e. II) ftilcsrnan, Salem, Ore.. Tucs., April 10, ot lit' jjj 2o zi br First Auto Race Here . i C 1 Au'.a Raclig Af-'B'4 iM W a big eta perhaps the hi j tae, etearfiag almasi X'j feet a-klrk preaJaete all aate raclag la v., ,.-, -J -Ml t Ye fTPT 11. ,11(1. a) MTC IT aniaa-, MS llf NIL IBIVma IBM WSTa ilsat entries are fast eamiisg la for feature treat W tb aftersaaa tar raring can. la pregresalng "la f aaa1 shape" aa till ka the areteatatioa al tha ! la aroVe far a driver la via tka taa bawl tnmliM. Kacaadltlaalaf ir e epee'rr. spe-ee" tara at tke j f.sreraar rattenta Mrmstial Tre- traphy peruaacatiy, he mast cap at rartag track, ataaaa. tcacet, a -oa at r:wes4 Suaday pay. which b la ga la the wlaaer taa CUaa A aula treat till three etc.. la aader way. a :crmM, April 22. Tat racing wtll jat the CUse A aula treat. A rep- years, I FsUawtag tat Baaslay attentat be ion by the alack har tap reseetaUve af tat State a( Ores, a Taa aefcr Ilea af "Mlat (tack epeeer af April tt, aata racial la d ri vera at the asaaclaUaa. whica 1 Ui make the preseatstiaa, act-art- Hara! Tap af lSf via alee M I to k held aa aa everytereay a f ea!?;rte4 ae eat at tke keel lag ta WeUnaaa. featare af Ike epeatag Say eardJalgat baala at tae keai. with Hack la tie enure state last year. Tie Geventar atlrae TraeJiy Tka laeal racial aeaaciatiaa la aaw lrt- tape, midgets, Ute-eaaeel "It i kara- to aay Jatt haw aay kas area aVwat(4 ky tka Slmae ceaeaeUag Ike eeateet tkat tgUeJ. eart lM- My "aaaped" tinea well have far ear flrat Jewelry atare af dewatowa Salem detertatae tka ae aad ker eaart .1 mtmrUl.t ik. .rMraau aeet." Red Wtataaaa af tke atae- aU will ka displayed la the wia- MeaawhUe, Praaaater Raa All af Uo aW-lag KaTaaae cJaUa W4 Muaaay, "kat tke flaal eew el the aaUaUeasaeat. It ie a tke Valley gperta argaaliatlaa aa aa alteraaUag atala. 7olvcs Take 2 Tight Tilts DaJcrt Cow Twice :To OCE, 2-1, 1-0 "jIONMOtTH (Special) Ore ron Collef took a pair f tight ball tamei from Pacific berc Vonday aiteniooa, 2-1 and 14. Dwalne Brandt limited Pacific to two kiU in the first ftmt .that vent one extra Inning ta regu-lar-Kheduled T-innlng contett Ib the Drtt gama OCE tcored nee in the third Inning on tingles by Larry Buaa. Wayne Oabora and Ron McKichaa. Pacific tied it in the fourth when Ed RamadeU tingled and scored oa NoUa Kem per't sacrifice fly. OCE woo It in the eighth at Wally Ramsey tin gled and thea came aome on Brandt'i tingle. ' Ted Owent hurled a 4-hitter to wia-the tecond gama (or OCE. He got help from hit brother, Geo Owent, who tingled ta right field In the fourth ta ecore Brandt for the game't only run. OCE next playi Llntield here Thurtdty. : "First gtmt: -raciflc ....... 008 100 09-1 1 I oca wi 000 oi- 1 s . ..Vtndertanden and Baker. Dix ca 7); Brandt and Osboni. Second gamer . I MIAMI BEACH, raewie w a QCE 000 100 x-l I Barendtt and Kelly, Dixon (; X Onreni tnd Osboro. Broiai Bomber Hits Canvas ; ) i ( J t X; r ... ... ; ' 'v-- "!- I aw-1 r ina i inii a-Jiiiiii ! 1 Central Wins Triangle Meet Serra Taken 2nd, Willamina Third CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL 'Spe cial Central won a triangular j track meet here Monday by tcor fine 714 points. Serra wat tecond with uv, and wiuamina tnira with II. Bruce McKay of Serra wat high point man with ltVt points. He won the high hurdles, low hurdles tnd high jump. Sena's Ed Dough- artv wii fiavt hiffh with IS win. nicg the shot put and the discus, f Jim Travis of Central was third high with 13 poind. He won the 100 and 220 yard, dashes. Serra won the Jayvee meet with 70 points, followed by Willamina with and Central with 20. I Summary: 1 H H : 1st MrKsy (I), tnd Leva- tact iC). Ird MrCHntock (CI. 4th Dndian C( Mirk: III IW. 1st Travu (Cl, tnd Guzman IS). 3rd Nordont (3), 4th Allen (W). Mark: It I ktita: IX W. leraatan (C). Ind Fowler (W), Srd Crane iC), 4th Ham ilton (Wl. Mark: 4 Ml 440: 1st t). Outman (9), Ind Nel son (Cl. 3rd Crooli (W), 4th Spen cer (W), Mark: Hi L, M : 1st B. VeKay (S). Snd lavt. lie (C, .Ird tm. MrClintack (C), Dmlsoa (Cl. Mark! tiZ. Z10: 1st J. Travis C I. tnd Indrea (S). 3rd Alien (W), 4lh Bastioo (Cl. Mark: ae. tM: tit W. Scranten (Cl. Ind Crook (W. Srd I. lnrram (C), 4th yowltr (41. Mark: 1:15 a. V. J.: 1st B. Brents (Cl. Ind Leva lart (C). Srd Travis (C), 4tk AUtn (W). Mark: It I". Disc 1st Douthtrty (I). Snd Bond (C). Srd Ham.l (C). 4th CeHta (S. Mark: US' J". H. J.i 1st B. McKay (t). tnd Mat arm (C), 3rd (tit), Coopar (C), Oul roaa IS). Mark: I' '. Vault: tut J. Nelioa (C), 2nd Brtnts (C. Mark: 1IT ". Shot: tat Rousherty (SI, Snd Bond (Cl, 3rd Coffee (Si. 4th O'Reilly (W. Mark: 43' J". . . HOUSTON Iff).,- Casey StwgelUhe sweepstakes for the New York V",.; 3rd Pd Vwi h Hed; Unaxl a.n kstfr float mam " -tkil Vamkaas hAsaiatM 4nk arlar Uml'iD Uarli- t' aM." HIUITCU aHU uua IBU Uliu B M't 1 a "i.W Bvi wiui, jva eaasa "' , ' V" - w . , ritvretntf Tm i Mil. di-,...- ..i f Hmtva rMm r.inn,.t nr thai ajakaiiiAil 1 RUy: lstiVrri (Nordone, Gui- VriUVMJtViii aai caaaa,uW aata W v a auwaassana viw wwj a miiiwwt w They'll Do It Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo sew Ta. Th'J UZLL LG4F IM FSOhTT OF TVfH r ( fj. FOR CJ-PDOL PAIS to come out- VeRMIH SN54KER IS TME OFFICE SPRINTER WHO JETS OUT OF THE JOtxT AT FIVE (BUT Sri4RP.') f twx inn PTtTrw vfsmrr Wcnt tf.wra rT Its. 23 Players on Hand For en ators Drill (Contiuned from preceding page.) ed by Sacramento make up the rest of the hill corps. Walsk Has Bad Arm Big Bill Walsh, a Senators rrgu- T acuity Voles Study . Babe's Shape iurns 1a-Jae Laais, former werld'a keavyweigkl baxlag ckainpiaa, as piaaed to the eaavat by Cham Attoe dwrtag wreatBag atatcb here. Jte tkaah etf Is kaid aad wea the Batch ka atralght faOa. '.. -.- - . Yankee's Shortstop Position WowBctivecn RizzutoiLumpc PCC to filake Check-up Of Athletic Program PULLMAN, Wish. orThe Pacific Coast Conference voted Monday to give Itself a "general check-up and overhaul" to correct certain Irregularities. Prof. Emmett B. Moore of dent of the nine-school PCC, said the league's own controlling fa culty committee had voted to look into the circuit's organisation. Special Canfereace That . is why, Moore said, he called a special conference ex ecutive session tor May S and I in the San Francisco area. The meeting will be held in advance of tot regular spring Washington State College, presi- Beavers Pound Pioneers, 8-5 PORTLAND UB - Oregon State meeting won Hs seventh baseball came in scheduled for May II and 23 at eisht starts here Monday. defeat- Victoria, j ing Lewis and Clark 6-1 in a pre- Moore, chairman 01 me civil , conference game. Oregon State scored two runs in the tecond inning off starting pitcher Ron Stempel, and salted the game away with four more runs in the seventh. Oregon State 020 000 400-0 S 0 Lewis it Clark 000 000 010-1 S I Paine and Lovcjoy; R. Stempel, Stephens 6 Didier (9) and B. Stempel, Wilklns (. ired (Babe) Zaharias' doctor said Monday sight tha rt woman athlete't ' condition "is not , to i gnnd", and reported a "slight ex- tension" at tha cancer from which the hat suffered since 1953. 1 'Robert M. Moore o( John Sealy V ital alio added that Mrs. Za harms has developed new pain ' la her ! ft side at tha shoulder, btit attributed this to pleurisy. 1 U was emrftaidwd that her con dition, voile serious, is not critl- 'cuL ; Le vis Tells WU Prospects Coach Johnny Lewis of Wluanv etU told tha Salem Breakfast pub Monday morning' that he wasn't sure hew hit oVfrndlrJ'HihampioB team would finish In toe North west Conference but that the out look is not -dark." , Lewis said that tha Bearcats look good oa defense and in hit ting but lack depth in pitching. Willamette has tour lettermea pitchers Dan feller, Cino Pier- Cincinnati iff) -The Cmcia-1 '-zjrrrj lr"; - al n M - a7..J.H ....i.aJ ICIIIIIal MlaSt afinMHV Iff ItHV VUir- irH. rrfom Anders this spring are Unfleld, first baseman George Crowe from . , . r,.'. . o,kih.. .the MUwaukca Braves In a trade LC!rk Whitman. -1 du. nuM Da. u..i. Lewis reported. .4ur ...T, -", .... .1.. tk.t .1. ex-Willamette playert art now1 playing In organised professional ball. They art Mickey Coen, Dave Cray, Harvey Koept, Alva Brown, Andy George and George Matite. Frank Smith Placed On Waive n by Cards ST. LOUIS iff) - The St. Louis Cardinals announced Monday they Reds Gain Crowe,' ! Trade Bob Hazle; and another, stiU-unnamed play er. I Crowe, who hat a 230 lifetime bitting average, It slated to re port to the Redlegi Tuesday. Haile has been assigned out right ta the Milwaukee (arm club at Wichita, Kan., and the tecond Cincinnati player will be trans ferred to the Braves at a later date. Yankees-Houston contett, The Yankee manager laid that Gil McDougald'i Injury, the re sult of a freak accident In which be stepped en a grease tpot sev eral weeks ago and strained the ligaments In hit left knee, had eliminated him from the race, .Stengel also noted that the man ner In which Tony Kubet was performing in hit new role of out fielder ruled against returning him to his original shortstop po sition which he played in the mi nors. , "Rlxxuto started the season for me last year," declared Stengel, "and finished It. I know what he can do. Lumpe has come forward very well and has demonstrated that be can play the position in the minor leagues. "I don't figure on cutting the club' any further at the present time.' -This remark would indicate that the two non-roster men with the club, Kubek and catcher Darrrll Johnson, wul go Into New York. man. Indrea. McKay). Mark: 1:41 Jayveaa 70, W 3D, C SO. B. McKay ., Ed. Persperby 13. Jim Travis it Wayne Bend and J. Nelson 11. . engineering department at WSC, said commissioner Vic Schmidt will make a report at the special meeting on his recent inspection tour of the league but declined to mention specific instances. Schmidt recently concluded a lengthly visit at the University of Washington. Slrwtnral Weakaesaet "I'm sure the irregularities in L 1 J . J . uie conierence, anu 1 aon 1 aeny k there are any. can be ironed out Stricken 1'mn Admilt wiihim.Mi0.nl .iidi. tw.-,oiriChen imp aamut Ing." Moore said. He said the time had come to study not only the violations, but also the structural weaknesses that permit them la the place. , "If all the accusations I hear are correct,'' Moore said, "then there's tome work to be done." av jaa aafaavtasr c. aVititb! y? WADINS GEAR TIPS 5 7 7 1 "MiVAoana South Salems Given Letters Hoop, Wrestling Awards Received Letters were awarded mem bers of the late winter South Sa lem High sporti teams at 1 re cent father-son iee cream teed. During the course of the evening 17 gallons of ice cream were con sumed and 1 total of 69 letters were handed to Saxon partici pants of basketball and wrestling. Varsity basketball coach Dick Ballantyne awarded first year letters to Ken Allmer, Bob Bealt, Jerry Coon, Dave Mer chant, Dan Moore, Larry Rosen, Ron Russell. Larry Thompson and managers Ned Martin and Bill Dost. Second yur letters went to Jim Alien. Dale Jones, Bruce Patterson and Don Witilo, Jayvee Awtrds Gives . Bob Meteger, junior varsity lar last season was in camp also Monday, but won't be around for long. The Sacs are to option him to Amarillo in Texas, and Bill is now trying to shake a lame pitch ing arm by working out with the Salems. Andy George, the Willamette U righthander is to report to the squad later In the week. Bill (Red) Whitson, ace of last year's team will check in later oa also. But at for Ad Satalich, the big right hander with Eugene last year, the status Is still quettiontble. Luby aent him hit contract last night, to Portland, and hopes that he will sign and report within a few days. Luby it also anxious to learn how Satalich's ailing arm It getting along. . Coast League Opens Today (Contiuned from preceding page.) Erautt (18-10) and John Carmi chael rUJ-lO). . Final results of Grapefruit League exhibition play were an nounced Monday by league bead quarters here. . San. Francisco, now the outright property of the Boston Red Sox and ftnlv PTL tam tn (rain . hoop mentor, handed letters to aide of California, was tha eh.m. Boh Bayne, Lorea Blaco, Jerry : pjon of the pre-season play with Many Bad Deci$ion$ Tide T.Me - i Tlts tac Tan), Orttta j (Complied tr U a Caaat and CeoSWne lurvev. Portland, Ore ? Huh Waters Law Waters - Tuna M'ltbt Time at an n Apnt . .ft ft, It 11 H am. St U.M mid. . ta il It IS II IS M it 11 1 SI am. 11 34 am, 11 pm. 1 at ass. l a p m. 1 41 ass. Ill pm. 1 34 a m. 4 M am, I M a m. 1 41 am. 4 11 am. I it p m. I 41 a m. 1 41 pm. II II l It It 41 tl 41 II 41 e 1 it IT II 1:0 in. -It 191am. II i 43 a m. 41 l it p m. 14 1 15 i n -I t l-oi .m.. I t 114 a m. .11 T41 pm, IJ 1 l a m. -11 I 31 p tn. I i I 53 a m 0 p m. t l 1011 a.m. -a I 0:l pm. tl 1144 a Jew -II Frank Smith, a rtllff hurler with a sore arm. . , The club announced that Smith, unable to throw hard or naturally thii spring, has been returned to St Louii to twait reassignment if he tint claimed on waivers by another major league team. CAPITOL ALLEYS Capitol Commercial No. 1 team results: Knights of Columbus 1, Rawlinaon'i Laundry 3; Orval's Used Cars 4, Arti's Studio 0; Spinner's Five 4, Lawless Masons 0; .Nicholson's Insurance 4, Sa lem Steel ft Supply I; Goldie'i 3, Woodry'i Furniture 1; Salem Auto Parts 1, Valley Oil Co. 3. High team game, Rawllnson't Laundry, 1,120. High team series, Orval's Used Cars, 2.990. High in dividual game M. Cady, Nichol son's, 237. High individual series, Keith Hayes, Orval't, 637 Commercial league No. i team result: 1st National Bank S, Team No. 9 1. Jones ft Fagg 1, Knlghti of Columbui 3. Stettier Supply 3, Team No. 10 L Turn A Lum Lum ber 1, Tip Top Tavern 1, Llpman Wolfe 1. Martin Bros 3. Burkland Lumber t, Hargen Sporting Goodi 1. High team gama and series, Burkland Lumber 10M and 2S55. High individual game: Carl Stettier 219. High individual series: Dick conference action. Pitcher Jerry Lusnman S7?' Chamlla went the d stance inr tha Woodburn-Tips North Marion 8-7 WOODBURN-(Speclal) - Wood- have given up en 28-year-old I "- .r Z.": by nipping North Marion, 9-7.! Woodburn now has a 1-1 record in UNIVERSITY BOWL BRAZIL. Ind. (ffl Umpire Pat rick Badden, 47, stricken here first! Sunday with a digestive disorder. said, "I must be suffering because of all the bad decisions I've made in my life." Padden, an umpires' supervisor for the National Baseball Assn., was traveling' from his home in tl ot a m. tl p m. Netters Win 64th PORTLAND Iff) - The Univer sity of Portland tennis team -1 1 1 blanked Pacific University 7-0 Monday for the Pilots' fourth con secutive victory. The Portia nders now have won 94 straight matches ever several lessons. tl -4 4 win. Woodburn scored six runs in a big second Inning and another in the fourth. North Marion finally tied it up In the sixth with three runs, making it 7-7. Fidel Gaviola slammed a double with two on in the seventh to score the winning run for Woodburn. N. Marion 200 203 9-7 9 7 Woodburn ..... OM 100 1-9 9 4 Moore and Rappei Chapelle and Farr. BAB ALLEYS Results Monday night in the Mixed League: Goofups 4, Screw balls 0: Five Spares 4. Stinkers 0; Pin Patt 3, Satan Pins 1; Fear some Four 2, Tumblers 2. High team game and aeries by Tumblers with S23 and 1421. High men's Individual gam by Marvin Swartwout with 173. High men's individual series by Harold Even den with 430. High women's game and aeries by Doris Teeti with 139 and 349. Classic League team results: Ramages Beverages 4, Crown Prince 0; Riches Electric 2, Hart mint Jewelers 2; Salem Hard ware 4, Barbs Sporting Goods 0; Frank's Produce 3, Smalley Oil 1; Double Cola 3, Boyce Team 1. High team series and game, Salem Hardware, 3090 and 1048. High individual series, Willie West of Salem Hardware, 684. High individual game, Don Lutt of Riches Electric, 246. -Other high scores: Dale Bastion 622, Frank Evans 600, Bunny Bun nell 600, Dick Phipps 638, Chet Boyce 619. LB 900 League team results: Cadwell Oil 2, Team 6 1; Tag gesell Pontiac 1, Repine Paint 2; Simmons Fuel 3, Team 5 9; Ripp's Service 3, Kannier Motors 0; Chuck's Service 2, Nameless Food Market 1. High team series and game, Simmons Fuel Oil 2489 and 872. High individual series and game, Packy McFarland of Repine Paint, 581 and 215. When Nick Altrock of the Wash ington Senators appeared as a pinch hitter in a game in Oct. 1, 1933 hi wit 57 years old. Stanley Fagg Cement Contractor CURBS? Free Estimslet All Work Gaartnleed Phtae 41903 Scranton, Pa., to Texai. He wis reported in satisfactory condition spite a five-run third inning in (.lay County Hospital Monday. 1 Humboldt. in fTHEN PURCHASING STOCKJN4S FOOT WADfRS AW WADING SHCCS, THE WADERS JMUST PrTOVCR Or KaJR Of aXXX) WOOL SOK.THEM A rm o woes, sox Am worn ih- Dti fMOCS OVEft VaADBRS. THUS, SHOCS MUST BC 194s SOX LARGER THAN WAOeRS,OB) I SIZES ABOVE at&XAM tttoc SIZE. Many ahcu,ers prefer stock , v46 foot waders, either hl or chest hi6h, to boot-foot waders because stockinw footers can bf turned h4 sioc out to drv erss'1 ration ojacklx and,thesb wapcrs can be worn on either siob. this permits equal wear for each bide. asovf outfit is moot com. fortabls if you walk much, Humboldt Beaten By SOCE in Pair ASHLAND, Ore. Iff) Southern Oregon College swept a baseball doubleheader (rem Humboldt State of Areata, Calif., Monday, 4-0 in the opener and 19-12 in a wild second game. Ted Theias and Ned Landers teamed to limit Humboldt to only two hits In the first game. South ern Oregon exploded for eight runs la the first tnning"f the second game and was never headed, de- for Brunette, Larry Burkhart, Keith Burres, Bruce Buxzell, Ted Fox- ley, Gene Gsrrett, Chuck Hsm merstad, Ed Lewis, Steve Perry, Jim Robinson, Jtck Scott, -Bob Trelitad, Gary Zwicker and man agers Nick Moravee and Bruce Wult Sophomore batketbaU letters were hinded out by coich Lou Deloretto. Boyi receiving letteri were Sun Anderson, Wayne Bry an, Steve Cross, Gary Dallmin, Larry Evsns, Jerry GoerUen, Billy Harrison, J i m Heltxel. Frank Hoevert, Cliff Johnson, Don Kenagy, Al King, Richard Klein. 'Ted Marr, Joel Mathias, Mike Rath, Wayne Robinson and Dale Wult. Grapple Letters Awarded Hank Juran, wrestling coach, awarded, letters to the following first year mattmen: Gary Ballew, Richard Bishop, Jerry Carter, Ron - Cremhaw, Gerry Elitun, Franklin Lee, Jack ' French, Lar ry Halverson, Dick McCullen, Larry Payne, George Rsndsll, Robert A. Smith, Jerry Stickley, Chuck Winger and ' manager, John Wilson. Second year iwardi went to Darryl Fine and Dave Robbins; third yesr went to Layne Cat well, Marvin Bressler and Leroy Williams. a 16-6 record. Portland wat sec ond with 13-5-1. .Other resultt: ' Vancouver. 94-1: Seattle. 14-10-1; Hollywood. 11-10: Lot Angeles. 11-11; San Diego, 9-11, and Sacra mento, 64-1. NO-HITTER BY 8TAYT0N , STAYTON (Special) The Stay ton Jayveei defeated the Gervais jayvees here Monday, 19-0, as Jim Perkins and Johnny Lucas com bined to throw a no-hitter. Look and Learn By A. C GORDON 1. By whom wai.the Salvation Army founded? 2. What it charcoal? 3. What U. S. state is split In two by two lakes? 4. When did the 21st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ending prohibition, go Into effect? 5. Of what country is Valparaiso ib! chief port?' ANSWERS 1. William Booth, in 136S. 2. Wood heated to a high tem perature in an airtight chamber. 3. Michigan, by Lakes Micblgar and Huron. 4. On December S, 1933. 5. Chile. RENT A TOOL Da It Yeueitlf h'l Cntaear OPEN SUNDAYS Saltm'i OloW Test Rtntal HOVVSER IROS. 1110 tawtfc trk St. j V 1 - . - is, " ' 1 You Are Cordially Invited to See , on. Display Tuesday, April 10 -1 TU 9 P.M. and Wednesday, April 11-Until 4 P.M. LODER BROS. CO. 465 Cen,er s,reet 4.2261 MAKES 'tfj "THE RtpCSEETn IRtOOKETT ? if .Jti'l liKjiJ- t7,"l-Al- -it-;ivir .iif-.i 3" Vt. , , -i ' riwL..'lv.tt;..l.k,,iM;v,'t 'A '.'h- ' ! Tj rJl!IpajB "aa" holioav court Hero's whij the engine) that started the hlgh-oomproeslon era etill tope the field today I TXI ROCKn BROUGHT high-romprraaion perfurmanre to molnring . , . art the itand. ardi , , , broke the rerord. Today it 'a tbe aame. ilh a biajh in mm peeaaioei of 9.25 to 1 and t displacement of ill eubie inches, the Roiket parka a potent new wallop. THIRI-S AN IFORTlt$$ SMOOTHNESS that tella von thia one ia a masterpiere of balance and prarisioa. Whal'a more tbia power plan t'a big-bore, sliort-itroke design meant shorter piston travel for Iras (rirlKm, lest ear tnd longer life. You'll rarelv ue the full I.IOf horsepower under tlie riod. Hut, tnu'll go for the Rotket'a high Inrijue the fur re that makes the wheela go 'rnunil, F.vrn at medium apaeda, your loe can call a hefty 3 10 pound fret of torque into play to move you away from a liplit or tiaaa by any emer gency. Add Jelaway Hyilra-Matk and you meet Rocket action at its smoothest, VISIT OUR SHOWROOM TODAY! We invite you to "Kate the Rnriet" on the rnad. You'D get out of the ordinary . , , into aa OIJi! r ROCRIT ICOIII BOUIll VICTOIT IN '96 MOIILBAS ICONOMT IUNI Tea. tar tanaai. laal h a lum Mastai saa pawiaa, t Olaiaaka vara wni, fw m Sk Km II 4 NMatypfM Hat alaca kt talait Mv.'i an a,nim praat awt Otataaaaa I trf a p. wm4 1W a tmmt im S, aa aW V,Wr.r.4 mrnU. L'Sm thi General Motors Parade of Progreit Buih Park at High "StrtrSalin," April 1 1-15."" It's Free!" LODER BROS., 465 CENTER ST. Phene 4-1241 -ftMMoiu nam m mmm or haki m m am mm mm uturoat, km u on nk fy-