Soil Bank, Surplus Disposal Key Features of . -life's i arm j'lan (Story on Page One.) to move present surpluses into 'Present la designate! midd'.ing'of 1!MS as amended (or stabilizing-Runt Dvlepm-nt Preirram ;crop uses and new markets for Saif:run, Salm.Orc.Tf.cs., Jan. 10, 1033 (Sec. I)-7 T! SENTENCED ALEXANDRIA. F?t -T h t Narcotics Ear-aa reports 97 per- Tt L-.c'.jd.rj six wcrr.ea were jenterce-i la the pit year to L'e in prison for d pe la violations. WASHINGTON UP President us t home and abroad by A)Vinch cotton as the aUndard for; prices and supplies urged congressional approval of a farmers. WASHINGTON Uf President Eisenhower's firm program promptly ran into one point of criticism in congress Monaay: There were both Republicans and Democrats who said it lacked needed immediate relief to farm ers from their price-cost squeeze. This note ran through com ments from many legislators who found much to praise in longer range aspects of the program. House Speaker Rayburn (D Tex) by inference checked to the senate the question of first action on Eisenhowers recom mendations. Noting the house passed last year legislation for a return to price supports at 90 per cent of parity, Rayburn said the senate could study the Presi dent's proposals in connection with consideration of this bill. However,. Chairman Cooley TD NC) of the House Agriculture Committee summoned the group to meet tomorrow, and said it would consider "every part and parcel" of the Eisenhower pro gram. ' Cooley told the house "my pur pose is and has been to keep partisan politics out of agricul tural considerations." Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas, the Democratic leader said the farm problem "is too serious to be handled in a partisan man ner," - promised - the - Democrats would give " sober consideration" to the President's recommenda tions. CoM-Price Squeeie Johnson said the President had presented "many meretricious proposals" but that it appeared to him the principle ones would "do very little to meet the cost price squeeze which is pressing so cruelly on family-sized farms." One of the Republicans who said, the recommendation did not go far enough toward meeting the immediate situation was Rep. Hope (R-Kan), top party member on the house Agriculture Com mittee and former chairman of that group, Better Farm Prices Hope said that reducing sur pluses is the President proposed "may be reflected in better larm prices in future years," but ad ded: "I am sorry that there is noth ingjn the message which holds out any hope of increased farm income for 1956 when the farmery need it so badly. Likewise, I re countries for foreign currencies as well as present! y-authorized friendly countries; and (B) per mitting sale of surpluses in do mestic markets at lower prices than farm law now allows. Can put corn under soil bank along with cotton and wheat, or eliminate present acreage control allotments on the grain. Under the soil bank plan, growers would get payments for underplanting al lotments. If allotments were eli minated Instead, growers would be free to plant all they wanted and the grain would be removed from the 7S to 90 per cent parity flexible price supports and gov ernment would be free to set sup ports from zero to 90 per cent of parity, except in times of short ages when it could be even higher. Wheat free from marketing quotas farmers who use on their farms all the wheat they produce. Permit annual sal of limited quantities of government surplus wheat for livestock feed. Remove more of the smaller producing; states from wheat production con trols. Lift controls from durum wheat for another year because of short supplies of this type. Cottoa a crop the president said is especially well-suited to his acreage reserve program. Eisen hower noted that cutting acreage didn't bring a corresponding cut in production (farmers op the yield per acre by using more fer tilizer and insecticides. So he pro posed that Congress consider "quantity allotments" beginning in 1957 instead of acreage allot ments. He also proposed that the average grade and quality of the crop be used as a basis for parity and price support calculations. is of cent of production grade. . Rice as in the case of corn, put under soil bank or remove controls. If controls are to be re moved, lower price supports should be allowed. Peanuts eliminate minimum national acreage planting allot ment which now bars, the Presi dent said, stabilization of supplies and prices better reducing grain production, would. to help low income farmers be- be designed to eliminate stimulus , come more efficient or to learn quent depressed prices of live stock. Vigorous government buy other skills. Great Plains Pragma prom ised tn mhmit tn Cnnrretu later a tag of meats was promised when long range program designed to market gluts appear. , stabilize agriculture in the Price Supports recommended drought plagued Great Plains. consideration of a dollar limit on size of price support loans to any one individual or farming unit to void government underwriting of Eisenhower's' recommendations authorizing sale to Iron Curtain! the calculations although 95 perj Livestock soil bank plan, by ; program-recommended last year for improving the administration's farm programs included, in brief: 5oQ Bank Payments in cash and cemmodiries cotton, wheat ar.d possibly other crops esti mated at one billion dollars this year for taking a part of the crop land out of production and putting it to conservation use. This pro gram is designed to help cut size of the nation's over expanded farm plant and to put surpluses to use. Surplus Disposal would seek Critics Claim Ike Skips Fast Farm Relief Gasoline Tax recommended'; that farmers be relieved of fed eral gasoline taxes now paid on gasoline used for farm 'purposes. , Sugar renew sugar control act ! large farm enterprises. Research an appropriations of 103 million dollars an Increase of 35 per cent will be recom-j mended for research to find new I wmi ELDS ' DY1 P.ftf Alanl- Screens KllWwn and Doors far Imhtt far foat WlnOo SEE pjl'13 THE: IU ,iX BUM) MAN i"ra Kitlmataa Da at OTfM fa. Mia l Tamil M7 Cnui SL nn po "V Hi-, m,b co:n 4. SMEwm offebs von pes TIVE:PBt)6F fUl U-UULS I?' ran nn n u fU o'UVI L Here's a Sensational Shvings Offer ... Reg. 65c Chatham Mild CHEDDAR You can't make Genuine food savings If you pay moro than necessary for any Item on your grocery list. Safeway asks only that you check and compare all prices . . . those in tho ad . . , and those on the shelves as well. YeuH mo in a jiffy why you can save more, any day, at Safeway, whoro every Him is priced low. Remember . .it's tht total en your cash register receipt that toll you if you are saving at much is you should W AFBH 'Lucky' Wants To See Adonis NAPLES. Italy II) - Joe Adonis I may not want to see Lucky Lu-I ciano, but Lucky wants to see) him. I "I shall certainly look him up," ex-gang king Luciano said when a reporter told him his old colleague was arriving in Naples Jan. n as a voluntary deportee. Lucky didn t say anything more i he was too busy talking to two inquiring Italian tax agents. il Adpis remarked before sailing from New York that he didn't want to see Luciano or have any thing to do with him here. j Italian authorities have - said i Adonis will be questioned on arri val at Naples and may be order ed to live in Montemarano, his birthplace some 3$ airline miles from here, in an Impoverished hill district. (HEES! Olc I IfAfeffs LD. ojJy to bkni for fojfy food Dishts Try Torpedo trend Grated Tuna for Zesty Salads or Tasty Sandwiches Sea Trader 20c Chunk Style Bumble Bee a.H 25c Chunk Style No.'i i Cans' 85 Sugar lello Irand have a Wonderful Just Picked Flavor. Reg.' t Ic oa. 6 Pitted Cherries Honeybird Brand No. 2 (an 25' Margarine No. 303 Cans Sunnybank Is made from Fresh Whole milk $100 1 Mb. APkes. J J as Acreage Put Into Ponds Can Bring Wheat Land Pay WASHINGTON UJl Assuming Congress passes legislation for an acreage retirement program as oroDosed Monday by President Eisenhowerr-farmers-could-jualifyi Tomato Juice Tomato Sauce Grapefruit Niblels Corn Sunnydawn Brand Tasie Tells Brand Highway Brand Broken, Segments 46-oz. Can 25' Sauerkraut 12 5 89' Corn or Peas Slonecrock Fancy Quality Gardsnside Brand 8 JC3 No. 303 Cans $ Enjoy Hiblets Whole Kernel Corn Cans 12-01. Can 1 Gardenside Brand 8 Ho. 303 $4 H : p-Cans u I v.. Alt haah Da.h. 6arttajda I I UICCII UeCill) Brand No. 303 (ens Salad Oil Sivi 10c m MiydiT. It's Comploforf Mourrol Ih FUvef gret the failure to include in the message a realistic statement, with respect to the problems con fronting wheat producers togeth er with constructive proposals for their solution." Rep. Jensen (R Iowi) said of the program: ''Pretty good over the long pull but It doesn't an swer the immediate need." Sen. George (D-Ga) said the message seemed to regard the crop surplus as "a plague and a curse, whereas, without it, the housewife would lose i final safe guard against exorbitant prices on nearly everything used in the home". He added: But, insofar as it goes, the message is a very good approach. It sounds like some agricultural fellow might have had something to do with it maybe his brother, Milton." Narrow Wide Gap Sen. Aiken of Vermont, top Republican on the Agriculture Committee, said: "The immediate I effect of bringing supplies more into line with requirements should be to narrow the wide gap now existing between farmer and consumer prices, to raise prices of many commodities, and to generally improve farm in come. Sen. Kefauver of Tennessee, a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, said, "I shall cooperate in enacting some of the proposals which may be of long range benefit. . .but What the farmer needs now Is some thing to bolster his markets and his income. Immediate relief would be obtained by re-enactment of the 90 per cent parity program and this should be one of Congress' first orders of busi ness." Other comment: House Republican leader Martin (Mass): "One of the most far reaching and beneficial agricul tural - programs ever issued by a chief executive. . .the recom mendationa strike at the root of bad planning which his led to declining incomes and mounting surpluses." Rep. Abernethy (D Mitt): The for wheat land navments this year I MA Hfllu "" by.-nlswW up acreage-altiadyJLJ 1 1) I U 1 1 1 LU L?l I II A-Jonli seeded to winterwheat liverrf Irand Acreace put into ponds would! qualify for payments under the soil reserve program. -i 01. . iohH jnr it in 46c Black Pepper (rewi ttlony FlMilOuilIrr 4.L (H 29c Eisenhower administration Is ad mitting its farm policies of the nast three years have been it failure. . .no Immediate relief! can come from this program. It is too little and too late." Plan Criticised WASHINGTON 0H James G. Patton of the National Farmers j Union,, said Monday , President ; Eisenhower's farm message "does not propose a tingle thing to raise farmer's incomes above the present depression level. "Even under the most opti mistic construction his proposals' aim at best only to maintain farm prices and farmers incomes at the present level," Patton Hid inL statement I Peanut Dutter Udt Chopped Beef $1.00 Fruit Cocktail 79cApplesauce 99c Fleet-Mix Hlgkwif Irand 8 He. !0) (int 100 2 lb. Jv For the Fintsl IlKiiIti tr Jhorkakij Wihoa's tai Cboppod IhI 3 $1.00 Grapefruit Juice Ttwuhtusit - fincy 3 4 40lt. hp. 44 .t. (in $00 $100 Doifkof Sundown Brand rCdtnCJ So Delicious - r - - Kleenex Tissue Sit 4 No. 2i Can Hostess Delight 4 29c Dog Food ZZ No. t'i Cans $1.00 Corn Beel Hash DuBbriBr 4 jS $1.00 12 c.n. $1.00 Toilet Soap Brocade Brand 10 49c Five Exciting Flavors a e Jane Ardcn Cookies COCANUT PUFFS 6'i-oz. Pkg. . t WAFFLE or SUGAR CREAAES 6oz. Pkg. SUGAR WAFERS 6-oz. Pkg. BUTTER COOKIES 10-oz. Box FANCY MIXED 7-oz. Pkg. YOUR CHOICE ,..h 29 BEDSAUl BROS. MONTHLY SPECIALS 1 - Silver Plate Table) Serv ice (at Stainless Steel Prices) 50-pc. service . for eight $24.95. Your chine, to buy Km tin. nlvaf avn for avaryd.y w. 2- The Finest Economy Stainless Steel that we've seen. 50-pc. service for eight 17.50 3- GIANT Special Made 54-ounce Food & Drink Blender ......24.95 Sa thaM evltinding v.luM no at youf S.lm Import Kttrfquwt ar. BeJsoul Bros. 1721 Center IMit 2-9172 MmI Oraara-aM JU MardMaaW Maka. aa4 X 0!K Porh Sfeak Pork Blade Roast : Pork Sausage Slab Bacon pt ih. 45' Uji lender tiled il ihculdtr lort Itatk. SeariflTHd It plena, er yew noney back. Flavrful leai cuts render peri Frtperrf klmmed. tm liA Ferk Siutiee Tm'B lots Hi VMdtrful Flaver ... elm Hvlngj lb. lb. .Center : Cut Piece 35' 29' lb. 39' ,,49' OtWih Medicine Cabinet s Receesea type enameled quality mirret plane type hinge $085 'U&D.A. CHOICE' Beef, Aged (or Flnvof and Tenderness Beef Pot Roast Round Done Roast n.-.l...' p..... 'hw Round Steaks FROZEN PIES Manor House, Chicken Beef or Turkey 4 , T1 Tinder "Apf link Curs Trieimei let! u. 39c n 49c Jltt, Tiniti (nler (ih if leef. Bene hi a 59c it 65c EVERY ITEM GUARANTEED Ye must be seriifieal 100 with ANY Hem yew pvr. chase at lafeweyor yeur money will be gladly re fvndetl wtlheut fvsi er Quibble. , wsmB Prkes In this ad are In effect new thru January 11 at Safeway Stores In Salem We reserve rhe right te limit. Ne lalei te dealers er te their representatives. SUNKIST NAVELS 'Dflicioui Sunkist oranges grown in sunny California. Safeway buyers chose the best of the crop and ruhd them to you our buyers ... Yes it's true . . . SAFEWAY is the, best place to buy produce. Lb. Approx. 35 lb. Box $2.89 Fancj AriiMU) lubf lie Mead) Ik, Grapefruit Grapefruit Cauliflower Lettuce Apples ,.,siiiial ?r Box- ili-o'eJ ( t TrMlipened 10c 59c 6- 49c l21c .' 13c 25c 2 U. S. No. 1 Grade POTATOES NITTIO CEMS 10T49c PREMIUM SElia 10 i 79 c .( -- r. - aff .t'- wi - !. Ht.l II t r. (..'' a J- ..' .. ....! . ... ... 4 r'-i f ,. .Vi . O a aaa