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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1956)
Capital Unit To Sponsor Dinner Capital L'nll, American Legion Auxiliary will sponsor a benelil dinner at the American Legion Club, 2H.--0 S. Commerical Street, 1 -A av YWCA Neighborhood Meeting' YVCA Leader To Bo Held in Salem Friday! 'Seclne the World In a New Lliiht." the theme of National YWCA Week, the lait week In April, li also the theme o( the YWCA Neigh bnrhood meeting to be held In Salem on April 13. About a hundred representative! from the YWCA'i in thli area will consider ways to develop and to Improve llnir program and servires when they gather lor thi triennial meeting, lor which the Salem YWCA li the hostess aniiciution Other YWCAi In this area, who will have members In attendance, Include Kugenc, Portland, Astoria, 'Vancouver, Wash, Since the meet ing is bring held In tliu city, there may be many, who are not on the YWCA board and committees, or member! of clubs, who may wish to attend. K so, they are urged to contact the YWCA office Immed iately, if they wish to make a reservation for the sessions. rir..l.lln .1 Ik. .......... ...ill be Mrs. George F. Jewell, Spo-, ?nTm ' P ' kane, a member of the National! ' ,.., , . .. YWCA Board. Mrs. Earl Cranston, i, . .7'" W T'uk,' Alladena. California, president of j ' h"d "''w Ind habi U Ihe Western Region, will speak in r!m' M"' Acl Donnelly the afternoon on the theme 'See-1 i"d. M"' f en'1 Ba Ing the World In a New Light." i !r' " lhe '"! kttl ...... . may be purchase at the door or . Mrs. Jewelt has been a member from Mrg Donnelly, of the national board since 1945. ... . i n u i ' .. She is a former president of the l ' "ulm,n;( u" 1 rf sl" Spokane YWCA. and Is serving on , J'1' lu the board of trustees of both Weli-i"'"'8 of ' .ley College and of American tni- 'M"' JaQ r7 ",nd M,r veraity. Beirut, Lebanon. ' I E' 'ifi'"8 ,he National Leader. U AUe.4 j f' D-APPJ Mrs. Cranston ha. served seven E W Rlchey Mr. Lu. Lucas years on the national board, and Md M"' ' is j member of the board of di- Dining room ' In. charge of reitors of the YWCA in rasade na. Mr- Clarence Blaxall, Mrs. L. C. Mrs. Cranston is a former -mis- Elofson, and Mrs. Florence Ames. . sionary. One of her community , Pie committee includes Mrs. A. service, has been rendered as vice G- Forman, Mrs. Fred Cahlsdorf, president of the Pasadena board of Mrs. Minnie Gregory and Mrs education. Both Mrs. Jewett and ln Hildebrandt. The public is in Mrs. Cranston have served on the i v''l to the dinner. World's YWCA Council and attend-! ed the meeting in Lebanon in j Mn- 8c"' Sam'1 ' ealertala j95 niemocr. oi inapier tst, rr.u wion- ri. mMlino . .t , day night at her home. 694 Wayne clock with a regis iration and;cu . Mr, Albada. P'VL JV,1: gram. .."Fun with Flowers1;, which in Salem, is chairman. Mrs. Al- "... . ,.j K u . bada has invited members of the ' Presented Mrs- CcorS' Y-Wives iq the visiting YW dele-1 eane jations to assist as the hostesses, j The Lur Hml clb wW Following the socml hour, Mary ; enterlained Tuesday at tne horne Ann Schoessler and Ann Barber. of Mr, phjlj Ptletmn 1060 Ca$. n 0,,hf vJll,ame,te. a 130 dessert pus YW will lead a of:luntheon Membwi ar( aske, ( worship. bring issues of reading magazines, From l o clock until noon the whjfh wU ,0 hoj. group will hear from two members , )( s of the YWCA national staff, Missr Elizabeth Payne, who will .peak The P ph, Motb.t club on leadership training and Miss , wi mi,e, at the state strect chap. Carolyn Duke, who will speak on ter hnuse Tues(jay aftcrnoon for a finance. j 2 o'clork dessert luncheon. The pro Dr. Rnnkel Luehe Speaker pram wi bonk rpvjew by Mrj During the luncheon at noon in jamr, Tj Br8nd Ho,tc),s;g arc the YWCA Dr. Howard Runke Mr, Bfrte, c sjoding and Mf, from the speech department of Aflnur G upslon Willamette University will speak . . WW T" iSr8!- l u 1 k i ik. miino wa' scheduled for the year fo -the luncheon those at the meeting , ,. . -'.,,.. Will attend one of the four discus- lowln, lhe Trlennla Convention, lion groups. The resources leader- s'nce ' PurPse to help mem :L," i. .. fni!,.. "The In. I bcr of local associations imple- : Z. i i . v.- ij-hf! -World im,nt convention leadership and VI iuuoi ill f f - - - St. Mary's Church Setting for Post-Easter Nuptials Saturday.BPW Club to Initiate New Members StitlcMnau, ..S.i.t'iii. i,iv -Uii., - .A ,"Bfc,'' 'ft; . ar Miss Carolyn C. Duke, national board staff member of the' YWCA, who will be among the featured speakers at the YWCA Neighborhood Meet Ing on Friday, April 13 at the Salem YWCA. YWCA mem bers from Astoria, Eugene, Portland, Vancouver, Wash, and Salem will attend the sessions and luncheon. Miss Duke is secretary in the West ern Region for the Depart ment of National Support and advises local associa tions on matters relating to the financing of the national and international programs of the YWCA. MT. ANGEL First of the post Esster nuptials at Ml. Ansel was the colorful double ring ceremony at SI. Mary', embolic church Saturday morning, April 7, it 10 o'clock which united Mis. Phylli. Amermin, daughter of Mr. ind Mrs Liwrcnre Amerman in port land, ind Leftoy F. Jaeger, son of Mr. and Mr.. John Jaeger, Mt. Angel. The Rev. Father Cyril Lebold, officiated at the nuptial high mass! r r.tnt Tupmliiv and Ihe altar boy. included the Alffling 1 urtuiay cousin, of the groom. Alan Jicobyj Th, Marjon Norrii w!sryan and Patrick Jacoby of Slayton. .M,uurfh.rMM.iMid Michael Palmer Mt. Angel ind Church wi meot Tuesday night wuj-u mi. nmn, ,he hme of Mri Wendd wi. St. Mary's choir sang, accom-, manh, m Saginaw St. Co host pained by Mis. Helen Keber, Solo-,ew, wilt V? Mr.. Steam. Cushing, 1st. were Mis. Joann York and Mr.. Waller F: Dodge and Mr.. 'Mis. Arlyn Berkholti of Sublimity, i), a. Coodridge. Mr.. J. Edgar ineDriaeworeagownoiinamu-ipurdy will present the devotion., ly lace over satin with full nylon. m. E. E. Bergman will review tulle .klrt, which terminated in a (he book, "Prison andi Chocolate chapel train. A nylon crown, studd- cAt" by Nayantara Sahgal. New ed with seed pearl, and rhlnestones, member, of the year will be hon held the fingertip veil of illusion. ored durjng the evening. She carried a white orchid with -stephanotl. atop a white missal, j Mrl w,,r 8y(l,r Mi Mrf Ei For sentiment she carried a hand- D. smith will entertain members of kerchief which was a gift from her chapter BC. PEO Tuesday after godfather. I noon at 1 o'clock salad luncheon J?"1 V! , , t the former". Center Street home. The maid of honor, Mis. Shirley a ballerlni gown of daffodil yellow w, -ti rlt v..nin,t. h..HH.. nf m.i,h. I her daughter, wetlding. The "Renewing Our Purpose" i. the theme of the April 10 meeting of the Salem Business and Pro fessional Women's Club, when the membership will convene at the Firtt Congregational Church recreation room. t 7:30 p m. to present the emblem ceremony j.nd initiate new member.. In charge of arrangement. 1. crystalette. A headdress of match ing material was outlined with seed pearls and she carried The mitly social meeting of Pioneer Post No. 149 (all-womens Legion Post) will be held Monday evening, April ( at the home oi Miss Lena Vanderwood, 983 North 14th St. Mrs. Harriott Belcher and Miss Essie White will be co-hostesses. The MIssMri Club will meet Taesw day at the home of Mrs. Wade Weekly, IIS South Lancaster Drive, (or a 12:30 no-ho.t luncheon. Sev eral membra will be honored with a birthday cake and there will be entertainment arranged by Mrs. L. Brown. Salem Memerial Hospital Auxili ary will hold Its monthly meeting Monday morning at the hospital at 10 a .m. Final plans will be made for the auxiliary's annual silver tea to be held April 19 at the home of Dr. and Mrs. George R. Hoff- mother of groom wore a dressmake nit nf aatitrmplnfl nink whit LTZJ'rSJ. 5-ri" and p' - Ions and stephanotis. i Four bridesmaids. Mis. Maurita Reeeptlaa and Mis. Joan Jaeger, sister of the A dinner and reception for 2M bridegroom, and Mr.. Victor suests followed immediately in St. Hauth. Portland, and Miss Carol Mary'i dining hall. , Henry, Marylhurst, were gowned j Mn. Ivan Robertson, Portland, alike in blue crystalette. ' aunt of the bride, cut the cake. They carried colonial bouquets Mrs. Herb Berkholti, Sublimity, of yellow carnations. - j godmother of the groom, and Miss Annita Etzel of Stayton was ' Myron Clemenson poured, flower girl and her brother, Jerry! Assisting were Misa Sharrie Etzel, carried the double rings. i the recrestlon committee with i Mrs. Dorothy Walker nd Mrs. j Daisy Chance, co-chalrnun. Mrs. Cecil llohbs, membership chair-' msn, will present four new mem bers for initiation.. They .re: Mr.. Blanche Storer. Mrs. Fern j Hooker, Mis. Nell Mcl'ue, .nd ! Miss Esther Dunlel. ' Seventeen member, of lhe club 1 will attend the Central Willa-n-ftto District Conference at Sil verton Imlny, . Tie ref u'jr meeting of the PI Beta Phi alumnue dated for Thursday has been cancelled thi. month, as the annual Founder's Day banquet I. sched uled for April 28 at China City. ( ll. ... ... I l'.. .' k.UIMl V s(K'!ii,i n n. In I" iiH.nicrr m will nice' W'ednrubv a;te, pmin at the home of Mrs. Winifred I'rttviohn at 2 o'clock There 'vill be elec tion of officers during the meet ing, Chapter ( R. I'KO meet al the home of Mrs. P. L. Calvert, 210 East Washington St., Thursday nihl at 7 M p. m. Mrs. Arthur Gravatt will be the agisting bust-es. They are the niece and nephew of the groom. Don Jaeger stood as best man for White and Mis. Elaine LordPort land, Miss Dolores Robertson, Mr.. Dean Power., Mis. Wendy Tronbly. Mis. Ruth Wagner, Mia. Pat Sen ilis brother and the groomsmen miti, Mrs. Kenneth Bird, the were: Conni. Jacoby, Stayton, Rob-; Misses Carolyn Peterson. Mary bert Andrews, Woodburn, Victor Lou Wiggins, all Portland, and Hauth Portland and Jame. Hoffcr Martina Otter, Mt. Angel. Mt. Angel. Bernard Seiler, Cor- After a wedding trip to Reno, vallis, and Ed Jacoby, Stayton, the newlywed. will be at home in were ushers. j Portland. For traveling, the bride The mother of the bride chose donned a two-piece suit in aqua a powder - blue dressmake. suit, linen with white accessories. ... lnclusiveness. Miss Payne' "Needs of the New Community," Mrs. Cranston; "Public Affairs." Miss Duke. "Strengthening the In dividual." Miss Jewett. The closing service will be led by Mrs. Victor P. Morris from the YWCA in Eugene. Mrs. Robert F. Anderson, member of the Salem board of directors, will sing. "LIFE IS NOTHING WITHOUT FRIENDSHIP" . (Author', name below) Operating a Pharmacy - is different from other business es, because we supply medi cines and health-aids that vi tally effect your life. Pharma cy is a friendly Profession, be cause like all good friends we are able to be of service. When sickness invades your home, or you need any of the many health-aids we carry, come to us, as you would to a friend, for any service we can Ethically perform. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE .4-3336-150 S. liberty St. 3-9123-310 Court St. 3-3157-2440 Greir St. - WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, or let us deliver at 12:30 and 4:00 daily without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? ' REMEMBER: At 150 South Liberty Street we are pre pared to supply your Drug Store needs 24 hours a day. Night and day. We are open at this address daily from 9:00 A. M. until 11:00 P. M. At any other time you need us just dial 4-3336 or 39123. Sunday hour, are 12:00 until 2:00 and 6:00 until 9:00 P. M. We are pleased to be able to give this 24 hour service to the people of our community. Medical Center Branch 2440 Grear Phone 3 3157 Salem, Oregon Court and Commercial Phone 3-9123 150 South Liberty St. Phone 4 3336 ' 'Quotation by Quintus Ennus 200 B. C. Copyright 6W4 55 action into the program of local YWCAs. St. Cecelia's Guild af St. Paul's Episcopal Church will meet in the fireplace room at I o'clock Tues day night. Hostesses will be Mrs. William Schaumberg, Mrs. Willis Rosenthal, Mrs. William Ncufeldt 'and Mrs. James Rawls. jjn jlk pud h 7uMti MILLER S DEPARTMENT STORE .. ' 3-9405 'i ! T Ha t- The Best Place to Shop . . . After All i 7WW ii Wv bvlv i , itti:: IP1!- MADE-TO-ORDER FACE POWDER NOW PRESSED IN A COMPACT. . . or boxed oj usual; Set your very own shade of fact powder crtatto, hond-btnded and preued in a compact while you waif. No oddifivei, no oily octet . . , just purt Charfts of fht R'tz fpet powder prttfd into a smart, sUm compact. Comt in foday for (hit moif personal l Ibtaufy boon in ft ntwttt motf convenitnf form. o fie hk $2.00 piuttox 'fx mtm1 mm sat l mm M HmH ImI, MMr Price Reduced on famous Adjustable Ann Baldwin "LIFE SIZE" Dress Form ; REGULAR 5.9S New flexible material makes amazing dress form. Reduces or gains with you within your size ranjje. Does virtually everything a $30 dress dimmy - can do and costs only 17 the price 5 exclusive advantages: 1. Only dress form anywhere near price - that gains or loses with you. NOTION DEPT. 3.98 2. Can store, in drawer. 3. So light you can hold in one hand. 4. Can be used in sections. ' 3. Lowest cost - ' New 1955 model drastically improved price .lashed 13 only $3.98 complete. Pays lor itself first time you use it. 9) fl.711 P)(2)- COKTIKUES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT STORE HOURS: Mondays and Fridays 9:30 to 9-Other Days 9:30 to 5:30 0 0 0 mm wot The Best Place to Shop . . . After AIL co