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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1956)
(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., April 8, '53 ;U I cling Begins to Lean . " i I i a I 11 (I It'll i I i i ri .- -. , i... t if . 7T ' "1 li: -r . i . 1 I. SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS frditar'a seta: The tateimaa piiktlvhee In geo faltk tha programs 14 limes as provide ky ! ai TV Italians, kut keranse Mllaara tha pragrams ara change wllkmil haliriraUaa Ikll aeaapepef eaanet ka reapoasikle far Ik kiiik) kereln SUNDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS C . J MOSCOW -Admiral nrea NikoUIl Kusnetsov, Russian Navy commander-in-chief since 1939, has been reported replaced by Adm. Sergei Georgevich Gorshkov, wartime commander of Red Black Sea Fleet. Kuznertov was listing about 20 degree. Engineers later attached cables in an effort to right h This has boon ill, according to of- structure and a companion one were valued at about $100,000 at this stage of completion. ficial Moscow reports. (AP (AP Wirephoto). '. ' t " ' ... J a. i -11 ISZ- -r&-- y i . j CfMt Frtrrl CIIVEIAND - This eighMier "Pigeon-Hole" auto parking building, WGIlwpsarCurea g,;i mj toBtfryctlon, started leaning Friday and by mid-morning Wirephoto). KPTV SUNDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL Dl - !: e ra. NBC Opera Theater Elaine Atalbin sings the role of Joan of Arc in "The Trial al Rouen." The oprra takes place Just before and during Joan's trial. S:M a.m. Gootivear Playhouse "Footllght frenzy," starring William Bendix and Martha Scott in comedy about a man whose home Lfe is disrupted and business threatened by the theatrical Interests of his wife and daughter. 18:0S a.m. Loretta Young Show "Hapless Holiday, with Phyllis Thaxter and Mildred Natwick. A story about a young girl whose illusions are shattered when she accepts an offer to be a paid travel ing companion and becomes involved with dangerous gangsters. KOIN-TV SUNDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL I): 9:00 a.m.-ll:0 a.m. A special program presenting the General Conference of the Church of Latter Day Saints from the Tabernacle In Salt Lake City. t:M a.m. The 20th Annual Masters Golf Tournament will be telecast from the Augusta National GoU Club at Augusta, Ga. 1:0 e.m. Telephone Time "The Golden Junkman : a true-life dramatization. 1:9 i.m.-C.E. Theater-"The Judy Garland Show." Miss Gar land will be seen in six numbers and sing several new songs. 13:0 p.m. $64,000 Challenge Premiere of a new program Base ball braintrust Myrt Power and Shakespearean scholar Redmond O'llanlon will be the first two regular panelists. IS: J p.m. First Run Theater "Spitfire": Leslie Howard, David Niven. ', j KLOR-TV SUNDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL 11): l:3 p.m. Imperial Theater "Tosca" starring Rossano Brazil and Michel Simon. The stirring story of a young woman who unknowingly betrays her lover to the police. , 1:1 p.m. Douglas Fairbanks Presents "Ship's Doctor" starring Miles Mallcscn. In a storm-tossed sea, a First Mate makes his rounds below deck in a small cargo ship and uncovers a smuggling plot. He Is strangely murdered for his discovery: - 7:M p.m. You Asked For It Host Art Baker takes the audience to witness the ceremony of the taking of oath of citizenship by a new American. . 7:3 p.m. Famous Film Festival The second and concluding por tion of "The Red Shoes" starring Moira Shearer, Anton Walbrook and Marius Goring. A story set in the glittering world of the ballet theater. 1:M p.m. Coronet Theater "Mountain Smugglers" starring Amedeo Nanari and Luis Tinker. Two revenue guards disguised as smugglers join the mountain band. HOLE SUNDAY'S TELEVISION KPTV, LUF 27; KOIN-TV. VHF : KLOR, VHF HH N:1S OIN 4:Jt Hit Church of tha Air M:45 r v- , ..7) vi i ,........-:. - v I vAnjtA FRANCIS CREEK, Wis. - A radiant brido TvfIC I; J -NEW YORK-There's plenty of room to grow t-w,weo5 and smiling bridegroom leave St. Anno ea in that ten-gallon hat Wayne (RockJ Corley is Catholic Church Saturday Rosemary (Rory) Meyer and singer wearing, but he doesn't seem to mind the poor fit. The Fort Julius LaRosa. Rory met LaResa In New York City where she Worth tot sailed Friday with his parents, members of the lone was private secretary to singer Perry Como. (AP Wirephoto). Star Ranch Rodeo that will tour Europe. (AP Wirephoto). IAKPTVI I , IChrlttophen" IChrUtophari K01.Y Lamp to Pt lLamp to Tttt Lmp to Feat LmptoFat "TV! prineeton '5S IPrlncaton 'S II May Set I May Sat KOIN Wf BelJtv, ,W( Baliava I Bill Hlckok IRII1 Hlrkok KLOR I Ttt- Palttrn Tet Pallern I Tht Pallor 1 9 KPTVI ruth for Todyirlth for Tody1Thli h Lift rrhlt Is Lift l"KOINIrct Nation iract Nation I Una Ranftr Lone Ranfer KLOR Llahtad Wind. ILUhled Wind. IHel. T. H. Mtf lBel. T. H, Mtj. KPTVI NBC Optra NBC Open (NBC Optra NBC Open KOIN! Front Row Ctr. Front Row Ctr. Front Row Ctr. Front Row Ctr KLOR! Top Secret jChrlrt. SdenctjColl. Preti CnMColI. Prew, Cnt ""KPTYIvbS Open INBS Opers ITwo Grand Indutry KOINlGolf Tourney IColf Tourney IColf Tourney (Oolf Tourney KLOR'luropt CrmadeFurope CniMdelPlon. Plyht. IPIon. Plyht. KPTV'DrSpock Dr. Spock ITelecourat Telecourit KOIN; Telephone Time Telephone TimtiYour Career ri'our Career KLORiPlon. Plvhat. IPIon. Plyhst. lmpetitl Thei. Ilmperial That. KPTVICiico Kid ICIaco Kid IPtoplt Funny IPeople Funny KOINlFriend Fllckt IFrlend FllcU IGreat DecU'iu IGreit Decu'na KLOR! Imperial Thci. ilmperial Thei. Ilmperial Thea. Imperial That. "KFTVlHoyRoieri RoyRoers ICapt. Gallant ICapt Gallant KOINI Lucy Show Lucy Show City Detective City Dttectlrt KLORI Super Circus Super Circus Super Circus Super Clrcm " KPTV i Draw Ptaraoa NtwmkCT ISecret File ISecret Flit KOIN You Art Thtrt, You Ara Thert iLaatlt - ILaaalt KLORIoral Roberts Oral Roberts Douj. Falrbla IDoiig. Falrb'kl -f-v t ' - -'1jT . M i't "-y, . . 4 ' . "".I - 1,1 " i i i m mmm JL . ill ti iiwutat a. aka A tkim a.i .... . . a. i - .aatai alZia! Over tht) TOO FRANKFURT, Germany-Frankfurt zoo's i cage, their eyes riveted on some object out of camera range. w ' lur latest arrivals climb over a log in their Food is responsible for the determined look. (AP Wirephoto). cage, tneir eyes riveted on some object out of camera range. I f iamaa i' in an m mm J. a. ) , .a; ., i i u.iivii f-nHioy i v. x m yfOZ. 'r '.('..a ff.l. I.iti-tului-t taMfrl J W bo. A 7KPTVlGreat Lift Great Lift Frontier irrontier KOIN lack Benny Jack Benny IWhat'i My LlntlWhkfi My Lint KLORI U Aikad for Hit) Aaked for It'Famoui Fllml IFamoui rtlmt 0 KPTV'comedy Hour IComedy Hour IComedy Hour itomeoy nour 5 KOINlEdSulllvM Id Sullivan Ed Sullivan Id Sullivan KLORlraiom Films iramoua FUmt IFamoua Filmt IFamom rilma 9 KPTVI Soodyear Plhe!3oodyear Plhse3oodytar Plhatloooytar rinat KOIN O-IThtatrt iG-EThtatrt AH. Hitchcock IAU. Hitchcock KLORI Mack Am. Hr. IMtck Am. Hr. Mack Am. Hr. Mack A. Hr. A KPTVI Loretta Younf iLorttta Younj MtrchofMed. (March of Med IUkOIN uuooO Chill. 164.000 ChalL Ut Ru Theat. list Run Tkeat KLORI Coronet Thei. ICoroncr Thei. ,oronei m. Mirunti m. SUNDAY'S RADIO "KSLM 13SS KOCO HNKOAK "H31t01N til ROW Z KSX 1 " FMs Mesicyclea KOIN 11.1; HEX n.r, lew lot I 00:3 HOUR 00:0 0:li M:4S RCW4:J Church Hynni KSLM Melody Joum y!Melody Journ'ylMuiie . IChurch Bella ioi" nJ,-E, H tta -Newa-a, H B. Church of Atr Church ol Air KGW Radio Pulpit Radio Puloil Bptiat Hour . ) , Hour MX "me Com. I Concert Hall - lokto Skiea RurtMMir IBark to God Back to God 'Nazarene Ser. Mus for Sua. Waffle Club Inv Learn Mua for Sua. Bible Study Wain Cluo Waffle Club Salt, Lake Tab Sail Lake Tab. Mus for Sun Mm for Sua. Xicht & Life LiKht & Life KSLM Cona'v .. Baptist ISalem Acid KCO Extension n-n liuu tf koai Waffle Club v f I KOIN Inv. Learn Mm for Sun. KEX Bible Study KsfSTBiblt Class Biblt Cla iVoice of ProphlVoice of Proph. 9KOCO Mua for Sua Mus for Sun. Ore,Hn Loft Drgan Loft Kc'aE Roberta Ore.B RcberU Orian Waffle Club Waffle Club KOIN Jewish Flith Music IPIeasure IPIeasure KOVI Scandlnav Hr. Scandlnav Hr. Scandinav Hr. Scandinav Hr. KF.X Quaker Hour Ouaket Hour Chosen People Home DenVirr KSLM Newt Christian ScL KOCO fn m.vterlin rr(Mn;( Frank It Ern st: Paul It Ford Mjnh Mel Snnfs lo Rem. Hit Rtvue Hit Review IWorln Affairs World Affairs KfiW Music for .Sun tVtule for Sun Music (or Sun Me for Sun. KF.X Vews-Bronch iBranch Brancn Branch Hit Revue " IfV.T , KOIN St Franc. Hr Top of Week join navv KOCO First Raptist Kr.AR Calvary Bapt 1KOIN Svmphonette KC.W :'hurch 8erv KF.X "Jews-Branch Concert Min'tr First Baotist Calvary Bapt Svmplionettt rhi-rrh Serv. I Branch First 4ethalist Flrst Methodiat First Japtm FtsI Raptlsl Calvars Bant rslvarv Rapt Science I Washinfton ri'-reh Serv '"' i "- ' Sery. IBranch iBrinch KSLM News KOCO World Newt KG AR Newt KOIN For Affrt sr.W Nwi-Monitor KF.X Mui. Fidelity KSI.M Squad Room KOCO Sun. Matlnet KG A IT. Serenade KOIN. Percy ralth KG W Monitor KF.X Revival Hour KSLM KOCO KG AR IOIN KGW KF.X lohn Steele Sun. Matlnet Sun Serened News-Hoap't'l Monitor Pruphecy Aftn'n Melod. Heart Beat Th. Heart Beat Th. Sun Matlnet Sun Matinee Sun Matlnet Run Serenade Sun Serenade Sertn Newt Univ. Explor. IBob Crosby News I rit nnlt"- ,nnitr 'Mus. Fidelity Mui. Fidelity Mui. Fidelity Squad oom Publ Pros. Puhl Pros Sun Matinee Sun. Matinee Sun. Matlnet Sun Serenade) Sun Serenade Seren Newt Percy alth Percy Faith Percy raltb. Monitor Monitoi Monitor Revival Hour Revival Hour Revival Hour Aft. Melod Sun. Matlnet Sun, Serenadt Philharmonic (Monitor Greatest Story John Steele lAft. Mrlod Sun. Matinet Sun. Matinet Sun Serenadt Sun Serenadt City Hospital Philharmonic IMonltor IMonitor Prophecy Greatest Story KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW KEX KSI.M KOCO KGAR KOIN KGW FX Crime Fihfrt Crime FIM'rt Cite Editor Citv Editor Teenase Tunet Teenane Tunet Teenase Tunet Teenare Tunes Sun Serenade Sun Serenade Sun Serenade Sun Serenadt Philharmonic Philharmonic ohilharmnnle Philharmmte Meet the Preai Meet the Preat'Sen NruberS'r Income Tax Billy Graham dllly Graham Billy Graham Billy Grahvn ft Melod Teenage Tunes Puhl Service News-Berter Wonitnr High Momenta 5 KSI.M KOCO tGAR KOIN KGW KEX News Teenage Tunet Sundown Sere. Hollyw Music News-Monitor Town Meeting - 'V'dflw Teenage Tunet Sen Morse Edgar Bereen Monitor High Momenta t' Never Know1 iTeenage Tunet Sundown Sera. Hollyw Music Monitor Town Meeting lMnrmplt Hr - Men.mnlte Hr . Teenage Tunet Teenage Timet Sundown Sere 'Sundown Sere. Edear Bergen Edgar Rereen Wonitor Monitor 3o to Town i Mus 'Cr Sea I utlierin Hour ,l'ern Hour ITeenage Tunea Teenage Tunet Sundown Sere Sundown Sert. CBS Newrr'm BS Newsroom Shirley Thomat'Shlrlev Thnmaa Town Meeting Town Meeting I onrlor cmoN -Solomoii Lcuuur Wt$t uidflWty 0i Bandaranaik, I likely nw prime minister of Ceylon, following Impressive v I c torios In elections still under Rflin OI SrtfiW NEW Y0RKR!n or now ' 'or Sunday for New England, the way. H will succeed mili lUIII Ui . IIW W sng, ine) Adirondtckt, eastern Lake area, Washington, Oregon and tantly ant) . Communist Sir the Reekie. It will be cooler In Northeast quacrant of U.S., and fair and warmer in the south John Kotlwl. (AP Wire em Plain. (AP Wirephoto). photo). - Associated Press Photos KSI.M ft KGAE l- sn KFX KSI.M KOIN KGW KEX P KSI.M KOIN KGW KFX A KSLM Ij KOIN XtfiW KEX 1 KSI.M KOIN, KGW A KFX Wslt Wlnrhell Fwl Pate Boh Cnnidine News Teenage Tunea 'Teenage Tunet (Teenage Tunei Teenage Tunei Sundown Sere. Sign Off. 1 I "'s Hr...-k " r'-nks ? for Mwiev for Mnnee Blog. In Sound Blng. In Sound 'Ring. In Sound IBIng. In Sound Drew Pearson fimmv Fioiei Many Things Here's to Vett 'v.. nr. 'e"-nrv Room Pearson Music Burg. MeredithlBurg. Mertdlthlluninokt ismokt l-.' iinns unlnions mer Forttm arie Ennim ' Industry ITravel Ttlk Growing paint Crowing Paint Music B Cunningham 'News Well it Work Face Nation I Face Nation I Juke Bog JurylJuke Box Jury 'uie Fest ii"( Fet vfu- rest 1us Fest Vnn H dimes V of O Forum V of 0 Forumirith in Timet Newi IDavt Holt rPeaceTn ValleylPeice In Valley Hike Bx. JurviJuke Hx Jury Young Ideaa I Young Ideal Music. Fest Mulc Test 'Irel Press r Pr"S Kath Kuhlman Kth Kuhlman 1-rael Message Israel Message Decision TJeelslon IWIngs' of "HllnfflWIngt of Hlin Sin. jNite Fin Mus Memor. Phlla. Orch. iPhlla. Orch. Rich Reporter Vets' News . Cath Hour fath Hour Final Edition rineat Mutlt Revivtl Tlmt Revival Time KOIN phlla. Orch. fPhtla. Orch. (Music Mldnltt Music Midnltt. KGW Newt Nighlct City Council City CeuncH City Council KEX Billy Graham Billy Graham Paul Cirsoa Paul Carton Bob Cumrnings Prefers Homelifc To WorkWiUi TV's Glamor Girls By CHAHLEA MF.RCKR NEW YOnK I charlos Clar ence Robert Orville CumminKs is a devoted husband and doling fathrr oi four children who plays the role of a wolf so convincingly that most of the television audi ence probably believes he Is one, He is not. He simply is an ex cellentand articulate actor. Cumrnings, who has found it expedient to shorten his given names to Bob, has th happy duty of presiding over the fortunes of "The Bob Cumrnings Show" (CBS TV, Thursday evenings). In his role as a bachelor photographer on this filmed comedy series, and as provider for the Cumrnings men age, he Collects beautiful women the way some men do stamp. His wife, Mary, helps him. She Is an understanding as well as a beautiful woman. "Bob and I have a phitosphy of hold close with open hands," she said the other day when they came to New York from Hollywood with their "two elder children. "If other women desire Bob that makes what I have much mort desir able." I'Mflflsk Actor As an actress before she became Mrs. Cumrnings, she believes the 'greatest break a young actress can ' KVAL TV, VHF 13 EIT.ENE: KVAL-rV. Channel 1) (Sunday): It at i.aa Oral Roberta Religion; It: In God Wt Trust; lltt Thli It tht Lift preaenta "Starved for Love;" II :J Lighted Window religion: l?:tt Champion ship Bowling; 1: p.m. NBC Opera Theater presents ai their premiere offering. "The Trial it Rouen." I 0-minute telecast of the trial of Joanne of Arc, siarrlng Elaine Mal bin, Soprano; Hugh Thorn peon, Baritone; Chester Watson, Bats: and Paul Ukens. Barltonei-- t:M First Run Theater with Nancy Kelly in "Tornado;" 4: Your Career; 4:3 Great Decisions; S:t For Your In formation; lit Now You Know; at Meet (he Frees: :W 8pv; retIt s a Great Lift; Mt Water front; S:t Comedy Hour: : Four-Star Playhouse with Ida Lu Dino in "The Case of Emily Cam eron;" lt The Loretta Young Show presents Phyllis Thaxter and Mildred Natwick in "Hapless Holt day:" 1S:1 Sunday ShowUmt prt senta -Babes in Bagdad." have it to piny opposite her hus band. "He's the most unselfish ac ' lor in the business," she said. "His 'sens of timing i wonderful An (actress can karn so much from him.". I ' Her sentiments have been echoed by such beautiful girls as Lola Albright," Gloria Marshall,- Leigh Snowden, Jol Lansing and May Wynn, who have had their tele vision starts on hi show. Obvious Beaaty "The beauty of the girls on the show is obvious enough," Cum rnings said. "Bjit It's talent and showmanship that we're interested m. "The importance of acting ability In comedy can't be over-emphasized. The main quality of comedy Is its lack tf anticipation. In drama it's as if somebody has died and you act as though nothing had nappenca. out in comeay u s as ii you stub your toe and act as though somebody had died. "In comedy you have to enlarge on little things. You make a rail road tie out of a hairpin. In comedy you have to have people who won't walk out on a situation morally. They have to stick with it." The Cumrnings show, filmed in a single day, has no live audience. Neither do movies in the making, of course. But while the movies never hold for anticipated audience laughs, the Cumrnings shows do. Hold 4 Seeoads "We try to play God a little," Cumrnings said. "Once we held as long as 40 seconds for a laugh. That's what I mean by timing. It's mighty hard for an actor to wait 40 seconds, relaxed, when the audience won't laugh until eight weeks later when the show is on the screen.- That' what-1 mean when I say you have to stick with comedy." For the information of numerous male correspondents who want to know trior, about the, various beautiful girls who appear on the f shows, Cumrnings does not see a CANCER! If so, write to Spears Chiro practic Sanitarium and Hospital, Denver, Colo., tor Testimonial Proof of results in arthritis, can cer, pell, epilepsy, rheumatic fever, multiple sclerosis, cerebal palsy, m a I a r dystrophy, stroke heart, liver, skin, stom ach, kidney and score of ether ailment. I great deal of tnem. A flay of re ! hearsal is followed by the day of filming. And on the day of filming ' the girls are usually finished by jit am. I Develop PerMnallty i It' (II in a day' work to Cum jmings, who ha a mighty sound philosophy; "I don't know anything drearier than an en-si ac I've vnweH that I'd develop all possible facets of my personality. When I'm to old to play a lover boy I'll do some thing else." Since he left Jopffil, Mo., Cum mings has done a lot of. things, while studying mechanical en gineering at Carnegie Tech he be came interested in acting and dropped the slide rule for the stage. When roles were hard to get he raised money, went to Lon don, and returned with a British accent and the name of Blade Stanhope Conway. Stage roles sud denly were easy to ebtaia. PMJZ) (HEMORRHOIDS) tim om atciM iiosstai Skati eiTMOVT Hosnrai oeturKM tKSO ffOMACM AN COLON 2 CONVf MtNT CSCOsT fU HOktfT veCeS PHONI i-Utt ta. KTNOiDf Tht REYNOLDS CLINIC Naturopathic and Criiroprttic Physician touts ats an u lea nts cimth natal Expert estimate there Is more water underground in the United States than in all lakes, rivers and reservoirs.'' Mjjri A dtf?iT - l',vi,io,, " iSrisv 1 1 tin 'r lj r'fi1 'ill ombitious v A II ' yowa Dill Aw ppi Aivnnp YOUR CAREER iai tv tpe i win -iv , 3:30-4:00 p. m. Sunday What trade or profession it for you? These programs will help you decide. See what course or part-time work you should - have. Tune in every week.,, Freeered end presents as pvklic sefvlie kg Weycrbaiuser Timber Compin) Premier Sunday Cross-Word Puzzle J BOUZONTAL VMTICAt 1 Encour- 52 Sever tS Allow- 1 Herring , J9 Locilixe4 age ' 53-Enter met to aauct . vector S Uttlt Km English i Mere 41 Con Island 5ft Merry soldier J Hurtful turner 10 Athletic ctlebra- in 4 Oscin 42 Waxy fame tion India, bird substance IS Woman 5ft Hasten 100 Shoshon 5 Chant 44 Clear ' of station 59 Sacred 101 Swiftly 6 River in sky 19 Fluid rock picture 103 A noose France 45 Ingenu- 20 Indigent 61 Thin 105 Agony 7 Support eus 21 Male voice metal 107 Descnb- 3 First 4ft Handle 22 Russian disk able by Carden 48 Concord River 2 Earth- number Despot 50 European 23 Island of giant lOS-Delel 10 Of layer mint Saints 3 Hindu 110 Even 11 Printer' 54 Abstract 24 Animal god (poetic) imple- 55 Vitreous not found 4 Of a 111 Snak ment compo in Africa whit 113 Conceal 12 Undi- tit ion 25 Weave crystal- 116 Lightest vided 57 Designate rope line acid ofcom- 13 Rambler 60 Staircase 26 Fewer 66 Pillage mercial 14 Quiver- post 27 Pate sea- 6 Tower woods ing - - - 62 Declama green 70 Essential 118 Pawl 15 Most tory 29 Of th to lift for tedious speech nose 72 Deface circular 16 Region 63 Vision "SI Rival 73-Elevate '-- wheel - . 17 Beech . . 65 Poor:. . "SjPcaC 75-Spanish" "122 Black T'riut 67 Light '35 Negative sword - 123 Fabric "lS-iOther- rares 36 Collection 76 Aldehyde 12 V Complete wise 69 Employ of deriv- 127 Heed 28 Discoui 71 Diffuse animals tive 128 Broad- tg 74 Privately 37 Circular 81 Ship topped through 75 Fire in cross- 65 Cent hill fear , brand section 86 Of form 129 Licit 30 More 76 Musical 40 Go back 88 Season 130 Course p&inful drama over highly 131 Celtic 32 Of 77-Partof 43 Take 90 Philippine 132 Touch " layer coal umbrage Moslem 133 Wear of ins 79 Division .47 Worship. 91 Kind of away 34 River in of poem 48- Size of cloth 134 Lay in England - 80 Animal coal 92 -Finch surround- 36 Goddes ofMada- 49 Oleo resin 93 Recon- ing of soil gascar 81 Fragrant struct matter 37 Silent 82 Ethifal oil of 95 Tear 135 Love to 38 Bring 83 Heath rose 96 Top excess forth 84 Cowboy I 87 -C lobe 89-Balloler 92-One kiloliter (3 Badger like animal 94-A braid 7-Of th breast bona 99-Foot lever 102 Scorched 104 Confute 106 Uncer tain 107- Afraid) 109 Seam stress 112-Main rirlra . Of maintain 113 Peraonal interest "lie Central" i American tree 115- Approaca 116- Small ' globular body 117- Particle 119 Central 120 Direction ., of evening rainbow 121 Corner 124 Person ality 126-Vesscl i i i 4 5 e 7 o " U li 14 i5 10 1 ia -37 i it 77 41 4i 7? 45 XZZZWJZZZZWSJZ'ZWLZZZ WMZZZLWLZZWLZZZZWM IT- Tppsrif- " 77? M eT 77 ZZZWLZZWLZZ-W-Z j l04 7Z?vs io io; it J TT TTS W no , 117 1,9 110 131 TZZZMlZZZZZZZ. w (Antweri on Fage 9, Sec 2)