. i f: i' II 1 r ? h '4r,Q Bfrrliarnlli 464 Tro.I., Mitt CI'THOARf) H.t Kin tat 30 W Wln.nsater tar baa.o ir radio ft I V fi'uu . lilt tieokiin R.rit, Mix. fun KENT or taaas lg, waro hMa epar, e.i.itt flof, bill bulg , anlI In. lull. H, L. Stiff lulu, 1-tllt Vi For M'.c. Jt FT, ornamental 4 ft few ImI gal A, p. flirl.in Mutl.r fuuHel, JV'W f 01 Itoutt Rd Ph, J 1140, lANTY bene li roosters Hand mllivator, laavn muwir, euro planter, dialies, fruit leia A r lease, Vdim, t. I U i "in, I lan .ler, Il'i" Prawn dn, 33" li.ai.l door, Pb.3-i4 or IMt ht.wwar anniversary SALK. Haw t'aed eleclrlcal atipll nces Wholesale A below, YFATKR APPLIANCE J7 CIIKMKKKTA WllWKINO"kull.lli.i .fssTTT High AL All material, flour furnace, hot water heater, window and door fnr Mlt TOP SOIL phon i-mi. i rwt fVprWRITIRB Hi I f n.a .bine, nail register, dupll tor, desks, eheir, files, sup. pliejReW, 494 Court. 1-4173 (iW tire 47014 Nylon blk. Ill 40. Ich, Lyll Tiro, WFAR"l'hetrComfurt Shoes, Geo. Master Wotk Uniform! Sport Wear. Ph. 4-4273. Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL PH. 24310 CTDAR poit, bean poat shed Piles, ll type it barry wire rt 4-m, APS 400x14, 470.15 (ub. 4 IS. LjrtW'4 Tlr. Mrt, Top Soil Orchard l oam River Loam Dial l-174( Prompt Delivery KHrar Hand A Graval Co. Osr.n lawnmnwer Batdorfs Fireeton. 1424 lUto II. Ph. 1-IM41. ANNIVERSARY SALE Hew A l!d elerlrlc! pptl' ncea. Wholessl t ha low. vrim Appf.tAMrK i 375 CHEMEKETA , JIG-SAW Sander, alio nilK. Items fnr gardening Bra ai 1470 Birch ood Dr. v. rn. - 1-7361. Ill Wonted, Mite. WANTED twveral thousand rordl of wood, ill iptclu. Ph. 1-7721 NiRhto ANTED. 1500 uxd brick . Le E. Brant. Rt I. Box 433. Sa lem. W A n'TE D i Polo and piling itumpaga. Tormt, caih. Nle-dermeyer-Martln Co.. 7 1 1 Portland Truat Building. Port land 4, Orogon. 474 Miscellaneous Furniture Refinished By Experts Wo take all tho flnlah oU and rofmuN your furnltmi like Btw. CALL LAWRENCE LEE. 402 lao St. PhonoS-7001 fa MOVE OR WRECK. Bulld" ln 14xM it. lota tad at 11.11 rdwtr. lo Jo Hutchl on, Rllr. DOING marhlnaa, cash rrrli Clary. 1971 rairgrounda. I-S173 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR t-HH. BERVICE IN MOST DR HARRY VILER. Drntlit Adolph BM, Itatc Com'l IU SALEM PH. 3-3111 Prospecting Supplies Caller aV Scintillator countara. mlncrallfhta Morcury dt trctora. fro Information. BECTRONICS INC PH. i-tOM 194 Lancaitar Dr. 476 Fuel OLD fir wood. Phono Bllvrrton 3-MS1. West Salem Fuel Co. awdurt, blowar or puh out Planar and Pond Llllea. SPKCIAL kml-Dry Block aid Blab. -1125 Edowattr V. 1-4MI WANTED wvaral thounand rordl of wood, all ipociaa. Ph. 1-7731 ' Nlghta. 4-M33. HIGHWAY FUEL. CO. AWDUST WOOD. J-4444 Capitol Fuel Co. awduit, blowrr or puih out Choica alab and block mlxrd. 1420 Broadway Ph. 3-7711 I AWDUST for aala. 3 unit load, puah out, BIS. Ph. Gtrvalt 2211. ANDERSON'S alab wood. Ph. 3-7751 or 4-2454. FlCK-UP-WOOb. Ph. 4-3041. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon tt.ooo.ooo.no 1 Construction. Money now avauama lor ma, ui or long term Conventional Mortgaie Lotnt anywhera In the Wil lamette Valley. Money also easily available for exliting home loam. Call 3-3151 STATE FINANCE CO,, ,'LSo2f',,L St.. Salem, Ore, fr YOU NEED TO BORROW MONEY, SEE fUl LfU Finance Co. 1980 FAIRGROUNDS RD. Salem, Ore. (Next Door to Bank) HOME OPERATED HOMI OWNED Teleohona 2-7033 Um our paved parking lot. ti 000 to loan on good lat mort gage, u. m. Maaon Hit. J'h. 3-4041. WE HAVE cash buyeri for real eitate contract! and 2nd mort gages. Ohmart & Calaba, Realtor! 477 Court St. Phone 3-4115 LOANS 150 00 to 11500 00 Buy What You Need Consolldata your hills. . Finance through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 142 S. Church St , Ph. J 5457 Rawlins Realty Co, Brsl estata loans, construction At permanent loans. 404 Che meketa. Ph. 4-B473. PRIVATE money to loan on RmI Eatate. 4 Interest Ph. 2-0794. COLONIAL Inrestmant Co Real Property Loans Contracts purchased twi court -zn.i PRIVATE money to loan, buy contracts and mortgages mi Chemeketa St, Ph. l-ajm. 512 Loons Wonted 'arlirfllwm,wlTWI Inhere. paid at 440 per month. Good oecurlty and references, write box V46, co Statesman Jour 600 FiiuIovtnl JL- 602 H.lp W.fitoe) CAI'ITAL FMl'IOYMI NT AfiKNC'Y (iii.i.a w 14 a -i I n wimer Ail..uiiri 1're.bvlerlart r.irah liaa yarMH.g lo rr i.irlii site liaiinas oil all tM a.t.f.U'f M.ai.l, il'I'l ICAri(lN.eowMliii lakan f'.r kiataiinan pi.y.ia r.M.l.i .vti.l rutilaa will I Ol.all Altl'lhatllS niuat lie Sr, n.jOioartia.l by their paraMti or Mavs Ihtir wrnln iiannia. an. n Apply at t'.a ( irt.iiaiinn I.epariii.aiil of I le b'aUamaa i.i.troal COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Slnte l44 Hperlall.il In Ollhe I'la. i..a. ilt r-Seft, 3J..K1 S.I-HO wm Si. miliaria. Meet purine start IJrt r-Bkhpr-Steno, -40 Kn.ml- ei in las, initiative, rr. aunallly . . IJXI to 4i24 14 or r-Tailor, fuller, ape. Hence, mature Upeaj M fe tea l.tr i .hirer , Comm. Couple-Matntenanre, llva-ln noon Beat Way to the Best Jul.. 44 Stat l , 411 Oregon Slog 4-3.141 PANT TIME eve. A. Hal. fur a. hiM.I teai her or ea-learker with enma knoWledae i.l muaie. Muat have tar, permanent real, dame. I'h. 4-9 ie alter 4 pm. eve 4i Nunday. COUPLE to do yard work aV other servlrea In okrhange fur rent of furn. gar, houte at 4 Corners. References renulred, 3 -oils avai. v weekenua. ,04 Help W.M.J, Men MAN FOR SALEM AREA Steady )nk year around, Ap- proa. i a w. to nan Guaranteed Increase with e perleme. Muat he rt.al, will ing to work hard it follow tnatrurllnns, Com. to 1 4 JO Broadwav 101 am. to 11 M p m. Mun. A Tues. only. FIELD SAI.ESMAN-39-34. Mar ried, college degree, able to travel. Hale! eaperlenre In motat food or paper Industry desirable, but no on consider ed who Is now with either Industry, 4M month plus ex penses for out-of-town train Ing, Salary, commission snd ear on completion. PAG EN RTECHER S Commercial Placement Agency, 44 Stat Street, Ph, 4-3.151. WANTED-R-llat.l young man to manage small olllc in small nulhern Or town. For ac counting bookkeeping: perma nent; opportunity for advance ment. Reply, stating age. ex perience, availability and etert Ing salary expected. Give your phone A references. Replies confidential. H. II. Hansen, Box 374, Langlols ( heese Mak ers. Langlois. Oregon. WANT grade A dairy man. House A milk furnished Frsnk Krauger, Rt. 1, Box It, Inde pendence. Ph. 3-44WI. Lifetime Security Telegraphers Urgently Needed I want to talk to 14 men 14-31 who are Interested In perma nent employment with'' rail road! as telegraphers tt agents at a wage from 4-140 per month Y up. Jobs awaiting. We Train You Training will not Interfere with present Job. If sincere, am bitious e In good health, writ Box 441, Statesman Journal. EXPERIENCED well driller to operate 71-Star Drilling Ma chine. Merl Warren, 1314 W. 13th Ave., Albany. Oregon. Prion WAbaih 4-3041 606 Help Wonted, Lotty RELIABLE woman to live In A keep house for an elderly couple. Good salary. 2430 Mar ket SECRETARY STENO For large lumber mill near Eu gene, write Box to.. Mates-man-Journal. giving age. ex perience, references & mar ital status (It affects posi tion). YOUNG Woman to do bookkeep ing at tvping la professional office, three 'a dava weekly. Write full Information to Box S53 Statesman-Journal REGISTERED HURSES Staff duty, p.m., night and relief shifts, mountain resort area. Small modern hoepltal. I320M per month. Seneca Hospital, Chester, California. RETIRED R. N. to manaee small Nursing Home. Fh. 2-2M2. ROOM A board to lady In ex change for supervision of chil dren alter sen. Ph. 2-0965 after 4 WANTED, woman to do house work. 2 in family, all mod. conveniences. Live In. 4-455H- STENO-TYPIST Local firm needs high typo girl, steaay employment, good working conditions, better than average pay with fringe benefits, 40 hour week. Pleas reply, stat ing qualifications and present type of work to Box No. 450, Statesmsn-Journal. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Young lady with at least 2 yrs. of College for techni cian in medical clinic. For mal and practical training will be provided. Ph. 3-9173 for appointment for inter view. BABY sitter wanted vicinity of 1560 S. 13th. Inquire before 10:30 . m. MONTGOMERY WARD ha opening for exp. Fashion clerk. Top wages plus commission, 40 hr. work wk. Pid varaUons. hosp. A medical benefits. Ap ply in person. Must ha v exp. 610 Soles Help Wonted SALESMAN wanted for Salem territory. Covering four coun ties to represent thirty fac tories, selling consumer de mand goods to retail stores of all types. Man selected must have experience calling on re- tailers or had formerly owned a business. Straight commis sion. Immediate earnings. Home every night. Can earn 410.000.00 a year.Accounts al ready established. Write full details In first letter for an appointment. S. A. SF.DLOCK A COMPANY 1405 S.W. ALDER STREET PORTLAND, OREGON EXPERIENCED man. Fine of flee. Lots of advertising. Ram sey Realty. 427 r erry. MAN to distribute A pick up Fuller Brush catalogs 4100 weekly comm. to start 3-4357 LARGE National food manufac turer seeking sales representa tives headquarters in Salem. Good starting salary. Car A expenses furnished. Excellent f promotional opportunity. Com pany nas retirement, neann Insurance A profit sharing plans A requirements 20-35 Selling experience desired but not necessary, write Box Sin Statesman-Journal, stating age, work rxp education A mari tal status. WOMEN-24-45 yrs 20-35 hr. wk. Guar. sal. Field Enter- . prises. Inc. Phon 2-7430. 4 to 10 e m only. To pltc cla44ified adt. call 4-6811. 600 Fin ploy nif nt 610 Sal.4 He'p Went.4 At TO salesman, .ily Vol Ity Mnliir (', In rriii. Only ruprrlriu'ril titfii find to ..ly, WAN T E DH'Siiic.TitarT, niusl bf riMliirrr, Apply In persorl Aula Aires. 3o.'0 I'liriUnd Hil, Del Klmn, Virgil i'sdn. 612 Wprlt Wonf.d, rvAeii PRUNING. Sf.rsylng, topping, r. movsl L W C iiHe il LINOI.l!Ma..ri.pal liiaiail.!. .,.n and lep'trlng, sll work a.iaranieed, ra alimal Ph 4-.ial. tKNTIFIKU'ToiiibiiialHilt WaUf r wants uti ffonattiutlon or mill mk. go any plate, Ph, SI Psul 301. ""noTAHYTllirNG , MAN!) TIl.Lr.Ri World's flneal 1II.I.EH. I'M, 4-4.ISJ, tv 4-41 , free estimate rill.fUiNlONAI, uplioiatering. real (iuaianteed work Free (iimatai. pick-up, deliver Ph 3-40, f H UNO iloVa"r(ir"H"lov tor. Ph. 4-2413 or 1-3534. No call Rat. pleaae, R0T0TILLING HI. J 3H71 xiU'S Ire servli'. Sursy. top ping, prune, cal.llng, 4-4501, EXPERT carpenter,ren.elllrig II kinds Cabinet work res, go anywhere, Kalln 1-7014 LAWNmnwerharpeni!ig, 'tie prices, work guar. JJt 4-IOM. HOWARD roiovattng, lawn mowing. U-Fix-lt, Carage. 4 m. til I pm, A Sun, 111 I p m.Ph. 4-3381, ' BOTO-TILLINO" Iswn work. Call son orv.Ph. -4030. Lawn mowing, yard eleasi up after 4 A weekends. Ph, 4-54 INCOME TAX FORMS PKEPARFD, Pnon 3-4441. BUILD or remodel. Fre eaU matas. Ph. 4-4340. HOWAKD Rolovating, garden aV new lawn prepared. Lawn mowing br. or contract 1-5003. 4-4241. Painting Free Eitlmaii Prices reasonable. Ph. 1-4551 "CARPENTER WORKrday or contract, 3-1443 or 2-I4M). ROTO-TILLlNG PH. 4-9451 . 2-7717 CUSTOM plowing A discing. Uelven ricarn. a-ii.ii EXPERIENCED carpenter ra- modellng Painting 41.50 hr. on job. Good work. Ph;4-72I3. EXPERIENCED aervice station attendant needs work. Ph. 3-4437, Brv-irvc Tnirr aritv. Topping. Trimming. Pruning. A Removing Menges onruos trimmed. J-Mfk). a 37-vear-old married man with family. Ambitious salesman with a proven successful background desires an oppor tunity to be employed by concern that Is interested In the future of their men as well as their business. Have been employed in the wiling field successfully for the pat 13 years A can furnish the best of relerences, II Inter ested In a top producer pleas contact me. Will travel or come to any other location. Pleas Itat remuneration. tc. All replies strictly con ftdentlal. Writ to Box 449. Statesman-Journal. 20-YR-OLD. married ex-Martn wants full time work. 3-7335. NEW LAWNS ' Prepared, seeding. Roto-hoolB(. DuaneWolcottPhL2:4127. ROTOVATING-work evenings A weekends. Jim Hathaway. Ph. 1-3424. CEMENT Work. Ph. 4-4334. Sid, walks, patioa, ret. wall, ga rages, bimta. Free esllmalea. R0T0-TILLING RICHARD RAS. PH. 2-4714 CARPENTER, remodeling, etc. Work guar. Price real. Ph. 4-77B2. 614 Work Wonted, Lody MOTHER, In country, would like car of children, rn. 3-2:H8 WILL Care for children, my home. Keizer Dlst. Ph-Tio. HOUSEWORK by the hour. Ex- oertenced. Call -col let'l M ay f air I 3-3474 Dallas. HOUSEWORK for 1 in exchange for home A small wages. Writ, box 954 Statesman-Journal. I WILL car for elderly person In my home. Ph. 3-50W. LOVING supervision for your child in my s. saiem nome. Adjacent to park for summer plavtng. Ph. 2-0B32 or 3-3310. IRONING WANTED. 50c HR. PH. 4-5182 CHILD care 3 yr. A ovr, my home. 1543 Trade, rn, -ai o. KEIZER CHILDJCARE. Pb-t- MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mra. Poe. 445 N. 16th. Ph. 3-36-43. SEWING Dressmaking, In my home, all type, pn. 3-kwz. WANTED Ironing In my bom. 1911 N. 5th. 1-1414. 615 Situations Wanted LAWN MOWER SHARPENING COMPLETE REPAIR C & S EQUIP. CO. 90S Edgewater. W. Salem. 4-1541 THIS WEEK SPECIAL. Power mower sharpening, oiling s.ou hand mowers 12 25. Work guaranteed. 1930 Lewis. Ph. 2-014K. Pickup. WEIMALS day nursery. Llv. A Stat Inspected. Supervision A Individual training. 2-5015. IMMEDIATE SERVICE. PLOW ING DisuiNU. rn. j-.iu. CUSTOM plowing. 4 per hr. t acres or up. rn. -i..oi rvc. Bruc Gordon. 2374 Byram, RCHARFF BROTHERS Installation. Repair. Seivrs. Septic Tanka, Drain Fields, Power Ditching, Backfill. Ph. 3-5568 or 3-5072. ROAD GRADING k DOZING Hancock k J ,C, Co. Ph. 4-4.153 or 4-3793 SMALL carpenter fobs, good work reasonable. Ph 4-1424. HOWARD rotovator work. Ph. Bill nevens i-wo suer , PAINTING A decorating, low friers. 25 yr. In Salem. Ph. -7532. CEMENT finishings, free etT mates, no job too small. 4-0253. STANLEY 'AGO. emnt con tractor, all worx gusrameeo. Fre estlmatesPh. 4-1903. VINCENT C. NEAL Excavating Co. Excavating Grading. Ph. 1-1884 GARDEN prepared with tractor roiovaior. rn. t-"-.-. .... IrlckHirndblock work, guar- rn. s-os.ia LIGHT crawler doier. leveling grading. 3-7041 L. Kurth. LAND CLEARING D-4 Hr. aU r Mltch.ll Ph. 3.S337 r AaonirvTrn u.irk anv klnrf real. 4240 Maclcsy R(L 4-5 1. 1600 Kmnloymrnt 6H SifuotioM Went4 DOZINCJ 6 I.EVEUN0 fn I uuM fl PAN lilVM H PAIHTIHlj t-at lianflng. .if pall. I er rt.li.M fUa f. iat, leni.a. Nalaurt 1 SiHI J 11 PAIN UNO, papering Frae etll. ittalra. Ilt.n Lucaro, 3 -v.? J """"" "ill:l:T MiN'K Fapeitiy taid I'll 3 4.147 New lawns eoii.i.laie, fre ait 3 nil morn,, I Jml tv INCOME TAX Itl lUIN f'HKI'AriATIO.N I'h J MU uulij ibziNisTi; veIino I rl.ANI)C f4MH HPh J-4M3 s. 'i. " Fl shovel, eran. hoa. drg, line, IV tun mobile eranee. 1)4, III cats, carry all clear. Ing blad Ranlal contract or Hull prli as. SAI.TM SAND li CRAVEL I4ut N Front St Ph 1-3441 611 Iducotion DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT WK Nr.D several meihanlrll. Iv Inclined and reliable men to train fur poilllons In th Traitor snd tituipment In. duitry If you not mak ing bailer than 40 per week or you don't have all year job security, you owe II to your self to writ for free facts, without obligation, about this trslnlug and our advlsoiy Placement Service. TRACTOR TRAINING SERVICE Bo IU, Stalesmsn-Juurnal, 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Boerd I WORKING men for bskpg room. No drinkers, 40 N, Front. DOWNTOWN lovely rm. Lady, Norf-smokerJaS Marlon. B"oARDAroom for elderly or convalescent man or woman, lean Center St, CLEAN, warm rm. TV, clot In lit by winter. I-i.Ji WAN! ED -Man to room and board. 344 N Capitol. H(K)M A Board at tho Chalet. 340 N. Capitol. 4-3443, QUIET, near slat bid. A shop, nisi., an. pnv. j-isae. NICELY furn. rm. also bemt nsekeeplng rm. 434 N. Winter HOME away from home. Men Pack lunch, lout N. 4th 705 Aportmsntt For Kent THE LEE APTS. SALEM'S MOST DISTINGUISHED ADDRESS Bachelor unit available, unfurn ished, Pullman kitchen and bath with tub and ahower. p,SS0 4 N. Winter. EXCEPTIONALLY nlc. quiet, 1-bdrm, furn., apt. Large laundry, garage. W, Salem, 3-4347. 1 RM. furn. apt., all ulll. pd. 3-74M. 57 N. Liberty. CLEAN furn. 2 bdrm. upstairs flatadulta. 34 8. 21st. 3-7374. I'rm. Apt., furn. newly dec., uill pd. tUSJIarelApts. PJ1.JMHJ44. UNDER new mansgement: furn. apt., utll pd. except gas. $20 up. Ph. 4-:WO. NEWLY finished; 1 lg. rms. furn. Ph. 3-4342. 1 OR 1 bdrm. furn. court apt. All utll furn. Weekly or monthlyratesPh.3-4723 LARGE 3 RM. FURN. APT. CLOSE IN SO. PH. 4-361. CLEAN I Ic 1 rm. completely fum. pt. 234 Center. small nt. suitable for one. Sep, entrance. 435. Call be- tween 10 30-1:30 p. m. 3-3771. FURN. 3 bdrm. apt, pvt. bath. Ph. 3-4434. 1 RM. well furn. apt. for woman. Mod. conveniences, clean A comfortable, Util. pd. 424. Call 145 n. Mtn or rn. a-owe. COURT cottages-Jiving room, bdrm, kitchenette A bath. Laundry furn. 440 plus util. 2455 Trade. Ph, 4-74. J. VERY nlc. quiet 1 A 3 rm. apt Close In. 4tal S. Summer. FURN. 3 rm. apt., utll. Inc. 30. Ph. 3-773H. ism aiaie NEWLY dec. small apt. Cloa in. Lady. 4 rerry, HEATED furn. 4 large room apt. fciecinc connrvuoi.a, a.w .u.i dren. 245 E. Myers. LARGElurn, 3-rni . prl. bath A allutit pd. 3-7387. TbDRM. furn. apt., heat water Inc. 455. 901 Mill. Ph, 4-4351, COURT apt., extra nice, furn. 3 rmi. a Dm, ir, lory., pai ing avail. Inq. 1344 S. 12th. CUTE 3rm. furn. apt., real. 1433 court, rn. j-oiau. SPACIOUS 4 ROOM FURNISH ED ACACIA ursiuminia. 1140 South 13th. 3-7009. 435 N. Summer. 3 rm. lurn. bssm't. pt.. rnv. patn. FOR employed lady, 3 rm. furn, close in. 3-4505. 2-5273 eves. uljFURN. 1 bdrm. court apt. Range, refrig suburb. 2-2904. CLOSE, lrg. I rm. Apt., pnv. bath & ent util. im manon. COURT APTS Has private A modern aown iown auia. ..um 450 to 465. Ph. 3-7440. Inquire 693 Court "RM. furn. pt. wpvt. bath, newly dec. Ph. 3-S407 or 3-5834. SMALL 1-bdrm. duplex Apt., part turn., suiiame lor a or persons. No yard work. On bus line. 135 mo. Available nnw. 710 Chemawa Rd. Ph. 3-D994. NEWLY decorated 1 bdrm. mod ern furn. courx apt. era. " Salem. Ph. 4-6873 or v, 1-8743. 3 Bedroom, close In. Call 3-8138 between T A a m. or s . pm CLEAN 3-rm. front apt. Ground t r . rem., stove uinni furn.. priv.bath.Ph. 3-7145. FURN. 2-rm. Court Apt, . 441, 1065 Madison, 4-4734 FURN. 3 rm. Apt Private bath, etiB n. mgn FURNISHED 4 room! and bath r--ni.l l.in nleaaant Also bachelor apt., ground floor. Ph. 4-3271. 1 uim unit tn nlex. So. East MPtrie. oc range, fia. a iiwii. . , . ... nun 2-7520. CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BDRM. UNFURN. i nnoM FftRN APTS. 1165 Chemeketa Rt Ph. 3-4630 2 BDRM. unfurn. refrlg. range heat, water. Very desirable 460. 2152 S. Com'L Ph. 4-6339 706 Duplexes 9 ROOM flat, close to Meier Frank Store, range, refriger ator, garage, b'ment, fnr couple, 445. B. M. Mason, Rlt. 341 Chemeketa. FURN. tMrmground fir. Close in. snopping denier dw .. Bldg. 1332 Center.. . 1-BDRM. furn. court duplex apt. water A garbage pd- w Salem. Ph, 2-0034, 1 BDRM., iinfurntried"duplex Oil heat. Ph. 3-9077. 4 LARGE clean rme. Bus at door. TV.nt.aHi i enter. 2 BDRM. unfurn, slde-by-slde, gar,, yard April 1st. Ph. 4-3253, jROOM unfurn, flat. 1 block P.O. Inq. 656 Ferry. NICELY fiiriC duplex. So of town, s.-wi m fa. uoupi eniy CaU 1-9761. 700 Rrnlaln 707 Mout4 For R.nt f'liFY clean, small ho.u wa. tm A, gitMlf.l im.I Lll.vtty In. I i n i hl'ltM h.iuaa "oil l.r..l at- tacit, also g.rae on Mia. ai.m St 414 h, l.o3, f-l'.DNM 'ruling, stov refrlg", h.lwl firs, t iua in, I'h I mil 1 l.nillM (.uiia.,'r.ruiy re- arn.i.l.d, ml client!. .r, neal, .a rai.Sr 54 N, I (It. t 3 NrAT as pin, 1-b.lr.n. house, stove, furn , no yard, Walk Ing dial I nereon, t il per mo llhnii.el A terns, Realtors, 1.14 S l.ibeily, ph, 4-41(4, v, 4-4113, -- - I IIIIHM. unfurn hi.uae 455. Duil.ln Ave To Ph. 3-7SSJ I RliMM hae. Newly redecor ated, furn. Ph. 1-444 VERY CLEAN, new dec., water pd,, rang, trpl , rear I bdrm., baby ok, 1424 State, I-HI1HM, on creek, close In. tip!, refrlg, range It gsregs 4-ta3. l-HDHM ha, partly turn. Oil heal, Irpl , baamt., gar, So, 10 Ph. !-WM, VERY NICE I biiitn. unfurn. house, w-to-w carpets, van. blinds. TV antenna. Hot wtr. beat, adults, no pets Refer, encel required. Stat St. 3-5314 Sun. or after 4 weekdays. iIII)HM modern house, tent, leaae or tell. PH. 4-421 rbedroom, IMS Nebraska, 40 PIONEyR TRUST CO, Ph, 4-3134, I to 1 NEAT 1 bdrm. Kelrer, separata utll. A garag 4M. 1-47M , IDEAL horn, for elderly couple. Low rent, fenced, fh. 1-473. HOUSE for smsll family with upstairs, utility rm, modern East-water supplied, 3 mo. Phone 1-3MU, VERY nlc. I bdrm. wslove A rrlrlg, garag, oil heat, tngicwood, 434. Ph. 3-Jouo. CLEAN unfurn, l-bdrm, fhseT La, living room, 450. N. pet. Ph. 4-24H3. 4M4 StgU. CLEAN 1-bdrm. oil rlrc, 454. m Academy .i i-nii, HEDEC. furn. I A 1-bdrm.. doe to bus, Adults. Wuiet neighbor hoosd. 1134 Rug. 3-5377. PARTI. Y furn. -bdrm. Watr pd. 471. Leaae. 1,124 Btate t-HDHM., stove A refrlg. furn. SOS mO, 1-7431. i-HDRM. house,' 1344 Cross, Ml, Ph. 4-4K. I BDRM. house In court Unfur. except cure, slov A refrlg. III! Lee .iter 4 p m. 1 BDRM.. full bsmt, oil furn. frpl., garage. Close to schools A Hollywood Center. Avaliabl May 1st Ph. 3-311. 707-41 Furnished Houtes AVAIL. April t: 1-bdrm. h wlge. closets, romp. furn.. 4 mo. No pet. Ph. 3-444. 1740 Oxford. FOR LEASE or rent: 1-bdrm. mod. nous, furn. No children. Ph. 4-4143. FURN, bedrm. nous wbase menT, Central Howell district Ph. Salem 1-7140. 1 BDRM. nous., auto, heat, ba rn t. flrepL adults. Cm In. Ph. 3-5M3. I BDRM. horn, fireplace. T V. Antenna. All utll. furn. 40. 4010 S. Pacili Hlyvay. Phone 1-4440. 708 Forms For Rent BARN for rent wpssture. Inq. 2252 Mission. 710 Wonted to Rent Htes WANT to rent: 1 bdrm. house by May let. 3-3739. FURN. 1 bdrm. Close in. By April 15th. rn. -wj. PROFESSIONAL man, family want to less 3 bedroom horn, fireplace. Ph. 4-4501. WE NEED mora 2. 3 A 4 bed room house to rent all price furnished A unfur. nlshed. Many on our waiting list. W speclalir in rentals Center St. Realty. 1744 Cen ter. Ph. 4-4431 Eve. 2-7412. 712 Wont to Rent Aprs, 1 BDRM. furn. apt or duplex. Immediately. Must be very nice. Prefer close down town. Py to 4100. Ph, 3-4742. 714 Butinets Rentals OFFICE SPACE SIR MASONIC BLDG. STORE room. Slutabl for any kind of retail business or otficei 283 N. High. 4-3351. FURNISHED Office Span, Easv access city A freeway. 113 Lancaster. Ph. 2-4547. DOWN town office spec, itor rms. i wrenouse. 1-4114. 4-CORNERS Community Hall available, rn. 3-kui. 718 Convalescent Homes COTTAGE CONVALESCENT HOME. 2S3 N. Cottag. 3-7020. 780 Moving 6, Storogs Larmer Transfer k Storage Complete moving service. Alia genu for BEKINS Nation wide Movers. Ph. 3-3131. LOW COST storage H. L Stiff Furniture Co. 3-9149. 800 Real Estate 801 Butinets Opportun. Extremely GOOD location, established Trailer Court. 3-unlt apart ment bldg., 1 cabin space for 18 trailer houses. This la a good going business. L. E. Klumpp, Rltr. 3055 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-7641 CaUFJstrjdge. Eve, 3-6323 FOR SALE, by owner, active, profit making restaurant, fed eral income tax records svall able. Price 42 000 plu Inven tory. INVESTIGATE. Write box 915, Sattesman-Journal, 30 Acres N. Howell All In cult, with Irrigation pond. New machine shed but no other buildings. Best of grounds A lays level. 414,000. Three Cottage Court Double garage. Rented snd clos to shopping center, 115,- 000, Eight Apts. Rented Close In on Court St. Furnished. Full bsmt, Income 4,'0 mo. Would take in smaller home 436,000. Art Madsen Realty 1326 Slate. 3-5'.M. 2-4812, ESTABLISHED" dealership route 1 few days mo. to service. Good money maker for part-time work. Could be built into full tim lob. 41.000 will handle Box 937. Statesman-Journal. SALE or lease, equipped mod. v-cafe, on scenic hwy,-22, -seats 31. Tourist, local trade. Drive In. poss. M. E. Jepsen, Mill City, Or. WILL build to suit tenant, fire proof warehouse with railroad siding at edge of town. P. O. Box 168. tiaiem. 12th A llines, Inquire 2320 Fairgrounds Rd. 803 Suburban t.lflij 3 A. cult., 1 bdrm, hi. 11500 dn. Ph. 4-2334. P.00 Real Fla! 806 Hous.4 For Sale 1', A, RUni'RBAN DANDY Juat real nu-a suburban plac cloe-ln Has 3 rMtr.na Acre age siiitalil for building more bomea.. He barn with 4-enw ataiuliiona, poultry he, Fen.-rd Has trull, berries, gai.lan aiaa til snd (iiMid lern.s, I sll E.tiO Veater, Eve. 1-413 BEAUTIFUL TRI PI.EX BETTER THAN AVERAGE 1 furmthrd knls , owner's living quariera. r.repi, unie piaa leied gar , central utility An eacrllenl Invealmenl, Owner would rnnelder good, (malller hum cloa in aa trade, IM,. Am Call Cld Faulk, tie. 1-3434. Nelson & Nelson REALTORS 1340 I Commercial Ph, 1-344 OWNER transferred. Muat tell lovely bom In KngKwnod Dial tee t 1430 N. 14th. 3-443 For Sale or Trade 1 Bedroom Home latrg bedroom with wslk-l. eloat, living room, kitchen, bath, lrg utility room, glass beat Wired for washer A dry er Large front yard. 'I cr, Kelrer Ulilrict. has own well 42 404 equity trad for 1 bed-roo-n bom up to 4 10 004 Se l 1561 Alder St. or Ph, 4-4111 HOME & INCOME Older 1-bdrm, bom, with sP- rste turnisn. rental, cloa to bus lino, school A store Inside elty limits For fur I her tnformslton ph. 4-47J1 BY owner: Rent, leese, leaae with option to buy or for aale S bdrm., bath, living rm., din ing rm, kitchen, utility rm, full bsmt, with oil furnace very nice yard fenced Carport with storage rm, Hal price 414 000. Cn be bought on con tract With 4504 dn 1114 per month. House located at 215 Center. Contact owner thru Mr. Carl Lemke. Ph. 1-3250. 55 N. 14th St. SMALL 1-bdrm. house, low down payment. Owner will fi nance. Drlv by 403 Earl Ave. Call 4-730. FOR 8ALC or leaae' modern I- bdrm, home t 1355 Jefferson. Furn or unfurn. Owner leav ing Salem. Ph. 1-4924. NICE clean iSdrm. residential re. 4 yr. old. nil furnace, garage, fenced yd. 1450 dn. Ph. 4-4510. 47 450. OUT OF TOWN LOW DOWN PAYMENT New t tdrm . Isrg lot, I miles out. By owner and builder. Ph. 4-7144 alter 4 o'clock. MR. OWNERI Glen Woodry will pay top pnc. for your runs A appliances Ph 1-41 IS KEIZER , DISTRICT PLEASING l-bdrm. bom with dining rm., ww carpeting, good nook or eating space In the kitchen, attached ga , big garden spac A nice shrubs. priced low at 11500. Would consider trad for something mailer. Eve. call 3-774, days 3-4680. Ed Luklnbeal, Real tor, 433 N. High. ONLY $3950 . Neat and clean one-bedroom home with good add-on poe' siblhtles. City water and sew er. Bus by door. Nlc district, N. E. Call 4-1671 day or eve. STITES REALTY 3433 CENTER PH 4-1471 Walnut Pari Just listed. 1-bdrm , living room with lireplace, dining room, kitchen, iaundry, hot water, radiant heat, landscaped front A bsck with back yard pri vacy. One owner, completely redecorated, electric range In cluded. Wall-to-wall carpet ing. Located on N. 21st St $14,500 with liberal terms. $750 Down Very clean 1-bdrm. house near Stat Hosp. on D St., fireplace, elec. heat, paved atreet. close to school and bus. Full price 17,750, Abrams & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING Insurance Real Estate Mortgage Loans Office 1-9217 Eve. 3-4709, 3-7366 A real daylight bsmt. home. 1 bdrmi. on main,. floor, two mar tn bsmt If wanted, two full ceramic tile baths, a really larg living and dining room with a permanent view to the N.E., bkfst. nook in kitchen, two fireplaces, party room, etc., too many features to tell about her. Com and see It. 423.500. Owner, 185 Culver Lane. SACRIFICE 4 yr. old 2 bdrm. home, clos In, Over-sited lot Ph. 5-5574. BY BUILDER New 1-bdrm., nearSo. Salem High. 1-7071. BY OWNER Furn. l'i-bdrm. home. Inii. almost new auto. G.E. washer. 43,500. 1454 Che meketa. BY OWNER, builder. 3 bdrm., ige. llv, rm., firepi, din. rm., kitchen, Inside utll., til nath A att, gar. 2 years old. storm windows A screens, forced air furnace. On lge. corner lot with nice lawn, flowers A shrubs. Clos in 4-Corners. 412.500. 3-4774. OPEN HOUSE by owner. Nearly new. 1 lg. bdrms, 494 Oregon St. EOUlTY in older 3-bdrm. house with radiint het. loon. Owe " t5.m Oliver Br, 1WS Co lonial Avenue. Ph, 4-9173. UNEXPECTED change forces owner to aell beautifut brand new home. 3 bdrms.. huge liv A din. rm., wa view. Extraor dinary kt., auto, dishwasher. Full basmt, playroom 15x34. Many, many other dlx. extras Close In south. I'h. 4-9572. See any time, day or night. MANBRIN GARDENS New 3-bdrm.. attached gar.. " util., fireplace, birch cabinets, pavement, water, sewer, near school. 111,6110. FHA. 2-0108. BY OWNER, clean 1 bedrm. horn located close-in subur ban. 43 750 terms. Ph, 4-2293, - M r." K tggini. - 4 BDRM. home at 2630 Brook St , dble plumbing, dble. garage, Vi sere of ground. Price 46.000, i-.m. f-11 tint U I il.l..t MODERN 4 bdrm. house, nesr 3 schools, nursery, stores, bus. Insulated, w e a t h erstrlpprd, fenced-in yard, patio. Price reas. Ph. 4-6131 after 5 30. TO PLACE AD TIL 4-CS11 Jfl'-''pf' JiOO Real Y.nMti 806 Houi4 For Sol. IMS BEST BUYS 321 N. (IIUU'II fcT, I'HONK 4 33U EXCEPTIONAL VALUE New 3-lldriit, liuii.e. l, ball. Firep.ate la.g plaaturrd gaiaa FA oil heal. Ilirch kll.hen Oak tl'-US. M.Kln. ley School Dial, Us all your for 410.150 Call Mr. Cleofnid , Iv, Ph. 4 K)J0 LESLIE DISTRICT Nice 4-bdnn. ham. Living room, dining room, bktat nook ire Nlc. yard Out door fireplace. Cloa to schools. Only lies... Tall Mr. Hawaii, I.e. ph, 4-4131 EXCEL LOCATION Very nlc bom,. Living room, vimng room an am-ncn comb, FirepUr. Hdwd floors. Near achool and Iranap. tt door. I3O0 so ft At the low of 4100 Call N G "Dan' Uaak, Iv. Fh. 4-933. NEW BEAUTY - bdrm. plui lovely family room. Rklst. nook. Flreplai-e, J'a batln FA. oil heal In aulated Hdwd. floor. Among fine new home. Large lot Priced at SI,M. (all Wslt Jon. Kve. Ph. 4-74J3. CAFE SPECIAL . Popular downtowa Salem tor. lion, brad A efe, Beit of oulpmnt Show! good net In.-on.e Full prlr ut plus (lock or will trarle for motl or permanent rental. Cell Mr. Woodcock, Iv. Ph. 1-110. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Evening! 4-4020, 4-74.11. 3-43.1. 1-4046. 4-8131, 4-4451 If no mwr, Dial 4-2244 NS MORTGAGE LOANS FOR BUYINO OR CONSTRUCTION i OR A COZY SPOT ON THE DIVER ntc bedrooms up, living room, dining room, kitchen, brisk fast nook. Full basement with party room, double garage. I acre ground, owner will take small home In trade to 43 004 00. For ppolnlmenl to se call Dal Rayburn. v. 1-3041 VJIW LOTS WITH TREES On m ei.awuv 10 h,v w, -iao arc-re ici.b arvum. rer more ia formatloa call Che. Rawlins, v. 1-4234. BEAUTIFUL KEIZER HOMI-H.s room and dining room, Nice kitchen with corner (Ink. inside utility, til bath, attached garag. 3 bedrooms or S bedrooms and . den. On. of th best patio In Salem. 17 X 34 ft cov ered. Beautiful fenced yard with lot! of shrubs Varant, Im mediate poser-salon. Good terms, full price, 110,750 00. Csll Henry Rund to see, v. 4-17 J. I'a ACRI 1-BEDROOM HOME Iteel ceninel sink, electric water heater. Wired for elec. range. Larg kitchen, good bathroom. Located en pavd rued Im medial possession. Wilt trad for' city properly. T. aee csll Desn Klarr, eve. 1-71IM). Ill ACRE GRADE "A" DAIRY 403 lb. quo!.. 11 cows. 4 half rs, 1 calves, farm equipment, 300 gal. bulk lank. 4 units milking equipment. New milk house and 10 stanchion milk ing parlor, larg barn, for hay etorag. and shelter for stock. Good calf barn, modern 4-bedroom home. Good well, spring. Creek runs through place. 40 Acres cultivated, 44 acres in pasture, 44 acres grain ground, some fall seeding In. Bsl-an- 34 acres wooded pasture. Located close, to Salem. To e call Fred Rom, v, 4-7471. 4 -CORNER, DISTRlCT-1 bedrooms, t down .1 up. Nlc living . room, oining room, niicnen, larae loL eunvenlent inratlnn per mo Inc Int. Take offer A. H. MrElroy, V. 4-4471. l'i ACRES, I BEDrVOOMS-4l.00 try horn. Clos In Northeast Paved street. Electric range a no water heater facilities, to RAWLINS REALTY ACROSS FROM STATESMAN-JOURNAL 403 Chemeketa treet Office phon. 4-674 WANTED TO BUY THREE BEDROOM home In West Salem up to 18.000 or so. Havel 43,500 horn free and clear to trade Ralanc cash. BASEMENT ALSO t bedrooms. Living room. Kitcnen with nook. Firepiac. Garage. Near bus. Englewood re. 410.500. Term. 4 BEI)ROOMS-$7,500 BASEMENT. Living mom. Din ing room. Kitchen. 2-car ga rage. 47.500. Terms, Or trad for. cheeper home. 427 Ferry (List With Us) Eve : Mrs. Totten 3-4891: Frank 1-6668; Jlm Ramsey GRABENHORST BROS. LUXURIOUS LIVING WITH A MINIMUM OF HOUSEKEEP ING Thli 3 bdrm. home wai built with this In mind! It has many labor saving advantages - such as dishwasher, garbage disposal and built-in range. Also, G. I. washer and dryer Wall to wall carpeting and nice family room with cork floor and 1 complete baths. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON FA1RMOUNT HILL HOME in one of Salem I finest res idential dhurlcta. 17x30 party rm., daylight basmt,. 4 bdrms., 3 fireplaces. 2 baths. Easy walk to all schools. Owner would trade for larg older house, south. CALL H. K. LAYMON ARE YOU COOPED UPf-Then consider this excellent 3- GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 180 S. LIBERTY ST. PH. J-247I Evenings A Sundavt call Salesmen Mrs. Richardson 4-4986 J. E. Law 3-5113 H. K. Laymon 2-5193 STATE FINANCE 167 S. HIGH ST. BEAUTIFUL 3-BR home. En glewood Dial. 150 sq, ft plus garage. House Is completely carpeted throughout. Large liv. rm.. din. rm. Kitchen with GE Dishwasher. Tile bath. Beautiful landscaped yard and patio. Large corner lot Will take I-HK home In trade. Price 416,800. Call Stanley Brown. Eves, phone 1-5561.. 14950 Neat, clean J . bedroom horn close to McKlnlev A Leslie Schools, El, glagi nest. Good buill-ins- In kitchen Large ' garage. Hack yard fenced. Terms. Call O. V. Hume, Ives, phone 2-5206., 2'i ACRES East. 2-BR, home, barn A out building!, on pavement, close to school, 49O0. CsM W. H. Stevelev, salesman. Eves. Phone 4-2618. 2 bdrm. house, fireplace, garage, price 49450.. Ph. 4-5074., BY OWNER. Candataria. J bdrms.. 1 baths, beautiful yard with lots of oak trees 4-7:116 M'UITV In new iKdInTloi; toSt! Bltlg, Pli. 4-1318. BY owner, north, 2 bdrms. 3 years old. fireplace, hdwd firs, att. garage, 411x130' lot. paved treet, close to school bti service, I minutes from down town. A safe plac for chil dicn. Ph. 4-3320. f.00 Rra! Fslalr 806 Houi4 For Sale WK SPECIALIZE IN TRADES OR 1 7820 THROW AWAY YOUR PILLS! I , Juil what th dixtor orrtrlsd A cjuiet peai eiul a. iu.l.4 plac in it. hills Kutiv tree Year round creek Fiah pond it.M'ked with In. nt. Comfortable mrat log b'Hiae, 1 miles Nnrthweet. Priced al only 4MM tornplele (in niahlnga fr an a.tilitinnsl IiikXl. fall Mr, Crawloid. v, Ph, 4-4014, PLEASANT DAYS Ar ahead of you In Una lovely J. bdrm. home, F A oil heal. Hdwd floors, Near chMil A terrific buy si tm ( all Mr, Sword, Ev. Ph. 1-4044, 46 ACRES 4 screi In cult , I arre wooded Esrellenl bean farm Irng. water availahl lor 40 arras. Showed good net In l15. Bam, unfinished 4-bdrm home Near achool Offered I only H7.imo. Coll Mr, Stw rt. Iv, Ph, 4-4131, BUSINESS TRADE Owner of Ihli eonrret prod uct! set-up wilt trd tor mo tel In Oregon, Idaho or Waeh Ington, Well located In good Willamette Valley city. Sue eeaafully eperal. bustneaa tor 10 year Bldg; contains offlie and living quarter List of qulpmant Included. Good In come . Priced at 4 Ouo. Tenn. Call Mr, Woodcock. Iv. Ph. 3-1104. REALTY 5'4e with I bedroom, cou.4 to t Wt side, J00 . frontage, priced wall I. wall rarpet in living - Juit remodeled, new kltrhrn .itacnea garage, floor furnace. .VlMhton enntrai-t navskta, 4S on on down payment to see csll 00 down Buy nlc llttl. eoun see call Dean Klarr, eve. 1-7040. 10 ACRES NO buildings. South. S mile! from Ladd A Bush bank. Nuls. Lots of fruit 42.300. Terms. Ph. 4-2470: 4-3341. GOOD FOR BACHELOR ONE-BEDROOM bom with liv ing room and kitchen. Good roof. Old garag. Lot 40x110. Prired at 42.300. ONLY $100 DOWN POSSIBLE 3-bedmom bom (1 down, unfinished up). On 50x 175 lot In Swegle area. 44.500. rn. 4-io; -&tat. Office 4-33S1 Vlaslc 4-1470: Mr. Lohmann , bdrm. horn on Candalarta Full basmt. is roughed in and ready for plaster to give you n additional bdrm., family room. oath, nobby room. Llv Ing rm. has beamed ceiling and fireplace, lo see this love Iv home CALL J. I. LAW CIX)SE IN COI.ONIAL 4 large bedrooms, central hallway with open staircase, urge modern kitchen. Good wall to wall carpeting, full bnsmt. dble. garage. Pric 415,300. DOWNTOWN WAREHOUSE -12.000 sq ft.-Corner lot. 000 sq. ft. per floor, truck height, railroad spur, ideal wholesale location, parking lot anjarem. rrice g.m.ano CALL C, L, GRABENHORST CO. REALTORS PHONE 3-3151 4650 down. Modern 1-BR. ,1 yrs. old. Hdwd, fioors. Full base ment. Montag Furnace, paved j si. run uine eo.?u. rial. en.. P-'n'i"1'!,'.!!!1,' l'X", M4 Eves, phon 4-26)8.' 1500 down. Attractive I-bedroom home South. Hardwood floors. Oil floor furnace. Kitchen with lots of bullt-lns. Large lot View, FJMHi total price. "Call Stanley Brown. Eves phon 2-5561. $5260 5-Acr located on Ian canter. 71 ft. frontage. II j 60' 6" well and 5 H P. ptimp plus irrigittlnn pip. tn irrieate acreage. This is a well drained tract Ideal location to hutld fall O. V. Hume. Eves, phone 1-&206. , . Let ui solve vour home nccuTrl fa UlTIV'lTIO-tM D,lt TAB To Buy, Sell or Rent Csll Ph. 4-5743 1131 Edgewater Ph 4-7474 9710 SoComm'l NEED A CLUBHOUSE - STUDIO - SMALL -AUDITORIUM? This Is well built 39x24 bldg on a large lot. Across from a park. Move it or use as Is. parking area gatore. Plus clean 1 bdrm. house on dead end st Price 111 000, ColbatH land Co.. 317 Court. Mrs Weill, ev. 1-3734. Olfic 4-44UI. Kiatmmtn, S.tlnn, Orr Mori., 804 Houin For Sol kt llfHiUfti, MWiiuil filftutt. rtMt'totii li: I tivtliwmtt, liv ing riHHfv dining rm Ai4li tutf hvti bnihruMn. tl 1Hlmm ; 1 i f twtipt up I All! UK MVI ilFVffli ia A i oft M drop, ' Flift4 i lug , larsii 11.31 li IW, ktifihWtfw Av , Kaivrn, OWNER MOVING TO roRTLANI) Muat sell 1 yr, old , 3 bd.ms , liking louoi, fliai.la.e, Lalaa kitchen with eating- apete Near lllgtiland A SI Vliuenl Schools til IM Baa) Leurel Ph 1-I, $8,500 REAL I lot on Pvt. St Cloa in, SMbuiban Feat Has good clean 1 -bedrm, bom wlg In. aula utility A l iar g , plan, ly room here tor that Is far den. nlc neighborhmMf tve call 4-417, days l-MSfl, Fd luklnbeal. Realtor, 431 H, High WASHINGTON SCHOOL DIST, EAST NIC neat 1-bdrm. bom plu unflniahed upstair with 1 mine rooms Dandy fireplace oil furnace, large kitchen and lovely dining rm. Attached ga rage, separate utility rm, If lot. Garden spec I one sq fl fir space I aw taxea. I.et us show you Ihls home. Terms. Pnc. p 404. Ivenlngs I-1UA SOUTH SALEM. Nest 1-bdrm home l g living rm A kitch en. Cloae to ahopiun. center. Bua, .tlched garage Inclosed back yard only li.wt. tve n.ngs 1-404. Oregon Devrlopmrnt Co. lit N. Church SI. Pm 3-41.14 1-BF.DROOM home, bsrnrchlik en house A doubl garag. I acre, nice view. South on Sun meid. to Urea Hill Rd.. turn right, g. I I milea, hone en rigni. BY OWNER 4 bdrm. cacellent location, oil turn.. 1 baths. full basement, ww carpel garage, nobby green -houae elec. dish wssher. frpl, near achoole A shopping center 17 4, Court St. 808 Lots For Sals LOT for sal on Hgr Si 1-3640. l dn., IIS mo wwatrr. elec. General it. s. rn.a-.uiw CRF.FK lolsll4 ft. front 4d duple, locations, 12704. Wn Sn-ninrsky, Broker, fn, MADR0NA HILL Overlooking valley, view of four mountain, natty oa fir. mdron. Ph. 4-403 Emmet T. Roger, owner. 810 Forms For Sole 157 ACRES HEAL CHOICE, all WHUmelt A Che halts soils under Img Hon with Ire. water and I 411000 avatem with th plac. Kod modern buildings much tier than the average, be ur and look Ihi tin. farm ever before you buy, 433 4a) will haiylle. Eve 3-43.14. dava I-Miai, in l.umnoeai, neanor, S4.I3 N. Hlth. FOR SALE: 1 acres t Small I bdrm. home, 44,000 14234. WEI L located 1 to' lO-acre trorU; elect building site with view; to mtn. to city center; saner, Ph. 4-4541. ISO ACHE farm, no bldgs., lo- ca ed btwn. Turner t Aunis- ville. Mrs, Pearl Given, Turn or, Or. 145 ACRE farm for aale. li ml. from Brooks. Also 77 acre near Brooks. J W. Flits. Brooks. Ore Ph. Salem 4-3X113 1554 Down. bal. Ilk rant, I B. R. bom, on ooe floor, larg, lot. Bus tine. 15306. Knob Hill special, 1 BR horn. b ment, close to school, nice lot and lucatlon, 43430. Terms. 1 housea for the prlc of one. ltv. In one. rent th other, nig Income, clos -to (tore, bus stop, schools, best of terms 750. B. M. MASON RtL 341 Chemeket Ph. 3-8641. 1-3068. 1-3541 BY OWNER, nlc srre with new 3 bdrm. home.. Firepi.. forced ir heat. dble. gar., paved at. Prired below . appraisal. Ph. 4-7577. ULTRA modern horn In new Suburban addition. 4 bdrm.. family rm., lg. natural birch kit, breakfast rm., din. A liv. rma., built-in utilities, dish washer, I'a baths, 1 fireplaces, perimeter healing, drapes, dble. carport A shop. Call owner. 1-4436. 10 ACRES WTIX.AMETTK Soil, Central Howell Dlst Well drained land, good 3-bedrm. horn w fireplc, I-csr ga, A small barn, xcl wtr system, priced al 413,750. Additional joining land available Eve. call 4-3KH6, davs 2-4660. Fd Luklnbeal. Realtor, 4.13 N. High. 2 ACRES WITH I-bedroom home, t blks. North of Swegle school, Good well, out buildings This you must see. Prlc 1 6.300 L E. Klumpp, Rltr. 3035 Portland Rd Ph. 1-7611 Call Carpenter, Ev. 3-464 8T2Oeoflttoto NOTICE A NEW SERVICE HAS BEEN ADDED TO OUR OFFICE. We now have a complete set of Portland listings. If you wish to trade Salem for Portland or if you are moving to Port land, we will be able to assist you Call Mrs Wells, day! 4-4491, eve. 2-3734. LAND CO., REALTORS 517 Court St. Dial 4-4494 NICE view lot 43 a 117', Eola cha'nge for small acreage. Ph, Dr., Klngwood Heights, Ex BY OWNER, 4 unit apt hous. close In sale-trade. 4-3041, WILL swap my equity In beautU ful country home for custom built trailer houe or sell at discount, Ph, 2-336J. SKI, I. or tisile lor Salem prop erty; 2 bouses in Idanha, good repair. I bdrm. A bath. 3 bdrm,' A bath, wired for range. Write Mrs. O. H. Peikim.' Detroit. Ore. 3 Acre tract, best of land ex cellent country home. 4 BR's. . large kitchen, dtning. rm,, barn, Close to Silverton. 17, 7M. Good terms, trade for ctty property. 3 Acre tract wtttnrTThe city lirtiifs, city water, view. 49.. 230 Trad for residential property. 4-Plex. nicety furnished, rom- filete with bitths, .automatic eundrv facility, garages, large valuahle'lot. tU.M. Trad for L.rm Uiul, citv property, Pleaae note: We. can accept mortgages and contracts as part payment oh above prop erties. B. M, MASON. RLT. 3tl Chemeketa I'h. 1-1811, 3-3343, 1-3044 IlllliP April D, 'TA (erc. II) 0 lA) Autoinolive 131 Nw Cn DRIVE THE BIG mm Phaeton Th Smartest 4-Door Hard Top M b. Roe. McKINNEY LINCOLN - MERCURY 434 M, Commreial As lea) $2U..d Cars For Solo 43 BUICK Rlvler b.rdlnp. Special eeupe, 4-Mm. 1 4 H, dvnaflow good lire. Clear. See .1 Frete Building tup ply. Jeflerson FA 1-3JJ4, Eve FA 1-234. 41 CHFVr Beet offer UkTrt. 1-464. 1144 0lord. 155 V-4 FORO I r-er. 4-dr. Country aedsn. t ton., radio A heater, exc. cond , s bargain .1 tlltt. 44 Tame arai tr. HOUSE on wheels. 1154. 44 Ford, I'l. Ph. 4-X44. 14 FORD 'i-ton. new paint. good cowl, 4US. 47 "'Id! con v.. nod cond , tlli. 134. N. Blvef Rd. Ptt4-34I4 t 34 t HFV,3-dr aedan."' Cooal bunting or fishing car. Ph. 1-004. 4. NASII Ambaaaador. Fxrellenl rnndillnn, Will accept trad. Ph. Monitor 1-171. '11 FORD Ciainmlln. Radio, beater, .verdrlve. Perlrt Vry reas. lor ah. Ph. 4057. IxCF.PTioNALLV nice 'u"Chev. 4 Dr. 444. Ph. a -4434. , HOTROD'34 Ford etunh very good cond. Will take In trad, on '34, 'to or '41 Ford. Ph. 1-7734 eve. j BY Owner: '13Vord Rnch wgon. radio, boater A over load springs, plus other eitrae. Top shape, ph, 1-4W71, 1704 ' Fir St. FORCI of sale For '44 Dodge) club rpe. Coronet V-4, under coated, stand, trans, over drive. 1.404 miles. Sell molt 1,00, Bal 11 65 40 .1 454.40 per mo 434 Market. II MODEITa, roup., fair hpe. II ' tire In good Shane, aeal bams. 41 50. Ph. S-4UI. NEW A USED Union A Commercial Ph. I-3ITI '41 CHEV. club cpe , ' radloT heater. Clean. I04. Ph. 1-44U4, t74 Fisher Rd. 2W OR BEST offer by Monday takea equity In '44 Chev. Bel Air 4 dr. Equipped, balance! ; 3 payments. 4141 3415 Crest view. Ph. 3-47111. It BTUDEBAKER Comd'r. SAlT. uto. trans., priced t. IL Good cond. Pn. l-lffl. i OLDS! Club coupe, radleC heaur. Good cond, 74. 1744 N. 4111. FOR Hi by owner, 144 Cbry ler Windsor -dr. Very clean. Motor excellent cond, tJOO. . Cell 1-334. .i jon Oregon's Oldest Desler BEST BUY Used Cars Commercial ' A Chmkett Ph. 4-471, SELL or trade: 1951 Dodge t dr. 1451 Bulrk hardtop, pvt. owner. Priced right, Cll 1-1137 or e at 14J0 Wallace Rd. Bodvman's Special 56 Pon'tlae Star Chief hsrdtop. Miner left front damage), I1.D94. TERMS AVAILABI.I 1364 Broadway. Ph. I-4S7I 37 CHEV, tedan. Call 1-6Q34. 1 VERY clean cart, privately owned Priced lo suit yout 1951 Chev, Bel Air h'dt'p snort coupe. V-t Motor. Powergllde. 144 Sludebaker Sedan, lata rebuilt motor, radio, heater, 0'dPh' 4"4M' M . 1052 STUDEBAKF.R Champ. Very clean throughout 4s guaranteed. Can be seen .4 2H4S S. Com'l. Ph. 4-111. "41 CHEV. $65 PH. 4-2526 853 Auto Forts 4 Repoirs '53 DODGE Suburban tool '53 CMC Pickup 4t50 Can b financed. Ph, 3-3727 SINGLE axle log trailer A truck equipment SET of lumber rolls Rt. I. Bo 143 Woodburn. Ph. Monitor 2-272. rH7,.ton Ford panel. 42S1 311 W. Ewald. Ph. 2-35M. 854 Trucks, Trail, for solo 1934 FORD pickup witock nek, 1914 re-built motor. 1st 43 takes It. Ph. 4-7675 after 4 p in. 935 Union. BTonteaTtort, fTcTii WE'RE PAYING For Clean Used C'sri peM sot o- Not TOP CASH Boh Bill's" Utod Cars Union & High St.. 858 Motorcyclet '47 HD, OHV, low milei perfect. Reas, Ph. 2-4904. ftSTTloute Troilert WANT g.KKl 13 . to 17 ft. trail. er to sleep 4. Pay cash. 41 Chemeketa. Ph. 2-9670, iT-rT." metal trailer "house, ex cellent condition, 4445. 170 W. Browning Ave, 37' 3-BDRM." $2 500. Will accept turnllur valu 4t 000 Balance easy payments. Ph, 414 Inde pendence. EQUITY" 2-Mrm. homerexrt- if. for mod trailer home. 4;4t.S. '13aln for Trailers LAN A LANE, IIHfl LAN A AVE. TRAILER T()WlN(i IAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 1640 Portland Rd Ph -4Q4j KOZY NATIONAL .lEWEL , The twt for le. 15-4S ft. SF( URITV 1RAH.F.RS 4160 .Portland Rd Ph. 3-0641 VACATIONS Best Buy 15' Snails, tana lane Trailer l'iaa. 1940 Lena A. Ph. 1-4160. . Will Chevrolet Cadillac SMI