3 I- S-(Scc. Ill) Statesman, for 0 "Tribe send out so many Want Ads lately had to expand to four columns." '450 Merchandise 4J1 Mochinery ft Tools ton SALE HD-T Allls Chalmers rat. tWTl. complete wblade A wtneh. In good shape. Price 13.45 or trade (or smaller tractor. Mayfair 3-3907. (SCHRAMM 10) compreaaor, A-t - cond. rW N. Cottage. fAVt aereral used weldere AC 4k DC. tall 47944 I VALVE re-facer, I vaJva grind r. I title pin hone, tun up equipment A floor Jack, 1 gar den tractor wnlnw, cultivator It disc. CaU 4-22. M3t Lena Oak Hd. DAVID Fradley garden cultiva tor A Tractor, II . Ph. !-Kt4 UY Hone Windolph rat wblede. M tn. tiller. gd rood, wall attachments. Ph. 4-627I. 454 Swira Mocriines Singer Hand Vacuum With PurchaM of Singer Floor Veuum. - ... LIBERAL TRADE-IN EASY TERMS SEWING CENTER 139 N. Commercial 3-3512 Beautiful Sewing Cabinet With Any Used Elect. Cabinet ' Sewing Machine. COM! EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION .Friday Sat. Only April 1-7 , SEWING CENTER IN N. Commercial 3-3313 455 House Good for SalT" I Pc Walnut twin bedroom aet M.113ChemawaRd. LINOLEUM nifs7xlJ. 13 M Val ley furn. 3M N. Com'l. COLDSPOT refrigerator, good condition. Set at 2433 Lea SI. Phone 4-827. , FOR SALE. Solid Mahogany chair with rollers A reclining back. ll3.Ph. 4-4344. HARMON hldr-a-bed. complete, reaa. 4333 N. Lancaster Dr. Call after p.m. I PC. walnut dlning room aet, 353. Ph. 3-4114. AUTO, washing machine, good cond.. 150. Ph. 4-OW2. NEARLY new 4-burner apt. elec tric range. IW.J0. Glen Wood ry, 103 N. Summer. tTsED-r7frleratorsT"ll 2SAup. Al Laua App, 2350 State JTL ' Hirh rhalr, 195 USEIJ MDtiE. MART 170 S Liberty P i. 4-8371 E-Z terms. Erl. tll I. KEW awing mckrra. Carload sale 1 1 24 M. Choice of tapes try or plastic. Glen Woodry, 1403N.Summer; USED auto. waher. only-121 5. Terms. No phone calls, ftatdnrf Firestone 1 420 StateSt. 184 Refrig., just 1 fraction Wi than 10 cub. ft., only lit HI. Will fit any space In kitchen. 5 wilt handle. Trade-ins ac cented. Ratdorfa Home A Auto, 1420 State. Ph:3-3I3. ANNIVERSARY"" SLE Hew A lfd electrical aooll. anres. Wholerale A below. YEATER APPLIANCE, 37i CHEMEKETA KEW Blltwell daveno arts, our price only 1121. Glen Woodry, isn n. summer. GUARANTEED refrratrTetj! Glen Woodry. 1403 N. Summer. WILL take any tradeins: dors. rats, radios, bicycles, outboard motors, eienhants. children Just call "Trader Tom", the world's wildest trader. Bat dorf's Home A Auto. Anli-nce A TV, 1420 Stale. Ph. 3-9583, Tor the tt pmlwsional gprvrcrt call one ot th; populai AI-Pl.lAMal WESTINCHOUSE Wondrt furniture ta 474 So Coi.-'l Ph 4-2111 tUDINO CAP1TOI Bedding Mattreaa re novators New mattresses 3-4040 BULLDOZING Bulldnslng. clearing reads ponds D-4. D- carryall V Huskey Ph 1-314 ruANi worts . 23-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem Sand A Oravel Co 1-2411 iTacmini a weldino internal A External Rrlndlng. Rpe -lal bolts made Clone Mi. rhlnr Works 1010 N. Com men ial t Ph. 1-922. rAPfSINa A PAINTINO Painting and pener-nanglng Pre estwrates PTi l-tsil Ferry painting Co i-jiij Brush spray Free Estimates Ksp paper-hanging A painting Jerry Johnson, Ph 4-934 To place clautfied ad uU 64811. Salem, Ore., Thurs., April 5, '53 430 Merchandise 455 Houto GooJi (or Sal USED l-r. rhmm dinette. 134. Hogg Bros., 144 Bute. VACUUM cleaner... IID cTup WOODRYS THRIFTY USED FURNITURE 13 S. Com 1 St. Ph. 4-3311 RUG bargains!) 9x13 Axmlnstera, new, ape. IS. " Shop Ohm Woodry, 1609 N. Summer. ONriNlSHEDrnriure-B S'lfl furniture. I74N High USED 3-pc. bed suite, only $31 JO. Hogg Bros., 24 SUte. . I DRAWER dejk.TwalnurVinlin M.SO. Roll top desk A swivel . chair 14 50. WOOURYS THRIFTY USED FURNITURE JtS S. Coml St. Ph. 4-33! MAPLE bunk bedsw'prlnfi 4, mattress. US JO. Clen Woodry, ltd) N. Summer. NEW 2-pr. Blltwell sectional. 129 VI. Glen Woodry, Itot N. Summer. IN LA ID Lino.. $1 .59) per sq. yd R L. EliiUom Co., 26 S. Lib erty. MAPLE dining set, extends to 72" I39H5. Large chrome table 1'X72. g.M. WOODRYS THRIFTY USED FURNITURE JH . Com'l St. Ph 4-3311. USEDudsvenport A chair.. S71L. ' WOOD heaters. 115-fll SO. Glen Woodrv. ISA N. Summer. BK FIUCrR ATOM " w ten led Pi. M n. ii.c,rn v;oodry- ,w5.udd winoo:."1 Cnsco step stool. 38.99 UStO MDSE. MART TO K Liberty Ph. 4-4,171 E-Z terms, frl. til t. 30 DN. will buy" I rooms of furniture complete with ap pliances. WOODRY'S THRIFTY USED FURNITURE 313 B. Com'l St. Ph. U1II NEW box springs A matching Inner spring mattress, 145. Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer. UfED daveno, I34 Hogg Bros., 341 State. INLAID Lino.. 1 M per tq. yd. R. L. Elfitrom Ce., 364 S. Lib erty. USED electric roaster wcablnet, 312. Hogg Bros.. 24 State SI. REFRIGERATORS A ranges! recondilloned A guaranteed. S.TSJ up. WOODRY S THRIFTY USED FURNITURE 111 8. Com'l St. Ph. 4-3311 1303 fuil price: 3-pc. maple fln ish bedroom seta. Othera IK) 30 . to I203.M. Shop Glen Woodry's for best buys. 1603 N. Summer. Termsll USED Maytag wringer washing machine. 341. Call 4-0301, LIKE new Speed Queen clothes dryer. .l2.o3. USES) MUSE, MART 270 S. Liberty Ph 4-6.T71 E-Z terms. Erl. 'til I. UNE1N. chests. 3-drawer. 9.95. IV3 Hogg Broa. MAPLE poster beds. 124.73. I Clen Woodry. 1003 N. Summer. I iBo ri"i. jqii"" 'c-i.- 1 ''SL.n,n.l,.,'i fi' .Glen r"c.A 21TV"AmiscTarticiea. 3-M47. 1904 Jetferson. LIKE new Hntnolnt automatic washer 14!!i5 UStX) MDSE. MART 270 S Liberty Ph. 4-4T71 E-Z tetms Fri. til SAVE plenty on new A ued furniture. Shop Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer. STEP end tables, spc. M 38. Clen Woodry. 1603 N. Summer. CHROME set. new auto. Frlgid- aire washer A dryer. Power mower;Calll-743l. INLAID Lino.. II 90 peTVq-yd! R L. Elfttrom Co . 260 S. Lib erty Bnhy Bed" I1 3 93 USrJJ MDSE MART r S. Liberty Ph 4-(W71 E-Zterina Fri. 'til . LARGE Spark oil stove. 1119 30 WoodrylooS N. Summer. NEW kneehole desks! SieToS. Clen Woodry, 103 N. Summer. USED FLOOR lampTlSM!" Hojig Bri., 241 State. RC A. Victor Uhle'radloriUke new 119 95 USKD MDSE MART ri S Liberty Ph. 4-6171 E-Z terms. . Fri. til 9. UNF. bunkr.dri290. Hogg I Bros.. 241 Slate. SAND ASH CRAVE!. SALEM SAND A GRAVELCrJ Heady mix concrete, crushed and round gravel, sand and lop aoil. 1403 N. Front St. 3-2441 W ALLJNO "SANDAND CRAVE! 1623 McCllrhritt Crushed quarry rocks A gravel am aires lor mads, driveways and narkiig lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Carden aand. bull-dorlng, shnv el and dragline work. 3- VALLEY SAND A GRAVEL C'6 Crushed A round gravel Sand A con mix l-4i03 septic srnvtrit - i HOWARD'S Rnto-RiMterTarwers. scpllc tanks cleaned. 3-3327. MIKE'S Septic "service' tanks cleaned D runlet cleans sewer, drama Phone l-"l H.mel'a septic tanks cleaned line service Ciraranted work Phone 1-7404 or 1-0774. ftfl SfRVUI , BRENNAM TREE SERVICE e yellow pages phone book J'j1""" 2-3748 TREE SERVICE" De Kiwis Tree Service . Trees, Shrubs, Hedges Insured 1731 M. Liberty SL Fa. 1-4441 430 Merchandise 455 HauM Goods for Sal CHEST-O-DKAWEKS All sires A kind! Clen Woodry. 1604 N. Rummer. USED Conlon mangle. Like new; So. Salem Ironnte Co.. 1137 S. Com .ml Ph. 4-SiJ. FOR SALE deluxe Hamilton dryer, like new. pn. j-saiti OAK din. rm. labia, cnairAsTUyvtaUSI upriihLpiai DUliei. a reing.. oaveniKifi. Iron bedstead A coll sprinrs, easy washer, 10" Howard roto hoc 3-3354. BY OWNER 41" Hotooint dish washer, sink, cabinet, com plete. 1183 Terms. Guaranteed. Ph. 3-5i24 after to set in operation. USEDII-heater. 19Jo7"HoK Bros. 241 State. . MErAL Kitchencablnrt $ 99 W'OOURY S THRIFTY USED FURNITURE J13 J. Coml St. Ph.4-1 "A BEAUTY!" Nearly new Kroehler T-cnahion sola , A club chair, mere 299 . now 112. Glen Woodry, 1409 N. . Summer. ' USED kneehole desk, 129.50. Hogg Bros.. 2M SUte SL 456 Wanted Hout Goods ' e Need at Once e t ale model E Appliances. Pay cash premium Jor mi uraoe CASH paid (or ued guns mod Electric Ran-ee. Refrcerators. trn inr) antique I'avade Automatic Washers. Driers A j' Mere I2HI Brodwa Late Model uard Furniture. ; - , , . . -.- r Ph Clen Woodry 3-31 14 ,ht ' H P. C.erersl electric Impu -- NoWjor PleasirJ Rcsultil S pU' WE NtED r URNITURi, Villry Furn Co .2-7472 WE WILL. PAY CASH K03 COMPLETE HOUSEHOLDS OF FURNITURE OR ANY OTHER TYPE PERSONAL PROPERTY. CALL CLAUDE KILGORE, 4-6061. TOP .CASH PRICE-ruRNl. ture! Appliances: -etc: used merchandise mart r.t 8 LIBERTY PH. 4-4371 4S7 ftodio ond TV TABLE model radio A phono, 111 50, Glen Woodry, lent N. Summer. 458 ui.dir.4j Moterioli SW.OOO FEET Niw. frerh-m'lled old A second frowth lumber 2x4 ta 2x12 in to 24-foot lengths. Delivered prices Salem. S.T0 oer thou minimum Ted Muller t-IIM Used fub. . in 50 jJ. , All kinds ol pipe, ftttlnee A vMvr. 'eotlc Tanl:i Low Prlcrd JOc lineal It. fl A up 13 M A uo II A uo Doors complete w'frames .. 4.30 No. 3 A btr. used lumber S49 per M (Also many sires ot bridge timbersi 9x12, 4x12, 1x14. 3x11 .. 135 per M Sx,V A 2x4 Shorta. 1c lineal ft 1x3 It 1x4 XL ic lineal ft E. S. RinER & CO. Rt I. Box 3117 Ph. 4-rmi 4 ml No of Salem, 'i ml. No. of Totem Pole on SHE Open all day Saturday I tab roof., lowest prices. Nails per keg 33 96 4" cail soil pipe 75c ft 0 ft gal pipe 12c, V'-Ue I "a -J9c, l'"-3fe 504 gal. steel seo tank 191 30. 100 gal. steel aep tank HD 50 4" black sewer pipe 30c. 34c. Dnor Jamhs. rood ones. 12. 7S. Bids paper SflO aq ft 32 23. fibre glasa blanket. Inul CHEAP 0 4x1 plaster board 1140, 11 M. II 15 0 Ceiling tile. 16x33. 10c sq. ft. a) S iakr moid. King lengtn luc. Carafe doors, all sires chenn Barb wire 90 rds 15 9537 45 O itslde white paint gal 12 30 Oak Flr'tng R. Ienth cheap. New window SMhrs 9200. 11x32 kitchen sink cheap. Shower rahlneti "4 M Toilets Wrents ItlSO New hath trb comnlete tVr Strictly Tsh - I'-HsiO Iron roofg. Ced. shingles, Cheap. Closed Sundaya A Monday C. 0. LONG k SONS 1 Ml N Ketrer - Ph 4-IW51 I! 19" painted cedar shakes 1193 sq. 0 1x12 S 1 S 2 E. dry cedar Loarda 1120 00 M RL fir casing .. 4c lln. ft. 0 Iron roofing .I0 90 aq Cedar shinalea 39.50 aq. No. 1. 213 lb Compo roofing I Cheaper I No I RL Oak Fig CI7 00 M No I RL Oak rig 1125 00 M nx0 K. D Cedar Siding 1133 00 M 44 ',-ln "A" grade Birch plv. 42c ft. t "A" grjde Birch ' Doora ..... 17 70 ea. "A" grade Mahog. doora 14.31 ea. "A" grade Beech doora . .. 16 99 ea. 4:.l plasterboard II 40 ea. 4-9 ".-in nlv ihH ' T . 0 4x9 1 j-ln plv shtg. 13 00 ea. 0 4x9 '.-In ply. rhtg 13 45 ea Odd sire plvwood cut to rour order. No extra charge OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY "C &K LVmner Yd. Lancaster and Center Ph. Salem 2-1VK) Overhead steel garage doora with hardware, 1.19 50. In tailed 149 50 G-unled eve trough. I2'e xer n -- - ErPlNC. LUMBER 0. 3740 SILVETTON RD. I'll. I3 Weil save you money on Hardware - Electrical It Plumhing flrrtrlcal Wall Halera 33-, off Gen I" Bio-Fan 119 93 ' K Type Gutter I2',e I wire (oomex .. 4c pc. Grade A Bathroom - Mt 1119 95 Tappaa Built-in (Ire. oven .. It" so ltd A 19d Box Nails, kef SO 30 10 rod Barb wlra 15 40 COME INI FARMERS UNION CO-OP 311 FII VFRTON ROAD Phone 4-3796 EITC wal. Heaters 23"t, oft 21" t 32' sink cor, p 143 99 Carhaee niinntal e Fibre pine 30r A 34c ft 4.J Lainv ex. 4c ft. Door chimes JO", off. 11-2 Lnnnwx, 4, ft Ltiht fixtures, 15'. off Out let boxes, 25c. I pc. bath set. 1131 32 gal elec. water heat er. r3 We thread pipe and rent Gelger Cnunlera Anex Electric A Plumhing. 1410 Broadway. Ph. I-Irt Open rn. evea at hat. till a. FOR SALE 4 590 bd. ft. used rlraned ship lap A 2x4 s. Cheap, rh. 4-1391 Eve, JSB 430 Merchandise 459 Do If Yourelr U-Fix-It-Garage Repair your own car 4-jM 20S5 N Com I Phone 4&0 Muticol Instrument pLAYFR piano In good cond. Ph 4-1C.4. USED uirniht piano. 2u3. Dallas Hd. excellent condition Ph. 4-140 UPRIGHT piano tor sale, exceL cond. Ph. 1-J374. MUST sell fender doubte neck steel guitar A ca. I-'M Take bank contract. Ph. 2-0233, 462 Sports Equipment Clearance on Hiawatha Outboard Motors - One 12 Horse . One Horse , One 1 Horse . .truss SUPPLY NORTH COMMERCIAL 201 A very good t H. P. Evinrude boat motni. also nearly new 10 H. P. Evinrude) motor. Call 4r7544. Folding Boat Tope A Coven SALEM TENT AWNING T2 N. LIBlrlTY PH 2-47W - -and Motors . S H P. Sea King $ 49.00 7'i'H.P. Evinrude .... 139.00 1 10 H P. Mercury 149 00 ! 5 H P. Buccaneer .... 9950 15 II. P. Johnson 125.00 16 H P. Mercury Mark 20 239.00 18 H. P. Mercury Mark 25 325.00 25 H P. Johnson 360.00 Many Others U Ft. pIywood Boat . , 97.50 14 Ft. Tiicmnsnn Eoat and Trail'.T 1:3.00 CREDIT GLADLY OPEN SUNDAYS 280 WalUce Rd. Ph. 2-2476 FLYING BRIDGES Convertible boat tops, foam rubber and leatherette work. Our man is the finest In the valley. A Bettrr Job for Less SALEM BOATI10USE Ph. J-9.103 100 Chemeketa FOR SALE Matched set of golf clubs A bag. Ph. 2-3747. SELL or trade for boat A motor: 1 HP. McCulloch saw, com plete, used 2 mos. :120. M. E. Jepsen, Mill City. Ore. 12-FT. boat. trailcrA Johnson 2', HP mtr. Allen Dahl. Rt. 2. Bx 151, Silverton. Ph. 3-4504. 468 For Rent, Miic. FOR RENT or lease, ige ware house space cement floor brick bldg . downtown. In quire H L. Stiff Furn . 1-9133 470 for Sole, Mite. WRECKING building at 139 N. -Hieh St. All material, floor furnace, hot . water heater, windows and doors for sale LATE MODEL-portable Smlth" Corona typewriter, exc. cond. Ph. 2-1454. ANNIVERSARY SALE New A Used electrical appli ances Wholex.-ile A below. YEATER APPLIANCE. 375 CHEMEKETA POIIT. compressor comp. wmtr, A tank. 160. Ph. lndrp. 57J. FOR SALE Nearly new 4x6 winnow complete wvenltian blind A storm window. Ph. 2-4140. GALVANIZED chl-ken feeder" A manure pile. Ph. 2-0491. BFJdIX Ironer. rnll-a-way bed A boat trailer. Ph. 2-0475. Inq. 61,9 Thompson. FOR SALE: Electric Mill Chain saw. 16-in. bar. Portirble gen erator. 100-ft. cable Complete outfltready to go. Ph 3-5000. USED radlo-phonn comb," 5. Hogg Bros.. 241 State. FOR SALE I hath room "set! Call 3-4302 or see after 2 p.m. 1455 Mill. USED luggarte , Woodry. 16)15 N . price. Glen Summer. GURI.F.Y transit with case and tripod. Good cond. 1200 or 'vlll consider any reasonable offer Ph. J-Bnot) pr 4.-7037. iu REALTOR neon sign, sire 2' x V A real bargain. 2-5091 or 2-6H42. WEAR Chester Comfort Shoes. Ceo. Master Work U-lforms, Spoils Wear. I'h. 4-5273 Hit Run iavf! TOP SOIL rn !10 CEDAR post, bean post shed poles, all types at beny wire P,I4-X9I. 4-FT. door mirrors. 13 49 Glen Woodry. 1003 N. Summer. RECAPS onoxto" 670x13 Exch". , t85. Lytle's Tiro Mart 30" Bar stools. 13 44! Glen Wood ry. 1903 N. Summer. . TojvSoil Orrhard Loam River Loam Olal 1-1749 Prompt Delivery Krtter Sand A Gravel Co. PAINT SALE! II 90 Calion. Glen Woodry. IfHIS N. Summer. TOP SOIL Phonee I-I37I. 1-B01 PAINT SALE II 9 Gallon. Glen Woodry. 16113 N. Summer. f Yt'f WRITERS " a d d i n t ' ma chines, cash regler tunll c.iiors, desks rh.nra Mies sun Dlies Hnen'4 456 Court 1-9773 PAINT SALE 11 89 Gallon" Glen Woodry. 16419 N. Summer. NEW tires-170x11 Nvlnn b1tL 1I0. Exch. Lytle'i Ttre. PAINT SALE II 90 Gallon. Glen Woodry. Ii5 N. Rummer. UTD Hoover vac. with attach., 129. Hogg Bros, 241 Stat St UIOBOAEJ Wari 430 Jlerchandise 470 For Sal, Mite. TOR SALE Power rotary mow er '"iteo". A liftn sweeper. t:00. Ph. 4-8075 Sundays A tvt. 472 Wonted, Misc. WANTED: Pole and piling stumpare. Terms, cash. Nie - dermever-MarUn Co.. 1 1 S Portland Trurt Building. Port' land 4. Oregon METAL turning lathe. " awing or more. Ph. 3-112. WANTEU several thousand cords of wood, all ipecies. PH. 3-1731 Nights. 4-5633 474 Miscellaneous ADDING marhlnea. cash refit Clary I97 fairgrounds J-Vl7J DFNTAI. PLATE REPAIR 1-KB SERVICE IN MOST CASFS OR HARRY SEMLf R Dentist AdolPT Plrtf.. State A Com l Sts SALEM PH 3-XV Broken Furniture Repaired We can rep4ir. anything that's broaen in the functus line. 4020 State St. Ph. 2-7001 Prospecting1' Supplies Crleyr A Scintillator counters, mineralirhts - Mercury - de-tcr-10-s. free information . DECTRONICS INC PH S-ROSU S90 Lancaster Dr 476 Fuel WANTED several thousand cordi of wood all stwcies Ph 3-7721 Nights. 4-5433 HIGHWAY fVr,lc6 SAWDUST A WOOD -M44 Capitol Fuel Co. Sawdust, blower or push out Choice slab and block mixed 1420 Broadway Ph 3-7721 WesrSalenT-Futieo: Sawdust, blower or ouh out Planer ana Pond Lilies SPECIAL Seml-Drv Block td Slab 1525Edgewater "h 2 '01 ANDERSON'S slabwood. Ph' 2-771. or 4-2654. PICK-UP-WOOD. Ph. 4-301 SAWDUST for sale. 3 unit kind, push out, 3-11. Ph Gervals 2211. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon rOR SALE, well Wured 33 000. 'i (arm mortgage. B. M. Ma aon. Rlt. 341 Chemeketa. WE HAVEcaih buyertlor real estate contract! end 2nd mort gages Ohmart & Calaba. Realtors L 477 Court St Phone 2-41 1 J LOANS 150 00 10 IIjIHIOO Bi.v iV'iat You tfd "CoriJiiTmaTe'-vnut' nuia . finance through WILl.AlfErTK CHED1T COMFANY 132 S Church SI Ph Jt'57 Rawlins Realty Co. Renl estate loans, cons'rurtion A permanent loans 601 Che meketa. Ph 4-0373. PRIVATE money to loan on Real Estate. 1 Interest. Fa. 2-0794. COLONIAL Investment Co. Real Property Loan tonwacis Purchased 697 Court 4-2213 PRIVATE money to loan, buy contracts and mortgages. i Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-9341. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted 1IELP WANTED MEN OR wom;n LOCAL BRANCH ot National Furn Is expanding public re lations Dept. Good oppor tunity for mature, intelligent person wno enjoys talking to I people. Must have car. tarn wnue learning. a 10 14 01 4 to I P M. 229 N Liberty. . Room I or call 4-4923 for ap pointment. Thursday and Friday only. CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone 2-0736. 354 N Winter Adloining Presbvterlan church Free parking In rear Exclu sive listings on all types of employment. COMMERCIAL Placement A$eney Since 1941 Specialists In Office Placements 494 State St (411 Ore. Bldg I 4-3.131 APPLICATIONS "are now being taken for Statesman olrycle routes Several routes will be open. Anpliciints must he ac companied by heir parents or have their written Dermis, sion Aonly at the Circulation Department of the Statesman. Journal , 604 Help Wonted, Men ENGINE DRAFTSMEN Permanent onsitions lor exnerl- enced engineering draftsmen open in a growing paper In dustry. Write or Phone West- em Kraft Corporation. Al bany, Oregon. Wabash 6-2881. WANTED, experienced tree mn. Must know how to climb. No amateurs wanted. Ph. 2-3746. BARRER, part time. Ph. Mount Angel Green 81. after 6. WANTED Man under 35 for ! sales manager of dairv in nearby town, routing, collec tions A sales experience nec - essary, 1450 In start, All re- piles confidential. Reply -via Statesman-Journal, Box 994, MAN to trench frv potatoes, Rin's Drive-in. 1693 S. 12th. Apply alter 7 p m. j 6"0THe'lpVonted, lody NO F..XPFRIF.NCF. NECESSARY Young hdy with at least 2j yrs. of College for tochni-1 fiiin in medical Clinic. For- mal and practical training will be provided. Ph. 3-9173 for appointment for inter view. DENTIST reciulrea woman as sistant In Silverton. reception ist, typing Experience unne cessary hut preferable. Age 25 40. Reply Box 933 Statesman Journal. EXP. bookkeeper, steady post , lion. Give references A exierl enre. Box 12 Statesman-Journal, v WANTED Womanfnr child "care A housework. Must live In. 963 per mo. to start. Ph. 4-830 LADIES by dry or live In for convales-ents. 173. to "nfl. CAPITAL EMP. AGCY, Ph, 1-00.1 K3v- Winter WAITRESS North's Restaurant Capitol Shopping Center. No Phone Calls. LADY for housekeeping A rare of lder)y women. 1-9874. WANTED, woman to do house work. 2 In family, all mod. conveniences. Llva In. 4-4559. 600 Employment 6O0 He!p Wonted, Lod y EXPERIENCED sales woman. 40 ears or over. Salary. Ph. J-.Tu.50 tor appointment. WOVEN tr evening" tt night work In rent home. Apply in person only. Tliurs. A fri. a. m til I p. m. .14411 D SL ; E, iiv"r.r.i.i" J- , BAJ n,'!d,.1,'T '"J" nf 18 .10 a. m. MONTGOMERY WARD h a 1 opening for exp. fashion clerk. Tnn a - nlti, mmm(AM hr.nrk"Wk."Paid vscatu'ine. hasp. A medical benefits. Ap ply in person. Must hsve exp. WA7VT Housekeeper A care of 2 children. Ph. 4-4C89 eves. 610 Soles Help Wonted LARGE National food manufac turer narkmn trim r?prcinta ttves hradquartTi in Salem. Cnod et arum salary. Car St trxtxiisei furntshtpd. Fxi-ellrnt promotionaUopiwrtunity. Com pany haa retirement, health insurance St profit hann plana. Afe requirementa 2035. Selling experience desired but nut necessary. Write Box 9M. Statesman-Journal, slating aire, work exp., education tt mari tal status. EXPERIENCED man. Fine of lire. Lots of advertising. Ram . sey Realty, 427 Ferry. HKAL E S fATE SALESMEN WANTED Men who wish the better things in life and who have the energy and forti tude to work for them it is not eisy call me at 4-6: for an an'MJintriieit to are me at my n'f"e at 443 N. River Road. Al Watts Realtor.! " Salesman Wanted " Here U what we offpr you: Liberal enm mission plan Transportation (Demonstrator) Insurance benefits Hospitalization plan Secure future Sales training Here is the type of man n want- 24 to 40 years of age Selling experience Pleasantly aggressive Capacity for hird work Desire to get ahead Intelligent good Judgment II you feel th.-.t you are quill field and wou'd like to sell America's first line of Anto- . mobiles, see Mr: Jim Randall tors 921 Chemeketa. Salem, Oregon 2 MEN to learn the heating busi ness, warehousing sales A ser vice Guaranteed salary If you qualify. Apply tn person, 320 Kearney St. I til 11 a m. MAN to distribute A pick up Fuller Brush catalogs l Weekltr rnmm tn start 9-K.1S7 BlY'SEASONJUSTliTlE AD Eirn while vou learn. Sell John-Mrnvltle's sid'ng and roofing A no well. Car nee- e-v-C:i in Tcr'on at Mathis ErosTTOTr-eUalt.. t WOlEN-2R-85 yrs 20-35 hrTVaUXPJ rm. Friendly home wk. Cuar snl Field Enter-! prises, inc Phone i-.tx. I to 10 a.m. only. 612 Work Wonted, Men EXPERIENCED service station attendant needs work. Ph. 3-9457. Brtc-wn rDr emir Topping, Trimming. Pruning, A riemoving. neagea at onruos trimmed. 2-5490. $800 CASH Will build 1 dhle. garage com plete. Ph. 2-7011, Charles Ex- ROTARY TILLING MANG TILLER: World's finest TILLER. Ph 4-9.192. Eve. 4-5496. free estimate. PROFESSIONAL uohoMering. reas. Guaranteed work Tree estimates, pick-up, deliver. Ph. 2-4290 PLOWING A rotnvatlng. . Ford equip. Morn. A evea. Ph. 2-5931. SAWMILL CONNECTION. Saw yer A mill operator desires connection. Cm furnish suit able references. Personal in terview desired. Wages sec ondary. Special order A man ufacturing foremost. Can han dle grr.ing A sales of plant. 3915 State St., Salem. EXPERIENCED gang-sawyer or mill worker. Ureentlv needs work. Howard Macomber, 853 N. 18th Ph. 2-0496. CEMENT Work." Ph Tn334Slde walks, p.itios. ret walk, ga- rayes. basements'. - Free - esti mates. PBUNING. spraying, topping, re . moval LW Caudle. 4 1461 LINOLEUM and carpet Install ti m and repairing, all work fuarantecd. Free estimates h 4-3965. TILLING: " Howard Rotovator. Ph. 4-2923 or 2-3533. No calls Sat. please. CUSTOM saw mill work, fir or hardwood. Eve. ph. 4-1028 or 4-.T624. R0T0-TILLING PH. 3-3871 LOU'S tree service Spray, top ping, prune, cabling. 4-8501. EXPERT carnenter. remodeling all kinds Cabinet work. reas. go anywhere. Exlme 2-7016. LAWN mower sharpening, low prices, work guar. Ph. 4-9092 HOWARD" rotovating. lawn mowing. U-Ftx-It. Garage 9 am til 6 pm. A Sun, til 3 pin. Ph. 4-52C1. ROTO-TII.LING A lawn work. Call non or eve. Ph. 4-4020. Lawn mowing, yard clean up after 4 A weekends Ph. 4-5966 -M- I SPACIOUS 4 ROOM FURNISH INCOME TAX FORMS .,Elr ACACIA APARTMENTS PREPARED. Phone 3-6641. BUILD or remodel, mates. Ph. 4-6340. Free estl- HOWARD Rotovatin. lardens St nrw lawns prepared, lwn mowing hr.'or contract. 35'95, 4-Mfll. Painting - Free Ftimntm Prices reasonable. Ph. 2-9551. "CARPENTER WORK, day or contract. 3-1842 or 2-1459. NEW LAWNS pr pared, seeding. Rotn-hnetng. nane wolcoil pn. i-aizi, KOTO-TILLING PH. 4-9453 2-7717 citstom plowing-dicing Drlbert Beach. 3-7731 ROTOVATiNC-work evenings A weekends. Jim Hathaway, Ph 3- 3828. R0T0-TILLING RICHARD . RAS, PH. 3-471l CARPENTER, remodeling, etc. Work guar. Price reas. Ph. 4- 7782. 614 Work Wanted, Lody IRONING WANTED. 50c HR. PH.J-5I82 CHILD care 3 yr. A over, my home.IWI Trade. JPh. 4-566. KFt.ER CHILD CARE. Ph. 3-0041. MIMEOGRAPHING" lyning vtrs Poe. tel 1 19th Ph 3-:t43 WILL DO Ironing A mending my home, Mr hr Ph 3-89.19. SEWING - Dressmaking. In my home, all types. Ph 1-9.192 W A NTe!d Ironing In my home 1911 N Ith 3-1911 BABY alitlng'ln your home or 1 mine. Phone 4-5140. t600 Emplorment ' 615 Situation! Wnted SCHARFT BROTHERS Installation. -Repair Seaers. Septic Tan ks. Drain" Field-.. Power Ditching, bJCkfllL Ph 2-55-4 or 3-5072 ROAD-G RADI NG k DOZING Hancock k J .C Co. Ph. 4-S333 cr 4-3793 SMALL carpenter toba. good work reasonable Ph 41424 LAWN MOWER- SHARPENING COMPLETE REPAIR C & S EQUIP. CO. Mt Edgewatrr. W Salem. 4-1341 ADULT student wanta part time work evenings A weekends. Ph. j-toiiaf icr 4 pm. HOWARD "rotovator work. Ph. Bill Bevens 4-2524J alter I. PAINTING A decorating, low prices. . 23 yra. In Salein. Ph. 1-7582. CEMENT finishings, free estl mates, no )ob too small. 4-0233. ST A VLEY 'f A GO . cement eon tractor, ell work guaranteed. Free estlmatet.Ph. 4-1IW3. VINCENT C. NEAL ' Exravatlng Co. Excavating Grading. Ph. 3-14M GARDEN prepared with tractor rotovator. Ph. 4-262 Eve. dPIC'k andBiock work, guar Ph 4-4433 LICHI crawler dozer, leveling grading 3-7042 L Kurth BlTLLDOZlNG A back fill. 15 50 per hr. Call 1-0933 or 2-35o9 rVXiiVXi' . 4 UXS,i:xJ 01 liblLLI.IU Ph J-0952 D PANToyiC'H LANlTcLEARINO D-l Hr L. C Mitchell, Ph. 3-5337. NEW houses Remodeling. Fram ing our specialty Ph. 4-451 CARPENTER work, any kind. reas 4240 Macleay Rd. 4-5961. PAINTING, paper hanging, your paint or mine. Res free eat., -terms, Neteoft -3.t43,..3-4g43.- PAINTlNOrpapering." Free esti mates. Don Lucero. 3-5522. MANA-wifeTwish "jobs clean ing apts., basements or what have you. References. 4-9912. SHEET ROCK Expertly taped. Ph. 3-3.147 NEW lawns complete, free cat.. 3-l45morn., 4-2IMI Eve. INCOME TAX HCTURN PREPARATION Pit 2-M43 BULLDOZING ft LEVELING LELAND C SMITH Ph 3-452 V 'i. 's yd ahovel, crane, hoe. drg. line. 23-ton mobile cranes. D4, D7 cats, carry all clear ing blade Rental contract or unit prices. SALEM SAND GRAVEL 1403 N Front SL Ph 2-2461 '00 Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Board . BOARD A Room for men only. ' fh. 3-ibbz. - ' Man. 1,0 Tnog-wiS Uau, CLEAN, sirni rms TV close In 215 S Winter 2-172 'WANTED -Man to room and board 26V N Capitol ROOM A Board at the Chalet. 360 N. Ca pitol. 4-3643. QUIET, near state bldg. It (hop. dut., kit prlv. 3-1449. , NICELY turn. rm.. also bsmt hsekeeping rm. 531 N Winter HOME away from home. Men Pack lunches. 1093 N. Ith ELDERLY or employed person or will care for amblitary in valid. Keirer Dist. 643 Cum mings Lane. 4-0643. v 705 Aportmentt For Rent CLOSE, trg 3 bath A ent, Marion. rm. Apt., prlv. utll.. 70. 763 CLEAN 2 A I rm. completely furn. apt. 265 Center. 3 RMTTfurnTaplPrlv!ent ' A bath. Close to bus, store. 1596 N. 4th. 1 ROOM Apt. all utilities furn. Closein.28. 340Union. FURN. 2"rm7ipt!. utliTlnc. i6! Ph. 3-7739. 1599 State. NEWLY decorated I bdrm mod ern furn court apt. ff9 W Salem. Ph. 4-6875 or eve 2-743. 3 Bedroom, close in. Call 3-6128 between 7 A I a m. or 6 A 7 pm. NICE 1 bdrm. ant . stove A re frig turn. 1223 Chemeketa. 3-7954. COURT !Xpts. 4 Courf ACottage!i offer downtown quiet apts. from 142 50 to 15. Ph 3-7440. CLEAN 3-rm7front apt. Ground fir., refrig., stove A utilities furn.. pnv. bath. Ph. 3-7145. 3-rm ant. furn 53. unfurn. 145 WEBER :0URT 1M0 S13th St Ph 4-595 2 BDRM. unfurn. refrig. range, heal, water. Very desirable. 160. 2152 S. Com'l. Ph. 4-3m FrM turn. apt., all util. furn. 397 N. Liberty. 3-7695. I OR-3 bdrm turn, court apts. AH util turn. Weekly or monthlyrates.Ph. 3-8723 LARGE 3 RM. FURN. APT. CLOSE INSO. PH. 4-3661. Cbi'RTapt!!-extre nice. furn. 3 rnn. A bath. TV. Idry., park ing avail. Inq 134I S. 12th. CUTE 3 rm! furn. apt., reas. 153 Court. Ph. 3-8290. DEVF.RKAUX Apfs. Pullman Apt. furn. 1488 State Ph. 2-2434 2RM7 turn., wbath. util. furn. T.V. Antenna giSJSaginaw UNFTms!. bath. 1st fir. oil heat. util. pd. 330 Mission. S 4 ROOM FURN1SII- 1140 South 13th. 3-7U09. SMALL, comfortable apt. down town. Lady pref.43 Ferry. ("rrn.-apt . furn. Newly, dec. util paid. 124. Hani Apts. 2-C084. is" N. Summer. 3 rm. furn. basm't. apt.. Prlv. bath. FOR ernploved lady. 3 rm. furn. - clnee in. 2-4505. 2-5272 v es. ROOMY furn. 1-bdrm. apt. frig., pvt. bath, hot A cold water. Ph. 3-64.14. 2RDRM . hath, furnished. 396 . S. 21st. Ph. 2-7J79. JRM. apt.'or cottage"furn. 69 N. Front. NEW decor. 4-rm elec. stove, yard. 290 S. 14th. 2-2137. I FURN. A unfurn 1 rm. court apts. 3rd St. w. Salem. I'h. 4-S314 morn A eves after 4. FURN2-rm. Court Apt., 4J. 1063 Madison, 4-4754. CLOSE In. modern furnished apt. Adults only.;n.-4TO. 1 rm. furn. kitchen utll. pd. men preferred. 340 E. Waah. Ph. 4-l020. FURN. 3 rm. Apt Prlvale bath, N. High; FURNISHED 4 rimma and bath, near Capitol, clean, pleasant. Also bachelor apt., ground floor. PJiL 4-3271. FURN 3 room apt. 603 N. Winter. nrdrm. unit In 4 plex So East" FtrMg. A lange. 113. Phone j-7ri:o. CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BDRM.. UNFURN I BDRM FURN APTS 1163 fhemeketa St Ph 3-930 USE ..Want-Ads 700 Rentals 706 Duplexes I-BDRM. duplex aot . furn. Adul's. T V. ant. 2j3 N. 5th. 4-1407. 2 BURM unfurn.. side-by-side. gar., jard Apriljst. Ph.J-3i43. 3 ROOM unfurn. flat. 1 block PO. Inq.S5 Ferry. N'icELY furn. duplex. So of town. !' A 135, Couple only. (.all l-3.il. 707 Houtes For Rent NEAT I bdrm. Keirer. sepafaul u ti LA ga rage 50. 2-975. ATT. 3 bdrm. hse . 3 blkt. N MAF56l Knapp. 75. 3-iu47. IDEAL home for elderly couple. Low rent, fenced. Ph. 3-6973. COUNTRY home, modern except heaL hrwd. flrsJMS.h. 3-26S1. NEW 2-bedroom 170. Alo2: bedroom. 150. Ramsey, Realtor Ph. 4-331. HOUSE for small family with upstairs, utility rm , modern. Fast, water supplied, 20 mo. Phone 3-291.. HOUSE, very nice 1 bdrm. stove A refrig.. garage, oil heat. Englewood, 153. Ph. 3-3000. 2 BDRM. house In Keller. 165 mo. Ph. 4-4072. 2 Bdrm. flrrpl.. gaa range, 100, Call at 1525 SUte St. SALE or rent 1 bdrm. A gar. partly turn. 2340 Claude. 4-4951 1-BDRM. hse., Ige. garden space. 130 mo. Keizer District. Ph. 3-8374. 4-RM. 1-bdrm. basm't. furnace, gar, newly decorated. Adults only. 3W . 5th St. f-BEtROOM house North. M5 per mo. umur. Glen Woodry, 1803 N. Summer. VERY clean nice 1-bdrm. hse. wyard, gar., Irs liv. rm.. nice neighborhood, close in. Inq.JUO' N. 13th. 1-1622. 4-BDRM. House, ww carpet, 2 half A 1 full bath. Close to school A store, basement, oil heat, furnished or unfurn. Ph. after I. 3-3343. r-BtlRHst6Te3crA' " rff1f.7 some. utlllties. lOM N. 20thft I BDRM. unfurn. house. Ph. 2-552 after t p.m. or Sat. A Sun. ' CLEAN unfurn. 1-bdrm. hse. Lite, living room. 150 No pets. Ph. 4-StkiX 45'.I3 Slate. . : CLEAN 2-bdrm. oil rlrc, 150. 323 Academy St 2-3115. 1 BDKM. house' In court. lirifur! exceot elec. stove A refrig. 1B15 Lee after p.m. 1 BDRM. hse. Newlv redecor" ated. furn. Ph-aM. 1-BDRM. house. Inquire 139 Court St. 1 bedroom, I US Nebraska, 140 PIONEER TRUST CO. Ph. 3-313. 9 to I 1-BDRM, all elec, bus stop, nice neighborhood. W. Salem. 130. Ph. 2-0!'S3. ' NICELY Furnished' 2 B. R. sub urhan home, grare. gr.rtlcn, 137.50. Ph. 4-3266. 3-9341. 707-O Furnished Houtes 2 FORM, house auto. heat, hs- m t. tireil. adults. Close In. 4 ROOM furnished house close In. Electrically equipped. No pets or children. 635 N. Com mercial St. 1 BDRM. home, fireplace, T V. Antenna. All util. furn. 160. 4010 S. Pacific Hiway. Phone 3-6990. BDRM. with garage, laundry. Inquire 341 Portland Rd. 710 Wonted to Rent Hies QUIET elderly lady wanta to rent for permanent home an older style house wtub bath, laundry trays, chimney for wood stoves. A garden space. Walking distance to good mar ket. Not over 35 per mo. Con tact mv agent. Allen Jones. 2.11 N High. Ph. 2-8417. PROFESSIONAL manfamiiy want to lease 3 bedroom home, fireplace. Ph 4-5502. EDERAL employee wants clean, nicely furn. 2 bdrm. house bv May 1st. References furn. 3-6362. WE NEED mote 2. 3 A 4 bed room houses to rent all prices furnished A unfur nished. Many on our waiting list. We specialire in rentals. Center St. Itealty, 1718 Cen ter. Ph, 4-6631 Eve. J-7912. UNFURNISHED house In West Salem only. By reliable mid dle aged couple Steadily em- filoyrd. No children. Ph Dal as. Mayfair. .3-4448, Collect. WANTED. 2-hdrm. -furnished home. Ph. 3-M. WANT 3 bdrm. home by May 1st, Rcf. furn. 4-6C01. WANT 2- or 3-hdrm. home by May 1st. 2-3553. 3-6495. 714 Business Rentals OFFICE SPACE 31S ASONIC BLDG. OFFICE Space." In heart of downtown Salem, V 2, A 3 room suites. Inquire Liberty Investment Co., Hoom 7, 229 N. Liberty, rh. 3-3711. STORE room. Siutabie for anv kind of - retail business or oflices 265 N. Hlgn. 4-5151 FURNISHED Office Space. Easy access city A Ireewsy. 1183 Lancaster. Ph. 2-9597. DOWN town office space, store rms. A warehouse. 3-4114. j 4-CORNFRS Community Hall available. Ph 3-8231. 718 Convalescent Homes COTTAGE CONVALESCENT HOME. 252 N Cottage 3-7020 780 Moving ft Storogo Larmer Transfer ft Storace Complete moving service. Also agents for BEKINS Nation wide Movers.Ph 3-3J3L LOW COST storageTfl L Stiff Furniture Co 3-9t8S "LESTER DeLAPP" LYON VAN LINES LOCAL OR NATION WIDE Moving & Storage PH. 2-1750 OR 3 4966 K0O Krai Eate 801 Businen Opportun. ESTABLISHED dealership route, few days mo. to service Good money maker for part-time work. Could be built into full time )ob. ILOOO will handle. Box 937. Statesman-Journal. COING Cafe" A fnuntain!Equip ment A lease I20OO down will handle. Full price 14.500. Pat's Cafe Mt. Angel. TO LEASE Service station, on main thoroughfare In fast growing area Unlimited poten Ilal for rtrht operator See Mr Miller at Shell plant. 3190 Port land Ri.ad or Mr; ' Russell. 2950 S Commercial WILL build to suit tenant, fire proof warehouse with rMllroad siding at edge of town. P. O. ro 1S3. Sakm. CAFE 12500 full price for st.ck A equip. IHOn Mo. lease Well located C. W R.eve. Realtor, 1810 Mission St Ph. 3-4590. Eve. -0898 or 3-9316. SERVICE Station In good'loca" 11 on Will trade for small farm near Salem C. W. Reeve. R-a'tor, I960 Mission SI. Ph. . 1-431-9. Eve. 1-9530 or 3-08U8. COO Real Dstate 80s Bmineii Opportuw. SALE or lease, equipped mod. cafe, on scenic hwy. 23. seatf 31. Tourist, local trade. Dnva in. pots. M. E. Jepaen, Mill City. Ore. FOR LEASE: Service Station-C 12th A Hinrs. Inquire 3.120 Fairgrounds Rd. 802 Business Pn operty A PEPPY LITTLE SPOT wltfc lots of customer traffic. Res taurant with good school hinch business. In excellent condi tion. Booth, lunch counter. Parking en side and rear. Terms. Call Echo Yeater, Eve. J-4672. ' . Nelson & Nelson REALTORS 139 S. Commercial ph. t-M6f 806 Houses For Solo COLBATH'S BUYS BEWITCHING This home is bewitching to all who stop to admire it. Locat ed In a secluded spot. Has apptox. 3 acres and lovely 4 bedroom home with , bathrooms, 3 fireplaces, full basement. 2 car garage, barn and variety of fruit. Total .j. price 118,000 Good terms. NO PHONE INFORMATION." SEE T. T. ANDERSON. SERENE STILL AND CALM A good place to live on this acre with late built - a bedroom home with hardwood floors, oil furnace, large kitchen, bath, attached garage. Priced at 18,950. RELIABLE BUYER CAN BUY THIS FOR w DOWN. CAtt MRS." WELLS"," days 4-4494, eve. 2-373. MODERNISTIC! COMPACT. TEMPTING, DE LIGHTFUL GEM is located South, exclusive district. Had 15x21 ft. living rm. with fireplace and w-w carpeting. Dining rm . time saving kitch en. J bedrooms, utility nn. 'Covered patio with outside) fireplace aid bnrhecue nit, 2 level lot Price 112.000. CAI U TOM FAGAN, days 4-4494, eve. 4-81U3 . LAND CO., REALTORS 917 Court St. Dial 4-494 OEM&MS BDRMS. A DEN Separate dining room, att. garaee, Ian shop Close in on 'j acre. Good well, nice lawn A gar. den. fireplace, neat A clean. TnU lovely home reduced to - I12.C0O as owner la l-ati-f state. Shown by apoolntment. are diii rioter :ve. Ph. 4-744. FARM BUYERS LOOK REGARDLESS of the type ol agriculture you wish to pur sue, we have listings to fill the need In large or small acreages. If - you are Inter ested in farming we can be of service to you, as our twa farm aalesmen are thoroughly conversant with agriculture in the Willamette Valley. They re farmers. See Geo. Krau or Herb Barnes APPHOX. 70-ACRE FARM 9J cult , Irrlg. water right for 4J acres from good year around trout stream. Good Willsm ette. Newberg It Chehalis bot. "-torn land Lava nice. 28 acre penmarent irrig. pasture Full set bldgs Full liner of ma. chinery A Irrig system. Thig is the place for Irrig. cash roue " crops. Priced right. See Geo. Kiaui. Real Estate 316 N. Church Ph. 4-6871 20x3GALVANIZED Iron bldg. to be moved. Make offer. MA 3-2082. Ask for Jaflg Older. BY OWNER: Equity lnreally nice J-bdrm. home, Ige. liv. rm . flrepl , hdwd. firs. N. C 5uhurban. 3-3327. 2 bdrm. house, fireplace, garage, price s,'Hai) pn. 4-5Q74. For Sale or Trade 1 Bedroom Home Larce bedroom with wslk-tsj - closet., living room, kitchen, bath, large utility loom, 1 -sa heat, wired for washer & drv er Large front vard, ls acre, Keirer District nas wn welL 12 500 equity trade for 3 bed-roo-n hoii'e up to I10.0M Sea M 1589 Alder St. or Ph 4-5111. HOME & INCOME Older 3-bdrm. home, with sen. "arate furnished rental. Cloa to bus line, school A store. Inside city limits for fur ther information Ph. 3-67.15 BEFORE-Y0UBUY A HOME 1 See Regal Gardens new lubdl- virion. city water, near school and bus. Many different plana and lots to choose from SALES OFFK E OPEN 1-3 P M. DAILY BUILDER 2tf,9 State St. Ph. 4-7914 WOO BUYS My Equity In 2-bdrm: home. South, City water. House years old, needs some finish Ing. Balance payable $48 per month. Ph. 2-H520. BY OWNER 575 " Rose sl"l"ni beautiful Walnut Park. Custom built 2 Bdrm. home Wall to wall carpeting. Dishwasher, Fireplace. Full dry basement with shower. BuiK-ins gallore. Attached... garage. Nice yard , with choice roses and shruho. Come anytime as I am movi'-et . inlo my other home May 3. FOR SALE or lease: modern 2 bdrm. home at 1353 Jefferson. Furn or unfurn. Owner leav Ing Salem. Ph. 3-KiLj. BY OWNER, Candalarlar" 1 brtrms . 2 bathe, beautiful yard . with lot 1 of k trees 4-731. EQUITY In new iTaediin Closi toState Bldg. Ph. 4-1319 LEAVING SALEM, PRICE REDUCED TO $10,900 With only 11 .000 down payment on this good 2-bdrm. hom with attic. 2 fireplaces, bsmt4 oil furnace and 1 bdrm. Apt. rental. Nice lot, sprinkling; system. CALL MR. BRAULICK WITH JOHN J. DANN REALTOR 405 N. Hio.h Ph. 4-3220. 4-3 ' 3 Across from Meier A Frank NEW large 2-bdrm home, 1.32S q ft. Lrg I IV kitchen 12' X S3' paneled double ga. 1.0J duwn 401 Cascud' Dr. HOUSE for sale - suitable for moving to new location chwe downtown, cnm'nletelv remod eled inside. Call 3-5450 FOR SALE. 1 yr 1 bedroom home Nice location, 112.500, Phone 324x or write Mrs K, O. Voir 930 Canyon Dr. Red mond Ore. COZY HOME t-hdrm." close InT '1 blk to bus, newly decoret. ed. a bargain, nlc neighbor hood, i'n. a-7li BUSINESS OF - YOU.R OWN . . MM