5 (Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Turs., Jan. 10, 1936;. 100 Agriculture TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4C3 Feu V CHIT. 4-rtr. m-rtn: A real hr- j $ i Just pnv oil pnri!rfli't - Only j lis r-h -?:)!, ,fc. Xisr, red hHlfnlri, Jan 7 in or nnr the Tea Garden, Th. J-IWiO. riee renin piwn WANTFi."9 5nflrn"fiirn7ml Kjiitp r fii f'v hark $I.3IW per year in finthnf mfcrent iicrurltv rlh Sihimhi 'Phone M. A, 3-4073, Dal Ore. - TOR RfNT, 1-btdrrmm home, mi h-!tt, (irrplBre. 2 hih, fall after .'" p m ISA per tnn. Ph. 2-670V J.tKDRM home newly dernrjtrd ,,. V , le ! tie! Oerte t Jr. Hi S-hos f'.n, Inquire l IR4.1 S, 12th. fcr ph. -P'R after n.m For tXFSv"tlnmnOiirnii)rt'Vn! riouht- bv se-vtre tmn at l?1h i- Mitvon, Pim Moderate, in- trrrnt,' evrell-nt Income ngtnrv-1 tiin'-v. fill 3-7671 after p.m. Call 4-:m. Classified Advertising Suleiman-Journal Newspapers m N. (hurra St ' PHONE' 4-6811 " LOCAL RATES per lin 3 ttmes HO per line ( times 1 30 II J per line 1 month ... 15 no (inel Sun I (Mtn. I Hart) Weekdavi tnndsys per Un 1 tune .31 .2 Classified id! will be run tfi bn'h papers to ft" advertiser th ad vantage of th tremendous pulling power of 21.600 combined elreula iiom. When in d It ordered three or tlx time and Sunday ltiue t in cluded (for example Friday, Satur day, Sunday) the lower Sunday rated apply becauae only the Statesman publtihei Sundays. Classified ada win ttart In the morning Oregon Statesman, conclude In th evening Capital Journal but ada will be accepted for Sunday Eta teaman only. Th deadline for claailfled ads ts 1O0 pm. the day before publica tion. Emergency ada and small line ads received aft'r 100 pm. mav be Blared tn the 'Too Lste to Classify" column for th following Horning. Ads for Monday paper irust be In by h p m. Saturday. The Statesman Journal Newspapers teerv the right to reject ques tionable advertising; It further re serves the right to plsre all adver tising under th proper classifica tion. . Th Statesman-Journal Newaoeners tssum no financial .eeponsibillty for errors which may appear in ad vertisements published In Its columns and U cases where this oaper ts at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement m which the typo graphical mistake orrurs A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman-Journal Newspapers box number for an address Is for the protection of th adverW rs and must therefore be answered by let ter The Statesman-Journal News Iiaper are not at liberty to divulge nformatlon as to th identity of an dvextlaar using a "Blind" ad. THIS NEWSPAPER eTRIVES TO protect It readers against fraud, deception or Injuries Readers re cautioned to make NO PAY MENTS to get a position adver tised tn th help wanted columns All help wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK Salea help wanted ads must ttat if the pay ta In th form of salary commissions or guarantee. Bona fid offers of employment with pay belong ta th "Help Wanted" columns. Ads ta ether columns which r eulr investment In stocks, urn pica, equipment or cash bond should be thoroughly investigated before paying out any money, ao vertises requiring a cash invest tnent for sample or merchandise ale aids, etc, must a specify to their ads. Kindly report any exception to this nil to th classified advertising manager. WTl.t. trade niv equity in l5 t'hev. V-H Hel Alt' hirliftJ rm 4'i-.Vi. i le.m. 407 5 (.leiiwixirt Dr. 14 Comers I I.ADIKS renflv to v. enr pii-tui e. manikin, hotly forms head Iomiik. rlit-nme rarks, wall rark. shelves, plum i-acs. cherks K curii-in, m-h TfSi!'i'r, Suit ct-'l k dress hsngrr. fli'ore-i'ent light, nenn isn. J I,. CrfttipDell, Uri Main St., Silverion, Ore, rinKSTONr"w.ihinr-maenine7Seii lor m Th. 4-fimi. f rift SALE, purebred Ciillle puppies! msle. lj v,k'. old, fun he regie r Ifrrd. Haroirl Tof, Rt. 2 Box -A, Ph. JM4K, Sllyerton, Or li? in J Rdrmr Kelrer "unfurnished MUX! 1 Rdrm, Furnlahe?! E. A. Mef.LAUFLIN, AGENT 3H5 N. HIGH ST. 2-8611 "SHOES! SHOES! SHOESf Used good elesn fumigated 1.800 prs. Chllrlren's, ladies', men's on sale. smfcll fraction cost. Monday through Fridnv, 141 N. Com'l. TART T1MK Salesman aV Saleswom en needed. Hav ynu need for ex- Iro Income' We are exnandlng our home appliances depnrtment h are In need ol nlemen ft saleswomen jln'woik on a part time ham. Call m to in nn a m., to (l :.m i.m. At 2iM(i fanitol. ak for VTr. Hill. INr'OMETAXKf4Are" vou over-pay. ing yours? J'h, J-73, PI' DIGRI KD Roller Canaries, rson ahly prlrrd. hlngrrs St hens. J-7'i. ion SAl.E-3 beautiful Regrtierman fctinrthair I'olniers. Ph, lnvld Ken liedv, Jiideieii(leine 3-40J3, SHI. I, or trad cheap, Yr. old Ped. Ii-maie hlai k Ulirador, Ph. 4-!i03. til Al'K cnily. haired puppies, 5 ea. Ph, 4-5WW. . CU'lK, lovable, cmker spaniel pup pies, honey tt red. Ph, 3-70)4. PAHlkKEETS. cages supile 4 Cor ners Avian 4110 Hudson I-MP7 MRTKEETSaleTiTSuppil It M Aviary. SMS Maywood. 4-5421. HOLLVVVOOD AliiTanium. 1851 Me Cov. Tropical, gnldfiah, equipment, BIRO Paradise tor nlras, reea sup plies 1180 Livingston, 1-1MJ , 41 1 Fruit one) Form Ptoduct S017IER-S DAIRY Jug milk, 0e gaL Phone 4-1075. BALED wheat strsw, 40c per bale, Phillips Bros. Ph. 4-3081. FRESH carrot i apple Juire. Pints AV Quarts, free Del. Ph. 1-7190. PASTEURIZED whole mlilc, 75c gal delivered. Cleary Dairy, J-J034. 4 13 Fertiluer 300 I'monal ROTTED MANURE. Rich, fine man ure bv aack or yard. Delivered or at farm, Phillip's Broa. Rt. I Box liij, PU, 4W1. 314 Tro nsporrotion 4.0 Merchandise 455 HickoM Goodi For Solo UNriMSItm rhests new I drswer. I if) 115; 4-drawer, II . Cash Carry, no ph orders Hon Bros fcalem LMIMMII.J furniture furniture Store )'& N H L tHif High l.rT US DHY VOUR HOME WASH INGS, Neatly folded, too. rait and cheap, 12J.5 ferry St. LAUNDER ETTE, Ph. 2-4M5. (I, Blwk Esst of Willamette U GvINcTrM, set, din. rm. set, bed room set, eler. range, refrlg. Ir mihirg machine, 1350. .10 dn. Ic 30 mo, Ph. 3-7.1811. 'is MODEL Thnr wringer type wash ing mseh. 17 Mill after 8 p.m. nQiriLEirM-W7CTill .! VALLEY TURN. 21S N. COM L, 456 Wonted, Hitnold Goods WE NEED FURNITURE Valley Furn. Co. Ph. I-747I TOP CASH PRICE FURNITURE, APPLIANCES, ETC. USED MERCHANDISE MART. J70 S. LIBERTY PH. 4-M71 310 Meeting Notice SALEM Barracks No. IIS. Veterans World War I. meet Jan. 11 at 1:30 p.m., V.F.W. Hall, tM Hood Rt. DAVID RRAD1.EY garden tractor, I like new. with plow, disc cul ' tivator attachments. 1178. See at ISM Laurel Ave., Woodburn, Or., or Ph, Woodburn J-1I4I, SALEM LODGE No. 4, A F Kf A M. Wed., Jan. 11, E. A. de ' free. .1 .-30 n m. ii2 Loit end Found LOST Badminton racket downtown Saturday. Ph. S-Son. LOST Large hand-tooled porketbook on Chemawa Rd. Sat. night. Keep sake. Contents badly needed. Ph. 4-6071. LOST-Whlte & tan male Cocker. Ans. to nsme "Tony", Child's pet. Reward. Ph. J-3237. LOST: I mo. old fawn color Boxer female, answers to nsme of ';Dutchess." Ca.l J-3M4Reward. LOST Black Scotty. vicinity ofw. Browning. Ph. 1-4374. 316 Personal" TOO MANY BILLS?' Don't lf your hills gt yoti in tmn- me. ir ynu re behind in payment we can help you No security or co-signers needed. One place to pay a!) bills Pay only whs' vu ran afford' (Bihded and Licensed for your protection" i CREDIT CONSULTANTS Dial Salem J-BSM for Information 4T5 Auction Soles AUCTION , OF FURNITURE - AT SCOTTY'S rONITE. 4140 CENTER ST, SALEM 450 Merchandise 451 Moeninery and Tools HAVE Several used welders AC Ji SC. Call 4-7544. 454 Sewing Mochines SINGER WORK uniforms made to fit vou, Lettering . monograms. Ph. 4-5273. AI.COHOI.1C& AnnnvmotK 988 S. Commercisl. 1-2101 or 4-7887. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No' I 20M N Com'l 3-4U37 PSYCHIC PALM READING Speoial 11, 3125 8. Com'l. Ph. 4-8953 after p m. at 1935 S. 12th. MADAM HAZEL PSYCHIC READER, TELLS PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE. ON ALL PROBLEMS. LOOK FOR ALIRMA MOTEL. 345 PORTLAND RD. WANTED Old coins. Send lift to Box 738, Statesman -Journal Qassif ied Index "For Your Convenience- 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock For Sole 100 PERSONAL 310 Meeting Notice 312 Lost and Found 314 Transportation 118 Personal 111 Stamps and Coins 400 AGRICULTURE 402 Livestock lor Sale 403 Livestock Warned 404 Poultry and Rabbits 407 Fur Bearing Animals 408 Peas 409 Sea roods 410 Seeds and Plants 412 Fruit and Farm Produce 413 Fertilwer 414 Farm Equipment 421 Auction Sale - 4M MERCHANDISE 4M Machinery and Tools 452 Wanted Machinery, Tools 4S4 Sewing Machines 451 Household Goods for Sal 4M Wanted Household Goods 457 Radio and Television 451 Building Materials b Do It Yourself 4M Musical Instrument 461 Sports Equipment 4o4- Bicycle 4M Trade Miscellaneous 461 For Rent Miscellaneous , 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous -472 Wanted. Miscellaneous 474 Miscellaneous 471 Fuel 800 BUSINESS AND FINANCE 810 Money to Loan 112 Loans Wanted 111 Investment 00 EMPLOYMENT 02 Help Wanted " 04 Help Wanted. Male to Help Wanted, Femal 0I Pickers Wanted C10 Sales Persons 112 W ork Wanted. Mai 614 Work Wanted. Female 011 Situations Wanted tit Employment Agencies 117 Job Information Oil Education 20 Day or Contract . TOO RENTALS 702 Sleeping Rooms, Board 703 Wanted Rooms, Board 70S Apartment for Rent 7J8 Duplexes 707 House for Rent - WNA Furnished . - - 701 Farms, Tract ' 70S Wanted to Rent 710 Wanted to Rent House 712 Wanted to Rent Apt. 711 Business Rentals 716 Resort Rentals 711 Convalescent Home "80 Moving and Storage MB REAL ESTATE F"l Business Opportunities W2 Business Property "3 Suburbsn V Houses for Sal ' f-i7 Apts.. Court for Sal to Lots for Ssi 610 Farms, Acreag for S! i 12 Exchsnre Real Estat 116 Resort Property (II Wanted Real Estate fit Insurance V AUTOMOTIVE f "1 Kew Cars Used Cers for Si! 13 Auto Part and Repair IM Truck, Trailers for Sal tM Wanted Cars, Truck IS Motorcyclea 19 Auto Misccllaiwout -e2 House Trsiler s4 Heavy Equipment Aircraft ill Smpi nd Coins CHOICE butcher hogs, 113.50 cwt. Will haul. Ph. 2-2772. FOR SALE or trade 4 dairy cattle or stock cattle. 144 young white faced ewes, lsmbtng 1st of Feb. Ph. Jellrrson, Fsirfsx 72600. Ralph Nelson. RFD 1. Box 182. DELUXE DESK REG. $319.50 SINGER VACUUM Reg. $104.75 $424.25 Both For ......,$299.75 YOU SAVE $125.50 45) fcoo-io one! TV ARVIN 21 console TV. 17 15. Open Frt. till I. Used Mdse. Mart, 270 8. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. 458 Building Moteriels 500,000 FEET New, fresh-milled aid ai second rowth lumber. 2x4 to 2x12 In to 24-foot lengths. Delivered prices Salem, 130 per thoussnd minimum. Ph. Ted Muller S-11M. $7.00 SQUARE STOCK REDUCTION i First Grade 219 lb. thickbutt composition shingles, F. 0. B. yard. ' C&K LUMBER YARD B52 N. Lancaster Ph. 2-1SO0 SELLOUT "No." t Creep. comp. roofing, 111 lb. l."0 Mrrrhandise 476 Futl CAPITOL FUEL CO. Sawdust, blower or push out Choice slah snd block mined. Planer enda. dry oak wood. 1420 Broadway Ph 3-7711 WKST SALEM FUEL Sawduit, blower or puiit out. Planer and Pond Lilies SPECIAL Semi-Dry Block and Slsb 152lIdgewater , Ph l-407I OAK wood. Ill cord. Phone 2102 Turner after 4 p m. 500 Hut. & Finance 5T0 Money to Loon Business Loans ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS MACHINERY EQUIPMENT LIVESTOCK Loan to Purchase, Repair or Refinance Crawler Type Tractors, Trailer Homes ac All Types of Equipment PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS A Division of PACIFIC FINANCE Wm. C. Kramer, Manager III S. Liberty Ph. 4-a0l LOANS IU.0O to 11500 00 Buy what you need. Consolidate your bill. Finance through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 182 6. Church St Phone 2-3457 WE HAVE cssH buyers for real es tate contracts and 2nd mortgages. Ohmart h Calaba, Realtor 477 Court St Phone 2-4111 PRIVATE MONEY to loan, cash for real estate mortgages snd contracts. . B. M. Mason or W. B. Minler, Rlts . 341 Chemeketa, Ph. MORTGAGE LOANS To buy, build or refinance. Con struction financing to qualified builders. . C.V.KENT&CO. 456 N. Church Ph. 4-2293 COLONIAL Investment Co. Real Property Loans Contrscta Pur chased. 117 Court . 4-2283. 51 S Investments Ksili per keg, 11.35. 12-2 elee'ric wire, 4'ic ft. Mahog doers fr. A. 14 75 to IS 81 Bldg paper. 500 sq. ft.. UJi. WILL LOAN or Invest In going bus . Inera, 125 000 to 171 000 if satisfac torily secured. Box Ml, Salem. - 600 Employment 2J-gal. surplus, green psint, 11.50. 602 Help Wanted Gslvsnhed pipe, all sires, ehesp. I ' 455 Hiehold Goods For Sole HOT POINT Rsnge, 11195 - Used Vdse. Mart, 270 S. Liberty. Ph, 4-6371, Bl THRIFTY-Buy used furniture 1$ appliance. THE THRIFTY WAY on Easy Terms st WOODRY S THRIFTY USED FURN. Ill S. Com! Ph. 4-3311 COMPLETE selection unfinished fur niture. Open Frt. till Used Mdse. Msrt. 270 8. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. USED heating eqpmt., pressure burn ers, fir. furnsres, oil circs., basins 13 50, sinks 13.50, bathtubs, Isundry trays, toileta, auto, water heater. Judson's. 279 N. Com'l. EQUITY in Simmons new Hldesbed, washing machine wiin pump, jus Howard St. COFFEE TABLE, 13.91. Open Frl, till 9. Used Mdse. Msrt, 270 S. Liberty Ph. 4-6371. MOHAWK Bhuttlepoint Rug. - beige tones, almost new,- 9x13. Less than i price. Ph. 2-6512 after I. MOVING Want rel. party to assume psy. on 1953 Hntpolnt rangCyWilJ, - deliveTr'PHri-3r7,-""''" DAVENO A CHAIR, $45 PHONBrtt22 GENTLE Guernsey cow, coming fresh tn April, 100. 2-2339. Scientific k Custom Horseshoeing TFX SHIVELY Phone 2-6833 LOCKER BEEF, Eastern Oregon. or whole 19c lb. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free Salem Meat Co . 1325 S 25th, Ph. 2-4851 PROFESSIONAL HORSESHOER Ph. 4-9063 Salem, or t-4331 Woodburn. 403 Livestock Wonted LIVESTOCK buyer, Claude Edwards. Rt I. Box U79E. Ph. 4-1111 CATTLE BUYERS E. I and H. Sne then 4297 Stat 2-1341 or 2-4380 CATTLE, horses, at your farm, E. C. McCandlish. Rt 1 Box 297. 3-8181 LIVESTOCK buyer. , A F Sommcr, 1260 Hsrmeny Dr. Ph. 4-067. DROP FRONT desk. 139 95. Open Frt. till I. Used Mdsa. Mart, 270 S. Lib erty. Ph. 4-6371, sinks, toilets, tuns. Close out Weather strip, windows. Close out. Roll blanket insulstlon. Special. Overhead garage hardware, 111.73. ) 4-in. black aewer pipe. 30e-34c, gr. A mahog plywood, 35c. STRICTLY CASb - U-HAUL C. G. LONG & SONS 1 ml. N. Keizer Ph. 4-5051 454 Do It Yourself U-FIX-IT-GARAGE Repair your own ear. Phone 4-826L - 2091 N. Cora-V- 460 Muticol Instruments WHITE Gilantl accordion. 130-basa. with caa. exc. eond.. Ph. 2-41572 after 1:30 p.m. SACRIFICE extra nice Hamilton Grand, Cost 11200, sell for 1800. Ph, 4-8903. CONVERT YOUR PIANO Into as organ. Let us show you how. WUtacy Musis House, 1860 Stat 81 462 Sports Equipment HAND - LOADERS -Plan To Attend FREE- , Clinic and Demonstration Tbii THURSDAY 7:30 P.M. INSURANCE and Credit Inspector for Salem area. Must nave car typing ability and knowledge of area. Reply Box 989. Portland 7, Ore. BOYS. 10 to 13 yrs. of age. Work after Sen. selling newspapers. 4-4203. fiAY SPEER, One of America'i Top Hand-Loading experts will IF YOU need single item or complete household of new or used furniture or appliances, buy now on our essy terms. Woodry's Thrifty Used Furniture 111 So. Com'l St Ph. 4-3311 1 block So. of Paper Mill MIRRORS, 13.00. Open Frl. till 9. Used Mdse. Mart, 270 8. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. COMPLETE housefull of furniture. Good cond. Ph. 4-5446. GUN cabinet holds 13 guns. Open Fri, till I. Used Mdse. Mart, 270 S. Lib erty, Ph. 4-6371. ELEC. range with auto, conveniences, oven control, neon light, deep well (4th burner), Exc eond. $75. Ph. 3-3625. USED dishwasher, automatic w-sh-ers, lroners. Judson's, 279 N. Com'l. NwNetional automatic water hefct ers, 73. Judson's, 27 N. ConVL 400 Agriculture 400 Agriculture 425 Auction Soles 425 Auction Soles TO PLACE AD CALL 46811 - Sudtell's Furniture Auction WED. EVE., JAN. 11TH AT 7:30 2 Complete Homes of Good Used Furn. to be Sold 1954 22 ft. Coronado deep freese , , , 8 pc. blond Mr. k Mri. bedroom let . 5 pc. blond Mr. It Mri. bedroom set 4 pc. Wal. bedroom let 7 1954 Deluxe Bendix auto washer" k dryer Wfdgewood.gai rangei (Late model) 9x15 wool rug, 9x12 wool rug 2 5 pc. chrome icti Airline radio k phono comb. (3 ipeed) Upright piano Fridg. range - , - . ' Fridg. refrig, 4 lets good box ipringt It mattmc3 . , A. B. apart elec. range Daveno'i It davenports Platform rockcri Lamps, and lamp tablet Band taw (12 in. throat) Linoleum rugi (7x9 9x12) Loads of other good pieces of furniture not listed. Come to Buy or Sell LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YD. PH0NE 3-6098 '3915 SILVERT0N RD. 1S30 BROADWAY, SALEM PAIR ski boots, ladies'.. Swiss Rairhle, sis S narrow. 2S. Boy's, site I med. (age 7 to I), 111. Both good cond. Ph. 2-6055. CASH paid for used gun. -modern and antique, cascade Mere., 1230 Broadwa. 468 For Rent, Miicelloneoui FOR RENT or lesse. lge. warehouse spac. cement floor, DricK bldg., downtown. Inquir H. L. Stiff Furn., l-tllS. 470 For Solo Mitcclioneeui CHINA, POTTERY r STEM WARE, ALSO DOLL FURNITURE. REAL BARGAINS. PH. 2-7721. USED refrigerators, 119X5 k. up. Al um, a pp. vao etsie i. STANDARD TYPEWRITER FOR SALE CALL 3-5987 SET of new dishes it misc. items. also some doll furn. Call 2-7721. FOR SALE Antiques, furniture, limps, etc. See between 10 a.m. and I pm: at 2120 S. 12th. CHARIS Corsetiere, girdles, bra'a. Mary I. Bales. Ph. 3-S91I for appt TYPEWRITERS adding machines cash register, duplicator, desks ehslrl, files It supplies. Jtota'l 456 Court St Ph. 2-677J, CEDAR posts, poles. Ph. 4-3061. USED adding machines, cssh, regis. Clsry. 1979 Fairgrounds Rd 2-5371 RUMMAGt " SALEriMO Center SI. Open I days a week, alao evenings. FOR SALE Remington electric type writer, excellent condition. Call 3-7470 evenings. VERY NICE lare table cloths. Ill Ash St., Dallas. Ore. EASY wringer type waahing machine 125. Ph 1-4436. DIAMOND ring set, sacrifice, 140, and I gold wedding bands. III. 1-1311. 2 PR. drsw drapes, cost 130, sacrifice 111. I Calcutta handmade tapestry 25. Ph. 2-1311. ' 472 Wonted, Miicelloneoui WANTED Fir and Cedar piling, pre ferably long lengths. Phone COL- LECT CA I-9M1, Nledermeyer. Martin Co.. 711 Portland Trust Building, Fortune V Oregon. 474 Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-RR SERVICE t!i MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST. Artolph Bldg. Stat Com'l Sta. SALEM PH 1-331 1 476 Fuel FOR SALE Dry oak wood. Ph. 4-2501 Highway Fuel Co. Cleaa sawduat, wood, greet) or dry Ctov Diesel oils. Ph. 3-4444. IF YOU like to draw, sketch or paint, see Tslent Test ad in instruction column 611.. 600 Employment 612 Work Wonted, Mole PROFESSIONAL RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING At our Plant or in your Home Moth proofing, moth examination HE-TINTING For free estimate Th. 4 3971 E. SALEM AUCTION CENTER 122SLanraster CEMENT work, all Hinds Prompt service gusr E Drske. Ph 4-6.139 LOU'S TREE service. Spraying, top ping, pruning, earning, pn, 4-saoi. 614 Work Wonted, FempTi DESIRE position Jn doctor's office or am I! clinic. Routine lab. work, re ceptionist, accounts recelvsble, typ , ing. References. For Interview, please write Elizabeth Houaer, P.O. Box 311. Willamina, Oregon. BABY Sitting afternoons or nights. own trinspnrtstion, i-n. 3-9311.1. - EXP. sect, shthd. 120, typ, 15. 12V). beg. sal. t day wk. pre!, call l after 1 pm. WANTED baby sitting I days a week. Ph. 4-5140. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing, reason, able, Mrs. Poe. 661 N. 16th, 3-3843, CHILD csre, mv home, Leslie St S. Sa)em High bist.--Ph. 4-5731. CARE for children, my home. II dsy or zsc nr. 4 corners. Ph. 3-9372. WILL DO housework by month and live in. Ph. 3-6626, IRONINGS wanted, 50c an hour. Ph. 4-51S2. CHRISTIAN care for tiny tot. 445 8. 16th. Ph. 2-7173. IRONING IN MY HOME 157 N. ISth St. Ph, 3-7447 PHONE 2-9696 Light Housekeeping It Child ear. BABY altting in my home. Dlst of Chemeketa 6r 17th. 4-5731. PRACTICAL nuraing. Will go out of town. Ref. Ph. 3-4454. CHILD CARE Christian home. Reas onable. Ph. 4-5474. WILL CARE for 2 children, age 2 to I. Ph, 4-7449, 2631 S. Church. 615 Situations Wonted CHILD CARE $1.00 PH. 3 9723 FOR remodeling or house building, any carpenter work. Ph, 4-4543. DRESSMAKING, button holes Ir al tering. 607 N. Capitol, Apt. 4. 4-7990. CARPENTER work, any kind, reag. 4340 Meleay Rd. Ph. 4-5961: SEWING is dressmaking home. Ph. 1-6081. .to... my OPENINGS available. A B.C. Nursery. Infants to I yrs. 4-3232, 2-606. SMALL carpenter Jobs good work reasonable. Ph. 4-1424. PAINTING, paper hanging, your paint or mine. Re price, free est terms. Ph. Nelson 2-1493, 3-1243. PAINTING It pspering Free est! mates. Don Lucern, Ph. 3-9922. APPLICATIONS are now being tskea Im B.4.alM hlieela Cnntsa Kail. erai routes win be open. Appii- 00 Employment Aoencies cants must be accompanied by 1 if their parents or nave tneir writ ten permission. Apply st the Circu lation Department of th States msn JournsL 700 Rental. 705 Apartment! For Rent 131 Qu'et. warm, clean, l-rm. furn. apt. Ulil, furn. line to fetal) of-fli-rs, Ph. 3-7HM, 3-.12.W WANTED- Reliable" party to" operate inexpensive furn, aptu fur 1'srl rent. Ph, 3-63H7. f-rpRM. 'apt,, neatly furn, ilnie in. TV snlenns, parking. Ph. 3-6631 days, 3-7165 eves PARTLY FURN. Well arranged l-hdrm court apt,' a'ime ulililir. SAD. 1951 N, Churrh Ph Z-Strl aftet I. RENT 2 bdrm house, gar" ail Off Wallace Hd. 'a ml, out. Water A Garden. 2-0374. EX." LRG. 7ln2-bdrm' "Ai'bdrm. Range, refrig, ldry. nS5 Edgewater. Sicr.LY"ni."T-"rnap Madison St. Ph, 4-4794. 3-RM. apt,, prlvale bath, utilities furn. 450 8. Cspltol. 2-RM. furn. apt., utii. furn. Conven ient location. Ino Union. Ph, 3-1391, jFURNlean 1 mi wltOSrheri and hath. All elect. Ph, 3-9617, COZY knotty pine court cottages. Furn , liv. rm . bdrm,, kitchenette - bath, 140 plus util. 2453 Trade. Ph. 4-7472 ' - 700 Rentals 707 Housei For Rent NICELY furn. Street. 1 rm. apt. 1177 Court t FURN, 2 rm. Apt. reasonsble, A small bdrm. on 1st fir. 3 separate warm hskp'lng rma., In basement suitable for man. All very reason able. 6(6 N. Cottsge. WEBER COURT 1660 S. 13th St, Ph. 4-5656 3-rm. apt, furn. 55 unfurn, 145. COURT Apt. Extra nice furn. 3 rms. tt bath. TV, Isun., parking avail able. Inquire 1341 S. 12th. ALL UTILITIES FURNISHED Large, partly furn. 3 rooms & bath, laundry facilities it gar Call 2-5033 days tt 3-7796 after 5 .10 and week-ends. COMFORTABLE 2-rm, f urn , clou in North, 39, Ph. 2-5446 or 9-30(10. 3-RM. furn. apt,, 1st fir, Clean, warm, close in. See to apprec. Ph. 4-4646. No ans., Ph. 3-8693. 2-RM. Furn. Apt. Douglas Apart ments. 353 S. 14th. Ph. .1-646. 1-RM. furn. apt., util.. furn.. 24. Adults. 2-0064. 2261 Harel Ave. 2 UNFURN. ApU , 1 or 2 bedrms. Stoe, refrig. Bedrm. set svsil able. 116 N. 14th St. 706 Duplexei 145 2-bdrm. duplex, unfurn. except for refrigerator. Near Capitol Shop ping Center. Ph. 4-1663. LARGE 1-bdrm. furn. duplex. Also furn. apt. for adults. Ph, 3-8231. PH. 4-1407 for 1-bdrm. furn. duplex apt TV ant. Cpl, only. 2593 N. 5th. NICELY furn. modern duplexes. S, of town. 150 It 159 mo. Som util ities. Couple only. 3-1765. NICELY furn. 1-bdrm. duplex, 1721 Birchwood Dr. Ph. 3-0711. CLEAN 2-bdrm. , til elec. duplex, car' port auto, washer eV dryer. 60 per mo. 1036 Ith St. Ph. 1-3136. MOD. unfurn, c'rt nitl.ige, walk, dirt, d'wn town A M A r, 3-:t211, CI.OSKln 2 tKlrm, home, IS-'W Trade Street. VKIIY nlie 211 R, Siih,," .'5, Aim 1 bdrm., 4i. I'll, 4-l'riS or 4-.17U, GOOD 3-rm cottage, adults, I5 Call l-S27 ' NICE" partly furn l-hdrm., 55, F.n glewood Ph. 3-3On0, ? BDRM.""hotise7 "gar. attached, nil circulating heat, Imm. poaieaslnn, 73. 67 N. ISth. Ph, 4-676B or 2-I93I. WIT. Furnished Housei FURN. mod. l-hdrm. house with bstml. Oil hest. firepl., garage. NO dogn, South, 160. 2-M04, t F 'BDRM7"cornpTe"tely furnished in eluding wster A gsrbage servlra, 5o. Also trailer spsc. 110 per mo, No pets. Ph. 2-S6B3, 1740 Oxford. 7158 Forms, Tracts For Rent WANT TO RENT smsll modern coun. try home with ' to I acre of land near Salem. Must be neat. Ph. 4-40.18 1 , SMALL house with ioor 20 acrrs. Will rent or sell on very easy psy mcnta. Ph. 3-4706, WANTED to rent, ground for straw berries, Llovd Hollin, 15!5 N. Com nu?rclal, Salem. Ph. 2-2507. 710 Wanted to Rent, Housei RELIABLE couple wants 1 or 2 bdrm. house, furn. or psrtly furn. Phona 4-9118 after8jp.m. . STATE"Mnager of National concern desires to rent nicely furnished 2 bedroom house, duplex, or lit door apartment; near shopping center 61 transportation No cinldren or pets. Contact Jsck Lumbley, Hollywood Motel, 714 Buiinen Rentols 3 PRIVATE offices, liafht A- heat furn. Parking space. Ph. 2-9597. 1185 N, Lancaster. F6x.12 "SPACE" n Emery's Shopnlng Center, 607 Wsllsce Rd. Ph. 3-7432. 718 Convalescent Homes COTTAGE CONVALESCENT HOME, 252 N. Cottage., 3-7020. 780 Moving I Storoge Larmor Transfer k Storage Complete moving service. Also agenta for BEKINS Nation Wide Mover. Ph. 3-3131. LOW COST storsge. H. nlture Co. 3-9185. L. Stiff Fur HERTZ WORLD'S LARGEST Truck Rental Service - Individuals move at 'i cost! Across the street or across the state. Bus. firms eliminate "Extra Trucks," Day or night. Reat the type truck you need. Low rite includes gas, oil, insurance. Ph. 3-6062. 1 OR 3-bedroom furn. court apts.. all ftf Ifi Ratal Fctato utilities furn. Weekly or monthly "uu "cal s-psss- rates, children welcome. Ph. 3-1723, IM Help Wonted, KAole MAN. 21 to 30, aell revoluUonary new roofing. Easy term, easy .aeliing but hard worker wanted. Inquire Msthls Bros., lull SUM St PERMANENT POSITION ... Offered to a man. Who t willing to work hard and learn the business thoroughly. Approx. 1100 a week to start, in creases with experiences. Inter views granted by Co. executive, Tuesday. 10:30 a m. till 12 noon. A guaranteed future to the right man. Apply 1430 Broadway, Tues day only. ' CONTRACT TRUCKMEN. Urge earnings with full time operation, can be yours under long term con trert. Choireopentngs-lor. travel 48 states and Canada, moving fur niture. Paid training program. Many other; benefits. Men with good references, 23-50 years, want' ed. Furnish 1954 or later model gas powered tractor, personally drive It. Call or write Mr. J. R. Holts, Driver Personnel, Aero Mayflower Co. Indianapolis, Ind. MElros 7-3371. 606 Help Wonted, Femole MOTEL, Hotel, Resort Msnsgement Training. See ad. CJsss. 111. EXPERIENCED csr-hop, Apply J. B. Drive-In. , EXP. dress saleslady for large dept. state experience. - Box 79 statesman-Journal. GOOD bualneaa opportunities: Look ing for 2 ladies full or part time work. Manager opportunities open. Call I-9755. mornings I till 11, eves I till 7. WANTED Housekeeper It child care, ages I'.a Ic 2'j, Room ft board and small wages. Live in. 2-6961 after 1:3 p.m. WOMAN for afternoon office work. Must type. Write age, experience, schooling, to Statesman-Journal, Box 751. EXP. illk finisher It (11 around work in smsll dry cleaners. Write box 741, Statesman-Journal. ' ADVANCEMENT opportunities with new Division. Lib' erai commission witn nigniy en dorsed small child's reading pro gram. Parenta welcome us because of the need and low cost. Sincer ity, integrity, full time and ear necessary. Write fully to Presi dent, Mr. H. 1. Reardon, 201 West Washington St., Chicago I, 111. AVON Cosmetic has openings in Sa lent area for representative. For Interviews. Ph. J-sns. SECRETARY Some shorthand re quired. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co., 490 Court 610 SolM forteiis Wonted BOYS-VETS TRAVEL Under 24, single, nest, free to travel to New York, Calif. r return. No experience necessary. Transp. furn ished. New cars. Average earn ings f 79 per week. We train you while you earn. Immed, caah ad vance. Good future. See Roger Rlpp, Subscription House, Sales Corp. Thurs. c Frl. only, 10 to I p m. Grand Hotel. Pon t phone. I1 COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 1941 Specialists to Office Placements 494 State St (411 Ore. Bldg.) 4-2331 CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone 2-0631. 394 N. Winter Adjoining Presbyterian church. Free parking in rear. Exclusive listings a all type of employme.vt 618 Education IF YOU like to draw, ktch or pint writ for Talent Test (No reel. Give age and occupation. Box 732. MOTEL - HOTEL .. RESORT Matur " men,"" women, couple to train for. motel, hotel, resort man agement. Placement Service. Ex cellent future. For interview write PO. Box 9633, Portland, 'Ore. ' HAPPYTIME ipen Nursery School has Information, csll 4-9730 or 3-9024 jut Doy ond Controct .-YARD shovel St D 4 cat & clearing blade. We build A rock logging roads. ' General excavations by hour or contract. J. It J. CO. 2211 BONHAM ST. Ph. 1-1772 707 Houiei For Rent GOOD RENTALS Two very well constructed houses on large lot. Spare for 2 more. Prired far below present building cost 11,950. Terms. CALL Mr. Brsullck with JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 405 N. High PH. 4-3482 Eve. 4 3220 ACROSS FROM M&F STORE EXCEPTIONALLY nic I bdrm. h., W. Salem. 50, Ph. 3-7967. MODERN 2 bdrm. house, good loca tion, tile bathvdrr besement. oil heat, garage. ISO. See at 665 Mar ket. Ph. 3-4050. NEW 1-bdrm. Range. refrig. it washer furn. Gas heat, all utiL In cluded. 160. Cold Spring Cottages, 4010 S. Pacific Hiway. Ph. 2-6690. 1 BDRM. country home. South near Liberty cannery. 2-2289. NELSON'S RENTALS 2 Bedrm., new court apt. 3 bedrm. unfurn. hse TtjedrmrTufrtrspr lk bedrm. duDlrx. atove it r'efr. 4-year-nldS Tor Prm' hse . on creek 2 bedrm. suburban 2 bedrm. hse. nr. Wash, school 2 Bedrm. furn. hse, 170 150 145 150 S(i5 70 45 70 175 165 4 Bedrm. unfurn. hse. Call DOROTHY DEAL, NELSON it NELSON. RTLS. 1990 S. Commercial Ph, 2-3669 BRICK and block .work, guaranteed. Ph. 4-435. ..'.' ' LAND CLEARING D-8. Hr. or con tract L. C. Mitchell. Ph. S-9337. DOZING k LEVELING PH. 2-0952 D. PrtNTOVICH BULLDOZING. Leveling, Clearing, Roads Dean Robinson, 1699 Lee. PH. 2-1797 OR 3-4306 GENERAL EXCAVATION !s yard It U vara snovel crsne, back hoe, drag line, 29-ton Lorain mo bile crana D4 and D7 cats with carry-all and clearing blade. Rental contract or unit prices. SALEM SAND & GRAVEL CO. 1409 N. Front St Ph. 2-2461 LIGHT crawler dozer, dirt leveling grading. Phone 3-7042, L. Kurth. HOME BUILDING, remodeling, aid ing it roofing. Free est. Ph. 4-1340. BUILDING Hour r 27663 or 43151. contract Ph, SCHARFF BROTHERS Installation and Repairing Sewers, Septic Tanks, Drain Field Power Ditching Ic Backfill Ph. 2-1561 or 3-9072 BULLDOZING 4 LEVELING Leland C. Smith. Ph 34382 POWER ditching it back fill, instal lation of sewers, septic tanks, field drsinsge. Ph. 3-0106. 700 Rentals 702 '"Sleeping Roomi, Boord WARM sleeping room IV gsrsge, Stu dent preferred. Ph. 3-6203. WANTED Msn now earning 179 to 1100 weekly, who desires earnings J 1129 per week within I mos Fuller Brush Co. Mr. Flory. Ph. 2-1357. aURSY Co. Salesman 110 exponas, ear Mcaaury. Call t-i3U 612 Wotfc Wonted, Mole PRUNING and spraying, tree topping nd removal. Free estimate. L W, Caudle, Ph. 4-1461. FOR QUICK radio, TV It alee, appli ance repair, call M. Quick. Bring tn aet Ic save. Ph. 4-4324. CEMENT work. W. W (Bill) Ship man, 4060 Durban Av 2-1318. 4-7314. PAINTING CALL 3 5660 Interior or exterior. Estimate glad ly. Excellent reference. CARPENTER work, any Kind day or cot ' act S-184J or t-:49t CARPENTRY, old or new. mle. pair. R. Ras, Ph. 2-4716. CABINET work, carpenter work At . remodeling, free atimat, work anywhere. Ph. 1-7011. Chas. Exlln. BOARD it room for eld. man. No smokers or drinkers, plesse. Bus by door. 3-3473.- NICELY furn. rm slso burnt, -keeping rm. 939 N. Winter. - hse- TV SLEEPING rm. Board optional. Friendly home. Man. $20 mo. 27620. CLEAN warm rm. TV., clo. In Fred- nckson Hall. 211 S. Winter. 1-1721 705 Apartments for Rent' LARGE 3-RM. furn. apt Close to So. Ph. 4-3661. FOR RENT Neat 1 bedroom apt Walking dls- tanc to snopptng ana state build ings. ISO per mo. AL ISAAK tt CO REALTORS, 322 N. Church St, Ph. 4-3311 or .'-7120. . NICE turn. I rms., pvt baths, toO to aw. unj n. tapitoi. J-Siue. 1 BDRM. completely furn. Ideal for couple. South. Ph. 2-9423. I-BR South Suburban, NICE .. 145 1- BR Court St. Range, refrig. .. 55 2- BR near hospitals. Rng., refrig $65 2-BR 4 Cor. Range. Mr.. 1 A. .. 60 2-BR NE. Hwd, firs, fireplsre . $70 l-BR furnished soartment 140 4-RMV" unfurn. apt. Hollywood " $40 center M. jteaity Hentai service 1748 Center Ph. 4-6631 Eve. 2-7812 801 Business Opportunities AGENCY for beautiful tine nf five end ten-cent randv specialties sell ing to all types retail stores. Ten year-old company will furnish com plete program with full instructions, working materials, advertising and methods assuring our products on every counter. This is an attractive connection to operate direct factory dealership with elgh earninga. Must - be financially responsible, and have car, For local interview, writ CHEX. 2910 N. 16th St., Philadel phia 32. Penna. ROUTE Salesman, age 29 to 40, mar rled, owns home or part, estah llshed route, selling, servicing, 200 accounts weekly. Nstlonally accept ed products, requires 16,000 cssh secured by truck it merchindls. Box 749 Statesman-Journal. 80TTT ouses For Soli COLBATH'S HOME COMFORT AT A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY 3 bedrooms on main floor, dining rm., living rm., basement, fenced back yard. Lot 79 x 131. l'i eMeee-ijorated-rrrrrounr rmi- dlst. Price 15.750. $1,000 down. WILL TRADE FOR t ACRES 2-BDRM. unfurn. South, $65. Inquire 39H0 Keren Ave. t CLEAN 2-bdrm. house. Hdwd. firs.. firepl. Near Capitol bldgs. Ph. 3-5119. . 4-BDRM. country home, newly deco rated. S.E., 180. Ph. 2-0294. MODERN 2-bdrm. 60. Ph. 4-4200. home. So. Salem, 3-BDRM. house, $50 mo. Close (hopping and bus. Ph. 2-15,13. . to CLEAN 2-bdrm. furnished home, with garage, north. See Joe L. Bourne, Realtor, at 1140 N. Capitol. 2-BR. partly furn., att. gsrsge. In- -li m HIT Nwman A .......... 1 2-BDRM. court cottage. Unfurn. ex cept washer Ic dryer. Gsrsge, oil furnace. 2290 Harel Ave. Ph. 4-8909. 9 RM. OIL heat quiet. W. Salem, $42. Inquire 370 Veall Lane after I. FOR RENT 5-room modern resi dence north of Chemawa at 6010 Ouinaby Road. $60.00 per month. Contact R. F. Smart, Phone 4-2171, Ext. 717. State Highway Depart ment, Salem. CLOSE IN 2 or 4-bdrm. house, part furn. Ph, 3-4312 or 3-7495. THIS IS SHARP AND YOU'LL FEEL SHARP WHEN YOU BUY this lovely 2-bedroom home. Ideal location close to slat office buildings, shopping center, schools. Hardwood floors, heat-o-later fireplace. Big dining Sr liv ing rooms. IMMEDIATE POSSES SION. $1,000 BUYS THIS. AROUND-AROUND YOU GO??? WHERE TO STOP?? RIGHT HERE at this fine 2-bedroom home locsted at 1673 N. 4th St ONLY 11.000 down moves you in snd the balance just like rent. MINIATURE FARM ON THIS CUTE 5-ACRE TRACT with a coiy 2-bedroom home. Located south on paved rosd. Manv fruit trees. MUST-SELL IMMEDIATELY , -LEAVING THE UNITED STATES, ASKING $7,200. $050 DOWN. HOME 4 INCOME BUY THIS 2-bedroom home with basement, furnace, plu this rented one-bedroom cottage. Yards sep arately fenced. Located on NnrtH 4th St. Near bus A schools. PRICE 17,950. Terms $1,000 down. C0LBATH LAND CO. REALTORS S17 COURT ST. PH. 4-4404 EVE. PHS.: 2-3738, 4-(14. 4-8193 or . 2-6314 CONTRACT $750 down. $60 mo. N a oarm. e years 01a. nose 10 scnooi, bus, Full price $8,750. I860 S. Capi tal. 3-5711. ESTATE SALE, Resid at 1715 N. Capital. Offers are being accepted at Pioneer Trust Co MR. OWNERI When U sell Glee Woodry will psy top price for your furniture It appliances Ph. 3-1110.. CLOSE in 4 bdrm. home In ex. condition. Call F. L. Knapp R. K, 2-6286. Business Directory For the best professional services, call one ol these popular experts. ADDING MACHINES All makes adding machines, cal culator If typewriters, sold, rent ed, repaired Roen. 456 Court 36773. APPLIANCES WESTINGHOUSE Woodry Furniture C 474 So Com ! Ph. 4-2111 BEDDING CAPITOL Beddtng. Mattrea reno vators New msttresao. 3-4069. BULLDOZING) Bulldozing, clearing rosds, ponds. D-4. S-e ctrrryall V Huskey Ph S-3146 CONTRACTOR! FURN. 4-rm. flat. Adults, garage, ref. Call pm. 2-7541. NICELY furnished apartments. 550 N Summer. J'h. 1-9201. FURNISHED I rooms f and (31. Utilitie furn. 729 8 13th. 'CAPITOL PLAZA 1 .BEDROOM FURNISHED APTS. 1169 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-8630 RMS. furn. Private bath, near Cap itol buildings. 946 Mitt FURN. APTS. $20 PER MO. , lit CHEMEKETA DITCHING, basements dug, all types of drainage work, tile laying, etc. 10-6 and Hydraulic shovels. Phone 4-5154. General contracting Specialising In remodeling Free eitim Ph 4-2491 CHANS woei 25-ton Lorain moto crane Sand t Gravel Co 1-2461 Salem FLOOR COVgRINOS N orris Walker Paint Co Floor-cov-ring Division Quality Instslls tlons Linoleums. Asphalt tile, Rub ber Tile Wall Tile Eta. FREE ES TIMATES, Ph. 4-227S. PAPERING AND PAINTING- EXTRA careful paper-banging tk painting. Jerry Johnson, Ph. 4-8534. Painting and paper-hanging, Fre estimate. Ph 3-9513 1160 Shipping. SAND GRAVEL Salem Sand Gravel Co. Ready mix concrete. Crushed and round f ravel sand and top aoU. 1401 N. rant St Phone 2-2461. WALLING SAND k GRAVEL CO. 1629 McGllchrtat Crushed quarry rocks and gravel, AU sizes for road, driveways an4 parking lota. READY MIXED CONCRETE Cardan sand, bull-doting, ehovel and dragging work Phone I-I34I. SEPTIC SERVICt MIKE'S Sep lie Service. Tank cleaned D'rooter e I e a a aewer. drains Phone 3-9468 Hsmel' eptte tsnks elend, lln service Gusranteed work. , Phono 3-7404. 1-0774 HOWARD'S Roto . Rooter, drSIn. wer aepOe tonka cleaned 1-1327. To place classified ids PH. 4-6811