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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1956)
i: (.':,. I) 'tafi-Mnau. (he, Sun., Apti! , 1 in Koine, Hears Report of U. N. Experts on Middle Easl a ' HOMK Ifl Secretary Crnrra) J)i Hammer l)old heard rrjxirt huturdar miM from ' U N. tii(U on the Uteal flareur Gun Duels Continue to Blaze at Gaza I JEniSALKM -Cutt durli Uot. b I up Is lour hour i blaird ovrr the Caia atrip border Saturday 11 I N. Secretary General Dag Ham- anarikjold flew M hi peace nua- libit toward the Middle tail. Ka eawalUei were reported. ItrUi tides lodged complaint with th ILN. truce eraniialloe) whirh u appealed (or, cm llr ta the area. It wai the third dy that ducU lava lathed the area. Aa Egyptian tpoatamji at Caia charged that the laraelii opened the (hooting at 4 a m, with auto matic weapon firt from the pamra sector aorlheait of Caia. The ipoketmaa laid the Uracil' opened fire later at IX BureJ. aorta of Delr BaUah. The exchange laited four boun. Aa Uracil Armjr apoketman. (he ether hand, Bernard the Egyp tian of itartlnj the hootlnf. He Mid rifle and machmeguo fire vai directed at three Israeli out fmil la the Kieeufim area In the crntral lector, beginning, about T JO a m., and about three boun later ride and machine gun ihoti vert aimed at laraeli poeitlona la the northern tec tor. of Arab Itrarll UntloO la the ilMl.ll '.at. The aerretary general arrwed here for a Confrreme Kith I'ope I'lui XII and U N. official ai re port from tlie llu'y Und told of new Intermittent gn duel tailing four hour ovrr tha trwe r.gyp tiaa Iaraell border near Caia. He ll M a lear minion to tha plotiva Middle fait. Shooting haa erupted la that nervou ardor (or tha la at three dart, rgyptlam claim U Araba rre killed la tha ihrlllng of Gail Thuraday. A mau funeral for ta wa held thera Saturday. The U raelii aald four of their loMier ere killed la earlier eichangei thli week. "It would sot be proper for me to talk at thli time." Hammer kjnld told newimen who crowded about hli plana ta ek how the latrtt outhreaki would allect hil mink of per ton il diplomacy. Te fooler "I hive aa fixed echedlle, he explained. "I muat aea my people flrit" Earlier, however, upoa Uklng off from London where he talked for mora thia aa hour with Brt tiih Foreign Secretary Selwya Lloyd at the airport, ha told re porteri ha did not believe there waa any "ipeclal txplaaatioa" for the flareap. 'It atari eft with a minor Inri dent and flarei op In way wt know only too well, ha aald. "Thli ti natural If you know how human belngi react, but I don't think we ihould try to find tome deeper political motive. Ha Hid he doei not plan any i pedal appeal beyond tha one al ready made to Kgypt and Urnel by Mi J. Gen. Edaon Burni, U.N. true chief, for aa Immediate ceaae-fira along tha demarcatioa line. v K. c:n:::s v;::kat : : :,-v. "1E''" ' " r Monday, April 9 "A Night Out at Meier & Frank't-Salam' Special mtnu and dinner music, model ing, fraa favori for tha children-Oregon Room, Street Floor-5;00-8;00 p.m. Monday, April 9 Bridge leitoni conducted by Mr. Ernest Rovere-Tnining Department, Mezzanine -2:00 p.m Monday, April 9 Jantzen Tartan Plaid Informal modeling Sportiwear Department, Street Floor 7:00-9;00 p.m. Tuesday, April 10 Informal Fashion modeling during lunch eon hours. Oregon Room, Street Floor. Thursday, April 12 "Coffee And" Time with Informal model ing of daytime and sport clothes A "Come as You Are" hour for women, with coffee and light snacks available Oregon Room, Street Floor-9;30-1 :00 a.m. Thursday, April 12 Informal Fashion modeling during lunch eon hours. Oregon Room, Street Floor. Saturday, April 14 Pat Hartley Fashion Show Oregonlan Shop, Street Floor-2:00 p.m. Saturday, April 14 Mist Audrey Joy demonstrating the vari ous uses of fly-tying equipment-Sporting Goods Department, Street Floor. Wailing hr at the airport ai l(ainmark)ld itrpped down from hli plane were frenchman llrnry Vlglrr, pol"lrl fvianf to Hum!, and Henry R. IInmIim, Amer Iraa head af tha U.N. lUllef Agency hl k bai fed and houted nearly million Arab refugee from falritio. Botk flew la from tha trouble area ta meet him. My M cry of (Jrccii ('reck Uncovered I.DMONKS HI A M of ItHimU rllriil h wr "f- rifd alxnit Ihrir eyolk'ht are re- llrvrd, now that lliry ve Uarnrd What rauard tx hrll ( irrk to lull grrn, IVy nilht have guriied the aniwrri l.illle txi)l. I'olue Oiirf llulM-n Grlmxtad wrnt a-ileulhlng alter gHIIng a nudilwf of phone call aliout Die kalrkdoMMptc llrtarn, Kvrry ao alien, the folk aald, It biuthrd bright (rrm. The chief traked (he color to two little txyi who had dlacovered ome Air force lite raft marker dye la their father's garage, 1 Publisher Jailed for Loud Speaker Attacks on Crime Is : At MONT, T I - Nw paper I'liLIUIitr Vt'illlatn I'ttKoll Allrn Wal plw rd It Ja'l again 8l uiilar. title) time fur making too mtMh noite on a llraumont itrect, Aulnant Chief of I'olke Willie Bauer ordrred Allen, who 1 mak ing a pertonal italrwide cruia.le agalnt frlme, put In Jail after he refuted la pay a 12 bond el fur vlni i ion of a tily anil none ordinance. Iiaurr laid Allrn refuieil repeat edly to atop driving hi loud naker-eulpped car up and down iw-aumonl atreotf talking about bli crlmr rrutado, Allca. wai placed la tha fort VYorlh ll ovrtnlftil ahuut I nuiitlh aid wlirn he reluacd la imwrr grand Jury qunliuiia alxmt ell lurlal he had written laying wlitriread gamhllng and crime eiiated la fut Worth. Allen wai relraird In fort Worth after he admitted In oprn court that (he only emirre of Infiirniallun dr hi eililorial wa an ramy nmm cllr, Allen I pulilinher of leveral newapapni, In lulling the l-artiln 11 ei ) Time, Jim tAlaikal t nipir and tla Monlroae (Colo.) I'rea. Itrcoril on Fdurullon Mrrting AvallaUfl WASHINGTON I r for the ue of clUieni planning etate or roin tnunily confrrentei on Khool protilemi, the f lira and record of tha committee for the White llouae conference on edutitlia are being left available. Tha committee, which MR la at wintrr'l conference here, ditband ed alter tuliinlttuig Una! report to rreiident t;ienhower. It matertala will be in charge of Donald W. McKime. eiecutive officer of tha admlnlitratlve man agement branch, V. I. office of education, Washington, U, D. C. Illy polk alopprd Allrn far SalunUy niiHiilitg while he wai biooili a.llng and luld him it waa aialmit a lily witmam to ue a public aitilnu lyiirm on Hi an n ont lirrrta, The oflirrr laid Allrn refuted to lip and krd that the patrolmen take him lo polli heoiliiiartrrs. f Ttie aulalant polU chief Said he eiplalned luih bronihaatlng wa agalnat city regulation and akrd him to atop. ' "Well, go ahead and atrnt me. ! want lo be arretted," Bauer quoted Alien at iniwerlng, Pauer aald Allen maile no at lemiH ta poet bond before ha wa taken la a jail cell. j Snakes, Timers Slow Tourist M.W DI I.III I - The fa.lerB Imlian Hale of (Jil doein't Jei a lourltt IxKiin, lteMrt from Ciillaik lay nukr killed l'0 IM-rtun) la the Kale ipop. riilllliml laet year and ill nianealing tigeri are ilill at largi after having taken dul en of livn in l'J'.l and 4 In Jan uary and Kehruary, The Imrente in U S. nomilalloa ilitce 1UU0 about equal the entlra rornlilned pretent tiitlon of New Kngland, New York. New Jer ey, I'ennnylvania, Ohio, Indiana, lllinolt, Michigan, Wlnneiota. Wla- coniin and California. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P.' M. - OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. IjuiI 1U L-JU 1 PLia1jV. sL Ilk : ';;'iU a ,omm 1 - t H.-Mi.-a-- r- ; rrr iiiHS irm rr n i it n n n Hnt i atatrimmmi HHHIffiHffl 1. "flarrly Yonn" barp-armrrl white cot. ton broadcloth Home with touch o'lartan trim. 1018. $3,95 Tartan" Lnre-M cut to ratih tlm htrtM at your knrn, completely lined.' 10-18. 16.93- SPORTS SHOP -STREET FLOOR 1 "Tartan Talk" girl' iwlm suit with claitldrd back, ililrml front Button-on itrapf. Sizct 3-8 $4,9j. Sim 7-14 $5.93 GIRLS' SHOP - STREET FLOOR Informal modeling Jantirn "Clooneu" Tartam 12 to 1:30 P.M. Turnlay , , . Thunday - OREGON ROOM - STREET FLOOR 5 ' fflttk a . . the "Clooney" clan tartan, at 1 authentically Scotch as the Highland Fling, has been famous in the pages of history for hundred of years . . . if bigger news tlian ever at Meier & Frank's Salem today , . . loved so much by everyone, we've done a whole collection of Jantzen tartans for the family in the same wonderful "Clooney" ted arid black tartan T Tand in other famous clan tartans. KE4MQEi7ilSMC? FOR! i-f Mi--iTtfTri!f'itrTTf-t tti ii itt -riM a ui In SBBHa wHHfflfflaaEfflia&tu 3. "Sea Tartan" cotton knit T-Top with tartan trim in boys' sizes 4-20. $2.93- "Sea Tartan brief boxer sliort, fully lined. Sizes 4-12 $3.50- Sizes 14-20 $3.95. SHOP-STREET FLOOR 4. "Sea Tartan" sport shirt, two pockets, interlined collar. Small-mcdium-large-extra large. $3.95 "Sea Tartan" boxer trunks, fully lined, elasticized waist 30-44. ("Sea Tartan" brief style, also.) $4.95 MEN'S FURNISHINGS STREET FLOOR ri! romi rra xr m: nu n mi ixii turnr i a tt no - ULLU LLJ LXJ.LiJ L-Ji Lili L-J LU UJ LUl ULLn V . . ear we eV-T ii'W i! -ie i 3- ':m:ll BOYS' ' nS 1 I V BMfflEL. ' & ? vs .. ffiaHfflifflfflw ' 'I J - Ns ' " '"' Quantity I Item ' Color -J -SheTTotal "" Sec these Jantzen tartans in our windows . . . and informally modeled Monday, 7-9 P. Af., In our Sports Sicp Street Floor. Mail and phone orders FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1000 CARS Meier It Frank' Salem, Salem, Oregon Please lend me the following: Name Street City Zone State Charge C. O. D. n Remit. Enc. n flui ihipping cost to areas outside our regular track delivery rautea.