e ffrc. Ill) Statrroan, Sa!t-m, Ore., FrL, Apr. 6, 1S3C; r 'i n r 4 i - Gingerbread At Best With Mocha Java r,rA r.infferliread. made from cherished old recipe, is as dd-; JUbbit is a simpi aisn os meuea fashioned as an antimacassar. It's cheese la which certain season rich with the time-honored ginger- !iogs have bean added. This bread Ingredients ginger, a( method of preparation makes it course, cinnamon, molasses and poaubU for the fine flavor of brown sugar. Tbe texture is what tbe cheese ta be .dominant when makes it different, because Card it is served, with crisp crackers Gingerbread is delicately crisp, not or toast for texture contrast ehewv. served aa sum squares. Over it is dusted a mature at sugar and pulverised coffee, giv ing H another extra touch. This texture means that Card Gingerbread is made ta seder for happy dunking. A bountiful supply of Hot Mocha Java and the ginger bread seem made for each Mher. Together, they give a glow to the aippiest. darkest day. OLD-FASHIONED CAJtD CINGEB BREAD ', H cup butter or margarine ; k cup brown sugar firmly packed . 1 1 well-beatee cup molasses I 1 cups sifted flour - - 14 teaspoons ginger H teaspoon cinnamon teaspoon salt - t teaspoon baking soda ; 1 tablespoon sugar . . 1 teaspoon pulverized coffee ,l Cream butter or margarine to consistency of mayonnaise. Beat in Sugar and continue beating until fluffy. Stir in egg and molasses.) Mix and sift flour, spices, salt and -baking soda. - Stir - in - gradually ChilL Roll inch thick on lightly .floured board. Place on greased baking sheet. Combine sugar and pulverized coffee and sprinkle over , top. Bake in moderate oven, 350 j degrees, 20 m i n t c a. Cat in squares. ; HOT MOCHA JAVA I Combine equal amounts of hot, i strong coffee and hot coca.' Sweeten to taste. Top with whipped cream and sprinkle with cinnamon. "lONO WAT ' . You can stretch chicken and vegetable salad by adding cold cooked rice. You can change the favor fey adding a dash of curry powder to the dressing used over , . the salad. . ... : 1 ToiiVi?!: Glacejh-faimea pineapple rings la mixture of butter and brown sugar to which n little soy sauce and grated fresh or round ginger has beta added. Serve with pan- fried pork chops. Mother! Swift will send for five labels ... to introduce your baby to Swift's Meats for Babies On dollar in caBh is yours when you send us labels from " Eve cans of Swift's Meat for Babies, Junior Meats or Eef Yolks, . All 8 varieties of Swift's Meals for Babies are natu rally delicate in flavor , . . creamy-smooth in texture. Each provides feed-time pleasure as well as sound pouriahment. ' J Ct Beef, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Liver, Heart, Liver- Meats for Babies SWIFTS most precious . product. Welsh RcbLitV Easy to Make ' I The home that hat god sup ply o( chee se on hand is home ; whese you cm expect on abort notice,, i ide variety of good things Jo eat Cheese m the home maker'! quick meal ally. Nothing cairfc converted into a nicer mack or main dish aa quickly as can cheese. One of the all time cheeac fav oritet la Webh Rabbit, probably the eiorft of all cooked cheeac specialties. According to moat food experts, tbe real Welsh Welsh Rabbit also can be served with vegetables, or with chicken or seafood ta grve flavor variety. WELSH RABBIT 4 cups diced, nippy American cheese (1 pound) 4 cup milk to teaspoon dry mustard H teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Combine all Ingredients in top of double boiler. Melt over not, not boiling water. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve at once on crisp crackers or toast, with tomatoes , and crispy bacon. Hakes servings. MORNING MEAL Cut large oranges ia half and loosen with a small sharp knife the sections from the dividing membranes. 6ere orange halves (with teaspoons for eating) for breakfast for a change. HOFFMAN'S MEATS We Tender Least Beef Roast ib. Armour tension Shel1er Veal yi Roast , ONTtl (UT UAN PORKROAST 5aP b&W ummmmmmmmmmmmmlg Another of the many frozen foods found at the- grocers now arc Shredded Potato Patties. A product of Oregon and Idaho, they come in packages of four. Here they're served with eggs and bacon for breakfast and only take few minutes to cook. Tangy Cream in 1 Here Is a delightful and glam orous way to serve two foods packed with energy-giving nutri ents. You .will find the unusual treatment given rice and fish in this tart and tangy recipe a re freshing change of pace. Try it soon. You'll serve it often. TARTTANGY FISH , t WITH RICE K 1 pound frozen fish fillets ? Vi cup minced onions ff 2 tablespoons butter $ or margarine , m cups sour cream 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon paprika 1 tablespoon cornstarch I tablespoons water 4 cups hot cooked rice Feature U.S. Govt. Inspected Leon Meoty Spare Ribs 3? MerrcIL Eeittrn -- Sliced D lib. DCllUI. L I ILL TUDU POM! and-Bacon and Chicken at your food store today! Serve Swift's Egg Yolk, too. And tempt your toddler with Swift's just-right Junior Meats. To get your dollar: Fill in coupon below. Mail with 5 labels from any Swift's Meats for Babies, Junior Meats or Egg Yolk to Cash for Labels, Dept. C, Box 7312, Chicago 77, ILL Oder limited to one dollar per family and expires April 28, 1956. Hurry. Send today! ClflNa Fish - Rice Dish 1 tablespoon minced parsley. Thaw fillets and cut into cubes. Cook onions in butter un til soft Add sour cream, salt, and paprika. Bring to a boiL Add fish. Return to the boiling point; lower heat Simmer until fish ia tender, about S minutes. Blend cornstarch and water. Stir into creamed fish very care fully. Cook until thickened. Pack rice lightly into a buttered 8-inch j ring mold. Let stand in warmj place about S minutes. Loosen i sides with knife. Unmold onto a I warm platter. Fill center with creamed fish. Sprinkle with the 1 parsley. Yields six servings. Ph:r.5 3-5553 150 H. COMMERCIAL Meets Pork ib pVg. STEAK . you JQP 37 1940 cissio:i ST. SALEMPIIOIIE 2-7661 COnACI FIATS Sliced er Crushed Pineapple VAN CAMP-ON Sixe PORK 'II' DEANS SEASIDE-303 LIMAS COnACE-303 Cut GREEN BEANS COnAGE-303 Wh. Kernel er Cream C0M1 COnAGE-303 PEAS COnAGI-2'4 SAUER KRAUT COnAGE-303 COTTAGE-2tt Tomatoes N ALLEY'S 15-ox. CHILI COTTAGE-303 PIE CHERRIES COTTAGE-303 FRUIT COCKTAIL COTTAGE 46-ox. PINEAPPLE JUICE COTTAGE 46-oi. " GRAPEFRUIT JUICE COTTAGE 46-oz. TOMATO JUICE WHITE STAR-Reg. CHUNK TUNA 400 SIZE UEEtlEX COnAGE-303 SPItACH SLICED (0 1 0 e BEETS "' IWIfrS-CtMOICTUTIOK UTUBOAT PEANUT BUTTER ukS U UU (o) (0) TINS Buy All One Kind or Mix 'em Up Buy All One Kind or Mix 'em Up TINS tJz) u TINS (0)(Qj FRESH GREEN Asparagus POUNDS CRISP TASTY RADISHES. AND GREEN ONIONS BUNCHES LARGE CRISP FOR 1 LI. CEUO CARROTS SPRY SHORTENING GIANT BOX ' BREEZE cutis (91 & ' Mb. tin 79' LARGE PAN READY FRYERS HORMEL SLICED LEAN MEATY CASCADE 'i er Whole SPRING LAMBS rnY. LAMB SHOULDER C0A5I PURE GROUtlD BEEF BACOu SPARE RIBS HAMS Ms LEG '0 LAMB Lamb Stew Lamb Chops