Sisters Married at Double Rites On Friday at Trinity Methodist FOl'R CORNERS Trinity Methodist Church was th sotting for I inutile' wedding on Friday. April (, when Misi Elizabeth Marshall and Jim Ames, and Miss Prudence Marshall and Arlo McLain ex changed their marriage vows. The brides are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Max M. Marshall of Auburn district. Mr. Ames is the soil and Mrsv Ry A""I ' Randolph. Iowa, and Mr. McLain is Christ Lutheran Cirri a M A Mre Mnnouncea The Women of Christ Lutheran Church wijl meet for their April; Circle meeting beginning Sunday, afternoon to studv the toDic "Mv l.ove to God." The Bible Study on Corinthians will be conducted In ach circle. under the theme "You Are pod's Temple." i The Department Emphasis of the ! women s Missionary Federation will be under the direction of the chairman. Mrs. Gideon Klein who will review the history of the Christian Service Department. Platp for the May India Women's tea will also be announced by the general president, Mrs. Mildred Hippe, and department chairman, Airs. Alvin Battalion. The Circles will meet with the following as hostesses: The Mary Circle will meet Sunday at 2 p. m. at the home of Miss Clarice Farn strom on Munkers Street, beginning wun a no-host luncheon Jv ll lVTtMn;! Their waits length dresses were RL HgT t,heh0"lerui5tyU'd identical of nock d0,ted , a"d ,T,ena Battalion North ylon wi(h snort wveSi botlffan, 5 h St. The Minam Circle will meet, skirls am) satin sashes. Sandra I tne home Of Mrs JpnntP Ornna ...n... i j r o. - wore ycuuw aim rauitian uicss (.enter Street at 7:30 p. m. was grct.n. They wore floral head The PrisCilla Circle will meet , dresses and carried nosegays of Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. at the home j yellow chrysanthemums centered of Mrs. Betty Hasty, North 22nd I with a white carnation. Street. The Esther Circle will meet! The flower girls, Christine Isom juesaay at 7:30 p. m. at the home f Mrs. Clarence Hippe at Pratum, with Mrs. Keith Perkins as co hostess. The Rhoda Circle meets . illrSfiflV PUoninrT at ? M .1. Ik. home of Miss Ann Dahlen, North River Road. The Ruth Circle wilj meet Wed nesday at 1:30 p. m. opening with dessert, at the home of Mrs. Amelia Alberts, North 20th Street, with Mrs. Ann Woelk as eo-hostess. The Dorcas Circle wilt meet Fri day at the home of Mrs. Reuben Sinner, chairman, opening with the sewing project at 10 a. m. A cover ed dish luncheon will be served at noon, ad the study jneeting be ginning at 1:30 p. m. All wimen interested in the sewing project ire invited to attend the sewing session in the morning. The Women of the Church will attend the "Group Convention of jhe Women's Missionary Federation I to be held at Oregon City on April 24 I Liberty The second and third grade Brownie troops of the Lib erty school held their spring tea in honor of their mothers on Thursday afternon at the school cafeteria. Hostesses were their leaders, Mrs. Clifford Hill and Mrs. Lewis Clark of the second grsdes, and Mrs. Harvey Ronne i nd Mn. Sidney - Boise of n the third grades. Ncedlecraft L-674 Here's a thrifty way to decor ate every window in your home with new, modern cafe curtains! Send for Pattern 674. It con tains all the newest Ideas; plus easv Instructions, diagrams, cut ting - guidc-rIor . making' these glamorous cafe curtains yourself Send TWrNTY-riVe CKNTI In coins for thu pattern add i ctnit for each patlf rn for ls-cl m mail inn. Srnd to The Ore(:n Statesman. m Nerdlmaft Dept.. PO, Box Ms, Old Cirljoa Station. Nrw York 11. N Y. Print plainlv PATTFUN Nl'M III R. your .NAME, AUIlKKSS and .(iNf. LOOK FOR , imartut Ktf.n in Ni'odlnrafl in our Laura Wheeler Calaloi lor WM. Croiliet. knillins. embroidery and lovely things to wear. Iron-om. quilU. aprons, nov ,t lev-easy, fun to makel Send 2S rent for your copv of thla book NOWI You will want to order tvory new design In It ' ' CHARLIE CHAN chines: MDICINI AND HERB CO. , New LOCATION SO 12TH AND I.FSLIE 1195 LESLIE OFFICE HOUR lues, and Sal Only i nt.- p.m. Phont 2-1130 8. B. FO.NG. HtRBIST me tun ui irs. lurnnia AicLain also of Auburn. The Rev. Joe Andrew Hardline officiated at the I o'clock double ring ceremonies. Mist Patricia Bright of Randolph. Iowiu as the soloist and Mrs. Joe Andrew Hard ing played the wedding music. VI i T T K1 h ;.,- l- M A w I M M A k her father, wore a white walti length dress of lace, the long fitted hnnV r,aH 3llnn4 Ur neckline and long pointed sleeves. The bouffant skirt was of lace panels. Her fingertip veil was held In place by a lace cap. She W0Te her grandmother s pearls and carried a bouquet of white roses and hyacinths. Escorted y t'acle Prudence was escorted to the altar by her ' uncle. Jack Boyd. The bodice oThe--difisswas ' white tulle with , a long sleeved lace bolero. The waltz length bouffant skirt was net over lace. Her veil was caught to a lace cap. For something old she wore her aunt's pearls and carried a white Bible marked with white pom pon chrysanthemums. . The honor attendant!) were Miss Sandra "Marshall, sifter of the and Georgia Boyd, cousins of the brides, wore green and yellow dresses to match the honor atten dants and carried baskets of Jon- quill. Frank Gisler stood as best man for Jim Ames and Donnie McLain was his brother's best man. The ushers were Gary Isom. cousin of the brides, and Frank Woelk. Greer Guests at Recept loa r For her daughters' wedding Mrs, Marshall wore a blue print dress arid navy linen duster with navy accessories. Her corsage was a white orchid and hyacinths. Mrs. McLain chose a navy eyelet dress over taffeta with navy dus ter and white accessories. Her corsage was white carnations. The recepfion was held in the Fellowship room of the church. Cutting the cakes were Mrs. Gen- TU nmAi ' niiantlmnrhiiri nf tYia i..m. a m,. niHr snri,.k cousin' of Arlo McLain. 'Pouring WM Mrs. Bessie Marshall, grand- mnlhuf nf thm Hrirfoc an! frvin0 the punch was Miss Ardis Swart wout. Assisting were Mrs. Frank Isom, Mrs. Clarence Isom, and Mrs. Jack Boyd, aunts of the brides. Miss Barbara Bibbens and Mrs. Lewis . Bert, aunt of Arlo McLain. For her wedding trip the new Mrs. Ames changed to a powder blue sheath dress and fitted jacket and white accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Ames will be at home at 140 S. Elma avenue, Four Corners, after April 20. For going away Mrs. McLain wore a black linen suit ana wniie accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Mc Lain will be at home at 3840 Mon roe avenue, after April 20. The Afternoon Circle of the Morningside Methodist Church W'SCS will meet with Mrs. C. W. Stacey, 765 Boone Road, on Tues day at 1:30 p.m. for a dessert luncheon. Mrs. M. W. Rooney will be -in charge of the-devot ions and Mrs. Artie Largent will be in charge of the program. - j The Copettes will meet April 12 with Mrs. K. C. Charlton, 345 South 23d street at 7:30 p.m. : Gub Calendar MONDAY Salem Unit. Republican Women's Federation of Oregon, Senator Hotel, 1 p in. Salem Junior woman's Club meet at clubhouse. S p ro. National Association of Letter Car riers Auxiliary with- Mrs. Lee Nies wanrier, 317S D St . S p.m. Salem Memorial Hospital Auxiliary meet at hospital. 10 a.m. Pioneer Post 140. American Legion with Miss Lent Vanderwood. 185 N. Hill St. i . Tt'ESDAY Chadwiik Chapter. OF.S Social Club, Masonic Temple. 1 15 p m Laurel Social Hour Club with Mrs Philip Peterson, 1060 Cascade Drive; 12 M dessert. Missouri Club with Mrs. Wsde Weekly. 615 South Lancaster Drive. 12 30 no-host luncheon. Bush School Mothers Club with D;ids. 7:30 pin, school auditorium. Tn-County Dental Auxiliary no host dinner. Senator. Hotel. 7 p.m. Capital Citv Denial Assistants, dinner at Colonial House. S:M p.m. HPW Club meet at First Congre gational Church, 7:30 p.m. WFONFSDAY Laurel and PrisCilla Guilds, Knleht Memorial Church, with Mrs. Norval Edwards. 1!5 Slate SI.. S p m. Nebraka Club with Mis. Drees. 2425 N. Church St., covered dish luncheon, noon. PLL and F Club with Mrs. Frank KoUky. 3010 Brooks Ave., I p m. THl'RSDAY Zonta Club at Warren Doolittle home, 3.10 Candalaria Blvd.. 7 30 p.m. i I FRIDAY . ...- .-K. Salem Woman s Cub meet at ciun hmiM, S pm., board meeting, 12:30 p m. "H Tn mart onouf k to as Met. Stewart 'i Ikibg st keep doltios wtiltor Mian wHti nyttiing oho AND M0 nanoy-rm smart nosis I spend Ike wleji settierst" fl'8" Reception Fetes Couple I j - ... ; . i - - S . - ' 1 t - V 1 ft Ml hanMHiUwrf' Mr. and Mrs. Bennett N. Eyerly (Donna Leei McLaughlin) who wert honpred at a wedding reception on March 31 at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Their marriage took place on March 24. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mclaughlin and Mr. Eyerly is. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Eyerly. they will make their home in Salem. (Jesten-Miller Studio). , . Mrs. Larson is Garden Speaker SILVERTON "Gardens" will be the subject of a talk by Mrs. Harold A. Larson at the Silver ton "Woman's" Club Monday aft ernoon at the Christian Church social rooms. Mrs. Earl Dedrick will conduct the business period, which will include a report of the nominating committee. I Mm ; . ' 1 VI r,v fm-,r...--mui, iii mi i y.r.:Vr-:;r;v;v-' i. . 9 w i j & m r mx vi-; reg. $29.95 to $49.95 rep $i.95$8M U9 y MU U v . --. ill1 it m.t , -mS Mrs. F. B. Renwick is pro gram chairman and tea hostesses are Mrs,- Emma Coberlyr Mrs, E. A. Kern, Mrs. Alt O. Nelson and Mrs. Daisy Wood. Installation of officers will be the feature of the May meeting, the final one in the current club year. r -i 0 men 's and women 's 17 jewel watches 19.9 plus tax Outstanding selection of styles! Men's waterproof and slunk re 'sistant watches; men's smartly styled dress watilies; jnetal ex panion bracelets. Women's gold colored watelics with metal e mansion bracelets; nurses' watches with sweep second hand, lea ther straps; rhinestonc bracelet watches. men's and women's twitch Evpansmn brarrli't stylos;. gold filial witli st.iiiiV stooI b.uks. Wiilo Rssortmont otlirr stylos, i - , JEWELRY - STREET FLOOR District WSCS To Convene In Albany - - The meeting of the Salem Dis trict of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Methodist Church, to convene in the Meth odist Church in Albany at 9 30 Thursday, April 12 will attract representatives from the societies of the six 'Salem Methodist Churches." Newest "of "the" 37 so cieties of the district to be repre sented will be the Morningside Community Methodist Church. Speaker of the afternoon will be Miss Evelyn DeVries, superinten dent of a Girls' Hostel in Vmtali, Southern Rhodesia, missionary un der the Woman's Division of Chris tian Service of the Methodist Church, now spending a part nf her year's furlough in her home at Pratum. Also featured on the program will be Mrs. L. D. Wrentmore of Portland, president of the Oregon Conference Woman's Society, and Mrs. Lawrence Lierman of Stay ton, president of the Salem dis trict, who will report on the Con ference of World Understanding which they recently attended in Missoula, Montana. Salem Wornea Official Salem women holding office in th Hictru'l And annArinff an the ; program will be Mrs. Laurance Walwroth, who as secretary of .promotion, will preside over the I period given for officers reports. Mrs. Mervin Gilson, as treasurer, will conduct the pledge service, Mrs. A. E. Utley, president of the Salem Sub-district, will preside over a meeting of this group, dur ing the period given for sub-district meetings. Mrs. Harvey Meyer is secretary of this organi zation. Other district officers attending from Salem are: Miss Wilma De-Vries.-reeordiflt -secretary t Mra, A. J. Quirin, secretary of mission ary education and service; Mrs. W. S. Ankeny. secretary of litera ture and publications; 'Mrs. R. E. Wingard, secretary--of - supply work; Mrs. George Roseberry, secretary ef missionary person nel. A bus has been chartered to take the Salem women to the meeting. bands $1.99 ' M - nlut tiv M so Mrs. Rossman Recommended For Federation President . .Mr$, .George Roman. well known Salem and Oregon clubleader, in being recommended by " fhe'niVntiratlng Tommittee of the Oreiton Ftderation of Women's Clubs for election this spring to the federation presidency. Election of officers for the ensuing two years will t.ike place at the state organization's biennial convention Slay 2, 3 and 4 at the Multnomah Hotel in Portland. Mrs. Rossman, who is serving now as the federation's first vice president, is a past , president of the Third District and of the Sa lem Woman's Club. If elected next month, she will weeeed Mrr Emest E. Hall, Portland, as the state president. y Other clubwomen proposed by the committee for federation of fice include Mrs. Walter Brown. Klamath Falls, first vice-president; Mrs. John Devereaux, Ban don, second vice-president; Mrs. Nele Morrison. I'nion, recording secretary; Mrs.. Fred C. Gast, Portland, a past president of the Salem Junior Woman's Club, fi nancial secretary; and Mrs. Vern Van Horn, Portland, treasurer. The office of third vice-president, traditionally held by a junior clubwoman, will be filled by nom ination from the floor, when nom inations for alf other offices also can be made. , Honor guest for this year's con vention will be Mrs. Theodore S. Chapman, Jerseyville. 111., presi-, dent of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, who will complete her own two-year term of office later in May. Mrs. Chapman and Governor Elmo E. Smith wHl be speakers at the opening banquet on May 2. Announcement of the nomin ating slate and of other conven tion information went out during the past week to clubwomen all over the state with the official "call" to the biennial meeting. HE ; fUmmtllmlrmm'mmfl fyBaailsioiao,l. iisews wlw,l!l'"'''''-e .... -m - ('' A -K::r:.:s C..v, - I, ;--kl'' . f Hrf 'hi v V '. it- ' A-t4i. - . .. , - i, . , ,.w.w.m- f. i JaJWi....ulaS'''"'' " i....-V Warner's new of fashion s , long, uninterrupted, perfect - the riuht i foundation for the slim silhouette, the lean look . . . the season's most flattering lines! Slip into a corselette by Warner's and sc c . . . the foundation that travels upward from the hips to round out the line that males the new fashions right for vou. FOUNDATIONS - STREET FLOOR FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING. FOR OVER 1000 CARS Music Clubs to Have Program " Salem ""Federated Music "Clubs will present their regular pro gram. Tuesday night at Willam ette Music Department hall at 7:45 o'clock. The following will participate: Paul Schmpus, Jeannie Osko, Robert Colton, Allen Doerksen, Patricia Stevenson. Jimmy Nichol son, Don Taylor, Tim Ryser, Terry Allen. Carol Hoye. Ricky Muhs, Vickie. Palmason, Judith Seamster. Wally Wilson, Jury Schulz, Stanley Addison, Nancy Weeks, Diane Mil ler and Carol Coe. Counsellors are: Mrs.' R. L. Chumley. Mrs. Dalbert Jepson. Mrs. James Francis, Margaret M. Fromhers, Veneva Shields, Fern Craven. Jean Hohson Rich, Lucille Wyatt, Lois P. Schmidt. Irene J. Byers. Ruth Robinson. Genevieve Mickenham and Ruth Bedford, Wallace Graham. Victor Palma son, Charles Hargrave and Fred Wilson. Four Coraers Mrs. Paul Marsh demonstrated rake deco rating before the members of the Woman' Club -on Thursday eve ning. Ma Ray Ruggles and Mrs. John Painter became members. Guests were Mrs. W. C. Jorgen sen, Mrs. Lawrence' Pruett, Mrs. Ernest Walker, Mrs. W. R. Corn ing, Mrs. Duane Kottek and Mrs. Waldo Miller. Hostesses Mrs. Charles West, Mrs. Lester Morris and Mrs. Ralph King. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P. M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. Statesman, Salem. Ore.. Mon., April 0. C3 (Src. I)-7 -Br CLAY K M Your Dalf 4ct.vifp Cvi H According lo Iht Stan. To develop mtssogt to Mondoy, reod words corresponding to numberj of your Zodioc birth vgn. -is-"'' 48-44-73 6 MUtUt AM l MAY l t Svnonc 31 Any 61 Uwil 3 S 3 May J Than 4 Don't 34 A.r 64 Should 5 6 35 Atiun i On Smc 36 And 66 Dvcdinf J T 37 V "' 67 r-utunj 7qm Ja SnJM 64 OH, Th . 39 Voor fit On 10 BoHwnjd 40 Many 70 Co 11 (Ktlltnl 41 Lf 71 Wot 12 Vou 42 Trreetn 72 1-itl.anf 13 (Kuhvy 4) A 7 Drto 14 Outlook, 44 Your 74 Pfsbltnv 1 Apooor 4S Inml 75 Aannch It Hooul 46 Try 76 luun 17 to 47 Idm 77 Tran 11 Qurt 44 OncWurfoi 71 Toooy 1 Loh 4 T,m Tt An) 70 A V) Now t0 W..W6 21 Studon SI PmHltm II 12 Hry 52 Muwiar 12 iogonna 23 Toko 53 My 13 M 24 ly J4 Sk 14 To 25 H Wo 15 Your 26 014 56 I 16 Sow. 27 Friontfl , 57 Gtnnf ; OKttiam 21 In M It II CMKiim 24 Attroctiv 5 And I Uneuiuj 30 Traction) 60 Now 0 Monoy )Good Adrtne f)Nct.'l 53-sa 78 83H MUM 'JJ WN B CANCM lr)277 33-M nr mm AU6 U 11 1.H-M 4640-75 Unit to Initiate Six Members WOODBl'RM - Six candidates for membership will be initiated at the April II meeting of Wood burn American Legion Auxiliary at the Legion Hall. At that time further plans will be discussed concerning the - projected Girls State choice, which the auxiliary sponsors each year. Mrs. Frank Bentley Is chairman of the committee which In coop eration with the high school, will length 1. Topular all-elastiq pull-on, airy power net with satin elastic panel front and back. Nylon cups. White, pink. Nail, sizes 33-38, B. White only, sizes 34-38 C cup. fQ 2. Shott-waisted Warner's fashionable half i sie. Slicking leno with nylon taffeta panels, ii Ion lace bra. W hite only. Sizes :V-4'2, B, full hip, long length; 35-42 C, average hip, me dium length; 36-42 D, straight hip. medium """" 18.50 3. Merry Widow corselette with heighjtenerj rounded foam rublter lined nips. hite em broitlered cotton with elastic marquisette. 313.S II, 34 .38 C cup. - Q POl.US- bin" i ICOOT'O OCT J4 , NOV H "in pi 77-79 Vr NOV I OK. II OK II I 4i MM M Krai PAN II A til' C2 5HB6 V! MAillTC? tj 71 1714 pick a junior girt, who will repre sent Woodburn at Girls State at Willamette University June 1I-1T. Progress report also are plan ned on The American essay con test being sponsored by the auxil iary In the schools. The sixth anlTertary ef Trtalty Chapter,. Order of the Eastern star was celebrated at the meet ing Friday night. A nipper waa served. Announcement was made of Trinity Social Club benefit card party April 11 at West Salem City Building and Friendship night with other chapters, which will take place at the next regular meeting. 1