II) ii. Salt in. Oir , Nf on., Ajuil 0, 'Id Anniversary of Fall of Balaan Recalls Riller Memories of Early Defeats in World War II f CONRAD MUV. luff KrtUr, Th 'iH 7yley I !' Itdl anniversary W Hit M of IUtaaremm bered by many Salem art rtl Vols Ihn weak e a tu point fur Ameike mele I lh early, iery day a( World War 11, "Tlx herol tpie af Beieaa pen insula emlrd yesterday," rd th front psi lead (lory f T V.btm m rrWey. April I, JMJ, 'wild tht Japanese vk-torl-MM Ihrouih IN ihrrt everwhelm n wetkhl ef horde ef fretf trw-tn." A)!houk th M-l W the lo .of IN battle rged peninsula M tna amilhef a lip of Luu la IK 4 h. lupine we abetter, (tatcimia readers were sot act) lair by eempMe surprise. War Yeeag The war wee yaung and rnul ef th war I w bad ta Ihoe ' dart, m a dad bee aim the at- a. ta m faarl Harbor four meolha previously All through March and arly April headline told af th relenllete march at tht Japan ha the Pacific-Burma India artaa ad t)a Germaa advance la Af rica and la Russia. A false aote of nop was etruck In aa April 1 dispatch whir aald. t AmerVaa resistance la rising la tha I'hiiipplne ... and only la Burma is th Japanese enemy making progeria at consequence. But thia we not tha way things looked ta tut Laird, ao a Salem attorney, who la April, 1M2, waa going through the Ba tata debet aa aa army major. Sheet af feed "We bad been abort of food and uppllea lor months," Laird taid. "Mo of aa knew we vara at tha end ef our ror. and that It waa a maittr at tima befor IN ae 1D" While matter vara reaching rlimai aa Balaan, Salem arra residents vara dividing their In terests between tha war news and war-lime ectlvltiee. Salem merchants and civilian defense leaders eteged a "Victory r trade" ea April I. proclaimed by PreeMent Rooamlt aa "Total War Day." Soma 234 Japanese Amertcan wara being evacuated from thli arta. Woman ware r ttterinf at tha YWCA for "Kaep Jn Tit for Dtfcaaa" claaata. Caldaara Aaked Movia actor Lav Ayraa arrived t a conadentloua ob)ectan camp at Wyeth, Oregoa. Gen. Douflaa Mac Arthur la aa Carter mewaft from Australia aaked for "divine guidance." Prk control for all caaiamtr good ai being planned. Mickey Rooney la tha "Court ahip tt Andy Hardy," and Johnny K v ..... W - l,-"-"Vffl , f.if ; - -.. CageM Laird, (aleai alieraey aad aarvrrar of lb a "Death Marrk" aa Bataaa raadl 14-year-eM iateaaaaa telllag al (ad i Ik FhUlpplM aealaaala aa April f, ItU. Ulrd aarvrred ngara at ll-4ay tank I apead aaaatka la Japaa arlaaa ramp a. Car, Elm Bmltk baa declared laday aa Bataaa Day. Paper Laird la beWlag a la lella af eiaer Alia gala ha rarlflc war. iSutetsaaa pb4.) Welatmuller la "Tanan'i Secret Treasure," were packing them la at local theatre. ' April headline "Invader! Preaa At New Bataaa Line." It wu announced that Mri. Jonathaa Wainwright, whoa em battled Army general husband wu ea tha verge of turrendering hti exhauatad troop on Balaan. would broadcast a greeting to her husband from San Francisco. The general'! dog. It also waa reveal ed, would be givea chance te tlve a short bark to hla be 'trured master via ihort-wave radio. A bus line from Salem to Camp Adair wu being planned by city fathers for the announced two fold purpose of bringing mere business ta town and to qualify Salem for defenae bousing. Mayor W. W. Chadwtck organlied a "de fenae recreation program" for troop In thia area. AprU 10 headline-"Heroic De fenders Driven From Bataan." "Cut off from reinforcement, outnumbered by five, six. seven or even tight to on, tragically deficient In sir power, and ex hausted by short rations, disease and constant battle, i courag eous band of fighting man was forced to I bitter but Inevitable defeat," read the newsstory. Spotlight Shifts The news spotlight In proceed ing days shifted to Corregldor snd to other battle spots. Little new was forthcoming on the fate of the "31,833 American and Fil ipino troops slain or facing cap tivity" on Bataaa. But those days iftrr the sur render will never b forgotten by Laird, or by Walter Cadmus, now t Turner area farmer, but formerly i field artillery officer on Bataan. Or ty Harold Steven- ifcvrfo mate rougli snd rugged work easy I ' " ss. w.- tr -Saw mm light-duty 4 wheel-drive truck ! If you n4 m truck tHat will operate on the highway or take off acroae country ... if you want a four-wheel-drive tnirlr that five you plenty of load room, plus good look, exonomy, comfort -here'i your answer! Thia new Intiinational model S-120 (4i4) four-wheel-drivt truck will breeze up difficult grades -or readily f o through mud, tand and snow. And it may be fitted for a hoet of stationary power usea. - Yoult find thia light duty model a full brother to the famous Intiinational 4x4 model truck of 11,000 and 15,000 Iba. GVW. Come in and aee it, drive it-today! IWI LfLfLl. a laat4 an eH-track Wih I m yaa Ike SIC aienay ttit aaaratinf aa aaMlfttfegafiCf) ftejaa)y( Caaiplafely Ixtary-aeipawJ - local caavantow fully bocka wHk IH aril an aarvica. SaaMM Caarfa-VltiM Cab, araaa far driver ceiafart, far raaaiinaM an aaia, a Pall h-, -, an MmI pkkup aal nal 71" an l a" aa kadiat actary li.it.ll.. a laalty law Wy aa tab -lea Ikaa 3 inckai hif kar tkafl canvantianal nadal. a lalra-tasiaclly Irene, prapillar ikafti, unlvartal alnti, larinot. a UclaiUa INTIRNATIONAL i tp4 trentfar caia. sull-faraaa aawaf 1aka-aH eatianal. .a Oattaaal 4-aaaa trantintuwM wilfc Mt, ar lafl an rnj ht liea aawar lakalf. a Hth paHaraiaaia, hiajh atana 131 kerwpewar Slack Diaawn 240 a f Ina, iranoar. ( eOatleaal a.OOO-lk. Caawclty trant. atawnta winck, OptlMal rOOxIS an 0O.lt Hraa far atra Katalian, raa daaranca. All-Truck liuilt to save you the IUG money! PiiOL Tractor and Equipment Co. son, fie-aier mayor f Ifarritburg. a daraaaed They all made tha horrible and murh pulillrliad I later y "Death March" up I he Balai penlmul to nmy priaua rsmp. hurnvmg I he Death March only to lurcumb In s prion ramp waa tha Rev. Richard t artwrry, Army chaplain, and former pta tor at lilverton's Csibuli church, rsaky Realdeal Ktraruited from Islaaa jut before Its surrender wa LI. Col. George Clark, ( furmrr I'anhy area resilient. "We heard of th surrender order about 7 a m. on April I," said Ulrd who had been fight ing wilh th Mrs! rillplno divis ion since Christmas Diy of 141, "We were ordered to walk to the nearest road, which we did. There we were takea over by the Japs " Meanwhile the sinking of Ba taaa beneath h wavea of Jap anese sdvanres In In Philippines (Corregldor fell tha peit month) helped spark th civilian de fense program In Salem. Asabltleas fragrant "We mapped out sa ambitlmis program la defense against In cendiary bombs and poison gas," said Paul Hendricks, who wa ap pointed Salem's Air Raid Pre caution warden la early April of that year. "With the Navy practically' gone from the Pacific and the j.ntncic vanlHIw f.blna .... Ika I Philippines the west coast. In cluding Salem, became worried over possible enemy air raids ' Today Is to be t public holi day In the Philippines The mem ory of the thousands of American ami Filipino troops who died will be honored by appropriate ceremonies. It will also be a day of mem ories for the msny veterans of Bataan and for the relatives of men who did not come home. Moral Appeal I('(iicstc(ll)y Sec. Mil chell fldlTUN i- I.alMtf'lUi-reiary Mill hall said Suiuley lha "real hai" fur Amaru a i "ajipaal la j th UruMiimllled ai1e of Itiel world , , , raa be but ana level VilMinlu Tnlrlrh Sjnir Krfnim r Slalr Hluinjiln MACI r Ml AM", N i - laie H.e laav.a ).e kafauvar IM.nat has b H I'K ....a k..a lm hit en.ig.tu- H.t.u..y a-d pa..d l Ma h.' ..M,,.l(illh - pcthafa llammalal.akir.g U r.h In buy a frill Iwillla of Vitailil ,'U II. tallti) fiif anl waUrfil ena .il ,H .U nwiraJ ooe, lha lrllual Miti hall II4 a cornmuiA'ia braaklaal f 14. rramla ct alaa soti.ty, a Itiimaa (aiMi news papermens aiam-isium, that lha no lunger la "the aula (mm lairthead of lechnlial kneH-rfge or frrhnual aliiuty." 'The luriiinuniat wwld," ha said, Va inatih u Irsctor fir Irador la many place, la any economic contest, they have a disciplined, regimented, and flied army of workers available fur Im mediate action " This, he said, "should cause a redirexlien la aome af our own thinking. W have all loo bmt bea In th kabit of assuming thai lb measure of the eurreae of our political snd moral Ideals la the amount of material wealth pro duced within our borders. "We as a nation must look be yond 0i might of our production te discover Ihe real basis of our appeal te the uncommitted peo ples of the world. That basis can be on but on level th moral one. Ihe spiritual one, As we ap proach Ihe world, thai is the strength of our argument." Nevada, with a population gain of It per rent between April 1, ItU and July I. in had only so. on more people, but led the na tion perrrnlagewle. Don't Neglect Slipping FALSE TEETH Da felae laetb raa, all ar (taaihie wttaa sou tola. eat. iauaa a an nut Doe, t Ue aanoca an .mharntaan by .'Kb. rundtcapa. MaTUrm. aa alkaJlM laoa-eckll aoar la epfta, kle a ewir piaina kaTe 'alee caacai more Brmlr ac Ul.aa raai( rl. Inf a aaruniT an ac4 eamrora. Mo fumctif antwe naalf taata ar fl tna. uch runtXilt kaday at aa ruf aoualaf. M ' conlimlion for tA&Gfofafl v amazing Jncw Sill . SUB & famous non-slip Pul jrmtr tt ea Kaa Bircwl with Cat's Paw's "aalrarla T hiklnaaa!" MuTolila anlaa waiN tree kail wear Ian' , . . Inav're alerpmuT, nnai Wiarklnf , tna. Aak foe klk-mllle batf aa M aala be MM . . . Saw luv foe all Ike facaUx'S ahoaat 1H , foe "ulna IIW tl euehknv anmftiH, lna woar an aura fiMilact aafale, lhara's smlhtnl like Cal Pa wu lip rubbae baal. riiai Iwla frtiaf etna) efippla dauhla-faail Ho, a all Ihe faaaila'a aboaa, raplaaa rua oa aawla wilh Cat's Paw , . . Ihe top fuluy rubba baala wilh "awe baaal" Cafl Pew Aiakkar Ce, SUtkaaaa, kt. NOW! at your favorite Shoe Repairtr'i AND ON NIW HOteV. TOO I ftaljBaWas1 akai aaaaasSbaMa dBaawaicaiaa - " - - - - -- -- - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaj SaasaanBrV aacafaaptaja Baaj-aajcaB ; ; jj. ' W'fHWil'.'c. . h V J '"'niWiw 1 V-1 , V k'" '' ' This k a cowrplet Motnriner Spociol Six-passngr 2 -door Sodon with Unique Two-ton) paint ... Oil Filter ... OB Both Air Cleaner . . . Positive Action Windihild Wiprs . . . Tom Indicator . . . lifeooord Sofery Feature. Tox . . . license . . . Interest and CorryJ big Charge ioduaed. Here an hotiMt to-goorlness full size ix-passenget sedan. See it at your Ford Dealer 's NOW! You can get it at an honest-to-goodness low price , . . the lowest price of the low-priced three. All you need is one-third down or trade, 30 to 32 montha to pay. And your present car should more than covet Ihe down payment. So why wait. Come and get it! Price xrr wary riiobn, , 4., p frr. VALLEY MOTOR CO. Center at Liberty 22SS SILVERT0N ROAD Salem, Oregon