r. II) L! -n, Sa!on, Ore., Tum April 10, to'ZCO Personal ::;ri.c'c::t3cn r- - r T !,:0NTE CARLO. Monaco 1 ' Trine R tinier III Monday; filched tip hii differences with! American television and ne wi j reals. He indicated be will fix things so VS. viewers can see Xortll Neb policeman, .ho hii marnage to Grace Kelly. 1. , . Tha nrin- nrev ousl decided r I-Armcd Slqrc Omier Halts Holdup Try PORTLAND, Ore. UP A former 313 Mt3 Noma SALEM hrwta No. Ill Vrtr ana World u 1 inert April II it 100 p ro. V . hall ) Hond St BAIUI WOKLD FAITH Information Ph. 3-6344 300 Fersonal 316 Fertodol 312 Lett and found to bar American TV and newt reel men from bit civil marriage on April IS on the grounds that the ceremony might be "vulgar ized by the wrong kind of com mercials." After a session with newsreel and network representatives this thwarted another holdup at bis grocery stort bert Sunday night He is James P. Enterline, 55. who grabbed a hidden revolver and forced the boldup man to drop his weapon. . This was the second lime in less afternoon. Rainier agreed to let ' . . p that! tVthKfltrei hav haM them photograph his wedding. up lerlint. ta September bt was Salem CItunries Aerattia C. Strcrthaapt Uu resident oiul. 13th street, U a local boepltal an April S at the ate f as yetrv Survived by mm utter, Mr. Cora I. Lippold. Salem. Two brother. John C Brelthaupt, Secquim. W !!.; Henry Brelthaupt, CretmonL Ida no, Twe nephews, Paul J. Lippold. Salem: Ernest F. Brelthaupt. Salem. Nieces, Mrs. Alma Janrla, Salem; Ur. . T. B. Hilt Salem; Miss Mali Uppotd. Sa lem; Mr. Iilia Walker. Corvallie; Mn. Paul Heath, fcaiem. Other mace and nephew! la varloui tiarea. Member at the Waat Una iethodte church. Service will be held la f Wetleyn Methodist Church. lVh, Mill Sts. Wednes day, April 11, at 1J m. tinder the exertion ad the Howell-Edwr4 Chapel. Rev. Lorea Stiller will offic iate, lalennent al Belcrwt Memorial ark. shot in the leg when he kicked a revolver out of the hand of a gun man. He lost his left arm in 1333 when be was shot by a fleeing gunman as he broke up a boldup attempt at North Bend service station. Mr. Sank (Sally) A. Caok Lata resident or HIS Myrtle St. at S local hospital. April I. Survived by kuaband, Edward R. Cook, Salem; anna. Lee Kelley, Portland. Oregon, Harold t. Kelley, uoa t. neney, Robert L. Kelley, Charles T. Kelley, all mt Salem: lister. Mr. Lime Camp, Whit Salmon. Waah.. also J grandchildren. Service wiu a Tueeday, April 1. at S3 p.m. In Clough-Bamck Chapel, with Inter menl at City View Cemetery, Bay. way a Green oMictaUns- Bealah f. Fakar Lata reeldenl et Central Point Oregoa. la thl city, April T. Sur vived by huaband, Everett Feber. raniral Point. Or. Shipment will be mad ta Perl funeral Home In Med lord by th Uowell-Idwarda runer 1 ChapeL , . i OHver rarraa Lata resident of Redwood City. Calif, at a local hospital. April I. Survived by daughter, Mr. Harry Ford. Eugene, Or.; eon. Wyn W. Farrene, Palo Alto. Calif. Shipment I being mad by Clough-Berrirk Co.. to Redwood Dty, talii, for service aad Interment, Lees) Crap Lata resident pf Rt. 1 Boa TH. talent. Survived by wife, Mr. May r.r.n. Salem: on. Gerald Crape: J inter. Mr. Mabl Peterson and Mn Lucy Haneen. both of Spring v.ii wia brother. A I lea Crape. f St. Paul. Mm. Service will be held la th Cloufh-Barrick Chapel Tuei, April IS. at l a at. Inter inent al Belcrert Memorial Park, Itu Bertha Morrtt will official. RavM W. aaalttaa Lata reatdent M 1311 Tver free Avenue, Redmond. Or., at a local hoapiial. April 1. Survived by wid ow, Mr, tdna Hamilton. Redmond; (on. Cleaa nd Everett at Salem tMufhter. Mr. Wavaa (Jewelll Vurphy, Bevrtoi, Ore., and Mra. Keat (Dor la I Cene Oliver. Vale, Ore.. II (rndchildretied a areal- erandrhildrea. Service will be held rdneady. April II at I p m. la the Viriil T. Cnldea ChapeL In torment. Cay View Canwlary. , Wlulaat Lee Rid ' Ula resident of E4S W S th It . Sim. at a local hoapiul April S Survived by wit, Mr. Kva D. Hill. Salem. Daufhltr, Vida Lee HilL Salem. Son, Elmer E. Hill, Salem: Jnerph C. Hill, Montabella. Calif. Sitters, Mrs. W. D. Wllklnaoa Cor vallis, Oreaoa; Mr, t. W. WiUterson. Ran Antonio, Texa. Brother, Julius HilL Denver, Colo. Plva frandchll drea and I reat-rndcruldrn. (enrlrea will b Tuesday. April IS. al MJd am. la Cloush-Barrlck ChapeL with InUrment at Bekreat Memorial Park. Rtv. Zraeat P. boulder afllctaung. raaaJ May Millard At the residence. S33 1. ISth St.. Salem, April 1. Survived ay eon. Harold Rl of Salem: dauahters. Mrs. Lola Rosa, Seattle. Wash., Mr. Neva Bltlland. Kernvllle, Ore, Mr. Mr erau Ordwav. Portland, and Mrs. Evan'ellna Cortat, Portland; broth. ar, Hufh Cuttry, anoriaan, ur ; litter, Mr. iMcia nacnmeier, ) land, Calif I half-alttar, Mrs. Mar sons. Tunerai aervlce will be held Tueiday. April 10, at 1:3 p.m. In Virail T. Golden Chapel. Interment will be In City View Cemetery with Dr. Brooks Moor offictatinf. award Mitchell Parry At SM So. View place. April S. Survived by hi widow, Mr. Myrtle L Perry, Salem; one son, Bruce It., Parry. Dayton, Waah,; on slater, Ada R. Perry, Florence, Aril.; stepson, Robert H. Hill. Csrmlchel, Calif. Member of Salem Lodse No. 4 A. f. A. M . SInd Drfree Scottish Rite, and Alkader Shrin. Service will be held in Howell-Edwards Chapel Wednesday, April II, at I -OS p.m. with Rev. Brooks Moora officiating.. Concludlaf service Belcreet Memor. lal Park. Rltualittia service by Sa lem Lodae Vo. 4. A. f. a A.K. Ualey Quuasae Lata resident of I19S Baflnaw, at S local boapllat,. April 1. Survived by wife. Joeeptiin I. Quamma, Sa lem: dauihter, Mr. MarUyn Mc Leod Oakland. Calif.. Mrs. Marjorle Siniletoa, Los Anfeles. Calif.; son. Dean L. Quamma, U. S. Army, Port Lewis. Waah.; sisters, Mr. Selma Knepka, Corvallla, Mrs. Myrtl Vsn Ottiniham, Salem, Mr. Julia Mor- Jan. Caacade Locks, Or, Mrs. Rudt ummers. Portland, Mrs. Doris Qull tsd, Salem; brother, Robert Quam ma. Port Old, Calif. Service, will be Tuesday, April II. al 10 30 a.m. In th Vlrtil T. Golden Chapel, with interment St Belcreat Memorial park. Th Rev. WalUc Olmslead wul afflciat. Wllllaai Beys . April Tth. Lal resident of Van couver, Waahinftoa. Priend are In vited to attend funeral evrvlce Thursday at 10 pjn. at Stayton, ftruan. In the W. A. Weddle Si Son Funeral Horn, In llu of flowers contribution may be mao to in Heart fund. Ifaaaldta L. Saad Lata resident of 11 J Hansen ave nue. Salem, at a local hospital April Sin aurvlved by huahand. Sis Sand. Salami brothers, Carl Lid fort, Swlas Home, Ora.i Dr. Gu.tav Llrtfors, piverside, Csllf.; Huah Llrtfors, Portland, Ore: Dr. John Udiors, ruveraide, Calif. Rtator, Mrs. John fay. Ruf by, N. Dakota. Service will be held Tuesday, April 1. at I3S V m. In Vlrfll T. Golden ChapeL The Rev. Lowell Holte will officiate. Interment, Belcreat Memorial Park. Baby Bey Heart Infant eon of Mr. and Mr. G aorta (Vtuert, UK N. llh SL; litter. Ann Marie Stuart. Salem; srandnercnU, Mr and Mr. G. C. Stuart and Mr. and Mr. R. G. Pat ton. all of Salem privet aervlcea were held al Hus ton Cemetery al Albany, under the direction of th Howell-tdwarda ChapeL ' Raaana Vemt .... . " Lata resident of Ashland. Ore ton. at a local hospital. April S. Shipment la Being mao w r eervtr nd Intormoat by th ewil-owaiua Classified Advertising LOST-Black Lab ref . female, license number 113S Ph. e-4131 LOST: I mo. old Pekinieae Tueaday eve. Gervaia. brown at black. Reward, lev Itid 6t., bervaia. WIDOWUI withes to corre al Kind with lady 41 to U Boa 155 Suteaman-JournaL NOT retfionslhl for dent, other than my own. B. J. Stewart. I LNCOVtE TAXESI Ar you over- payinc yourer rn HiU. ALCOliOLirs Anonvmoua froup No. I. iuos N. ComT l-4Mf. ALCOHOLICS Anonvmoua. tm S Commercial l-ll.a) or -Tk; 316 "trsonal TOO MANY BILLS? Dont let your bllle tet you ttl trouble If you're behind to payments, we can helo 'Ou No aerunty or cosigner need' ed One place to pay all bills "ay enlv w")st you can af ford I Bonded and Li. anted lor your protectmali CREDIT CONSULTANTS Salem 1-S844 for informatlea 100 Disploy Clossifisi StatesmsB-JoRrRal Newspapers 28 N. a arch St. PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES fMla. I Raesl swMkday aSia per line I Urn JS IS per Una 1 time M M per tin times il 3 II pet Una I ma ... S3 llnct Sua I C la ttl flea ads will ba rua in both paper ta five advertiser th ad vantaf of th tremendoua ptillins power of M.MS combined aircula Uons. I When an ad tt ordered three or Ha time and a Sunday teeue Is in cluded I for example Prtlay, Satur day, Sundayl the lower Sunday ratee apply because only Th Statesman publish Sundays. Classified ad wlU atari la the rr.ornins Oregon Statesman, conclude In the evening capital journal -our ad will be acceo'ed for Sunday Statesman only. The deadline for claaalfled sat it I OS a m. th day before publication Eincriency sds and small line ads received after I DS p.m. may he placed la th Too Lata ta Classify column for the followinf morning Ade for Monday pa pars must be la by I p a Saturday. The Sisteems Journal Newspa- Sera reserve the right ta re'ect eues onable adverUsing; It further re serve the right to plao till dver titing tinaar in preper ciaasinc- Uon. The Statesman Journal Newspa pers assume na Unsocial -etponal-btllty for srrors which may appear in adrvrtisement mibllshrd la Is columns and la eases where this pa- pet is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which th typographical mistake occurs. A "Blind" A a an ad containing a Statesman-Journal Newspapers box number tor an address is lor in protection ef the advertiser! and must therefor be answered bv let ter. Th Statesman-Journal Newspa pers are not at liberty to divulge In fo'matioa a t th Identity at as advertieer using a "Blind" ad. THIS frEWSPAPIR STRIVES ta pro tect its reader against fraud, de , caption, ar Injuries Readers ar r cautioned ta make NO PAYMENTS to get a position advertieed la In help wanted column All help wanted ads MUST SPRCtrK THE NATURE Of THE WORK. Sale kelp wanted ada must ststs if in pay ta la the form of aalary. com. missions, guarantee or Include firm name. Bona fide offers of employment with pay belong to tha 'Help Wanted" columns. Ads ta other columns which require investment in aiocus, samples, equipment ar cash bond should be thoroughly Investigated bsfvie paying out any money. Advertisers requiring a cash investment for cample or msrchsndls. tales aids. tc. must o specify In their sds. Kindly report any exception to tnts rule to tha classified advertising manager. J: 2 J;VH ICO Arrlcullnre 4:2 Livettock for Sots 130 Merchandise 4SS Haute Coeds for SU rOR SALE or trad, gentle ' ponies for children, eleo good saddle horses. Bob Pranks, 33 N water SI, Silvertoa. Ph. 1-S1M. MADAM F ATI MA PALM. CARDS. PSYCHIC ADV. Tells past, present at future Advice on ajl matters SPECIAL S3 complete reading II with this ad. for limited tim only. Be wis 3123 So. Commercial acrosa from Raa- dall'i Chuck Wagon. PROFESSIONAL horsejhoer Lew Hanson. 4-0724 or -u3. it irVTITTC rTORSfSHOFING" , TEX SHJVLET Pk, l-aaoS. 403 Livestock Wonted CATTLE horses, at vour farm E C. McCandllsh. Rt t t-aiw BATTLE buysr. A f Somme'. i:B Harmony Dr. Ph 4-au.1 CATTLE buyers 4i9T" State E. at H. Snelhen. 1-1343. S-43B0. UVTSTOCK buyer Cl de Ed". ward RL I Boa SHE 4-1 1 13 400 Agriculture 402 livestock for Sols Sslem Mrst Co. porker beet. Custom killing, cutting at wrap ping, trailer loaned free. HEREFORD reentered cow It ralf Si yearling steer. .ino. terms, ideal for a-M boy. Ph. l-sMS or 3-3430. REGISTERED Jersey heifer with papers. Sired by Imperial Ra dar, rresnea in November. Call 1-2044. BEAUTIFUL black yearling colt, Shetland Welch. rn. i-zz. NICE Duroc weaner pigs. Call a-11 us. ApS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED .... Too Late to Classify Classified Index Tor Your Convenience ALLSTATE REBUILT Engines ; FORD V-l 191J-U4I $19 Down, $12 Month on Sears Easy Payment Plan "Satisfaction guaranteed or your- money back." SEARS ROEBUCK & CO. M0 M. CAPTrOL 1 BRAND NEW 1 Vacuum Cleaner Tank Type $39.95 FOR SALE: 0. I trail Ilka 13. Sxll rug pad I. deep ww aieo. rnrom ainette table 17. antique, rummage, household goods, reasonable Moving away. Ph. 1-3060. 309 Rose St. EXCHANGE ttudio couch Si II x IS wool rug for yard work. Ph. 1-67W. CASH for best used rubber boat. Ph. 4-1790. CARPENTER Jobs: new A re- mooeung, rSS. 4-I4Z4. I-J83S. FOR 8ALE or trad, equity In a-oarm. nom s down psv meat on small firm. 1171 Townsend Way. CASUALTY AnJIISTFlf" Each M to IS. law background prererrea. salary plus car si kiwanc. opportunity for rp Id advancement St excellent employee benefits. See Mr. Cox, IBS S. Commercial. All state Inturance Co. Ph. 4-4ISI. 1 li I BM. Apt.. nicely ftirn.. private nam laundry facill ties 130 Sr 133. util. pd 140 N. Commercial. Ph. 4-3231. BABY litter, my horn, pit ufiwern at- ? p.m. WANTED: 14 000 private money ww rwai nun. xeariv oatlt, oanx iniereit. pn. Z-N74. FAMILY man desires full time worx. experienced in meet cutting produce At grocery. Belonts to union. Dependable. re(. Ph. 4-1447. WANTFD. ton pickup, 'HMo 54. n r. tnrtstenwn Ft, J Box S3F, Arnold Rd.. McCleiy PLOWING tk discing. D. Ms naji, a-ijaj. WANTED to rent, abov aver- a a or j harm, horn in good neighborhood by widow who will give It Immaculate ear. Na children. Prefer 1 yr. lease. Call Adrtcnna Ser combe, 1-41 is. Steiner's Nuraerv Dwarf fruit tree, flowerlne treei and ihruba, plants. JIM Market SL Vacuum Cleaner Clinic . land Sewing Center j4M Court St Ph. 4-30S FOR Rrvx a.- k...u ftrm near Salem, spring wa ter, elec. water heater, wired for Hove. 140 mo. Ph. 4-0411 l-ROOM furn.. adults. Holly wood. Ph. 1-8771, 1133 N. Capitol. WANTED from Owner, good suDurnan 1 to 4 bdrm., appro. 1 to 1 acres. Clot In. Ph. 1-7021. 1-PYeCE walnut dining table set. si to round oak table, very reasonable, make offer. Ph. 1-S079. IIS Meeting Noticed 311 Lost and Found 314 Transportation 311 Personal lit Stamps and Colna 400 AGRICULTURE 41 Livestock for Sal 403 Livestock Wanted 414 Poultry ind Babbitt 7 Fur Bearing Animals Pelt 409 Bra foodi 410 Seed! end Plant! 411 fruit and firm Produce 411 fertilizer 414 farm Equipment 423 Auction Balei 490 MERCHANDISE 431 Machinery and Tool! 43 Wanted Machinery, Twill 434 Sewing Marhinea 4.1 Haute Gooda lor Sale 4M Wanted House Goodi 491 Radio and Televialoa 4U Building Mate-Male 4.M Do It Yourself 40 Musical Instruments 4K1 Sports Equipment 44 Bicycles 4AS Trads Miscellaneous 471 fuel 4K for Rent, Mlscellaneoug 410 for Ssl. Miscellaneous 471 Wantrd. Miscellaneous 474 Mlsceilsneous SOS BUSINESS AND FINANCE 110 Money to Loan 911 Losns Wanted II' Investments SOS EMPLOYMENT fffll Help Wsnted 04 Help Wsnted, Man Help Wanted, Lady soS Plrkers Wanted 10 Sale Help 11 Work Wanted, Man 14 Work Wanted. Lady IS Situations Wanted 17 Job Informatlea 11 Fdueallon M Day or Contract 70S RENTALS Thl Bleeping Rooms. Bnsrd """ 713 Wanted Rooms, Botrd WI Apartments for Rent 704 Duplexes 707 Ht tite lor Rant 707-A Furmthed 701 Farms for Rent 70 Warned la Rrnt 71 Wanted ta Rent Hotiarl 711 Wanted to Rrnt Apia. 714 Ruitnet Rentals 714 Resort Rentals 711 Convalescent Homes 7SS Moving and Storig SOS REAL ESTATE ah Butlness OnDortunltta ti3 Butlnet Property s euouroan Houte ear Sal 17 Aplt , Court tor III ol Lou for Sale I Farmt for Sal II Exchange Real Eatat ill Retort Prnperty - II Wanted Real Eatat Kt Insursnc S3 AUTOMOTIVE SM New Csn t'l Used Cars far Rste M Aula Parte and Repair M Trucks. Trailers lor Sal si Wanted Cars, T rural Id Molorrvrlea 4 Auto Miacenanaaua 1 Houte Treilor M Heavy tquincoecil Airtl art . BUY TODAY! WeU Give You More Than Trade-in Allowance on s Set of New Allstate Cushions, Black Walls or White Walls. SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO. 940 N. CAPITOL FURNISHED bachelor apt.. JIM . Fairground! Rd. 149 per mo. Ph. l-si.is before S p.m. or 1-MSS after S p.m. FOR SALE: S eu. ft. Montg. Ward refrigerator with 40 lb. freerer acroai top, veg. crush er below. Nearly new double bed, walnut finish. Simmons springs. S,y mattrest. 1 burner hot plate, 3-way heat, new type. All A-l condition. Price reasonable 1 113 Che- meketa St., Apt. 304. Call after e p.m. BABY Buggy and stroller, 11, pn, a-a.i44. BRAND NEW NECCHI PORTABLE! SM $40.00 .Bt;!jj.-i"ii!ll'jl'f's ;"ifwi'iijii " " if Round bobbin i Forward and reverse I stitch I $ Automatic darning ? Portable carrying case J Cenuine Need I Reconditioned I 1 Machines I Singers Kenmores It Whites Eldridget? Montgomery Wards iPriced... $19.95 up f Also Treidln At Low Ai ?LM..: Vacuum Cleaner t Clinic I and Sewing Center 43S Court SL, Sslem Ph.4-5501 WORK table or dtsplsy count ers, j't n. wide, I to 7 ft. long. II a ft. g. 1. Surnlue 198.1 N. Capitol, 4-9007. Open a 10 a. ROTO-TILLING, in-m., 19 H P. itoto-no. pn. ifter S p.m. i-otai. ELDERLY woman and dtuth irr want furnished her! room houte. Suburban, 1A9. Prefer worth end. Ph. 4-7419. SOLID maple gateleg dining laoie at s cnatrs. . JO pieces Csmbridg table rrystsl: Ar lington pattern. 117. 4-3003. MAY hav Do nermann Plntrh er. male, bv oavlnf for ad Country horn only. Ph. 3-M67 WANTED: Strawberry plant packers. B. J. Towery, Rt. 1. oaiem. rn. -794. '91 FORD clb. cpe. New white wans, dual pipes with head ers. Excel, cond. Ph. 4-4313. FOR SALE: Craftsman I" table taw w, H. P. mtr.. 199. 1020 Harris St. sfter 1 p.m. FOR SALE: I David Bradley Csrd. tractor wplow disc, cult., St blade. Good cond, 11.19. 1020 Harris, after I p m. 1 PORCELAIN top base cabinet like new, sue 27x22. 20. 1020 Harris St. after I p.m. 1-RM. furn. apt., prlv. bath A em., gar , elec. neat. North. Ph. 3-4.132 404 Poultry n4 RoTbits BEAITTTFVL New tilt-back loun ger chairs lav M Olen Woodry leo5 N. Summer. SEA LEY box spring SIS. used hsp. bed SCO. 2739 Pioneer Dr. Ph. 4-4047. USFD Conlon mangle, like new 944 S3. Salem lronrit Co, 1137 S Com l. Ph 4-975 USFD Maytag waahmg machine tu tail 4-u.wi SHOP Glen Woodry'e Furniture for ptooern appliances, save 30 to 40', We teka trades, 1M5 N. Summer. FRYERS FOR SALE II. PHONE t-3111 BABY CHICKS. 14c atraTght run. rhoic of Parmenters. New Ham pa . Whit Rocks and Leg horns Srjeclsl New Hemp end Whit Rock pullets. I8e. Par menter red rootter. Sc VALLEY FARM STORE Ph a-4424 Salem 40rolTltry ortd Robbits FRYERS 1129 dress Js draw. Ph. 4-4114 EXTRA LARGE White Leghorns. Parmenter Reds, Cornuh X White- Rocks Hatrnes every Tuesday. Send for free folder. Leghorn cockerels 11 per 100. Parmenter Red cockerels g per let). WILSON'S. HATCH ERY. LYONS, OREGON Pn VU S-2333. CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultry We bur rabbits. Wing s, 3VS9 Stat. Ph. 4-311 1139.50 New complete living group incl. daveno. matching awing rocker, 1 atep end ta blet, cocktail table. 1 table lamps Easy terms. Glen Woodry. ,103. N. Summer USED stoves A partifor ill Ph. 3-44S. 1071 7th. WATER HEATERS -New GE fat recovery water beaten, table top or upritnt. at LOW. LOW. LOW Prices! No Down Psvment Easy Terms. S&H Green S'amps. Mter Service Stations Inc., 3SS N. Commercial. 112S-50 New complete bedroom group IncL large Mr. It Mrs. wplate mirror, bookcase, bed. foot It rail!, night stand, innersprlng mettress Sr matching box spring, Easy terml. Clen Woodry. 1403 N. Summer iNLAIDLino.ru SSper-sq"yd R U EUstrom Co . let S. Liberty. REG. Collie pup, full whit rollers. Ph. 1-2941. TO GIVE to good home: S wk. old Cocker pup. Ph. 4-117. PART German Shepherd pup. 7 mo. old male wanta home In country. Loves Children. Dog house Inc. Ph. 1-401 alter 1. FREE to good home S cut part Cocker puppies. 4-7204. YOUNG psrskeets, cages feed Mickey's. 3829 S Com. 1-1739 Rare PARAKEETS Normal 243 W. Browning. Ph 1-107. BIRD Paradls tor Nrds. cages supplies 1IM Livingston 1-1941 41 0 Soedi and Plonts WILLAMETTE Rspbrry plants. W. Leo Nelson. 2i:0 River bend Rd. Ph. 1-1333. PRIM roses St Begonias. (713 Lardon Lane. Ph. 1-S267. PERENNIALS at Swan Island Dahlia bulbs now aval1 tMe. A. Plant Green Housea. 12!! S. 13 A Plant Greenhouses St Flontts Garden supplies seeds plants 129 S 13" Ph. 1-470 Ev & Sun. 412 Fruit & Farm Product 1.00 Northwest strawberry plants, new field. Also Marsh alls Ph. 4-433 after I p.m. MARSHALL strawberry ntsnts only 10. per M. Ph. 1-334. PASTEURIZED wnol milk. 73c Sal 'a gsl. 40r. delivered. Cleary Dairy. 1-3039. 413 Fsrtilizor CHICKEN manure. SOr lack r 13.90 yard. Ph. 1-7371. MANURE; aged rich numue Nu weeds. Reel loll builder for Iswns, gardens Ph. 1-0331. PEAT MOSS with poultry drop. Ptfgs only lac per sacx. VALLEY f ARM STORE FRESH or rotted manure. Rich, fin manure by sack or yard. Delivered or at farm. Phillip Bro. Rt Box 493. Ph. 4-JIWl ORGANIC FERTILIZER ODORLESS BY SACK OR BULK PHONE 3-3135 425 Auction Sales OF FURNITURE -AT SCOTTY'S - TONTTE 4S4 CENTER STREET SALEM 450 Merchandise 451 Mechliwry t Tools S H P. Gravely Garden tractor 1 speed, forward ft reverse. 1230 with attachments. Box 171, Amity Oreg. R. J. Lore sen. USED welders for sal. Inquire at 9i Illinois SL 1.1 Horse Windolph cat wblsde 30 in. tiller, (nod cond. wall attachments, rn. 4-xi. HAVE several uted welders AC It DC. Call 4-7344. 454 Sewing Machine" PORTABLE ELECTRIC BRAND NEW $79.50 ER fWE mm m -ms- Phone'4-6811 SEWING CENTER 130 N. Com l. Ph. 1-3311 Cabinet elec.. walnut head. perfect shape, used leu then 1 yesr. Sold new for 1299 90. Now $119.95 SEWING CENTER 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 1-3911 455 House Coodt for Sale BE THRIFTY -Buy uwd furni lure it appliances THE THRIFTY WAY oa Easy isrmt at WOODRYS THRIFTY USED TURN 111 S. Com l Ph 4-3.11 NEW Swing Rockers 124 90 Glen Woodry 109 N. Summer IF YOU need a single Item ar a complete household of a or utrd furniture ar ap pliances, buy now oa aur easy terms Woodry i Thrifty Used Furn 111 80 Com'l St Ph 4-2311 I clock So of Psper Mill S:i0 dn. - buys complete house - hold of furniture and appli ances. Bal. eey terms. Clen Woodry 1409 N. Summer. DISHWASHERS New GE. Mobil, mad automatic dish' waahers. Special v. bile they last lie NO DOWN PAY MENT. Easy terms. FREE 10 day trial. We'll furnish th soap! Matter service stations, Inc.. 349 N. Commercial. NEW txl! Leaf pattern living room rugs. 12" as Ulen woodry 109 N. Summer. INLAID Lino.. II. 99 per so. yd. R L. Elfitrom Co., US S Liberty WALL to well rubber backed thick pile rugs. 14 99 yd. Glen Woodry 109 N. Summer. CHROME din. set. refrlg.. auto, wather A dryer, misc. ar tides. Like new. Ph. 1-7404 or eves. 4-441. COMB, rsdio, record player. Ill 30 Glen Woodry 109 N. Summer. INLAID Lino., 1 9 per sq yd R. L. Elfitrom Co.. 1st S. Liberty COLDSPOT refrigerator. 7 cu' size fully reconditioned at guaranteed only 147.90 HOGG BROS 29 State St. APPLIANCES - Used washers, ranges, freezers, clothes dry ers, ironer. No money down. Eaty terms. S tt H Green Stamps. Mister Service Sta tions. 269 N. Commercial. MAPLE bunk beds complete 149 Glen Woodry loin n. summer GOOD Montgomery Ward con ventional washer, fa. rn. 4-2739. BEAUTYREST MATTRESSES Glen Woodry HQS N. Summer FOR SALE, Solid Mahogany chair with rollers A reclining back, 111. Ph. 4-4346. NEW Simmon studio twin bed rou-hea M. Glen Woodry 1403 N. Summer. A. B. snt size range, large oven 1 surface units. Gusrsnteed only 9.19.90 Hogg Bros. 20 Stat St. f Stolen $50,000 Violin Recovered Through Want Ad By ptacisr a Clasailicd ki im tk Hollywood (Calif.) C it ire-News ia 1954, Robert L. Reyaolda, as iaaaraaca djaatcr was able ta aatke caatact waick led hs r e every i a 170,000 Scradi varias vielia, atalea fraei Elliott Fiiher, s concert violiaisr, ) year before! tad' Ad a Stat' IS tky It tsta ) aaaw Cvaoat ( SW4lraaI rtsaM 4a M MtML aVaej 1 Ptntfe. 4M IH. , is. ', CCO EmpIoTraer.t 6C0 Frnploymfat 602 Help Wanted 602 Help Wanted SALESMEN Wanted 1LigWBmLrGaJvWEt 1 SHfAkitTOI 450 Slerchandise 458 iuildinj Motorials .11 St up W IS . Used Sash .1..-..".-... Transom Windows Dble. ktullioa Window! wframe 111 View Window! 17.90 at up Used No 1 Si btr. lumber Sl Per M 1x4 Ceiling er flooring te lineal ft. 1x4 Short! 1c lineal ft. All kinds used Pipe " to 4" New black Drainage Pip 30c ft. Septic Tanks Low priced Reiert Hardboard 90x190 ahL .1139 ALSO Doors, Plumbinf 4 Elc. SuppUet l L S. RITTER & CO. (740 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-S311 4 mt. No. of St lem, ' mi. No. or Totem role on set. Open all dty Saturday WOOD heater 19 90 Wood ranges 111 up. lilen woodry 109 N. Summer. G. E. Washer, Ilk new. Auto matic timer. 40. Call 1-433 after 1:3 p.m. 1 pc. like new tectlonal 1119.90 Glen Woodry 109 N, summer REPOSSESSED IV table model TV. set Rellsble customer may assume bal. Batdorft Firestone. 1420 State. Ph. 1-9S NEW Simmons Rollaways HISS Glen Woodry 103 N. Summer UNFINISHED furniture H L SMfl Furniture. 179 N High COMB, dithwasher. sink It dis posal unit. 1149 90 Glen woodry 1409 N. Summer. 456 Wonted House Goods CASH FOR FURNITURE VALLEY FURN. CO. Ph. 1-7471 a Need at Once a Late model E Appliances. Pay - cash premium for Hi Grade Electric Ranges. Refrigerators. Automatic Washer. Driers It Lata Model used Furniture. Ph. Glen Woodry 1-9110 right Now for Pleasing Results! I I PLAYER piano In good cond. Ph. 4-1S3. top cash price - furni ture, appliances, etc used merchandise mart :to s lirerty ph 4-4371 WE WILL PAY CASH FOR COMPLETE HOUSEHOLDS OF FURNITURE OR ANY OTHER TYPE PERSONAL PROPERTY. CALL CLAUDE KILGORE, 44062. 457 Radio and TV TV SETS, used, real bargain!. 17 It 21 inch ilzes. All parte Suarsnteed 90 days No money own. Eatv terms S&K Green Stamps. Msster Service Sta tions, Inc., 363 N. Commercial. 458 Building Materials I CLEAN 7 pc. dining art 149 90 a. ten w aairy ten Mr Bummer FOR SALE: davenport, chairs. tame pictures ej misc. Ph. for detail! 4-0414 CASHING machine wringer type aiayiag witn pump. .Y). 1 7471, eve. HOU.EIIOI.Dni,mT antique bran bed umbrella and coat aland, desk small refrlg oak library table. Ironer, basinet See at SM W. MUler SL Call l-MM. 11" painted cedar hakes M H an. Ixll S UIt. dry cedar board! 1120 OS M RL fir eating 4c lln. ft. 0 Iron roofing sinwi q Cedsr thlnglei 14.90 aq. 0 No. r. 119 lb Compo roofing I Cheaper No I RL Oak Fig. CI7 00 M O No. 1 RL Oak Fig 1123 00 M 0 xlO K. D Cedar Siding 113100 M 4x1 '.-In "A" grid Birch ply. . 42a ft. "A" end Birch Doori. 7.7 . "A" grade Mahog doors 14.91 aa. "A" grade Beech doors 4 II . 4x1 plaiterboard 11 4 aa 0 4xt Vin. plv shtg . 12 33 ea. O 4x1 1,-ln. ply. shtg. W M ea. 0 4x1 ,-ln ply. ihtg 13 41 ea Odd nzr plywood cut to your order. No extra emrge. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K Lumber Yd. Lancaster and Center Ph Salem 1-ISOl 500.000 FEET New. fresh-milled old A second frowth lumber 1x4 to 2x11 in to 14-tooi lengths Delivered prices Salem :I0 oer thou minimum Ted Mtiiler 9-1194 Overhead steal first doors with hardware, Ua.90. In stilled ttl SO. . Galvinlied v trough, ll'il per ft EPPING LUMBER CO. 3740 SILVERTON RD. PH. 4-ia El.EC wah Heaters 29' oft II" I 32' link rni,.p 14.193 Gsrbste Ottpntal KI4 Fibre pipe 30c A 14c li i4-t Liom. ex. 4c ft Don, fhime. 20", nff. 13-1 Loomrx. 41, ft Luhl fixtures, 25'. oft Out let boxei, 29c. 1 pc. bath aet 1139. 91 gal elec. water heat er, m W thread pipe and rent Gelger Counters. Apex Electric at Plumbing, 141 nroaawsy, rn. j-iwmi Open 'trtievs. et !, uu , 11-1 wire, roll it 4'ie. O 1 tab root., lowest price. Nails per keg-t!9! 4" cast oll pip 79e ft. It gal. pip 12c. V 14 l'a 18c, IV-SSe SO gsl. steel srp tank 131 90. to gal. steel sep. tank S39.9 0 4" black sewer pip 30c. 34c. Door jambs, tood ones. 12.79. Bldg paper 900 sq ft II 29 Fibre glass blanket. Insul CHEAP 4x1 plaster board II 40. II 40. II S3 Ceiling tile. Ix31. 10c sq. ft. O Shake moid, king length, 10c Garage doors. Ill stzes cheap Barb win SO rdi 19 9317 41 O Jtsirle white psint gal 12.90. Oak flr'ing R. length chess, New wladow sashes 1100. W itrtp crystal windows. 11x31 kitchen links cheep. Shower cabinet! SM 90. Toilet! Wteatl M 90. O New hath tub complete S43JS. O Stiirtte Catk - U-Hau) Iron roofs, Ced. thing ura. Cheap. Closed Suadayi at Monday C. G. LONG & SONS I Ml. N Retzer-PH. 4-9091 459 Do It TeurselT U-Fix-It-Garatre Repair your awn ear. Phone 4-sSSl. sow ri torn a. 460 Musical Instruments UPRIGHT plana. Good, condi tion, pnon i-4tm. USED upright piano, S99. 199 Dauai na.. 462 Sporti Equipment 14 TT. glasi bottom boat, trailer with winrn at air. ngnt s-nw. Also AKC Reg. Britain Spaniel M. Ph. 3-9W4 bclor noon. FOR SALE New 900 lb. boat trailer wU" wheel. Ph. 1-3340 eves. 14 FT. boats, factory prtc 1183. 1SS3 Birchwood. l-904. CASH paid for uied gun, mod ern and antique, caacad Mere.. 123 Broadway. folding Bost Tops It Cover SALEM TENT 4 AWNING 72 N. LIBtitTY PH 3-47S SEE US before you buy any Outboard MOTOR BOAT, or TRAILER. We can give you a better deal. Bank Terms. Sslem Boat House We hav , fishing St hunting licenses. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale, Misc. SM. Trsiler House Refrlg. 131. Clen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer HEAVY" duty cuslom - trsiler i hitch, fits 1993-1934 Plymouth. Dodge Suburban, 110. Ph. 4-1441. PLYWOOD piano -boxes. T. Tallmao'i Piano Store, 191 S. 12th. NEW tires 70xIS Nylon blk. I1MS. Each. Lytlc's Tire. M. W. Lawn mower, rotary So la, cut, In real good shape. Cost 111, will sell for 3I cash. Ph. 1-9214. TYPEWRITERS adding ma chines, cash registers, dupli cators, desks, chair, tiles, sup. plies Roen a. 434 Court 3-4771 13) GAL. elec. hot water heat', er, new thermoetat. 100. Ph. 1-4IH4. TOP SOIL Phones 1-1371, I-SM1 Top Soil Orchard Loam - River Loam Dial 1-1741 Prompt Delivery Keizer Sand it Gravel Co. USED lawnmower. Bttdorf's Firestone. 1430 SUt St. Ph. 3-9M2, . JIG-SAW It sander. alto misc. Itemi for gardening. See at 17 Birchwood Dr. Ph. 1-7391. 472 Wenteta. Misc. WANTED aeveral thousand cords of wood, ail species Ph 1-7721 Nights 4-3S31 WANTED: Pol and piling itumpage. Term, rath. Nlc-dermeyer-Marttn Co.. 711 Portland Truat Building. Port land 4, Oregon. 474 Miscellaneous Broken Furniture Repaired We can repair anything that's broken In the urpitgrt in. 4020 Slate St. Ph. 1-7001 TO MOVE OR WRECK. Build ing 14xM ft. located st 1131 Edgewster. Sea Jo Hutchi son. Rltr. ADDING machine, cash regit Clary. 17 Ftlrgroundi 1-9379 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR t-HR. SERVICE IN MOST ' CASE. DR HARRY SEMLER. DenMit Adolph Rldg.. State A ComT Sta SALEM PH 1-.13I1 Prospectine Supplies Gelger It Scintillator counter. mlnerallghta Mercury - de tectors, fre Information OECTRONICS INC PH 1-S0SS 90 Lancaster Dr. 476 Fuel West Salem Fuel Co. Sawdust, blower ar puih out Planar and Pond Lilies. SPECIAL Samt-flev ninlr ait at. hi 1919 Edgewater Oh. 1-4031 WANTED leveral thousand cord! ot woou. an snecies rn. 1-7721 Nlghta 4-9S33. HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDUST At WOOD 1-4444 Capitol Fuel Co. Sswduit. blower or push out Choir slab and block mixed 1420 Broadway Ph 3-7721 SAWDUST for sale. I unit load. push out, 19. Ph. Gervals 2211. ANDERSON'S slab wood. 1-7791 or 4-26.M. Ph PICK-UP-WOOD. Ph. 4-1M1. 500 Bun. & Finance CAMERA. Latest linhoo sup. tec 4x9 3 lens. Also consider trade. Ph. 1-4440. FOR SALE 12 ft. boat Ax trailer 1139. Ph. 4-749. FOR SALE New 900 lb. bost trailer wU" wheel!. Ph. 3-334 evei. 6nr tcycle 1 bicycles 120 el 100S Edlm Une. Call after I p.m. 1-709. 466 Trade, Misc. OUTBOARD Sea King for 10-30 Winchester carbine er radio St TV equip 197 Tranklin. 468rJotTlent Misc. FOR RENT er lease, ig war. hous spsc. cement floor brick bldg., downtown. In quire H L Stiff Furn.. 1-tlM. 470 For Sale, Misc. BFST Sears crsftsman IS In. lawn mower. 1 yrs old Coil S31 SellJIllPh. 4-1448. BRACE I. hsnrTuw'13. Jig aaw wmtr., 40, 1' table aaw w' mtr. 140. Clampt 9. 30 Inch 1.1 ea.. . I Inch 11.23 ea; I. 4 Inch II ea. See at 903 Hickory. USED lawnmower. Batdorf's Firestone. 1420 State SL Ph. 3-S2. 510 Money to Loon 19 000 to loan on good lit mort gste. B. M. Meion RIL Ph. 1-M41. WE HAVE rash buyers for real eitale contracta and Ind mort gages Oh mart A Calaba. Realtors 477 Court S t; Phone 1-4119 LOANS 19000 to II MOM Buy What You Need Consolidate your bllla. Finance thro-jgh WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 111 8 Church St Ph 1S4S7 Rawlins Realty Co. Real estate loans, construction At permanent loans Ml Cha- mrketa. Ph 4-4)71. PRIVATE money to loan on Real Estate. 41 intereit PH 1-0794 ' COLONIAL Investment Co Reel Property Loans - contracts Purchased 47 Court 4-223 PRIVATE money to loan, buy conlrarta and mortgages. 341 Chemcketa 8L Ph. 1-SM1. 600 Employment WEAR Chatter Comfort Shoes. Geo. Matter Work Uniforms Sporti Wear. Ph. 4-9273 METAL detector, 1117 value, take 9. 1441 Brook! St, NEW 4' door mirrors. 1341. Glen Woodry, 101 14. Summer Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL" PH." 2-4310 NEW 1x13 Linoleums MM. Glen Woodry, 103 N. Summer CEDAR pott, bean poet, ihed polet. all tvnea A herty wire Ph 4-M NEW Trg. garbage cans, 14 " Glen Woodry, ldiS N. Rummer P"A1NT guaranteed per gal. S9 Glen Woodry, 101 N, Summer RECAPS noxl. rioxll Each. 1 fS.M. LyUi l TU Mart, 602 Help Wanted COMMERCIAL Placement Ajtency ' Since II4S Speclaliitl In Office Placements 44 Stat St 1411 Ore. Bldg 4-3331 CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone 1-03. 134 N Winter Adloinlng Pretbyterltn church Fre psrking In rear Exclu- live lilting en ill lypei ef - -employment. APPLICATIONS - eee-now oeln tskrn for Staletmtn otrycle rotitel Several roulet will be open Applicant! mutt be ac companied bv their parent! or hive their wrlilen oennls. linn Annie at the Circulation Department ef the Slttuman , Journal COUPLE-to-do yaroTwork K other services In exrhenge for rent nf turn. gar. houte at 4 Corners. References required. S-0U1 ava. aj wHktnda. I hav openlnet for 1 experienced hospital A-H. A Llf Intur ance salesmen, wiin one 01 ine oatirr companies In txt butinest. We pay top commlsitoni. plus vetted rencwsl. that with a little effort you can make a far better than average Income. We have plenty of leada for you, ao If von are one that would get ahead I will see you 'at the Manoa Hotel In Salem Wednesday, April 11th from 4 am. ta I pjn. Ask for Mr. Apple: 604 Help Wonted. Men 1410 Sales Helo Wanted DRAFTSMEN . Permanent potitiona for experi enced, engineering draftsmen open in a growing paper In. rnoi dustry. Write or Ana West ern Krsft Corporation. Al bany, Oregon. Wabash S-1SI1. MECHANIC with experience on mall winches. Inquire list S. ComT morn. W ANTE Bookkeeper In city, . full Urn employment. Excel lent opportunity to right msn. Writ Statesman-Journal, Box S47. State age, experience, truck A plant experience If any. Expected aalary. MAN FOR SALEM AREA Steady Job year around. Ap- prox. lin a . to itari. Guaranteed Increase with ex ocrience. Must be neat, will ing to work hard St follow Instruction! Com to 14:t Broadway 10:30 a m. to 11:31 p.m. Mon. It Tuea. only. FIELD SALESMAN 2S-3S. Mar ried, college degree, aoia to travel. Sale experience la moist food or paper Industry desirable, but no on consider ed who Is now with cither Industry. 139 month plus ex penses for out-of-town train ing. Salary, commission ind car on completion. ' PAGEN STECHER'S Commercial Placement Agency, 494 Stat Street, ph. 4-3391. WANT grade A dairy man. House It milk furnished rrans Krauger. Rt. 1, Box IS, Inde pendence Ph3-44W1 Lifetime Security Telegraphers Urgently Needed I want to talk to 10 men 11-31 who are Interested In perma nent employment with rati roadi ai telegrapher! Jt agent! at a wage from 1340 per month at up. Jobs awaiting. We Train You Training will not Interfere with present Job. U alnccre, am bition! It In good health, write Box 941. Stataaman- Joumal. EXPERIENCED well driller ta operate 71-Star Drilling Ma china. Merle Warren. 1319 W. 19th Ave, Albany. Oregon. Phona WAbash 4-3041. 606 Help Wonted, Lady WOMAN wanted at once Heady year around work, aingle. 23 to 40 yean of age. travel oppor tunities top commission! Al bonus Muit be a good talker, good producer, neat apperance. Call Kwlk-Shine represenla tlve, Capitol 7-2071 Portland. Ore. SECRETARY STENO For large lumber mill near Eu gene. Write Box S91. Statei-man-Journal giving age, ex perience, reference! It mirt tal itatui (If affects position I. KIND, reliable young woman for light hiwork. no smoking, live out. Ph. 1-971. RELIABLE woman to live in It keep house for an elderly coupll. Good salary. 230 Market. YOUNG Woman to do bookkeep ing It typing In profeislonal office, three 'a day weekly. Write full Information to Box 33 Statesman-Journal REGISTERED NURSES Stsff duty, p.m., night and relief shifts, mountain resort ires. Small modern hoapiul 1.120.00 per month. Seneca Hospital, Cheiter, California. RETIRED R. N. to manage smsll Nursing Home. Ph. 1-2342. WANTED, woman to do house work. 1 In family, all mod. convenience. Live In. 4-45811. STENO-TYPIST . Local firm needs high type girl, stesdy employment, good working conditions, better than sversge bay with fringe benefits, 40 hour week. Please reply, stat ing qualifications and present type of work to Box No. 990, Statriman-Journal. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Young lady with at least 2 yri- of College for techni cian in medical clinic. For mal and practical training will be provided. Ph. 3-9173 for appointment for interview. SECRETARY STENO for large lumber mill nesr Eu gene. Write Box tiZ. Sulci-man-Journal, giving age. ex perience, referancea It mar ital itatui . tit affect! portion). BABY sitter wanted vicinity of 1M0 8. 13th. Inquire before J5i10Jn- MONTGOMERY WARD hat opening for exp. Faahion clerk Top wage plua commission, 40 hr. work wk. Paid vacations. hop. St medical benefit!. Ap ply In person. Must hav xp. SALESMAN wanted for Salens territory. Covering four coun ties to represent thirty tec toriea. selling consumer de mand gooda to retail atom ot ail types. Man (elected must have experience calling en re tailers or had formerly owned a business. Straight commie sion. Immediate earning. Home every night. Caa earn 110.000.0 a year. Acrounta al ready eaUblitbed. Write full details in first letter for aa appointment. S A. SEDLOCK k COMPANY 1401 S.W. ALDER STREET PORTLAND. OREGON EXPERIENCED man. fine' oe ui-v. toia as saverun na nana aey Realty. 427 ferry. 'MAN to distribute pick ui r . . II n . . uiit riumi catalogs SKI weekly eomm to start S-S337 LARGE National food manuface .uir ea.ini aaie represent lives headquarter in Sslem. Good itarting aalary. Car Ar expenses furnished. Excellent promotional opportunity. Com pany haa retirement, health insurance Si profit aharing lam Age requirements SO-33. tiling experience desired but not necessary.-Writ Box 3S, Statesman-Journal, stating age, work exp, education At anaii-' tal atatua. 410 Seles Help Wen tad AUTO salesman, apply Val ley Motor Co. in person. Only experienced men seed to apply. WANTED: Car Salesman, must ne producer. Apply in person Auto Acres. 3630 Portland Rd. Del Strait. Virgil Pade. WOMEN-2S-S9 yn 20-33 hf. wk. Guar. ssl. field Enter, prises. Inc. Phona 1-7130. s ta It a.m. only. 412 Work Wonted. Men LAWNMOWING wpowar mow er St yard wk. 4-4,170. GARDEN It lawnwork wanted witn rotovator Vincent Crem er, 2190 Laming Ava. Ph. 1 310. PBU N I NG, ipraylng. topping, re- iiiv.-j er v..uuit. e-ieei LINOLEUM and carpet Initallil mvh nu impairing, ail worn riaranteed. fre eatlmat. h. 4-3441. CERTIFIED combination Wild er wants lob construction of mill work, go any place. Ph. St. Paul 301. ROTARY TILLING MANG TILLER: Worlds finest TILLER. Ph. 4-l.iai. Eva. 4-94!Wree ettlmate. PROFESSION AL upholstering, reat. Guaranteed work. Free esUmates. pick-up. deliver. Ph. 2-429. TILLING: Howard Rotovator. Ph. 4-2323 or 2-3931. Na call Sat pleas. ROTO-TILLING PH. S-3871 LOU'S tree aervlce. Spray, top ping, prune, cabling. 4-1501 . EXPERT carpenter, remodeling all kinds Cabinet work. reaa. go, any where, Exllne 1-701. LAWN mower ahirpenlng. low pnrei, worxguir. rn. 4-arai. HOWARD rotovitlng. law a mowing. U-Ftx-It. Garage. a m. 'til pm. It Sun. 'til 1 p m. Ph. 4-9241. ROTO-TILLING St lawn work- Call non or eve. Ph. 4-4020. Lawn mowing, yard clean up. after 4 St weekends Ph. 4-9SIH INCOME TAX FORMS . PREPARED. Phone 1-441. BUILD or remodel. Free estl- matei. Ph. 4-4340. HOWARD RotovaUng. garden It new lawns prepared. Lawn mowing br. or contract 3-3484, 4-9241. Painting Free Estimates Price reasonable Ph. 2-9591. "CARPENTER WORK. " day ar contract. 1-142 or 2-1439. ROTO-TILLING PH. 4-9453 3-7717 CUSTOM plowing It discing. ueiDert ncacn, 3-i.ii EXPERIENCED carpenter re modeling, painting 11.90 hr. on job. Good work. Ph. 4-7212. EXPERIENCED service etitlnn ttendant needi work. Ph. 1-9497. ROCKY S TREE RERV. Topping. Trimming. Pruning, At Removing Hrdgei St Shrub! trimmed. 1-940. 20-YR-OLD. married ax-Marine want! full tim work. 2-7399. NEW LAWNS Prepared, seeding. Roto-hoelng. uuane wolcott rn, j-iizi. ROTOVATING-work evening! A weeKends, Jim rutnaway. Ph. 1-32. CEMENT Work. Ph. 4-4M9 Side walks, pstios, ret. wall, ga-. rages, bimtl. free estlmstes ROTO-TILLING RICHARD RAS. PH. 1-4711 614 Work W.nteTsdr WOULD like to care for chil dren. Age 2-, In my home. S a m to 9 p.m. 244- Lea St. or Ph. 4-9171. CARE of 3 little glrli. my home on E. St., after I. Ph. 4-941. For th best professional services, call on of these populat xperts. APPLIANCES WESTINGHOUSE Woodry Furniture Co. 474 So Coi.-T Ph 4-1111 IIEUDINO CAPITOI Bedding MattreM re novaton New mattreiaei 1-409 BULLDUXINO Bulldoilng. clearing raid a pondi D-4. D-4 cirryall V Huikey Ph 1-114. CRANS WORE 1 ' 19-ton Lorain moto crane St lem Sand St Grvl Co. 1-141. MACHINE WELDINO Enternal It External Grinding. Special bolts made. Globe Ma - chine Works. 1010 N. Com- I merclal St. Ph. 2-921. PAPERING PAINTINO Painting and rree etiametea paper-hanging Ph 1-9911 PERRY PAINTING Co 1-3113 Bruih tpry Tree Ettltnilei Exp paper-hanging A painting Jerry Johneon. Ph 4-H.14 To place classified ids till 4-631L SAND AND GRAVKt, SALEM SAND""! GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrete, crushed nd round gravel, aand and top soil. 109 N. Front St 1-2441. WALLINfrNDXNiTGTAVEL 18: J McGllrhrlst Crushed quarry rock It gravel. All sizes for roadl,' driveway! nd parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-dorlng. shov el and dragline work. 1-924. VALLEY SAND At GRAVEL CO. Crushed It round gravel Sand It con mix. 1-4001 SEPTIC SERVICE HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter. sewers, septic tanks cleaned. 1-9327. MIKE'S Septic service tanki cleaned D rooter cleni eewen - drain! Phone 1-S44S - . , nmci a peput i-iihr ctvanea, lln service Guaranteed work. Phone 1-7404 or 1-0774. Titii service" BRENNAM TREE SERVICE Se yellow pages phona book Phone 2-3748 TREE SERVICE . Da Rntts Tree Service Tr-es. Shrubs, Hedges. Intured 173 . Liberty at, Ph, S-44U