4-(Src. II) Sfalrsman, Salem, Ore, Frl,, Apr, fl, 1050 Amity to Honor 25-Year Teacher Valley Uriel? SB BAY SALE IliUnua Nw nrlrt BUfM Vlt VtTTJ Weill Wll Injured when bit in the face by a Urn limb while working in his cherry orchard Tuesday. He wit treated at a Salem hospital lor a trvere none Injury. Sev eral ttitchei wera required to cIom the wound. Weill incurred an ey injury lait yeir in a tlmi lar accident Detroit Kenneth A. Golden was honored by hli military out fit in Germany thil month, ac cording to a letter received by bit mother, Mr. Clirenca Gold en from CoL Lemuel . Popa o 14th Armored Cavalry. Golden wai chosen "orderly of tba week" for hii appearance, knowledge of dutiei ind tha condition of bii weaponi. Mvkiv-Tlit Home Econom ic! Club will meet lueiday at the k.n wits Mri. Ham Martin and Mri. Richard McKee ai nosieise. Turaef Tha eighth (rada at Turner School will iponaor a cooked-food aala at 10 a.m. Sat urday at oene grocery, rrw ceedi will go for tha clau ban quet Elliott Prairie Mr. and Mri. Robert Milono of Brooking! have purcluied tha home of Mr. Loii Goodyear. They plan to take possession the firit of next week, lira. Goodyear plant to leave thli week end for Warren, Ark., her former home. Salt Crrk Member and neighbor of Salt Creek Baptist Church ire Invited to visit the Week Day School of the Bible t 2:30 p.m. Friday, April 8, at the Salt Creek Church. Mr. Roi ella Douglae of Dallai will ihow alidei of Egypt, ML Sinai, and Bethlehem., which ibe took on a trip two year ago. Twelve tu denU from Orchard School at tend the Bible School They are taught by Mr. Goldia Ferguson of Dallas, who ha taught at the Salt Creek Church every rridajt for the last aeven yean. WILLAMINA. Seven Key Cho member! and their advisor Ray Morrison, attended the Key Club convention in Bend. Making the trip were Richard Doyle, Lieu tenant Governor of the district, and Jerry Spencer, Merle Sc raf ter. Laurence Mendenhall, Don Wright, Jamea Bryant and Steve YoasL Bridgeport Lemmle O. Rock ford Jr., ion of Mr. and Mri. Lem mie 0. Rockford Sr., left Tuesday for Ft. Blis. Texai. While there he will have eight weeki of anti aircraft training. Young Rock- ford, who U in the Army, had aoent tha last week at home after completing basic training at Ft Ord. CaliL Hockiord i buuay Leon Goebet, ion of Mr. and Mn. Williim Goebel of Dallai, wai also home the past week. Young Goebel returned to Ft Ord. WUlamlna The FL dub will nave a special meeting monuiy evening, the occasion being the official visit of the Hate FL Club president Mr. Retha Kirby of iwamiin rani, a progrwwivo dinner will be held, beginning at the home of Mrs. Pete Key Bold, and ending at the home of Mrs. Bill Hurl, where the meet ing will alto be hld. Bridgeport Bridgeport Wo men's Club will meet Tuesday at 1 (m. at the home of Mrs. Floyd Nelson. The member plan to tie quilt for tha "fire box." ' North Howell The chicken dinner and nower mow spon sored by the North Howell Home Economic Club will be Sunday. The dinner will be terved from 12 30 p.m. tiU 1 p.m. Other Granges and garden dubi are in vited to exhibit flowers if they wish. The public ii invited. V : At ' - s 4 :r.-i.,.V 1 V i ' 7 i 1 ( .i'Mm...kSL.MfMU' AMITY Mia Verde Creek, wkaae iS year a Amity flrst-pade peblle acheol teacher will be recognised at reeeptiM her Satarday sight I plctared with tw ef her carreat puplle. They are Sherrle De Reave, aa ef Mr. aad Mr. Manrla De Reave, aad Tin Meore, sea ef Mr. and Mr. Jet Moor ef aearby White temmaalty. (Suteimia Phete.) . SUUtaia News Itrrtr AMITY The Amity PTA it honoring Miss Verda Crook on the anniversary of her 25 yean a a teacher in the schools her on Saturday at 8 p.m. The re ception and program will be held In the gymnasium of the grade school with Mr. Russell Sheldon in charge of the affair. Although Mlsi Crook 1 a na tive of Tennessee, she was brought to Monmouth ai a small child and was reared in that com munity that placet so much stress on education. She made up her mind early to become a school teacher. She taught her tint ichool at Liberty in Polk County in 1927- 28, then went back to Monmouth . K.vPl.nk Reception Set Saturday for Verda Crook Music Festival Selects Twenty Wootlburn Pupils luuuui News Swift - WOODBURN Twenty itudenU of Wood burn High School have been (elected to participate in the Music in May festival in For est Grove May 10 -12. The band and chorui members were chosen by the Music in May committee at Pacific University upon the re commendations of their respec tive instructors, Don Jessop and Misa Joan Meyer. Accepted from the chorus were Roger Blomberg, Donald Hall, Laveta Slover, Joe Newton, Ju dith PhilUpten, Glen Llvesay, Alice Chamberlain, Barbara Mou- scr and Richard Halter. Band delegates sre Ruth Marie Applegate, Homer Wadsworth, Barbara Paulson, Peggy Doerfler, William Ticknor, Charles Nath am. Darlene Greeninger, Jesnette Hemshorn, Csrol Ann Livesay, Ladonna Jean Hayes and Roc fa- Normal School in 1929. She came to Amity in the fall of 1930 and has been tint-grade teacher ever since. Miss Crook it now teaching the children of the children she had in the first grade when the tint started to teach here. The committee in charge of the reception haa promised a 'heart-warming" program with many school children taking part The publit i Invited to be pres ent - Gty Park at Dallas Gets More Land luteunia Ntat Itrrkt DALLAS Dalla City Park wiU be IS acre bigger a a result of City Council action this week. The council authorized purchase of a tract on tht north and west sides of the present park from Mr. and Mn. H. H. Harder. The price, reported as $12,500, includes three houses fronting on Levem Street between Lyle School and Leven Street bridge. Development of me new park property, which had been under consideration for several months, may be spread over a number of years, city officials reported. Polk County Court News DALLAS The following new complaints were on file Thursday In Polk County Circuit Court: Charlotte Mae Hansen vs. Gor don E. Hansen, teekt divorce. Married in Kelso, Wash,, on Jan uary 13, 1951. Salem Lumber k Manufactur ing Co. vs. Roy A. Maltby and Elmer C. Engval: Complaint al leges defendants, doing buiiness at M. E. Box and Pallet Co., are withholding buildings, tools and equipment- vslued at $33,945 which are owned by plaintiff, leeks judgment for return of property. A marriage license was issued bere Tuesday to Donald Robert Bartell, 22, Army, and Janice Gaye Dodson, 19, secretary, both of Dallas. A marriage"11cense was issued also to Gerald G. Cook, 18, log ger, ind Katheryn L. Flint, 18, atudent, both of Dallai. Buena Vista Woman Feted uttinua Nti atrvk BUENA V1STA-A farewell tea was given Mri. Eva Woods Tues day afternoon at the Buena Vista community hall. Guests were mem bers of the Buena Vista-Highland extension unit. A program of readings, music and., a, modification of the game "Two for the Money" was pre sented by unit members. Mrs. Woods wai presented with a re membrance from the group. Present were Hazel Weill and her guest Golda Weill of Salem, Evadna Prather, Clare Graber, El ma Hultman, Rose Krauger, Har riet Busby, Gaye Dodele, Mar garet lliff, Minnie Osborn, Golda Bowman, Nina Fickel, Melba Pow en, Faye Callies, Lulu Fickel, Mary Lou Parker, Olive Wells, Betty Morland, Betty Fltts, Ger trude Stonebrook, Kate Bride, Dora Hamann, Marie Peyree, Gladys Story, Midge Vung ami Alice Paulsen. This Is the tint. year that Woodburn has been renretented in me music in may cnorus, u wai reported. Contest Aims To Beautify Yamhill City lUUimn Stmt Itrvlco SHF.RIDAN The Sheridan Gar den Club and Chamber of Com merce wlfj sponsor a "landscaping with annuala" contest in Sheridan this summer as a civic project to beautify the city. Annuals may be used in combi nation with one another or with other plants such as perennials, bulbs, shrubs and evergreens and also in association with garden structure and other elements of design such as paths, terracei, lat tice and fences. Points wilt be given fr color harmony, simplicity, proper Kale and balance and center of interest. Cash awards will be presented those Judged the winners. Swegle Glub Plans Social lUUtnu News Service SWEGLE - Mrs. John ' Zwemkt was hostess to the Swegle Com munity Builders Club Monday night. Mn. J. Turnbull, represen tative of the American Cancer So ciety, appeared at the meeting to announce plans for the forthcom ing cancer crusade. Mr. R. A. Jipo and Mn. J. Zwembe volunteered aa -crusade captains for the Swegle area and will be assisted by other club members. Plans were made for the club's box social and dance to be held at the Mayflower Hall April 30. Guests present were Mrs. Art Pankratz, Mrs. Ralph DcWeese, Mrs. Glenn DeLapp, Mrs. Daryl Johnson. Mrs. Earl Givens, Mrs. Elmer Case and Mrs. Harry Nie man. The social hour was taken up with games and a dessert ex change. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs.'L e o n a r d Odom. WILLAMINA YOUTHS TR.tIN WILLAMINA Now taking training at Parks AFB, Calif., are Airman Basic Francis J. Hol stad, 20, and Airman Basic Ron ald A. Holstad, 19, tons of Mrs. Jeffrey Holstad of Willamina. They enlisted Feb. 25. 13 BEGINNING FRIDAY MORNING, 9:30 O'CLOCK! Open Fridays and Mondays 9:30 to 9:00 6-Pc. Stainltss Stttl Kitchen Set Regular $8 95 Black handlet, eggbealer, fork, spatula spoon, masher, wall rack Downstair! 4 88 Pottery Bowls, Vases, Planters Regular $1.25 Pattel colon , - Birthday tale priced t Gift Shop, main floor 88 Boxed Scented Soap Special purchase! French milled Pine cone, carnation Appfe Blossom, Gardenia Rose Geranium Famous du Pare brand 8 tart for 88 c Genuine English Bone China Cups and Saucers 88 Women's Continental Handbags Regular to $4 95. 20 different pattern! Many different styles Many collector Itemi Gilt Shop, main floor l1 Reg. $3.88 tatchel ityl Genuine leather, natural color Also tote ityle Raffia with drawstring White and Un Main floor 2 98 Famous Brand sh oes! Women's Dress Shoes Discontinued Styles Assorted Colors . Not' All Sizes in EACH STYLE OR COLOR 149S , Value Pr. j I Vleiutlful SeritlV, I I! (entole 1L legular 249.95 J ' 19888 J nr"M H Ttw MAUIAI U If! Malwemy t uthk ADMIRAL RCA VICTOR 21" Table Model Regular $229.95 21" Console VHF Model 215-632 WJ . 259M $3 Any TV Set in This Special Group, Only 45 HOFFMAN , MM TS2103Z FREE! HOME TRIAL 21" Table Model Model 215-6052 VHt 0995 PER WEEK With V 20 ft. antenna and installation 90 Days Service Full Factory warrantee FREE Remote Control with a selected group of low priced table models and consoles EMERSON 21" Console Wm Nw Only 29993 21 9 Prize Slated For Primrose' Show Winner lutMnua Newt Service MT. ANGEL - The Mt. Angel City Council has asain voted to donate the Sweepstakes Award for the Mt. Angel Primrose Show to be held in the Mt. Mary audito rium Sunday, April 22, from 2 to 8 p.m. Mayor Jacob Berchtold, Mrs. George Schmidt, president of the Mt. Angel Garden Club which sponsors the show, and Mrs. O. Williams, show chairman, will select the prlie. The mayor and city council have been enthusiastic supporters of the primrose ihow, which was held here for the first time nine years ago when the priimrose was selected as the official flower for the city of Mt. Angel. SGT. HARMS VISITS SWEGLE Marine Sgt. Eldon J. Harms Was home for a brief, weekend visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harms from the Marine base where he is stationed near 2S Palms, Calif. Straighten Up Don suffer the pain ef Rheumatism Use Schaefer's Rheumatism Remedy At Scheefer Drug Store Only SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Daily 7:30 a.m. te t p.m. Sunday. I a. m. to t 9. m. ' 13a NORTH COMMERCIAL Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Chefs Salad Bowl With Minced Horn It Grated Cheett M Choice of Drcuing, Bran Muffin id Snack-Time 2 P.M. to 4 P.M. Only FRESH RED CHERRY COBBLER It s-lfc Jwlf iiiii j J MORE THAN A BRA... A BEAUTY TREATMENT rUK YUUK bUSILIJNE j7 i w S if J AW 1 mAf CUSTOM-FITTED Only when a bra is tailored to your individual measurements can you say it fits you and you alone. That's why LOV-E is more than a bra; it's truly 1 personalized beauty treatment to mold your bustline to gentler, rounder curves that are frankly feminine. You owe it to yourself to see what LOV-E can do for your figure. 20 styles, 500 sizes, for every figure type. $5-15. Miss Jesse Smith from LOV-E'Studios of Hollywood Here Friday April 6th Shown left, princess in nylon satin, $12.50; bandeau, jacquard, $5.50; posture-length bandeau, $7.50. All custom-fitted, of course. Your Dour H onqlyitd You ort ihewn llit IOV-E' Your lOV-E'brot or cu by on tprt LOV-E fitMr. . collection for doytimo, tom-fitttd Inch-by-inch to playtime, niteHmo.-- ' givo you (ho buttlmo booutiful 23c ola mode, with coffee. THE BEST PLACE TO SHOP AFTER ALL