c r IV SJ.-I.I. (he, I'll., Mm. 21, '.VI r.OO Heal J'.M-ttr lr.00 lira! IlM.itr UUH) lira! I'MAr mi) Krai r.!atr MM MMUII, 7v ) U-uuU 7 A r nrlmrntl For Rent Ii'hN. I . !,... ii, 1,1 n 11 ant , i I'm 4 I v !. n t i Ml im Hu h I'll I 4me JHIWMIKAN (Ir-li apis itiiliiiea 'in im dim kUltlMI I iiti fum ii , nrwiy tlnni. oil Vol N I ilH-tiv, l-e4'i. l lit I bedim filttiUI.nl " if In, pnv, fill. I u. I h ) w, m I RM, turn Aril , newly dc , r.a. ' N. ( ullage IF Villi ate intrre.i.tt In an eai etillunally ( Iran A rninern I im turn apl hi IV, bath, mil (urn (all l-4.ini f HI.OCK from" M AFWII furn I rm hath, fit Center, tVHH " I KM Ail rliM In IH M Im-linllng ulll, 4o4 High f-o4 f'UIINl riNtmt A hain't 40 (HI N Cottage l. I'hnne 1-42. H Ml (urn ulll pvl, h.lh, tn tranee, III, I rm, kllihrneil furn, III. 790 JsV Lam'i. I'M. l-liioj. CI FAN 1-rm, lurn, hesm't , util , pvt. path, llll N. Ittih. l-letl. t'WRN. I hflrm. rnurt"apt Sanaa, fefrlg, Suburban l-Jtail (.PACIOtm 4 H(KlMf I'HNINII m ACACIA APARTMENTS, 1140 South 13th HI l-70tr fAIMTOirrUZA" 1 BDRM FURN, APTn 111 Chemekela M ph. 1-130 ri'RN apt, fall utilities' liirMlle 40 Union Rt. :t tl CAN 1-rm. Irnnl apt. ! round fir., relrig., slnve At I UHtlee lurn. pnv. baih, Ph. 1-114. ?J",'k'ii,'a.':',,?"0! r.? p.1 h,:ur partial rant Inqulr al W ry t. 474 Commarnal COI'Ttf Atr.lranl'lurn, I mil. aV bath TV. launrirr, parkin avail. Inq. 1.141 ft I2lh. Cl.RAN. -ririurnl rm.apl . I4 N ' 'n',r CLOSE in lurn" bdim. apt., fround fir. 1303 Ontrr. I RM., rlran. fum., downloun, front. Call 3-7WI7. Prm. ant fum. .1J. tinfurn, 143 WEBER ,'OURT la Bj.ith ru COURT APTS-Haa privat mndarn down lawn anti Irnm IM In VH Pb. I-744U Inquirt wm court. LARGE fum. 1 rm. apt. In nut borna. Ph. J-73II7. ONt BfCDHOOM furnlahiApT, 130. 1123 Croaa Bt. COURT APTR iCourl (V Cot lal offar dnwntnwn quiat aim, from 42Jtl to IM. Ph. J-7440. f).T7 SO Clnaa In N. 1 rm. fiirn. apl. Prlvata bath aV ant. utility rm, Inq. at apt I In rvar of 4W N. Ubrty. Ph. i-Umt. CM ALL dayllaht bam't apt. rum. privat ant. aV bath. Uullliai paid. 137 .M. 112 N. lath. I BDRM. unfurn. rrfria. rana. brat. alrr. Vrry dealrahlr, MO. I1M 8. Com l. Ph. 4-S339. I RM. turn, apt, all utll. furn. 7 N. Llbfrly. 2-7HII LARCH I rm. nicely furn, cloaa In. (an . lummar. JilcE unfurn. court ant., atova, refrlf., laundry A TV antenna. Llnwood Apia. 121 8. 13th. Ph. 4-W7J. ATTRACTIVC Apartment In 4 pleic, ilv. rm.. kitchen, bedrm . bath. Relrlj , ranna It water J urn. Laundry rm. farlhtiea. Bua by door. 4I. 14W Hinei. Ph. I-7J20. COZY COURT COTTAGE Individual dec. heat, 4S. Bui aV ilore. 4-W4 or t-WMl tilCELy fumlahed anta. IM N Summer. Ph. t-(2ul XEWLV decorated I bdrm. mod ern furn. court ant. tit W. Balerrt, PIL 4-01,1 W eve. 1-1743. font bdrm. furn. court apta All utlL furn Weekly or monthly rate. Ph. 1-1724. v- 06 Duplexe t IX E. comfortable redecorated roomi. on bua II net, M. I. Ml. Ph. M1H). I rm. furn. duple. 1131 Cheme keta t OR t unfurn. bdrma., aid by aid, apt. yard, garden apace, garage. Ph. l-(9au. aee 151 N. Winter after I p.m. I RMSTfurnT ImT 740 UriiveJralt7 Ph. 1-7341 or 1-4101. Sew" decor., 1 bdrm. furn. apt, gar. 121 Collea Dr. 1-0036. Sickly" furn. duplex. So. of town, M 4k 131. Coupl only, Call 1-5765. 8 BDRM. unfurn., aidr-by-tlde. jtar, yard. April lat. Ph. 4-32S3. I ROOM unfurntihed flat. 1 block So. of P.O. Inquire IM Ferry. ToDERN, furn.. all elect.. 1 bd rm. apt Leslie. Buah ach. bua. Carafe. Inq. 2211 Breyman. 707 Houtet For Kent t BDRM. houae. Weat Salem. 50 . Mo. Ph. 1-3120. ATTRACTIVE creek location, 1 bdrm. court cottage Apr. 1 1 1 replace refrig. range, water htr. furnace 741 S. Summer Adulta. KU. Ph. 4-OK1 BENT FREE In return for repair work on houae. 4414 Jonea Rd. Ph. 1 4811. I HOUSF8 to rent. 1 bdrma. Lo cated North. Immediate po aeaaion, 141 It 5i. Glen Wood ry, 160! N. Summer, SeDEC, unfurnl MrmTelecT nrai. oarage in amau court. X6i S. Cnd. 1-06 1. $50. New ."Bdrm. Unfurn. Large rmt. So. Salem, 4-96QI NEW I-bdrm. houaeTalectrheatT unfurn. So. La neuter. RL I. Box I A 1-BDRM. atovea, water It rage, 147 Mia Ph. 4-4001. t-BEDBOOM cottage. Very clean and comfortable. Oil circulat or It faa range. 4fl. Inq. at 1721 Center St. 1-RM, hat., attch. gar., Four Cornera Diat., Ml. I'h. Aum. villa 1-382 or aee at 431 Hagcr St. CrNFURN.. W. Salem, amall houae. garae. Ph. 1-7W7. Sew 1-bdrm . rente, refrif. A waaher. All utililiea Inc. M0. 401 r Pacific Hwy. Ph. I-I8H0. SMALL HOME redecorated, g ar age. yard, atorc, bua. 2-1407. (SMALL 1 bedroom unfurnished cottage, Ideal for working couple 1 37 mo. Phono 1-7861. SlCE and cleaa 1 bdrm. uufura. faouee, largo living rm.. tlec. beat 't ml. E. 4 Cornera. No peta. IMS fcUta. Ph. 1-BDRM. HriE. Bange, heater and water heater Call at l3i Fairtrounda Ph. l-4a. 1 bedroom. IMS Nrbraaka, 44 PIONEER TRUST CO. Ph. 1-1131. to I NELSON RENTALS IM I bdrm. unfurn. houae. - -1 ,01 bdrm. dupkrl Jinfurn. sl SOMe. unlurn., I bdrm. apt, .7M L. furn., 1 bdrm. apt '(v-l barm, unfura. he.. fjrepL 1 73 I bdrm. 1e furn. apt., nice, fia t bdrm. furn. haa. S. NELSON Ii NELSON. RLTKJ5. tMt S. ComtierHal Ph.. I-Mll Iv. 4-:2 Oomthy Peal inr3Dl'M7houaunfur., eloa la. la. Fav a-70M. 700 ItrntaN 707 Home! for Itrnt I Mid tlanifa rfil( I A I I'M (mini. I, a, i fnml-Lad l', 1 I'iill lluplra liana I'll 9 1 I I'M I A tanr liaelrr ,i I I'UM ,l.l.f frilly 4 Mill tt.alin. ln ai(e .,( Ml fotneie I hatha rina. itmihte (alaae I IHIII In ai,u IH n I ...... k. II. . II u I -Ik... Ii4 I n.irr 4 mill vt J ,J llllil'lihAS'. ilia In I.. I 4 rmttha rat- imill (ilMKl Jim' I m I v,ki nr ii,J j HliliM unlur , i I m l'ir ri.iiil liui lniiiiia ilt lliili av Avanna I ItlillM " unhirn " Iiiium- I'll ftar I p m, or pal. A tun IIAta. I, a a. a uiuinn mum hnii.ai, two liava aiaaa, JIOI N l lliarl ron hunt. ia 4ir"i. Mr. an 1 Mini. Iimiaa I'll 4-4.'l rOH IllNT-l'iM niiMlarn'liallrr hw , al.o liailrr aiiai aa lur rani Nr rnur ("nnirr Trail at Cnurl. 40 Hi Rlala Rl, I'll t-viM j, r HiailllMlM hi'Ua in riiurl. f I . I ... iiIbi.I k.Mil ala al.iv A rrlria liiuullt llll Ua anrr tm (.(Kill fNTUMN.! "rmriillaa Kin' lanfa A bi-at. I II. I all J.JM7. 1 ItKDH'MIMR lurnlahaii I740 r" :iiii, iwi t mu. Allan t. Jnnr. haallur )'h J-1117, J III'DIIM miMlirn hmua Ralam llnrhla Mo Avail Apr. 10 I'h 3.4.,. brlurt II rumn or (liar I p m. " 4J JrMrmKalr f. A Mr(.laullin. Afrnl US N Hilh 1-IMII l-Mtl Hrtrm.: hou-'al 475 N."tollai ni- in ph. -i.u IKH'SE at 741 "D" t. Adulla atnly. Ph. 1-aMa f4 I IIUMM. rtalarMl rinma on Kvarfrean Ave. Jual rertai-nr-a 'ad fnq. Hurt Pli-ha XI H Hih. Ph. 4-W.I7 nr evra 4-3IM 1 RM clean furn, rollaaa. I'h 1-4WII iJ Hmay Ave. jf HOHM.. I up fa f ditwn. oil rirculatur heat alee atova It (iirrirn apot. 141. 1-7123. 1 BnilMruima hdwd. fltmia A I h-lrm. home with tlrepl. Ph. 4-i3 Bun. It avra. 707-j Furnished House 1 BDRM cottage furn a'tarh far . 161. No children. I'hnn 5-M41. MALL, rnoderrr furn rental for one. UM Myrtat Ave. SMALL 3 RM. enmpletely lurn. 135 mo. No peu. Th. 1 MM 1740 Oxford. I BDRM. bituaa wiwrber ahnp. turn., with baaement. near alar, at hrml, bua. Itt per mo. Ph. 4-42. 1-RDRM turn, houae. far. allch. Ph. 2-I7M av. 708 Form! For Rent' M ACRES farm or K paature Ph 2-3MI between 4 30 A 1:30. WANTED to rent or leaae 40 arret or mora cultivated. Ph. 4-MM. FOR LEASE II Arree. aultahle for broccoli. Irrigation avail able. Keizer DiiL Ph. 2-a7l after 7 p.m. FOR RENT: II aeree off Mc Cieay Bd. Ph. 1-723Q after 4 p.m. 710 Wonted to Rent Hits FIRESTONE atoro mgr. t family desire 1 bdrm. home. North. Phone NEED 1 or I bdrm. home by April 15th, up to 175 Refer ence. Adulla. Ph. 3-7313. 714 lusinei! Rentals OFFICE Spare. In heart of downtown Salem. I. 2, Ir 1 room auitea. Inquire Liberty Investment Co., Room 1, 221 N Liberty. Ph. 1-3711. OFFICE apace for young attor ney. Library, phone A- secre tarial aervice available. Ph. l-733. ; OFFICE : Eaav acceaa city (V freeway, llll Lancaster. Pb. 1-H5S7. DOWN TOWN office apace, atore rooma Ji warehousing. Ph. 1-4114. 4 -CORNERS Community available. Ph. 1-1211. HaU 718 Convalescent Homes COTTAGE CONVALESCENT HOME. 212 N. Cottage. 1-7020 780 Moving, 1 Storajt MAYFLOWER Moving and Storage FUEL OILS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER Larmer Transfer It Storage Complete moving service AIM agenta lor hlkums nauon Wide MovertPhl-lUL LOW COST etorage. H. U Stiff Furnituro Co. l-liu. 800 Real Estate 801 Buiinen Opportun. HEAR THIS HEAR THIS 90-4pac trailer court plui 3 furn. apis. aV 4 trailer! Only iv l mit. of faatart irowll , one In the cit Springfield, Ore in town In State, proapecta terrific. Entrance from S main thoroughfarea. Practically Joining new auner Safeway. . Only IM.0O0. 120. Ouo down. For detail con tact Mildred Strom berg. Also apta. At moteli available. CO Fairchild Realty, Springfield, Ort. HIGHWAY FRONTAGE On Dallas Rd. 114 acre with about 150-ft. frontage. Ideal far many type of butinra. Older 1-bdrm. house. I blk. to achool. Price 15,500. Soma term. Call E. I, Zwaachka. Realtor. Phon 1-4031. WELL eaUblUhed " restaurant. Owner muat sacrifice due to illness. Call Allen C. Jones, Realtor, 231 No. High. Ph. 1- MUt, Eve. 2-27W, 4-16WI, 2- MMt. . I HAVE a well equipped farage. a faa pump, a rxlrm. nome, ail modern; Inside utility, on 1 acre, located on Stale hi way in good farming rommu nay. Next to a food grocery tore. 2 block to Catholic errtooU, ' mile to public achooL high achool. bua at door. We have a list of all equipment at our office. Price 111 9M. Call Mr. Keene. eve. J-07.-,:.. ,v...w..-,- .'. C.V.Kent&Co. REALTORS 4M M. Church Ph. 4-2201 FOR SALE -or liaaeT Well furn Jk equip. Beat Hoene. Ph. I-2MI SERVICE atation tor alior trad. Ph. I-M4I. , in Pratt 1,00 Real Mfclatr C 3 1 jusingtl Opportuei. I.cim; a il.rtl hateiti hr.i m aj a it niiM . fi.r salt J ma !i limit ami Vila full III ltl t iiii.Kd mr 5 laat prr vr I I i. Ir." III iii,i ,.r. lira Hrlia H" 1m, RU'ra-holt-Jinn n,.l MHVIlr alulHill l"r raa III fun I.M, rwiina ri'linn l.'Ui A Id nr. ,ni,lia ;i.'U I .ira; nninil. H4 1(1 I r.AKr:kar-i. alali.m im piam Ihittiiiiahlar In ra.i. 1. in m'wm i rumn im - Hal liif rial, I iiiw-raliif 'a Mr Millar al Hliall plant, IHD Pnrt Inirl Il,.i.ll HI Mr llilialil, IH.V4I I t uiiimairlal. ..- ff L i. BO J )UDUrbH I fOR RAI.K, Br onrr, ai-rat. 1 nun a viaw jirnnrrlv 4 mllaa R it! Ralrm tailuitarl, iniiilrrn J bilrtn , rlli la ila. fund avail, ptiMiarlv haa graal m. lanllal IJiai ratii (.itod rm aim Im alllii. I'liona 4-a7.il aliar p ni, JQ4 HoUI4?t fof SU NrW-wall liuilt-3-brdrn.ima I', hatha, flrrtilare Inr'-h kllrh. en. many hullllna, perimeter furred air I urn are aincle da. tarhed aaraia. Miirnim nlr diairii l-3 IiIim ki In a, hiwil M- MrniAir purr r Rt to ni T I'll MS, Prit-e 114 RM. Make nfler Call Ownera, 4-7347, 1-MH41. t-4iN II V OWN'tii Went Ralem I lied rma. Ilv. rm, dinette, kitt'hen, full baaement with bedrtatm fiawdtiat furnat-e. Flee, wall healera, I firettlarea. taial iew, well lanilataited, rily water, larie kit. Omfiea u. HH ditwn Ph. 4-a42 J IIOKMniouewlthfenred In - bark ard rltiae to at IkmiI and bua line, amall down pavniriil. total pi na IMM Ph. 1-1W7 or ' aee at 471 Hnarmnnl fcOUITV ln"new 1 bedirn-Clow to Male Pltlt I'h 4-I8II. Oregon Development .Company 318 N. Church St. I'h. 3 9233 m m aaa (rVill fr located KAST-Modern J- bdrm. home: Ijtfge living room with fireplace, unfinish ed attic. Flour nil furnace. Hdwd. floora. dhle. farage, low taxea. Price l.40u. Eve J-7IM. 4-BDRMS Bmt with party room. Ekrel. aawdual lurnat-e, fireplace, large living and din ing riHHiia, Kilrhrn with nook. 1 large unfinulird bdrma. tip taira nice lawn, trrea. ahruba. lot xZ4, Neat barn, an idral f.imily home. Only 14,7M. Evea. 3-7R23 Down Town Large home. 741 N. Com'I. Lot 12'iXllS. good buslnoaa poten tial, priced to aeU. Near Leslie School Cute arpall home, only I7.2M. Corner lot, bamt. Happy Living In thia neat 2-hdrm. home. Liv ing room with wall to wall carpeting, kitchen It bath, close to achool. Price. I7.1M. Mrs. Leaven avei. 3-4735. L. E. KLUMPP, RLTR. 1054 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-7843 HIC.HLY deairabte corner view lot. 100x1112. Private owner. Near achoolv S. Salem. KMKX). Ph. Wk. Dili 4-1252. Sun. l-715l. 1 CREEK LOTS, each 11 ft. front. B-l F.one. Both for only 12700. Ph. 1-M39, Walt Socoluf aky. Broker. OWNER tranT(erred. Manbrln Garden home. 1 bdrma. or 2 bdrm. and den. F. A. heat, fireplace, patio, fenced in yard. Nice garden. II tuo down mill handle. 139 Man brln Dr. Ph. 4-2453. S87S DN. on thia brand new 2 bdrm. home East In city. Forc ed air furnace, hardwood floora. rlnae to atore and bua. Only W7M. Aak for Ceo. Patr ny with Allen C. Jone. Real tor. 231 No. High Ph. 3-1131. Eve. 4-UD jr 1-270B. BY OWNER: Coiy. modern, t bdrm. cottage, attached ga rage and util. Lot 3 x 123. Garden and dwarf fruit Just bearing. 16.500. 203 E. Brown ing. ; SFLL or trade 173 acre in Kelr.er District. A real buy at IE.7M. Terma 1500 dn Alien C. Jnnea. Realtor, 23! No. Hirh. Ph. 3-5838 Eve. 1-2701. 4-16B9. IN Turner. Furn. I rooma and bath. Fenced lot. 60' by 100 low taxes 12.250 cash. P. O. Box 233. Turner, Ore. f47M. Englewood DlM.2-bdriri! home in food location. Carage ar.d workshop. Fruit tree and garden ipare. Idrnl home for retired couple. Call O. V. HUME with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 117 S. High St. Phono 3-3191 Eveftlnf 2-1201 MODERN I bdrm. houae. Clone to Washington School and bus. For quirk aale. only ItiM dn. Ph I-S9M or 2-1122. BY OWNER. Candalaria, 1 bdrma., I bath, beautiful yard with lota of oak tree. 4-7311. SILVERTON rbedrrn"home near - Ht achool. lrge lot Paved St. IS230, Term. C. W. Reeve Realtor I860 Miaaion St, Ph. 345K0 Eva 3534 or m. BDRM. houae lor aale. Sma down payment. Inquire 117 II 70 I BDRM. home, unfiniahed. fruit nut, etc. 13100. 1300 down. 1214 Brown Bd. NO DN. pym't needed. Juat good credit At IM. per mo. buy thi 1 bdrm. homo located 188 Tavlor St. Doe need aome ouuid paint, Price ll.OM. Call owner 4-4404 eve. 2-1314. MROWNERVGlen"Woodrv will pay top price (or your furn At appliance Ph. 3-5110 OWNER Very desirable 1-brlrm. home, aouth. Quiet St. Take trade In on equity. Ph. FOR SALE by owner. 3 bdrm, birch kit., att. plastered ar., I blk. bus It grade sen. 3-0715. BY BUILDER New I-bdrm" near So Salem High 1-7071 For Sale or Trade 1 Bedroom Home Large bedroom with walk-In closet, living room, kitchen. Da in, large utility room, giaae heat, wired tor washer it dry er Large front yard. ' arre, Kelrer DiMrict, ha own well. 12 M0 equity trade for 1 bed- roo-n home up to I in. 000. See l5e Jslder St rh. 4-5111. 60t DN.. 1-bdrm., hi' tc dnf. rm., hdwd. fir., 70x171 fenced lot, I yra, old. Located In Tour Cornera on a dead-end st. Ideal for children. Ph. 4-4737 or see at 2t4 Kenwood Ave. l5rHbME7 IM: 'l"down. 120 S. Ind St, Sver1oJDr. l4fo! CLEAN, amall. 1-bdrm. home on MrGllrhriat St. Glaas electric heat. Large farage. Cloee to bus line. Good value. Call Ol; V. HUME w ith . STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 111 I. High S. Phone 1-3151 Eva. Phon a-120t 06 Houirl tot Sat 1 Hil l t X I,.. .I..I i.n 1 an. a.'rt I a. ll niiil ... Irt.h'.i.'t.t l.i. n, ( i-,', inn hm.i I,, ,M, li, ,1,.,,. I n f A i.i- Haiti In. .m a il ii'ii ll'ii.'ii I. .1 aii'.il'if liii.ira antl linn' lirut l.ulhhlif lt II liiinUaa Ii v 7 ll, 1lil la laul nn I'm lllli'l V III III-v r l"ti i m I l.ru I'.liny ,ii Allrn Ji.nri lit , In, I III No II, l, it I t 4 iM.ii I ;,,, I T,,u , , w ,,,, ),, (l ,,,,,,,,1, .,r.,,a tu pav li.ril tint in elttiul A yajta 5 Mai tt fl in huuae tfli tutlitif hunt , 4 blrn.a, I da'i'a. J fitriil.it ra kre l fur finer fanliirra, JO arrra liet ami, luiaailnn aviirn,, Irailnr A e.uiiitient In, a ta a home thai anvtme wiftuld be piitud nl. U ttiintiiaa to kalerrt ai MimiI Ima in Irniil of rttHti. I inlita liurlh I'M. 1-4134 i)Ki.icnm'L Almiliital v i 'tat tn l utt Imullrr liiima with lirettlata Orllam. (til kltfhrn with auftt rluh wu.lter A lta dlneUe New tiuillliu Ihriiuattnut II imiU lata and onlv I yrart old Lit. ralrd nn level In! on Ktnjt- , wima I r naie trw limine. tiiv onlv I mi 1 Auk fur t.MANT HOWU..K, te, 4-JWW. Of fit 4-3.IU4. fl.lFF UOWDKR CO. Ilia Fairernuntla Rd. l-MIIRM, hnuae In new ad li I inn, Rnuih lake IIM fur mv ettui Iv. balance of 1.1, .VV1 ph. Ua at : -741.1 dayt or 2-1111 evea. LEAVING STATE Cnod, modern l-hdrm hnma. 7.V. IiM dn. Ih. J-33,l COMTI.FTt DBLF. PLl'MniNG - Full banil , I large bdrma., dhle. gar.itr. aewinf room. Furnace, Miklll lot. rlnae In on High St., near Park. An older home In excel cond. III.ViO Termt Rra Bill Fid ler Eve Ph 4-7441 , ACRE CLOSE IN-1 bdrmi. Pitia drn, an attached garage. Large ahnp on rear, cnicken litfi.e. fund well l2ia,ii .,r will aril home and 10x200 lot lur llll OHO, fiwnri lca"ln( ainlr Sea Bill Fidler Eva. 4-7441 t-RDKM. Sl'RI'RBAN On apx. ' arre, N E., near Middle f rov. Good well, V 2M. Make otfer on terms. See Frank Crahnm Fve Ph. 4-4741 A BRICK HOME SOUTH I bdim. in a lovelv pnrk-hk aettinf. could be dlvidrd. Haa a large garage, a good buy at I SOU Fve 4-4741. Geo. Kraua or Herb. Barnea now la the time to buy If looking to buy or, aril tin.ber reloieatation land. See Geo. Krau. REAL ESTATE 318 N. CHURCH PH. 4 6871 HOLLWOOD Owner must aell 3 bdrm. mod ern home, over I. M0 aq. ft. Near Rt. Vincent A- Highland Sch. Price reduced I12.7M for quick aale F H.A. financing available. 2001 Laurel. Ph. S-M01. ID2M." YOUwlli like"lh"i'Tbed rm hue. Near State hospital. Beautiful lawn A shrubs, fruit tree. Hwd flra. fireplace, a bargain with terma. C. W. Reeve Realtor. 1RM Mlaalon St Ph. 34'.w) Eva loein or 3rl5.W. HOME & INCOME Older 1-bdrm. home, with sep arate lurnnned rental. Clone to bin line, achool Ac alore. Inside city limit For fur ther Information Ph. 3-6731. M.5O0 WILL buy thi amall I1, Dorm, noute. vtty attractive Interior, modern I'erl cabi neta in kitchen, extra lot. Ideal for couple or uae a a rental, will trade for larger house. Ph. 4-5270. ESTATE SALE Dwelling at 413 Montgomery St.. Woodhurn, Ore. Make offer to Pioneer Trust Co. 3-3138 ATTRACTIVE 3-BR. liVu s e. Creek shrub, thade aV fruit tree, Paved at. Bus aervice. Near ahopping renter. Brick wall raised hearth frpl. and brain ceiling liv. rm. Util. A workshop. 720 Rattiiff. See or Ph. 4-6478 during P. M. HOMES 1100 to" 1500 dnr4i to 171 per month. Why rent when you can buy your own home on these term. Call Allen C. Jones. Realtor, 231 No. High. 3-.r:8. Eve. 4-1688. 2-2708, 1-9848. MANBRIN GARDENS: New" 1 bedrms , attch. garage, fire place, birch cabinet, pave ment, water, sewer, near school. 111.600 FHA. Ph. 1-0108. 1500 DOWN. Attractive" 2-bdrm. home South. Hardwood floor Oil floor furnace. Kitchen with lota of built-in. Large Int. View. $"5ti0 total price. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS Ph 3-3151, Evenings Call2-SM1. 3 Bedroom Home Very neat, modern, all on one floor. Oil FA. furnace. 2 - vears :Old. Price only 18,750. Term. CALL MR. BRAULICK WITH- JOHN J. DANN. REALTOR 401 N. Hltfh 4-3482 Fve 4-3220 Across from M & F Store NEW well-built 3-bdrmr hon birch kt cabinets, formica cabinet tops, korlon linoleum, din. rm., tile bath, frpl.. per imeter oil forced air furnace, Insul.,. attch. plastered far . quiet street, 3 blks. to ach. St bus. 34U0 Felton, Price 110,900. Terms. See builder, 161 W. Madrona. Ph. 2-4589. 5 BEAUTIFUL BLACK KEIZER SOIL 19.500 Modern 2-bdrm. 720 sq. ft. home. Not new but well arranged and in food repair. Claxter Creek touches the rear of the acreage. Rich soil. Only 1 block to Keizer achool. Salem home under $5,000 in trade. CLYDE PRALL. REALTOR 154 S. High St. Ph. 4-3851 Home Ph.r-M SELL or trade 4 food house and garage buaineaa building approximately 24x32 on one and la arrea east No vacan- - eiea! - Will take i- bedroom - home op to 19009 In trade. Price 127.500. Allen C. Jones. Realtor, 231 No. Hifh. Ph. 1-M.il. Eve.t I-W4I. 4-1881, l-i-iOA. .. YOUR Choice:.! Well "built & well located contemporary bedrm home. No financing Low down pym't. 100 at 110 Chemawa Bd. ph. 1-4434. Dt Mi MS a , ARFS -Very good anil grjr jT T0 BELIEVE IT-Very and location. North. A 2-1 , A. ood j.rm. home bdrm. home, arparate utility Jlving lirrttcti ,Ba. 1!".-' 2 .1 V""'' ? . 1 1 -loua kitchen & dining comb. Tr '""i!"- nlVl La'' rarage. corn-r lot A t''"10' r'rr Ron , real f.imilv home Only 179M. r.. Tjrl.' k c" M"rth Thireen. eve , Fur afrHHl lairmi ann ranrhaii ' ..... m - - a34 1 1 C04 Houtrl for Sot SOUTH I l.iiiui l.i.M.a luiiif riHim. din. Ii. a I..111., l4ra Kililian. full I. .r nii.l aulii ml luir 11 r, II. ,,. I.ia aa;..a. i.irnri .,' I liiia lit ii 111111I anil ma ti:,iat lull it. I l.a'lia luil.g rmmt fna il4ia llitiinf .H..ti aii ilitn 1I1. ..liia aaiatf, !. lan anil bIuuihi in tmr at ( I, .-a tu li.it HI ,Vfl J ,nrm , ,, V n, mn n( ,, fitrnlaia, ll.lh kit- itirn, ft'.i hi and ii' if hatiia,.,. d ll.mll lala nt, paint ' and airiroall). aulu ml fuiitatl 1 14 VI. PIIOVK i .K I5ob Fries or A. W. McKillop McKILLOP RKAL KSTATK I.IHrRTY WO RAltM tivm Tfia I,. I e built I-hdrm, litntie Riiuth, Aiiru l vr. old lla llietilni' lla'dwitnd flimra lhrnu(hn,it Will tiarle lur 3-hilim hnma ftttulh i p lit apiirim 114 l,n ( all M AN MY A lin'IWN with STATU UNANCK CO. ttKM.T0'.S 7 R. ),h Rl P'Klll l-JI',1 Etenlnga I-AVil Near Richmond School fnlmt ind cfimpieta ba-h with ahnweri all nn one floor Larae garden areat, reilent anil. Rmall ahnp build Inn One-half blix k In but Prlred at MO. Aak to are tliia loon. St. Vincent' Six rooma, 3 bdrma on firat door. 1-room apt. In bmt. F A. nil heat. 2-t ar garnre. Call ua (or a look throne Win family home. Price 11.1 300. E.J. REALTOR Day or Eve. 1745 Crant St. Ph. 3-4033 The HO.MESELLERS C. D. McCARGAR, RLTR. NEAR MORN'INC.SIDE SCHOOL 2-bdrtn. home with unlininh- ed attic, large Itwng ruum. fireplace, nice dining room, ceramic tile In kitchen, att. farage. wired for auto, wash er, deep lot 2 blocks to city bua. Price 82O0. Call Goble, eve. 4-H51. NORTHEAST 3 bdrm.. unfln lshed attic with possibility of 4th. About 1300 floor (pace, dbl. attached garage, large lot. I8VJ0; 11000 down. Itil mo. Call Tulliu. eve. 4-5081. 77JO Neat It clean 4-bdrm. . home. bamt ,. Inside utility wired for waher At dryer, dble. rnr , chicken house, fruit.-t-Nice view. Term. Call I aye Seal, eve. 4-5. 84. 702 N High St. Ph. 4-4441 MR. & MRS. DIGGER Spring la here Owner must leave Salem & delightful 2-year-old home with new lawns At lovelv garden apot. Hume built FHA witn excel, hdwd. floor,- 3 spacious bdrm., large closet. See Ic you'll agree it's a sarrifire for IfliM. Ak for DON BELLINGER. Eve. 4-0492. Office 4-3394. " CLIFF B0WDER CO. 1890 Fairgrounds Rd. 7 ACRES BRICK HOME. FULL BSMT. Located on highway 10 minutes from city center. Spacioua home Is I years old, 3 bdrms., 1 1 1 baths, party room. 2 fire places. Land food for subdi vision, partly in filberts. Chicken house, large machine shed-barn combination. Excel. 90-lt. well with heavy duty pump All for 121.000. Ask (or IRA MANSFIELD. Eve. 1-9728. Office 4-3394. CLIFF BOWDER CO. 1890FairgroundsHd. TAKE EQUITY IN AUTO as down pavment on this West Salem home. 14, IM. BaL $47,50 a mo. E. A. McGLAUFLIN, RLTR. 33SN.High 2-8611, 3-8612 183 down, 125 a mo." 1 1,950. 2- room house, north. E. A. McGLAUFLIN. RLTR 335 N. Hifh 2-8611, 3-6613 Choice Buy For only 111,950. brand new a home with 3 bdrms., birch kitchen with builtin range top and oven, a 2-car garage, nice utility room, full dining room and large bkfst. bar. Close to grade school in So. Salem. Of fice 4-7977. Eve. Merle Teter 4-5234 or 4-6098, 2-5046. Ti 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 SELL or trade duplex on beau tiful lot 131x300 with amall year 'round creek. Each unit haa 3 bdrms. Approximately 3 yrs. old. Price 115.000. Will take house to 17,100 in trade. Allen C Jones, Realtor, 231 No. High. Ph. 1-5831. Eve. 4-1889, 2-2701. FOR SALE, new beautiful three bedroom house, separate din ing room, large double garage, l'a plumbing, forced air heat. It's a nice one. Drive out .Portland Road to Northgate Ave. House No. 2445. It's open every day. 114.900. JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR Let ut aolve your home need. To Buy, Sell or Rent Call Ph. 4-5743 1131 Edrewater Ph. 4-7174 no So CommT BY OWNER. 3 bdrm. home, near bua. good location. GX loan. Phone 4-5002. BLACKSMITH -Ic welding (hop. Elec. and act- welders, pow er hammer, drill, press, bow er hack saw. heavy grinder, bench grinder. generator, forge and anvil, plow hare furnace and all small tool. Rent on hop la fZS per ir-o. -A going rumnewN'ill fne IIA00. Call W. H. SrtVELEY. sales man with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 171 High St. Phone 3-1IM -Evenlnge 4-241)1 I BEDRM..- full dry baaem C, att. garage, close to achool A but. 1IM ti. 19th after i p.m. t0& Houtfl for Sal TERRIFIC W Vr. I',. ir l.f tli l,a lira' . nil it an firtf llilia In an I iiuiiiM I lirili.Hi Iihiiii, ttltnna iMi-i i tily rin'1 til It tin ('In tra t'l due n.a illtig ,..'ll wnn Iila in nil r t li "n wnn ii'N'k, whlilv limin nil luit-aia liapiaia ;-tar r, U'aa aliuatfr liniili. luirtrd (ialo, lnr In' i Mat a I'M i mil 3 Ini. i, lit and in eaiaiienl aiaia I'nirii at tlftsno and wmlh etaty iml, lnn.4. $7.V) DOWN and (lavttian'a l.ka rant, .mated tin ' I) ' altrrt Jiltl rail if Mile liiaillal, I liedioottta, firrplaca. naU tumis. alee. Iicol, innde laundry rmiin. Irttird in lot !" o bua, t IiihiI. and altira. 7,7M, 4 RKDR00MS jait-d on North l.vd ft, lut , mu in of Matkel hi 1 bed riHtina dnwnatalra and t UP In a ft rait rla-.t reaidrnllal area In tiiglrwiwid at hottl dlalrlct rt iw but new at rttml be limi! onlv one Minx awav, im loo wiih il.Jno down, on f HA. 411 VARON1C Bnt nivo REAL IkTAiE INSURANCE MOHTfiAfiE LOANS OFFICE 1-KJI7 FVFR i J-4.ua or 1-73M 'S MAKE VS AN OFFER Let tu ahnw you thia nice f. bedionm home in Krlrrr Loll ol clo-rt aniAe, large kitchen, i",rri .Vw., NI"1-'' m KI'J er School. Aaklng 18 2V) Ask for links. Eve. ph. 1-6403, SOUTHEAST Owner moved out of town, Make an offer 1 brdioom, large living rtxem and kitchen, baih, hardwood floors, at Itched garage. Only 4 yr, old Trade lor house in Medford or take in car up to II 000. Call Lucas. Eve. ph. 1-9381, 20 ACRE FARM-$69jO Includes the equipment to farm It with. HI acres under culti vation: l' A. younf family orchard: about 2 A berries. Irrigation pond. Older 3-bed-room house. Fireplace. B.irn. Owner Ir.iving state. Prlred to aell Call Johnson. Eve. pli. 3-3BJI. HANDYMAYS RETIREMENT I unit an.irtment In good loca tion. Close to school, bus, hos pital. 4 garages. Sawdust heat. Live in one. Iix up the olhers. Lot 78 x 145 -room for anoth er unit. Potential Income 1193 per month This cm be bought for li 500. Call Lucas. Eve. ph. 3-9381. Reimann Real Estate 201 SOUTH HIGH ST. PH. 3-9203 $100 DOWN t:a MONTHLY Solidly built 2-bedrm. home on a acre close to Cumininga School. Hume only 2 vis. old. Total price I8.0UU. Call Nick Peet 4-3843. HOME AND SHOP Yes save that ahop rent by hav ing your place of busineaa on you own lot. 40x18 concrete floor building with road front age In business area plus 4 year old large Z bedrm. home. Full prit-e )ust $12,000. Call Al Watts, 1-7265. FAMILY EXPANDING Have THREE bedrm. home on one floor on 100x111 lot owner will trade for two bed rm. in town. House just I years old in excellent shape. Beat the spring rush make a deal now. Price Just $9,500. Call Walt DePuy, 4-0312. 494.1 N. River Rd. Off. Ph.: 4-6081 V,' FHA TERMS Will buy this attractive 2 bed room home. Large view lot aouth In good area. Fireplace, attached garage. Full price only 19000.00. NEED MORE ROOM? Here is that food older home that you've been looking for. Located in one of Salem's too areas. It has 4 bedrooms, full basement, double farage, forc ed air heat, large living room with fireplace. Total price 110.500. SOUTH VILLAGE Modern 3 bedroom home, full dining room, kitchen and nook, also separate utility room. Ex cellent location for children, close to achool. park area. FHA term available. " BASEMENT HOME " New 3 bedroom home with base ment, 3 fireplaces, forced air heat, over 1100 square feet on the first floor. Located within the city limits, large lot. linoo down will move you in! Full .price only 111.500. Phone: '44454 Ron Jones, Realtor 1955 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD Evening Phones: Gregg 2-8141; Sleeves 3-357.". Leonard 4-3719. E Located on 8. Lancaster Dr. Very clean 2 bdrm. house with fireplace, oil furnace, part . bamt, deep well. 3-car farage, lota of fruit At nut trees. Close to achool It atore. $10,500. V, ACRE " 1-bdrm. house with detached ga- ratfe. fenced in lot - eaa rt..,.. 1 furnace, kitchen with entina ( SDce, bath, nice living room. Total price m.ooo wun only $800 down, balance like rent. Abrams.& Skinner, Inc. 411 MASONIC BUILDING Insurance , Real Estate Mortgage Loan Oft 1-9:17. Eve. 3-4701 or 1-7381 mm, CD& Mouki for Sol 'S j:: n, (iinu n m riioK Price Rcduct tl On 'h a dntlr" bmna No onlv lai'ai Nn. aneil fit Ma? limin krnar dining rnniri Ihiiiiiii. Ii al ua il l. I heal tliinl l.a laaa lairl liM.iliiifl Jtnale. kln4 dlrltlil fta IV pallllrd antl retlerm a'ad 1'im.ignuul lawn, ahttilia. aiHni lnl) f in! Rrallv a let 1 1 1 ic buv, (all wall Jonea. fte pit 4-7UJ Tops In quality and lur alum I hdtttia on one fl.mt. .aia living rootn, ttkfat. nook Oil heat liiaul watriiped Hdwd IIimiii 7ilrd hath. AH. ga rage Near ai hn.il and Iran.p lately lawn, l.aige lot. Al um. I new. Full price onlv IIM.tta) Don't mlaa thia. ('all N (i "Dan ' laaa A. Kv, ph, 4-kliM, Top Restaurant aSet-Un Well loca'ed In fond Willametla valley town. Popular truck amp Open 14 bmira a d.v Laree private room (nr apecial partira t.eie parking area rtir aireet nrmwa earelient net income Full once nnly I'lOta pitta llnck. Call Mr Wood. gutk. Eva. Ph. J-71M. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL LSAAK & CO.. REALTORS Evenings i-tnti, 4-71U. J-4HM. l-aoii 4-1131, 4-IVU If no anawer. Dial 4-2241 2 NEW MTLEXES -NCOMr. IM a month. Each unit haa 2 bedrooms. I unit now available for 170 1(2 000 Terms. Trad in )uur home. BUY OR RENT THIS I-bedroom home nuth Living room. Kl'chen Baae ment. Garage 17. 9M. Telm. Or rent for IfiO. 427 FERRY OPEN SATURDAY 9-00-4:00 Eve Frank Vla.ic 4-JB70; jack Millard 1-740J: Mr. Lehmann 2-4Mi88; Mrs. Totten 3-eaul; Jim Ramsey 4-I6U6. FIRST TIME LISTED Thli fine home has approx. 2M0 sq. fl. on main floor plus full bamt with pla room, ping pong room, kitchen and tile bath. I Main floor has 3 bdrms., large j living room and dining room,! lovely den with bulltin safe. I Beautiful kitchen hat dish washer and disposal and larte bkfst. nook. 2 fireplace. To see this excellent family home for appointment. CALL MBS. RICHARDSON. SECLUDED COUNTBY HOME Cloa in on paved road, nat ural aettinf .beautiful tieel, hundreds of bulbs, 10 acres ran be divided. 1 bdrms.. l't baths, living room with fire place, dining room, kitchen, dishwasher, disposal Base board radiant heat. Thia place has a world of possibilities and Is priced right. CALL BON HUDKINS. GRADE ' GRAPHORST BROS. REALTORS 180 S. LIBERTY ST. PH- 2-2471 Evenings At Sundays rail Salesmen J. E. Law 3-3113. Run Hudkins 3-1712. H. K. Laymon 1-3193. Mrs. Richardson 4-4781. . . INVESTMENT ' , PROPERTY One acre on main road 2 house and metal repair shop lots of room for trailer court. The whole works for ONLY 112.500. Good trrms or consider vacant lots In trade Call Louia Lorenz. ' C I LEE OHMART IF IT'S SOMETHING OUTSTANDING YOU WANT Ask Ralph Maddy to show you this brand new home with appx. 2.0H5 sq. ft. wonderful living area it has all the new and ex citing featurea auch as built-Jn range, oven and dishwasher, master bedrooms with private bath, finished basement and many more YES. there 3 bedroom end lovely large liv ing room and dining room. RELAXED SUBURBAN LIVING Owner of thi like-new home in fered, they hate to leave the home the searched month to f.nd You will profit by the hours of work they have put Into the lovely garden house It flower beds. Ample living room with fireplace. 3 oversized bedrooms, attached garage. Just 112.000. Call Adrienn Sercombe BRAND NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME In Mornlngslde area, cloe to ' school, excellent floor plan, well built and worth the money asked $12,475 00 Ask for Henry Torvend. WANT TO HAVE YOUR OWN BUSINESS Contact Don Doughton and let him show you how easv you can own a thriving business netting 140000 per month with a much higher potential. Can be purchased under CI loan. This is the opportunity you have been waiting for don't pass it up, call now . , IF YOUR HOME IS FOR SALE OR TRADE CALL US oiariuawba;mis 477 Court St. Phone 2-4113. 2-4116. 2-4117 Eve Louis Lorenr 3-3500. Ralph Maddy 3-3488, Adrirnne Sercombe 4-9082, Henry Torvend 3-3632, Ralph Maddy 2-3481 A.A.L HOMES. FARMS, ACREAGES MORTGAGE LOANS, CONSTRUCTION LOANS GOOD BUYS TODAY Two bedroom older home on Fairmount Hill. $8,750, 10 Acre West. 13 ml. out. 4 BR. home. Barn, poultry house. IM50. Two bedroom year around home. Trees, Creek. Very neat. Croi san Creek. I8.9M. Two bedroom home in South Village. I yn. old. Wall constructed. Nicely landscaped. ll'J.wo. 40 Acres. Santiam River bottom. Extra food country homa. Fair outbuilding. Irritation. 120,000. New 3 bedroom home. Family room. "Neelon Acre.". $14,000. 197 Acre Stock Grain or Dairy Ranch, North. $47,500. 1 BR. Bament. Party room. Gerth St., Wtid. $1.7M. Com In or call 191 S. High Ph- 1-M2I Eve. A Sun. phones: A. E. Beckett, 2-4591; Andy Halvorsen, 3-7161; Helen Lewis. 4-3002. Hilltop House A real charming borne, high on a hill, with 3 bdrm. Urge brwereway (could be closed in for extra roomi, 15x21 living room with fireplace, kitchen -with nook, large lot with out Side fireplace and huge tree, utility room. Approx. 1100 sq. ft 110,500. Just listed. - Office 4-777. Eve. ' Marjorr Fan Ding 4-8091 or 4-1234, 1-5041. Ti 250 N, HIGH PHONE 4) 7977 OWNER : New 1-bdrm. home, din rm., break! t nook. lie. u 1 1 lit v. dhle gar. la M. Salem. $14,400. Pb. 3-4471 CD4 Houira, for Set BEST BUYS wk m-i ciai.izk j thadi s on two Stair Weary?' Than are Ih i Invalv limni All Oit one lliMir lalffa Uilng rntiin Iti-iieraie dining hmhm Ir.ialV (iirnU.a Inaut allftprd Hild flmna Vari, hiliiiia f.eiaae S i a lawn ahtuba On latge ktialt Inl llr aq II. tl atipaib living I'll Wail wnrlli li.a aaklng pen nl linano (a Mr, laufd Eva. Ph. 1-antl, Kxcentional Value New 1-bdim, hnma V hatha, Fit'l'leie atge plaalered ga rage. F ni t ad air oil heal, Piuh kitchen. Oak floors MtKlnley s hnnl flulrlcl It t all yum for I7M Call Mr (raw lord and see Ih la today, tve, I'h. 4-auM. Home & Income Very nice limn with living r mm. Dining room, Kitchen, llklal. niHtk spate Oil heat. Naar achool and tranap. She lawn A thruba. His upslalit apt All at onlv MM What mora could vou a.kT Call Mr, Stewart. Eva. Ph. 4-IIJI. Business Iit Choice downtown Watl'in 50a i. For tease only. 1171 per nin with pnvllege of rrmtiv. lug bldg with 10-vr lease Call Mr. Woodcock. Eva. Ph. 1-7104. 2 HOUSES ON large Jot. In good Cond.tlon Could be 4 rentals with in come III) to lira mnnthlv. Or home and 113 income. 1 1 4.100. Terms. VERY LOW DOWN PAYMENT takes this poaslble 4 -bed room home l down). Garag and another building on lot, 17 .400. Vnur terms. OFFICE 4-3381 EASY WAI.KINfJ DISTANCE to downtown. Spacioua l-hdrm colonial, excel, cond. Inside A out. Small lot, auto. heat. Ideal for working couple. CALL J. E. LAW. FAIRMOUNT HILL Thi old 4-hdrm. home I a handvinan dream. Ideal for remodeling and redecorating A corner lot with excellent location. Price !'. CALL H. K. LAYMON. INVESTMENT Located North Bldg. 7000 aq ft. Leased at 1215 per mo. Priced only $15, 5M. FO RPARTICULAR.1 CALL R.J RUDY CALABA 4-Corner area has been trans- SELL or trade home and busi ness. Very good 1-bdrm. home approximately II years old. Basement, Greenhouse. Will sell approximately 10 chinchil las with or without property. Will take house la Salem up to $10,000. Alien C. Jones, Real tor, 31 No. High. Ph. 1-5838. Jtve. 4-1689. 1-2708. 2-9841. I ACRES East oat pavement. 2-bdrm. modern 7 yr. old home. Large liv. rm., din. kit. and nook. Basement furnace, 2 fireplaces, good well and water system. Gl- rui .nnP.i- mi aiantwi rmik be sold on It down CI. or 10 down FHA. Ccnaider. Jradt lor irrnller home In fa -lenw Celi W. H. STEVtLY, salesman with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 117 I. Hiah St. Phone 1-3151 .-.-.. Everunga 4-2.11 New Modern 2-Bdrm. Home Attach, farage. oil heat 1457 Livingston. - Owner Pa. 4-1323. IBT !ri. E0& Moui for Sol $18,000 CASH BUYER (H it hl'ill Mt A tiniiMf 1 1 1 1 m a Mi-it MAvr j ft n amivN II" I All lil' It'iiiMi UK ir HMH li a a m r, ritinH one or I m a t i tn n I ii r H in. Ml k (1 ir IN 101' I ONe Mil' i.N, CLYDE PRALL HrALlOR IS S ll.gh m I'h 4 I'M r.aa, I 7M ' I Routt - naar Wailiinglnn a. hoot J it) krduna after la Ph, 4-3431, iiO r.rm. to, Sol. 40 ACRE.. Fences no hulltllnfa, Snulh, bat ftrek A aiiring A '"d buy. Call Fa.tnilae evea 3 3.'J HAKGAIN.S t Arre, buildings, lust ninth of Rwrgle Rthuol, Muat be so 1 4 aotm Call Carpenter evea. 1-4M4I L. E. KLUMPP, RLTR. 3051 Portland Rd Ph l-IHI APPHOX 4 AT cloee in N near Vh. bus good berry land some walnuta no Mttgs. JciK. NOON! HES7FM RL. Fft IVil N. Cottage Ph. jt-Mal FOR "SALE: 't "acre"" fisher Road. Ph, 1-5131, - I'mi. S.4Acre.iarg noma, M ana. other acreage, l-lllet. SACRIFICE $lonfl eqully'in ti air farm. Mill aell or trad for amaller farm or home. Ln ralrd near Sheridan Inn at-ref under cult . JO acre bottom land uitabl for row crone, no ft. frontage nn Yamhill River, railroad and both sideg of Highway II. Large houae with 1 ha I hi and fireplace. S Anal alkaa kullriln. Price 127 lot), but open to nf frr Allen C. Jonea. 231 No. High. Ph. J-M-il, Evt. 2-27HI, 4-laM. 2-M41. 10 Fine view, good land, nol dump, paved road, close to school, $4.5(10. 20 ACRES Close to K-hool, Northeast vleaT of rltv and mountain, all cleared, paved road, price $1,100. 15 ACRES Close In. lav good, close to near Junior hifh school, price $9,000. Call 3-K70 Bob Frlrss or A. W. McKllloa McKILLOP REAL ESTATE 30aeLIBERTYRI).. SALEM 10 A for sale or trade for house In S. part Salem. By owner. 1-7233. 812 Exck. Real Eirote NOTICE A NEW SERVICE HAS BEEM ADDED TO OUR OFFICE. We now have a complete set ol Portland listings. If you wish to trade Salem for Portland or if you are moving to Port land, we will be able to assist you. Call Mrs Wells, day! 4-4494, eve. 2-1731. . LAND CO., REALTORS SI 7 Court St. Dial 4-44!)4 WANTED J bedrm homi'to trade on 13 A. East. Good bids. Creek. Willamette oi. Priced 1 1. V Utal. C. W. HeeVe Realtor. " 18M0 Mission Hit i'h, M190 Eve. 39538 or 20898. t BY OWNER. unit apt. house, close in, sarle-trJBe. 4-3661. 816 Resort Property BEAUTIFUL Ocean view lot at Agate Beach, 2 mi. from New port. 100 ft. ocean front. 387 ft. long running to a point Map can be gotten at Newport Court House. Lot No. 3 Ander son's addition. Section 32. Wady Day fronting. Price II. 000. Contact Walter West. Box 177, Desert Hot Springs, Calif. 850 Automotive 852 Used Cart For Solo 1948 FORD 2-dr.. 1123. Term. M dn.. 125 mo. McCall's Used. Cars. 17 State St. '47 Ford conv., new top, paint As w. w. tires. Radio, heater, 1189 Fir.3-3213. '49 CHEV. deluxe coupe. All new white wall tires. Radio, heater. Exc. cond. throughout. Must be seen to be appreciate ' ed. 1423. Phone 3-6001 or aeo at 140 E. Luther. r51 STUDIE Comdr.. BAH. auto, transmission, good cond. Price ed to sell. 2575 Lancaster. '55 CHEV 210 hardtop. Under 5 000 mil. Stan, trans. Dallaa, Ph. Mayfalr 1-4382. 'if CHRYSLER Traveler sedan. New battery, good rubber. Good fishing car. $75. Ph. 3- 7701. BUY 1225 equity, take over pay. menta '51 Dodge Wayfarer, W . W . ti re. Phon 4-2450. '40FORD - 2-drv77wr"tires, lowered, leaded, black, excel lent condition. Ph. 1-91194 eve. 'SSSTUDEBAK H cljMMAliDER PREMIUM tires, undercoat, R At H. Completely equipped. Will trade for older car or aell. See at 1:153 Aider after I p.m. Ph. 4- 7747. ' '51 JEEP ta wgn. 735 McGiU Christ. 4-6620.Bt offer. 1930OLDS "91". Radio, heater. loaded with extra. Exc. cond, throughouL1700.Ph. 4-t36. SACRIFICE 'M Old. UsdarC Hydramatlc, RAH. Ph. 4-24M. CAD. for 1M. Good tires, paint A: motor, radio, heater, excel ' lent. 4-0773. '53 FORD custom line, 4 dr. Fordomatic, HAH. excel, cond. $995. Ph. J-4055 after lp.m. 1955 FORD 1 passenger country aedan. Fordomatic, r a dl 0, heater, exc cond., 12 JM. 941 Tamarack. Ph. 2-7830 evea. - B54 Trucks, Trail, for 10 U 31 CHEV. T. pick-up. 4 speed trans. Over load spgs. Re-built motor. In good cond. $1M. 61M Swegle Rd. 24 TRAILER house lr'4lBuick Super. Both with extra. Trade for later model car. See at 1740 Ojiord orPji.J-54ffljfter I. 1931 CHEVROLET pickup. Good! running order. See at pass Chemeketa or phone 1-755, Also older model Ford truck, ' I's TON LWB Chev." trucSTgooi tire. 12 ft. (take bed. turn aignala, farm license, 1M. Ph. 1-2814. i 15A Wajntexi dare TrrL J onrcrq, won, I rCKf x BEST P? P"l 0 $0 cash will buy. Ph. 3-5423 after p m "w'fRlAYlKfi TOP CASH FOf CTe.h Used Cart Paid Far or Not Boh Bill's Used Cars Union k high Sta. COLBATH