DOWN 4-bdrm, dble. plumb., on 2 lots in west Salem. Better hurry oy caning t-nei nawilns, ive, 1-6236, REALTY 605 Salem, CHEMEKETA ST. Or. Off. Ph, 4-6873 4 BDRM. home at 2630 Brook St. dole nlumblnaT. dble. (araee. , ts cr of ground. Price $6,000, terms, laii at Xjob ri. Liberty MODERN 4 bdrm. house, near 1 schools, nursery, stores, bus. insuiatea, w e a am trsirtpped. fenced-in yard, patio, pric reas. rn. g-mw attr 1:30, 1 bdrm, houe, fireplace, garage, price awou, f n. -yyn, BY OWNER. 1 Candalaria. bdrms, 1 bathe, beautiful yard with lot! oi oak tree! 4-7316 EQUITY In naw i bedim. Cloae to state Bldg. m. 4-ll. JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR Let us solve your home needs To Buy. Sell or Rent Call Ph. 4-5743 , 1131 Edgewater Ph 4-7874 3710 So Comm 3-bdrm, house, dble, garage, large living room, dining room, bkfst. nook, Hi bath fireplace, hdwd. cabinets, cor' ner lot, fun price $14,700. 4490 STATE ST. PH. 4-M44 COURTESY TO REALTORS BY OWNER, nic acre wltb new 1 bdrm. home. Firepl.. forced air heat, dble. gar, paved tt. . Priced below appraisal. Ph 4-7577. ULTRA modern home In new Suburban addition. 4 bdrm family rm, lg. natural birch kit, Draaxtasi rm, din. r llv rmt.. built-in utilities, dish washer, l'i baths, 1 fireplaces, perimeter heating, drapes dble. carpdrt Is shop. Call owner, 1443(. High and dry with good drain age. one acr. excellent soli, many Iruit 4c nut trees, deep well, 8 car garage, 1 BR. house wrtn nasemem, oil turnsc llreplace. Located on S. Lan caster Drive with bus by door and close to achool and stores. $10,500, South Salem High English style 3 BR. home on Elertrlc Street only 3 blocks to High School, full basement, gas furnace, llreplace. tile bath, dining room, kitchen with tile counter. Corner lot shade trees. All thll lor only 19,000. Abrams & Stone 411 MASONIC BUILDING REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS OFFICE 3-9217 EVES: 2-4709 or 3-7386 BY owner: Rent, lease, lease with option to buy or for s.il 2 bdrm., bath, living rm, din Ing rm, kitchen, utility rm, lull bsmt. with oil furnace very nice yard fenced. Carport with storage rm. Sale price $15,000. Can be bought on con tract with $500 dn.. $110 per month. House located at 2185 Center. Contact ewner thru , Mr. Carl Lemke. Ph. 3-3250. bOi N. 14th St, . BUSINESS ZONED 2-bdrm., living & dining room comb. Wall-to-wall carpet. Kitchen bkfst. nook, full bath, bsmt, laundry tubs it full bath. Bus by door. 1 blocks from Hollywood. $12,500 A WORTH It. Can't lose on this nne. Value going up every day on this property. J. E. LsCLERC, Rllrs. 1696 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-3T55 LOOK AT THIS All for 112.9.10! South Salem, brand new. 1 bdrms. 2-car fsrage t plastered I, Istge uni ty room with 'i bath, hlg hlrrh kitchen losded with hiiiltlns. bath with ceramic tilt vanity. Mahogany pan eled fireplace wall, full din ing room and bkfst. nook. A good buv. Office 4-7977. Ev Merit Teter 1-5334. TED MORRISON 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 n00 Real Estate S3 Houwt For Sale iiDeM & INCOME. CLOfS IN. Smith Commercial, rent from 1-rm. Apt, and sleeping rms. $M)U0 per ' mo. Dmibte gir, Full n.sement, lo runs to Hev. CI tone. $14 cm. Be Bill Ful ler, eve. 4-7441 VR OLD SALEM UTS. HOME Shake exterior, 1 bdrma.. hardwood fir?,. uto. washer V dryer aV drapes. Will trad for 14. 1. vlu at M.ooO Be Frank Graham, eve. 4-4741. PARK AVENUE A S-bdrm. homa. on. larg corner lot. A beautiful yard, garden. This Is a very good Buy at $4 Soft. See Bill Firitrr. eve ph. 4-7441. PLUS ACRES NORTH Com fort! bl t BR, ham. Llv, rm, dining rm, utility, att. gar. Good well it toil. Only $5400, aee Ron Kratia, 3-51 eve. ACRES NORTH 4's cult. 1 bdrm. homo, needs repair. Beautiful building tile in Fir grove. Very good soil. Pric $5,000. Mike twfer on Dn, pay ment Easy term, lee Ron Kraut, eve. 1-S46e. (HAY) LOOK NOW-Apprex. It acres witn anout so acres oi bottom Land along the Abiqu. Willamette. Chehalia St New. Berg tolls. Soils lor beans. corn, pumpkins, pickles, etc. Full set ol bldga. ww fenced, en paved road. Full set marh. aV Irrlg. system Included lor 31.060 or S23.noo lor lond. Terms, t good deal. Se Geo, Kraut. Ill ACRES. NORTH -158 000. Full set bldgs., irrlg. system. Permanent graia for put. and also seed crone, graia land. All cultivated. If you rsilly want to farm, her it Is. Be uts, Straus. REAL ESTATE 3IS N. Church St Ph. 44871 8ELLOR TRADE 1.73 acres In Krlrer District. A real buy at $:,750. Terms 1500 dn. Allrn C. Jones, Realtor, 231 No. High. Ph. 3-5831. Eve. 3-1704, 4-16H. TRIPLEX located on Lancaster Last unit tins 1 bedrooms, llv. Inl room, kitchen and bath. Hardwood floor. F. A. fur naces. Income 111! mo. Room lor another triplex and busi ness building. 131 ft. frontage by 159 deep. This is a real opportunity to develop. Cain wcu. rnnnj won mien v.. Jones, Realtor, 231 No. High, a-osvie. s.ve. ,-see. as'u. 24 ACRES CREEK PROPERTY This beautiful 3-bedroom and den, setting among osk trees and all year 'round creek, hat large living and dining room, kitc.ieo. hardwood floors, liv ing room all carpeted, l'i pain, lull ory oasement. No, 1 material used In this house. Good barn, chicken house, (hop. Barn with No. 1 ma terial and bolted. Tilt Is danr oy piace to steep norses. uwn er must sell. Total price 142. 150. Consider trade lor house in town, call Lucas. Eve. ph, 3-93BII. . INCOME PROPERTY HIGHLAND DISTRICT Cood older home. . 2-bedroom down, lurnished apartment up, New, good full base ment with economical saw dust furnace. Near but and school. Asking 19,450, Call Hick), eve. ph. 3-64M. . 4 BEDROOMS I BATHS ONLY $7,950: Large , family home. Ideal location near Highland and St. Vincent schools. Near store. Plastered up and down. Dining room. Basement. P.eonomlcal saw dust heat. Good buy. Call , Johnson. Eve. ph. 1-3858. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High St. Phone 3-9203 1875 DN, on thia brand new 2- narm. nome cast in city. Forced air furnace, hardwood floors, close to store snd bus. Only $8,750. Ask lor Geo. Patrnv with Allen C. Jones, Realtor, 231 No. High. Ph. 3-5638. Eve. 4-1689 or 1-2701. FHA appraised 110,500. Will sac rifice for 19.750. Located In South Village. 1-bdrm. mod ern home with 915 sq. ft. hdwd. floors, dining room. F. A. oil furn., fireplace and close to but. This won't last. For appt call Allen C. Jones, Realtor. 131 No. High. Ph. 1-5838, av. S-37M, 4-1689 or 1-9641. Restful snd Beautiful 19x136 lot, with clumps ef ma- drona trees and itatcly firs. Living room facing the back. 1 bdrms, dining room, util ity with !s bath, l-car ga ngs with aeparate workshop, birch kitchen with nook. A lovely horn only 1 ' years old. $11,500. Office 4-7877. Eve.; Cordova Stephenson 4-6141. TED MORRISON 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 CALIFORNIA OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL SMALL FURN. HOUSE . . CLOSE TO STATE BLDG'S. $5,500. GOOD TERMS OR WILL TAKE LEASE OP TION .... 1456jCHEMEKETA ST. HOUSE, 28x30, full bsiement well drained; sawdust lurnace, hot-coid air: 2 bedrooms, liv ing room, dining room hard wood: kitchen, hall, bathroom, linoleum; 3 large rooms up stsirs; on paved ttrert; a A.; well 56' deep. 5" welded cas- Ing: garage 13x21. $9,750. 5015 bunnyview Ave., salcm. 0 WNERM 6 VI NO" T0" PORTLAND Must sell 7 yr. old, 3 bdrms. living room, fireplace, din, rm. Lame kitchen with eat ing space Near Highland r St. Vincent Schools. $12,750. iiHj.t Laurel. Ph. 2-ttHOl. $8,500 REAL Lg. Lot on Pvt. SI. Close in, huhurbnn avast. Has good eiean 2-neorm. nome wig. in side utility Ac l-car ga, plen ty room ner lor mat it. gar den. nlre neighborhood. Eve rtll 4-5017, davt 1-8680. Ed I.uklnheal, Realtor, 433 N High. . BY OWNER 4 bdrm, excellent location, nil turn, 3 baths. lull basement, ww carpet garage, hobby green-house elec. dish washer, frpl. near schools At shopping center, mis murt t. The HOMESELLERS C. D, McCARGAR,. RLTR NEW 3-BDRM. HOME SOUTH, psved streets, curbs, sidewalk. ctty water, in new addition. $10,691, I ' low rtownpsy- tnent. Call Tulllus, eve 4.50118. TRADE ENGLEWOOD DIST lively 3-hdrm. home plus Sunroom or family room. 1 baths, small green house, beautifully landscaped yard patio. Will take small home In trade. Call Ftye Seal, eve, 4-5384. 37 ACRES 1 miles Soulh on A I bany Rd. Good terms. Price nnlv l4,!tnn. Call Office 4-4441. 703 N. High Bt Ph. 4-4441 E00 Real Estate 134 Hsuitt For Sale t . IS & FERRIS, REALTORS CLOSE TO ALL SCHOOLS-Perfert fireplace. I bedrooms lull betnent oil T. A, l'i xm VERY GOOD 2-nrdrm , nice party rm. In betmt with fireplice. srhno, dole Nice at IH.7M. FINE LiTARLISHiD MOTH Hood net return appmx H tX per month. Finest locution, corner, twe way arterial. 11 units nun owner's $ t.tjm, Trtde twiih.e Cill Peck. CHIRKY ORCHARD 31 scree choice subaiv "on "-openy. Easy terms 1 mile to city lira. IU Call Joe Hlmmel. TO IELL YOUR HOME IS OUB ONLY BUSINESS Fvt It Sun. Salesmen: H. Peck l-5'll. Boa Cleary 1-iaUI, Roy Ferns l-tote Jo Hlmmel 1-1I2S, 134 SOUTH LIBERTY Hat PHONE 4-447S , STATE FINANCE 117 I. High $500 down. 'This clean, late built mooern s-ttat. nome. rour Cornert Dlst Large kit. Black top St. Full price MHO. Call Stanley Brown. Eves, phone 1-5511. t4.SU. Terms or will trad ious tt rii uriiiicnrtft at. Horns his 1-BR. El. glass heat. Larg gsrag. Fenced-in back Rard. This lg a good clean ome. Call O. V. Hume. Eve, phone 1-5101. 11.950.09. Richmond Dlst. l-bed- room nome. wen located on paved street. Will consider $500 down, or take in lata model cjr or lot e down oev ment. CSII O. V. Hum. Eves, phone 1-5204. SIS Ti. CHURCH ST. LET US HELP YOU la Iran V.,.i .-. Ire. will) wiin woven wire, some timoer, excellent strawberry ground. Can be Irrigated. Modern I yr. old 1-bdrm. homo. Fireplace, nawo. uoors, g. a. uu furnace., inside utility, double ga rage, shop machine shed. Must see to appreciate. Well worth the price. 123.W0. F.v-nlnee 1-gnM. $7150 FAIR MOUNT HILL. Wonderful location Quiet, restful comiormut s-nn nome. a to nice patio, fruit trees, shrubs Evenings 4-KeVt. . OWNER TRANSFERRED. Nice good ear on equity lor particulars ask lor Don Mcrsrlsne. Evenings 4-H1I. 10 ACRE FARM SOUTH RIVER tion I Acr pasture, 1 Acre 1-rtdrm. nome. Basement with i school. Priced to sell. Evenlnge QUALITY PLUS Is what you will find In this lovely 3-bdrm. home, built by one ot Salem's top grade contractors. You will enjoy the spa cious rooms, 1 baths, ex tra storage over garage. Here is REAL VALUE for 114 800. Call Henry Tor vend to fhow you thru. - v: LEE OHMART LOOKING FOR Thll It one of the best values rxceucm location, quiet large lot, tots or floor apace and fine construction. Thai it the 1-bdrm. valu of th ysar. Se Don Doughton. MONEY SAVER This plac It i good older home, well located in business tone. Bsmt, oil heat, llreplace, 4 bdrma. Price only 7950. Ask lor Louis Lorenz. NEW AND DIFFERENT Betm celling in pr.rty room, dble plumb, 1 fireplaces. Thlt home should sell to the first party that look It over. En frame hall, large kitchen with nook, close to school It but. In South Salem. Call Ralph Maddy. This is a good one. BRING YOUR OFFER Qwner of thlt cosy 3-bdrm. home wishes to buy closer to their church, and for a quick cash tale will dispose ot this hem for a bargain pric. Drlv by 1343 Lee St, and notice th well kept yard and large able, lot, good garden apace in back. Se Adricnn Bercomb about price. ELDERLY COUPLE TO RETIRE Be thll 3-year-old 1-bdrm. new furnishings, small yard. Bush Park. Priced to sell isisDa. IF YOUR HOME IS FOR 477 COURT ST. Phone Eve.: Henry Torvend 3-3632. en ! Kaipn Maddy s 806 Houses For Sale FOR RENT 2-bdrm. home, 3825 June Ave. 165 per mo. Fireolnr. garage. $250 DOWN , Small, modern range Included, S-bdrm. homa In city, North, city water and city tewer. Electric water heater, garage, good irtondatinn. Small let $500 DOWN New, 1 bdrma, fireplace, forced air neat, separate utility, at tached garage, city maintain ed itreet. Lot ISxlM-ft. No extra move-In costs. -75 per month on balance. Business Zone (C-3) ldesl setup for business and home. 2211 North Commercial Bt. l corner lot). 3rd bdrm. has separate bath and could btvt teparate entrance eas ily. Separate utility room, comfortable aize roomt, lots of ctblnet space, outside freshly decorated. Inside needt some decorating. Full price 18950. Eve. phones on above: Wes Gregg at 2-8241: Boh Sleeves at 3-3573; Leonard Reimann at 4-3759. PHONE 4-4154 RON JONES REALTOR 1955 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD SELL or trade duplex on beau tiful lot 131 x .mo with small year 'round creek. Each unit has 2 bdrms. Approximately 3 vrs. old Price $15,000. Will like home to 17,300 In trade. Allen C. Jones. Realtor. 231 No. High. Ph. 3-5d.ll. Eve. 4-1619, 1-2701. C0LBATH BUYS" GOOSE It GANDER CAN MEANDER WITH THEIR LITTLi rux:ri on tnis nice shadv one acre locnted on the Sunnysltie road. Has nice 4 bdrm. home with bsmt. it hdwd. floors. Plenty nl pav ed road frontage Excel, deep well. Price 17950. Terms or will trsde tor a city home with 4 bdrms. . CALL T.. T. ANDERSON, davs 4-4494, eve. 4-2714. SPLENDID ft SPOTLESS IN ACCESSIBLE LOCATION New Englewood Dlst. 2 bdrms. living room with tlreolace. dining room, many closets, secluded back yard with out door fireplace. A BRIGHT it SHINNING BUY FOR 410 950 TERMS. CALL MRS. WELLS, days 4-4494, eve. 1-3734 WE'RE ALL OUT OF CASTI.ES-But here's a home built like one and It's only 4 years old. Two very sparlous bdrms, hdwd. firs, oil heat, dble. garage It rov . ered patio. Nice ! acre of. lground plut.. a new 160-it, shop meal lor caninet mak er, painter or contractor, lo cated east and priced helnw 114.0(10 TERMS. CALL TOM PAGAN, days 4-4494. eve. 4-IIU3, crpnn u A LAND CO., REALTORS 111 Court 8L Dial 1-4494 OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 1450 DOWN f.00 Real Estate - 54 Hauees Foe Sale location. Keeping room with pry lor this In 1 years and have CO. REALTORS Phone 1-1151 HOME k Income Trailer Court 1 permanent c It per mo. Good utility. Large cor. lot in city. Modern horn 11.75. Terms or consider trade. Call W. H Slevelev. salesman. Eve, phone 4-311. t-BDRM. modern older heme cloa in on N. Commercial. Basement, sawdust furnace. Cor. lot. Carage. Business tone. 17,101 terms. Call W. H. Bteveley, salesman. Eve. phone 4-2614. MM Clean 1-bdrm. home South, cloae lo schools and bus. On paved street. Lot 50 x loa. t5a down. Call Stanley ' Brown. Evea. photic 1-5561. piiil PHONE l-236 BUY AND SELL e -m . . . - rms . eiecirsc neai. ig. garage, it flowers. Ideal lor couple. 3 - bdrm. located Fsst, will take RD. Approx. I Aero In cultiva strawberries, spring, well, lancedr lurnace. law tax. Close to 3-7Ri, f i V 1 tUJ RUDY CALABA A NEW HOME . , In Salem don't pas It tip-hat home, completely furnished with 545 Cross St, 1 block from complete $11,500. Call Rudy SALE OR TRADE CALL VS 3-4115. 1-4116. 1-4117. J-4III Don Doughton 4-1414. Lou II Lor- - 3486, Adrirnne Sercombe 4-wil. 806 Houses For Sale $7 950 Threc-bdrm. home with bsmt it sawdust furnace. Nice living room V dining room, llreplace. ThiTB s well kept older home on a nice street A real good buy. GEO A. WALTERS REALTOR 960 So. Com'l. 1-6714 or 4-1381 Bedrooms $10,950 A swell little house In South Salem. Just 7 tnonthi old. - with offset paneled wall In front and large planter box, good lines. There are 3 bdrmi, attached garage, birch kitchen, utility room. The lawn it In. the neighborhood new. Office 4-7977, Evt.; Marjorls Fanning 4-6096. TED MORRISON 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 1 BEDROOM, dining room, base ment wood furnace. 16600, lilOO down, 165 per month. Ph. 3-6624 after 2:30 p.m. DEVIL'S LAKE HOME Beautifully located on sheltered end pf lake, detigned for ye-r around living, 4 bdrms,, ' baths completely furnithed, Including dishwasher, wash er, dryer, treeier, tuto oil hot wster lurnace, landscaped yard 1 boats & motors. One of the Lake't tinest homes. Price $27,300 or 123.300 for 100 ft lot and home. St REALTORS' IBO S. Liberty St. Ph. 2-2171 2-BDRM," home! t: down, Ml N. Elms at 4-Comers. nesr school, store A city bus. Tske a look it It Interested rsll 231X Turner, Oregon. BUY my equity In Msnbrln Gardens home. 1 bdrms. or 2 bdrms. it den, F A. hrat, frpl. it ratio. 11.150 dn. Ill 650 635 Manbrln Dr. Ph. 4-1453 SACRIFICE $10,000 "equity""! li 233 acre farm, will aril or IMde lot smaller Isrm or home, Lo cated near Sheridan 100 arret under cull, 30 acres bottom Irnd suitable for row crops 400 ft. frontage on Ylmhill River, railroad and both sides on Hignwsy 11. Large house with 2 bilhi and llrtplsre. f bsmt snd other building! Price $:7,5oO. but open to of fer. Allrn C. Jones, 231 No High Ph. 3.5S.H, Ev. 2-1706. 4-1639, 1-9111. 807ln7F's7ColtTt7'o7Sa Apartment EXCEPTIONALLY NICE APT HOUSE with four deluxe apartments each wllh 4 roomt and tiled baths with showers and tubs. 1 Apt. furn, 1 in fiirn. Gsrstes. In tip-top con dition Inside and out Must se to appreciate thit Income firoperlv. fall Chet Nelson nr drtaltt, Eve. 2-1536 Nelson & Nelson REALTORS 1590 I. Commercial Ph. 1-3661 Grabenhorst Bros. House COO Keal Estate 133 Lots For Sat MADRONA KILL Beautiful view lots Ms restricted district. 5 minutes to Meier A: Frank's. Pevement. water, good Or tins . Salem srhooU. Any type loan available (or home construction. Ph. 3-gcgl Emmet Rogers, Owner. LOT tot sale on Hager St. l-uo. MADR0NA HILL Overlooking valley, view ' ol sour mountaina, native oak. fir. madron. Ph. 4-1DU2. Emmet T. Rogers, owner. 10 Farms For Sale 11 'i A. North, excel. eoiL good borne, barn it outbldga, price reduced to ll'ono. JOE NOONCH ESTER. RL. EST. 1Z3 N. Collate Ph. 4-3641 1 A. i mi. S. hall oak timber 1334) dn. 11751. I'h. 1-1194. FARM FOR SALE And we mean "fee aale." 114 acres. M acre line soil la cult, balance pasture, with scattering ol , fir timber, a good ponton marketable. Bom old lir. lt-aere bean yard, balance of cultivated ground in grain and irrigated pasture. Irrigation Irani river, early a mile o river front ege. Good fishing. A won derful place for commercial picnic ground. 1 good houses. One built in Bern and other bldga. to horse pump and complel irrigation system included in price of $33. WO or $26.0uv with stock and mac run- 80 ACRES . If on cyan psy cash for th irrigation quipmnt on this farm you can lake possssslon Bow. Fair bldgs. Good well. 4 acre strawberries I acres can berries, balance In grain and pasture. All farm ma chinery and Irritation equip ment Included tor only III, mm with I.VSd down and king time on balance at 1 Inter est NORTHWEST LAND CO. REALTOR 1741 Center Ph. 3-9311 Eve. 1-11S4 - WELL located 1 to 10-acre tracts; select building sites with view; 16 mtn. to city center; owner, Ph. 4-4562. Chicken Farm I acres, in filbert trees, good family orchard, lovely I bdrm. home, l-car garage, large enicken house, lots of ah rube, room tor approx. S acre of strswberries in won derful toil. A real good close in small farm. Priced right Farm in Town Lovely large 1-bdrm. home. 100x208 lot Bsmt, 1 lira places, hearly naw, Pric lasso. L. E. Klumpp, Rltr. 3053 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-7641 Call Carpenter, eve. 3-6641 Estridge,ev.l-41521, FOR SALE: I acre E? Small 1 norm, nome, 4,ooo. 1-0226. 115 ACRE farm for tale Ik ml from Brooks. Alto 77 tcret near Brooks. J W. Flits Brooks. Or. Ph. Salem 4-3M1 300 ACRE RANCH Fin tetup for sheep, hogs, cat. tie. aeverat year round aprlngt. Well fenced 111 acres in cultivation. Excel. lent modern 7-room home. Good large barn on concrete. Machine shed. Hog house. Feed mill. Milking machine. Priced at 16.1 .000. May eon- aider twap tor smaller farm or income property, tan Mr, Crawford. Iv. ph, 4-3030, AL ISAAK it CO., REALTORS 531 N. Church St Phons 4-3311 or 1-7IJ6 850 Automotive 8S1 New Cars DRIVE THE BIG ' mm ton Thl Smartest 4-Door Hard Top an th Road. McKlNNEY LINCOLN - MERCURY 43S 14. Commercial Be lent l52lJtC4rroTsli; Tte liiiis M Sippil it . . . jk mm WttiS m 495 N. Commercial i Statesman, Salem, Ore, TufS., C00 Real Estate 812 ExcVi. teal Eftate RENTED business twonerte In Allianv. value 110 Sort, Salem property considered. 715 Ferry St. BY OWNER, I unit apt. house. clnseln . sale-trade. 4-3txl. WILL swap my equity in beauti ful country home lor custom built trailer house or sell at discount. Ph. l-i2. SELL or drade lor Salem prop erty: i nouses in idanra. good rrnair, I bdrm. at bath. 3 bdrm. A beth. wired tor renee. Write Mrs. O. U Perkins, Detroit. Ore. K50 Automotive 8S2 Used Cars Far Sale CLEAN "SI Coronet Dodce, auto, shift, radio, heeter, sots of ex tras, tow mileage. Se alter I al 1955 NCapitol. U WILLYS AERO ACE 1-dr. I cvl, clean, good condition. Ph. after I p m 3-1434. '41 FORD, owned by mechanic, will take older car as part p.vm't. Senator Garage, 15. 195S COUNTRY SdnFord Bta. Wgn. 1.300 mi. Equity. Ph. 4-29i '40 FORD pickup, 4-4331 alter I p m. lioo. Ph. 1M NASH Rambler Convert, ST-n Se at 591 N. 2uth. Ph. 4-5970., '41 WINDSOR Chryitar motor tlp-topPh. 1-4HU4. MODEL A Ford pickup, white , side wall 14" tires, seal beam Hghta. H.1 Boon Rd. 1-6146. GOOD older car. 1.5O0 mllesT MIS between S 4c S pm. U5I NASH Ambassador 4-dr. Sdn. O'dr, bed type. This car is lar above averate. anlv 1785. McCaU 1 Head Cart, 1M7 auai aw. - S3 RANCH WAGON and '41 Champion convertible. Both excellent condition. Matte an o.Irr and take both. For real Steal, call 3-3361 alter I p.m.- 53 BU1CK Riviera- hardtop. Special coupe. l-tna, RAH. dynaflow, good tiers. Clear. See at France Buildings Sup- iy. jrtterion. M 7-EUt vea. FA 7-2531. 1931 V-l FORD I passenger, 4-dr. Country aeden. I tone, radio As heater, ex, eond.. a bargain at 13.114. 944 Tarn- arack. HOUSE on wheels. $1M. Ford, $75. Ph. 4-K6. '49 NAFH Ambstsador. Erl1ent rnnoiuon. will accept trees Ph. Monitor $-271 '53 FORD Cuetomlin. Radio, heater, overdrive. Perfect Very ress. for cash. Ph. f. 4057. , EXCEPTIONALLY nlc "U Ch. 4 Dr. $441. Ph. 1-443. HOTROD 34 Ford coach very good eond. Will take in trade on '39, '40 or 'II Ford. Ph. 1-7731 ve. BY Owner: '53 Ford Ranch wagon, radio, heater et -over load sprints, plut other extrat. Ton shape. Ph. 1-0075. 1701 Fir St. Will- Chevrolet Cadillac NEW It USED Union St Commercial Ph. 1-1175 '41 CHEV. ehib eve, radio. heater. Clean. 1100. Ph. l-tH 1475 Fisher Rd. $200 OR BEST offer by Mondw t.ikel aoully m '5 Chev. Bel- Air 4 or. Equipoed. balance IS payment!. $6211. 4S Crest- view, rn. -wtvi, sFrTUDEBAKER Comd'e. RAH. auto, trans, priced to aell. 52d rond.' Ph. 1-3271. '41 OLDS. Club cour. radii heater. Cood eond, 7i, 17H H. Ith. ion Oregon s Oldest Desist BEST BUY Used Cart Commercial A Chemeketa Ph 4-1711 SELL or trade; 1961 Dodge 1 dr. 1951 Buirk hardtop. Pvt. owner. Priced right Call 1-1121 or see it 16J6 Wtllsc Rd. '37"CHEV. teden. CW03 1952 STUDKBAKER Champ Very clean throughout A guaranteed. Can be seen at 2645 8. Com'l Ph. 4-1421. 41 CHEV. S63 PH. 4-252S 855 Used CoTFoTSTJ; -TP (ft Just Look at These "Safe-Buy" Values! 55 MERCURY 5 dr. Just like new $iin9 '53 LINCOLN CAPRI cpe. Bcatiltful 20 '53 LINCOLN SEDAN, one owner 1799 '54 MERCURY Monterey Sedan 1799 '54 MERCURY Custom Sedan 16!9 '55 WILLYS Custom -Sedan 1699 '53 MERCURY Monterey Sedan 13! 53 PONTIAC Chieftain Del. Sedan 1299 '51 LINCOLN Lido Coupe, only 1199 '52 MERCURY Monterey Sedan 1099 '.12 BUICK R M. Riviera Coupe 1099 '50 MERCURY Sport Coupe 599 Tit CHEVROLET FLEETLINE deluxe coupe ......r 599 S3 CHEVROLET 4-ton Pickup, only ft SAVE REAL MONEY ON THESE , W Sue u 51 LINCOLN tedan ... $799 '50 MERC, 51 CHEV. sedan $499 '49 FORD M BUICK ttedan $169 '4 OLDS '41 PONT, 2-dr. $149 - MtKiMEY LINCOLN - MERCURY, INC. April 10, 33 (Sec. II-7 n."0 Automotive 152 UteJ Cars For SJ iruuuN CP If your credit will merit It, . I w drive away id ont of thee good U6ed can k e e p money in your pocket. 1951 i KAISER DELUXE 4-dr, sedan. Radio, heater, nynumauc, in , good condition. $Jt4. , 1951 BTUDEBAKER LAND CBt'ISIR . 4-door aedaa. v-l engine, tuto trans. Radio, heater. Reel clean inside out. Sftvl, "7 1950 OLDS "W 4 -doer sedan, fully . .. equipped, tu-inne grey witn .,. whit walla. $t93, ' 1950 FORD V-S l-kr tedan. Cood , '' tires, and tnay. A good Buy . t 3. ' '. 1949 : FORD I 4-door sedan. A good ear and t real buy at lit. - 4949 FORD V-l S-pata. tittle wason. Thlt u real good, , Priv it and tee. S4U1. . 1948 PONTIAC edantte S cyt, ra- " dlo, heater At h) dramatic 1946 PICKUP DODCE 1 M5. Ion, As lg, 461 N. High Ph. 17971 "The Lot with a Lot" . 153 Auto Fatts ti" Repairs n DODGE Suburban , ll 'II CMC Pickup I 'M Can be fliwnced. Ph. 1-1727 SINGLE axle log trailer is truck equipment SET ol lumber ralll Rt. t Bo 143, Woodburn. Ph. Monitor 1-171. 154 Trucks, Trail, for sale , 1951 INTERNATIONAL Ing truck ', gr irtiirr, UK new. pn. 4-426. 2-WHEEL TRAILER, Sllf PH. 4-2988 ETWotod7Co WE'RE PAYINO For Clean Used Cart Pal For or Not, TOP CASH Bob Bill's Used Cars Union k High Sis. 858 Motorcycles "47 HD. OHV, tow mile, perfect Reel. Ph, J-m SACRIFICE equity In Salem S , oarm. name, tor gooa nous trailer or car Jack Toomht 193 Pacific Hwy. Ph. 1-1371 Woodburn. WANfTnod U it to 1J ft. trail"" er to tlrep 4. pay cash. 441 Chemeketa. Ph. 1-9170. 37' 1-BDRM. 133O0. Will accept furniture value II 000 Ralarv easy payments. Ph. 411 Inde pendence. EQUITY: 1-bdrm. home, oxrhg. tor mod trailer house. 4-42a4, Cash for Trailers LANA LANE, 1941 LAMA AV. TRAILER TOWTNH 1AYHAWK TRAILER SALES $641 Portland Rd Pn 4-DM1 K0ZY NATIONAL JEWEL The best for less 13-43 ft. SECURITY TRAILERS 4161 Jutland Rd Ph. 1-061 V A C A"! fO N SBeet""BtiV. ' IS" Shasta, Lant Lan Trailer Plara. 19447 Una Av. Ph. I-9160. 111 U..J Con For Sole' f! inrnnrn sedan $4 tedin ....... $199 coups $14$ Ph. 3-3012 II 1 ill!