McKay Sees Growing Use Of 'Dig Doubt' Propaganda Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., April 4, '36 (Sec.,I-9 ruivraro i.:. c.-- r day nisht told Ihe National Press Photographer! Assn. he it sur prised by h increasing use of the, slick propaganda technique I like to call the "big doufct." "There have been numerous in stances recently," the secretary: said at the association's convention ! here, "of the use of the big doubt TiHn"effort1o create public sus- picion of the new regulations I ap proved governing oil and gas leas- , es on wildlife refuges. McKay has resigned from his cabinet post to seek the U.S. -Senate seat from Oregon in the fall elections. "It is charged, for instance, that I have 'thrown Tie 7 million acres of national wildlife' refuges wide open to exploitation.' and; - thus have 'doomed' the refuges." he said. "The facts which are not mentioned in this big doubt charge include such salient matters as U.S. Official Says Cancer Control Closer WASHINGTON l -Dr. Lowell T. Coggeshall, special assistant' for health and medical affairs to the Secretary of Welfare, . said , Tuesday advances in the last dec- j ade "lead us to believe that con ! trol of cancer is a possibility not too remote Yrom accomplishment." p Cogge shall said in a. speech pre-, pared for a cancer crusade lunch-! eon that statisticians estimate that' more than 40 million persons now; living in this country will have cancer. I ' "How many of these will die of cancer?' he asked. "We don't know. But we do know that prob ably at least one-third of them I might be saved if we just applied existing knowledge. ' , "As to the other millions, sav in; these lives presents the great-; esi cnanenge mat research has! ever faced." " 1 . j i i . f - 1 Advances in treatment ot cancer i in the last decade, Coggeshall said, i include: j Use of chemical compounds to; reduce or retard tumor growth;' use of compounds called ''antime-' tabolitcs" to replace essential ele-i ments necessary for- cell growth! or life; use of hormones to slowl down cancers and leukemia: and me of radioactive isotopes to cause' recession of tumors. j Dr. Coggeshnll said there is re-1 newed interest jn theories once! virtually discarded that at least, some cancers may be related to a j germ or virus. "As an illustration, one patient j came down with chickenpox, ran a high fever for das, and upon re-1 covery, when doctors took a look ! at his tumor, it had almost disap-j peared." I "I. The refuges were not opened to oil leasing by me, but by a prev ious administration. Wildlife PrtteetiM "2. The new regulations are ad mitted by many sincere conserva tionists to offer greater protection to wildlife values than ever before. "J. Far from throwing the ref uges 'wide open to exploitation,' the new regulations make inviolate those refuges which are a prime importance to rare or endangered species and provide the most care ful safeguards in all other areas. "The use of half truths, distor tions and isolated and unrelated facts to reach sweeping and un founded conclusions are all part of the big doubf trickery. As a gov ernment official, it is my job to see that the public gets all the truth, not the naif truths of pott cal propagandists. As members of the press, you have the same- re sponsibility to make available the whole story the wide-lens shots, if you will. , ." . ' I Advances "Made 1 1 , The secretary complimented the photographers on the advances made in pictorial journalism in the last two decades. "You have succeeded in chang ing the public image of a news photographer," he said. "No long er is he visualized as a cigar-chewing, disheveled sensation seeker: Today, most of us know him as a competent cralUman.. seriously en gaged in the important business of providing the public with the pic ture worth the traditional 1,000 words. "Today, that doesn't mean just any picture. It means a Rood pic ture, accurately and creatively portraying the subject," i Episcopal Diocfue to j Hold April Convention PORTLAND ( The Episcopal Diocese of Oregon will hold its 68th annual convention at Trinity Church here April 8-10., Bishop Benjamin Dagwell will give hh) annuar report at the open ing session. Bishop Coadjutor James W. .F. Carman is to ad dress the Monday banquet sci- No other starch gives you the Vrano touch that means so much GET EASIER IRONING! 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Sanforixed, Odd Sixes 1 .59 3.95 BIB O'ALL, 10 oi. Blue, Naih., Odd Sixes 2.49 98c KNIT BRIEF, Combed Cotton: 30, 32, 34, 38 69 1 95c LEATHER BELT, Boston Brand: 34, 36, 40 . .69 1.49 CHAMBRAY SHIRT, Sanforixed, Odd Sixe 99 2.49 TWILL SHIRT, Sanforixed, Odd Sixes .69 7.95 DRESS SHIRT, Docron and Cotton, Odd Sites .3.99 3.75 DENIM JACKET, GreyGreen, Blue, Odd Site .2.49 8.90 PLAID SHIRT, Wool ond Orion, L t XL Only 2.99 5.95 DRESS SLACK, Tan d Brown check: 29, 30, 31, 32, 34 1.99 14.95 INSERT JACKET, Wool with White Insert 7.88 2.49 COOKS SHIRT, White, Sanforixed ..; '. 1.89 4.75 COOKS JACKET, White, Sanforixed, Odd Site 3.99 59e COOKS CAP, Mesh Top 29 i 2.98 GIRLS DRESSES, 3 to 6, An d Colors 3.98 GIRLS' COTTON SKIRTS, 7 to 12, Ats'd Colors , 3.98 CARDIGAN SWEATERS, 3 to i Nylon (Dork Colors) . , 1.79 INFANT CRAWLERS, Small, Blue-Red 2.98 GIRLS DAVEY CROCKETT SET, 3-5-6 Ass'd Colon 7.98 GIRLS WOOL JACKETS, 7 to 14 Plaid Att'd Colon. . . 2.98 CORDUROY JACKETS, Site 2, Grey-Pink Trim 4.98 GIRLS DRESSES, 5 and 6 Green, Pink rayon 7.98 GIRLS SUITS, 10-14 Navy Blue 3.98 GIRLS DRESSES, 5 fa 12 Attd. Colon ee. eo. ee, ea. 1.00 1.99 1.00 1.00 1.89 . 6.98 2.00 o. 2.98 t. 5.98 o. 1.98 Lingcrie-Hosiery-Main Floor Boys' Wear-Main Floor 1.33 HOSIERY, Sheer 15 denitr, irrtgi ; pr. 59 4.95 PITTICOATS, Bouffant Darker Shades eo. 2.99 , 59c PANTIES, Rayon-Nylon Trim pr. 33 1.50 NYLON HOSE, Perfect QualityBroken Sixes .......... pr. 89 3.95 NYLON SLIPS, Lace TrimWhite ea. 2.00 5.93 NYLON SLIPS. Pastel Color's All Sites ea. 399 89c STRETCH ANKLETS One Sixe Fits All pr. 50e 3.95 FLANNEL GOWNS Multicolor eo. 2.99 2.95 LADIES SLIPPER S07-Aist. Sixes P'. 1.99 1.89 JEANS, 8 ox., Sanforixed, Odd Sixes .19 2.98 Western JEAN, 104 ox., Wrangler Brand 1.99 7Se T SHIRT, 8, 10, 12, 14; Nylon Reinf 49 1.44 SPORT SHIRT, Short Sleeve, Odd Sixes 90 2.98 WESTERN SHIRT, Snap Buttons, Plaids .1 1.99 1.98 FLANNEL SHIRT, Sanforixed, Odd Sixes 1.29 2.98 DENIM JACKET, Knit Trim, Odd Sixes 1.99 2.98 LINEN PANT, 4 Colors, Broken 4ixes 1 .99 .1.69 TWILL PANT, Elastic Worst; 4, 6, 8, 10 99 c 1.19 SWEAT SHIRT, Davy Crocked 6, 8, 10, 12 49 12.95 NYLON JACKET, Fleece Lined, 8-20 7.99 69c BOYS' SWIM TRUNK,, 4-6-6x Ass'd Colors . 39 SportswearSecond - Floor 6.95 DACRON BLOUSES White Asst. Sites . ee 5.93 NYLON BLOUSES White and Colors ee, 2.95 COTTON BLOUSES Sleeveless ea, 3.93 COTTON BLOUSES White Broken Sixes eo 7.'93 SLIPOVER SWEATERS Asst. Colon eo 6.95 SLIPOVER SWEATERS Asst. Colon , , . ee 10.95 CARDIGAN SWEATERS Broken Sites ee 29.93 KNIT SUITS Famous Name ee. 5.93 COTTON SKIRTS New Floral Designs ee 3.95 Men's' CANVAS SHOES Blue and Brown pr 3.95 LADIES' CANVAS SHOES Asst. Colors pr 3.99 3.59 1.00 1.99 4.99 3.99 6.99 19.99 3.98 3.33 3.33 WE GIVE AND REDEEM GREEN STAMPS