The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 06, 1956, Page 11, Image 11

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    Valley News
Statesman News Service
Evangelist I
WOODBIRN Rev. Richard L
Baiter, former pastor in the
Washingtoa Conference of the
Free Methodist Church of
North America and now in the
evangelistic field, is assisting
. in special services being held
at the Woodbnrn Free Metho
dist Church. The meetings
which began January 31, are
scheduled each night at 7:30
and Sundays at 11 a.m. through
February 12. G. H. Norsworthy
is pastor of the church.
Popcorn Girl
In Semi-Finals
POPCORN Twelve year old
Judy Swenson will represent Pop
corn School in the semi-finals of
.KSLM Spelling
; Contest at Rick
reall, Tuesday
l night, March 6.
Judy, in the
7th grade ..and
daughter or Mr.
and Mrs. Gar
snce Swenson,
Routel, Salem,
was certified as
Judy Swenson
spelling cham
pion at Popcorn by her principal
and teacher, Mrs. Zclma White.
Her hobbies are reading and
Cheryl Bauman, 13, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Steven ' Bauman,
Route 1, Salem, and . Delores
Dachenhauscn, 12, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dachenhaus
cn, Route 1, Salem, placed second
and third, respectively, and also
will receive, certificates of merit
as will the "winner. Cheryl is in
the 8th grade, Delores the 7th.
Altar Society
Holds Slipper
Statesman News Service
SUBLIMITY A no-host supper
preceded the Altar. Society circle
organization meeting Monday
night in the high school cafeteria.
Twelve circle groups are in pro
gress with leader and co-leader
in each unit.
Organization, aims and duties
were explained by the chaplain,
Father . Neugebauer. The circles
will meet monthly in their respec
tive divisions, with a general
meeting slated every two months.
Educators Slate
Visit to School
Statesman Nfwi Service
VALSETZ Seniors at Valsetz
High School will be among those
attending a visitation of the High
School-College Relations Commit
tee of the Oregon System of High
er Education at Falls CityJHigh
School Monday at 1 p.m.
The visitation is offered annually
as a regular part of the guidance
program carried on in the high
schools to help students in the area
of college and other post high
school training.
Eden Relaxes in
Ottawa, Canada
OTTAWA UH British Prime
Minister Eden relaxing " after "a
strenuous week In Washington,
worked -qpictly Sunday on the
speech he will make to Canada's
Parliament Monday.
Officials at Government House,
where Eden is a guest, said he
kept lo his room most of the day.
"Oa Htmrnf
. i ' i
-'- .
Top Speller;
fit M aw."
Women's Golf
, Group Meets
j Statesman News Service
I WOODBURN Hostesses for
the Thursday night meeting of
the Woodburn Women's Golf,
Club held at he home of Christine I
McGrath were Mrs. McGrath,, f
j Cathy , Hooper, Mildred Plank, i
and Agnes Jones. Twenty-one
were present at the meeting as
Lillian Ahrens, president, pre
Committee heads appointed for
the coming year included: Willie
DeArmond, Ladies Day; Kay
Bishoprick, Eclectic Board; Rose
Schraid and Gladys McLaughlin,
Tournament; Mildred Plank, Han
dicap; Agnes Jones, Ladder;
Blanche Pickering, Rules; Bea
Palmer, Evening Play; Laura
Lamb, House and Table Decora
tions; Dixie Brandt, Publicity; Al
etha Miller, Hospitality.
Statesman Nwi Service
GERVAIS-St. pita's Altar Soc
iety of Gervais will meet at 1:30
p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 8, at the
old school. Mrs. Ruth Muth is in
charge of refreshments and will1
be assisted by Mrs..Anton Engel-j
hardt, Joe Doran and" David
Ward. j
SUBLIMIT Y A daughter,'
Elaine Cecile, S pounds, 1SW oun
ces, was born January 28 to Mr:
and Mrs. John Mackie. The baby
has five sisters and two brothers.
Mrs. Cecelia Lulay and Mrs. John
Nag of Mt. Angel are the grand
mothers. SUBLIMITY-Miss Barbara Van
Dusen, a freshman at Providence
Hospital Nursing School in Fort
land, was capped at ceremonies
held recently in the school audi
torium. One of 60 in her class,
Miss Van Dusen is a graduate
of St. Boniface High School. An
older sister, Eileen Van Dusen,
is a junior at the nursing school.
Young Hoover
Tours East
Berlin Zone
BERLIN Herbert Hoover
Jr., U.S. undersecretary of state,
toured Communist East Berlin
Sunday in a car with U.S. Ambas
sador James B. Conant.
The car flew, the flags of the
United States and of the ambas
sador, and the tour was made as
a tour was made as a gesture
against claims that East Berlin is
now a part of "sovereign" East
Germany and no longer under
four-power occupation. "
No incidents marked the trip.
Later, in a speech" Hoover reas
serted the American position that
the East-German government Jias
been imposed on East Germans by
the Russians and is not a repre
sentative regime. He assured
West Germans that the United
States cannot agree that the East
German government must have
equal standing with the West Ger
man government in negotiations on
German unity.
Father Wails
After Slaying
Own Daughter
SAN GABRIEL. Calif (-A fa
ther who police say shot his 9-year-old
daughter to death to spite
his estranged wife sat in his cell
Saturday and wept.
"Why, oh why?" Joseph William
Verodi, 38, kept screaming, offi
cers said. Lt. Frank A, Lloyd, said
Verodi had been "bawling like a
baby" since he learned Marie
Yvonne Verodi died several hours
after a bullet struck her in the
Lloyd quoted Verodi as saying
he shot the girl because be wanted
to make his wife, Carmen, 29,
"suffer and take the memory to
her grave." Verodi also said he
had planned to shoot himself, but
his wife grabbed the .38 ' caliber
revolver from his-hand and ran
to the door shouting, "Joe just shot
my baby." He surrendered to offi
cers without struggle.
The Verodis had separated and
Mrs. Verodi had obtained a court
restraining order forbidding her
husband, a machine tool grinder,
from, coming to the home.
Verodi was" booked on suspicion
to( murder and Lt. Lloyd said a
1 formal charge will be lodged Mon
I day.
SovO your child tho omootrsaaeaoiit
and montat anfwish stvaad V
ceVettinf. Tho otyceloaicel dta
rurboocet of this habit ton causa
lotto Uitinf odvorto otnonality
train. New It is so a sty to holo
one child thanks to NITl-DM,
tho oofo, seat, lostino ntoraj
drvos, mod'icinaa oe sjoslotli.
For frto iaforsMtioei sxail coooon:
NITI-MI CO., See mi
fleMei Statlee, PerHaad II. Or.
HAMI ...
2. Touch end
to end .
4. Wir.o
?. Island off
I. Herd of
10. Native of
12. Pin for meat
13. Musical
13. Fastener
18. Pal
17. Man's namt
11 Public
19. Owns
20. Branch
21. Shore recess
22. Marshy
, 23. Intoxlcat
ing liquor
25. Word
expressing -negation
28, Cent (abbr.)
28. Breezo
29. Cover .
of a pan .
30. A pronoun
SL Dwarfs
33. Look
38. Ef er'(ob.
27. Mlschlev.
ous persons
88. Man's
19. Remuner
ate. DOWN
1. Engraver's
3. Children's
4. Once
5. Mexican
4. Poisonous
7. God of lovt
9. Breaths
in sleep
11. Java tret
12. Mineral
14. Man's
18. Manner
Your Income Tax
How to Save Money on Your Returns . ri:
(la tollaboretioa with the Bttearck
Institute ( America)
When the New York Stock Ex
change in a couple of months
reveals the results of its latest
nose-count of stockholders in our
land, the chances arc the census
will show an army of American
stockholders approaching or even
exceeding an all-time high of 9,
000,000. Taxation of profits and dividends
on stocks thus is becoming of in-10 cno,ces- ,I0U tan eiin" ireai
creasing importance to millions. I ,ne cnt,re es pnee as the pro
Here are vital guides. ; or can al,oca,e Part o( ,he
nroMn i . . cost of the original stock as 'no
QUESTION: I own some stocks iCost f tnc rj h, ad
it mi rcicivi'u umui'iius un int'in in
1955. Exactly what does th? law
say t should do?
ANSWER: As a stockholder, you
get two tax breaks: a dividend
EXCLUSION and a divident CRE
DIT. Specifically:
You omit from the income you
report for 195S the first $50 of
dividends you received. If you own
stock jointly with your wife and
each of you received $50,or more
in dividends, each of you may
claim up to $50 regardless of
whether you do or do not file a
joint return.
In other words, if both of you
received dividends, you may ex
clude from your 1955 income up
to $100.
In addition to this dividend ex
clusion, 4 per cent of any divi
dends you received over the ex-elusion-tn"1955maybecrediteit
against the taxes you owe. This
total tax credit, however, may not
exceed 4 per cent of your taxable
income in 1955.
QUESTION: As an illustration,
say my wife and I received $300 in
dividends in 1955 on jointly owned
stock in four $75 installments
paid to us on March 15, June 15,
September 15 and December 15.
How would we figure the tax?
ANSWER: On your 1955 return,
you would report only $200 of the
$300 you received in dividends, lor
each of you would be entitled to a
$50 dividend exemption or a total
of $100. This $100 you would ex
clude and so you would report
only $200 o( the $300 you received.
Now you can take a 4 per cent
credit against the $200, which
comes to $8. After you figure your
tax, you may reduce your tax by
that $8.
The angle most people haven't
grasped is that this 4 per cent of
your dividend income may be
against taxes owed. If you reeewe
a substantial total of your income
from dividends, this clause can re
sult in really major tax savings for
QUESTION: I bought some stock
last May and sold it in December
at a profit. Jo I pay regular in
come tax on the. profit?
ANSWER: No. Since you held
the stock for more than six months
before you sold it, your profit is
a "long-term capital gain". This
means that only half of your pro
fit is counted as taxable income
and the other half is entirely
The rate of tax on the
half can't go up higher
than 50 rer cent, even though your
income is big enough to push you i said 4,434 utility airplanes with a
over that rate bracket. i retail value of about 91 million dol-
QUESTION: I received and sold,'? were delivered during 1955.
. .! ti..i i. t-i.. i He said this was a 44 per cent in-
auiuc nu.CH.ui. icicj.uwiic -
graph Co. rights in 1955. Are these
ANSWER: Yes, but as a capital
gain and not as fully taxable or
dinary Income. You will be con
sidered to have held the rights
from the time you first bought the
original stock on which the rights
were issued. Thus, if you had al-
Success in any posit ioi
pends as much on .good
ion' as on mental or phys-1
ical ability. Office open
.daily, also Mon. and Frl.
evening till l:H o'clock.
Dr. 5. A. Wheal ley i
725 Csur! ST'nm'UUr
19. t'r!y
. oli
29. Place
21. Subdi.
of a
21 Danish
23. Choklnf
wi. seeiere-ey e Hewer
24. Cleanse 30. Teary
of soap
23. Unless (L.)
28. A gam
of skill
27. High,
craggy hill
29. Even
32. Spirit of
evil and
enemy of
33. Capital
of Peru
39. A gratuity
i5 1
ready held.the stock for more than
six months, you can treat the pro
fit on the rights as a long-term
capital gain even though you sold
the rights immediately after you
received them. This is important
because as a long term capital
gain only half your profit is tax
able. ..QUESTION; How do I figure the
profit on my, rights?
ANSWER: You generally have
your profit accordingly.
QUESTION: During 1955. 1 re
ceived a stock dividend on my
shares. Is this taxable?
ANSWER: No. Stock dividends
are free of tax.
QUESTION: If I sold the stock
dividend, do I report the profit as
a dividend?
ANSWER: No. The gain would
be treated as a capital gain end
as in the case of the sale of a
stock right, the stock dividend
would be considered as held from
the time you bought the original
Tomorrow: The special tax situ
ation of the over-63 or the retired.
(Copyright 1956, The Hall Syn
dicate, Inc.)
Navyt Launches
Seventh Ocean
Weather Balloon
TOKYO The U.S. Navy
launched a seventh weather bal
loon across the Pacific Monday and
disclosed that the sixth balloon,
sent up Friday night, is presumed
So far all efforts to float one of
the heavy gas bags across the
ocean on the jet air stream and
successfully recapture its radio-
equipped recording instruments
t have failed
A spokesman said balloon No. 8
was not heard from after Satur
day. Three balloons now are in
the air, the Navy said.
The fourth, launched last Thurs
day, was reported over New Ar
gentina, Nfld., Sunday afternoon
and traveling eastward at 70
The fifth, launched Friday morn
ing, was reported over northeast
ern Montana, moving northeast at
a speed of 75 m.p.h. - -
Balloons No. 1 and 3 were lost
or fouled over the Pacific. No. 2
landed near Forest, Miss., but its
instruments have not been found.
Use of Utility
Aircraft Up
WASHINGTON tft - The Air
craft Industries Assn. AIA) Sun
day reported a sharp increase in
the production and use of utility
aircraft single or multi-engine
planes used for business, industry
j and agriculture last year. :
VNjoseph T. Gcuting Jr., manajjtr
of AIA's utility airplane council
I- -1 - l ,
crease in units and a 57 per cent
increase in dollar sales over 1954.
MANILA ( -The - Philippines
House Committee on Commerce
and Industry has arranged hear
ings on a proposal to open trade
with Red China. A similar measure
failed of house approval last year.
Catholic Doctrine
Radio Rosary
leery Mwislsy, 7:104 P.M., KSIM
Join lh Rosary Proye'r ,
Th Seaslly That Pray TasjsnW
Stays TtnW
Inside TV
been-written as a script, every
story editor in the business would
have turned it down. Nobody
would believe' it. But it happened,
every word of it, on "Name That
Tune." ,
Taking a leaf from the "$M.
000 Question" book, the older
quii show latch
ed onto as per
sonable a
.couple as TV as
as yet seen, a
griuled Marine
Corps sergeant
with a smile to
rival that of Ike
t J himself, and a
wife. The pair rode out six weeks
on the show, going all the way
through to win the top' prize of
But that, as they say, wasn't
the half of it. The housewife was
about to have a baby. On the
third week, her husband and her
obstetrician were in the front
row, the baby being two aays
overdue. On the fourth week, the
sergeant had-to go italone. the
baby having Joen born.
The housewife returned the
filth week U aaaonnre that 1he
baby had bee a aimed Melody,
in honor of the show, and that
the sergeant and his wife were to
b the godparents., She also an
(mured, she and the sergeant and
the sergeant's wife and her hns
bond had become fat friends, a
friendship they knew was going
to last a lifetime.
On the alxlh-and final week they
plowed through five more tunes
and won the grand prize. By
sheer, blind coincidence, it was
the last day of the sergeant's en
listment period and he was go
ing to re-enlist the text morning.
But emcee George DeWitt had
other plans. Up on the stage came
the sergeant's colonel and. as a
complete surprise, "the sergeant's
son, a Marine private. The ser
geant took the oath right then and
there. The colonel called him by
his Jirst name, an almost un
heard of thing in the services.
And there wasn't a dry eye in
the house, not one.
A few minutes later, the new
Italian cobbler on "The $64,000
Question'' wpn $16,000 on his sec
ood appearance as an opera ex
pert. It seemed almost anticlim
atic. "Question" had better go
find itself another Marine.
IT HAPPENED la San Berna
dino, a quite little California town
nestled In the foothills of the
Mojave Range. Man was hauled
up before the local magistrate oa
a series of charges, Including Im
personating a police officer. Man's
name: Jack Webb, (no, children,
World Bank
Income Up
Bank Sundny reported a sli ght in-
crease in its net income for the
last half of 1953, a$ compared with
a similar period in 1954.
During the final six months of
1955, it also said, it made 15 loans,
totaling $146,300,000. Private invest-
Jors participated directly in 12 of
1 the 15.
J The loans were made to Algeria,
! Guatemala, Honduras. Japan, Leb
janon, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Pana
ma, Peru, Thailand, Union of. South
'Africa, and Uruguay.
The bank said its net income for
.the six months ending Dec. 31,
j 1955, was $13,700,000, as compared
with $12,300,000 for the last half of
! 1954.
Total loan commUmcnts made by
j Dec. 31, 1955, the bnk said, came
' to 139, for a total of $2,470,400,000.
Arabs Against
West Sending
Armed Forces
CAIRO, Egypt UP In the wake
of the Eden-Eisenhower talks in
Washington, the weight of Arab
opinion appears strongly opposed
to having Western forces sent in
to patrol Palestine.
But behind the scenes and off
the record, Arab diplomats have
hinted they would not object
strongly to seeing the American
6th Fleet in the eastern Mediter
ranean with carriers ready.
The air-armed fleet could, in
their view, stand by offshore t.s
, . ,. .
mute warning wun puii-iiuni
! force acninst agression bv either
a,.k T, l,oli.
Arab officials have been SDarina
with comment in view of the con
... - ,
leral nature of the Eiden-Eisen-jhower
communique references to
peace-keeping between the Middle
East antagonists. , , ;
Most of the scant j;ortjmcnt has
said that the communique offered
nothing new for this area and that
the West must not take any steps
not agreed to bjrthe Arabs.
4-3327 fEjyl
" tm $ Cans Mp ' t 1 '
Daily MI9$. 11 KBD
Uwday tarvka htm V tJIi
I so O p. ffevCr-U ix
Video Show
it wasn't Sgt. Friday. Apparently
there art. other Jack Webbs In
this world.)
HOTTEST RUMOR of the week
Is one out of New York concerning
'Disneyland." Renewal t Ime Is
eominc at. Disney hat been get
tie; tSJ.000 a week for the show
from ABC, a figure which hard
ly rovers production root la fact,
doesn't cover production eoats at
all and la now reported to be
demanding something la the
Channel Chuckles
neighborhood of $134,001 a week.
ABC Is not cottoning to the Idea.
And both NBC and CBS are hot
on Disney's trail, waving large
sums of money In both fists.
A FAR MORE concrete New
York report involves conversa
tionsbetween ABC and . Warner
Brothers on the subject of some
1,000 old Warner features made
before 1948 and carrying a price
tag of a reported $20,000,000. If
it goes through, it will be by far
the biggest and mast important
movics to-TV deal yet to come
down the pike and one that might
crack the dam wide open. MGM,
j Fox, Paramount. Universal and
Columhia would almost have to
follow suit.
Flicka," the 20th Century-Fox
i T' 7r..r'" S-.V.-.' ro
T' ,'lT u
enthusiastically bought , late, last
summer and then couldn't sell
to a sponsor, has finally been sold
to a sponsor. Colgate has picked it
up and it will soon start in the
7:30 Friday spot . . , Although
"Studio One" has already suc
cessfully done a show blasting the
smear magazines, "Big Town's"
sponsors have asked Mark
Stevens to hold back his episode
on the same subject. Their law
yers want to look into any pos
sible libel aspects.
The Jackie Cooper film series,
"The People's Choice,"- has keen
renewed for another H weeks .-. .
Dinah Shore plans to take to the
road for five weeks, beginning in
the middle of April, originating
her twice-weekly show from var
ious ritirs across the eounntry
and tying In with loenl annlver
sarles and charitable events . .
"Science Fiction Theoter" getting
ready to turn out J new episodes.
'SHORT SHOTS: A national
magazine stated recently that
Lawrence Welk couldn't read
music, a statement which has set
off a wave of apoplexy at a cer
tain correspondence school. Welk,
it seems, can indeed read music.
Learned to. in fact, through this
same- correspondence school
whose lessons all carry Welk's
picture and his endorsement!
Prediction: "Our Miss Brooks"
will not be renewed by Its pres
ent sponsor, who wants to pour
the money into more spectaculars.
And Eve Arden, once released,
will not go ahead with a new spon
sor. She's tired ... You can pay
anywhere from $5000 to $100,000
for a TV set. Custom cabinet
work, inlaid jewels, gold plate
and all that. But its still the
chassis that counts, and you can
still get the best for under $300.'
(Copyright IBS.
General features Corp.)
KOAC, 550 k.c.
KOAC (Monday): 1S:N a.m. The
News and Weather; l:IS Especial
ly for Women Home Extension Via
Its: "Plan Your Sewlns;" 1I:0 Ore
gon School nl the Air Standard
School nroaoraat; m:jo ine ton
cert Hall: II: The New and
Weather; 12:15 p.m. Noon Farm
Hour, 1:00 Melody Lane: l:IS Ore-
inn School of the Air Land pt Mane
Believe: "A Clay Bird Sinslns:" 1:11
Let's Explore Art; l:4S Look to
Skies; I: Especially lor Women
Early Settlements nf Oregon: "Hill
Families In Oreion from Tennessee;
X:J Memorr Hook of Muilc: :S
'r'n, Sf1 of ,h Mi.T,'!'!1
Moments In Oregon HMiiry: ' Found-
i n of Fort Astoria;" !: Oregon
Reporter: J:is Music of the M
of the Mas-
tera: :0Joln the Navy
4:1 J On
the Uphrat; 4:4J News Commentary;
; S:-Chlldren, Theater; :-They
d t r. . r., as .aal tl.k, U...
nem uui mi, i.ow- iiw prws hmu
Weather; :IS Music In the Man.
Ins; : Working lor Oregon; S:4S
Here's ui Veterans: 1:0 General
Extension Journal Portland Exten
sion Center; t:l$ Evening- Farm
Hour: S:M University o( Orefon:
: Muslf That Endures; I 4J-Eve
ning Meditations Rev. Harold
Marchel, Roger William House: 1 H
-Sign Off.
I Monday): !: Stop, Look a
Listen; l:IS It Fun to Reduce; :N
Feather Your Nest; I: Matinee
Theater with Elyse Knox In "A Wave,
Theater with Elvse Knox In "A Wave,
I Wac and a Marine;'' 4:l Modern
Romances; 4:3 Guest Book; S:M
Big Roundup; l:4S News Briefs,
Snorts Headlines and Weather He
port; : Movie Museum: :IS The
Little Ramilai : Eddy Arnold
Time; J: Hopalonf Caasidy: 1:10
I Search for Adventure, Eskimos
hunt for walrua and whales. Shows
them travelling over snow and ire
In dog sleds: 1:0 Star of I he
Grand Ole Onrv; J Badge 714;
I Secret File. USA; S:)0-Robert
Montgomery presents "Good Frldsv,
IMS, from the book, "I Saw Booth
Shoot Lincoln:" l:lO Th. Hunter;
U.SO Special ftaluiotto.
i 1
V3p cH
Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon., Frl). fi, '"l (S-t. II) 1
(Ffitor' : Th !lutfcma ptthHih? In tm4 fsifh thi ptt?m
nil limri at provtfjl bv radi an 4 TV ilntiem, tout hfrtun tuim
lti program ar rKancrsi withMrt lifiratio Una 9wppt itat
rfsponntble for the artararj kfrrin.)
1!:M swan NBC Matinee Theatre Sarah Churchill stars m
"Susan and God." the story of a woman who is annoyed with her
husband.'t excessive drinking.
t:Jt p.m. Matinee Theatre John Trent, Marjorie Reynolds
and Milburn Stone star in "Stunt Pilot."
:M p.m. Robert Montgomery Presents "Good Friday. 18fij"
from book "I Saw Booth Shoot Lincoln." the story of a 13-year-old
boy's quest to met Lincoln
It: 11 p.m. Nile Owl Theatre
and Veda Ann Borg star in "Wife Wanted."
lt:M a.m. Armchair Theatre
7:aa p.m. Studio One "The Silent Gun." an unusual western
story about the last days of the frontier to an exciting climax.
11:34 p.m. Showtime on Six "Lady From Lisbon" starring
Jane Carr, with Francis L. Sullivan. ,
12:M aooa Afternoon Film Festival "The Rocking Hors
Winner" starring Valerie Hobson, John Howard Davies, Ronald Squirt
and John Mills. ,
l:M p.m. TV Readers Digest "The Mystery of Minnie"
Although Minnie Garrett has been dead for ten years, her strange be
quest gives the people of Meadowbrook such a constant moral lift
that she still seems to be among them.
r.M p.m. Voice of Firestone Frank Guarrera. popular young
American baritone of the Metropolitan. Opera, is guest soloist. His
selections for the show are "Sing to Me, Guitar." by -Cole Porter;,
"Toreador Song" from Carmen by Biset; and "Tell Me Tonight" by
Spoliansky. Chorus will sing "Quiereme Mucho," by Roig.
I:J0 p.m. Medical Horizons ft will include a demonstration of
the most recent methods in the treatment of arthritis.
O KOIN .r.,
KOIN Panorama Pae. IWth'r-Panor.
A KPTV Ttna. trBi, Term. Emit fathr Nut Teather Kent
KOIN Valiant Lady ILovo of Llf Search Tomnrr fjiildinf. LIM
D KPTV'lDrnf Donf ach Oinf Dorif
" Armchair Thea lArmrhalr.Thea.TLovo Story
nKPTV Home Home iomo
KOIN RoM. Q. Lewli Rnbt Q Lewii Houseparty
KLOR ...
KPTV MaUneo Thea. MaUneo Thea. jMatinee Then. Matlneo Trito
KOIN! Big Pay Off Blf Pay Off Bob Croaby Bob Crotby
KLOR! mm Festival irilm reitlval Tllm Festival Ifllm reatlval
i KPTV! Data with Life Mod. Romances Queen a Day IQueen a Day
KOIN; Brighter Day Secrtt Storm lYour Account lYour Account
KLORIrttm Festival IFIlm festival IMm rerttval INIm Festival
9 KPTVI Whati Cooking Whata Cooking IMaUnee Thea. IMatlnee Thea.
KUs!KOH Kitchen KOIN Kitchen Striken Rich Strike tt Rich
KLOSI Lady of House Lady of House IBeulah IBeulah '
KPTVI MaUne Thea. IMatlnee Thea: 1 IMatine Thea. IMaUnee Then.
KOIN! Carry Moor iGarry Moor lArthurGodrrey ArUiurGodfrt?
KLOR! Won Myron S ho: Ron Myron ShoThe Ruggle IThe Rugfle
KPTVI Bar IT Corral Br 7T Corral IWetern Thea. (Western Tho.
KOIN Art Godfrey Art Godfrey Mr. Moon , Cartoon Tim
KLOR Franjk Ollle IJ'n Daly News Ws'n Star The iWs'n Star Tho.
KPTVlpmky Lee , IPinhy Let IHowdy Doody IHowdy Doody
KOIN'I Red Dunning Red Dunnlnf Red Dunning Red. Dunning
KLOR! Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse IMickey Mouse IMlckey Mnuso
fi KPTV! New of Air
' KOIN!n.w.A 8portsrdward..N.w. Robin Hood
KLOR! Judge Roy BnlJudge Roy B'nITV Sport rNews-Weathee
' KPT?t Bads 714 Badge 714 Tony Martin Kewi
KOIN studio On IStudloOn 3tudloOn Studio On
KLOR. Little Margie ll.lttle Margie ITopper tTopper '
KPTV Caesar's Hour ICaesar'f Hour ICaesar s Hour ICsesar s Hour
KOIN! Bums Allen Burn Is Allen Pel. Flct Th.Sd. Flct The.
KLORItV Red. P'getlTV Rd. D'aWf'"" Hr. IFIreston Hr.
KPTVI Th Medic IThe Medio IRobt Montgm IRobt. Montfln.
KOIN Lov Lucy I Love Lucy Pec'mb'r BtidelO'c'mber Bride
KLOR The Falcon (Tho Falcon IMedlc l Horls. Medici Harts .
A KPTV! RoDt. Montg m IRobt Montg m IPowerland
IU KOIN! Life of Riley Llf of Riley PatttPagi
KLOKi Ellery Queen 'tilery Queen
U KPTVI Vws-PauL Frd.lNIU Owl Thea.lNlto Owl The INK Owl Thea.
KOIN Showtime on Showtime on
FM: Megacycle SVOIN 11. U tlE W.l; KOW IW1 : :
KSLM Val Farmcsst
VeL Farmcast
RGAR Farm News '
Rr'kf'rt Nook
KOIN Klork
Larro R'dup
Keep Time
KOIN Amer. News
KOW Heck Harper
KEX News-Kp Tim
KSLM Hemingway
KttCO Earlv Worm
Bk'f'it Ganf
Early Worm
B'kf'st Nook
Headline New
KO A I Breakfast N'k
ROW McCall New
KEX News
Webb Spinning
Keep lime
KSLM Cliff Engle
KOCO Early Worm
KG AS Bkfst Nook
KOIN Consum New
KGW Webb Spinning
KEX Keep Time
IKeep Time
KSLM News - INew
KOCO Here's to Vetsl Meditations
KGAI Solder-Hits Spider-Hlts
KOIN Wendy Warren Howard Miller
kfiW Webb Spinning Webb Spinning
KEX Breakfast Club Breakfast Club
. 1 KOCO 1490 Tun St.
1 KGAI Backfenc Mat.
OKOIN Road of Life
ROW Weekday
KEX Or. Divorce
ITello Test
14W Tun
Coffee Time
Ma Perkins
Bob Garred
1KSLM Tun Test .
KOCO 1490 Tune SL
KOAB Dinner Winner
1KOIN Mr. Burton
SOW Weekday
KEX Girl Marries
ITuno Test
Aunt Mary
KSLM Top Trades
KOCO World New
CAE Noon News
2ni.-i wiacieoa news
KGW Fenner News
KEX Art Baker
KSLM B'ttrr Bhopp'r Wlll'm'tte Mat Willamette Mat i Willamette Mat
KOCO Magic Melody 'Magic Melody Magic Melody Magic Melodv
KOAi Lunch Munch Lunch Munch jLunch Munch Lunch-News
KOIN Arth'r GodfreylArth Godfrey lArth. Rodfrey :Arth. Godfrey
HfiW Happiness Wldder Brown Pepper Young Woman i H'se
KEX News-Conrad IBuaa Conrad Buss Conrad tRusa Conrad
2 p. i
. KSLM Wlll'm'tte Mat.
tOCO Magie Melody
KOAI Pat's Parlor
KOIN Arth. Godfrey
to Hotel for Pet
KEX News-Conrad
Run Conrad
M Story Tim Story time IVVtllamette Mat itello Test
KOCO Magic Melody iMagi Melody IMane Melody Magi Melody'
HOAR Pat'a Parlor IPat's Parlor Pat'a Parlor :Parlor-New
KOIN Ruth Aihton Gal Sundae Take Thirty Take Thirtv
KGW McAnulty MusJMcAnulty Mus IMcAmilty Mus McAnitlt Mu
KKX News-Conrad 'Buss Conrad I Boh Blackburn Bob Blackburn
KSI.MFulton lewli .Hemingway Here's Answer im Haves
KO 0 Clarine It'laHne K'lerine riarin "
Mi At Pat's Parlnrw iPat's Parlw- (Pat's Parlor JPaf Parlor
KOIN Kirkham NeVi Novelette News ol Air News ol Air
KGW MrAnulty Mus ,'McAnulty Mus f MrAnnMv Mus iMrAmiltv Mu
KEX News-Rleckbn Bob Rlackb'rn Bob Rlackbrn Boh Blackburn
KSLM Bob Ray iBob t
Slow nrlve Slow Drive
Traffic Jambr. ITrafflc
Fd. R. Murrow
McAnulty Mus
6 si a
KSLM Gab. Heatter
. KOCO Candlelljht
KOIN My Son Jeep
Mua. Mem'ry T INewa
10 W 3 Star Thea.
KEX Supper Club
KSLM Secret File
Secret Files
Track 1490
Talent Scout
IOCO Track 1490
KOIN Talent Scout
lOW Chet Huntley
McGee -
KKX Adklns Show
KSLM Report' rs Rd'p.lReport'r
KOCO Track 14M
Track 1490
OIN Curt Maasey
OW New
Curt Maaeey
II Man' Fam.
lAdkina Show
RIX Adkln Show
KOCO Music U Want
KOIN Feature
HOW Phone Hr.
KEX Adklns Show
Music O
Blue Seren de
Phono Hr.
Adklna Show
1KSLM Fulton Lewis
KOCO Nocturne'
KOIN Star Final
n ROW Richfield
Dane Tim
KSLM John Steele
IJohn Steele
Mu. Midnltht
Jesa Mason
IDane Tim
Dane Tim
Kay Francis, Paul Cavanaogh
"Stopover": John Call, Warren
Today Today
IPanorsma Par (run to Rrdueo
Love Story
Houe party
I Publ. Interest
New Ctntral Cro Current ICross Current
Robin Hood
IMovit Museum
Phowtlme It M
Val. Farmcast
Rr-kfit Nook
KOIN Klork
Heck Harper
Keep Tim
New - -
Nook News
KOIN Klock
Heck Herper
Keep Tim
New at Wea"th
Early Worm
Rsbbltt Show
Fliher Report
Bob Haten
B kfst Cans
Early Worm
B'krst Nook
Goes New
McCall New
Keep Time '
Altar iBible InstituU ; Bible Institute
Early Worm Early Worm Early Worm
B'kf'st Nook iR'kf'st Nook Nook-Newa
Vail News Shelley Seren. Ishelley Sere
Webb Spinning Webb Spinning Webb Spinning
'Keep Tim 'Keep Time
Pastor's Call
Ladies' Un
Bargain C'nt'r
II (iir Lane
Helen Trent
Mid-s m New
Webb Spinning Wehb Spinning
Breakfast Club i B kf st Club
'Wings of Sons IWlncs of Strut
11490 Tunc St. '1 140 Tune St.
Holly w d Call's Hits-New
Dr. Malono Guiding Ufht
Weekday 'Weekday
My Tru Story! My True Story
IQueen' for Day Queen a Day
14M tune si. Itw Tune SL
Dinner Winner ISplder-Hlta
I4D0 Tune SL
Aunl Jenny I
To the Ladieo
Paul Harvey
Nora Drake
To th LadlM
Walt Disney
iSc'ts Bike Shop, Vail Forecast
Musie Midday Mus. Middav Musi
Lunch Munch Town Crier 'Lunch-News
Come Get 11 (House Party I House Psrty
Wish on Star Wish on Star IMcGee;Molly
News-Crosby I Sam Haves Farm !Newt
IWill'm'tt Mat INew Wlll'm'tte Mat
IMaffie Melody Magie Melody Made Melody
Pat s Parlor Pat a ranor iparlor-News
Arth. Godfrey iShnpper's News' Mske Up Mind
toffee Break
II litenlna.
IRusa Conrad
IRuas Conrsd
Ray INews Bill Brunilce
isiow Drive Marine" Time
Jamhr. ITraffic Jmbr. ISlgn Off 3:4S
New Weather Harmon. SportsiCoss News
local News jjess Mason Elmer Peterson
Bob Blackburn Bill Stern (Bob Garred
Sam Haves
Track USO
Amos n Andy
Thomas lAmos -n Anay
Report (Lone Ranger
Club (Supper Club
ISupper Club
Catholic Hr.
Track 1490
ICathollc Hr.
ITrark t4M
Jack Carson
I Bob Adklns
Show JVandcrcook
Rdup Whlstlln' Tunes Whistlin' Tunesl
Track 140 INews
U N. Report (Bint Crosby
Henry Taylor (Music Psstel
Barlow Concert, Barlovr Concert
jSweet it Swing Sweet At Swing
Music U Want
Musie V Want
Treas. Show
Treas. Show
Edw. P. Morg-it
Sp'U HiUteo
' ' iNocturn
ForWChamber tar'tn
Chamber Foem
Final Htta of Day
Hit of Day
Dane Time
I Dance Tim
Midnil Melod iMldnJU Melody
Mua. Midnight Mus. Midnight
Slumber Tim Christopher .
Dane Tim Dane Tim