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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1956)
Advocates of County Zoning Point to Mounting Suburban Area Problems ix tnomai c, wkicnt ;n. liar? Writer, Te ftummaa Hui(Miilri of tounljf Miiiti, Cum lured Hi llilid lllllf li I In rharm. ii bu.y lumpin Marlun (otinly for niauit hih uuld (iv tuunly ulluiali riwir ronlrql vr I he oevilup nwnl of luliurtiaft areai. Votrfl will dr 14 on tlx Via? II Primary ballut whether the county rourt shall be authorised lo enart sonine, and land ua refulalloiu. In ltrM, the lad lima It wai on tht ballut, Ihry turned It down by dim 171 vvtn, but coiiiplu aliuni brought on by In i'leuttt control over suburban It row I h ilmt la espected lo give the meaauri tht axlat wt monlh. If approved, tin mea.uri would aulhorli lb county court lo ton land fur residential, commercial or Industrial uw, with power to firtvenl any development of ont n an area toned f'tr anuthrr, Farm and limber lamia would not bt refulaled under th law ai lonf ai they continued In IIom Uari. Thert art M provliloni fur corrtcllon of tslatlni fault which data already permuted nuuilnf, development In th odoroua sha dow of alaufhter house, allowed Conilructmn of filling atailoni In th middle of residential area, and failed lo provll fur iys tematlc traffic network. County lofllnf, aayt III lupport an, would keep (hei faults Irom I" Salnn, Ore, Sun,,' Apt ll fl. 'M tr. I) 11 I 1 1 1 -.J Nelkkra ara really "rUn" la I Kit eUeailea whirl, ewaaly aoalaf advarale lay la lb retail of aaeaa- irwlled taaarbaa deveUataeai. Adlaeeat owaera aet built farafea U th preperly Ha taaalaf aa aaailieaal lira kaiard and a Jaramlaf at thai taurt at eat kaa aver raat af atber. bwlldlaia. la Ikla rata alrorlarei wera M tie lafetber Caaaty aaalaf aataertert peial la IMa lyae at atraetar a eiaaaal near laleaa north eUy Nmlla at what eaa baa wbeea aalldlaf eeatrola aa4 Nn reialalUaa are Urala(. Balltlaf la eealer k4 been Bard1 aa reeUenrei ealheaae la the left waa healed ery rbta la adjacent praptrty Ha, tewlag backer pwlat aat Ikal awrb altaallaaa aVprerlata prwaerty talwea 'akarply, racurrlni and provide for an orderly development of area ad jacent to communltlea In' tht county. Prewnt uie would con tinue (or tha lit of the unci. Under In program, lha Marlon County P 1 a a I g Commission lion ha i already prepared pre liminary county plan and tub dlvlalon refulalloni which In- would advlat tht county rourt on loninl ai th prraent City Plan nlnf Commliwlon acti for th City rniifvll I'lihhi luarln. tttrailit lu. rirJi ir.. ... ,1...... elude a propotad lyitam of required for any changei from coU)ty hgh(iy ind'blc ,,nd adopted wnlnf code. Ul (Wra rounty plM Th county planning commit- would bt aubmltted to public bearinf befort It could bt adopt td. . . , Volrra will not .be voting on tht plan at tht May II election, but merely to decldt whether tht county shall bt authorized to en act tha regulation! and a plan. Support en iay lonlnf would protect rcaldentlal dlilricti from encroachment af apartment!, butlneaa and Industry, would pro tact bualneta centeri from en croachment of Industrie and pro tact tight manufacturing a real Sill -.a -i w, NC"1 v ; 7'''.'""' 1 7V Pi II.AI K nil LAN- 'vuttfl lW" I' tu I. ioiIjI 44 n r?H (Ma A D 144 7 1411 H 'y n h Ta dfeltip metiog lo Sunday, reod ort cooeipoJ-ofl 'Vtt'l ot r"M oUot " I ., 11 mm l ! t. ) 0. ) i t ) l-4 U l i 4 U I 4 Im 4 w - t t-ll )1 lu . ! -' a c vi t T J tM-uxt A M fc' I 44 I I ! t V J I II 41 T-ki, II Cm- II V 4) M V.4 1 a 41 t M ---4 14 MuiK 44 4 l"vn It e.MiwH 41 K. S ty It 44 A 74 M if ,M 4i iieni ? r l Mm 41 ft - I A 4 k4 r ClMX ;q Htw o Ctt l Im i iH i iij II i it Tto, i; r )l lA J .'. II f 4 ?4 V4.( 14 rt it it - At Vt N 4 JF V..M V Im I' t-se W 0m M 1 M "t ) tnthxmt A "" JO I Mh 0 C:)Copd ()AJtne rj) Vii.ul ' ft! 7 7144 I I1H. UiVivai . o 1 1 7l 9 4 SI VMM l t7 47 iV llli ewrt . Ml a. JUJvJv. ;a4 V. Caafati at rtreet name, eaated by a lack af lytlem aad refBlaMoa are alt cited ai prablema which weald ba eliminated by adeaaaie caaaty plaaalag, Realdeaeea aad boalaeMea aid by aid ara another eiamalr. Health katarda, bratjgkt akarply It atteaUaa la Ik laleaa area dariaf the race at wet winter, ara eieat piined la tba claaeaeaa at awtkawaea (left) aad weU (righl-ceaicr) fca Ikla area Berth at ally. Lark af raa Irala aver aewaga diapaaal and lack af dralaag prevlttoa eaated aerlaaa keallk kaiard paieatlal la aaaay faat-deelaala( aabarkaa area. from heavy Indutlry. Zoning would provlda apart around build Ingi lo prevent Jamming and art minimum tUca of loti for real dence. Prlvala deed rritrlcllona In tub dlviaioni would prevail aver ton ing ordinance! if they call for mnrt reatrlctlvt tut. If tht toning ordinance la mora reatrlctlvt then It would prevail. Zoning doea not fix minimum rati of home In certain dutrirt. Requirement! for building per mit! and lubdlvUloa regulation! art not Included under tht toning meature. Tht county court al ready bold! authority to rtqulrt permit! for building! In tht county area, but ha not put tht auth ority into force, Plaited lubdivlilont In the Sa lem area mutt be approved by tht Salem Planning Commiuion, but other hounnf development It not controlled. t'ncontrolled development! In adjacent areai have resulted often In Jogged at reel i, drainage prob lem!, aub-itandard housing, lack of lanitary provision and general disorderly and depreciating con dition!, aayi David Baker, plan ning technician for tht Marion County Planning Commltaion. "Disorderly dtrtlapmtat create! problem! which increaat community cost and decrease property value," ba aayt. 'All Kindj of INSURANCE and SURETY BONDS" VTT VS IN QUK MW QUAimS 121 No. HIGH S PH. 4-3333 AN OPPORTUNITY Far 4 lift Insvraoca agent fa anttr tht field af agtrtcy management. A maar( wall-knawn lift Inturanca tam pan y lei rhl tarHtary bat an apanlng far District Man ager lei Ilm. Training ana flaW asaistanca given. Salary ana fuH tima agenft caertrad with tap taenmla aian plut a aplandi) aaniian plan. Offka fwrnlahaal. Ixpansat paid whan avt af lawn anal car allwtn, lacallant futurt. Writa ra lai 93S, Slatatmaa-Jawrnal, giving ajuillfltetlana. . , Ambassador Says Liberia SliunsRcds WASHINGTON OP Liberian Ambassador George Padmore said Saturday Russian ofleri of a friendship pact and economic aid will not "deter us from our firm resolve" to remain aligned with th Free World. Padmore'i itatement was Issued in connection with presentation of his credentials to President Eisen hower. Padmore was tht second new ambassador to pay the tra ditional first call at the White House since Eisenhower's heart at tack last fall. Friday, Japanese Ambassador Masayuki Tani visited the President. The Liberian envoy, recalling Li beria "s long jtanding.Jriendship with the United States, denied re ports that his country a Negro republic on Africa's southwest coast had agreed to sign an amity treaty with Russia or had accepted recent Soviet aid offers. In this connection, he made pub lic a policy statement by Liberian President William V. Tubman that Liberia "has never been for sale, neither will the Liberian people barter their integrity. . , " Permanent County Cancer Organization Considered Slept toward a permanent can cer organlutioa in Marion County will be taken at a Monday noon meeting at the Hotel Marion. In vited are all persons who have made donations to soliciting work ers during the past year. Purpose of the permanent or ganisation will deal mainly with Reds Block Berlin Hotel ROME Communist members of the City Council Friday night blocked at least temporarily approval for a big new Hilton hotel in Rome. Plans call for construction of the hotel on Monte Mario, overlooking the City of Rome. At a stormy meeting Commu nist members of the council charged that the city was inter ested in construction of the hotel because it would increase the value of surrounding property.' - Name calling grew so bitter that Mayor Salvatore Rebecchini fin ally suspended the session. Final action was not taken on the re quest to- approve the, hotel, - Stressing the need for the new hotel, the city assessor declared that the City of Paris alone is better equipped with hotels than all Italy. Rome, he said, has only 22.000 beds and 5,000 baths in, hotel . accommodations. ... He spoke as local hotels already were jammed with the tourist peak still to come. Man Learns Jury Firm But Merciful PONTIAC. Mich, i - Gus Gatewood, of Pontiac, convicted Thursday by a.jcuxuit. .court jury of failing lo support his wife and five children, learned Saturday that justice is tempered with mercy. During his trial.' Gatewood told the jury he was wearing an over coat in the courtroom because his shirt was torn and he had no oth er clothei. After returning their verdict, the 12 jury members got together and took up a collection of clothing from their homes. J. P. Porter of Pontiac, one of the jury mem bers, presented the clothing to Gatewood at the county jail Fri day. Gatewood is awaiting sen tence April 16. "The wonderful thing is they (the jury members) knew he was guilty and they upheld the law with mercy in their hearts," said Judge Clark J. Adams, who. pre sided at the trial. the conducting of annual cancer drives and promotion of educa tional programs throughout the year. Chief buiinesi Monday will be a vole on proposed by laws for the group. Mark Hatfield has been named chairman of the organization, which is the first such group formed in the state. The Monday session also will serve as a kick-off for tht door-to-door solicitation for funds in the current cancer drive. Official announced that the residential por tion of the campaign will continue through April 21, with plans for canvassing of the Salem business area on April It. All other areas of Marion County also will be covered during the monlh of April, "Mrs. Marvin R.' McClain heads the Salem residential canvas and Richard Fidler is in charge of the drive in the business area. High winds near the Adriatic sea sometimes blow railroad trains from their tracks. Will Solves Gift Problem ELIZABETH. N. J. UB Three persons in this area have been supplied with Christmas, Easter and birthday gifts for the rest of their lives. In the will of Mrs. Fannie Kin sey of Elizabeth, filed for probate Friday, the 86-year-old church leader who died April 1. set up a trust fund to provide the gifts for her granddaughter and two great grandsons. The granddaughter, Miss Janice Poole, of Union will get $100 worth ol gifts annually. Fifty dollars each in gifts will go to Robert D'Espies, and Ronald D Espies, both of Elizabeth. Flamboyant Car Dealer's Home Looted CHICAGO tf The home of Earl W. (Mad Man) Muntz and his bride of two months, model agency hejd Patricia Stevens, was looted Friday night of an estimated $.'4. 000 in cash, furs and jewelry. Muntz It the flamboyant dealer In Lot Angeles' postwar used car; Doom wno later Drammed out into manufacture of television sets and expensive tportt automobiles. Muntt TV Inc. is undergoing re organization under the Federal Bankruptcy Act. He and Miss Stevens, operator of model agencies and charm schools in 30 cities, wera married in Detroit Jan. 28. It was the second marriage for both. Both, gave their ages as X. The couple told police they re turned to their $125,000 home in suburban Winnetka from a dinner party, late last night to discover the place -"torn up." Muntx said the thieves had lugged a safe containing $15,000 to $20,000 in cash from the house to a nearby garage, where they pried it open. He said all his wife's furs and jewels wera missing. Muntt told police he has re ceived "strange" telephone calls Holmes Critical Of Legislature For Voting Laws KLAMATH FALLS ('- The Republican dominated Oregon Legislature was criticized Satur day by Stale Sen. Robert D. Holmes for "making it tough to vole." Holmes, who it seeking Demo cratic nomination as governor, spoke at a Democratic rally here attended by 200 persons. "The Republicans reached such a state of fury over the election in Oregon of Democratic Senator Richard L. Neuberger that they retaliated by complicating the vot ing lawt in this state," Holmes taid. His criticism was directed at the new law which requires voters to-ign- poll - books-wice- before they can cast their ballots. The U.N. World Health Organiza tion says 370 million people live in areas exposed to the risk of ma laria. recently. He said the phone would ring, but when the receiver was picked up, the only sound would, be a click of a phone being hung up at the other end. He said he thought the burglars had kept his home under surveil lance for some time. Police Search Scores Bullseye . NORTH BERGEN, N. J. MU - Hudson County detective Dominick Meatto was instructing three rookie policemen on how to search a car Friday. He picked a car at random, rounding the Lincoln, tunnel circle in Rt. 1. ' Meatto hit a bullseye ! In the glove compartment was a .15 'cal. automatic, he said. Driver Willie Smith, 32, of- Nor ' folk, Va. was packed off to jail, charged with possessing a danger ous weapon, iluisB m ouufNitm coinm DunaODMMHaM ftMtMm nfoiCAi cfNtfi much u aiiAt Hint mm. w Prescription Pharmacy SALEM 4-3336 Sunday! ond Holidays 12 Noon to 2 P.M. 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. 150 South Liberty nbefriL? U t I A llAJULAJLJJ it ooertti uom4 24-H61F Prescription Service at 150 South Libertv OPFN WEEK DAYS 9 A.M.JTO 11 P.M. CALL SALEM 3-9123 AFTER 11 Duplicate Prescription! - on File In All Stores . Daily 11:31 and 4:38 P.M. Deliverieg Medical Ctnttr Stort Closed Sunday 2440 Greor St. SALEM 3-3157 Downtown Stort SALEM 3-9123 Closed Sunday 310 Court htntaajtti Important things to look for when buying men's clothes FIT is one thing, fitness is some thing else again. Happily, they're ' both to be found in suits tailored by Hart Schaffner 4 Marx. Fit for your figure (from 5'2' to 6'5 ... . from 95 to 350 pounds) and fitness "for every occasion with a wide variety of distinguished fabrics and colors to choose from. All in the comfortably-fitting tall-and-trim athletic styling made famous, by fxclvsivi in Salem of BISHOP'S Saltm't Own Start Sinca 1190 1 WW I L Ik li- (? By Poplnr : MBM mm EM naAptJQ ka)4)t 1 y0a9 la lent) tkjt H SOt per 111 si Jill, HIP rfe 45" 48" Fabrics Values to $2.49 Yard! You Duy the Fabric We'll Make the Drapss Prints and solid colon in rich textures For a Limited Time! Only.. A o29 Yard One Group al $1.39 Yard One Group at $1.59 Yard We Can Take Care of . Any Drapery Rod Requirements Yon ran freshen every room in yonr home nith wonderful ciis lom-made draw drapes. Take advantage of this great low price. Patterns offered are close outs of fabrics valted to $2.49 a yard. Don't forget your window measurements. DRAPERIES SECOND FLOOR 0 Months to Pay APPLY AT OUR CREDIT OFFICE J. J. NEWBERRY CO. 241JJiberty 4.