plcw Member Drive Approved at OSEA Directors' Meeting An all-out drive for new mom brrs was a chief point of discus sion at $ Saturday meeting of the OrcRon State Employes Associa tion's board of directors held at the Senator Hotel. Gov. and Mrs. Elmo Smith fretted some 25 OSEA leaders at the session, which also featured progress reports from 1 various committee heads. , William Hughes, chairman of the membership committee, sug gested that goals be set for. each association chapter in the drive to attain a goal of 9,000 members. Suggested goals for Districts 2 and 9 in the Salem sector were 966 and 251 new members respective ly, that would put the District 2 total at 3.043 and the District 9 Jigure at 881. " National Body A report was heard from Ex- Miss America ' ; ( "It - J Y: i$t ' t $ o. ecutive Sec. James Daniels in regard to possible affiliation with the National Association of Civil Service Workers. Any action was delayed pending further study. James May, Portland, was nam ed head of a committee to study salaries and wages among state employes. May indicated that a survey would begin immediately in this matter. A committee on civil service, headed by Edwin A. Bamford, proposed placing a bill in the Legislature asking that principals of Civil service be placed in the State constitution. Don Barnick, insurance director for OSEA, re ported that progress is being made with plans for three insurance programs. . State Cooperation OSEA President Eugene Schmidt and Daniels, reporting on their recent trip to attend the California State Employes Association's 25th anniversary, stressed the value of full cooperation with the California association. Daniels pointed out that "with its greater experience anri wealth of information, the California body can be of in estimable help to Oregon's voung- ! er association." Schmidt observed that the Cali fornia association has "talent scouts" in the field on the watch for outstanding officer and direc tor material. The board approved a proposal to make retired OSEA members "Golden Age" associate members, with accompanying benefits. A motion was made to give Executive Sec. Daniels authority to work with the Oregon School Employes Association in an ad visory capacity. Regal Miss America (above) will visit Salem Monday and Tues day for fashion ihowi at Meier & Frank and other public ' events, including a call on Sa lem Chamber of Commerce's Monday luncheon session! She is Sharon Kay Ritchie, natfve of McCook, Nebr., who won her title last fall as Miss Colorado at Atlantic City pageant. Kefauver to Defend Small Businesses WORTH1NGTON, Minn. ( -Sen. Kefauver (D-Tcnn) promised here Saturday night to champion the cause of the small business man and the small farmer if he is elected president, Concluding the first day of his four-day drive in Minnesota for votes in the March 20 presidential primary, the Tennessee senator discarded a prepared text in which he predicted victory in the struggle against juvenile delinquency. "If I am elected president," he (aid, "I will see that anti-tru?t laws are enforced and strength ened to protect small business. "Small business promotes com petition. We must have competi tion to preserve our economic freedom, for if we do not have economic freedom, we lose our po litical freedom." He called the present administra tion one interested in "big money and big business." Kefauver said he favored 90 per cent of parity and plans to go back to Washington to fight and vote for a bill with that provi sion. In his prepared address, Kefauv er predicted the United States will have turned the tide against its juvenile delinquency before pres ent teen-agers are old enough to vote. Solons Gain in Probe of U.S. Role in Trade WASHINGTON Investigat ing senators racked up a partial victory Saturday in their effort to pry out the inside story of this country's role in the easing of Free World trade restrictions with Rus sia. ' Chairman McCIellan fo-Ark) an nounced the Commerce Depart ment has agreed to give his Sen ate investigations subcommittee a report which had been kept se cret. This report, he said, includes a full list of items formerly classed -as strategic was materials on which a U.S. policy committee in 1954 recommended a relaxation of curbs. Staff aides said that with "a few" exceptions, the policy committee recommendations "were the U.S. position" at a 1354 Paris confer ence at which absolute embargoes were lifted from some of the items, and restrictions eased or cancelled on others. They said the list con tains between 100 and 150 items. McCIellan contends the easing of the curbs has resulted in the sale by Britain and other Western Allies of precision machine tools and raw materials to "Rus sia's war machine." He said top government officials withheld the report and other evidence from public hearings in which the sub committee seeks to show: - On what items curbs were eased; their possible contribution to the Soviet war economy; who in this government recommended eas ing the curbs, and why. McCIellan said he has now prom ise that the list will be delivered to him Monday morning. He' reserved comment until then on whether the action also frees Defense Department technicians to testify as to which items were actually disembargoed. He had threatened "legal process steps" to compel this testimony unless se crecy classifications were lifted. Robert F. Kennedy, the subcom mittee counsel, announced public hearings will resume Monday af ternoon with more Pentagon tech nicians scheduled to testify. Classified Advertising Statesman-Journal Newspapers 2M N. Churc a St. PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mln. I linn) 'Weekdays Sun. per line 1 time.. 35 .25 per line 3 time. SW .SO per line, f timet $1.30 II 20 -per line 1 mo. $5 00 (lncL Sun.) Classified arts will b run In both papers to five advertisers in advantage! of the tremen dous pulling power o( 35,600 combined circulation!. When an ad ii ordered three or lix timea and a Sundav issue 300 Personal 31 & Persons! WOtl.D like in shsre my hm. with business or professional woman. Ph. 4-5503. NOT responsible for bill other than my own. Phjllis Van An- "TOOlANfBILLSr Don't let your bilU fet you In trouble. If you're behind in payments, we can help vou. No security or roinert need ed. One place to pay all bill. Pay onlv what you can af ford! (Bonded and Licenied for vour protec'inn!) CREDIT CONSULTANTS Salem 2-8844 for Information MADAM HAZEL Psychic reader, Alirma Motel, 3645 Portland Rd. INCOME TAXES I Are you over- paymg yours? ph. 2-6743. CHESTER air cushion shoes for tender feet. Bowling shirts, jacket!, work uniform. Ph. 4-5273. 11 Included (for example FrsjAftOHOLICS Anonymoue. m Saturday. Sundayl the lower Sunday rates apply because only ine statesman puoiisnes sun- days. , Classified ads will start in the morning Oregon Statesman, con clude in the evening Capital Journal but ads will be ac cepted for . Sunday Salesman only. The deadline fnr classified adl is 1:00 p.m. the day before pub lication, emergency acta ana small line ads received after 1:00 p.m. may be placed In the "Too Lata to Classify" column (or the following morning;. Ads for Monday papers must be in by S p.m. Saturday. The Statesman-Journal News papers reserve the right to re ject questionable advertising; it further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. The Statesman-Journal News papers assume no financial re sponsibility for error which may appear in advertisements publiihrd in Its column! and in cases where., this paper is at fault will reprint that, part of an advertisement In which' the typographical mistake occurs. A- "Blind" Ad an ad contain ing a Statesman-Journal News papers box number tor an ad dress is for the protection of the advertisers and must there fore be answered by letter. The Statesman - Journal Newspaper! are not at liberty to divulge in formation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect its reader against fraud, deception, or injuries. Readers are cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS to get a po sition advertised in the help wanted, columns. All help wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK. Sales help wanted ads must state if the pay is in the form of salary, commissions, guarantee, or Include firm name. Bona fide otters of em ployment with pay belong to the "Help Wanted" column!. Ads in other column! which re- : quire investment in stocks, samples, equipment or cash bond should be thoroughly in vestigaed before paying out any money. Advertiser! re quiring a cash Investment for samples or merchandise, sales aids, etc., must 10 ipecify In their ads. Kindly report sny exception to this rule to the classitiea a vertising manager. S. Commercial. i-210 or 4-7867 ALCHOLICjf No. 1. iota nonymoul group . Cum'l 3-4537. 318 Stomps ond" Coins WANTED - Old coins. Send list to Box 82 Statesman-Journal. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sol COWS, fresh it coming fresh. Jerseyi, Guernseys it Hoi steins., Liberal terms. Fine heiferi to let on shares. Ph. Salem 3-3530 Or Amity 2289. Turner Ph. 436. GUERNSEY cow to freshen In March with 3rd Calf. C. C. W'lUcI. ,11W2 Clark Ave. ZIMMERMAN seed wheat. Polled or horned Hereford buils. Paul Townsend, RU 1, Gervais, Ore. SCIENTIFIC HORSESHOEING TEXSHIVLFJ.h.J-6833. LOCKER BEEF, Eastern Oregon, 'j or whole 21c lb. Locker pork 21c lb. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free.Salem Meat, Co. PROFESSIONAL HORSESHOER i-n. i-ww or woodburn 2-4338. Livestock Wanted CATTLE, horses, at your farm. mcianaitsn, Kt, 2, 3-6189. CATTLE buyer, A. F Sommer, 1SS0 Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-9067. LIVESTOCK buyer, Cla tde Ed , waras hi. j, box W9E. 4-1113. CATTLE BUYERS E, I. and R snetnen, 4Zf State. Z-1346. 2-4380. 404 Poultry ond Robbiti 1 BUCK, S doei & 5 babies 2 dble. hutches & 1 single. 2-5707 GIANT HOMER TIGEONS Squabblng & show itock. Will trade for chickens. 5-1252. WING NEEDSrXrBITS 3985 State Ph. 4-3918 WHITE Rock capons. 3ic lb.r to ids. rrj. 3-sti3. ADS IN THIS C0LWLN RECEIVED v. ... Too Late to Classify BABY CHICKS. lc atralght run, choice of Parmenten, New Hampi., White Rocks and Leg horns. Special New Hamp. and unite hock pullets, inc. Far menter red rooster, 6c. VALLEY FARM STORE Ph. 4-4M4 Salem 408 Pets SPAYED Welch terrier to give away to country nome. fn 2-488. WRECKING '41 Chev. conv, top. Like new. Many other good parts. Ph. 3-6341. PONTIAC 4 Dr. Sedan, Radio. Hydramatic, fully loaded. 1947 Model. 325. Private Owner. See at 1710 Fairgrounds Rd. I'll. 4-B231 '52 CHEV. 4 dr., very good, sac rifice. f645. Ph. 2-4057. 1535 Norway. FOR SALE or rent. Older home, full basement; Sawdust heat. Seeat 135 WanderWay. i A. TO RENT. Four Corners district. Ph. 6-2726 after R p.m. week davs or write E. Roem hildt, 2325 N. Larrabee, Portland. FURN. 1 Bdim. Chemeketa, Apt. $40. 1370 CARPENTRY, remodeling a spe- clalty. Call -02 ;. SMALL Juke box.'70. Ph. 3-3830 or 1098 "E" St. FORSALE or Trade; Rotary Milling Mach. for table law, gum or sporting equipment. Aumiville, 348. WHINGER "washer wpuinp. Price. 111.50. rh.4-5677evei. SEWING Machine, save over 20' on the Adler-matic floor sample. Ph. 4-7102. 8" SEARStable saw. H P. motor t stand. 130, 2120 River Bend Rd. - Answers to Crossword Puzzle e JR 1M I A r!eJe a "5 e I Jr IWe A L fgllfi 1 J TjpjJ 5 T 1 L TUAja (JE Dj pt C A f 0 E AIT OS E A RC mTetR '".P A DTons;A BOiTOT R fiKfTT E VIE R EjjAlT UTjEjLIUAt E VjEVt OC OiVHE TOMiO PODjEjNI I M ' Mi a OtE O A V bOC AjS E SOD! I VIE I O A QL AlViE ROPJA RjA G OjNqf JAJN T eIr mJ NA L rtR EjP IMJR EiBlE lilO idvAo: CARoaDfLvcr STTTR!A I TQH AlBrHr1E T EiRjAiGjE tlElADOll K3 I TjATnCiO V E Rat OjT AIN 1 LjdCJA R AlTQL O R 1 SaPlOjOi M; RiQ s IMimje Emo RAtP MiAlNPiEl TIP E SnR A D I C "MklK AiRlE E R "rrns jjsr s a l a Cup a sjt O B I AIT if IE NLEJD 3R O tP? A ft ljFJA4Lj A L S TflSiWIO RlNfilN;g R E fl Q EjR4q L A m lE 'eiR I El N OjR. S El I LIE 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notice BAHA'I WORLD FAITH Information rh. 3-6344 312 Lost ond Found FOUND A im. amnt. currency, Salem downtown nr. reo. 11. Write to Box 831 Statesman-Journal. FOUND German Shepherd with rope. Ph. 4-1BM. STRAYED or itolen Orange & while Brittany apaniei, re ward. 3-!H8. ' , LOST-Half-grown part Persian kitten, black, amall grey spot back of neck. Vicinity Crose A. Berry. Iteward. Ph. 3-9787. CANARIES wholesale. Large & small flight cages. All for $70. 3240 Liberty Rd. TO GIVE away: 1 white male kitten, Wanted: 1 white female kitten. Ph. 2-5951, r TT : f Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., Feb, 19, 1035 (Sec. II-3 " . . . AND YOU SAY THE NEXT TURNING POINT OF YOUR LIFE WAS WHEN YOU ANSWERED A , WANT AD FOR A MAGICIAN' S ASSISTANT . . i.UO Merchandise 453 Building Mottriali To place classified ids 'Phone 4-6811 430 IMerchandise 45S House Goods for $! 450 Merchandise 455 H bust Goods for Sale WARDS refrif., child ! wardrobe cnest, ex. cond., reas. 2-31 IS. 1 PC. blonde dining set S59 50. uierwoodry, 1605 N. Summer. ANTIQUE black walnut marble top dresser it commode ma pledresser. 645 Ferry. 3-4527. i 2.000 WATT Weslx elec. wall type heaters. 4-8978. GOOD used '53 chest type U' oeepireeie. a-iioe alter i p.m. UNFINISHED chest of drawers . . . $11(5. Hot Bros., 248 State St. MATTRESSES, .S5, Used Mdse. Mart, Z7B s. Liberty, m. 4-8371. Frl. Nile Till . LATE model Deluxe Gibson it Croslev stoves. 'Also 11 ft. Gib son refrtg, Bess. Ph. 3-4781. GUARANTEED deluxe vacuum cleanen. ilectrolux Filter Queen Air-wayi, S49 50. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. "t - ONLY l Extra large tub wringer washer 11.25 week, used elec. range (double oven! SI 25 i week. BATDORF HOME & AUTO - 1420 State Ph. 3-M582 NEW 5 po. chrome dinettes, , S53.95. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. NEW Bedroom Set Complete with New Box Spring St Mat tress. 7S 8S. used Mdse. Mart, 270 S. Llbertyr-rti. 4-8371. Tri, NIte Till 9. BOSTON terrier puppy. T wks; old. Beautifully marked. Ph. 4-248S. WANTED Good Home 1 Yr. Fox Terrier Dog. Ex-Boys Pet. Ph. 3-6440. FOR SALE: Collie 2-9935 Sunday. pupi. Ph. FEMALE SIAMESE KITTEN , , PHONE 2-5152 FOR SALE Boston Bull pups. priced right.Ph. 4-294A. SAMOYED puppies for sale. Call 2-0389 or 4-0203. YOUNG parakeets, cages, feeds. Mi. lane O r-.. qet BUI W J I, illMJ 3. .UIII- IJJ. DOGS boarded. Corkhaven Ken nels. Lurile Lund, Rt. J, Sll verton. 1-4787. , CHIHUAHUAS Puppiei 25 A- up, several ma trons. Keg. stud service. 1883 Birchwood Dr. 3-7731. COCKER Puppies. Also Springer spaniel. - luutes, tool J '11. 2-1248. r prices. Hol lywood Aquarium, 1U58 McCoy. FARArfEETs7Cages"&Suppiiei" h 4c M Aviary, mi Uaywood, Ph. 4-5425. Rare PARAKEETS Normal "Our Bird! Speak for Them aelve!." 245 W. Browning. 2-2W7. BIRD Paradioe foi birds, cages, supplies 3180 Uvlngiton 2-1843. 410 Seeds and Plants NURSERY tock at wholeiale. Free Day-Lily with purchase it clump with 15 Have plans to invent fuel-les machines. Huston'! Nuriery, Rt. S, Box 89, Salem. South of 4-Corners on 22. t miles to Culver Rd. A- left a mile on gravel. Open after Church till dark. 412 Fruit & Form Produce BALED rye grasi itraw for tale 45c per bale. See Peter Teleck at Prairie Farmi S miles aouth of Turner, Oregon. Phone 22X1 Turner, PASTEURIZED whole milk, 15c gal. ' gal. 40c. delivered. Cleary Dairy, 2-3035. WHEAT or rve grass straw, 40c per bale, Phillip Bros., It i. Box 4!i3. Ph. 4 3081. 2 mile! East of 4-Corners. APPLES, 150 boxes. 3 kinds. Sthwalk, 103 W, Cliemawa ltd. 'T DOG LICENSE DUE Penalty After March 1st Fees In Marion County , Male . .$1.00 Mala .......... .$3.00 Sp. Female .,....$1.00 Sp. Female ......$3.00, Female $2.00 Female. ......... $4.00 Make Money Order or Checks Payabla to: - H. C. Ma ttsoni County Clerk Salem, Orefon . ' ( . CO 413 Fertiliser PEAT MOSS with poultry drop. pings only 75c per sack. VALLEY FARM STORE. Salem. MANURE; agedlch humus. No weeds. Real sou ouiioer tor lawns, gardens. Ph. 2-0331, ROTTED MANURE. Rich, fine manure by tack or yard. De livereri or at fsrm. Phillip'! Bros. Rt t Box 493. Ph.4-81. M A NIT R Efor lale. U-haul. Ph. 4-1894. LINOLEUM RUGS 9x12 - S3 95 VALLEY FURN. 219 M. COM L. x 12 Lino Rues S4 95 K. Elfstrom Co". 260 S. Liberty. SEALED unit refrigerators, $45. JGlenJVoodry,Jl603 N. Summer. RADIO, 8 9S, Used Mdse. Mart, 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-8371. fri. jvite nil . x 12 Lino Huge $4.95 R. L. Elfstrom Co. 260 S. Liberty. HOUSEHOLD goods, elec. appli ances, ic tools, 3Ma Liberty Rd. Ph. 2-4274. 2-4582. BEING transferred to Eaat Coast must sell all new home fur nishings. All good named brands. 4485 N. River Rd. 4-5383. 4-PC. foam rubber aectlonal $130. Thor Auto. Ironer $45. Sparton Radio & Record Play er Console 25. 8090 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-40H9. NEW vent fan for kitchen or bath, $22.99. ludion'i, 279 N. Com'L BILTWELL- SPECIALS New iwing rockers. $33.81 New daveno sets, $128. Trade! Terms Clen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer 9X12RUG'S. 17 95 Vimt. Mart. 270 S. Lttwrty, Ph. 4-8371. Fri. Nite Till 8. KEITH BROII SPECIALS PANELING - PANELING 1x8 RL Engleman Tile Knot Spruce . SIMOOM lx-R,L Yellow Ttte Knot Aiask. Cedar , 2W 00 M Ix RL Yellow Tite Knot ASask. Cedar .. . 185 00 M lxS A- 1x8 RL No. Com A Br. Knotty Cedar 99 00 M 1.V8-10" & ir Knotty . P'ne i .... 183 00 M lx & 1x8 RL Western Cedar-Clear ;. " . . 280 00 M 1x8 RL Clear Yellow Alaskan Cedar ;. . ,33J 00 M lx-8 it W BABtr. VG Hern 283.00 M Vertical Siding Rough Exterior JxlO RL Tite Knot West ern Red Cedar ... .. 135 00 M 1x10 RL Ttte Knot Engle man Spruce . , 1S3HM PAN'-E-CON PANELING V X S" X '" R. C. Kahoeanr .. a) an n 4 X $ x i," R G. Mahogany 31 r. ft. 4.x $' X " R. GvMahotany 35 tq. ft. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD 235 North Front St. Phone 3-9111 WE til YE S & H GREEN STAMPS" DAV, and chair $45. Elec. range y.3. uresser $j. TV and an tenna S75. Refrigerator $45. t sets Hollywood legs $3 ea. Matt, and springs $10, Ph. 4-1413. UNFINISHED furniture. H. U Stiff Furniture. 174 N. High. 456 Wanted House OOOdS WE NEED FURNITURE Valley Furn. Co.. 2-7472 TOP CASH PRICE -FtiRNI. TURE, APPLIANCES, ETC. USED MERCHANDISE MART 270 S. LIBERTY PH. 4-6371 WOODRY PAYS CASH For rurnlture. Appliances, tie. Ph.'3-5110. 1605 N. Summer . 457 Rodio and TV 600 Employment 600 Etnployiarnt 610 Soles Help Wonted tS 10 Sales Htta Werttt l Used Bldg. Supplies Doors comp. wframe, $3 50 & up Windows $1 St up Spun glass insul $4$ per M New reject hardboard 50xl00-in. iheet . . $1.25 1x4 flooring .$.t$ per M 1x12 shelving 5c lin. ft. 500.000-ft. No. i St better . lumber $4S M I-wiie Romex , 2c jin. ft. :-in. thin wall conduit . 5c ft. Used toilets (complete. $15 00 20x18 kitchen link $4 ea. New 4-in, black drainage PiP - ,.. 300 ft. E.S. LIKE PEOPLE? . Te Statesman-Journal Clakified Department hsl in opening tor a young woman who likes to meet and aanst people in ail waiki ot life. Yogng women who have the sympathy tn assist I small bny in composing' an d to find his best friend "Siiep" Who was "tasted" yeterday and nnufi writing skill n em pot eopr to sell a $20.ot piece of property for a local Realtor are the person! who will enjoy this work. f Enioyable working conditions, with opportunities for advancement paid vacation. 5-day week and other em ployee benefits Starting salary of $40 per week witn automatic increases during the first year, plus bnnua prograrn available after three month of satisfactory aeryice. i If ynu are between 21 and JO and hava the foUowtnl f qualifications: Pleasant personality 4t Pleasing telephone voice 4i Triendly, helpful attitude . 4( Good typist Excellent apeller ' V , We will welcome a personal interview With yott Monday, February 20th. between 2 JO and i p.m. at our efficee, 280 North Church St. . N . Statesman-Journal Newspapers ; , CLASSIFIED DEPARMNT 606 Help Wanted, lady CASH for spare time or full. $ hr. possible. Must have gd. habits & reputation. We train. 4-l!. 4-3712. Rt. 2, Box M7 Ph. 4-g.llt 4 ml. No. of Salem, ml. No. of Totem Pole on WE Open all day Saturday USED 21" TV St refrig., due to Illness customer unable to pay. Reliable party to take over pavments. BATDORF HOME it AUTO 1420 State Ph. 3-9582 458 Building Moteriols USED doore & windows. Ph. 3-4119. Sat. & Sun. I-0M18. FOR SALE: "Walnut dining nn. table, a chairs, like new $49. IW0 Hansen. Ph. 4-53.1B. VERY clean white enamel trash burner, . 50. Glen Woodry, 1805 N, Summer. NEW Full length Door Mirror, 3t5. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty, Ph. 4-6371. Fri. Nite Till . x 12 Lino Rug $4.95 R. U Elfstrom Co. 280 S. Liberty. J-PC. blonde bedroom wt $59.50. UlenWooUry, mi N, Summer. NEW bedroom aeti from $10f 50 to $130 50. Yea, we take trades. Clen Woodry. 1805 N, Summer, BUS H&Tc.ertr upright" piano! $150. Mod. bleached Mahg. dining set. $100, Antique chair. Ph. 2-J520. SAVE$ $$ NEED A HOOF? Check thll . First grade 215 compo. roofing . 6.75 iq. 4x8 plasterboard 1.40 ea. "A" grade Birch - dooii 170 ea. "A" grade Beech doors .,.... ,....-.... t.SJea. "A" grade Mating. doors 4.55 ea. Barbed wire, $0 rod . 10 ea. 4x8 .-ln. ply, ahtg 3 45ea. 4x8 '-j-in. ply. slug .. 3.00 ea. 5x9 4-ln. ping pong top i f.Ot ea. 2x4 RL fir K.D. (rain wet) 27 MM 2x4 J& Btr. cedar .... 50 00 M Passage lets 1 25 ea. Key-ln-knOb seta 3??ea. Medicine cabinets ... 3.50 ea. Odd i?es plywood cut to vour order, no extra charge, OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YARD Lancaster A Center Pnone 2-1500 GAS range St heater, good con dition, reasonable. Ph. I-SH57. range, damaged in No phone call!. 30" ELEC. shipment Terms. BATDORF HOME It AUTO 1420 State St. VERY nice used gray frieze 3 pe. foam rubber sectional. Trades, terms. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. WOOD Circulator. .19 95 Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-8371. Fri. Nite Till . DINING TABLE 284JS JlJghSt. MODERN electric ranges, refrig erators at price! you can af ford. Trades, terms. Glen Woodry, 1805 N, Summer. MAPLE crib St mattresji, misc. baby article!, also maternity clothes, sire 18-20. Ph, 4-4i52. BEDS. 595. Used Mdse Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371, Fri. Nite Till . SAVE NOW New box spring and lnneraprlng . tnattresc, $47.50. Reg $119 . New box curing and jlO coil tnnt rspring mattress, $75 0U Trade, Glen Woodry, ImjJ N. Summer, "Hypnotized??" NO' Well, STOP, LOOK and BE "hvnotired" by our large selection of PANELING such as BIRCH. CEDAR, PINE, SPRUCE, MAHOU., MED WOOD and umpteen others. (Utkgett selection in the val ley I DOORS Birch, Maliog. and Mima at prices you can ai ford. Wide selection of ply woods thousands ef smaller pieces at reduced prices, and WE'LL CUT IT TO YOUR SIZE. 215 Lb. Rooflng-$fl 75 sq, NAILS ' - 1125 keif O. S. WHITE PAINT $2 50 gil. Just sr. rived' New Insd of PLY WOOD SHEATHING all thick nesses. Low ss 7c ft, STEP I.ADDFRS-4' ot S-IO?. OFF while they last HURRYI OAK FLO. (In heated room). No. 1 Bdl.-dip shakes, Sidings of ail kinds.. Remodel or build that extra room with .18 MONTHS TO PAY NOTHING DOWN on amiroved credit. Free Est! males No obligation. Service with a smile at PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD 3545 Portland Road Ph. 4-4431 Ut'FN ALL DAY SATURDAY SHEET metal supplies St shop work. Judsons, 2iO Chem - eketa. NEW 3-pc bath set, cast Iron run seat tub, eomnact toilet, triune of china wall-hung Lv. or lile-in, all with high grade trim $153 63. JUDSON'S, 279 N. Com I, 500,000 FKEf New, fresh-milled old second growth lumber. 2x4 to 2xU In I to 24-toot lengths. Delivered prices Salem, $.10 per thou, minimum. Ted Mulier S-1198. ' ALL TYPES CABINETS AND BUILT-IN APPLIANfM Free estimates, 38 mo. to pay Steel garaee doors with hard. ware. Jamb type $:i!),50, track type sia..xi. F.PPING LUMBER CO. 3710 Silverton ftd. Ph, 4-6123 c. a. L6Mfl aans win closed the month of February. ELEC. wall Heaters, 25f. off 21" X 32" sink como. S43.S5, Garbage Disposal, $63. Fibre pipe, 30c Sc 34c ft. 14-1 Loom- ex. 4c ft 52 gal. elec. water Beater, 163. Door chimes, 30 off. 12-2 Loomexr, gu'ft. Light lixiures. ' on. uuuer Boxes, 25c. 3 pc. bath set, $133. We thread pipe St rent C.etger Counters. Apex Electric St Plumbing. 3403 PorUand Rd. Ph. 2-1866. 459 bo It You r.elr U-Fix-It-Garage Repair your own ear. Phone 4-Jl. 201-3 N. Coin's. WOMAN to help whousework. Kenneth Ellis, FA-7-2.CCT, Jef ferson , WOMAN, general housework. live in. 8H5 N. Liberty. OREGON licensed drtitist want ed to associate in well estab lished practice. Substantial earnings guaranteed on salary basis witn yearly bonus. In vestigate this offer on confi dential basis. Box $13. Statesman-Journal. GOOD opportunity for secretary wanting a permanent position. Shorthand required, little of bookkeeping will help. Good salary & hours for conveni ence of applicant. Apply Hogg Bios, 280 State St. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sole, Misc. 40 GAL. Hot Point hot water heater. A-l St9 50. Glen Wood ry 1603 N. Summer. MONTAG Even-flo" oil fur nace. Ig. sire; good cond., $250, See at Ebner'a Park 'N Mar ket. LADY'S Seal Fur Coat Good condition. Just out Storage. Make offer. Sunday or eve nings alter S p.m. Ph, 3-49M. AUTO, oil furnace. $3$. PhT 2-2529. SAVE f 1 50. New garbage cans. $4 49. Clen Woodry. 1803 N Summer. NEW brass fire screens. $12.95. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. ST R O B E FLA S 1! for sale, dry -sell, guide number 4b lot col. or $63, Ph. 2-3404 after $ 30 p.m. or Sunday, - - 2 MEN'S suits St leather Jacket size 42. Minute-maid cooker. Ph. 4-813. FOR SALE Used stoves St stovt psrts. Ph. J-4450. 1073 1th. HELP I'S FIND THIS TEACHER Please pass this s4 on to soma teacher or principal who 10 ambitious to capitalize oa his teaching background and ex perience tn a highly profitable) and interesting educational sales and service business w.iere many former teachers are now earning $10,000 te $23,000 annually on attractive percentage Income basis. The man we want should hava good record and reputation, engaging personality, and ex ecutive ability. He may usa his vacation ,thii summer t explore this opportunity and at the same time en toy a vs ration income of $1,800 tn $1. 500, depending on ability snd time available. He Should write in confidence, giving full qualifications, to States man-Journal box $211 KIRBY Co, Salesman no ex perience. Car necessary. Call J-S364. Vacation positions Unusual vacation position pay ing teacners from $150 lit si.a 300 on attractive percentage Income basis, depending en the -time they ran work, This is a professional service teach ers take pride in rendering. Dignified educstional sale and service work, dlfferenl from ordinsry vscstion em ployment. Write In confidence for full Information. Give your educational qualifica tions, teaching experience, and extra curriculsr activitlea, Write to Statesman-Journal box $30 AVON haa earning opportunity ior women wno cannot spend S hours away from home. Ph. 3-9113 for appointment ior Interview, ANTIQUE walnut dropleaf ta- Die, needs rel , swa. seal rur coat. $20. Unique antique wal nut boudoir desk, original vel. vet marble top,J250. Ph.jM280. NEWbsr stool. $3 49 to $8 8. Glen Woodry. 160S N. Summer. 471 Wonted", MisT 460 Musical Instruments BEAUTIFUL blonde spinet Wur litrer piano, $450, Ph. 2-3864 after 6 CADET flute, good shape, $il Call 3-3741 eve or weekend, 462 Sports Equipment 1954 CHRIS-CRAFT 18-foot outboard exprei.s cruiser, 15-h p. Johnson motor, dble. bunk, cabinets, sink, head, good trailer, all In first class condition. Cost $2,400. Sell $1.8011. I'h, 2-6124 or 4-4930. OUR NEW service depsrtment Is now equipped to give your boat and motor the best In repairs and maintenance. Ti ber glassing, repairing, re painting. Gil Ward, 280 Wsl- lace Rd, Salem, Oregon. "Folding Boat Tops Sc Covers SALEM TENT k AWNING CO. 739 N. LIBERTY PH 3-478$ CASH paid for used guns, mod ern and antique. Cascade Merc, 1230 Brosdwsy. LOGS WANTED Top prices paid 8-ln. to fl-ln. diameters In $-ft. or multiples of 8-ft. We also buy stumpsge. Burk. land Lumber Company, Tur ner, Ore. Ph. Turner 1123, Evenings phone Turner 2502 or Salem 2-7820. WANTED to buy back numbers 'Arizona Highways ' Ph. 4-3489 WANTED seversf thoussnd cords of wood, sll species. Ph. 3-7721. Nights, 4-5633. 474 Miscellaneous Furniture Ref inished By Experts . We take s'll the finish off St re finish your furniture like new. CALL LAWRENCE LEE: LI 4070 State St. Ph J-7001 466Trode, Misc. GOOD 1948 Studebsker Con vertible trade for boat St mo tor or best offer, 2-8764. 468 For Rent, Misc. ' FOR RENT or lease, Ige. ware house space, cement floor, brick bldg., downtown. In quire H. L. Etm Furn., 3-S185. 470 For Sale, Misc. STANDASD Corons typewriter, practically new. Ph. 4-747S ex cept Sunday. DOUBLE laundry tray it Norge washer. Ph. 2-3457, 414 Form E quipment rOR SALE. De Lsvsl Milking Msch. Complete with Motor AV Attach. Like new. Ph. 2-8510. GENERAL purpose John . Deer .tractor, good rubber, also set of steel wheels 2V Vernon Lowen. Rt. S Box 13 Dallas, out South Uglow, 4!0 Mrrfhamliae 451 Machinery 1 Tools HAVE several used welders AC c DC. Call 4-7344. 454 Sewing Mochinei SEWING MACHINE Beautiful PFAFF Zig-zag port- erne. Assume nal of tvm tract St save over $100. Ph, 4-710$. MUST Sell Singer featherweight jiorisois. UII DtW. J-IS. Business Directory For the best professional services, call one ot these popular xpfrt. ' APPLIANCES WESTINGHOUSE Woodry Furniture Co. 474 So. Com'! Ph 4-2111 BKDDINCi CAPITOL Bedding Msttress re novators. New msttresses 3-4QQW BL'LLDOINO SAND Ss GRAVEL SALEM SAND St GRAVEL Co. Ready mix concrete, crushed Sc round grsvei. ssnd Ai top soil. 1403 N Front St 2-2401 Bulldozing, clearing roads, ponds ' D-4, D-8 carryall V, Hukey. t'h. z-.ims. (RANK WORK 25-ton Lorain moio crane Ka- lem Sand At Gravel Co. 2-2461. CONTRACTORS DITCHING, basements dug, all types of drainage work, tile laying, etc. 10-B and Hydrau lic shovels Phone 4-6154. FLOOR COVERINGS NORR'lS WALKER Pslnt Co. Floot-covertng. Division Qual ity Installations, Linoleum, As phalt Sc Rubber Tile. Wall tile rree Estimates. 4-2278. PAPERING AND PAIXTINO Exp. paper-hanging Js painting. Jerry Johnson. Ph. 4-8534. Painting and psper-hsnglnf Irs ssumatsa. rn. i-mi. WALLING SAND St GRAVEL 1623 McGllcbrlst Crushed quarry rocks St gravel All sires for rosos, arivewayi St parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden ssnd, bull-dojlng, shov el A: dra!glngwork2-246l, VALLEY SAND A GRAVEL 1 6" Crushed ft round gravel. Sand St con. mix. 2-4il2, SEPTIC SERVK-i MIKE'S Seplie service. Tanks cleaned. D rooter clesns sewers drslns. Phone 3-SI66 ft Hamel'a septic tsnks cleaned, line service. Guaranteed work. Phone 3-7404. HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter, sewers, septic tanks ciesned. 3-8327. TREE SEKVICK . ... TREE SERVICE D Rnsia Tree Service Trees, Shrubs, Hedges Insured 1131 N. Liberty iL Po. I-4M1 2 GOOD light plants 110 A a 220. Priced to sell. Call 4-7844. i'UH SA1.K: Laundry tubs, (oud condition. Ph. 2-032K. mm "'Electric ranges A- refrig erators, Apt, and full sue, priced to aell quick, S&H Green Stamps. Master Service Stations, 365 N. Commercial, Salem. BABY Tends, good cond., $20. Phone 2-7062. GOOD used DeLuxe Auto wash er St dryer, gunrsnteed pair $225. Also new G E. pair $328. SAH Green Stamps. Master Service Stations, J N. Com mercial, Salem. CEDAR posts, poles. Ph. 4-3081. USED washers, Maytags, Easy Spin-Dry snrl many others. $U5 up. SAH Green Stamps. Master Service Stations, 365 N, Commercial, Salem, I USED welder. 223 amp., 4254 HlldMiii. Ph, 3-7671, $110. Prospecting Supplies Gelcer Siintlllatnr counters. tinnerallglits Mercury de tectors, free lnformstion.' DECTHONICS INC Pit, 2-$08 80 Ums'ier Dr. TYPF WRITERS sddtng ms chines, cssh registers, dupli cators, desks, chairs, files, sup plies. Hoen't, M Court. 3-6773, Pit Run Gravel PH. 1-4310 . 2 MAPLE child cribs. Adiustahle springs, $14 50 ea. 3040 Larson Ase. Ph. 2-7527. ADDING machines, casli regis, Clsry. 197$ rsirgrounds. 1-5373. USED refrigerators. 31S 23 t up, AI Uue. Ann. 13J0 Ute ' DENTAL PLATE REPAIR t-H SERVICE IN MOST CASKS. DR HARRY SEMLER. Dentist Adolph Bldg., State Ai Com'l Sti, OAl-t.Vl i ll. J-Uil 476 Fuel ANDERSON'S slahwood. Ph 7751 or J-254J3reen or dry OREGON FUEL CO. Sawdust, Slab 81H GREEN STAMPS PH. S 5533 Capitol Fuel Co. Sawdust, blower or push out Choice slab and block mixed, Planer ends, dry oak wood 1420 Broadway Ph. 3-7721 West Salem Fuel Co. Sawdust, blower or push out, Planer nnd Pond Lilies. SPECIAL Seml-Drv Block and Slab. 1323 Edgewater I'h. 2-4031 vliiGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDUST A? WOOD" 8-8444 WANTED several -tliousand curds .if wood, all specie., i'h. 3-7i.'l. Nights, 4-5633. HELP US FIND THIS TEACHER) Please pass this ad on to ait am bitious teacher or principal. We hava an unusual summer position In educstional ssle and service for an ambltioua man with a minimum of two yesrs ot teaching experience. Courses lit psychology help ful; Master' degree, deslrehlo But not ' necessary. Tfi earn lns will rang from ll.eoo to $1,300 on attractive percent age Income basis, depending on the length of hie vacation. Possibility of permanent $ figure executive position. Write In confidence, elvina! age, education, subjects you have taught, and extra cur riculsr activities, to States man-Journal box $31, YOUNG man wanted. Bell revo lutionary new Jonns-Mansvtt! Roofing Shingles. It's terrlflrl It defies winds of hurricsno fnrcef - Inquire Msthla Bros., 2061 Stat St. MAN to distribute At pick up fuller Brush catalogs. $100 weekly comm. to start J-S387. TEACHERS VACATION EMPLOYMENT Personnel Director of nationally xnown corporation will inter view teachers for summer po sitions that are different. This high-paying creative vacation work appeals to tesrhers who wsnt to grow professionally while enjoying a change nf pacs from ths classroom. At tractive percentsge income ar rangement Write tn confi dence for Interview giving de tails of teaching experience and previous vscatlnn em ployment. Statesman -Journal box $2$. 604 Help Wentetl, Me. EXECUTIVES FOR Montgomery Ward POSITIONS WITH A FUTURE FOR AMBITIOUS QUALIFIED YOUNG MEN FOR PLACEMENT IN OUR LARGE MAIL ORDER OP ERATION IN PORTLAND. OREGON Must hsve a college education or equivalent business expe rience plus the ability tn su pervise people. Only top-flight young men with good person al characteristics and future executive, potential will qualify. 100 Bu. & Finance 510 Money to loon PRIVATE money to losn on Real Estate. 4 1 Interest I'h. 2-071H. COLONIAL Investment Co Real Property Loans Lontrans Pswchsjcd. 687 Court 4-2:8:1. CASH for real estate mUs. snd contracts. W. fl. Mimer or n. M. Mason Rlt.. 341 Chsmeketa. Ph. 3-8841, 1 - $1500.00 . Now you ran borrow $1500 from us. on furniture, autos, trailer houses and equipment. We are happy that after 26 years we sre able to extend this additional service to jou. 137 8. Com'l. Salem, Oregon General Finance" CORPORATION PHONE 3-9161 LOANS $5tf0 to $1500 IM Ttuy What You Need Consolidate your bill. Ftnsnce through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY fck 1U I. Chuica It Ph. IMS' Exreltent sta-tlng Salary based on qualifications. Write L. Jones. Personnel Man ager, outlining educational background and experience. All replies will be held ta strict confidence. omery Ward 2741 N.W. VAUGHN POKTLAND 10. OREGON WANTED Voung msn experi enced with livestock for tedy yesr round Job on farm. Goeid wsges. References required. 3-2873. Rt. 6, Rox 58$. Salens. EXPERIENCED-pe a r prunera! Please call 4-8P2I. CATERPILLAH,dlesel mechan ics, experience required, top wages, excellent employe) benefits, good working condi tions. Reply by letter ststlnj qushflcations. Box $23, States-man-Journal. WANTEi State licensed Jour neyman supervisor electrician. Our employees know ot this) ad Statesman-Journal, Boat $24. 602 Help WenreJ APPLICATIONS art new heme taken fns Ststesmsn f7'J routes. Severel route will bo open, AppllcsntS mus$ o ae- - ewn panted by their parent or hsve their written permis sion, Apply at h Circulating . Department ot tha Statsaro journai. I i