jfl A;ina;:i;:re J Al'S IN THIS COLtT.!N RTCLIVLD . . , Ico Late to Classify r LOST. FVg. 8 S&H P-ki. Ad a.tfi bii. Easier ntic. itc. Return to I n, on S... &mi Stole. KIMBALL GRAND PIANO TERMS. PH. J-5J71. . : PIANO ACCORDION SALE"! SAVE 50', THE MUSIC CfcNTER 493 Center Across from MAT JJt.O.NDK SPINET PIANO lor oakmc due on contract Hit; MUSIC CENTLR 413 Center Acrou from MAF rm. home, dining 1 com, birch kit., breakta.t n;tox, Uie. utility. 1', batas. cnle. garage, plastered. Nortn tsaiem. $i4,aou builaer. Pn, 3-45.2. I'v H SALE by owner, 2 bedroom flume with luli basement in t.n kit wood district. Ph. 2-0605 fcciueen 8 and 7 pm. iJft SAL&-Smali 1 rm. cabin to be moved away. Silverton 3.4826. Ht. 2 Bx 1.2 S.Iverton. BUSINESS property: Wonderful investment opportunity. In come $2i$ per mo. New under tolid lease. 7 000 sq. ft. bldg. SHri North. 1 acre tround. Will sacrifice for $15 000 casn. Contact owner Glen Woodry, H05 N. Summer, No Phone Inio Pleae! 1 ACRES or more with livable houfe within S miles S. of Sa'em. O. P. Warren. 3350 Crawford. Ph. 4-6629. . WANTED to rent or lease house with barn ft fenced pasture. Responsible party. Call Mc- Minnville 9353 or writ Rt 3 Box J6S. W. G. Osier. r RM COURT apt. turn, near Willamette U Salem Memo rial $40. 4-5442 days, FOR employed lady."! rm. furn. close in. 2-4S04V J-5272 eve. 1 RM. FURN. uptalr."PvtTbath. Lady preferred. 3-4505. PAINTING ft decorating, low priors. 2$ yr. In Salem. Ph. 1.7659 CEMENT finishings, free esti mates, no job too small. 4-0253. CARPENTER, remodeling, etc. Work guar. Price reas. Ph. 4-7782. HOUSEWORK, baby sitting, and ironing, anytime. Ph. 2-9540. S H P. CR1S CRAFT outboard motor, perfect shape. Best . ofler takes it. Gasoline lawn mower 18" blade wWisconsin nitr., $35, Ph. 2-2691. GOOD 24" boys bike" (22. fiber glared Cris craft 12' boat $125. 2775 S. High. Ph. 3-8754 &AMMONb-Spinet"6rg7n, al most new walnut finish, (1,150. Ph. 2-5988. Please do not call Saturdays. iiOUSEHOLDfurn, Club chair, library diner, antique drop leaf table, platform rocker, sewing cabinets & mis. an tiques. 1097 S. Liberty. SEWING MACHINE This beautiful Sinter Console left on our hands with a 868 50 balance. Assume contract for only $5 per mo. Ph. 4-7102 Dealer. MARSHALL strawberry plants Phone Silverton 3-4797. EXTRA LARGE White Leghorns Parmenter Reds. Cornish X White Rocks. Hatches every Tuesday. Send for free folder. Leiihorn cockerels $3 per 100 Parmenter Red cockerel 88 per 100. WILSON'S HATCH FRY. LYONS, OREGON. Ph. UL 9-2533. TOR SALE 1939 International Pitkuo, good cond., $150. Also, exc. 8 mo. Jersey heifer, sub ject to reg., 870. Rt. 1. Box 784, Salem. Phone 4-4117. i0R SALE Sow ft 11 weaner pi, $100. Call eves. Gervais 3272, 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notice BAHA'I WORLD FAITH Information . Ph. 3-63M 312 Lost and Found" THE following lost articles are at the Statesman-Journal Of fice; 3 nr. Glasses , 1 Billfold iSoc. Sec. No. 447-34-54211 1 Zipper Coin-purse 3 Key rases 3 Sets of keys : 1 Rosery - - These Items can he claimed by their owners at the Classified Dept. 314 Tronsportotion DRIVING to San Diego March 31st. Can take 3 pass, to share expenses. Ph. 4-7952. 316 Personal WE HAVE replies for the follow Ing Box Numbers which have not been picked up 608 781 774 7H8 792 Hod 613 820 824 8J4 m 707 718 720 7:i8 741 742 762 7t6 77 769 STATESMAN-JOURNAL Office TOO MANY BILLS? " Don't let your bills get you In trouble. If you're behind In payments, -we can help vou. No security or cosigners need ed One place to pay all bills. Pay onlv what you can af ford! (Bonded and Licensed for your protection!) CREDIT CONSULTANTS Salem 2-8844 for Information ALS BAKERY 1040 MARKET Froren tuna, tamale, chlrken. A- beef Dies. $2 25 a dor. Pirra pie. 39c. large bread 2 for 45c. tresh doughnuts every morn ing by 7 e m. Ph. 3-7372. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. 94M S-omm,r'u' M'1 pr -78ti7 TnCOME TAXESI Are you oveN paying yours? Ph 2-6743 "madam fatima Palm, cards, psychic adv. Tells past, present 4 future Advice on all matters. SPECIAL (3 complete reading $1 with this ad, for limited time only. Be wise 3125 So. Commercial across from Ran- dill s Chuck Wagon. ALCOHOLICS Anonymoua group No. 1. 2088 N. Coml. J-4537. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sole FOR SALE It J-oung ewe with good lamb. $22 59 each. I ml. from Salem. Ph. 1-3947, r GOOD Saddle Horses." I kit Pony. Very gentle. 4490 Silver ton Rd EXTRA nice Tifg Berkshire we ner It feeder pigs. I' ml E. of Totem Pole, ' ml. So. Box 4. ( PURE-BRED Guernsey to freshen April. Ph. 4-1349. J'ORSAl or trade, gentle ponlee lot children also good saddle horses. Bob frank. 30 N Water St., Silverton. Ph. 1-6134. PROFESSIONAL horseshrter. Lee Hanson, 4-0724 or 4-906J. Ic irvTirir rtoicESHorfd fIX SHIVtEV Pk i-4vi$ DxKKR B(FF Eastern Oregon or whole lit lb Locker wrk tie lb. Custom killing Trailer loaned tree. Salem Meat Co. E C. Mdiniaju, 3-nei -ATT IE buer. A r au-Tr'e-"" l-ta Hi- i ,,r Dr. Ph. e- cattle bcyersTeTi Tj r uvrsT.-vv-;:. . - . i Cb. 4E -iui - .,t. - t rouirry and Kobbits BABY CHICKS, 16c straight run. rhoice of Psrmemer. New liamps. While Rocks and Leg hnrns Sneciat New Hamp and white RorJi pullets. 19c Par tnentcr rn rooster. So VALLEY FARM STORK Ph 4-4624 Salem WHITE Rock capon. 15c 17"$ to ( lb. Ph. jfmi ets YOUNG male Shepherd dog to give away. 1-4252. TO GIVE away I', yt. Austra lian Shepherd. Ph. 4-CS27, BRITTANY SpanierAKC'reiiT tered. Ready to train, little over t jr. old. Ph. 1-9666 ny morn. EASTER rabbits 11 ft up. 207$ Brown Rd. 4-9521. LICENSED male. black mixed , Spitz breed dog. I mos. Needs 1 rurJ'ome.' LFree.iPh.J-9755. FgEE-2 black & white kittens. would like country home. Call morn. 4-6240. FOR SALE German short haired pointers, t females $35 ea. 70 -og cabin Independence. MOORE PETS Chihuahua puppies. 4005 State. SIAMESE reg. Seal point female cat. itKiS s. High, SIAMESE kittens, very reason- aoie. wall 4-1467. FOR SALE: Pure bred Golden Cocker puppy, 3$ mo. 1930 N. 19th. YOUNG parakeets, cage feeda Mickey't, 3825 S Com. 1-2755 BEAGLE puppies, subject to register: also female Labrador pup. Ph. 4-2993. PARAKEETS Caces & Suooliea. d tt m Aviary, jjbj uaywood rn. t-Mza. Rare PARAKEETS Normal 245 W. Browning. Pit 1-2097, BIRD Paradise for birds, cages supplies 3180 Livingston 2-1842. 4T0 Seeds and Plants A Plant Greenhouses & Florists Garden supplies seeds plants 1298 S. 13" Ph. 3-4670 Eve Ic Sun. 412 Fruit & Farm Product EASTER SPECIAL GIVE HER CAMELLIAS AND ROSES Roses 59c each 10 for $S Camellias 59c each 10 for $5 These are all named varieties. ALS FRUIT STAND Highway 9SE Just North of Woodburn GEM seed spuds, $2 Thundre also Early Reds & Burbanks, few culls. 60c. Used cedar posts, .15c. Ph. 4-1193. PASTEURIZED whole milk 75c gal. 40 Cleary Dairy, 2-3035. 413 Fertilizer " RICH horse manure by sack or load. Ph. 2-8593 delivered. POULTRY fertilizer, per trailer load $1. You haul. Lee's Hatch ery. Phone 2-2861. v GOOD manure for garden or flower beds. Will deliver. Ph. 2-5129, or Silverton 3-4737. ORGANIC FERTILIZER ODORLESS BY RACK OR BULK PHONE 3-3155 MANURE; aged rich humus. No weeds. Real toll builder for lawns,- gardens Ph 2-0.131. PEAT MOSS with rjouTtry"'drop- pings only 75c per sack. VALLEY FARM STORE FRESH or rotted manure. Rich, fine manure by sack or yard. Delivered or at farm. Phillips Bros. Rt. S Box 493. Ph, 4-3081. 4f4 Form Equipment '53 16 Inch M. E. tiller. I hp motor. Ph.ill City 834. IRRIGATION outfit with wade pipe. 1180 ft. 4 in. main, 880 ft. 2 In. lateral, 20 hp Wiscon sin engine 2ii In. pump. Full . price $900. Sell all or part. Norman Veisteey. Ph. Monitor 2071 except Sat. FARMALL H. Tractor, starter At lights very good cond. 2 bottom J.D. plow, very reas. Ph. 4-3101. FOR SALE or trade: Fordson tractor on steel, recently ov erhauled. Ph. 4-2941 eves. JOHN-DEERE Mod. M Tractor A Equip. Exc. cond. Make of fer. 1'4 ml. E. Totem Pole, lj ml S. BOX 429. S H P. Ridemanter tractor w plow, disc, cultivator. Ph. 2-8150. PEERLESS qual pumps at low er prices. Judson s, ii.H n. com. MADE-to-order metal feeders. troughs. Judson 1, 70 Chemek 450 Merchandise 454 Sewing Mochines Beautiful 4 drawer walnut sew ing machine, like new con dition, complete with all alt. k button holder. Sold new lor over $300 now $132.75 SEWING CENTER 130 N. Commercial Ph. 3-3512 EW Singer Portable Rd. Robbin Reverse Stitch, dial tension and many other features. With s real guarantee not merely a piece of paper written in English, on a Japanese factory. SI SEWING CENTER 13$ N. Commercial Ph. 1-3311 45rMocnifr7l'To1ls"' I H P. Bradley garden tractor wrultivatur, due ft plow. Ex, coml $188. PH. 4-2940, t'S ED welder tor sale. Inquire 8M8 Illinois evi HAVteveri d welder AC ft DC Call 4-1544. DESK MODEL $99.90 FBI Ager.ts Trap Extortionist By Use of Want Ads.1 ir... After Juliet Sc keeps, civic leader, aad 19 other protai aeM Delia ckizee kad keea threateeed rkk deatk ia May, 1954, eolesg tkef feid 1200,000 preiectiee eacf, errat 0 ike Fed eral Bureaa of lavestiratioei were able to et trap for tkt extortionist by comaie icitiig witk kin throk Classified Adi ia tk Dallas Nei. last A4e Are M Tee Oty lay 0 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery I Tools l'i H P, Wayne Air compressor. Sioux valve refacrr tc hard teat grinder, complete with cabinet. 320 S. Lancaster Dr. rORSALif PolrUbhTwelder. mounted on 1944 Intl. 4x4 truck. 200 amp. Lincoln weld er complete with cutting equipment. 400' lbs. welding rod. Front end winch with A frame. Also small double drum loader, some main line and haulback. Chev. powerplant and 4-speed trans. New 28' sled. Becker Bros. Equip. Co.. Mill City, Oregon. Phone 1652. 455 House Goods for Sale DAVENPORT-rose-rust Mohair, very good. Ph. 4-3071. DOUBLE dresser and bookcase bed. Limed oak. Terms. $89.50. . WOODRY'S THRIFTY USED FURNITURE SU S. Commercial Ph. 4-1319 COMBINATION sink, disposal dishwasher, all porcelain. lull price $149 40. Glen Woodry, 1605 JSummer. DINETTE Tables ". 1 $4.9$ Used Mdse. Mart 270 S. Liberty Ph. 4-8371 Fri. 'til 9 t-Z terms LEAVING town, furniture In living room, dining room V 2 bedrooms. Fireplace set, hand braided wool rugs, -2 large Na vajo rugs. 3 cotton braided rugs. English china. Bavarian china, glassware, 1 bedroom suite, eastern solid maple. Garden tools. Power mower. 9 ft. G. E. refrigerator. Ph. .2-1508. SAVE on lovely guaranteed New Biltwell Davenport Sets at Glen Woodry,160SJN. Summer. LARGE Cold Spot refrigerator for sale, JJ50. Jph.2-5118. $50 DOWN will buy ' roms of $50 DOWN will buy 9 rooms of ances. Terms. Open noon 'til 9 Monday and Friday. WOODRY'S THRIFTY USED FURNITURE SIS S. Commercial Ph. 4-3319 23 CU. FT. .Carrier upright Freezer, !00. 2148 Mill. 2-5.58. SPECIAL' New Biltwell Swing Rockers. $33.88. Glen Woodry, 160S N. Summer. PH. 2-4863 or see at 2315 Mt, View Dr. between 84, Tnura, Ac Fri. New Siegler oil heater & wringer washer, ,i price Various chairs, tables, lamps & bed. DAVENPORT & Chair, cond.. $33. Ph. 4-6203. good Innerspring mattresses $9.8$ HOGG BROS 248 State St, WROUGHT Iron chair wuphol stered cushion, $30. Breakfast set, $35. Oak rocker, $5. Dun can Phyfe Mahogany Coffee Table, $5. Ph. 4-761S. SPC, SECTION ALr now $119?00. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. USED portable Iron Rite Ironer, Just like new, $139.95. Salem Ironrite Co., 1137 S. Coml. Ph. 4-5758. DROP leaf dining rm. set, S pc. (Walnut finish I $39.93. Used Mdse. Mart 270 S. Liberty Ph. 4-8371 Fri, 'til S E-Z terms TWO-real-clean" dining sets; 7 pc. $49.50 8 pc, $59 50. Glen Woodry. 1605 N.Summer. UNFINISHED furniture. H L, SliffKurniture. J "i" ri- NEW 5 pc. bedroom sets Mr. 81 Mrs. "bookcase bed-nlte stand, Innerspring mattress and matching box spring. These are nice. Glen Woodry, 160S N. Summer. NEW foam rubber, box spring A mattress set, reg. $14.S pec. $99.95. Used Mdse. Mart -270 S. Liberty Ph. 4-6371 Fri. 'til 9 E-ZJn' RECONDITIONED "ranges and refrigerators. Terms. WOODRY'S THRIFTY USED FURNITURE SIS S. Commercial Ph. 4-3319 ROSE friee daveno A chair $95. 5-pc. dinette set $15. Ph. 4-7287. NEW 9x12 Axmlnster rugs w free 40 oz. waffle pad. $69 50. Terms. Clen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer INLAID Lino., $1 59 per sq. yd. R L. Elfstrom Co.. 260 S. Lib erty. WALNUT waterfall desk, like new, 1 drawer. $29 9$ HOGG BHOS 248State St. NEW S po- wrought Iron dl- netts. $55 00. Terms. Glen Woodry, 160$ N. Summer. MEN'9 wool suit, slr"40-42. tall. Tan & grey mixture. $15 00. Kenmore Ironer, new cond., $50. Ph. 2-3043. 2 END tables, cocktail table, S table lamps. Terms. Glen Woodry, 160$ N.8ummer, USED Iron Rite Ironer. Model 73. Excellent condition.. .. Salem Ironrite Co., 1137 S Com l. Ph. 4-6758 COLEMAN oil circulator with tank $19 9$ HOGG BROS 241 State St USED Conlon mangle. Like new SW Salem Ironrite Co., 1137 S. Com l. Ph. 4-6758. REG. now $119 00 Innerspring mattress and box spring, both a. Terms. Glen Woodry, 160$ N. Summer. EASY Spin dryer wssher. $4$ Hh. 4-3648 4 PIECE bdrm. set bed. chest. vsnitv with Ian mirror, ft large bench $5 HOGG BROS 14 State St. 1 I.IKE new. late model oil Stoves. Uuaker. ST 50; Bparx, $ii8 5ll; Seigler, $129 40. These are (uaranteed Glen Woodry, 10$ N. Summer. I. 195$ model 30" range repose, bal. $150. Responsible party may assume balance. 88 per mo. Cell 2-2491 or aee at Fire stone Store Censer ft Liberty FOR SALE. Solid Mahogany chair with roller ft reclining beck. Jl. Ph. j-44- MAPLE bunk beds w"s"prlngi 834 M: wmatlrets. $49 50. Glen Woodry. 1609 K Summer. INLAID I-lno.. $1 89 per sq. yd rt. u. cusirom to . see a uv ny Cl.iSFOUTw7new foor pie daveno and swing rorkef set. 8113 00. uien wooory. iwi n nummer. INLAID l ino. $1 ! per q yd It u Elfsuom ts , aw a. us - rty. i i 0 4 .w - K I , .1 : " t , y, ( A ' " Own. I f , , tmm. Sa l.'t, ' . M i. . 1 lkk CHARUE HOERSKE, ZZrZZZ Np Ot!n$ 430 Merchandise 455 House Goods for Sate LINOLEUM RUGS - 9x12 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED. !.$$. VALLEY FURN. 119 N. C0M L. Modern Style O Green Frieze Color With Innerspring Mattress ONLY $99 . In Good Condition. WOODRY'S THRIFTY Used Furniture SIS N. Commercial Ph. 4-3319 1941 Coldspot refrigerator, S cu. ft. $65 2-1293. ' CLOSEOUT 200 New table lamps. $3 99. $4 99, Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer, 2-PIECE modern' sectional rose frieze, $89 50. WOODRY'S THRIFTY USED FURNITURE 515. Commercial Ph, 4-3319 8'a cu. ft. Crosley refrigerator. Good condition, see at 5050 State St. 2 FOR 1 Refrigerator and elec tric range. Botn $is.9U. Glen Woodry 1603 N. Summer. 40-GAL". table top" electric water neater, used 2 mo., cost $149 NOW $10950. WOODRY'S THRIFTY USED FURNITURE SIS S. Commercial Ph. 4-3319 ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaner, guaranteed. $29 95 1321 N. Ca pitol. Phone 3-7067,( dealer)' NEW Simmons Studio Couches, $69. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. RANGE, refrlg. i pc Chrome set, sectional daveno At chair, blond coffee t end tables Floor lamp. $ pr. bdrm. act A odds & ends. 2-7451. FREE 18" Rotary lawn mower with purchase of 10 ft. re frigerator. $10 down. $2.91 week. Batdorf s Home 8c Auto 1420 State. 3-9582. BEAUTYREST box spring and ' mattress nearly new. Terms. WOODRY'S THRIFTY USED FURNITURE SIS S. Commercial Ph. 4-3319 LEAVING town. Will aelf at bar gain practically new washing machine, Norge refrigerator. Estate range, bed - daveno, Ph. 2-4430, , MAPLE Arm daveno At chair, very nice $39 9$ 1 Used Mdse. Mart 270 S. Liberty Ph. 4-8371 Fri. 'til 9 I-Z term " NEW Roliawgy" Beds, $12 88. Glen Woodry, 1803 N. Summer. CHILD'S waion, garden tools' fruit Jars: folding cot A. pad; oak round table (1 leaves! $ chairs to match; wringer type washing machine; lawn mow er: earden hose (50 ft.); two electric 2 burner hot plates; 2 burner Coleman camp stove; ' misc. Items. 758 Young Rt Woodburn Ph. Woodburn 4232 79.50 7 pc. economy davenport - clubchair Glen Woodry 180$ N. Summer 456 Wanted House Goods WE WILL PAY CASH FOR COMPLETE HOUSEHOLDS OF FURNITURE, OR ANY OTHER TYPE PERSONAL PROPERTY. CALL CLAUDE KILGORE, 4-6062. PAYS MORE CASH For furniture, sppll., etc. Ph 3-5110, 1605 N. Summer rOP CASH PRICE - FURN1. TURE. APPLIANCES. ETC. USED MERCHANDISE MART 270 S LIBERTY PH. 4-4371 CASH FOR FURNITURE VALLEY FURN. CO. Ph. 1-747J ilS Building MateriolT E1.EC. wall Heater 23 oft 21" a 12" sink con.p $439 Garbage OiipossL S Fibre oloe. 30c ft Me ft 14-2 Loom. ex. 4c ft. Door chimes, 20", off. 12-2 Loomex. 4'b tU Light fixtures, 25" Off. Out let bo I, 25c. 1 pc. bath set, $133. 91 gal. elec. wster heat er, $63. we thread pip ana rent Gelfer Counter. A EJertrlc ft Plumbing, 1410 Broadway. Ph. 1-1866 Fri. eves, ft Sat till 1. Open 500,000 FEET New, fresh-milled old ft second rowth lumber 2x4 to 2x12 In to 24-foot length. Delivered price Salem. $.0 oer thou minimum. Ted Muller S-1198 NATN'L euto, elec. water heater $73. Judson', 279 N. Com l Used Bath Tubs $17 Used Wah Basin ' Ued Toilets 11$ Ail kinds 01 pipe, ftiung as lves. Septic Tank Low Priced 4" Drainage pip 30c Uneal ft Used Window Bash $1 ft up Used Window wframee $3 9$ ft up Door only . .... $1 ft up Door complete wframe $4'$o No. 1 ft btr. used lumber - S4$perM (Also many use 01 bridge Umbers! 3x12, 4x12, Sill, ixll SSSperM r.i a. 2x4 Khort ., ic lineal rt i, g, 1,4 m, i,e lineal ft 1 w j 4r, 4 mi No of Satem, "i ml, Ne. 1 nr Tetem Pole on rs 8 Open all da Saturday IDG. SUPPUES 2 tab rtK f . lowtt pruea. Kim per ktf 44 i 4" rat sdil p 'Se ft. gal pipe Uc. ,"-16 l'"2:C. 1 1 j " j frO IsL steel sen. Unk 151 M. 11. S 4" bUck Pour jam Bldg. pap Fibre 11. steel aep. Unk $j M. ( sewer p:pe 30c Jc. mba, food ones, I "1$. per 5.0 sq. ft. $2 21 asa blanket. Inul. CHKAP 4x8 plaster board $1 40. $1 60. $1 85. Ceiling til. 18x32. 10c q. ft Shake moid, song lengtn. 10c. Garage doors, all sires cheap. Barb wire 80 rds. $5 9587 45. O Jtside white paint gal. $2 50. Oak rtr'lng B. length cheap. New window lashes (2 00. W strip crystal windows 4) 11x32 kitchen sinks cheap. Shower raotneti 834 50 Toilets Wsevta CI 58 New bath tub com Dine $63 30. Strictle Cash - U-Hanl Iron roof g, Ced. shingles. Cheap. Closed Sundajs Jt MonrUyi C. G. LONG & SONS I ML N. Ketrer - PK 4-J0S1 0. Iron roofing (10 56 sq. O Cedar shingles - .$6.2$ sq, No. 1. IIS lb. Compo roofing . $ Cheaper No. 1 RL Oak rig. Ell .00 M No. 2 RL Oak Fig. $125.00 M xl0 K D. Cedar Siding $133 00 M 4x8 --ln. A grade Birch ply .. 42e ft -A" ends Birch Doors $7.7e ea. "A" grade Mahog. doors M 53 ea. 4x8 plasterboard $1.40 ea 0 4x8 i-in. ply. shtg.. $2 33 ea. 4x8 'i-ln. ply. thtg. $.100 ea. 4x8 -to. ply. shtg. $3.45 ea. Odd size plywood cut to your order. No extra charge. OPEN ALL DA SATURDAY C & K Lumber Yd. Lancaster and Center Ph. Salem 2-1500 We'll save you money on Hardware Electrical it Plumbing Electrical Wall Heater 23 off Gen " Slo-Fan $19 95 4" K Type Gutter ,.12'ie 2 wire loomex 04c 3 pc. Grade A Bathroom set $11195 Tappan Built-in elec. oven ,....$109 SO 8d i 16d Box Nails, keg .$9.50 80 rod Barb wire $5.40 COME INI FARMERS UNION CO-OP 361S SILVERTON ROAD Phone 4-3766 Overhead steel garage door with hardware, $39.50. In' stalled $49.50. Galvanized eve trough, 12' per EPPING LUMBER CO, 3740 SILVERTON RD. PH. 4-6123 459 Do It Yourself, U-Fix-It-Garatre Repair your own ear. Phone 4-5-bi. ZU98 n. coml. 462 Sports Equipment USED & I H P. Sea King $ H P Buccaneer 1954 Model $ 49 00 99 00 99 00 98.00 124.50 3 3 Evlnrude, 1954 HP. Martin H.P, Johnson . HP. Mercury Mark 10, 1954 . H P. Mercury Mark 25. 195S 239.00 32 00 11 rt. Wizard 295 00 Ft. Isham 173 00 Ft. with center deck 179 00 11 14 rt, with Cabin trailer 425 00 14 rt, Ylte 27SO0 CREDIT GLADLY L' ri CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY I 280 Wallace Rd. Ph. 1-2478 Salem, Ore. A Very good S H. P. Evlnrude boat motor, also nearly new 10 If P, Evlnrude motor. Call 4-7544. NEW 12 ft. V bottombot, reas. Ph. Salem 1-7454. 1148 Fir SI. MBURCH craft boat, $10071" channel all steel boat trailer, IS" wheels. $115 Carl Podrss- ky, Subltmlty.JDregon. LEICA Ml with VMclal leTuTft ease brought home with me from Germany ft never used, for a good deal less than the local price. 1959 Maple. Ph. 3-3i07. . CASH paid for used gun, mod em and antique. Cascade Mere.. 1238 Broadway NEW 12 ft V "bottom boat. t hardware, mah. trim ft glass beams, also 3 3 h p. Evlnrude. Exc. cond. $223 complete. Ph. 4-866 BOAT ft frailer, fully equipt.. excel, cona. eei citterun Ave. Ph. 2-8141 after $. NEW 10' alum, runabout, 12 h. p. mir, rn. j-ua. . Folding Boat Top ft Cover SALEM TENT k AWNINU CO. 728 M. LTBUTY PR 1-4788 DILLABAUGH BOAT KITS. See the finished boat Salem Boat House, 100 Chemeket. 1-9303. rOR SALE 16 ft. V bottom Cedar boat fiber glass bottom, S ft. beam wor without trail er. Ph. 4-3924. larl iusness Irert'ra For the best professional services, call one ol these populai tipens. 4f ri.lANCSS WESTINGHOUSI ' Woodry Furniture Co 474 So Coml Ph 4-2111 BRDDINO CAPITOL Bedding Mattrea re novator New mattrrsee -40e BULI MIZINO Bulldozing, clearing feed pond D-4, D-4 rsrrytU V Huskey Ph 1-318 CSANS woas 25-Ion Lots m mot erne Sa lem Sand ft Gravel Ce 1-8441 MACHIWINO ft WELDING CLOBI MACHINE WORKS Engineer, designers, builder. General Machining ft welding , 101 H. Coml Nit Servicer Avail Eve. 4-0083-Day 1-922. PAPtRIDtO ARB PAINTINO tap paper-hangtnf ft petnuag. e-crry j en neon, rK you ;o'; The TiJJly dad-bobbed t cost dotieh and we awt Lkei'AL i.n w to spend Cough, but we can guarantee to save you dough on any of our used boats, motors, trailers, etc. We also have nationally known lines, such as: Johnson Outboards O Tee Nee Trailers O Glasspar boats O Birch Craft boats O Molded boats O Western Boats Dillabaugh boats & kits. Baney Pet boats We- also have the friendliest help in the Valley and they are so good-hearted they prac tically give stuff away. SALEM BOAT HOUSE BANK TERMS Ph. 1930S 100 CHEMEKETA TWO $ H.P. outboard motor. 3 position shift, tiller control separate tank. 1 new at $149. 1 re pons, at $139.50. Respon sible party may assume bal ance. Call 1-2491 or see at Firestone Store. Center at Liberty. 14 FT. BOAT, reasonable. Ph. 4-716. 464 Bicycles GIRL'S BIKE, good looking. A-l condition, 825. Boy bike, good running order, $10. 84$ Che meketa. 2-9670. ' 468 For Rent, Misc. FOR RENT or leas. Iga, ware house space, cement uoor. brick bldg.. downtown. In quire H. U SUII Furn.. 1-1185 470 For Sole. Misc. FORMALS. sire 10-11-13. Nearly new all wool boy's ault, sire 32 or 34. Basement apt., 7if n. ri. Mtn. THE WEEK'S BEST BUYS S64.7S Rotary Power Lawn Mower $54.88 .14 73 4 cu. ft. Wheel barrow 1195 S9.93 14" Electric Drill 36.77 4.49 20 gal. liaiv. Garbage Can S 45 5' Stepladder 13.20 Sink Faucet 11.95 V Elec. Drill $.35 Garden Cart 3 22 388 999 9.77 $.88 Marshall-Wells Store 2043 N. CapitolSt. W ALL . TO"- WALL carpeting. TUa. nil Invelv natternt Tight weave rubber back, s 95 Yd. Glen Woodry, 160$ N. Summer. I HI MOVED LIGHTHOUSE NOW LOCATED AT 490 N. COMMERCIAL Sale Continues. New Stock Arriving Dally, Special Prices to Builders and Con tractors. GOOD O.-tr Monitor type re frigerator, $ cu. ft., $M. 2-0759 NEW Maple Bar " Stools . W backs. $6.49, hl-rhairs, $6.95. Kitchen chairs. $2 95. Glen Woodry, 160$ N. Summer. OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR Whardware.Reasonable:2-2B37. NEW " 9x12 Decorator Rugs, $28.88. Glen Woodry, 1SN. Summer. "Pit" 'RuFGraver" TOP SOIL. PII12-4310 NEW Brass Fireplace Screens, 812.95. Glen Woodry, 1805N. Summer, CEDAR- post, bean post shed poles, all types ft berry wire. Ph 4-3081. " PAINT GUARANTIED, T$9 gal. Clen Woodry, 180S N. Summer. RECAPS ' 800x18. 870x1$ Each. $6.85. Lytle'8 Tire Mart NEW Ig. garbage cans." $4 89 Glen Woodry, 1603 N. summer. Top s'0ii Orchard Loam River Loam Dial 2-1749 Prompt Delivery Keler Sand ft Gravel Co, NEW child's wardrobe. S only. Very nice. Reg. $19.95. Spec $29.99. USED MDSE. MART 170 S Liberty Ph. 4-8371 Fri. 'til 9 I-Z terms TOP SOIL Phone 1-157S, 301 NEW chrome bird cage ft stand, $11.95. USED MDSE. MART 170 S Liberty Ph 4-6371 Fri. 'Ul 9 I-Z terms TYPEWRITERS a d di n g" ma. chines, cash register, dupli cators, desks, chair, tiles, sup plies Hoen's. 456 Court 3-67VJ SPARK' oil circulator. $69 50." Glen Woodry, 160$ N. Summer. FOR SALE, fir fighting pump ft hose, will pas stat re quirements, like new. Ph. 2-231. COMB, radio ft record plsyert $19 50 Glen Woodryleos N. Summer. 3 FORMALS. sir "lirnylon'net, green ft plnkvPh. 4-3071. SAVE on used modern Appli ances. Ig. selection Clen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. NEW tires 87bx'l$ Nyln"blk. $19 80. Exch. Lytle'iTlr. ClTEST-6r-DRAWF.RS, large "se lection. New unf. uied Savel I Glen Woodry, 160$ N. Summer. PAPERING ft PAINTINO Psinting snd psoer-hsnei Free esltmate Ph 2-9511 PERRY PAINTING Co l-lTTl Bnjsn. iprsy free rstlmste SAND ft 4.9MVKL VALLEY SAND ft CRAVELCO Crushed ft round grvl Sand ft con ml S-aiiut SCPTIC SFRVICB MIKE'S Keptie (ervlre Tsnks cleaned D rooter clean (ewer drains Phone 1-9468 H.mels septu tnk cleaned, line service Guaranteed work. Phone $.1404 er 2-0774. fast Slavics BRENNAM TREE SERVICE See yellow pages phone book. Phone 2 3748 TREE SERVICE De R 0.1 Tree Servle free, Shrubs, Hedge Insured 1714 N. Liberty SU fa. $-441 4 " r it t f. $u . n. .:: ... 473 Fer lt 1613 IT-AYGYM se's 1 s - M-ii g-.de. 5 leit. $17 Sw. jo C.i n cn' ; - j N san er rl- Deiuxe Portaoie. ,rt cii end t cn $15. I n. 2-'J 9. e- t henscneta. $!43 New Kiddies r Slide. Glen Wooory. lw)5 N. Summer. 472 Wonted, Mite. WANTED to bur-load ol rock suitable for building nci well delivered Ph. 4-7274. WANTED several thousand cords of wood, all specie Pb. 2-7721. Nights. 4-5630. 474 Miscellaneous ' Cigarette Burns Repaired We can repair those unsightly burns on any wooden sur face In your home or office. 4020 SUte St Phone 1-7001 ADDING machine, cash regis nary. fairground. 1-5375, DENTAL PLATtREPAlR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASF. DR HARRY SEMLEX, Deitlrt Adolph B!tlg.. Slat fc Com'l SU. SALEM PH. 3-3311 Prospecting Supplies Gelger ft Scintillator counter. minerallght Mercury de tector, free Information. DECTHON1CS INC PH. 2-8069 aso Lancaster Dr. , vnrr uel FIR Jt OAK WOOD Dry Fir Limb. Ph. 2-234t WANTED several thousand cords of wood, all specie. Ph. 3-7721. Night. 4-5633. HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDUST ft WOOD. 3-4444 Capitol Fuel Co. Sawdust, blower or push out Choice alab and block mixed 1420 Broadway Ph 3-7727 West Salem Fuel Co. Sawdust blower or push out Planer and Pond Lilies. SPECIAL Semi-Dry Block d Slab. IS23 Edgewater h, 1-4031 ANDERSON'S alabwood. Ph. 1-7751 or 4-2654. PICK-UP-WOOD. Ph. 4-3081. SAWDUST for sale. 3 unit load. Sush out $? Ph. Gervat 500 Finance 510 Money to loan WI HAVE cash buyen for real estate contract and Ind mort- Ohmart ft Calsha. Realtor. 477 Court St Phone 1-41 IS LOANS $50 00 to $1500 00 Buy What You Need Consolidate your bill. Finance through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY ' 182 8. Church St Ph. 1 5437 Rawlins Realty Co. Real estate loans, construction A: .permanent loans. SOS Che- niPketa. rn. 4-6878. PRIVATE money to loan on Real Estate. Interest rn, 1-0794. COLONIAL Investment Co, Real Property Loans Contracts Purchased. 687 Court. 4-2283. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone 2-06.16. 354 N. Winter Adjoining Presbyterian church Free purklng in rear, txciu slve listings on ait. types of employment. APPLICATIONS are now being taken for Statesman bicycle routes. Several route will be open. Applicant must be ac companied by their parents or have their written permis sion. Apply at the Circulation Department of the Statesman Journal COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 19487-Speciaiist In Office Placements 494 Slat St. (411 Or. Bldg ) 4-3351 604 Help Wonted, Men OPPORTUNITY for male ac countant with personality & knowledge ef tax. Writ Statesman-Journal Box 917 MECHANIC Year around work! Good pay I Excellent working conditions! Journeyman only, apply Gene league Chevrolet Staytun, Oregon WELDER, age 11-30. must be able to c Imb high structures, travel Oregon ft Washington, Only 1st class need apply, Write P. O. Box $24, Salem. 606 Help WoTtTd, Lady WANTED, Lady to work, M no handicap, $60 mo. tail FA 71 321, jeflerson. ATTRACTIVE lady, bookkeep ing ft payroll experience typist, at Dorchester House, Ocean Lake, Ore. Rm. ft board ft $150 tn start, age 25-45 Contact Mary Larson, 423 Court St., Salem LADY desires woman fur light housekeeping, cooking and driving. Room ft board in lovely home, $JS per mo. Ph. 2-2691. WANTED, combination girt , email cafe. Not over 35 yrs,, reliable, dependable, honest ft references required, pleassnt disposition, nest ft clean. 223 Chemeketa. WANTED Bnysltter in my home Apply 1310 Madison St Apt, 2 alter 8 pm. 3-6.VU EXPERIENCED car hop."" AppTy In person. Wnodroffe't Si Shop. 3400 Portland Rd. f OR 1 WOMEN cooks to run cafe good business. Call WA t-MU Albany (Iter S p m. 610 Soles Helptel F MEN OR WOMEN If you hav the AMBITION to better yourlf. we will pro vide the 1 RAINING and llvs you PERMANENT FMI'l-QY-MINT You must be 2$ to to nd hav car. If you l people you will like this work nd you will be tilling a definite human need. Our rommlMlnna are tops .in this field Five of our counsellors versgrd over $i.jo lt month. nee Mr Warren, Wed Thurs , 1 to 10 a m or 1 te 4 pm, Room 8, 229 N Liberty. MAN to distribute ft tHc up Fuller Brush catalog $nn Weekly tomat. to start S-8M81. LEE BROS. PAGENSTECHER'S LOOK NO 1 r ALLir.i r C.J. r.rr'. STN a r.tn l. r t ! e w V, 1 i,iv I, p (i. t.T 1 n s T M i't, Ai( l.''ei. 1 ti.i 9 p Ml. V, NTED - V.j V Te staff our Sm Factory branch. Mast be willing to work. Actjiptab'e to learning and healihv t xpener.ee Bwi newwary. This M a permsnent potitjon with a larte rorpora tion Earning opportunities $r0 to $35 to start in commission. Apply 1079 Broadway St. OPENING-Apr.-1, experienced salesman, married. 15 to 50 yrs. by largest National Advertis ing Co. of its kind, for local representative. No canvassing. Ieds furnished, car necessary. Good job for rifht man. Com mission. Ph. collect 4501 Mc Minnville tor appointment. WOMEN 28-65 yrs 20-JS hr. . (iuar sal. rieid Enter prise. Inc. Phone 2-7130. 1 te 18 a.m. only. 612 Work Wonted, Men PART TTME farm work wanted in exchange for room ft board. I'm employed wttn Phone Co. Call Ken Reed davtime before 3 p m. 4-1411. After 1 p.m. J-4UZ1. HOWARD RotovaUng, garden ft new lawns prepared. Lawn mowing nr. or contract, i-sova. 4-J-bl. Z-7460. Paintinf Free Estimate Price reasonable. Ph. 1-9551 CARPENTER WORK, day or contract. 2-1842 or 2-1459. NEW LAWNS Prepared, seeding, Roto-hoelng Duane Wolcott. Ph. 2-8117. R0T0-TILL1NG PH. 4-94SS 2-7717 CUSTOM plowing ft discing. Oelbert Beach. j-n3L ROTOVATING-work evenlnp ft weekend. Jim Hathaway. Ph. 3-3RZI. CARPENTER work wanted, hour or contract Call 4-8097, Salem. ROTO-TILLING" !HCHAR0RAS,PH. 1-471S Lawn mowing, yard clean tin. after 4 ft weekends. Ph. 4-366S ROTO-TILLING ft lawn work. Call non or eve. Ph. 4-4020. CEMENT Work. Ph. 4-6.179 Side- walk, patios, ret walk, si nges, basements. Free esti mates, ' LINOLEUM end carpet Installs- uon and repairing, all work guaranteed. Free estimate. Ph. 4-385; PHUNING, spraying, topping, rs movai. u w cauaie. e-isei TILLING: Howard Rntovitor. Ph. 4-2823 or 2-353$. No calls Sat. pleas. CUSTOM saw mill work, fir or hardwood. Eve. ph. 4-102$ or 4-3624. PLOWING ft rotovatlng. Ford equip. Morn, ft eve, ph, 1-3H.II. ROTO-TILLING PH. 3-3871 LOU'S TREK service. Spraying. topping, pruning, cabling. Ph 4-8301 EXPERT carpenter, remodeling all Rind, cabinet work. real. go anywhere. Exllne 2-7016. LAWN mower sharpening, low prices, worn guar. Ph. 4-9092; iU Work WanleCTSdy BABY lttlng In your homo or mine. Phone 4-Mio. WANT housework by the hr, Ph. 4-2392. HOUSEWORK by hour or day. aio ironing, pn. 4-7420. EXPERIENCED baby sltt children under 8. day Urn only. 1231 N. Liberty, HIMEOCRAPHINQ, typing Mr. Poe. 68$ N. 16th. Ph 3-3643. WILL DO Ironing ft mendin my home, 50 hr. Ph. 1-8839 Fl OWUt border work done by the hour ft also re-arranging. 1-9534 or 1-0H21. 1 SEWINO - Dressmaking. In my home, all types. Ph. 1-9391 WANTED Ironing In my home. 1919 N. 5th. 1-1818. 618 Education YOUR FUTURE SECURITY.. OPERATORS URGENTLY NEEDED Automation Forcing Chang lelegraphy becoming obso lete. 1 want II men and women who are Interested In working in this new field, ss radio phone and tele type operators, station agents, for the railroad end other communications, at a wag to $100 weekly and up. Jobs waiting when qualified. Permanent employment WE TRAIN YOU Doe nut Interfere with present Job. It sincere. in bilious and In good health, write Box 919 Statesman Journal. Slate name, age, address, phone, working hours, direction on how to locate. GET U. S. GOV't JOBI Steady work I Men Women, 18-53, Start hlih as $377 00 month, Prepare now for Civil Serv ice tests I Get FREE It-page Illustrated book showing jobs, salaries, requirements, sample tests, benefits. WRITE today: Box 8.0. blatesman-Journal TRAINING In Prac. Nursing, att course, dental snst., high school. Writ counselor, P.O. Box 2381, Portland 14. Orsg. 615 Situations Wonted" PHONE 4-0384 Pot dump truck hauling, MAN ft wile wlahJob clean Ing apt,, basements or what hav you, References. 4-9912. SHEET ROCK Expertly taped. Ph. 1-8347. NEW lawn complete, free est 1-8443 morn , 4-JXt Eve. " INCOME TAX RETURN PREPARATION Ph J S44J BULLDOZING k LEVELING LELAND C. SMITH Ph. 1-42 k. yd shovel, crane, hoe, drg, line. 25-ton mobile crane. D4. D7 cats, carry all clear ing blade Rental eentracl or unit price. SALEM SAND 4 C RAVEL 140$ N Front St Ph 1-3441 GARDEN TtlXINOi Hr. or can tract rates, with the World finest TILLER. Ph. 4-8382. Eve. 4-549. free estimate. BUI.IJX)ZINO ft hark fill, $5 50 per hr. Call S-OH.U or S-ao&a. DOZING ft LEVELING Ph 1-052 D.PAHTOVICH LAND CLEARING -D-l Hr, L C Mitchell Pfc-$331 NEW house Remodeling. Frsm Ing our specialty Ph. 4-4518. CARPENTER worm, any kind. reas 4340 Msrie.y na. 4-9 w I PAINTING, paper hanging, your paint er mine. fe free eat, terms. Nelson- S-4H. 3-SU. PAINTINCft pepeHng Free . tlmate. 1MB tucera 1-5522 erian iai c man know led of plumbing electrical eupplt, wants steady employ ment a Jour neyman helper, or slot worm FboM )-jJ eves. .'IS f 1 c----t t ( . fri. Ph. 4-.- 1 t-4 ! s 1 1 J " . Vi MNtEM C. .N-AIi Exftvsur.g Co Iscan- rg r rti.r.t. Ph. 2-' GARui.M prepared win tractor rotuvitor. pn. 4-1R3 Eve. drMCJL and feocfe wore. gur r n. m . UCHT crawler dozer, leveueg. graomf. L RUT'S. SCHARJ-r EROTHl.?". Installation. Repsir. inn Reptie Tank. Drain Flelrts. Power Ditch 1 rg, BeckilU. Paw l-55c or 3-5073. ROAD GRADLNG It DOZL3 Hancock 4 J .C. Co. Ph. 4-83S3 or 4-3793 SMALL carpenter lba, goo4 wort. reauHMUoi. fx 4V1424. 00 Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Board TV SLEEP'G rm. Friendly home. asaa. xB mo. j- iul Board. SEAS, attractive rm. Close in. priv. nl. 2-7481, 4-7867. CLEAN, warm rm. T V , clot IB. 21 SV Winter. 2-1723, WANTED Man to room aod board. 288 N. Capitol SMALL RM, cooking ft washing; (acuities $30, r cnurcn. ROOM ft Board at the Chalet, 360 N. Capitol. 4-3843. QUIET, new state bldg. ft shop. dUt. Kit, prtv. 1-144. NICELY furn. rm, also bsmt hsekeeping rm. 83 w. winter. 'RM. wkttchea privilege tn private home, cloae la So. For employed or unemployed lady. S-4091 before noon. 70S Apartments For Rent 3-RV. turn, apt Clean, warm. See to appreciate. Walking distance. Ph. 1-8693 or 4-otHl after $ p.m. CLEAN, roomy bsfhelor apt, UUl.pd.36S S. 16th. 4-S3S2. SPACIOUS 4 ROOM FURNISH ED ACACIA APARTMENTS, 1140 South 13th. $-7009. RM . rlean. turn, downlowa. front'. Inquire 132 S. Church. SMALL, comfortable apt. down town. Lady pref. 645 Ferry. VERY desirable S rm. apt. South. Working couple de sired. Call 1120 S. Liberty, PICTURE window, furn. apt reas. Adult. Ph. 4-3069. FURNISHED APTV 920 MILL STREET S FURN. rm. ft bath, main fir 2i.-j. 1000 rt. 10m 1, i-uio. COURT APTS (Court ft CoU tag) offer downtown quiet pts, from $42.90 to $54. Ph. 1-7440. , DOWNTOWN, desirable fura. apt, utilities. 765 Marlon. 1 BLOCK from M ft F well furn. 3 rm. bath. S5S Center. UNFURN. 1 bdrm. court apt Range, r f r I g. Suburban. 1-2901. CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BDRM. FITRN. APTS. 1168 Chemeketa St Ph. 1-8630 FURN. apt., all utilities supplie. 340 union Bt $28. CLEAN 1-rm. front apt ('.round nr.. refrig., stove ft tmttiea furn., priv. bath. Ph. 1-1145. WANTED, mlddlcaged cotple to manag (mail apt house for partial rent Inquire at Wooo ry's. 474 & Commercial 1-rm. apt. turn. $55, unfura. $4t WEBER JOURT 1668 S. 13th St Ph. 4-S83S Ull COURT Att 1 ft t bdrat. Apt. Heat, pvt. ent 2 BDRNL A PTNwly redecor ated. Partly furn. Near Capitol Shopping Ctr. $60 ft ntllltleft 78l N. Capitol. , F" BDRMunfurn. refrig. range, heat, water, very desirable. $60. 1131 S. Com I, Ph. -83.i. 1 RMturn. apt, all utU. furn. 897 V. Liberty. 2-789$, NICELY furnished ant. $M N. Summer. Ph. 1-9208. NEWLY decorated fbdrm. mod ern furn. court pt 859. W, Salem. Ph. 4-687$ er av. i-njx I OR t bdrm. turn, court apt. All util fura. Weekly ar moothly rate. P. W72X Ik BLK. City Hall. Newly dee- orated. wet, requirea a-jee. WEST Salem turn. I rm. gsrago apt itttc, elec. heat refrig. stove. No drinker. $30. wattf ft garbage pd. Ph. 4-7728. $28. Furn, small, clesn bsm t apt. Pri. shower, itouywooa. single. Ph. 3-8641. 1990 McCoy. CLEAN 2-rm, furn. pt., clos la. South. Lady. Ph. 1-8343. a BDRM. unfurn. or turn. apt. l lo In. Ph. 1-4332. J-Hi NEAR Capitol, turn. 1 rms. ft bath. $45. 330 8. 14th. 4-7149. FURN. I bdrm. apt, ground fir., clos to shop, it atste Bldgs. 1231 Center SM. turn, bssm't apt $2150, Sleep, rm. $iwk. 37$Markei. COMPLETELY furn. 1 Irg. housekeeping rm., also a no. turn, apt 255 tenter. 1 RM. furn. pvt. bath ft ent liein, teas, aquivs. s-j-w. LARGE 3 RM. FURN. APT. CLOSE IN SO. PH. 4 366U ELAINE APTS. Avsllabl April 1st. turn, apt Uv. rm.. dinette, aitenen. bdrm., bath, $57 $0 mo. US N, Liberty. 1 ROOM turn. apt. $5$ Oak Rt COZY COURT COTTAGE Furn., elec. heat, bu ft store. 317 B. 23tn. 8-4J, J-MIO. CLOSE in nice modern fura. Apt. Adult only Ph. a-aw. LGE. 1 bdrm. unfurn. apt. closets, beat 4a rerry. 706 Dupli eves NICELY furn. duplex. So. al town. $' ft $58. coupi amy. Call 1-$I4$. S BDRM. unfurn, ld-by-id. gar., yard. April let, rn. wai $ ROOM unfurnished flat 1 block So. of P U. inquir so Ferry. 1 RMS turn, $50, 740 University. Ph. S-IMI or 1-401. NEW MOD., unfurn. a bdrm. all lee, gar. Ph. 2-741, . UPPER FUR N. a bdrm, closw to Stat Bldg., $35. Ph. l-74. a OR 1 unfurn. bdrms . side by tide, spl yard, garden apace, garag. Ph. $-890, see 951 N. Winter ftr $ p m. NEW deror.T lblrm. furn. apt, gar. 12$ College Dr. 1-4W. ToTTT ouses For Rent Nelson' Rental $50 unfurn. 1-bdrm, flat, newly dee. Close to csnnery. $7$ furn 1 bdrm. bouse So. $73 l-bdrm. turn, apt dowts stairs Ctoae to Stole bid. $U 8-bdrm. unfurn. pt eacept stove ft refrig. downtown $5$ completely turn, spl. In elude heal, water, garbafs Rub Ss. $H M fura. apt t adult $7 unfurn. S-bdrm, house Na Fireplace. NEIAON ft NELSON RTL ISM So. Com l. Pn. 1.3sa) Dorothy Desl eve. 4-8S02 NEW 1 bdrm howM ft S'S i $44. P. V$48.