Statesman, Salem, Ore, Tucs.,"Jan. 10, 1D'3 (Sec. 1 OPEN MONDAY AfD FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P. M. - OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. hi TO 5:30 P. M. i i I 111! I'M ' r- ic iuc. r- ' ism ni ic t u u u I i an ICE jT .4 I 4 The wonderful fashions by the world's most famous designers that appear in magazines . . , the silhouettes that rate Paris' cables , , . the new looks that - cause international comment! Typically Snorts Shop from our' famous Label Hall of Fame Sweaters: Dalton Jantzen Glasgo Bernhard Altmann Pendleton Braemar Hadley Pringle Ballantyne Blairmoor - Geist & Geist -r Goldworm Skirts: Evan frcone Pendleton-Custom Craft Sloat Blouses: Blousecraft Adelaar Sidney Heller " : "ICaTouryeliny PotfcF Lee Mar Markay Knit Suits: Kimberly -Goldworm Barbara Carol Slacks: Diva Daven shire - White Stag V ' WWK. ft" 4KJf'V rfW v. , f J;r 'jw fyw ti;;-:-:v ; V 5 ,M V-1 4 rv-" AW if x . -V. . 1 J f . Il J r, .u;-i.;r -V . . .... Y.;.::-4-r I J 1 : . v-- v 1 l I'm ' - 1 )- , . ' . .. 1 ; , I A, i : i . : i; .0VL V V '' .v'! V f I " V ; i v; : u Indoors-outdoors the new tapered trousers, slick tops G(3DST GEI Cotton knit caches. . .all for fun! A Wavlssima collpttion of skintight pants, explosiv topi in wondrrful colors to wear now and the year 'round. "1. Stripp T-shirt; ypllow, ml, Matk, Rrrrn, aqua with white. Small-mrdium-largfi. Cotton Injt corsair puints with slu'rtrom panions, "Nifti-Shift" doina-li'Ks two for Iprs, ont) for the hrad. Black, yellow, green and white. v. 2. "Colic Coat" in white, Hack, aqua, hot pink. Long, skinny pants in black, white, yellow, rel, green. 8-16. 3. Vertical stripe T-shirt with boat neck. Aqua, green, black, yellow. Solid ailor shorts in green, red, aqua, yellow, black, white. 8-lfl. ;6.98- - H4.98 H2.98 ' 6.98 n,98 FREE STCTCE-SIDE PARKINS FOR OYER 1,000 CARS Hail and phone, orders. Plui shipping costs to areas outxido our rtgular tmck delivery mutts " SPORTS SHOP - STREET FLOOR