The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 10, 1956, Page 11, Image 11

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    Sister Be Sales
Of Ml. Angel
Dies at Age 90
Statesman News Serrlr
MT. ANGEISister Mary De
Sales, of Convent Queen of An
gels, died, Monday after in ill
ness of two years at the age of
Born in Ippingen, Germany, In
1863, she fame to this country
as a religious novice in 1887
when the convent was moved
from Germany to Gervais. A year
Ister the convent was' moved to
Mt. Ansel. She took hcrk vows
as a nun JanX 6, 1889.
She spent many year teaching
it St. Mary's School, Mt. Angel,;
t St. Agnes and Sacred Heart
Schools in Portland, St. Mary's
Academy in Albany, and St.
John's School at Oregon City.
She also served as superior and
principal in several of these
schools, ind was sub-prioress at
the convent in Mt Angel from
1940 to 1946.
Requiem mass will be 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday in the convent chapel.
Burial will be in the convent
Liberty School's
Parents Club to
Meet Wednesday
Statesman News Service
LIBERTY The Liberty Mothers
and Dads' club will meet on Wed
nesday, Jan. 11, at 7:30 at the
Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, cook at the
Liberty School, who was chosen to
represent Salem at the American
School Foods Service Association
convention in Denver, toio., wi:i i
talk on the convention.
Ray Cates of the Salem school
board will talk on the bond issue
and Mrs. Sid VanDyke of the an
iens' Advisory committee will talk
on the coining elections.
The "Dead Beats." a jazz band
of Leslie Junior High School un
der the direction of Mr. Williams,
will present fjmusical program.
Serving on (fie refreshment com
mittee will be Mrs. Robert Mor
row and Mrs. Vera Sorenson.
Fire Officials
ti; i l ri .
ricKeu ai u ay ion
Statesman News Service
DAYTON Donald Cornett and
Neil Trammell have been, ap-,
proved by the Dayton city coun
cil as chief and assistant chief,
respectively, of the Dayton volun
teer fire department.
The previously had been elec
ted to the posts by the firemen
aubject to the approval Qf the
council. Cornett moves up from
the assistant chief's post.
Turner Phone Co.
Elects 3 Directors
Statesman Ntwt Service
TURNER - Sam Drager, Garth
Fou;e and Chester Varns were
elected to the Turner Telephone
Company board last week. Ben
V'ipper and Fred Denhem also arc
directors. The majority of stock
holders attending; favored telling
the company. Luther Guest, Stay
ton, and Lowell Brown, Silverton,
reportedly have made offers.
Hopewell Sets
Church Event
. luutmn News Service
Adult Class of the Hopewell Uni
ted Brethren Sunday School will
be honored with a chicken sup
per at the church Thursday eve
ning, January 19 at 7 p.m. The
class won an atendance contest
this fall.
A series of special revival serv
ices will be held at the Hopewell
Evangelical United Brethren
Cliurch beginning Jan. 22 through
Feb. 5 wih the Rev.. Lewis D.
Harris of Montana as the speak
er. He is the grandfather of the
Rev. Glen Harris, pastor of the
church. .
Wayne Roberts of the Yamhill
, County Extension, office presen
ted pictures of local interest at
the Community Club meeting
held at the Hopewell Schoolhouse
Friday evening Jan. 6.
Father-Son j
Group to Hear
Dr. R unk el
Statesman News Service
SILVERTON Dr. Howard Run
kel. Willamette University, will be
guest speaker Tuesday night, Jan.
24, at the annual Tririity Fattier
Son banquet at Silverton. The ban
quet is sot for 7. pjn. according
to Alt O. Nelson, Brotherhood pres
ident. , '
James Phillips, Trinity congre
gation president, announced that
the Jnnual business meeting of the
church will be Jan. 17 at I p.m.,
when 1956 congregation officers
will be elected and plans for the
year will be discussed. Trinity
pastor, the Rev. J. A. Luthro. who
resigned in November toTPpl
a call To Petersburgrta.ska. will
leave in mid-February, and ar
rangements for supply pastors, un
til a new resident pastor is ob
tained, will have to be made. The
congregation call committee, head
ed by Harold Larsen, is at work
but as yet has received no confir
mation of a pastor's acceptance.
f A II
uurs. uraw uosiess io
So. Hills Garden Club
Statesman Newt Service
ard Draw was hostess to the South
Hills Garden Club on Tuesday eve
ning at her home on Alana Ave
nue. Mrs. Ralph Solum was the
assisting hostess.
Mrs. Hale Mickey conducted the
business meeting and secret pal
names were drawn. ,
The guest speaker was Marvin
Black, who talked on "When Win
ter Comes" which was on plants
to use for winter blooming.
Mrs. Dean Davenport was a
guest. ... , . . .
MONMOUTH - Registration at
Oregon College of Education reach
ed a new high for winter term stu
dents Saturday, Registrar Jack
Morton reported. The new figure
of 664 students was 34 mors than
t this time a year ago. '
Mendenhall Heads
Club at Aurora
Statesman News Service
AURORA Al Mendenhall was
reelected president of the Aurora
Community Club at their meeting.
Other officers reelected were A. J.
Zimmerman .vice-president; Louise
Smith, secretary-treasurer. Arthur
Krause was elected trustee for a
three-year term.
AI Mendenhall and Ed Smith
will represent the Community club
at the Centenial meeting, Friday
night, Jan. IX
I Valley
Valley Hevs
Statesman Naws Service
2 Autograph
Parties Slated
By Authoress
Statesman Newt Service
SILVERTON -Returning to the
areas of her childhood home. Mary
Hofstetter Murray will have an
autograph party at Salem and one
at Silverton, to give former school
friends and acquaintances an op
portunity to buy first copies of her
first book, "They Shall not Hurt
nor Destroy," Just off the press.
Mrs. Murray, born in the Silver
ton area and living at Salem and
Silverton until after her high school
graduation will hold her first auto
graphy party at the Gave Hus at
Silverton Jan. 28. She returned to
Silverton at the beginning of her
sophomore high school year and
was graduated here. Following this
she taught in rural schools in the
Silverton area before going on to
Her second autograph party will
be at the Salem Meier and Frank
store, built upon the site of the old
Salem High School where Mrs.
Murray attended for the first two
years of her high school career.
This party will be on Feb. 1.
On Jan. 31, she, will be a guest
speaker at the Portland Junior
Chamber of Commerce, Before
moving to Areata, -Calif., Mrs.
Murray lived in Portland a few
years where she put in full time
writing short stories and newspa
per articles.
While in the Willamette Valley,
Mrs. Murray expects to make oth
er appearances before groups.
FauTcr Heads
.K. of P. Lodge
, SUtrimi Xei Service
HUP-RARD Lorin Fawver was
installed as new chancellor com-
mandcr of Arinp Lxize No. 57 :
KnishU of Pythias of Hubbard in j
'Aurora. Jan. i. inner new otiicers
j of Arion installed were Warren
, : G r i m, financial secretary and
.1 Charles Fyers outer guard. Re
, ! elected officers I n s t a 1 le d were
3 j George Lcffler vice chancellor,
f .Frank Anderson master of work,
Merton Crittenden prelate. Elmer
Stauufcr master at arms, and Nat-
tie Mann inner guard. The officers
, , j will serve six-month terms. Install
1 1 ed to serve one-year terms were
5 ; Lawrence Scholl, treasurer and Al
f bin Frederickson. secretary. Leff-
let, deputy grand chancellor, was
installation officer for the Joint
I ceremony.
j Grange Program
At Brush College
, ,4 Statesman Newe Service
Walter Fester, Salem, district at I BRUSH COLLEGE Brush Col
torney ef Polk County, whe has lege Grange featured 'Mens
been appointee! county chair-! night Tuesday, Jan. 3 when the
maa for the 1956 Crusade for ; men of the grange arranged the
Freedom campaign to raise ' supper and program which Iol
Sbtman, Salem. Orr., Tun, J-n. 10, IX (5 c. Ill-;
I S-' WAY Jl
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S9 Today
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support for Radie Free Eirepe
that breadcasts te behind the
Iron Curtail.
In nearly one out of eight fatal
traffic accidents the driver's vis
ion was obscured.
City Obituaries
Christopher Butte
At the residence, 170 Davidson.
Tueidiy, Jinuary ' the ie ot
61 yeari. Survived by two mm Wil
liam Butte o( Bremerton, Washlrij
ton; Jamee Butte nf Salem. Three
ferothert, William Butte of Salem,
Carl Butte ot Paaden. California,
Henry Butte of Portland. Two aia
ten. Mini Anna Butte. Salem, Mrs
Martha Finlay, Portland. One grand
ion. Servlcea will be held In How-ell-Edwardi
chapel Tuenday, Jan.
10. at 2 p.m.. Rev. John Cauble otO
riatlnf. Interment in IOO.r Ceme
"lery. "" . '
Inow C. feriuwn
Pasaed away at a local ' hospital,
Jan. 9, late resident of Jefferson,
. Mrs. Theola rullmer of. idano Fans.
Idaho; son. S. Burton Ferguson of
Jefferson, Oregon; two brothers. A.
R. Ferguson, of Maywood. Califor
nia, Wade Ferguson, of Van Nuys.
California: grandchildren, Misa Patty
Ferguson and Michael Ferguson, both
of Jefferson, Oregon, Ferrell rullmer
and Reid Fullmer ot Idaho . Falls,
Idaho. Announcement of services
later by the Clough-Barrick Funeral
Emmett Dickson of Salem. Mrs, Geo.
I.athrop of Hawthorne, California; 32
grandchildren ana great-grandchildren;
brother, Noel Phillips of
Bakersfield. Calif.' Services at Virgil
T. Golden Chapel,1 Jan. 11, at 1:30
p m. Interment at Belcrest Memoral
Park, Rev. Oscar Olsen officiating.
inn Jmeph Purney - - -
Passed away in Cons Bay. January
8. survived by wife, Mrs. Louise Anna
Purney of Coos Bav, daughter,. Mrs.
Marie McKinney, of Vernonia. Ore
eon: son. Harold J. Purney of Coo
Bayi-wetWf Mr.-Jflt-BondVif PnrU.J
Mrs. Mabel Gardner
Late resident of Salem (t a local
- hospital January S at the age of 10
years. Survived by nusnsna, Wil
liam H. Gardner of Salem. One
brother, S. H. Green, Salem; one sis
. ter, Mrs. C. A. David of Salem: neph
ew. F. A. David of Salem. Member
of First ChrisUan church. Rebekahs.
Eastern Star and Daughters of Union
Veterans. Services will be Wednes
day, January 11 at 1 p.m. in the
Chapel of Howell-Edwards Funeral
Home. Rev. Wayne Green officiating.
Ritualistic services by Salem Rebek
as Lodge No. 1. Interment, Belcrest
Memorial Park.
Orval W. HaJvorson
Pasted away Jan. I. at a local hos
pital. Late resident of 1420 Park St.
rf Salem. Survived by wife, Mra.
Marcia Halvorson of Salem; parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore O. Halvorson
of Salem; brother, Theodore O. Hal
vorson Jr. of Salem: sister. . Miss
Wanda Le Halvorson ot Salem;
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Hal
vorson of Fergus Falls, Minn. An
nouncement later of service by the
Virgil T. Golden Co.
Victoria Rose Matthewson
Passed away at the residence. 360
Hrubett Rd., January 9. Survived by
husband. Frank W. Matthewson of
Salem: daughters, Mrs. Ellen Shu
mate, Stoneville, North Carolina, Mrs.
Ben Rose Lea MVres of Salem, Ore
gon; two sons. Glen Matthewson of
Portland, Oregon, and Fran'ls Mat
thewson of San Diego, California;
also six grandchildren. Announce
ments later by the Virgil T. Golden
Katherlne I.eona flppen
At residence 4.1.10 Auburn Rd.. Jan.
1th at the age of 71. Survived by
husband. Claude D. Oppen. Salem;
daughter. Mrs. Olive Elisabeth Good
rich. Wilcox. Sask : sons, Chester C.
Oppen, Spokane, Wash., Arthur C.
Oppen. Salem: brother. Chester A.
Diamond. PorUand, Oregon. Member
of the Naiarene Church. Services
will be Tuesday, January 10 at 10 .TO
a.m. In the Chapel of Howell-Edwards
Funeral Home. Rev. William
F. Clay officiating Interment Bel
crest Memorial Park.
William D. Phillips
At a local hospital. January I. Late
resident of 3M9 Hollywood Ave., Sa
lem. Survived by sons, Harry Phillips
of Salem, Charles Phillips of Salem,
Oscar Phillips of Salem, Merle Phil
lins of Salem, Homer Phillips of
Montesano. Wash : daughters. Mrs.
Nellie Jackman of Liberal, MlJioun,
Mrs. Elmer Rierson of Salem, . Mrs.
land. Oregon: brother, James F. Pur
nev. ot Omaha, Nebraska; niece,
Mrs. Ray Cummins, of Portland: two
nephewa, Norman W, Pettijohn of
otL.ina. Eio reiujonn
of Portland, Ore.: three grandchil
dren. Services will be held in the
Virgil T. Golden Chapel, Thursday,
January 12. at 11 a.m., with the Rev.
E. P. Goulder in charge, ritualistic
services by Salem Lodge No. 4 AF
& AM.
Harry Gilroy Thomas
Passed away Sunday at the resi
dence, 137 Plaza street. Salem. Sur
vived by wife, Mrs. Eloree Thomas.
Salem; daughter, Mrs. Mary Jane
Boline, West Salem: son. Harry G.
Thomas. Mvrtle- Creek. Five sisters,
Mrs. Maggie Johnson of (.llnton.
Minn; Mrs. John Connelly of Wood-
burn. Ore.; Mrs. Sam Connelly, cor
vallls. Ore.: Mrs. Dan Lene of New
berg. Ore.; Mrs. Knude Nielson of
Minneapolis. Minn. Three brothers.
Willis Thomas of Mitchell. S. Dak
Clarence Thomas of Falrbault, Minn
Earl Thomas, Marshall, Texas. Three
grandchildren. Uncle. Willis Xrnold .
of Salem. Services Wednesday. Jan- '
uarv 11. at the Virgil T. Oolrteh j
Chapel at 10:30 a m., with Rev. Earl
Benbow officiating. Ritualistic serv
ires by Kingwood Masonic Lodge AF !
V AM. Interment at Belle Paaal !
Cemetery, Woodburn, Ore.
Frederick William F.lrbel
At the residence, 4360 South Pa
cific highway, Monday, January i
at the age of 77 years. Survived by
wife, Lucile Zirbel ot Salem; two
sons, Vern and Robert Martin, both
of Salem; three daughters, Mra. Bet
ty Nesl, Lebanon. Ore., Mra. John
P. O'Malley, Mllwaukle. Ore., Mrs.
Gladvs Fitzhugh of Portland; also
en son. Floyd Zirbel of Mllwaukle.
Ore: two brothers. Bert Zirbel ot
Lewlston, Idaho, and Ben Zirbel of
Clarkston. Idaho: two sisters. Mrs. I
Esther Burke of Lewlston, Idaho, I
and Mrs. Ruth Kramer of pomeroy.
Wash. Member of First Christian
church. Services Wednesday, Jan
uary It. at 16 Jfl a m. In Chapel of
Howell-Edwards Funeral Home, Rev
Wayne Greene officiating. Interment
Belcrest Memorial Park.
; Statesman News Servlc
Sooth Salem Mrs. William Hall
entertained the Friendly Neigh
bors Garden club on Thursday eve
ning at her home on Boone Road.
Mrs. Don Dawson conducted the
business meeting and Mrs. Hazel
Thomas showed pictures of . her
recent trip to England. Holland,
Switzerland. Guests . were Mlsi
Joanne Thomas. Mrsr Elizabeth
MarriU and Mrs. Hugh Dowd.
Sllvertoa The Silver Creek Soil
Conservation District will meet
Tuesday night at I o'clock in the
district office at Silverton, accord
ing to Hollis Ottaway, secretary.
At this time final plana will be
made for the annual to be held
Jan. 19 at the Union Hill Grange
Hall. The latter meeting will be
a dinner meeting, followed by a
brief meeting when reports will
be given, election held, and an
outside speaker provided. -
Macleay The Macleay Home
Economics Club will meet Tuesday
at the grange hall with Mrs. Harry
Martin and Mrs. Tillie McGee as
hostesses. Plans for the year will
be outlined under a program in
charge of Mrs. McGee, chairman
of the club.
Hubbard The ground floor of
the Pythian build in a tias-beeiure
modeled and readied for occupan
cy oL Robinson's Pharmacy. Mov
ing into the new quarters is ex-pecte44o-r5tart
this week
Horseless Carriage
Club Elects Officers
Statesman News Service . '
STXVERTON-Joe White of Mt.
Angel heads the Silver T Horse
less Carriage Club for the coming
year. Other officers include John
Beck, also Mt. Angel, vice presi
dent; Roger Le, Silverton, secretary-treasurer.
Sheldon Johnson,
Silverton, is the retiring president
Membership of the club is now
15. In addition to interest in cars
of early vintage, the club has one
meeting a month at which rhc
members wives are guests for
square dancing.
Spring Valley Mrs. Roland
Seeger of Liberty, who formerly
resided at Spring Valley, will be
hostess for a 1:30 dessert lunch
eon Jan. 11 with the Sunshine
Club of Spring Valley as guests.
Lincoln Mr. and Mra. Julius
Meissner have as their house
guest his nephew, Don Meissner,
who is spending two weeks fur
lough here from Marines at Camp
For External Use
' Particularly Useful for
Pimples and Blemishes
Drug Store .,
The Penslar Agency
Opei Dally 7:31 a m. to I p. m.
Sundays t a. to. te i p. m.
115 N. Cemmerclal
Some Water Not Fault
Of Weather, Pair Finds
Stateamaa News Servlr
HOPEWELL It was wet on
the inside as well as the outside
when Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beaty of
the Wheatland district recently
returned to their home follow
ing a vacation in Southern Cali
fornia. '
A hot-water heater located in
the attic of the Beaty home
sprung a leak, saturating the liv
ing room below with water.
Prompt action of neighbors Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Van Dorn and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilchrist
prevented excessive damage.
Hardwood, floors received con
siderable damage.
Session Attended
Giving talks on their work in
the past in Brush College grange
were charter members, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Cook, and Mrs. and
Mrs. Carl Wood, former mem
bers now of Spencer Creek
pange in Lane County.
The new piano donated for
Brush College Grange use by the
Don Blake family, was used by
Ralph Ewong for a group of
Presentation of a wall clock by
Mutual Life Insurance Company,
was made by Carlton Brown.
Work on the grange hall and
surrounding grounds has been
done by Charles Glaze, Glenn
Adams and Phillip Peterson.
Offenbach Opera Set
In Metropolitan Plans
NEW YORK 1 - Offenbach's
opera-buffe, "La. Perichole," nev
er before produced at the Metro
politan Opera, has been added to
the production schedule for the
1936-1957 season.
Maurice Valency, professor of
comparative literature at Colum
JSUtesnum Newt Service
McMINNVILLE - Evelyn And
rus, Salem, was one of eight Lin
field college students taking part
in the Washington Baptist Youth j bia University, has been commis-
Fellowship training rctreat at isioned- by- Rudolf- Bing, - general
Kent, Wash., Saturday and Sun-1 manager of the Met Opera, to pro
day. As president of the Oregon vide a new English--text for '"La
B.YF she was official representa- Perichole." Patrice Munsel will
tive of Oregon at the meeting. ' be in the title role.
All Fred Mtytr Ptrtcripton Filts of Saltm
Have Been Transferred to Pay lets Drug
Store-484 State Street, for the Conven
ience of Their Customers -
Prompt Service on Refills May be Obtained-.
Prescription Phone 23654
Science Shrinks Piles
New Way Without Surgery
Finds Healing Substance That Does Both-
Relieves Pain Shrinks Hemorrhoids '
.' "': ' r,--,-f .
- - . ...i II II II
immimmmm t Itte SVPfSt SI HOLIDAY COUPC
Htm Trfc, N. V. (S-Hlill - For th
first time acinc lias found nfW
healinr aubatant with tb astanlih
Irr ability to shrink hemorrhoid!
anrl to rliT pain-without surg-f ry.
In tas afttr cat, whll gently
rclltvinc Pin actual rodnettort
(ihrinkaa;) took viae.
Moat amasinr of all-rcsalU wr
to thorough that suffarsra mad
astonishing atatmnts liVa "Pfla
hav erased to b a problem!"
The treret ia a new healing tub
atane (Bto-Dyn)-discovery of
world-famous research instltnt.
This subsUae ia now aal!abl in
tnpxnilry or '-i(TRsi( ftrm nndar
the nam Prtpantin H. At yoar
druggist. Money back guarantee.
B. 0. a Pat. Off.
Don'fNglct Slipping
Do fals teeth drop, slip or wobbi
xh.B tMt m t laush or aneefter
Don't b annored and mtT
by aurh handle pa. rMium,
alkaline loon -acid I powder to aprrn
kle on your plat, keep tale tth
mora firmly am. Olra eonBdent t-l-Ing
of aoeurtty and added anfoft.
Ve tummy, fooT .pasty tast or feel
ing Get TASTEtTH today at any
, trus eouatM.
The Dtntal Profession seeks
Graduate Dental Nuiees. Our
graduates hold top positions.
YOU can become one in 4
months. Spring Term opens Feb.
23. Full information upon re
quest (Note: You may work for fare if you wish.)
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Sew Frenxhte 17, Cellfernle
OMerl .
It's a
It's a
Modern Crlllal
RIGHT (ot yoti ... you're fare to fare with OII.
moliilf'i "rcady-to-go" lKk of tomorrow! JIfre
in this flashing nrw Siiisrr B8 you'll finI a
feature lincup tliat'i straight out of the rare of
tomorrow ! From Oldnmobilr's Delta dream car
comes the funlional"Intijrillr" it'i a bumper
and a grille! From the Starfire "idea car" comes
the sleek, modern glamor of projectile taillights ,
stretching that Oldamobile silhouette to
seventeen feet of dazzling beauty! And there's
an engine, that never says "No" ... an engine
VaerJerrJ m MMry-BeM eMr.i s
t OaMael et r telery fawe-
that always lays "Go" . . . mphatictillyl It's
OldHinobile'e new Horket T-3."0! Add Jetaway
Hydra-Matic. . . add every major jwiwer feature
knownlt Add the clean, distiiwlive Iwauty of
flair-away fender and Body by Fiaher! Add an
ultra-mrxlern instrument panel and rich, soft,
comfortable teata! It's tome car . , . the buy of
the year, and it's here today for you! - .
et aafr aarf m luHf II rnek.
trewiri HeadwrJ St) r.f.-liM rMdelr.
" ' Pheno 4321; (