I) Salesman, Salem, Ore, Fri., Ych. 17, o(VT,1- 5 r, ' Laws Attack i wo Rescued Fliers Taken to La Grande Hearing Set PORTLAND - An altack on Orecon's hunting and trapping laws will bp opened in federal court here Feb. 2S. .luriee C.us LA GRANDE if Two Kenne- trailer s.iW lm i Mali ick. Wash., men who were forced ' Raker lie used hi own plane lor T, 1 ?' dPA Q to land Tuesday in a clearing of such flight but said he is gome " ,hP di"e Thllrsday a snow-covered wilderness were to "close out" the lots because brought here Thursday afternoon. "life is too short.' vy I rescue pari) in a snow inc- Sinthrs. who h.id ahonl inn hor 'experience in the air, said he would even give un flvine if his ,un' wife asked him to. He said he made the landing in and The attack is beintf made hv Klamath ,and I'matilla Indians, who contend their reservations are exempt from hunting and trapping regulations. Congress extended Oregon laws to the reservations in 19.VJ. 3u1 Ihn InHionc 4U-. . IJ the forest clears some 10 miles thT' Theatre Time Table risivoRE ' HF.I FN OF TROY" it 7 00 ind 10 .17 "TWINKLE IN GODS EYE" t 8 23. CAPITOL ' DAY THE WORLD FADED" at 7 20 and 10 2.1 'PHANTOM FROM 10 000 "LEAGIES" kl t 45 HOLLYWOOD - "COUNT THREE AND MAY at 7 00 ard. 10 25 AFRICAN LION" at 9 12. . west of here "when the weather closed in from front and behind all at once." As for the two days . and two nights in sub zero cold and snow they didn't suffer at all, they said. nunung ana trapping bans. Defendants are the Oregon State KjClS Game Commission, the state to- Iice superintendent and the attor ney general. Hollywood's flcw Look' Preview tor. Karl Singhrs. 29, the pilot, Harry Rutledge, 2, were harmed and did not I'equire hos pital treatment They waited for their wives to take them home. Singhrs said he had been mak ing the flight to look after his FBI Probes I 1 n him un Lni.f. and ..; and T ZL rC:Z 5J!!W ,h M ,th hich p' to giam- " ... .. :' imuans nave minion ann iranmvi nn itcntr ' l3XarrfiandneVPr,fl-7 reservaPassersby stopped jJ . mrougnoui time immemorial. Only thing, said Rutledge, "it ; got a little lonesome, and we w?re glad to see that HOLLYWOOD i - Hollywood feot a traffic-stonnine preview In .a pre-trial acreement ;he Thursday of the 7 vwnnn faf. Transactions sure party ar- MOSES LAKE - An exten sive investigation by the Federal i rive." Bureau of Investigation 'into Co-j Five men were in the snow trac Suit Seeks to lumbia Basin land transactions is tor that brought out the two. EarljC P,.!o Rapids Dam Police Report 2 Accidents waring completion, me WHumDia Snyder, director of the S casm neraia saw inursaay. Boara of Aeronautics, flew above , The investigation has been made ad led the party through deep in search (or possible violations snow and rugged terrain to he of the Columbia Basin Act and spot, hundreds of documents in the I . Grant County courthouse at Ephra U haw been studied, the Herald said it has learned. The act limits the size of individual holdings and also includes an anti-speculation clause which prohibits the sale rf farm units above their appraised value. William B. Banti, Spokane, Unit ed States attorney for Eastern Washington, said in a telephone interview from Walla Walla that "most of the evidence is now in my hands," the Herald's staff man at Ephrata said. Banti added, the Herald said, that he would make no statement until be has had time to evaluate the evidence. The investigation was reported to have extended into Franklin and Adams counties. A spokesman at the Seattle FBI office acknowledged the investiga tion has been under way but de clined any other comment, the Herald account said. to gape as sidewalks assumed a gay checker board pattern of tan and dark brown with turquoise borders. The solid white stripes of cross walks and traffic lanes were re placed with glittering silver stars. Turquoise and white benches for waiting streetcar riders replaced old eyesores. For Jhe preview, the colors were merelt painted on the sidewalks. Other features- planned for the EPHRATA. Wash. - A suit j future, to make Hollywood look was filed in Grant County Superior; like Hollywood to its annual 3'4 Court Thursday to stop the pro-; million tourist visitors: Bids Opened On Ice Harbor Dam Project W ALLA WALLA - The Guy F. Atkinson Co.. of San Francisco, with an offer nearly two hundred thousand dollars under government estimates, was low bidder Thurs day . on the first step .cofferdam , tor Ice Harbor Dam on the Snake River. The Atkinson bid w'as $1,352.- 377.50. the government estimate was $1,544,887. Seven other firms submitted bids, next lowest of which was $1,525,679 bv Johnson Western Constructors. Paramount, Calif. The cofferdam will enclose 17 acres of river and adjacent shore land on the Walla Walla County side of the river. Inside this will be built the powerhouse, 74 spillway bays and the south shore fish faoil ities.Bids will be "called for these jobs later. Col. Myron Page Jr., district Ar my engineer, said the bids will be studied but he expects a contract to be awarded soon. posed construction of the 350 mil lion dollar Priest Rapids Dam by Grant County Public Utility Dis trict No. 2. The legal action was filed in the name of Paul G. Ellis, an Ephrata contractor, by the Seattle law firm of Bogle, Bogle and Gates. The action requests a temporary in Etched into the tri-colored side walks of the future will be carica tures of top film stars, with star shaped frames of bronze. Traffic islands will be land scaped with tropical plants. Trash" containers will be gaily colored and newspaper vendors I will have specially designed Three cars received moderate damage about 8:30 p.m. Thursday in two related accidents in the downtown sector of Market Street. One driver was involved in both. I junction, to be made oermanpnt .stands city police said. ! later, against any further steps I Street signs will be . shaped like Officer said th firt miiicinn'by the PUD. i stars and have interior liehtine. nooa ugnts spaced along Holly. every was at N. Liberty and Market streets between can driven bv Ellis charges the huge plant onL 5JTu?nu ?.pace.? "'"I the Columbia River umiiiH hav.iwooa uvara win make Edward Bolton Davis, 2277 Claude 'as it primary purpose the genera- i mfiht Iook "ke ' Premiere. St., and Ernest Clifford Bearse. 2255 N. Liberty St. Moments later Davis vehicle was in a rear-end collision at N. Front and Market with a car operated by Blaine Wil liam Cooper, 111 Chemeketa St., according to police. No injuries resulted from all the fender-banging. 0c :4J I PHONE 4-4713 30c INDS TOMONOW 'COUNT THREE AND PRAY' "THE AFRICAN LION" Wo Art Prwft1 fft pTVMMt 9 HOLLYWOOD KIDS CLUB MafiuM latwrfay 1-4 .m. -CM MwHbart With larfgw 1S TMi Wkt Special tafwa "THE LAST OF THE COWMANCHES" ChiMraa Accuwftaniacl by an Advb wiD b 'mittac! H th lakany. tion of electrical energy for sale outside the PUD district and the state and is "therefore illegal." Ellis also said the PUD commis sioners were hasty and gave in adequate consideration to circum stances in deciding to construct the power plant. Robert W. Graham, attorney who filed the action, said "There is a substantial question regarding the power of the district to build the dam and it should be resolved before contracts involving hun dreds of millions of dollars are entered into." Men sail upon tht briny With hook-y and with line-y To catch a tasty fishy And place him on your dishy. THE SAll SHOP "ziar Portland Read at North City Limits For Orders to Go Phono 2-6798 l 111 ...I, .'BBaaaaBBBBaaasa aalem s 5ca-Food House With Sensible Prices! SALMON STEAK HALIBUT STEAK FISH AND CHIPS ) 1 FILLET OF SNAPPER FRIED OYSTERS FRIED SHRIMP FRIED SCALLOPS 1170 Center NOW PLAYING! 3 YEARS IN THE MAKING! iub ..... i ;-rrK w NtIM POOESTA SERNAS 2ND HIT HCRSERT I. VATtt afcwutl TTWINKLE IN GOD S EYE WCKEY ROONEY COHEN GRAY Western CD Leaders Map Regional Plans OLYMPIA (fl - Planning for the movement of persons and supplies in the event of enemy attack was studied by civil defense representa tives frpui eight Western states Thursday. , The representatives, meeting here in a two-day transportation conierence, were handed a region jal plan,1 and urged to formulate state plans which could be inte grated with it. i Daniel Barbey, Washington civil i defense director, said the regional Jplan was in turn based on a nation al transportation plan. ! Barbey said the aim of the con ference is to work out a system j whereby the transportation facili j ties of the Western states would be able to function efficiently in an I emergency, providing mutual aid between states. ( I "What we are trvin to dn now is encourage state-level planning in the eight states," he added. Also attending the conference were representatives of various phases of the transportation indus try, transportation unions, federal agencies and the armed forces. The conference is scheduled to wind up Friday afternoon. 2 SESSIONS TONITE 7:00-9:30-9:00-11:00 LET'S ALL GO SKATING Skateland 650 7th West Salem SATURDAY 9:30 A. M. BOYS AND GIRLS! WONDERFUL NEW KID SHOW EACH SATURDAY! Special P.T.A. Approved Feature: Elizabeth Taylor-lassie In "COURAGE OF LASSIE" J Plus 3 COLOR CARTOONS -AM -Great New Game Oi Stage- PAY LESS DRUG AND KAY'S APPAREL PBESENT "SILVER DOLLAR QUESTION" Earn Up to $50.00 in Cash by Answering Questions Yew learn at Schooll Get Coupon at Kay's or Pay lest! --LAST WEEK Michael Hauge, ago I, of Raker School, earned $1.00 on the Silver Dollar Question. This week he comes back to try for $15.00. last week Daila Sefert, ago 12, of Rich mond School, started her interview on her march to the $50.00 question. YOU COULD BE NEXT! Get the Free Coupon.' If your name it drawn, youll hive chance to win up to $50.00 in Cathl Program Broadcast Over K0AI 10:30 SQUARE DANCE AT Knightt of Columbut Hall With Clyal Chart tit ait Ird tat. 10 to 11:30. I T O. Itmth, C.H. tCORNS FROM THE vrtH on m.H Complete Dinners now served daily ' : . . ; in the Oak Room from Sl;50 ' Opea Dally at 4 ' Nooa en Sundays Remember - la Salem It's the Hotel rilcrien Tune la to "Memory Tunet" oa KSLM Mon Wed and - Fri it l:U p.m. A MEMORABLE EVENING OF STIRRING ENTERTAINMENT "Sensational Singers Spectac ular Show Men" Steve Allen "The Most Exciting Combina tion of Voices I've Ever Heard" Robert Q. Lewis "I n i p 1 red Entertainment! A Magnificent Performance!" Kate Smith The Winged Victory Chorus 21 Ex-Soldiers Directed by Joseph Boris SINGING . . . Beethoven's "H a 1 1 e I u j ah," from "The Mount of Olives" "The Three Bells" hv VillarH Negro spirituals. Selections from Rogers & Hammerstcin Siirmiirut Rnm. berg, Jerome Kern and many omen. At WILLAMETTE'S NEW T AUDITORIUM Friday, Feb. 24 1:00 P. M. . Ticket en Sale at Stevem i Son, Jewelers Prices $2.40 and $3.20 France Plans Free Election For Algeria PARIS Premipr Civ MnUrf told the National Assembly Thurs day his government will hold free elections in Algeria as quickly as possible. It will be the first stage in sweeping political, economic an social reforms in the North African territory. Reporting on his talks last week with Algerian leaders, Mollet did not elaborate on the government's plans. He merely outlined general objectives and said details would De announced later. The Premier said the existing' division of Algerian voters and rep-! resentatives into two rhamhor. would be ended before the new elections. At present, Europeans and Moslems vote for separate lists of candidates. In the forthcoming balloting, Mollet said, all voters will be on a single polline hst. Stprw ufii ha taken to ensure an "equitable rep resentation" of the two communi ties. The Premier gave no hint of what these steps might include. One report is that Mnllpt intnH. t , - itvuwo limit the vote to persons who can j pass a literacy test m French or Arabic. That would bar most of Algeria's nine million Moslems. The Premier said he plans two elections in Algeria-the first to select Algerian deputies for the French National Assembly - here, and the second to pick members of the Algerian Assembly, a local re gional body with little real power. Two Newsmen Dunked in Assault On Lighthouse ASTORIA 11 A stormy sea repulsed a newspapermen's as sault on Tillamook , Rock light house Wednesday. Robert R. Chessman, publisher of the Astorian-Budget, and Lcs Ordeman, Oregon Journal photog rapher, got on the rock with breeches buoy. The others turned back. As Chessman started back his breeches buoy missed a surf boat tossed by a heavy swell and he was dumped in the ocean. He was unhurt although chilled. The trip was tried for news and photographs of the lighthouse in connection with a Coast Guard proposal to discontinue it as a navigational aid. 1. County United Fund Group Makes Report While the Marion County 1935 I'nited Fund drive fell short of its goal, the $22,716 total was 25 per cent above the campaign of the ! year before. That was the" word j Thursday niht from Samuel H. Smith, woodburn. president of the i county fund organization. Smith's report was made at the j annual dinner meeting of the coun ,ty fund unit, which comprises all I the county outside Salem. Goal for ! the 19,t5 drive had been $30,788. 1 Main address at the meetinc? held at China City restaurant, was given by Dr. David J. Ferguson, past president of the organization. He pointed out how greatly the youth of the nation benefit frnm the annual United Fund cam- paicns. Smith presented certificates of merit to the following area vice presidents: Cobie DeLesoinas.se, North Marion; Leonard Fisher, Mt. Angel: Loren Hicks, Turner: Len ard Kephart, Silverton; William Merriott. Woodburn; Gil Schacht- sick. North Santiam Canyon and R. Irvine Wrieht. Jefferson. Smith in turn was given a simi lar award by County Judge Rex Hartley. Probable allocation of fundi from the 1955 county campaign in clude: Red Cross, $6,717.15; Ore eon Chest. $5 394 R5- Rnv Srnnt. $3.984 68; Salvation Army. $1,59.- 52; tamp Fire Girls $1,246.49; Girl Scouts. $1.12388. Pamnaicn penses were listed as $653.90. Oregon Press Meet to Open at Eugene Today EUGENE I - The 37th annual Oregon Press Conference will open here Friday morning for a two day session. Registration will be followed in the afternoon by the annual Eric Allen Memorial Address at 2 p.m. The speaker will be Bernard Kil gore, president of the Wall Street Journal. The conference will wind up Saturday morning. WSC Specialist to Head Weed Control SACRAMENTO, Calif, (fl - Heiv rav Wolf. ptntinn utroA enuial. ist of Washington State College, Thursay was elected president of me western weed Control Confer ence. R. A. Fosse of Denver is the new vice president and William R. Furtick, Oregon State College agronomist, secretary. SPECIAL! FRIED CHICKEN "' "' (Chklaii-Oit-A-Sricli) 51.00 NORTH'S-ll 70 Center SUNDAY) 3 DAYS ONLYI Not Recommended For Children SHE'S HEUif SWEDEN'S ANSWER AUK J S A I 111 I III Nowl Open 6:45 , Jl jn0na' ANDESS0N 1 ISWi L ' an most OF KIDSI SATURDAY MORNING 9:30 A. M l P.T.A. Approved Film "COURAGE OF LASSIE" 3 Color Cartoons "SILVER DOLLAR QUESTION" On Stagal Earn Up To $30 Cash In New Fun Gamol . tauffiiMSPi i r (, Really l)() S"' Nice! 7S 6 PritK! LnlJ RADISHES GR. ONIONS i bunches CALIFORNIA FIELD GROWN (FULL FLAVORED) J2HU!AB Make (q) Me a ' ) (g Some Pie! (OV SUte! lb. SUMMER PRICES! la Utlla'i Fill or Iodized Schilling's Black 2oi. SALT mn" Both PEPPER"' Ocean Glen Light Meal Ne. Vii TUNA s-jsoo tins FLOUR KITCHEN QUEEN lOiW 2Mb. sack $1.79 COFFEE WHITE HOUSE VACUUM PACKED WIENERS SKINLESS 5 S69 box J Swift's SLICED BACON FILLET of SNAPPER EASTERN OREGON SALEM'S LOWEST IS? GROUND BEEF 3 Z 85 Lb. BEEF ROAST BOILING BEEF STEAK! RIB OK SIRLOIN lb.) C0UN7JY STYU PORK SAUSAGE We Reierre the Right to Limit No 8alei to Dealer Priceg Good Through Thartday Portland Road SALEM. ire$ENp , Edgewator St. WEST SAiLM