Playboy Admils Guilt In Oil Stock Swindle NKW YORK i - Playboy Rnb- by making restitution to th three fvt Schlcsingcr Tuesday pleaded men he duped in a shaky Louisiana piilty- to n oil slock swindle. He oil promotion, u rd $132,000 of the proceeds to General Sessions Judge John A. hi'deck actress Linda Christian Mullen scheduled sentencing for viih jewels. (March 14. Meantime, he will re- The 38-year-old son of the former j ccive a probation report dealing Jlona Williams faces a maximum with any restitution plans, f -ntrnce of 10 to 20 years. He-j Schlcsingcr induced three men misht gain a mrasurc of mercy, to invest in the Louisiana promo Gov. Smith, Thornton to Tell of Plans Two nnccinla f9nn MalAt fni, fin,, r" V -1 4l"V , vested $ 32.000 of t n JeweUi for wiHclrnLof lie MiM Chrislian-5 t- pnMical fence, will probably make rone power their decisions known in about a! tk ,u 'u v. .j week they indicated Tuesday. aSf A 1, Ine a b Republican Gov. Elmo Smith j alL & fi Hm,S2 U S cTVJ,fxVJ? thei- She at first refused. Final-fHii.S- J,! LLm'"; y. she returned them and received week. Qose political friends of; Smith have. predicted he will be' a candidate. ' I Attorney General Robert Y.l Thornton, only Democrat among' the slate's- top office holders, also said Tuesday that he would arrive; at a decision by the -middle of next week. He said he had def initely not made up his mind yet. Hold already have announced competition in the May 18 primary jf they choose to run. Congress man Walter Norblad has an nounced he will be a Republican candidate despite party pleas for him to stick by his 1st District post. Earl Dickson, Albany grocer, is also in the running for the GOP nomination. On .the Democratic side Robert D. Holmes, state sennator from Gcarhart, is already in the race. Mi'ltrnmah Sheriff Terry Schrunk and Linn County Attorney Orval Thompson have both Indicated in terest in position. Salem Coin Unit Named A newly-formed grouo of 28 Sa lom coin collectors held its second meeting Tuesday night in which metrbers voted to call themselves the Salem Numismatic Soeietv I numismatic meaning "pertaining!. NEW YORK I - The stock to coins." . siVmarket spent another day of quiet The meeting also saw the elec tion of officers, with Leo H. John son being voted the society's first president. William Daucette was chosen vice-president, and Margar et Johnson secretary-treasurer. Newly elected board members Included Norman Shaw, Richard K. Smith. Ronald Dolan. William Stein and J. Maurice Adams. The group also set dates for future meetings as the second Thursday of each month in the Copper Room of the Senator Ho tel. Garden Club i Anniversary Celebrated The 15th anniversary of the Sa lem Men's Garden Club was tele hratrd Tuesday night at the Salem YMCA with a meeting at which 14 charter members of the club were honored guests. The club was organized in February, 1941, u il k AX momKAra mnA haisi ttac im -w iiiuiiiuli rj I ill iiuw una more than 100. The evening's program included motion pictures nf the "almost extinct" Maya Indians from the jungles of southern Mexico. Mem bers were also given a demonstra tion by Bill Egan of methods of starting seeds in houses for later transplantation outdoors. Over pumping of wells in Florida has led to seepage of sea water as far as eight miles inland in some places. pESiEs ( MAY BE A FAMILY AFFAIR Fldotinf. nott-plrklnf ndtor- a mrntinf rertal itch lr ofUn tIU I Ul irnt of rin-Wormi . . . flf I priil thit !rt Mf f infnt out tut vtry thru ptf out cumlnii Xnur HmilM may be victims and aet kaow it. To tet rid of Pin-Worm, thne mu must ant only be killed, but killed in the larre intestine wkere they live and multiply. Thai's ei actly what iayae'a F-W Ubleta i , . . and here's kow they de Hi Firel a aeieatlfta enetiac ear rles the Ubleta into the bowela U fore Uiay diesolTe; fae iayae'a modera, aMdically-appraeed in redirat toes rifht to work-MU Pin-Warms quickly and easily. Don't take ehaaesa with this dangerous, kit hly aontacious ena diUon. At the Ant sir of Pin Worms, uk your dnwiist for (enaine Jayae's P-W Varmifaga . , , the small, easy-to-take tablets per fected by famous Dr. D. Jayne A ton, apecialUta in worm remedial j - for ever ivo yean. for Pia-rJcaJwis Announce New Way To Shrink Painful Piles Science Find Healing Substance That Doe Both ' Relieve! Pain Shrink Hemorrhoid pt T.rk. N. t. iSawUII - For th f rat lime science baa found a new krsllng sabstance wivh th astonish ing ability te shriek hsmorraoids and to rliy pain-without surgt7- In ras after rasa, while gtntif rrlieelBf aali. actual reduetlou (shrinkage) took place. Most amstin g of atl - result! war w Uaroig I tkat laiianri tion ny telling them the deal was so solid his mother was investing a million of her own money in it. Richard and John W. Hcrzfeld, Milwaukee department store own ers, were taken for $30,000 apiece. Robert B. McCulloch, a Los An geles auto dealer, gave Schlesinger $120,000 and followed this up with a check for $150,000. McCulloch stopped payment on ... Hcaly Traces State License Tag History Former assistant secretary of state William E. Hcaly traced the development of the' Oregon license plate from 1905 to the present for a gathering of the Marion County chapter of Oregon Republican clubs Tuesday night in the Sena tor Hotel. Leonard Rowan, who presided at the meeting in the absence of the chapter's president and first, second and third vice-presidents, said Healy's discussion was "most impressive and illuminating." Rowan was particularly impress ed by two aspects of the talk the flat S3 perpetual license fee charged the earliest Oregon auto mobiles, and the big, multi-million dollar business that the secretary of itate's office has grown to dur ing the past decade. Stock Market Dips Slightly hesitation Tuesday and dipped slightly toward the close. The report of President Eisen hower's physicians that he "should be able to carry on an active life" in the presidency "for another five to ten years" came well after the close of the New York Stock Ex change. , Stocks were active and higher in San Francisco and Los Angeles after the report was made public. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks declined 70 cents to $173. The industrials were off $1.10, the rails 60 cents and the utilities 20 cents. Volume for the day totaled 1,590, 000 shares. Of 1,127 Issues traded there were 317 advances and M9 declines. There were 9 new 1935-'56 highs and 20 new lows. Salem Obituaries Gtorjt H. Callls At locl hotpltil Fehrusry 14, late rttldnt of Lot Anielet, Cal. Survived by inter, Mrfc riorenct Kelly, Lot Anselae, Cal. Announce ment of servicea later by Virgjl T. Golden Co. Vlolrt Rlckardi fry At a local hixpital Feb. 1,1. Late resident of U80 Hlnei. Survived by daufhteri, Mm. Joanne Kowltz and Mra. Vera Foil of Salem; mother. Mri. Rn Rlckarn.t, Dallas; filters, Mrs. Very Dickey, Dallas. Mrs. Marie Kalke. Mrs. Marcaret Beebe, Mrs. May Berry and Mrs. Maude White nil of Portland; brothers. Frank Rlrkards and Woodward Rlck:ird, both of California and Earl Rlrkards of Portland; 3 grandchildren. Kath leen Gary and Nancy Fol? all of Salem. Services will be held In the Clouhf-Barnrlc Chapel -Thuri , Feb. lh at 1:30 p m. Rv. Wayne Greene officiatini Interment In the City View Cemetery. Annie IleOrlre At the residence 1S2J Center St., Feb. 14th at the aft ol M. Suter of Walter Willis, Tacoma, Wash: Serv ices will be held In the chapel of the W. T. Hifdon Co. with conclud ln services at Twin Oak Cemetery, Turner. The Rev. Omar Barth will ofliclate. Walter Boaae Wlllard At Stevensvllle. Mont., February II. Survived by sisters, Mrs. Birdie Gilkev Stockton. Calif.; Mis. Pesrl L Wade of Chinook. Mont.; Mrs. Verna Llndney nf Bllllnfs. Mnnt.j Mrs. Vera Humphreus of Stevens' villa. Mnnl. Services will be held In the Vlrill T. Golden Chanel Wed nesday. February IS at 10 30 a m. Rev. Lemuel Putman offitMaMnt: Ritualistic services by Salem lodee No. 4. AT. it A.M. interment, Bel- i crest Memorial Park. , MenPast40!"Old"? YantOld-timePep,Vim? Want Normal, Younjer Feeling? Do you uy ym'rr "old" hen ek. kaiMtrd at 4(1. SO, Ml? Thmiondi of nun snd women drilrhlrd st nilli ol a little "neppmi up" with Oitrrs. Contains tonic lr kofliri aid solely becsuie low In iron. Tiy Ortrrs Tome TahleU lor normal vim, vitality, years youasrt feeuai, this very day. Alio oonuna supplement dotet vitamins Ii and Bi. 7-day fcl-ae-sjuaiated" sue emts little. Or get Economy I sua aaat save I1.4S. At all ujiu. astonishing statements Ilk "Pile kare rctsed t b a proileml - Th secret la a new healing ada stance lBI.Dyii)-illscovery ef a world-famous research Institute. This snbsUna to new aeailable la awpilry r i'imeii frm antler th nam Preprtiej H At JM dnirfist. taF back guarantee. a.e..Psital DAILY CROSSWORD ACTIOS S 1. Followlnf 6. Conaumer , 11. Coung 12. Poaitiv pole . lelec.) 13. Madearii 14. To mstur 13. Nfjitlve reply 16. Be present , 17. Fresh- w ater food fUh(Cur) 13. German city 20. A kind of candy SJ.Salt (chem.) 23. FragTant ret in used in medictnt 21 Angry 21. Matched group 29. Polygon with angles and 9 sides 31. Branch 32. Maaurium tsyrn.) 33. Pious .. 34. Meaaura (Chin.) 37. Perennial herb - 38. Astonish 41. A thorn appla 42. Wanderer 43. Common place 44. Cubic meter DOWN 1. Particle of f addition 3. City near Detroit New York Stock Quotations Compiled by The Associated Press Admiral Corporation 19 H Allied Chemical 107 H AUis Chalmers 67 l Aluminum Co. America 82 American Airlines 22 American Motors 8 American Tel. v Tel. 182 American Tobacco 78 Anaconda Copper 67 H Atchison Railroad 143 Bethlehem Steel 146 i Boeing Airplane Co. 70 Borg Warner 42 Burroughs Adding Mach. 30 Canadian Pacific 31 Caterpillar Tractor 61 Celancse Corporation 18 ' Chrysler Corporation 73 h Citties Service 58 Consolidated Edison 47 H Crown Zcllerbach - 56 'i Curtiss Wftght 27 Douglas Aircraft 79 du Pont de Nemours 213 'i Eastman Kodak 76 ' Emerson Radio 12 H General Electric 53 H General Foods 91 Salem Market Quotations (At of lata yesterday) Bl'TTERFAT Premium No 1 BUTTER Wholesale Retail GGS (Bnylns) (Wholesale prices ranee from to I centi over buytnf price) Larjre A A - .40 Larse A ... J7 Medium AA .57 Medium A .34 Small . POULT RT Colored Hena Leghorn Hens Colored Fryert Colored Roasters Old Roostrrs . il .17 H ii .14 Onion Futures CHICAGO (API Orinns Odch Hlih Low Close Feb. 0.7S Mar. 0 95 t IS 0 94 US Nov. 1... 1 .51 l.W 1.&8 1.59 Portland Livestock PORTLAND or-(USDA)-Cattle salable 300; supply includes scat tered lots fed steers and heifers; mostly steady with Monday strong to 50 higher trend on fed cattle; truck lots commercial steers 15 00 16.00; load commercial and good 16.50; mixed good and choice steers , 18 00-18.50;, choice prime steers Monday 20.00; part load good and choice 761 lb heifers 16.25; around 50 head choice Mon - day 17.00; canner and cutter cows steady with Monday i best time at 7.50-9.50; utility cows 10.00-12.00 commercial to 13 00; utility and commercial bulls 14 00 15.50. Calves salable 25; scattered sales steady but choice vealers scarce early; few good vealers 21 00-24 00; choice quotable to 27.00 and over; individual high choice 28 00-28 53 Mnndav with nnp crime 30.00: cull and utility 7.00-13.00. j MHEAT Hogs salable 150; market moder-'iMav r.'.H'. ately active, butchers steady to 25 j j'f - - lower mostly on No, 1 grades; rc " " sows steady; sorted lota V. S. No. 1 corn 2 butchers 180-235 lb 15 00-15 50;!""' No. 3 butchers 13.75-14 00; few 375-1 July .'Z 480 lb sows 10.00-11.00; heavier 1 j0- weights down to 9.00. nirsi' Sheep salable 200; market slow, ! Mar. now fully 1.50 lower for two days; jey ....,..;.,. no sales choice lambs early; tew ! lots good and choice slaughter Dec " ""Z""Z lambs 16 00-17.00 with one lot 17.25; MZ feeder lambs scarce but demand, May very limited; few common and medium feeder Monday 1100- 12.75; good and choice ewes fuliMar " 2 49',-u 12.75; good and choice ewes fully Msy ' Z.'Z.'.'...".! 2 m-sj'. steady at 5.00-6.50; cull and utility no s on 2.00-4.00. $0 surgery needed! Reduce swelling of painful piles at home ! An amazing new. stainlt-ts com pound has been developed US treat piles' torture at home. It a stainless Ftrn, and It brought iiufanf relief r tn doctors testa' internal and ex ternal relief without surgeryl No other prep ration oilers such riroof of result. Many who suffered or years now enjoy real comfort. Here' why. Paso omblnes 6 med. kaU-proY4 lcgridienu, l&dud. 3. Croup of 22. Droop three In . 4. Evening the , (poet ) middle j 5. River Irt 23. Spray T. ..j Text con- -V ! "1 4. Amortat tain- .. 1 7. Ctrt'a name er ;-'rr : vi .Small aha rk for - v. (Eur.) perfume ' .. j 9. Paradise 24. River ' i i 10. Tear (Sib.) Yeeteedey'e violently 27. Part of 33, Aright 16. Devoured a cheer of the 17. Frown 30. Not President desserts in 38. Wash IS. Herd of office 35. Land- whaJea 31. Pieces of meaaurea 19! Fatefully skeleton 39. Witty 21. Soak 33. Moist . saying fiax 34. Alw ays 40. Before g : W it w, 7IZ- in- w SI 38 19 40 y 1 11 rMl rr General Motors Georgis Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire 4 Ilomestake Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper Johns Manville Kaiser Aluminum 42 H 38 'a 60 j M'a 37 a 109 M'i 34 111 l4 15 4 46 H ' 21 U 48 V M a 39 72 10 49 H 1J6 V4 96 22 '4 21 H 314 25 'a 41 H 36 43 Vi 4T7H 50 67 ny 57 H 68 524 89 151 9 'a 9H 46 3fl . VneirtAiAK PAnnAsi nriurcvuii vvppci Ubby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Lowe's Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas It Electric Pacific Tel. k Tel, Penney (i.O Co. 'Pennsylvania R. It. Pepsi Cola Co. Philco Radio Puget Sound P It L Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp. Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Safeway Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co. Seara Roebuck 4 Co. Sinclair Oil Socony Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif. Standard Oil N. J. Studcbakcr Packard Sunshine Mining Swift k Company Transamerica Corp. Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines i United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel Air Brake Westinghouse Electric Woolworth Company .,23 5X H 174 37 H 66 6. 37 S. 51 Ta 21 19 4 29 4 ' 57 4 47 4 Stocks and Bonds Compiled ky The Associated Press Feb. H BOND AVERAGE! SO 10 - - . Rails Ind List 10 Utll Dnch 971 978 97.J 97 0 9S.1 100 I net o loos MS It rgn A 3 S4S S42 SIS SIS S4 4 80 S S4t 8S 1 SOI Net change Tuesday Prev, day Week ago . Month ago , Year ago ..... I9f4-.W High 19.IS-M Low 1654 High .... 1954 Low Unrh D 1 97 7 977 97 4 97 S 97 5 97 il 98 1 eua m 4 HM4 7 4 . 97 I , 1)7.2 . 99 . 9 .. m .1000 . 94 .2 STOCK AVERAf.ES SO Indust IS Rails DS 1.11 3 1 11 9 1.14 i 1.13 .1 124 3 142 4 114 9 123 0 77 J I i Net change ' week ago is Utll D2 72 4 721 73 0 713 71 4 M Stks DT 173 0 a737 17t 178 I m i 244 7 243 8 2M 2 262 7 (Month ago Year ago .. riB7 ISA t 19SS-SS High 237 8 201 1 III 9 .1431 79 73 111 t 195J-IWI Low 17 1 1481 S 3 133 2 55 4 1OS0 , I9M High ... 1KM LOW '111 r j LlllCUgO If TO I II I n CHICAGO (APi- Open Closa f- 1. !18V . hp. 12', III',-, I fin',.', 1 971, I 991, I 03, . 1 30", 1 .181, 1 .18 . 1334- 1 wn'-a 2 02', 1 30. 1 33', -34 1.17',-', 1 37'i 1331, I1-D.11', I1'4-S 83', 14 , M 1 ?r 1 21 118',-', I ID', i;i-6P, B.I 8.1 84, I5's I 2P, I JO1, 1 17', 1 II', 2 48',-t, 2 521,.i, 2 51', -54 2 41 1, 137 Ju v il . lr. ' I Sept. I 41', I Nov. 1.37 Int wonderful Triolyte, not eon Uined in any Other leading pil preparation. This amazing sun stanre has remarkabl anovttnetl action that stops pain and itching inttantly , , , whll the medica tion goes to work reducing tb tweUln. promoting healing 1 Oct new stainless Pazoe. Wont stain clothes. Modern sttppflMtorle or olotmiat boUi at Aruggiaui drains Suffer Small Losses ! CHICAGO ' iT Grains wound Sup with small losses on the Board of Trade Tuesday, only distant soy bean futures being able to make upward progress. I At one time old crop wheat fii jtures held respectable gains. The March contract sold at a new sea sonal peak. But profit taking at the finish washed out the gains. Wheat closed unchanged to 1 cent lower, corn unchanged to t lever, oats VI H lower, rye 4-1 W low er, soybeans lower to N higher and lard S to 13 cents a hundred pounds lower. Portland Grain PORTLAND of) Coarse grains, 15-day shipment, bulk, coast deliv ery: Oats No. 2. 38 lb white 54.00. Barley No. 2, 45 lb. B. W. 47.50 48 00. Corn No 1, E Y shipment 6300. Wheat (bid) td arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 2.19'; Soft White lex eluding Rex) 2.194; White Club 2.19'i. . Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2.194. Investment Trusts (Zilka. Smlther & Co., Inc. I Bid Affiliated Fund i S3 , Canadian Fund .. 173 f Century Shares Trust ... 21 OS Chemical Fund .13.3a Delaware Fund ' 10.S.1 Dtver. Invest Fund I OS Dividend Sharea J3 Eaton & H. Sal. Fund Jo 91 Caa Ind ;.. . 13 70 Croup Tobacco , 4 IS Incorp. Kev Cust Funds: B-3 I IS 04 B-4 11 1 K-l 19 45 S-J 1177 S-4 S 7 Man. Bond Fund S 20 Mass, Invest. Trust .... 31 5S Natl. Sec. Series: Income Seriea S 10 StocK Series :7 Pref. Stock S 9.IS Natl. Dlv. Seriea 4 St Tel -Elec. Fund I0o Value Line Inc. Fund ... 01 Asked S 30 19 07 IS 0.1 IS S3 ilU tn :s7 t.i 147 47 ISM 10.77 1117 II M II SS t SO IDS 34 14 IS 04 10 03 134 11 77 SS IS 37 Wellington Fund 28 0.1 Portland Produce PORTLAND i - Butterfat -Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, deliv ered io Portland 58-61 lb; first quality 55-58; second quality 50-53. Butter Wholesale, f ob. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 57H; 92 score,. 56'4; B grade, 90 score, 554; C grde, 89 score, 53. , ( Cheese To wholesaler Oregon singles, 38'4-41 lb; Oregon Mb loaf. 41-44. Eccs To wholesalers Candled f o b. Portland, A large, 4H74; A medium, 42-43'i; A small, 35- 41'i. Eecs To retailers Grade AA. large, 50-51; A large, 47-49; AA medium, 44-47; A medium, 44-45; A small. 36-41. Cartons. 2-3 cent additional. Eeirs To ronsoners AA laree. 56-61; A large, 54-59; AA medium, 31-56; A medium, 50-55; A small, 46-51. Live , poultry No. 1 quality, f.o.b. Portland Fryers, 2'i-4 1 b s, 24; at farm, 23; roasters, 24, f.o.b. Portland; light - hens,17r" heavy hens, 22; old roosters, 11-14. Rabbits Average to growers- Live white, 3-4' lbs, 23-26, 56 lbs, 18-21; old does, 10-14, few higher. Fresh killed fryers to retailers 58-61; cut up, 62 65. Wholesale Dressed Meats Beef carcasses Steers, choice 500-700 lbs, 30.00-33.00; good, 27.50- 31.00; commercial 26.00 29.00; util canners and cutters 19.00-22.00. Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters, 38.00-41.00; rounds, 37.00 40 00; full loins, trimmed, 55.00- 60.00; forequarters, 26.00 29.0: chucks, 28.0-3200; ribs 40.00-46.. Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-1 lb, 37.00-41.00; shoulders, 16 lb down, 24.00-27.00; spareribs, 35.00 39.00; fresh hams, 10-14 lb, 4.1 00-47.00. Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights , 32.00-48.00; commercial 27.IKMO.00. Lambs-Choice, 4 50 lb, 37.00- 40.00; good, 33.00-39.00. wool nominal, ciean oasis,-' blood, 95-1.00 lb.; blood, 1.00-02 lb; 'i blood, 1.1215; fine, 1.18 23. Ceuntry-dressed Meats, Portland: Beef-Cows, utility, 20-22 lb; canners and cutters, 16-18. Veal Top quality, lightweight, 35-36; rough heavies, 20-30. Hogs Best light blockers, 20 22; lean light sows, 16-17. Lambs Good springers, 34-36; yearlings, 24-26. Mutton Lightweight ewes and wethers, 12-14; rough heavies, 8-10. Fresh Predure Onions I d a h 0 Yellows, mrd, 2.25-50; lge, 2.75-3.00; whites, 4.25 50; Ore. Sherwood Danvers, No. 1, 2 00-25; Wash. Yellows, lge, 1 85 200. Potatoes Ore Central Russet, No. 1-A, 100 lb. best, 4.25-75; Klam ath Russets, No. 1, 6 oz, 4 OO-V); Idaho bales Russets, 5-10 lb 2 60 75. Hay New crop, No. 2 green alfalfa, baled, f.o.b. truck, Port land and Seattle, 41.00-43.00 tons. The Cnntlnentsr Insurance Com pany hereby gives notice that blank standard policies Number SWttl to. end Including, Number 8.19011 hav been lost, mislaid or stolen and that their ua lor any purpose is unau thomed and no liability will be rec ognised thereunder. Any person holding or finding any ol theie pol icies is requester to return tnrm to th office of tn Company at M Han som Street, San Francisco, Califor nia. A. V. HOLM AN, Secretary. T 13.14.11 How To Held , FALSE TEETH Mort Firmly In Plaet Do your f!a teeth annoy and em barru Br slipping, dropping or ob "btlng when sou eat. latish nr talk? Just sprinkle a little FAaTEETH on your plates Thta alkaline innn-aeidl powder holda falae teeth more firmly and more eomforUbly. Ma gummy, gooey, pasty lasts or feeling. Doe aol aour. Checks "plate n!or'' fdentur kreafhl m FAflTEETat today at ao dxu aouatw. NOTICE TO CRFDITORS KOTICF. IS MFPFBY CATS that I hue hen aiMKimted hv te Cirr-nt Court of the S ale of Oregon for tn County o(Urin. Proha'e Depart ment. a fi"'i'i'tranr of the ei.te of CHRISTOPHER BUTTE. Oeceed. and have qualified as sim n adminis- I trator. All persons havinf elaima j against said estate are notified to I present the name, dulv verified, trt ' rre. at 411 Pioneer Trust Buildms;. ! Salem. Oregon, within six montna , from the date of tTis notice Hated this Sin day of February, i 195. JAMTS CLF-MF-NT BUTTE Admini-t-ator o the Fstate of CHRISTOPHF.R BUTTE. de eaed BfttTCE W WILLIAMS I OTTO R- SKOF'IL, JR. r. FORGE A JOS TS KF.1TH D. EVANS Attorneys (or Administrator '412 Pioneer Trust Building i. Salem, Oregon ! FeO. IS. a. . Mar. 1. 14 I ' " j ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS I Sealed proposal for a "Portable Asphlt Stnrafe Tank' shall ha re ceived bv the Mirton County Court, 'Room US. CourfTioune, Sale-n, Ore-. ton. until 10 00 A M . Pacific Stan dard Time? on the TTth day of Feb ruary, ISMt. and then will be pub lic It opened and read. Specifications. Information for Bid den and Bid Forms ran be secured I from the County Engineer, Court- hone. Salem, Oreton. The Court reer-ei the right to re ject -any or all htd MARION COUNTY COUHT. Feb 1S.13.1J. Statesraan-Jaaraal ? Newspaper 280 N. Church St. PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mln t lines) Weekday enm. per line 1 time JS IS per line 3 time SO SO per hne time 1 . 1 So per Un 1 mo. . IVOO (InrL Sua ) Classifies ad will be run In both papers to give advertiser th ad vantage of the tremendous pulling power of JJ.S00 combined circula tions. , When an ad la ordered thre or tlx timea and a Sunday Issue la In cluded (for example Frldsv, Satur day. Sunday) th lower Sunday rate apply because only Th Statesman publishes Sundays. Classified ads will start In the' ir.orninf "Oregon Statesman, conclude In the evening Capital Journal but ads will be accepted for Sunday Statesman only. The" deadline for classified ads la 1 00 p m. th day before publication. Emergency ad and amall Una ada received after 1:00 p.m. may be placed in th "Too Late to Classify" column for th following morning. Ads for Monday papers must b In by I pm. Saturday. The Statesman Journal Newspa pers reserve th right to reject ques tionable advertising; It further re serves th right to place all adver tising undeit th proper classifica tion. Th Statesman Journal Newspa pers assume no financial "esponai bihty fur errors which may appear In adrvrtiscmenta published In it column and In rase where thia pa per la at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which th typographical mistake occurs. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman-Journal Newspaper box number for an address is for th protection of th advertiser and must therefore be answered by let ter. Th Statesman-Journal Newspa pers at pot at liberty to divulge in formation aa to the Identity of advertiser using a "Blind" ad. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to pre tect It reader agalnat fraud, de ception, or Injuries. Readers art) cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS to get a position advertised In th help wanted columns. All help wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK. Sale help wanted ads must slate It th pay Is In th form of salary, com missions, guarantee, or Include firm nam. Bon fide offers of "employment "with pay belong to th "Help Wanted" column. Ads In other column which req.ilr investment in stocks, samples, equipment or cash bond should be thoroughly Investigated b f r paying out any money. Advertiser requiring cash Investment for aamplea or merchandise, sales aid, etc., mutt so specify In their ads. Kindly report any exception to this rule to th classified advertising manager. Classified Index Tor Vour Convenience" 310 Meeting Notices 111 Lost and Found 314 Transportation 315 Personal Ill Stamps and Coinl 400 AGRICULTURE 401 Livestock for Sal 1 4.1 Livestock Wanted 404 Poultry and Rabbits 407 Fur Bearing Animals 4ns Pett 4na ftea Foods 410 Seeds and Plant . 412 Fruit and Farm Produce ' 413 Fertiliser 414 Farm Equipment 42 Auction Sales 4M MERCHANDTSl" 491 Machinery and Tools 4!tt Wanted Machinery, Tools ' 4M Rewing Macnines 4M Hou Roods for 8al 4M Wanted House Good 457 Radio and Television 451 Building Material 45 Do It Yourielf 4MO Musical Instrument 42 Sports Equipment 4A4 rlirvrles 4ftS Trade Mlscellaneou 4l For Rent, Miscellaneous 470 For Sale, Miscellanenui 472 Wanted. Mlscellaneou 474 Miscellaneous 471 Fuel. . .. , Jon BUSINESS AND FINANCE 110 Money to Loan 111 Loans Wan'ed MS Investments Sofl EMPLOYMENT u2 Help Wanted 04 Help Wanted, Man SOS Help Wanted. Lady to Plckera Wanted -- - 110 Sales Heln 111 Work Wanted, Man 114 Work Wanted, Lady 111 Situations Wanted lit Employment Agencies j 117 Job Information III Education 110 Day or Contract 1M RENTALS 702 Sleeping Rooms, Board "1.1 Wanted Rooms, Board 70S Apartments for Rent , 70S Duplexes 707 Hruse for Bent 707-A Furnished 70S Farms for Rent 700 Wanted to Rent 710 Wanted to Rent Houses . 712 Wanted to Rent Apt. 714 Business Rental 71 Hesort Rentals 711 Convalescent Home 7S0 Moving and (torag , '', 100 REAL ESTATE ol Buiineee OpportunltlM o3 Business Property Sol Suburban Sot Houses for 81 S07 Apts , Courts for Sale snl Lots for Sale i SID Farms for Sale 111 Exchange Real Entat It Resort Property III Wsnted Real Estate 'HI Insurance SM AUTOMOTIVE M New Can C assi fied i Advertising S'l Used Cart for Sale SM Auto Parts and Repair 154 Trucks, Trailers tor Sal SVI Wanted Car. Trucas il Motorcycles Sat) Auto Miscellaneous 2 House Trailers M M Heavy Equipment 144 Aircraft tcsniar SIrm, Ore., Wed., Tth. 15, '1 1 (" :, ii); Itie Phone 46811 ADS IN Tins COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late to Classify TOO LATE WANT to trad Earthmaster tractor wcomplet attach, for late model 1', ton truck. Chev. preferred. Ph. -2f4 or H. Call. Rt. a. Bos 4.D. PLYMOUTH1954 laSdan". Runa like new. Private party. 4-1332 or 171 Fairgrounds Rd. J MERC, 4i. lHsrj3thTPh. 3-19IS. . - FOR rent: SO acre, vegetable land, near Stayton. Houae, ir rigation equiq. At tractor. Ph. 4-OIW2. MANBRINGrden. 2 MrmTRe frig., range. S7S, J4 Tonl. NEW 1 bdrm. full- baiemenT. fireplace, near (tores. Ph, M. SMALL house, elderly couple preferred. Bin. 14 N. Winter. CLEAN, late built 1 bedroom home. 175. Weat College Hill. Ph. 3-J37: 1 BDRM. duplex, clean, rloee to bua. quiet. 140. 1543 Elm. W. Salem. 1 LARGE clean rooms Turn. I bus lines. N. E. SM. Phone 2- 91M. ; ELAINE APARTMENTS 1 rm furnished apt. Living room, dinette, kitchen, bed room, bath. 157.50. r N. Lib erty. MODERN furn.'l bedim, court pt . West Salem. SM mo. Ph. 4-M7S, eve. J-474J. Rawlins Rltr NICE aleeping room for young lady. Inquire Mia Miller, 141 Court St. RELIABLE lady wanU baby tit ling evenings or weekend. Ph. 4-559. - WANTED elderly lady to car for my home. Ph. I-0U. EXPERIENCED mechanic A ap prentice, body It tender nil need - Je . Immediately. Ph. 3- 511 13. - - WANTED manage foe amall apartment hous-Phf -470. WANTED to buy back number jArUona Highway." Ph. 4247. t GOOD light plants.' 110 Is 220. Priced to sell. Call 4-7544. FOR SALE: laundry tub, food condition. Ph. 3-0529. ONE ft. Candy ahow cat, see at 23 So. Front. UPRIGHT piano, 151. Phon 3-73S, BAHA'I WORLD FAITH Information Ph. 3-M4.4 300 Personal 310 Maetlnq Hotlc SALEM LODGE No. 4, A I VKV V A M, Wed, Feb. la, r. C WV Degree. 7:30 p m. 312 Lost and Found DRIVING to tc from Gladstone daily. Want someone to ahare - expence or trad driving. 2-3M3, LOST, Strayed or Stolen: Sia mese Cat, from vicinity of Pratum Rd. Reward for infor tnalion. Ph. 4-3102 or4-4288, LOST Boys' blu rimmed glasses, 4-Corners school. Ph. 1-0421. 316 Personal INCOME TAXESI Are you over psyln yours? Ph. 3-4743. CHESTER air cuthion shoes for tender feet Bowling ahlrta, Jackets, work uniform. Ph. 4-S27S. ATCOHOUCS Anonymous, M S. Commercial, l-l 10 or 4-7SS7. MADAM HAZEL psychic reader, Alirma Motel, 345 Portland Rd riXHOUCS Anonymou group No. 1. 2041 N. Com I 1-4537, 400 Agriculture 402 Llveitock for Sola SCIENTIFIC ftORSESHOFING TEX SHIVLEY. Phl-IIJI LOCKER BEEF, Eastern Oregon, tt or whole lie lb. Locker pork 21c lb. Custom killing. Trailer ' loaned free. Salem Meat Co. PROFESSIONAL HORSESHOER Ph. 4-9ti3 or Woodlyurn 3-4.U. t COWS. Jersey-Guernsey, to freshen soon. Ph. J-I33I after I p.m. TWO 4 mo. old bull Calves. 140 ea. or 2 for S7S. Ph. t-ISSS. 1740 Oxford. - i --- --- 1 WONDERFUL goatt, freshen ,ny day. Ph. 4-. 3VM. 403 Livttok Wonted CATTLE, horses, at vour farm. E. C. Mi-Candllsh, Rt 2, 3-tlSS, fjATTLE buyr, A. F Sommer, VM Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-1017. CVESTOCK-buyer. CI ide Ed" wards Rt. 3, B)XI!EJ4-1 1 13. fjATTLE BUYEr's-E. I. and it Snethea, 4291 Slat. 2-1345. , 1-43BO. 404 Poultry and Rabbin WHITE Rock capons, 3Sc lb., I to tJba. Ph. I-0QS3. EXTRA LARGE White Leghornt, Ptnnenter Reds. Cornish X White Rocks Hatrhea every Tuesday. Send for free folder, leghorn cockerel 13 per 100 Parmenter Red cockerels M Ptr 100 WILSON'S HATCH RY, LYONS, OREGON. Pn. ULl-2533. BABY CHICKS, ltc straight run, . . choic of Parmenters. New Hsmp , Whit Rock and Leg horns. Special New Hsmp. and Whit Rock pullets, lie. Par menter red rooster, e. VALLEY FARM STORE Ph. 4-4424 Rlem FOR SALE-Cllfornl . bred" 4 . doe 1 buck. Ph. 4-aKJl. 468 f.t." DOG to give away. Call at 350 Division. 1-7773. ' Chihuahua s . . PUPPIF-S for Valentine $21 and up, Several Matrons. Reg. Stud Server. 1IM Blrchwood Dr3-7731 AQUARIUMS, lowr price. HoU lywood Aquarium. 195 McCoy. BOXER STUD SERVICE PHONE 4-JU7 Market Place of . Hons CLASSIFIED ICO A-rtnillure pctt f ASAKIITV Ca?-s ft ir"' B It M Aviary, j-,J inrtwi PH. 4-54I3L Hare PARAKtETS Normal "Our Birrit Sreik for Tlci arlvee . 244 W. Browning. 2-Ji, BIRD Parsdi"" fo"rbirdt, eae-J suppliea aiA Livtngiton 2-m- t MO. eidbla-k white-mai Cocker Spaniel. Ph. 2-421. 410 Sd and Fionf SPECIAL Laree Rlueberry plant 7 yean old: 13 3 each. Md dlegrnv Nursery. Ph. 4-44.41' 412 Fruit 4 Farm Produta PASTEVRI2ED whole milk. 75 gal. gal. 40c. delivered. Cleary Dairy. l-JnM. APPLES. 150 boxea. 2 kj'nd Schwalk. Ka W. Chemawa Rd. WHEAT ae rve greet ttraw. v per bale. Phillin Proa . Itt i. Box 4S3. Ph 4-1011. I miU-t Fat of 4-Co-nen. 413 Fcrtilliar BV I V .-, ..k . . rsrt wiin pmii-ry oroo ping only 7Je per '. VALLEY FAR .VI STORE, Salem. MANURE; aged rtck humus. -No test, Real Mil builder for lawn, garden- Ph. 2-OX1L ROTTED MAN CUE. Rich, flna manurt) by sack r yard De- livered or at farm Phillip Broe. Rt S Bon 4S3. Ph. 4-30I1. MANITUE for aal. U-haul. Pb 4-lSB TJTT arm Iquipmawt CENERAL purpoee John Der tractor, good rubber, also aet of steel wheels S:5fl Vernon Lowen, Rt 3 Box 13 DaUaa, out South V'glow. a-se a es eXMCTIOn miW9 LIVESTOCK AUCTION Thurs., Feb. 16th 1 AM. MISC.. POTATOES, APPLES. ONIONS. 1 P.M. LIVESTOCK CHICKENS V RABBITS. BABY , CALVES tV VEAL. HEirCJtS. FEEDER STOCK. BF.EF ex MILK COWS, PICS. BULLS. STEERS. GOATS SHEEP. YOU SHOULD ATTEND OUf AUCTION, A SALE THAT IS RUN ON CONSIGNMENT BASIS. ALWAYS PLENTY ' or CONSIGNERS at BUY ERS OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. YOUR BUSU NESS WILL PLEASE US. AUCTION SALES t Ph. 3-SOMl Day or Eve. 3S1S Sllverton Rd rURItllURt AUCTION Wed. Eve. Feb. 15th at 7:30 p.m. ROOMS Of GOOD VSED viidfuiTtrci w rrv tk Bi-. ta TvmiAwnva a uci tVV't-.' 3 PC. BLOND MR. It MRS. BEDROOM SET (EXC. COND.) PHILCO II IN. T V, SET (TABLX MODEL!, S PC. MAPLE BEDRM. SET, 4 PC. MAPLE DIN ETT C SET, PLETE (LIKE NEW), S PC. SECTIONAL DAVENPORT, 1 PC. SECTIONAL DAVIN. PORT, YR. BABY COM. PLETE. WAU CHEST PLASTIC ROCKERS, SWINO ROCKER. LAMPS. TABLES, MATTRESS at BOX SPRINGS, BEDS. RADIOS. VACUUMS,. " RUBBCT TIRE WHEEL, BAR ROW, NEW SHOES. PC. CHROMB BET AND MANY MISC. ARTICLES Of FUR. NITURX n AUCTION SALES Phone I-IOM MIS Sllv.rton Rd. 450 Slerchandlge ' ' 451 MocKlntrylTftor 10" tWTNO saw w',i bora n tor. Ph. 4-2T7I. HAVE several used welder AC It DCgall 4-754. INTERNATIONAL F 10 tractne. Good rubber, mechanically food. 4 section! spring tooth. Th. 4-S4S2. 454 Sawing, MacMwaa SINGER PORTABLES GOOD STITCHERS $19.95 ' S! SEWING CENTER 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 1-3311 DESK MODELS 1 tale modele forward A revere stitch. Round bobbin. Both below wholesale. $79.50 & $119.95 SEWING CENTER TMjYvjmT Ph. a-asii SINGER PORTABLE Gear Drive Usrd S Month For Balance Due SAVE $50.00 . SEWING CENTER JJO ft. pom'I. Ph. 3-U1J 43S Housa Goodi for Sla USED ELECTRIC RANGES, . list! and up. Easy terms. Good Housekeeping In., 4t Court St. x 12 lino Rugs 44 15 R, t Elfstrom Co. 2M 8. Liberty. Tsr.D rollawiy bed w. Inner spring mattrvst. Ill 50, Glenn Woodry 1US N. Summer. BYprivte-party. late model 11 eu. ft. Frigidalre, refrlg , ov erstuffed chair, flrtpla. screen, tables, I mattres. luggage, i Oriental ruga iJx0", also I 4Ax4". 411 S. Commercial M O VTnQ Selling complett) hsehold furnishing. Every thing goes. Ph. 4-40M). tog Portland Rd. iibusr.HOLb goods, etec. appll antes. I. tools. Jam) UbertJ' JU. Pk. J-4274, 1-4442. SIM'S mm NGER sim