I II Answers to Crossword Puzzlo DA awa' .1 c cicvv. iriKinu u CIE L AiDO n: 'NiAiSiA L .ElMMLIAiyt AM1J RiAlL 1C I T !C C.UiTCR;E NiT trRsfclEUPtets)? m - r il. iij.l. iuii u iu au i M.bi i i inu u r ii TldllJE OiDnAtelE T AiLOS I ElA MIElR . ..' ' 0:PiAtmMOiOALpOEMl LLMOftO C Rl's TPBJA7T I AC U;ILE E.AP ACf H A'CjT E;Ci jTto R TjuEjL; S CA L AjR ZJE RA TlEXtl. EEhSJI l2f-ri STC:R EJT EL.B OS A TjC H JT : EI&iOiNftf WiElE : prtu TiTie RflH ar C;OM IleVA Ll RSMTE) ERSE 1919 Hungary Rebel Boss Victim of Stalin STOCKHOLM, Sweden I- Bela Kun, leader of the unsuccessful Hungarian revolution of 1919, wax executed in Moscow after a secret trial IS yean ago, t prominent Hungarian Communist said Satur day. Dr. George Lukaci, 71, profes sor of literature and philosophy at Budapest University, said hun dreds of Hungarian and Polish Communists were sent before So viet execution .squads or thrown 1 1 Into jail with Bela Kun as Stalin was rtriking at Russian and for alirn rnmmnnistj alike. He ndrifH that aubseauentlv Beta Kun was sentenced to death and shot in 1938. "There was no mention in the nrr.i of the trial or hit death sentence." he said. The Soviet Communist party newspaper Pravda restored Bela Kun to the ranks of revered revo lutionary heroes last month in the process of rehabilitating the mem ory of the victims of the great Klalln nnrff of the 19.T0s. The ar- ! tide Draisina him. however, did tint av how he died. Rpla Kun fled to the Soviet Un ion after the Hungarian revolution failed. He lived there for many win it is known, ana was an official of the Communist Interna tional the Comintern. He was destroyed by Stalin, pre sumably as a Trotskvite. In Sta lin's rewriting of history Bela Kun's name was erased from So viet 'and Hungarian communist accounts of the Hungarian upris ing. VI Urn. N O OrOChan.ND DRS. CHAN ana 1AM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs. 407 Conn St iiftta epsa Sararday ear? 1 a.aa ui I (jb.: S to I as. Ceasariatloa alood prassar aad arlat tcau aft free at charge. Practiced etaee '17 Wriu Im attractive lift Ma 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notice BAllA'I WORLD FAITH Information Ph. 3-6344 312 Lost and Found COST: I mo. bid Beagle," fe male. In Candalerla dim White with black tt brown Call 3-84. RewartL LOST: ' mo. old PeklngrM Tuesday t. G'rvais, brown. It black. Reward. ISO 2nd St . Cervals. 316 Personal ' NOT responsible for debit other than my own. B. J. Stewart. IWCOMErA XESIA r you oval paying yours? Ph 1-4743 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. t. 20H8 N. ComJ,3-4Hl ALCOHOLICS Anonymou. f S Commcrcul, I-1UH ar 4-7347 MADAM FAT IMA" PALM. CARDS. PSYCHIC ADV Tail! pat present It futura Advice on all matters. SPECIAL-IS complete reading $1 with thin ad, for limited time only. Ba wlaa. 3119 So. Commercial across (rem Raa . dall'i Chuck Wagoa. TOO MANY BILLS? Don't let your bills tat you In trouble. If you're behind In payment!, we can help you No security or coiignen need ed One place to pay all bills Pay only Wial you ran af ford! (Bonded and Licensed ' for your protection!) CREDIT CONSULTANTS falam 1-tftM for Information 402 Livestock far Sale Salem Meat Co. locker beef. Custom killing, cutting Si wrap ping, trailer loaned free. HEREFORD "reglatered "cow St call tr yearling 1eer. 300 termi. Ideal lor 4-H boy. Ph 1-4521 or 3-3480. 2 GENTLE work horses, aeveral gentle aaddle horses, I gentle burrow. 1 Springer cow. L. C. Edwards 474 Silvartoa Ad. "DIAT8ir TO PLACE AD 100 Disploy Classified Apache Indians Wake Peace' SAN CARLOS. Aril. (-Fifteen Apache Indians, members of the last tribe to surrender to the Unit- ! ed States, made peace "with the ! ttrhit mnn Qatnrrinv in th whitp I i man's way. .They formed the San Carlos Apache junior chamber of com merce, believed to be the first all Indian chamber in the country. The thapter, chartered Satur day, will bend its efforts toward rodeos, saddle and gun clubs, set ting up recreation halls and simi lar civic hoopla. I tfWli' I i ONLV IUN0NIW I56a2$3 SEWING MACHINE I Ja.Mii"iii'M"-rf'"!ll'."'fcl""', om jSl ' eaeraatwa i f fi!-im-im0-' I YrTA aaunoiamrl J V I t r jL ""yitiau nam 'i LOCKER BEEP' Sr I SALEM I SALEM MEAT CO. I MORSE SEWING i 1325 So. 25th St. 1 CENTER ff nr 2001 Falrgreundi Rd. Ph. 4-710? mi $MM a ff i e suetONiaMet I I eO T a anniMU MHal I I 0 0 a amaTi laveaa SlTS ewewaea-atvien VA" iieaiam m md wmt m" nanaMi 0 "oV" T I Starting TONIGHT the Bell Telephone System presents a New TV Show that the whole family will enjoy together TELEPHONE He first of these true-life dramas is The chuckling, heart-warming tale of an Immigrant who converted junk into shining success, then found he had to compete with his sons to win their respect Starring Lon Chaney, Jr. John Nesbitt, famous story teller and winner of Oscars, introduces each storv. Today at 3:00 P.M. KOIN-TY Channel 6 M DODGE Suburban Can ba tinamwa. fn. J-JH roH SALE:. 1047 Bulck Super 4-dr. feriecx unape. yo. iw day only 13o7 Hinea. U BU1CK Hiyiera harduip. Special cuupe. i-t"i'f. K n. dvnallow, good tir Clear. See at Frexea Buikllngi Sup- lv, Jefleron. rA T-M.I4. vea. FA 7-1M5. rOR SALE: IBM Chev. J10. light blue. 4 dr. adn -ww tlrc healer, radio, good conU. SI OHO. 4-im 8RLL or trade lor Salem prop erly: I houses in idanha, gooa repair. 1 bdrm. Si 'bulh- 3 bdrm. St bath, wired (or range. Write Mra. O. H. Perkina, Detroit. Ore. LOT for aala on Hager St. 1-W40 ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED Too Late to Classify liJ 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock tor Sale RF.GISTERKD Jemey helter llh papers. Sired by Imperial Ra dar. Frenhen in November. Call 1-lMf. SADDLE hnre. kid ponlea, Welch Ik Shetland; M head. Some giHid aaddlra. Cnnider " trade. What have sou. ClUrf ple Auction Barn, ml. 1 of ball park on Airport Rd. FOK SALE: It Cheater White veaner pig". Real nice, all i geldrd. I mile eaat ol Bronki. " Prt. I-W4X. Ar T.'-teyr.- Rt.'i," Box CM), Brooka. Oregon. BEAUTIFUL black yearling colt, i, Shatlana 'i weicn. Ph. i-mi. ' 1 FRKEBVRtlFR'S LA.Y F RANCH ABERDEEN ANGUS Selling at the Slate Fairground!. Salem Monday 1 p.m. mree Fine Aberdeen - Angua Breed Cowa with calvea. Two Top Quality Bred Hellers, and a Real Typy Bull.. WANT to, rent: 2 bdrm. house by May 1st. j-j3S. 1 RM turn, apt., all util. 3-7IM9 aw n. Lioeny. Pd. WORKING men tor hskpg. room. No drinkera. SS) N. Front. WKIMALS day nursery. Llv. St State inspectea. supervision Si Individual training. 1-MlS. CERTIFIED combination Weld er wants ot conairucuon or mill wo'K go any place, rn. SI. Paul 301. TO MOVE OR WRECK. Build. Ing 14x54 It. Iocs lea ai ii.ii Edcewater. Sea Joe Hutctil' son, Rltr. 13J FT. ornamental 4 ft. fence. ateel gate pouts. Oregon Motor Courtel. 3230 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-3340. FOR SALE: davenport, chaira, table, plrturea mtac. rn. lor details 4-4)414. ' S MO. old Redbnne coon hound. House broken, fentie, nine. S3. 4-5020. WIDOWER wishes to corre spond with lady as lo . Rnx DM Statesman-Journal. '41 CHEV. $65 PH.- 4-2528 430 Merchandise 453 House Coeds for Sale USED stovea parte for aala. Pn. J-44J0 lu7 tth. DN. will-buy S rooms of furniture complete with ap pliances. WOODRY'S THRIFTY USED FrRMTl'RE SIS S. Com ! SI. Ph 4-331I INIJkID Lin... II JSper yd R L. Ellslrom Co . S6S S. Lib erty. . MAPLE dining seC extends to S Large ehroma table s"n ". sasst. WOODHY S THRIFTY USED Fl'RNITl'RE . ll J. Comi St. Ph. 4-Mll INLAID Lino ,11 M'per "yd. R L. Ellstrom Co., m S Liberty INLAID Lino.. I1M per sq yd. R L. Ellstrom Lo, jm a. Utt Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., April 8, '58 (Sec. lI)-9 430 Merchandise 456 Wanted House Goods 430 Merchandise CASH FOR FURNITURE VALLEY FL'RN. CO. Pl I-147J 457 Radio end TV" NICE Duroc weaner piss. Call a-iina , . FOR SALE or trade, gentle ponies for children, also goon aaddle horses. Bob Franks. 905 N. Water St., S'lverton. Ph. 3-S134. PROFESSIONAL horseshoer. Lee Hanson, 4-0724 or 4-SOSJ. aklFNTIFtC rIORSESHOF.Ymj Tix iHivxry. pa, i-ssm. 403 Uestock Wonted CATTLE horaea. at your larnt E C. McCandUsh, Bt t S-S1W JATTLE buyer, A t Sommer, 120 Harmony Dr. PJ) 4-90S1.' CATTLE buyera 4297 State, t. H. Snethea. I-134S, 5-4380. UVE9TOCK buyer. Cl Mia Id" wards RL S. Box KW( 4-1111 404 Poultry ond Rabbits CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultry. Wa buy rabbits wing a, U Stale. Ph. 4-W1S FRYERS FOR SALE $1. PHONE 24112 100 Display Classified ultra SEWING MACHINES BOUGHT SOLD Jc REPAIRED ; A Machine for Every Purpose SALEM BABV CHICKS. lSc atraight run choice of Parmentera. New Hampa., Whit Rocks and Leg horns. Soeelal New Hump and White Rock pullets, ltc Par enenier red rooster, ac VALLEY FARM STORE . Ph. 4-4M4 Salem 408 Pets' KF.NMORE- vacuum cleaner. 1S 85. Ph, 1-70S7. I Dealer. I METAL Kitchen cabinet .. SSS WOODRY'S THRIFTY ,USED FURNITURE 415 8, Comi St. Ph. 4-H USED dryera S!l7aiso used rangea, remgeraiora i at l v. aala. Some 'S3 appliances Mt at a big discount. LEE S ELECTRIC 3.180 N. Lancaster Jl" FHILTO, Antenna W rotor ft hnnnter, Bargain. See at 140 Lana AvePh. 4-42SS. TV SETS, used, real bargains. -47 aV at Inch aires. All parts Suaranteed SO daya. No money own. Easy terms SAH Green Stamps. Mater Service Sta tions. Inf., JUS N. Commercial. 459 Da It Yourself U-Fix-It-Garape Phone Repair your own car 4-.V.KI tttS N Comi 430 Merchandise 472 Wantedf Mi. 460 Musical Instruments 451 Building Materials AUTO, washing marhlna, food cond.. SW. Ph. 4-QKU. WALNUT 4 poster bed complete wnn ox. apga. mail. a-w. Cedar cheat with tray S20. Sida chair SI 50. China table lamp S3. 3721 Harvey St. Ph. 7-4311. K1RBY vacuum cleaner, like new. S2S95. 1UI N. Capitol. Ph. 1-707. (Dealer ! REFRIGERATORS & rangea, reconditioned i guaranteed. , S3SJ5 ai up. ' WOODRY'S THRIFTY USED FURNITURE IIS S. Comi St. Ph. 4-3311 USED Maytag wringer washing machine. g4. call 4-o.iui. WATER HEATERS New CE fast recovery water heatara table top or upright, at LOW, LOW, LOW Prices! No Down Payment. Easy Terme. SAH Green Stampa. Master Service Stations Inc., 365 N. Commercial. 500,000 FEET New. fresh-milled old Si eeeond growth lumber 14 to till in I la t4-foot. lengths Delivered prices Salem. oer Ihou minimum Te Mullet 8-1 t"se Overhead steal laraft" (mora with hardware, JU. in stalled S4I5D Gnlvaniied eve trough. I!g par EPP1NG LUMBER CO. J740 SILVERTON RD. PH. Mia ELIX wall Heatara. 15 off ll- 32 sink con.o eea3 Garbage OupoaaL Sa Fibrt pipe. 0e as S4c ft 14-1 Usam ex. 4c ft. Door chimes. ,otf. IJ-I Loomex. 4 It. Light fixturea, 2J" ff. Out ui haes. lie. S dc. bath eet, 1135. M SaL elec. water heat er, S65 Wa thread pipe and rent Celger countera. Anen Electric ts Plumbing. 1410 Broadway. Ph. MM Open Frt a vea SaL till S. IliO BARGAIN 0 MYLAR Lovely l-ft Knahe grand in fig ured walnut. Make Oder. Fine S't" Steinwsy. Rebuilt at rertnlshed , Hammond Bolovox used. Some good upright pianos. Mak oner. WORRELL ORGAN SALES It SERVICES Organ Department, HEIDER'S Home t Wurlilirr Organs LN'' "H PH. 4-7t UPRIGHT piano. Good condi tion. Phone 1-44011., WANTED. IH1 used bricks. Lea L Brant, ft L J. Box 4. - Inn. WA'nT'ED ; Polt ...arid pill'"! , stumpege. Terms, cah. Iste-drrmrycr-Martln Co.. 7 1 1 Portland Trust Building, Port land 4. Oregon. 474 Miscellaneous CT)T down targe EnHh Wat nut tree for the wood. Call 3-a.llS atler S p.m. ADDINU macnin ch rema. Clary, werairgrounde s-tiVS. ' DF.VTAL PLATE REPAIR t-HA SERVICE IN MOST . CASFS DR HARRY SEMLER. Denliet AdoltA Bidg. State Cnm'l Sta. SALEM PH e-.Vllt MUST aell Fender double neck sleel guitar ampl., eaee. :'. Take bank contract 1-U2:u. PLAYER plana In good cond. Ph. 4-1484. OskD "uplsM pianaTlOS. 1SU Dallaa Rd.. MOORE PETS Cockatlels, Goldfish. 4003 SUta. 1 REG. female. 3 rag. mala Boa ton toy bull terrier puppiaa. good breeding Una, Mother, waa a frea whclper. 75 ea. May ba seen at 4145 Portland Rd. COLLIE puppies Ph. I-S271. 7 weeks old. 14 MO. old German Shepard fe male. AKC regiatered. Phone 4-5380 after 4 p.m. YOUNO parakeets, cages, feeds. Mickey's. 3825 S Com. 3-1755. PARAKEETS. Cages at Supplies. B at M Aviary, 3345 Haywood. Ph. 4-5425. Rare PARAKEETS Normal 243 W. Browning. Ph S-MS7. BIRD Paradise for Nrda, cage supplies 3180 Livingston 3-1143. 410 Seecfs and Plonti CENTER 2007 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 4-7101 m-m BUY TODAY! We'll Give You More Than Trade-In Allowance on a Set of New Allstate Cushions, Black Walls or White Walls. SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO. 550 N. CAPITOL 4793 PRIM roses It Begonias. Lardon Lana. Ph. 3-8247. tlim . knlll. an.lr aav 4 ST. sa WfW vajss.iBi aav mm? m, saw Bulling. If you've got to have the babies candy be sure the wet nurse la under s ft. un mentlonable amount of gifts with purchase. Huston's Nur serv. Route 5. Box S9. Ii ml S. of 4 Conwra on hlway 33. 1 mt. left on culver Ba. USKD Conlon mangle. Like new U0. Salem Ironnte Co., mi 8. Com i Ph. 4-875S. DISHWASHERS - New GL Mobil, made automatic dish washers. Spaclal while they last 118. NO DOWN PAY MENT. Easy terms. FRFX 14 day trial. We'U furnish the aoapl Master Service Stations, Inc., 385 H, Commercial. CHROME din. aet. rafrlg., auto. washer Si dryer, miae. ar ticles. Like new. Ph. 3-7404 or tvea, 4-4410. EASY Washer wspln ruue. A-l cond IM, Ph. 1-J1JI. BOX Spring It matt . 330. Used noap. Deo, si, giga rioneer Dr. Ph. 4-4047. 13" painted eedar ahakea S3.lt aaj. Ixll S. I !. I I. try cedar boards 1139 40 m RL fir raalng 4e lln. ft Iron roofing .,lS0 a Cedar aninawa w q. No 1 313 lb rompo roofing a i nmwr No I RL Oak Fig K217 M M No. I RL Oak Fig 3I3S.M M .xie K. O. Ceddt Siding fiaaaaj sa 4x8 an. -A" grade ntren piy. "A" frada Birch Doora .. ai re ew. "A- frada Mahof. doora a-ae a. "A" grade Beach doara . 3413 ea. a 4x1 plaaterboard 1 e ea 4x3 -ln. ply. ahtg.. U XI ea. 4x1 tt-ln. P'y- sht. 13 40 ea. f 4x3 '.-In. ply. Ihtg S3 45 ea VOQ aire piysrooa cui hi rour order. Ne atra cnargw. OPEN ALL DAT SATURDAY C & K Lumber Yd. Lanraater and Center Ph. Salem 1-1303 ' VACUUM CLEANER. REPOS SESSED ILECTROI.UX. BAL. 2SM. 1 35 PER WEEK, PH. 4-7103, DEALER. APPLIANCES Used washers. ranges, freerera, clothea dry era. Ironer. No money down. Easy terms. S Si H Green Stampa. Master Service Sta tions, 343 N. CommerciaL GOOD Montgomery Ward con ventional washer, 2S. rn. 4-3733. rOR SALE, Solid Mahogany chair with rollers aV reclining Deck, 119. Ph. 4-U4S. GULISTUAN rug at pad 13x11 Roaa beige cut for fireplace. Wonderful condition. 1334 val ue for 103. Ph. 4-1834. FORSYTHIA. Urge bushes 11.35. Aiaieaa. Camellias. aV evergreen shrubs. Warlngs Nursery, 1025 Oakhlll Ave. turn W. from So. 13th St. 'i mi. So. of Mornlngside Sch. PERENNIALS & Swan Island Dahlia bulbs now available. A. Plant Green Houses. 1291 8. 13 A Plant Graenhouaea Si Florists Garden supplies aeeds plants 128S S. 13" Ph. 3-4470 Eva St Sun. 41 2 Fruit & Form Product BEES to rent for polllnlratlon. Strong swarms. Ph, 3-4683. Vacuum Cleaner - Tank Type GEM seed Si small eating pota toes. 11.50 up. Burbank at Red. 4c lb. Culk SOc aack. Berry wire 2c lb. Ph. 4-1193. PASTEURIZED whole mffk, 730 gal. li gal. 40c. delivered. Cleary Dairy, 1-3033. 413 Fertilizer CHICKEN manure, Sor sack or 3.50 yard. Ph. 1-7371. I Vacuum Cleaner I Clinic and Sewing Center 453. Court SL Ph. 4-5502. l BRAND NEW NECCHI PORTABLE E 7 SAV 8 t. MANURE: afed rich numus No weeds. Real soil builder for lawns, gardens Ph. 1-0331. PEAT MOSS with poultry drop pings only 75c per sack. ' VALLEY FARM STORE FRESH or rotted manure. Rich, fine manure by aack or yard Delivered or at farm. Phillips Bros. Rt. S BOX 483. Ph. 4-9(1111 ORGANIC FERTILIZER ODORLESS BY SACK OR BULK PHONE 3-3155 dflTFerm Equipment WINE davenport It chair, excel cond., gossip bench, floor lamp, table lamp, lamp table, use N. ,T4th. G. I. Washer, like new. Auto matic timer. ISO. Call 1-4843 after s:3 p.m. . REPOSSESSED 11" table model T.V. set. Reliable customer may assume bal. Batdorf's FirestoinelO State. Ph. 3-853 l-rc walnut dining act Ext. table, also 3 rockers, m. 3-3710. 8TUYVESANT upright piano. excellent condition Ph. 4-1840. UPRIGHT piano for" sale, excel" cond. Ph. 3-7374. WILL trade good violin for tenor or alto sax. Call 3-8014. GOOD upright piano, 4100. Sea at 33SI Duncan Ave. 462 Sporti Equipment- 14 FT. glaaa bottom boat, trailer - witn wtnrn a air. nam o-w. Alia AKC Ree. Britain Bmmel SMI. Ph. 3-84S before noon. FOR "SALE "New 508 lb.' boat trailer w11" wheels, rn. 1-3348 tvea. Cigarette Burns t Renaired Wt can repair those unalghHy $ mirna on any noorn auriace , in yo'r me or "flee. ,( 40M State St. Ph. 1-TOfil Prospectintr Supoliea ' Gel gar aV Scintillator counter ( mirerallebta - Merevr - e- i te-ora frea tnformatlon f DECTRONICS INC PH 3-808 i ' 880 Lancaster Or , aJTtTlFieT WINIXIWS & SASH 14 FT. boats, factory prtca $145. 1885 Birch wood. 3-8MM. FOR SALE, very old violin, an- tique, can ai awFBnai. ffSH-YET-PUV tl-ft. utility boat, complete with motor, trailer, all pur pose fishing boat, plua recrea tion, too. 4414 Gardner Rd.' n - i . - 13 H. P. Outboard motor with controls. J7. Ph. 4-7337. CASH oald fo used tuna, mad- am ana antique ti Mere. 1231 Broadway West Salem Fuel Co. ; Sawdust blower ar vush aui Plaaat and Pond UUee- SPF.C1AL , H Semi-Dry Block 4d Slab. " 1K5 Edgewater h. l-4Wt ) WANTED aeveral thousand twrlg i of wood, all sperles Ph 3-7 UL J Nights. 4-4433. HIGHWAY Fl'FX CO. J sawdust a wotiu a-xea -j Canitol Fuel Co. it Sawdaat blawet ar push sal if Choice slab and blocs mixed .' .j 1418 Broadway Ph lr.31 " SAWDUST tor sale. snit soVC . Eush awl. 1L rn. Gervala " lit ANUFRSONS slabwowl 3-7751 ar 4-3854. Pa. PICK-UP-WOOD. Ph. 4-301. 500 Bus. & Finance S10 Money to loaa 1', H P. General electric impul sion reduction motor. Its pul-ley4-3S3L A very a4l'sILP. IVlnruda boat motor, also nearly new I H. P. Evlnruda motor. Call 4-7544. FOR SALE Matched aet ot foil clubs St bag. Ph. -tii. 33 004 te loan en good I mort as re as, eiason iv ra. j 3-sMt. ; Used Sash H up Transom Windows ...... S3. ea. Dble. Mullloa winaowa wfrsme .......... 13 View Windows ...3150 it up Used No 1 aV btr, lumber ese per m Vntfline Final Tods Si SALEM TENT AWNING Rl 14 UBEirTY PH S-4788 BOAT I3'a ft. plywood, aeml V hnttom. 41 In. beam, signal Ughta, Urp and plenty of extraa. Ts.E nbe trailer Phone 1-4.133. 4015 State. Call aveninga or oa week-end WANTfTD, IS MM movie cam era, rn. airs saiem, 1x4 Celling or flooring 1x4 Bhorta le lineal ft. la lineal ft All kinda used Pipe V to 4' VACUUM cleaners ... 14.50 Si up WOODRY'S THRIFTY USED FURNITURE III S. Comi St. Ph. 4-3311 UNFINISHED furniture Still f urniture, 173 N H L High. 454 Sewing Machines SPECIAL MONDAY ONLY 2 Only SINGER Featherweights The Most Popular Sewing Machine in the World REG. $169.50 COMBINATION garden seeder Si rultlvator wattachments. Ph. 3-5714 450 Merchandise 431 Machinery & Tooli 0NLY 79.95 1 afs. I i :: p- 11 ui 1 ii 1 1 i ii nil i 1R ill! t I it I I l Willi I IS I u Iiiihlii;"! ' '!! ! ! ;' :': -r: :: H"!"':t : a Round bobbin s Forward and reverse stilcn Automatic darning Portable carrying ease USED welders for aale. Inquire at 6D8 Illinois St "SUPER SPECIAL 18" Rotary Mower Cuts close to walls It trees Adjustable heights REG. $64.50 NOW $49.99 IN ever before this low pricr. Only $1.50 per week. , , SEWING CENTER 130 N. Com i Ph. 3-3312 456 Wonted Home Goods New black Drainage Pipe e ft. Septic Tanka . Low Priced B.l-t U.rrlhnard SoxlOS ahL ; $! ALSO ' Doors, Plumbing a Ilea. Supplies e: s. RinER & co. 1744 Portland ltd. Ph. 4-fcH! 4 ml. No. of Salem, la ml. No. of Totem Pole on mm Open all day Saturday FOR SAL 4,300 bd. ft. used cleaned ship lap ea smb. Cheap. Ph. 4-1393 Eva.r :ll-l wire, roll at 4'le. 3 tab roof., lowest price, a Nails per keg 44 U a 4" cast aoil pipe 73e ft. a ta lal Pipe I3e. 4"-I4e P'-Slc. lt,"-3e a SO gal. ateel Sep tana SM.SA. a 100 gal. steel aep. tank 13030 a 4" black sewer pipe see. 34c. a Door Jamba, good onea. S3 75. ntrie n.ner loO SQ. tt. 13 33 a Fibre glass blanket. Insul. -CHEAP 4x1 plaster board 11.40, ll so, II 15 a Ce 444 tleyc.es I BOrS BIKES PliONE 4-4611 446 Trode.Misc. W inrna?ier KUT nrrn wi laauiw TV tquip. M7I rrtinKiin. $1500.00 Now you eaa borrow IIIM fmm .J us, aa lurnuure, auioa, irauer , houses and equipment We . ar happy that after IS rears ,t w are able ts extend tins t additional aerylce to you. 137 S. Com L Salem, On'goa , General Finance : CORPORATION PHONE 3-9161 WE HAVE eaah buyer for real eatat contracts ana ana asm gages Ohmsrl Calaba. Seeltor 477 Court St. Phone 1-4111 LOANS ISO m ta aiioset Buy What Vou Need Con.olldsl your billa, Finance fhrwieh WtlXAMKTTE CrUiOIT COMPANY .,, Ill S. Church it Ph. tt 461 For tent, Mis. FOR RENT or lease tg wars- house space cement floor brick bldg.. downtown. In quire H U Stiff Fura . I-I1S3 t " 470 Far Sals, Misc. BANTY nans It rooatera. Hand cultivator, lawn mower, corn planter, dlshea, fruit Jars A flaaaea. Bdrm, aet. 3 elec. rona. I lawn edger. 31 s" screen door. 33" itijirle door. Ph. 3-1.133 or 1343 Norway. Rawlins Realty Co. Real aetata loans, construct! eaj V permanent loans, sua i.na mekea, Ph 4-4S7I. - PRIVATE money ta loea oa Rrsl EeUta. 4 hstaraot Ph. I-47S4 COLONIAL Ineeatmeat Ca Real Property I?-""""' Purchasee SSI Cmirt 4-l.'At. PRIVATE money to loan, auy contracts sno mori.. Chermketa St. Ph. 3-4B41. Ml loam Wwe4 ANNIVERSARY SALE - New It Used electrical appll- I anres. Wholesale at neiow. lEATFR APPI.IANt.aj S7S CHEMEKETA a Need at Once Late model E Appliance. Pay rash premium for Hi Grade Electric Rangea, Refrigerators, Automatic Washera. Driers tt Late Model used Furniture. Ph. C.len Woodry 3-SU0 right Now for Pleasing Reaultat I I TOP-CASH RICE - FURMI TURE. APPLIANCES ETC USED MERCHANDISE MART S70 S LIBERTY PH 4-4.771 Genuine Necci Reconditioned -Machines Singers Kenmorcs s; Montgomery Wards g j Priced... $10.95 up;!j :Also Treadles As Low As SSSNJberty. Ph,l-24ll Ik 3.3Horse Wlndolph earwblade. t 30 in. tiller, good cond. wall attachments. Ph. 4-SJ79. , MOVING "garden "tractor with p Jmplements. Make offer. 3-2844 . FOR SAI.E-HD-7 Allls Chalmers ,,1 cat. 8(177. complete wbtade A wlmh. lit good shape. Price S3.4SO; or trade lor smaller tractor. Maylalr 3-.'l807. $9 95 Vacuum Cleaner ; (and Sewing Center! HAVE several used welders AC at DC Call 4-7W4 1 VALVE re-farer, fvalve gr.nd' er, 1 lisle pin hone, tune up equipment At floor Jack. 1 gar den tractor wplow. cultivator . h disc, call 4-Z82S. IU9 Lone Oak Rd. I DAVID Bradley garden cultlva : tor It Tractor, ll.VI. Ph I-04M WE WILL PAY CASH FOR COMPLETE HOUSEHOLDS OF FURNITURE OR ANY OTHER TYPE PERSONAL PROPERTY. CALL CLAUDE KILGORE. 4-6062. eillne tile. 14x33. lOe so. ft a oliaae moia, tone irna.n. Rarnee doors, all sires cheap a Barb wire Sfl rds IS 3 S7 43. a O itsldr white paint fai sz .w a Oak Flr'lng R length cheap a New window aashes 12 00. a W atrip crystal windows a flx33 kitchen sinks cheap, a Shower cabinets 34 SO a Toilets Wseats KSM " a N4w hath tub complete 16330 a Strtctlv Cash - "-Haul Iron roof'g, Cad. ahlnglea, Cheap. Closed Sunday Monday C. G. LONG & SONS 1 Ml N Kelrer - Ph 4-3031 We'll"save you money on Hardware - Electrical ai Plumbing Electrical Wall Heaters 331 orf Gen I" Blo-Fan 119 93 4" K Type Oulter 13'dc I wire loomex .. 04c 3 pc. Grade A Bathroom set II II 19 Tappan Bullt-ln alee. oven SH 3d Sc lSd Box Nails, keg .. SO rod Barb wire . 13.40 COME INI FARMERS UNION CO-OP 3411 Stl.VERTON ROAD Phon 4-373 GOOD Paint, only Il ls gal. Woodry's. 1403 H. Summer. WRKKINcfbulldlns at 433 N. High SL All material, floor furnace, hot water heater, window and doora for aale. GOOD Paint, onfy LS8 gal. Woodry's. 1404 N. summer. For the best professional services, call ne ol these popular xperts top son. Phones 3-1373, I-S30I GOOD Paint only "ll gal. Woodry's, 1403 N. Summer. TYPEWRITERS "add i n g ma", chines, cash eeglstera dupli cators, desks ch.iira tile sup plies Koea s. 434 Court 3-4773 NEW "tlT 470x18 Nvlon" blk" 119 40. Exch. Lytle Tlra. SMOKED mink cape " S1200, Worn twice Writ box 4. Statesman-Journal. TOP "SOIL: PH. 4-J443 SATURDAY DF.LIVF.RY GOOD Palntronly""sr89 gal. Woodry's. 1003 N. Summer. RFNDIX Ironer. roll-a-way bed A- boat trailer. Ph, S-S473. Inq. HUB Thompson. LAWN mower, 110. Swing aet wgllder. IIS. Ph. 3-74.7S. GOOD Paint, only SI. 89 sal. Woodry s. 1408 N Surmrier. FCiR SALE Tbath room aet Call 3-P.tt)3 of sea after 3 p m. 14M Mill. GOOD Paint, only Wnodrv'a, 141)9 N. I1S3 gal. summer. WANT to borrow 11300, to b rj paid t 44 per monm. vm security and reference. Write box 344, co Stataamaa Jour, nal. 600mploymcnl 601 Help Wanted ""--"'"-" CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Ph.n. MMt SM N. Winter Adjoining Presbyterian church. Free parking in rear. xciue siva listings oa sll type of employment. v APPLICATIONS are now being taken tor ststesmaa oicycie route Several routes will b open Applicants must b ac companied by their parent or have their written permis sion Apply at the Clreulatloa Department of the Setame4V tntirnai . n APPLIANCES WESTINGHOUSE Woodry Furniture Co. 474 So Coi.- l Ph 4-3111 BEDDING CAPITOL Bedding Mattress re novators New mattresses j-4iiw SVLLDOXINO Bulldor.lng. clesrtng roads Eonds D-4 D- carryall V tiskey Ph 2-3144 ,- CRANE WORK 33-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem Sand Gravel Co 1-2441 MACHINE Si WELMNO 455 Court St, Salem . Ph. 4 5502 45S House Goodi far Sale 1 DRAWER desk, Walnut finish 4.14 30. Roll top desk ex swivel chair 349 SO, WOODRY'S THRIFTY USED FURNITURE ll.1! S. Cnm'l SI Ph. 4-3311 EI.ECTROLUX vacuum cleaner. SIB 94. 1321 N. Capitol 3-7047. (Dir.) SAND AND GRAVEL SALEM SAND Ac GRAVEL CO Ready mix concrete, crushed and round gravel, aand and top soil. 1403 N. Front St. 2-2441. WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1428 McGilrhrlst Crushed quarry rocks gravel. All sizes for mads, driveways and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden aand. bull-doilng. ahnv- el and dragllnwork-OjMI VALLEY SAND A GRAVEL CO Crushed A round gravel Sand ai con mix 2-4001 - Internal k External Grinding. Special holts made. Globe Ma chine Works. 1010 N. Com. menial St. Ph. 2-9422. PAPERING 41 PAINTING Painting and paoer-nangln cc estimates Ph 3-11313 PERRY PAINTING Co 2-ilTj Brush spray rree Estimates Exp Jerry Johnson. paper-hanging a painting Ph 4-SM4 To plsee classified sdi eell t 811. SEPTIC SERVICE v HOWARD'S Rotii-Rooter, sewers' septic tanka cleaned 3-4337. MIKE S Septic aervic Tanks cleaned D rooler cleana aewers drains Phone 3-S44V Hamel's septic tanks' cleaned. line service Guaranteed work Phone 3-7404 or 2-0774. TREE SERVICE BRENNAM TREE SERVICE See yellow oagea phone book .Phone 2-3748 TRKESERV1CE Re Rnsia Tree Serv;c r... Shruh. Iledaes. Insured 1731 N. Liberty SL Fa. 1-4441 1 WFA't Chester Comfort Shoes. fleo Master Work l'"lfnrms, Shirts Wear. Ph. 4-3373 P T?nri n-jtvfi TOP SOIL. PH 2 4310 CEDAR post, bean post shed poles, all tvnes A berry wire Ph 4-Stni recaps mnxi 470xis Exch.! l8.3.Lytle'sjrir Mart. Top Soil ! Orchard Loam River lxiam Olal 2-1749 Prompt Delivery Krirer Sand A Gravel Co. USKD lawnmower. Batdorfs Firestone. 1420 state St. rn, 3-H3. annTversary SALE New Ai Used electrical appli ance. Wholesale A heuiw. YEATF.R APPLIANCE ' WSJPKMKfKTA JIG-SAW A Sander, also mlsc Hems for gardening See it 1470 Birchwood Dr. Ph. 2-7391. COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since l4S-Speclaliat In Office Placement F-Set'y. 38-30, 40100 wm ahorlhand. Meet publie atari 1221 . F-Rkkpr-Steno, 28-40. KnowU edge of tax. Intttetre. per sonality 2M ta S32S M or F-Tsllor, cutter, expe. rlence, mature ,. ...... Opea, M -Sales for Jobber Comm. Couple-Maintenance, live-In Opes Best Way to the Beat Jnha 494 Stat St., 411 Oregon Bldg. 4-3331 : PART TIME eve. it Sat for school teacher or ex-teacher with some knowledge of music. Must have car, permanent real, dene. Ph. 4-8345 alter pm. eve. it Sunday. COUPLE to do "yard "work A ulher aervicaa In exchange for rent of furn. gr. house at 4 Corners. References required. 2-0MS eves. & weekends. 604 Help Wanted, Men 472 Wanted, Mite. WANTED several thousand cords of wood, all sne-lea Ph 3-7721 Nights 4-84X1 LOGS WANTED - Top prices paid 4-ln. lo Sfl-ln diameters in e-H. or muitipiea or a-n We also buy stumpage Burk- land Lumber Company. Tur ner. Or, Ph. Turner 1128 Evenings phon Turner 2843 ar aim 1-73. RARBFR. part time. Ph. Mount Ansel Green ll, aner a. MAN FOR SALEM AREA Steady Job year around. A p. prox. 8100 a wa. lo stall. Guaranteed Increase with ex. pe rience. Must be neat, will. Ing to work hard ic follow instruction. Com to 14.10 Broadway 10 30 a m. so 1134 p.m. Mon. 4t Tuee, only. FIELD SAY.ESMAN-as-J3. Mar. rled, college degree, able to travel. Sales experience In moist food or paper industry desirable, but no on consider, ed who is now with either Industry. 3S4 month plua ex. ..peneea lor ui-of-town train- ; Ing. Salary, commission and car on completion. PAGF.N. STECHER'S Commercial Placement Arency, 494 State Strvet, Ph. 4-301. WANTr.D Rrllstilc young man to manage small offica In email southern Ore town. For ac. counting bookkeeping; perma. nent; opportunity tor advance. ment. Reply, stating age. ex. perlenc. availability and start. Ing salary expected Give your phone A- reference. Replle confidential. H. H. Hansen, Box 14. langlois Cheea. Mak. rs, Langlou, Orafoo. f 1