2-Sr. I) SiatiMiKin. Salem, Knifer Attacks Two Men at Salem Club City police Tuesday pressed Kirch (or an unknown assailant ho flashed and stabbed two men In in altercation it The Ranch, Juries inflicted by the knile-wielder mere ipparently not serious. Injured In the 2 30 1. m. episode, according to police, were John C. Youngren, 470 Fir Knoll Lane, and Leonard Lutz. Corvallis. Both were taken by Willamette Ambulance to Salem Memorial hospital (or treat ment of multiple body laceratloni and Lull was later released. AU tendanta -aid Youngren's condi (tion wa "(ine,H ' Meanwhile, a John Doe warrant Nags Lead to Downfall of Bank Leader , LOS ANGELES (K-The penalty on ari embezzling banker who apent rnpre than t-tOO.ooo on a racehorse liable la 20 yean In prison and a 120,000 (ine. Roicoa D. Coon Sr., 47, former vice president and cashier of the Joshua Monument National Bank at Twentynine Palms, Calif., was sentenced In Federal Court Mon- ' day. Originally Indicted on 25 counts of embezzlement, making false en- iAma mnA wiioannllr.tlnlt Af funds. Coon pleaded guilty Feb. 28 to eight counts. Judge Thurmond C'arke, without comment, gave him the maximum on each of four counts five years and 13,000. Th court suspended sentence on uiv uuivr iiui IHJ Ul.llliaacu MIW remaining 17, Five years' proba tion will begin after Coon leaves prison. He will be eligible for par ole after seven years. "This is the end of the road." Conn said, smiling wryly. A probation report before ' the court said it Is evidence that large sums were lost la his racing en deavors and that his extramarital adventures were quite costly." It did not detail the "adventures." Coon's wife, Betty, was not In court for the sentencing. Tbey have three children. Stalin Purge Trial Victims Being Freed VlrWi. iilatrU 111 H.ru.rU teaching Vienna Tuesday said that! ' thai fipchnilnvaV anil Ttiilffnrtnn Communist governments have be gun releasing victims of their Stal in era purge trials. Unofficial reports from Prague said three defendants In the lt3J Slaniky-Clementis trial who have been sentenced to life Imprison- men have been released. They are the formr deputy forelen minis ters. Arthur London and Vavro Hadju, and the former deputy for eign trade minister Evzen Loebel. Rudolph Slansky, Jewish vice premier, and Vlado dementis, for eirn minister, were executed in m. From Sofia came reports that a meeting of the central committee of the Bulgarian Communist party had proclaimed the rehabilitation of Traicho Kostov, deputy premier executed in IMi as an alleged "Titolst." There was no Immediate confir mation of these reports available from the Czechoslovak and Bui garlan capitals. It has been expected that such rehabilitations would be soon forth coming since Communist Hungary last week proclaimed the inno cence of Laszlo Rajk, former for eign minister hanged In 1949, and his co-defendants. All these trials featured charges of "Titoism," which is no longer a crime in the Soviet satellites following Mos hw onit cow's efforts at reconciliation with Yugoslavia's leaders. AF to Continue Tillamook School WASHINGTON I - The Air Force plans to continue Its petro leum training school at Tillamook, Ore., after all. The Air Force advised aides of Bep. Norblad (R-Ore) Tuesday that a contract with the North west Technical Institute will be renewed another year instead of Withdrawn as previously planned. ' The school provides training in aircraft refueling techniques. SONJA EVER DIVORCE NEW YORK I An attorney for let skating star Sonja Heme said Monday night she and her socialite husband, Winthrop Gar diner Jr., have agreed on divorce plans. ..... 1 1 Ore, Wctl, April 4, ofl'O. - 1 C. charging assault with a dangerous weapon was issued by Marlon County District Court against the mystery knifeman, with bail set at gj.SUO . Arrested at the scene on a drunk charge was a woman whose name was found- to be Genevieve Brick son, Portland, police reported. She was booked after witnesses said a woman had been in the company of the attacker. I Detectives reported the Ericksoo woman was held in Marion County : jail as a material witness. She wis ' questioned at length but officers' suid they were unsuccessful in Iparninir IHontilv nf th ailant Witnesses, in sketching the epi sode, told officers the assailant's woman companion came up to. a booth occupied by Youngren, Luti and the wives of both. j The woman, reportedly a com-' plele stranger to the party In the booth, was making uninvited ad vances when her man companion appeared and engaged in fisticuffs with the two men In the booth, of ficers were told. Witnesses said the assailant then pulled out knife, stabbed and slashed Youngren and Lutz, then left In great haste. j Officers said Youngren was slic ed on the temple, twice in the cheat and on the left side of his body. Luts was slashed several times In the back, once In the left side and in the chest. The wounds' were mostly superficial. ! The attacker was described as around 40, average height and build and dark complexion, .,'.., Evangelical Sunday School Meet Opens Annual Sunday School conven tion of Evangelical churches of, the Salem and mid-valley points' opened Tuesday night at the First Evangelical United Breth ren Church here. Registration was conducted prior to the opening program Tuesdiy evening and while at-1 tendance figures were not im mediately announced, they were expected to approach 200 per sons. ; Dr. John B. Hnuser, Lebanon,' spoke on "The Challenge of the Modern Day Sunday School" to highlight the initial program, i Slated today are messages from ' Miss Esther Ellinghusen, associ ate editor of Gospel Light Press, I Glendale, Calif.; Miss Lillisn Swanson, traveling secretary for Child and Christ Crusade; and lUlphln Davis, director of Evan gelical Sunday School Service In Portland. Numerous workshop! also are scheduled . today. The convention ends Thursday. Russia Declares West Increasing Mid-East Crisis United nations, n.y. un - Russia charged Tuesday that In creasing talk of armed interven tion by the Western powers had worsened the situation in the Mid dle East. Soviet Delegate Arkaday A. So bolev injected this controversial issue into a U.N. debate on a United States plan to send Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold en a special Middle East peace mission. j The vote on the American pro-j posal was delayed until Wednea-I day morning by a series of Soviet ; amendments and by a Syrian re quest for more time. Approval seemed certain, however. Sobolev blasted what he called the increasing tendency on the part of the Western powers to plan armed intervention, under the pretext of preventing war. He also questioned the right of the United States, Britain and France to take any decisions on the Mid dle East problem without the par ticipation of the governments of that area. Gores Open 6:45 Show at 7:00 Now! 2 BIG COLOR HITS! t'neiperledly an Americas Sees Another Amerlrsn! Two People, With Their Backs to the Ancient Wall ... and the Only Wsy Out Through the Dead-end of "Blood Alley!" It Happens In Chiku Khan, Chins! John Wayne 11 BLOOD IN CINEMASCOPeTaND COLOR! li Smash A Story of Everyone for Everyone. A Stersj Schnolmsrm in Small New England Town, Who Influenced the Lives of a Geaeratioa ef Townspeople! Jennifer Jones and "Good Morning Miss Dove" IN CINEMASCOPE AND COLOR! Coma at You Are In the Family Car! lot the Kiddies Visit Our Complete Kiddie Playground! Picture on Tornadoes (Story else page eae) By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Here la the breakdown by sta'e on Tuesday's tornado picture; Wisconsin Two communities In Central Wisconsin,. Berlin and Bancroft, were dealt crunching blows. A series of smaller tor nadoes was reported in Western Wisconsin, where rivers swollen by rain and the melting of a heavy snow cover threatened to get out of bounds. . Sir of the dead were at Berlin, a city of about 5.000, to Penras Killed Michigan Police reported at least 20 persons killed in the West ern section of the state. Reports of injuries totaled over 150 per sons. Thirteen were reported killed in the town of Hurisonville. The National Guard sent SO ve hicles to help out. i Kentucky A woman was killed and her son critically in-, jured when a tornado demolished' their farm home near Henderson and hurled them 200 feet thiough the air the woman still seated in her rocking chair: Henderson is across the Ohio River from cvmiaviiic, jiiu, 1 Tennessee A tornado struck three communities near Dyers burg, which is miles north of Memphis. At Burgie's Chapel, Harvey Anderson saw the funnel as he worked in a field. He shout ed to a friend, "That looks close to my house," and ran toward home. His house was in splinters and his wife lay fatally injured In the wreckage. The other diath was at Maxey. . VleJeat Wlae , Mississippi A violent wind collapsed a Negro school houie about seven miles northeast of Tunica,, killing a teacher and in juring four children. The walls gave way, collapsing the roof to the floor, while school was in session. . i Arkansas Five were hospit alized when a twister struck a rural area near Osceola. , iwa Winds of up to SO miles I ar hour whipped across the state' in the wake of I series of small twistera that did extensive dam age to farms In Monona County, south of Sioux City. Nebraska A tornado ripped up buildings on two farms and did some damage in the town of Auburn In the southeastern part of the state. Indiana, Tornadoes struck scattered areas from Vfawaka in the north to Becks Mill In the far south, but no serioug. injuries were reported. Pedestrians Iwept Off Feet Illinois A strong wind gust measured at W m"pt. whipped ' through Chicago. It swept nine , pedestrians into a 10-foot deep building excavation 1n the heart I of the loop, All were hospitalized, j At Joliet, west of Chicago, the; airport wind measuring device was blown away after clocking winds of (S m. p. h. The roof of a hangar was blown off. Three light planes on the field were overturned and nine In the han gar were shot through with holes from bricks that blew like cannon balls. Ike Planum" No Call to Congress Over Israel Crisis WASHINGTON I - Secretary Dulles said Tuesday President Ei senhower has no present plans to ask Congress for standby author ity, such as he got for Formosa, to send U.S. troops into the war threatened Middle East. In response to a question at a news conference he said he did, not foresee any crisis requiring the use of American forces In the area made tense by the Arab-Israeli dispute. If such a need did arise, he said. President Eisenhower would want to get the approval of Con gress before sending in troops un less the emergency did not allow time for congressional action. Dulles emphasized that peace and genuine independence are what American policy seeks in the 'Middle East. ond Lauren Bacall ALLEY Co-Hit Robert Stack Elected l Li Li I.I.OYD G. HAMMEL Heads Salem Jaycees l Lloyd Hammel Wins Salem Jaycee Helm ' Lloyd G. Hammel was named president of the Salem Junior Chamber of Commerce at elec tions held Tuesday night at the Hotel Marion. He succeeds Dale Dorn. George Norris was named 1st vice president and other new offi cers include Lee Dorner, 2nd vice president; David Beckett, secre tary; Norman Braunberger, treas urer and the following as new members of the board of direc tors: Dick Kelm, George Huggins, James Loder. Howard Msder, Ken neth Free and James Gray. - A trial straw vote taken among the 90 persons In attendance, with threj leading U.S. senatorial can didates as choices, resulted in a n -r convincing margin for Republican! If 1IC6 I '()miSP Douglas McKaf-over Republican 111 V Hitchcock and Democrat Wayne rp A 1 O 1 Mor.. i lo Aid search Candidates Discuss Sales Tax at Meeting l The spotlight was turned on the conrtoversial sales ' tax question Tuesday night as a group of legis-1 lative candidates . engaged tn a panel discussion session at a meet ing of the Marlon County Chapter, Oregon Republican Clubs. Announced at the meeting at the Senator Hotel were plans for mammoth "Candidate Night" to be held here on the night of May 1st. Mrs. Florence Young, chair man of the Marion County chap ter, said invitations to attend the affair will be sent to M candidates for state, county and city ofjce. Panelists at the Tuesday session, all of them GOP candidates for the state house, exchanged Ideas on the state income tax structure as well as the sales tax. But no conclusions were reached or group stand taken. Panel members included Rep. W. W. Chadwick, Salem: Rep. Eddie Ahrens, Tur ner; Winton Hunt, Woodburn; I.ee Byers, Salem, and Herbert Bar ker, Salem. County Judge Rex Hartley was panel moderator. All panelists agreed that the tax problem will be one of the biggest confronting the next legislature. Lrbanon Drowning Victim'-, Riled Held LEBANON I Services were held Tuesday for Ross Gerald Jerry" James, who drowned hil fkhin nff rnrks near wnue usrung . on rocxs near Yachats March 4t. His body was recovered on the beach between achats and Wald- port Saturday. ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! plutYronna DaCarlo "Floma of the Islands" - Starts Tomorrow! - ANOTHER GIANT 2-HIT BILL! NEYEI HAS TXI Kill DARES SO MUCH! 1 S , . m t last ity Olivt ) HAVILLAND OKIT MITCHUM . HANK ' "SINATRA GLORIA CRAHAME WOOMICK , CRAWFORL CHAKtCS BICKFORD f j v 1 mm MM W "TJ 01 13 Constable Shot, Bank Thief Killed in Canada VANCOUVER, B.C. - Doc tors at Royal Columbian Hospital in neighboring New Westminster removed seven bullets Tuesday from the riddled body of RCMP Constable H. M, C. Bud John stone, who shot and killed one of (our bank bandits ' earlier and Daytona Fire Razes Theater, Hoiel, Stores DAYTONA BEACH. Fla. W-Fire of undetermined origin destroyed a hotel, theater and two stores early Tuesday. I Fire Chief Charles Lee said dam age would be about 'i million dollars and that it was the city's! worst' fire, since flames destroyed The Breakers and Daytna hotels: nine years ago. Fire officials at first indicated, they thought the (ire had. been set! and questioned a man but later J released him. Fireproof buildings on each side of the lire area. helped prevent spread of thi flames. A water main burst at the height of the fire and firemen had to lay hose lines, to the Halifax River a block and a half away. Water was still played on the ruins late this morning and several remaining wans, were snorsra down as safety measures. The fire started about 11:30 p.m. (EST) in the 1.050 seat Empire Theater and spread to the adjacent Orange Hotel. For Diplomat MOSCOW t - The Soviet gov ernment has promised to continue inquiry into the fate of the Swed ish diplomat and Red Cross repre sentative, Raoul Wallenberg, who! disappeared in Budapest in lWS.ijf jn the question of German re Prime Minister Taee Erlander of unification we are spoken to in Sweden said Tuesday. ! the language of- positions of A demand for investigation of strength, . then we too have Wallenbergs disappearance re- portedly was one of Erlander's, mam purposes on his current visit to the Soviet Union. Tte.Walenberg case long has ;pnjla,flic locwy warn, that bo. been a political issue in Sweden m ,j aIian s, re and one o the few flaws ln;bei m,ed In Argentina. They Sweden s relations with the So-: M , ,,.f viet government. Erlander announced the Soviet promise shortly before he and Premier Nikolai Bulganin signed a - joint communique concerning Erlander's visit. The communique text was not released Immediately, but the Swedish leader .revealed most of its terms to newsmen earlier. The document signed was not an agreement but simply a news re lease. POLICY REASON'S WASHINGTON t President Eisenhower asked the Civil Aero nautics Board Tuesday to with hold temporarily, for "foreign policy" reasons, its proposal to allow non-scheduled airlines op erating overseas to provide "sup plemental" scheduled service. Husbands! Wives! Get Pep, Vim; Feel Younger J1""""!" coupln art mk, wor-oui, u- taMtWi hui. bod, tack. irw. s .'W titling .Itfff 40. try Oitrri Timie ,t.mu. Contn in i pep prielnt u.iiiud - imi. or rt ' At .11 druHin.. lOKGNINi BLAIR Musical Idol of Millions! 7dtf to! twletful ploying ond citing love-nakingl QtAX WimarCalet, JOANNI DRU DOROTHY MALONI wounded another in a roaring gun battle. Hospital officials termed the condition of the constable as good. His family said one bullet re mained in his body after an emer gency operation and will be re moved when he gains strength. Meanwhile, two of the men cap tured in the holdup- were -charged with robbery with violence and remanded Indefinitely at Police Court In -neurby Maillardville. They were identified as Garry Gordon Owen, 21, and Harold Gil bert Folster, both of Langley, B.C. , The wild, shot-pierced drama followed a 117,000 raid on a branch of the Royal Bank of Canada on the Lougheed Highway, 10 miles east of downtown Vancouver. , , The money, stuffed in paper bag, was recovered and all sur vivtng gunmen were arrested within 20 minutes. The dead bandit was identified as William Herbert Howartan of Vancouver. ' German Unity Not Vital, Says Khrushchev MOSCOW un - Soviet Commu- ' nut party chief Nikita Khrushchev said Tuesday that the reunifica tion of Germany is not absolutely necessary for world peace. "Can one visualize peace with out the unification of Germany?"; mused the .hief of the Soviet Un ion's Communist party aloud as assembled correspondents listened in the St. George's Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace. 'Yes, one can," he answered,'0' his office and commandeered sipping slowly at a glass of cham pasne, Khrushchev's remarks w e re made at a Kremlin banquet in honor of Swedish Prime Minister Tage Erlander who is visiting the Soviet Union, V "Peace," Khrushchev said "must be assured above all. Peo Dle want to live in Deace. But strength. ' BOG18 STAMPS PRINTED ti'riv itiv i Th. tiaiin t myyft His " "ft w iiai ian emigrant families who enclose stamped, addressed envelopes in their letters home. For detection: The counterfeits bear no water mark and the reds are too red. iWllWiWl'iWu- iOt Oftn 4J ao. - Hmm PUyiiif, Vm JchinM JtMpk CltM "THI IOTTOM OF THI SOTTU" A aVMatk j.ta af rw nwttam iftW ! kl.k .Imp f tK. Itntl,. Am4 Om lrry idwwd AnwW "THI HOUSTON STOUT" Th il dnlltr tvrn.d bij.ckw wk MumI rim dm ml ,. fOt FREE j 25,C a Jt 6 tvixii CASH FIIIST PItIZE 1140 OTHER FRIZES 30 MX CONDITIONED CARS Ramblers I Hudson V-8'sl Nash V-B'sl CmpliMr Air Oil- iw neon, ttdani, Imnllmpi wit t.try mtautry, MudM( ptr uiti, outemotic franimiiHoiu. 10 METROPOLITAN CONVERTIBLES (w kurftof). It wliwwr 100 KELVINATOR APPLIANCES Including fmMvn rWwvmoi, FrMMrt, tongtl, WaitWi, OrytI 'lOOO CASH PRIZES oM'O Mca Plus $40,000 CASH BONUSES Apvniwl rt ynnr rar il vnrth Sl.tVMI rath bonui, II yixi'r ttm winner. All", mr winiwri who buy tw Rmblr, Nih. Hudmm Kf MMmpolrtill ilurim th ntrt eM. will M doublt U til pricw ol tht mi wou, m plin I tbt or. i ' Th Whols Family Can Enlrl HOW TO WIN Leading magaiines report the big automobile companies will soon change to a new, advanced way to build cars single onit, welded 'construction. American Motors cars have it nowl We need a name for it. Help us nante it win a wonderful prise! The flrat name that pops into your mind may win you $25,000 cash! uiluilMCI BitAllI- Riubu MU'ANCS B"IIS-Hu.bM lUVIBMIl Ol B1Z.BVU M WMCUl-Uirj flnt 11 iimikj Aluk. wlnra itaU EJuurue. Uw tM OKMytwu AK TV. Sm TV CO TO Gould's Bank . Accounts Over World Frozen JUAN-LES PINS, France -Clerks acting nn Inductions of a French emir Tuesday began seal ing the villas, offices and other properties of the late Frank Jay Gould here. Orders have been is sued to freeze .his bank accounts in both Europe and America. Only the room of his wife's villa where his body is' lying will re main unsealed.- Gould died early Sundav after a long Illness. He was 78 years old. '' The court ordered the sealing of his properties and freezing of his accounts on the petition of attor neys for one of Gould's1 two daugh ters, Mrs. Dorothy Burns of Mex ico. The purpose of the measures is to preserve any notes Gould might have left expressing a wish : ,0 rnodify his will now awaiting probate in new org. Gould - was known to be Im mensely wealthy. The exact size of his fortune never has been pub - lished but friends estimated his daily income at IUS 000. In addi - tlon to extensive holdings in the United States and Europe, he had many valuable properties on the French Riviera his home for many years including this resort town which he personally de veloped from a grim village. ' Mayor Wants New Car, Takes Poliee Chiefs Vehicle . WALTHAM. Mass. ( Mayor Paul V. Shaughnessy sought $3,000 for a new automobile and twice was turned down by the city coun cil. So he exerciaed the prerogatives the 1955 automobile of Police Chief Joseph W. Cunningham Monday. The police chief appealed to the mayor to ask the city council to appropriate $3,000 to buy a new car for the police chief. "PICTURE GFjnTHE MONTH" i-1 GLYNIS JOHNS if inn mo f BASIL RATHBONE GBQLM8KEH CobrbTeMlCim Cornell Borehers in Plus "DIVIDED HEART' J H iBit (If Mhi l "' hoUM-hold tt tm ol purf h.) rt ftf lanrtnr roMlii I IEW wi i " m.idi, tot.l t mM-V th b..th thuuld tw I.UIIy iniiirrf w - - - - ; v- " pwnil. Stlhti l Tta-J wibJ OhmmI DEALER Theatre Time Table KI.XINORK "THE COURT JESTER"! 1:00 nd Mi a? "THE U1VIUKD HEART": S (II CAPITOL "MARTY": -t-00 and lOttO TLAME Of THE ISt-ANDS": t (XI NOKTH SAI.KM DRIVE IN "BLOOD AI.ttY": 7:07 and 10 4ll "GOOD MORNING MISS DOVE": f.OD hoUY wooB "BOTTOM or THE BOTTLE"! 1:00 nd t01S "THE ifOC'STON STORY": S M New Licfiior Board Runs Five Firms PORTLAND I - The newly organized state Liquor Control Commission Tuesday cancelled three dispensers' licenses and sus 1 pended two others th , meetm'g for l ,..,, commissioners Bruce Williams and E. Riddell Lage, who were appointed to the commission March' 17. , The cancellations and out sus pension were for Portland outlets. The license of Iloneywood and Crown of Honeywood, Salem was suspended tor IS days be cause of giving financial assist ance to a retail licensee. Good Music Big Crowds c WED. NITE c ens HELD OVER! -THl AMIMCW MA4AZINI ' SEE TDUt l unarnu nrnril RUUUrl Ut ALU FOR FREE ENTRY IIANKI M IT'S EASY! Crystal Gard a' 1 fl I slMbi.wsMi Just give us a name for the biggest differ ence in cars today, American Motors' SINGLE UNIT CONSTRUCTION. So strong, so modern, so safe, you get a total of $25,000 Personal Automobile Accident INSURANCE against fatal injury-divided equally be tween husband and wife! t k t tU THI RllFIIINCII Amerlcon Motor cars sre s slncle unit like motlern trains and planes. Bit frame bos prders make a steel endo-ure as big aa the ear, irivinj true "wrap-around" protection. It's welrtfd, twice as strong, twice as safe, twice as long-lasting:. Ofher cars still bolt the bod? to S separate, fiat frame ... the same basic construction principle men" In building oxcarts. FREEI "Foci To Help You Win" Get FREE Entry Blank and folder, "Facts To Help You Win". Please read rules carefully, espe cially Rule 4, which explains how content will be judged. In event of ties for any priw, tied content anta will be asked to writ 25 words which will be judged to break ties, if any. Enter Today! Wis eauh! An situsnditiontd carl 1141 priies! . w... . ... W-i. AmvrkcM Ml Mtom Mor. far Anwtraia tO TO YOUR HUDSON DEALER :iii?i