The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 10, 1956, Page 6, Image 6

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    Statesman's HOME
. . . r.Vjsic . . . Fcsh::r.$ . . . Festurcs
6 (Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tues., Jan. 10," 1956
Around Town . . .
ciation. who attended the first
meeting of the year of the Oregon
Women's Golf Association.
Four Winners
In Tourney
First January master of the
Elks Duplicate Bridge Club re
sulted in a north-south victory
for Mrs. Stanley Neu'ens and Mrs.
W. F. Lieske, and east-west win
HONOR GUEST ... at a pre- Cssey, ut Bead. were gsetto
nuptial party Monday night was at Mrs. Sulllvsa's aareaU, Mr. aid
Miss Betty Lou Smith, daughter j Mr. Keaaeth BeU . . . Casey Rulll
of the Francis W. Smiths, who vis celebrated ait first birthday
will be married to Leland R. j while at the bame ( his graaa
Harra, son of the Garnet W. Har-. pareata ...
ras, on February 4. . . . Hostesses j la Partlaad . . . Monday were
for the affair were Mrs. Ellis Mrs. Thomas Hill Jr. and Mrs.
Sanders and Mrs. Richard G. ! Woodson Bennett, representatives
Grenz. who entertained at the of the Salem Women's Golf Asso-
latter'! home on Kenwood Ave
nue. ... A miscellaneous shower
feted the future Mrs. Harra and
a late desserj supper was aerved.
... Honoring Miss Smith were
Mrs. Francis W. Smith, Mrs. Wal
ter H. Smith, Mrs. Garnet W.
Harra. Mrs. Deryl Myers, Mrs.
Donald McLaughlin, Mrs. Donald
Jones, Mrs. Howard Eshleman,
Miss Virginia Scott, Miss Barbara
Vagness. Miss Lynn Mayder, Miss
Corolie Roseberry and the host
esses. ...
A dinner dance . . . honored
Kay Gould ra his 21st birthday
fiatnrdiv eveninf whea his moth
er, Mrs, Cotter Gould, entertained j for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Lewis
at her country home at Mission
Bottom. . . . Fifty ef his Oregon
State College friends were bidden
to the party. ... Special guests
were Captain and Mrs. J. L Cot
leL Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Wheeler,
Misa Enna Weir and Mrs. Opal
, Bennett, all of Corvallis. ... As
sisting Mrs. Gould were Mr. and
Mrs. Creighton B. Jones, Mr. and
Mrs. Karl Kuhn and Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Wherly. . . . Kay is a sea
tor at Oregon State and will grad
uate in June. ...
A post nuptial ahower . . . will
fete Mrs. Harry Brians, the for
mer Ruby Found Wilson, Friday
afternoon at the h o m e of Mrs.
Esther Wendt . . . group of pri
vate duty nurses have been in
vited to call between 1 and S
o'clock to greet the new bride . . .
a miscellaneous shower will fete
Mrs. Brians. ... Assisting Mrs.
Wendt will be Mrs. Lola Comer
and Miss Beda Erickson. , ,
Club jottings . . Mrs. Paul
Hendricks will - preside at a
bridge luncheon this afternoon
t her Fab-mount Hill home for
members ef her club. . . . Mrs.
Breyman Boise will he an addi
tional guest . . . Mrs. Arthur
Fisher has Invited members ef
her club to luncheon this after
noon at her home. . . . Mrs. Ralph
Nohlgreu will entertain her dub
at luncheon and bridge today. . ..
Mrs. F. W. Foonnaa will be
hostess tonight for her 'club. . . .
A buffet dinner will be served
with cards following. . . . Mrt,
Velma Farmer -will be a guest
. . Mrs. Harold . Olinger is en
tertaining her bridge club at
luncheon on Wednesday. . . . Mrt.
Lee Ohmart hat Invited her club
te luncheon and bridge on Thurs
day. . . . Mrs. Charles Heltxel and
Mrs. Harmon Harvey will be ad
ditional guests. ...
Flying south . . . Thursday will
be Mrs. ' Carl Steelhammer and
ihfcir alrieat annrJnhn , . , they are
headed for Lot Angeles on a com
joined business and pleasure trip
""and on Sunday wuT attend theTro
Bowl game ...
Arrlring ... la the capital Fri
day from, Tokyo were Lt aad Mra.
Darld D. Kowlts ... they flew to
Saa Fraaelaco from Japan, where
they have been stationed the nat (
a.v li Kawki kaa Lmi la
it.. r r..t t. ... t.. Mrs. Harry Hiday was installed
first ia Korea . . . hi. wife Jolaei ; " "7 m8tro" ' &tm Chap-
Goldcnvcds Honored jDalegatcs to ISummer F.Un Clothes Go Exotic . . .
Others gaining points among the
22 competing teams included
Mrs. Percy Miner of Corvsllis
and Mrs. Harry Wiedmer, Mrs.
Ward Graham and L. W. Miles,
Mrs. W. M. Cline and Ray Ward,
Mrs. R. H. Tokerud and W. M.
Cline, Mrs. Myrtle Mount of Ore
gon City and Mrs. Don Huff, and
Mrs. Lloyd Jonei and Mrs. Don
ald Duncan.
In the weekly duplicate game
at the Elks Club Mrs. Lucetta
McCoskrie of Corvallis and Mrs.
Ward Graham won north-south,
while Mrs. Arthur L. Lewis and
Mrs. Elmer 0. Berg took top
honors in the other direction.
Points also went to Mr. and Mrs.'
M. A. Beyer of Mt Angel, Carl
Ruder and Charles Van Horn,
Mrs. R. H. Tokerud and Mrs.
Lloyd Jones, Mrs. R. I. McKes
son and Ellis H. Jones, Mrs. C.
B. Bentson and Ray Ward, Mrs.
Sidney Schecntman and E. 0.
Berg, and Mrs. W. A. Barsch and
Mrs. Leona Taylor.
Junior Winners
For the Elks Club juniors Mrs,
Richard . Chambers and Mrs.
Douglas Chambers were high
scorers, while just behind were
Mrs. John H. Shoemaker and
Mrs. Paul Van de Velde, and
Mrs. Wallace Wilson and Mrs.
David Eason.
Mrs. E. E. Boring and Mrs.
Donald Duncan won last week's
tournament at the Elks Club,
while Mrs. Harold Muhs and Mrs.
Stanley Neuens were second, fol
lowed by Mrs. Leona Taylor and
W. M. Cline, and Mrs. A. I. Eoff
and Mrs. W. M. Cline.
Next master points will be
played next Sunday and Monday
at the Elks Club, while on the
following Sunday, January 22, a
two-session team-of-four match
with the Cavendish Club of Port
land is scheduled. The monthly
junior playoff also is set for the
Elks Club at .7:30 p.m. Monday,
January-lg. -7-7
MrsrHiday to
Head OES
Mr. erd Mrs. Ralph C Shepard who celebrated their
golden wedding anniversary at a reception on January 8
at the Salem Woman's Club. The Shepards have lived in
the Spring Valley and Zena area ever since their marriage,
moving to Salem three years ago. They have nine children,
21 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren.
Betrothals of Three Couples
Revealed During Weekend
Mrs. Esther B. Wendt is announcing the engagement of her
daughter, Miss Beth Ann Wendt, to William Milton Robinson, son
of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Robinson of Anaheim,. Calif. The bride
elect's father is L. E. Wendt of Salem. The engaged duo plan a
late. spring wedding.
Miss Wendt is a graduate of Salem schools and Oregon State
College. She is a member of
Mrs. Groves
As Chief
The Ladies Encampment Aux
iliary, Willamette No. 2 met Fri
day evening for installation.
Mrs. Lynn Hill, special district
deputy to the Grand Patriarch,
was installing officer, assisted by
Mrs. Clarence Townsend, deputy
grand junior warden; Omar
Kelsey, deputy grand senior war
den; Pearl Harland, deputy grand
high priest; Mr. Clarence Kimble,
deputy grand treasurer; Charlie
Neubauer, deputy grand scribe;
Miss Wilda Siegmund, deputy
grand musician; Lynn Hill, dep
uty grand inner sentinel; and Gus
Erickson, deputy grand outer
Officers installed- were Mrs.
Lora Groves, chief matriarch;
Mrs. Charlie Neubauer, aenior
warden; Mrs. Clarence Kimble,
high priestess; Mrs. Lynn Hill,
scribe; Mrs. Joe Jackson, treas
urer; Mrs. Walter Larson, junior
warden; Mrs. Gus Erickson, first
watch; Miss Wilda Siegmund,
second watch; Mrs. Clyde Moore,
third watch; Mrs. Icie Pierce,
fourth watch.
- Mrtr-Floy d -Westr first-guard
of the tent; Mrs. Arthur Tucker,
second-guard of the tent; Mrs
Roy Pease, third guard of the
tent; Mrs. Lawerance Peterson,
fourth guard of the tent; Mrs.
Grover Pomeroy, inner sentinel;
Mrs. Omar Kelsey, outer sentinel;
and Mrs. Clem Ohlsen, musician.
Mrs. Fred Shafer is the retiring
chief matriarch.
Sigma Kappa and is now teach
ing home economics at the Junc
tion City High School. -
Mr. Robinson attended Oregon
State- College and his fraternity
is Lambda Chi Alpha. He is em
ployed at -Douglss Aircraft in
Long Beach, Calif.
Arden Parker to Wed -
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Parker are
revealing the engagement and
forthcoming marriage of their
daughter. Arden Elizabeth, to
Bob Dean Woods, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Woods of Kinzua,
The ceremony will take place
on Saturday, January 28, at St.
Paul'a Episcopal Church at 4
o'clock with a reception follow
ing. . .
The bride-elect and her fiance
are students at the University of
Mies Boyer Engaged
Announcement is being made
of the betrothal of Miss Margaret
Boyer of Turner, daughter of
Mrs. Margaret Boyer of Turner
and George Boyer of Salem, to
Irwin Dalke, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Dalke of Aumsville.
No date has been set for the
Miss Boyer and her fiance are
graduates of Cascade Union High
School. The bride-elect is em
ployed in Salem at Beneficial
Finance Co. and Mr. Dalke in
Aumsville: : 1 J '
Are Named
Chemeketa Chapter, Daughters
of the American Revolution beld
an interesting meeting Saturday
at the Marion Hotel They had as
speakers two young students who
took part in the exchinge pro
gram of the American Field Serv
ice this year. y
The first speskerV wis Miss Si
grid Bruhl, whose home is in
Heidelberg, Germany. She is
spending" a -year in the United
States as an exchange student,
sponsored by the Lions Club and
is living with the Lee Ohmart
family. There are 853 students
from various foreign countries
attending school in the United
States, each one sponsored by
an American organization.
The second speaker was Miss
Ada Hartmon, who spent three
months last summer in Greece as
a representative from the Salem
schools. She was one of 630 atu
; dents from the United States who
went to foreign countries under
this exchange program. She was a
I guest in the home of a lawyer
in Athens. The young people
from the United States are fi
nanced by their families.
Other guests present at this
meeting were Mrs. Dessa Hof-
stetter of Monmouth, Mrs. Addi
son Taioot oi Chemawa, Mrs.
Charles Terry, formerly ef Mont
gomery, Alabama, and Mrs. Hel-
ene Hansen.
Convention Delegates
Mrs. H. M. Broadbent and Mrs.
Homer Goulet were elected as
delegates to the National Con
vention, Daughters of the Ameri
can Revolution, to be held in
Washington, D. C. in April. Mrs.
E. E. Bergman, Mrs. C. A.
Sprsgue, Mrs. Philip T. Bouf
fleur and Mrs. W. E. Hanson
were elected as alternates.
Chemeketa Chapter is looking
forward to the state convention
which will be held in Albany
March 22-24 and elected the fol
lowing delegates: Mrs. Alfred
Vick, the present regent, Mrs.
W. E. Hanson, Mrs. Edwin A.
Jory, Mrs. B; E. Braucht, Mrs. H.
J. Ostlind, Mrs. Homer Goulet,
Mrs. C. A. Sprague, Mrs. E. E.
Bergman, Mrs. H. G. Henderson,
Mrs. Luke Johnston, Miss Edna
Mingus, Mrs. John Raphael, Mrs.
Erie Horlin and Mrs.. Robert
Alternates elected were Mrs.
H. M. Broadbent, Mrs. M. A. Pe
kar. Mrs. David H. Looney, Miss
Georgia Shane, Mrs. L. C. Mc-
Leod, Miss Ruth Rulifson, Mrs.
Winifred Herrick, Mrs. S. L. Mi
nard, Mrs. J. 0. Fair. Mrs.
Charles H. Murphy, Mrs. J. W.
Shipley, Mrs. George W. Croisan,
Miss Helen Litchfield, and Mrs.
John Blsck.
Mrs. W. E. Hanson was chair
man of the hostess committee, as
sisted by Mrs. Ralph Van Horn,
Mrs. John , Raphael, Mrs. J. 0.
Farr, Mrs. Charles Creighton, and
Mrs. David L Phelps.
I '
Jli J
West Indies Flavor . . . The young lady on the burro
wears coordinated separate inspired by the Calypso sing
ers of the Caribbean countries. Jacket ajd shorts are natural
nubby finish cotton, blouse in bold, colorful Trinidad print.
At the right, a Trtnrdad print blouse teams with skirt in
natural cotton. The skirts, shirts, shorts, jackets, blouses and
sundresses are coordinated by designer Stephanie Koret
in two fabrics, a plain natural color nubby cotton and a
Trinidad print in rich earth tones of brick, black and brown.
-Ladie-GHf t-Mark's Lala-
eran Church will meet for a 12:30
covered dish luncheon Wednesday
noon. Mrs. Horace McGee ia in
charge of the program and the
executive committee is in charge
of serving. Following the guild
meeting the calling committee will
meet at 3 p.m. at the church .
Modern Etiquette
Q. Is it proper, when setting
the dinner table, to put the but
ter on one plate and pass it
around, or put it on individual
bread-and-butter plates?
- A. This is more a question of
convenience than propriety, and
certainly it is more convenient
to ser ye lhcbutter on individual
plates than to have your guests
nug it irfttinfl.
ymKW t tU WwiHr
Daughters of
Nile Elect
Mrs. George Moorhead was
elected' president of the Salem
Daughters of the Nile Club at the
monthly luncheon meeting on Mon
day at the Masonic Temple. Other
officers named to serve with Mrs.
Moorhead during the ensuing year
are Mrs. Earl Andresen, vice
president;' Mrs. Norman Fletcher,
secretary; and Mrs. Arthur Erick
son, treasurer.
Mrs. Moorhead will announce her
appointive officers later. Mrs. Otho
Eckersley has served as president
of the club the past year.
Past presidents were honor
g u e s t s -at Monday's -luncheon.
Attending were Mrs. 0. A. Olson,
Mrs. D. X. Beechler. Mrs. John
Imlah, Mrs. E. A. Rhoten, Mrs.
William Newmeyer. Mrs. Russell
Bright, Mrs. Estill Brunk, Mrs.
Paul H. Hauser, Mrs. Jacob
Fuhrer, Mrs. Claude Post, Mrs.
Virgil T. Golden, Mrsr- Harris
Lietz, and Mrs. Lawrence Lister,
who now lives in Portland.
A clever resume of the Club's
past presidents and activities over
the years was presented by Mrs.
Paul Shafer.
New members introduced were
Miss Mary Larson, Mrs. Lulu Voss
and Mrs. James Burkhart.
Mrs. John Graybill beaded the
hostess committee for the affair.
Aumsville A boy was born
January 2 to Mr. and Mrs. War
ren Kit linger of Aumsville.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Howe, Salem, and George
Killinger, Aumsville. The little
boy, named David William, has a
wotnerrMlcnaei,-anff- sister,
I k
! -'..v. -
Vi ..
S if
h . i t
J v I
Q. Is it obligatory to make
calls on the bride and bride
groom? A. Yes; all those who received
invitations to the wedding should
call on the bride . in her new
home, even if they didn't attend
the wedding.
him la Tokyo a year ago . . . they
will be hero uttt the end of Feb
ruary an (. hit tw assignment Is
Fort Bliss, Texas ... Lt aad Mra.
Ketrtts are vialtlag tbolr pareata,
Mrs. Violet Fry aad Mr. aad Mrs.
Chris KowUs ... On their arrival
la Salem Friday night Mra. Fry
entertained at dianer la honor of
the couple aad aneenbers of the Im
mediate families . . . several other
parties are being arranged to wel
come the couple bark to the states.
Visiters . . . at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Bjarne Ericksea have
been her ' brother-in-law and sit
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Corrigan
of Santa Monica, Calif. , . . they
arrived for Christmas . and then
went on to Seattle to visit, return
ing to Salem this weekend . . .
Weekead visitors ... la the cap
ital were Mr. aad Mrs. Richard
ter, Order of Eastern Star at
formal ceremonies at the Scottish
Rite Temple. The installing officers
were Mrs. William Merriott, instal
ling matron; John Miller, installing
patroa; Mrs. Otho Eckersley,
chaplain; Mrs. G. A. Reeher,
marshall; and Mrs. H. H. Mc
Daniels, organist.
Other officers installed with Mrs.
Hiday included ', worthy patron,
Kenenth Dodge; associate matron,
Mrs. Gorge Edwards; associate
patron, Ronald Rotsner; secretary,
Mrs. Melvln Propp; treasurer,
Mrs. Harry Bachle; conductress,
Mrt. Earl Bradfield; associate con
ductress. Mrs. Robert Zemanek;
chaplain, Mrs. G. Black; marshall,
Mrs. Wayne Kurd; organist, Mrs.
T. E. Ullakko; Adah, Mrs. P.
Marquiss; Ruth, ' Mrs. Jesse E.
Earlywine; Ester. Mrs. Everett
Clob Calendar
gutllvaa aad teas, Bobby, Doff aad , Hearing; Martha, Mrs. T. W. Lea-
sure; tiecia, mrs. uenc.ivenneay;
warder, Mrs. Kenenth Dodge;
sentinel, Everett Hearing.
Courtesy Group
Tbe new courtesy group includes'
Mrs. Dale . Pieraon, Mrt. Marion
Stoutenberg, Mrs. - John Becker,
Miss Patricia Payne, Mrs. George
Thomaaon, Mrs. Robert Green,
Mrs. S. K. Friese and Mrs. M. G.
The choir includes Mrs. Clarice
Judson. Mrs. Mark Wilbur, Mrs.
P. H. Yoder, Mrs. Chas. Boyer and
Mrs. Walter Bates.
The program for the evening in
cluded a musical number by the
South Salem high school string
trio, John Gibbens and Rodney
Schmidt, and Mrs. Harvey Gibbens
at the piano. Mrs. Clarice Judson
sang accompanied by Mrs. H. M.
The past officers and courtesy -
members were in charge of the
reception. Mrt. Harry Lucas and
Mrs. Mont Yoder poured.
BiWre Xuf hurt of NU noon
lunrrwon, MawMuc Ttmpla, Mwinf
St 10:90 am .
Sticm Unit, Republican Womn'
rtrUon oi Orsoa. Senator Ha
ul. I p m.
S.l.m Junior Wamna's Club innt
at clubhouat, a pm.
Sln G.rd.a Club iriMUnf. Wom
an Club. I p m . cUmm at in a.m.
Mr Kin I. r Mother aa4 Dada nwt
at arhool. S p m
B.thl 41. oba Daufhtart Initia
tion, Scottuh Rita Tampla, 1:10 p m.
Trl -County DnUI Auxiliary no
hrft dinner, Martoa Moul, I p m.
Miaurl Club no-hott lunrhaon
i'h Mt. r. B. Kaaaoa, SSI Cantor
12 10 e m.
Oadwirk Chapter. OM Social
Cub Maionie Tempi. I N Soaaart
VWCA beard marfirf at YW. I 41
H -Y Mothers, aon tunrhaan,
Dj'nct I rafon State Kurat Aa
aoc:a'Hin. Marten Hotel, ao-hpet dm
aar, I N P-f
F'.rrt Sfrthodut Church WSCS
oon hinrhaon rrelrs at I IS pm
Jitoa L Methodiet WHTS meet
t 11 am. Klrbtr Room, noon Sinner.
Oerrr Court. Order H the Amar
an'n, Scottuh R"e Terrpie, If.
Salem fnit 13. A-rerlean Leftoti
Aunuarjr meet at Salem Woman
Cl'itt S pm
Spiritual Sunflowee Club meet at
rWrh, 1.US Maduwn at, IS a m. to
I pm.
Stnurnei 4' aiirt fcriSf. Salem
Waman Club I tea
futrtar "
South t.t,m peril with Vr. Carl
T70 t IWawninf Are, I S
r t
S1eai Wamaa Cl'ib meet at elub
I m, boarS aetU. UM
VKN'TSIDE The rrieadly hour
club will meet at the home of
Mrs. Russet Langford, Wednesday,
Jan 11. A no-host luncheon will be
served at U o'clock.
Cattoaj Made
la Our Shea
0 Valaataa Vra.eraa at
Cartes Beaa 0 Sp Cavara
BiWiileJ mf f WM
rk. XU llerani) Mlt Ceatat S4.
Varied Recital
Slated Tonight
Students of Salem Music Co.
studios will be presented in re
cital tonight at 8 p.m. at the
studio recital hall, 467 Ferry St.
Parents and friends of the stu
dents will hear a varied program
of piano, violin, cornet, clarinet,
and accordion music. Students
performing will be James Bingen
heimer, trumpet; Kathleen Glenn,
violin; Willette McMahon, piano;
John Olson, clarinet; David
Schildmeyer, clarinet; Mary
Schmerber, violin; and Robert
Schwiesow, cornet a .
Teachers whose students will
be playing in this recital are Ray
Walden, Armin Ryser, Miss Jean
Turnhiill r.lon Willismc anil Vif. i
tor Palmason.
off if
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Atthe same time, VapoRub'a
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Into nose, throat and large
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Coughing eases. Warming
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So, when colds strike, use
Vicks VapoRub. That's ail lt
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more like himself again!
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