Statesman, Salem, Ore, Tlmrs., April Vf (Sr IMG: iui ! f 1 1? I - t t Buv on Start Eaiv Pavment Plan - Small Amount W 3 11 t r,i fi ' 1 I 10 : " SSr?;t INSTALL HOMART f. !ol,oC SSv' Nk GUARANTIED Y -.79' ROOFING I. t t 2& Down -Convenient Monthly Payments. FW"""' I ""C'"' '. ' .If " " 7 C; fi:o:: If " 1 o wr ON LABOR : 0-YEAR GUARANTEE ON MATERIALS AND LABOR NO AiONEY DOWN! ON F.H.A. Use Sears Easy Pigment Plan or no money down op F.H.A. with 3 full years to pay. Both, materials and labor Included! Sein will ar range all the details for you. OFF ON MATERIALS 210 lbs. of protection on your roof per 100 sq. ft. 3-in-l shingles now available in 7 colors. Anchored by con cealed nailing. ' EXCEEDS F.H.A. RECOMMENDATIONS . . I ! 1i UK Adjuslabls Railings Aluminum Dccn Adapt to Any Porch Homart Economy Uodi-l 15 Of o..47.03 I in.1.11 tddt Mftty trd E.lily lnterthnte.bte ttorm-Mteen IN Sled Gutiering Galvanized to Prevent RuMinf 10-lt length l'Oat Only ItJJ tvge treugh tod pip. Dl.c. eld ,M!r h",M ,dd 1,hntb, MornHoaa ' fuller new while Itii. lew prk Jt bulY ten b cut proper lengthy Alwninvm tenetructieAj ttereV yevril rlm ruckiiw. , wire IfKluded. In populer lint. I'll"- 1j Hangerboard Space Saving Storage Panels 2x4 ft. , ....159 Pantli hvt doztnt of tnei in any room. Nana kitchen utstniili. tlioo tools mtt , . . out of iht wy. Need P, Cin't btod or Hkk. Into aKtM furnityrt) Oio-roinl no pint. lightwtioht, yoff vtry tolid, Stvol black flnltH, Othor httghtt tvalltbl ' AlLdnum Deer VYrcuht Ircn tc;$ 1 Ruitproof...-fL Width 28!ilnch Height Now.... ..... ..54.88 Set of 4 ......... .4.59 Uitinf prottctlofl. unmuol itrtnoth, Turn fluth Wt, ftra, otywood, otc nrrn ny IS '.' N if " --p IIITCIIEIHABIUETS VERTICAL GRAIN FIR or BIRCH tl . Pre-Assembled Ready to Install P is Selected vertical grain fir or birch front cabinets fully assembled sanded extra smooth to take ony finish better-, no sawing, no fitting, no extras to buy! ASPHALT FLOOR TILE No other til givoi both beauty and durability at - such a low pricol NOW! ALL COLORS Off CABINET SINKS REDUCED! 54-inch STEEL CABINET SINK ie Car) be Installed over both wood floors and concrete In direct contoct with the ground. 9x9 inch size. I COMPLETE WITH TRIM 0 A 1 U 1 5.00 Down Start the kitchen of your dreoms with one of these beautiful time and step saving Harmony House sinks designed, engi neered and manufactured to give you the beauty, service, ond ease of care you wont. BIG iB-INCI! SINK Reg. 167. ssssa Bon Twin bosins enable you to wash dishes more easily ond . .. i .i . j i i in less time!' more unaersin storage space . ior mrcnen )Z)iUU supplies ond cleaning aids. Convertible Pump Medicine Cabinet "arbage Disposer With 48-Gal Galvanized Tank Fits: 14V4xl84x3',TMn. space Quiet, Efficient Action Reg. 13 95 1 1 QQ Complete. I I.OO Jtcg. 189.95 AAOQ I "XT. W SJ 1 hp. motor. Capecll.r aeler pro.nli llM flicker. Cenv.rl eoiily treM ihollew ' dtt well eperaden. All cenlreltl Peg. M.50 Only . 53.88 Toilet Stat - Marbclized Plastic Finish .. 5.88 lore. IJ5 K plat pl ir I Henelei .I feed weMe, ere. Mel .taM.M il.l frome. Sqvare lep, 1 djutlobl. (low ikelves eloe. empi Reg. 7 95 Homart ttU4 pelyrtyreM plotlic wet. Pel a t.r...r. ..wli. AvoleMe In Week, kne. trull eifi. tndt HW enrbaee prenl.m. I.17 te ImieB. laif Itm, Henwey Hewe tan. ALL WATER HEATERS 0WALE 1 ; . pmmMafl 1 I "5J ONLY 5.00 DOWN jf 77- . ! As Low At t 'j. j 47,95 j . ' ! Comparable to many water heaters selling for many y , j , ' dollars more. High efficiency heating elements for fast, 1 Jj ! hotwattr recovery, automatic adjuitable thermostat 0 ! Regularly 139.95 TFT- B tlTI fl o F ' 2, j l7fl00 U U "'7 . r"1 I Jk3 ONLY $5.00 I j i ii W DOWN II INSTALLATION V, !'" gM13r ivlt'flf' ) ' J servici vL -j-Sy 1 1 otjmmxey6K6 SEARS 550 Mi Cflpilol Phone 3-9191