The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 10, 1956, Page 6, Image 6

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    Statesman's HOME
I ..". en ..'! c Fcshscns , Fcsturcs
Sail on Lurlino for Hawaiian Vacation . . .
Marleno Wolverton Bride of
Mark Helvig at Church Rites
Mrs. Mcl'covn
Head Alumnco
(MSrc. I) State siiian, Salmi. ()n, Sal., Mar. 10, 7f
Around Town . . .
fey Jl.ftYME I.M.I.ISI1
Ui nniNf. m i u , .
cin Saturday. June I
Judy Itickett and Dr. J, Orsld
TmiIi, wh enticement wa an
' lounced ll spring , . . The duo
will be married t the Fiml
C'ntrrrtratiril Church at 9 o'
clock with Ir Julian Krisrr of
ficiating ... A reception will fol
low in ihe church psrlor . . .
Mm Hickctts, the daughter of
Mr, anil Mrs. Ellsworth i Hick
ells, will uraduale (rum Orrifon
Mule College In June , . . she
it a member of PI JU'ta Phi tnd
the "Salem SplnMeri . , . Ir,
Ttmlc li Ihr son o( Mr. and Mr
will ny liitcrrtin" tournament
fur Mi iihinncd, . .
Many ritmmrnit , , , oa toe
clever tatter table r ssiintl
Ihr window , , . daitHtrcei
riot , , , Ihr rmlrrplrrr a lf
Irrr , , , wllh pink bloswiirts and
(old golf tree lied wllh pink
bows ihr brsnche , , , al lh
bir a pink atolf bill and mlnla
lurr pink flat's marking Ihr
green , , , pint president p ur
ine were Mr. Werner Brown,
Mr. Vernon firry, Mr . t.lcnn
Slrvrni and Mn. Harold Oling
ft , . . i
TEA TIME . ; . on . Sunday
4 -
Joseph (i. Toole il Klamath
Jail ... hp ii aln an Oregon
flair graduate and received hi
mcdiral degree from Ihr I'm-'
Vrmity of Oregon School
. . Ilr.ii a member of l-nilli
Chi Alpha and I'hi lcla I'i. mcdi
cal fraternity . . . Ir. Toole i
'now inlrrning In Oakland, Calif.,
here Ihr couple will Jive follow-;
Ing their marriage , . .
. l-aunrning . . .we p.irm t,.- , pruvlTOe president
irei' (iolf AMcialii ,artlvilir Sw(
lor inr spring Taenia llir rui-
fee Kridsy morning for which
members of Ihr board of direc
tor wrrr hostesses al Ihr bomr
of Mn. Kenneth roll, a pant
riptaln of Ihr group , . . guecls
arrived in anow and rain, won
dering if Ihr weather mm would
rvrr". turn on Ihr .unbic. at
pewiaf day Ii west Wednesday ..
llradlng . . . thr women golfcri
this orison will br Mn. Bmrr
Williams ii captain ... for the
luvmnii ho war imart rlnr-
rnal pry cnlln and nlk ihrath 'B' ,,Bf nlng room . . . tilhrra
dreaa lo Which ihr pinned a illng abmi "romi will be
bunch of violru rrntrrrd with Mr. J. II. Ivan. Mr. I.HilI L.
pink roM-i . ... the officer an- Wn. Danlrl i. MtLrllaa.
aistins .informally about the f1 r (t
roomi . . . A number of f w f Knapp and Mrt. Butloa A. Myrr.
polfrr ipottrd, who will be play- j
ing with Ihe group for the firM j H'a a boy . , . for Mr. Jame
time thii ipnng . . . Much lat-iR- Todd (Ann Gibbrni) ... the
thuxiaim noted and all looking lad arrived Friday morning at the
forward to a grand aeaton. wilhjSalrm General Hospital and tip-
,ped the acalei at nix pound,
i i I I i,Wf've uncci ... he hai ben
Alumnae Hold 'rndUtr;reJTndM,!;,
jHarvrv W. Gihbrn and Mr. and
Mrs. Roy T. Todd '. . . and the
great-grandparent are Mm. Kith
erine Slofiel. Mr. and Mrs. C. !
H. Sander, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. i
W. 0. Smith of Mro Bay, Calif..
when the I'hi Delta Thcla Ira-U-rmly
mcnTrTcri of Williamctie
tnivcrity entertain al the chap
ter houie In honor of Iheir new
houe mother, Mr. Chirle S.
Mc Klhinny , . , railing hmin are
from 2 to 9 o'cIik k ... In the
rrrriving line will be Doucla
Wall, chupter prrnclent, Mr. Mc
Klhinny, Mr. and Mr. Jume
' llatfii-ld, Grant Swan of Corval-
and Mn.
Frrtiding ... at Ihr lea orni
will br Mr. G. Ileibert Smith.
Mr. V.. G. W hipple of Drain, (Inter-in
law of Mr. Mrlllhlnny,
Mr. F M. Pine and Mi. Robert
l Elfitrom . . . AIkn( la the
din of room will be Mr. Herbert
K Stiff, Mrs. M'lllian MrFlhlnay,
Mra. i:. Burr Miller, Mr: Alfred
A. M hrawm, Mr. Jerry Whipple
and Mr. Stuart Mc Klhinny . . .
Mrs. Bobert Sprague and Mr.
Melvlo Gelrt will invite guet
Aboard ... the SS lurline en route to Hawaii are Mr, and Mn. Wayne W. Gordon and Mr. and
Mn. -Edward Majek, who tailed Monday for the Islands. They will make their headquarters
in Honolulu for three weeks and have tours scheduled to the other Islands.
At Itficit ami Clark
Students Will
Head Home for
Slairimaa rorreipoadrat ,
PORTLAND - Long awaited
spring varation, March 10-11, will
find Lewis and Clark pioneers
Mothers Night Out
Club Organized
MNO Club, a newly formed
group for a mothers' night out,
met Tuesday evening at the home
of Mrs. E. C. Ca&e cm Sunny
view Avenue. Mrs. L. II. McKar
land was a eurit.
Plans were completed for a
rummage sale by the group.
Games were played followed by
songs and impersonations by
Larry Dike and Johnny Dell.
Of Officers
Alpha XI Delias held iheir
March meeting Wednesday eve
ning at the home of Mrs. John H.
llann with Mrs. A. C. Newell as
sisting. Pouring at the tea table
was Mrs. Orville Kannier Jr.
Mri. Robert M. Fisher Jr., was
tne fuwt speaker lor the evening, u,m Colvard and sons. Michael
her topic being women I position and Mark, wbo are visiting at Ihe
in politics. i borne of her mother, Mn. Otbel
Plans for the coining Alpha XI Lee. for a month . . . Lt Cohard
Delta Province convention to be
held in Eugene April 6, 7. and I
were made. Mrs. Orville Kannier
Jr. was elected delegate and Mrs.
Heinhardt Behra. alternate.
Installation of officers took place
including president, Mrs. Rein
hardt Bctim; vice-president, Mrs.
William llealy; recording secre-
scattcring lo many parts of the " meeting win oe at
country. But, the majority of Sa-thf ome Mrs. George Peder
1cm students seem to be planning on
on. a home-type vacation. Among' .
those coming to Salem are Jodie EnCQmpment PlOnS
'Ilia -Invf RnnnuII Jnfrv Hnru I
and Mr. and Mr. Roy ICGibbrnsUakpr, joe jn jni Shiriey CrottH-rs, Calf A AuftlOfl
of radwood, Oregon ... The;,nd Martin, who is bring- C ' W".
Ladies Encampment Auxiliary,
Willamette No. 2 held team prac
tice in preparation for induction of
candidates in April at the Friday
Mrs. Lynn Hill, special district
dc-puty to the Grand Patriarch, as
sisted by Patriarch Clyde Ban
croft, are sponsoring a cake auc
tion on March lt for thq benefit
of the IOOF Home in Portland. A
k..k..'. i.(k.. tk. i .. . - t .
James Todd, was killed while on
marine maneuvers last fall . . .
Arriving ... la the capital the
first of the week by plane from
Anchorage, Alaska was Mr, nil
ing a guest from Great Falls, Mon-
tant, Donna Moe.
One of the rewards of efficient
studying is a place on the honor
Jroll.-Those reaching a grade point
average of 3 point -or over last
semester include Shirley Crothers,
Marilyn Lorenz and June Christen
sen. The ultimate goal of 4 00 or
Is away oa special asslenment , 'nt A's as attained by senior
during the next few weeks
Among Ihe guests ... at the
Cirque Club's buffet dinner and
dance tonight at the Senator
Hotel will be Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
tary. Mrs. Lloyd Darling; corres- Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Richard
ponding secretary. Miss . Verna
" Kepplnger; treasures. Mrs. E. R.
Derflinger. Other appointed to
new positions were Panhcllenic
representative, Mrs, John H.
llann; panhcllenic alternate, Mrs.
A. C. Knickerbocker; magazine
chairman, Mrs. Elmer Meade;
publicity. Mrs. Orville
Jr.; and telephone. Mrs. Myron
Togue and Mrs. Rolltn Lewis.
On April 4 the annual Founder's
Day function will be held at (he
home of Mrs. Kollia Lewis. 409$
Eivercrest Drive.
Writers Meet at
The Salem Writer's Club met
Tuesday evening at the South
Winter Street home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lynn Cronemiller. A guest
wis Mrs. Otis Bradbury. Mrs.
Bradbury, wbo has written four
novels and has two with agents
at the present time, read some of
her published poems. "
.Mrs. Clifford Laytoa and Mrs.
William Merriott, who are both
writing new novels, read the
first chapters. Joseph Singer
read a recently-written mood
Mrs. Robert Hutcheoo read an
instructive paper on the tech
nique of article writing and
Frank Judd a humorous yarn.
iln. N. M. Singleton Las sold a
poem entitled 'Courage" to Ore
gon Fanner.
The next meeting will' be at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Judd. ,
Knight and Mrs. Al Gurgurich
were co-hostesses- for a shower
honoring Mrs. Francis Phelps
Wednesday night at the former's
home. Invited were the honor
jruest, Mrs, f belps, and Mesdames
Gerry Simpson, David Bradley,
Harold Morrissette. Lee Cameron, !
Allen Wimbush. Delbert Gibson.
Monte Weddie, Roy Wickers ham.
Clere Hampton, Charles Hart.
Sr., Gerald Phelps. Ralph Dun
ham. Howard Hampton and Rob
ert Harris. '
How To He! J
. . .M?ri? nnr.fyhflaet
Da your hm t auof an
fcorru br iiptln. ro!'ln ,
t in I i. lit
Jnm Mini M" jAoIItTM oa
r Orf hu.iit tmim M trmij
- t4 ior .n:.toi f fummf.
fnmwf ! of llln tt-w Ba i
("wit -f.' f''' l-nlur ;
... i-t ter
F. Braun of Portland, who will
be guests of the Dwight Quisen
berrys ...
la Portland . . Thursday to
attend tbe annual dinner at Ihe
Portland Golf Club honoring pre
sent and former members of Ihe
board of governors fthe Oregon
Jodie Ellis
Choir on Tour
The college choir left Friday
afternoon on a 15-day tour of Ore
gon and California. New traveling
outfits are navy Pendleton jackets
and grey skirts or slacks for the
day-time concerts. The tour will
consist of 23 concerts including an
appearance at Los Angeles's "Dis
Posters, campaigning for May
Fete Queen candidates were put
up in spite of snow flurries this
week. Seemingly a little early to
begin thinking of May Day festi
vities, primary elections will be
Salem Women
Are Elected
A number of Salt-m dental assist
ants were in Portland during the
week to attend the annual conven
tion of the Oregon State Dental
Two Salem women were elected
to state offices including Mrs. Vera
BasM-tt as second vice-president,
and Miss Charlotte Tobler. editor
of the group's magazine. Miss Lucy
Hartman of Portland is the new
state president.
Table clinics were held during
three day convention with Mits
Donna Kirscher of Salem receiv
ing the state championship award
for her exhibit. "Helpful Hints for
the Opcratory." Miss Tobler also
entered a table clinic entitled,
"First Aid in Dentistry."
Ihf FlMt Church of the N.i.irc ne ui the idling l"r the nun I wk'
t,l Mn M .11 Ii lie Vinlwilnn il.mulilrr of Mr mill Mn (.'ill Vt nlw I loll,
and Mi.ik llrlvig. mn of Mr, ami Mn A J. Ildvli:. on Fihl.iy runim:
al t o'clmk The ItrV. J.itiiri KrutX pt-t fur fiml Hie a
M'tling of white Mini!iiii;o!i'i, linli-d dlue i.iiiuiIhuh ami him' ltV
blciilh. " ' '"
Mra. Paul Hurrli wan the vck 1
lat anil Mr. Arthur Hingriihriiiier
Ihe orKanlnt. Lighting Ihe randies
were Mr. Nina Wetell and Mrs.
Iliirry Malnaker,
Of nylon luce over mtin wat
the bridal gown fahhtcmrd with a
court trum." Small sniin heart j
eifged In w-ed pearls were appll-!
qued on the (rain and outlined
the low, srnlloM-d ncnkllne. llr
fingertip Illusion veil was caught
to a crown of seed pearls and m
quint. She carried a white flihle
topped with a white orchid and
lily-of thevalley.
' Mrs. James Parker Va the ma
tron of honor and bridesmaids
were Miss Zc lma Janzen end Miss
Shirley I'.enike. They wore while
luce (rocks over mit blue satin
with blue cunibc-rbunds. They car
ried white lace baskets filled with
white and pink carnations and blue
baby breath, '
.Susan Welzell was the flower
girl and Mike Wolverton the ring
Attead Ihe Bridegroom
Harold Lang stood with Mr. ltd
The fiilh lii officer
t in In) lit Ihe l.jiniiu I'hi
1 I.w
aluMiiue inn iiiih i
nun' nieililit, Mri.
Maonir Ilmnr 'I ra
Member of He Diet 41,
Daugliler Will meet t the Suit
tih Itlle Temple Sunday at 12
p rr prior lo leaving lor Foret
Grove lo attend Ihe annual tea at
the Manic Hume, During the tilt
ernoon the grand Bethel ritnuli-vtir
uk will be prenenled. Bethel
will meet for a family night Mon
day at Ihe Scottish Kile Temple.
A covered ii-h dinner will be
served at p m. ftilh entertain
ment following.
Crnlralla Temple. Pylhlaa M
ten initialed Mr. William Sturle
taut at the Wednesday night meet
Ing. Mri. Axel Jacobin was chem..
en lo lie convention excellent new
lor at Ihe coming district convert'
lion at Silvrrton.
Ilal'l T.
Mihcowil, Vice ircililllil, Mr. II ( olliehl, trriiinirer,
Mfi I In tilt Ifiml, reelected: ror
: rcrciriilinU secretary, Mill (.lorn
Stolk: rec'onling m'cretiiry, Mm
It h.iilole Alexander.
J The group planned a coffee
" ! - .11 ...Hum ....... I, ... n.t II,. Ii-
j lor mi pin " " ,'" -.
Imcitlieri cliirinfi iprlng , vaealinn
at the home (A Mrs Garlen Simp.
:cm on .Siilunlay. March 4, lo
jlween 10 lo 12 o'clmk.
I A bridge benefit was planned
for May at the home of Mrs.
i Frank II. Spear.
Ihe group met st the home
!of Mr Jack (!. Mailer. Tuesday,
with Mm Alice Lehman, Mr.
! Donald l.ludahl and Mrs. Jack
i Steward ashling. Thr next meet
'ing. April 3. will be st the home
'of Mr. Italph '
flowers mere pink rows and while
'carnations. ,
I A reception followed in Ihr
church parlors. Mri. James Krati
and Miss Kathy llaskins poured,
i Mm Klla Patterson cut the cake.
vig as best man and ushers were J Assisting were Mus Delores Dun-
Richard Abshire and Eddie I'n
ruh. '
For her daughter's wedding Mrs.
Wolverton wore blue suit with
navy accessories and corsage of
pink roses and white carnations.
ham. Miss Charlotte Girrard. Mrs.
James Wolverton, Mrs. Richard
Abshire and Mrs. Russell Wolver
ton. For her wedding trip the ne
Mrs. Helvig donned light blue
sheath dress with navy blue dust
er, lisht blue accessories. The
IVailrr lo Sponnor Sale
The City of Salem 411 Club
Leaden' Associalion is sponsor
ing a baked food sale Saturday,
March 10 at Meier & Frank's.
Cikrs,' pies, rookies, bread and
rolls arc being featured for sale.
The purpose of the sale is to
build up a fund to provide ex
penses, for all lealers to attend
the annual 4 M "Leaders' Confer
ence in Corvallis. Mr). Franrii
Wonderly is chairman of the sale.
Mrs. Helvig attended her son's
marriage in a navy bluerostume j newly weds will make their home
suit with navy accessories. Her 'In Salem.
fusion Made
la Our Shop
Vslanrr rriri M4i
Crirt Boirad Ills Covin
tut fitlmslri
Ph nv. CTcrmH
! r NWtil
u;i ( f ir ii
covered dish dinner for all
branches of Odd Fellowship,
friends and members will be held
the ame evening. A program has
also been arranged.
Mrs. Howard Hunsaker and Mrs.
P. C. llarbnd w ill be in charge of
the no-host dinner preceding the
group's next meeting.
Limited Time Only!
March 10 through March 17
Each bonafide purchase of a new home, including the Lit-Rc-Co
models, will include at no extra cost these Deluxe appliances: G.E.
Built-in Oven and G.E. Built-in Range!
See the Lu-Re-Co home on Meier & Frank's Patio Detl. Drawing to be
licld Saturday at 2 p.m. for FREE 2 weeks vacation for 2 in Hawaii
Glenn Hamilton - Builder
2160 State St.
Phone 4-7S14-4-SI61
Kannier SUe tar saorlatloi were Mr.hcld March 20 afld 21. Jodie Ellia
and Mrs. George Rhotea (he is
president of the board) ... Mr.
aid Mrs. F. M. Sereombe, Mr.
and Mrs. John Ileltiel. Mr. and
Mrs. Bryaa Goodrnouch, Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Carson, Mr. aid Mrs.
Wallace Carioa and Mrs. Blaine
McChord of Woodbura . . .
Weekend visitors ... in the
capital are-Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Powers and children oi Seattle,
who are guests at the home of
his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar T. Pierce ...
and Dorna Martin of Salem have
been nominated as candidates. A
candidate for sophomore class
princess is Joyce Randall.
Mff ATIM Oltl I
n 1 1 in -ea.
Cherry City Electrics
r i f i m. r m
Ha1"...' I U II It 11 f
: kadi ssl:- :
llov, Only
'2040 N. Capitol
Ph. 2-A762
Acres From the Hollywood Theater
Rolin F. Eastlund and Lenora C. Tracy
invite you to the formal opening of...
" "" . s
nn n
DD QQL70DD 111 IX1Dul1(1
2630 N. Church Street (at Locust)
Phone 2-9616
EverybcxJy welcome! See Salem's newest end most modem nursing home . . . designed end
constructed especially for Elderest. Over 8000 sq. ft. with complete, modern facilities to
give our ipatTenrnhe ffrtesr tare;, Registered ju Jein us in light refreshments
from 2 pm. to 8 p.m.! . ' . t. t1 -
(PaUents will be received March 14th. Private rooms and 3M bed wards available)