The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 07, 1956, Page 12, Image 12

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    4-(See. II) Statesman, Sdrm, Ort, Sat., Jan. 7, 1956
Farnes Burn Barn, Fatal to Fireinan
ITHACA, N.T. - Flames eraptei li the Uwa ktr f esrhy,4aaky early Friday ia t Ul.ftfta fir.
Norman A. Mabee, 41, t fireman, railapsed ef a heart attack mhile fiihtlng blue and died later.
----- Thii picture was mad just at the building seemed te disintegrate with a hurst e( name. Flremea
aaid aparkf escaping through a fhlmae y rinsed the apetUcular Mate. (Af Wirephoto).
Editor on New York Times
Tells of Ex-Red Affiliations
WASHINGTON UP Dr. Benja-part of the Communists to pen-; the Time Sunday Magazine, who
Worst London
Fog in Years
Finally Lifts
LONDON UP Britain worst
fog In three years lifted from .-nn-don
Friday rsht, hut the smnks-
larlen pall still drifted over 2S Eng
lish counties.
Government scientists started
analyiing samples collected hy 4.V)
"smog tasters" who prowled the
grimy capital Thursday to find anyj
hidden dangers in the reeking
Britain have been specially
smog-conscious since 19S2. when a
choking yellow fog claimed lives cf
4.000 sufferers from chest and
heart diseases.
Breathing Troubles
Hospitals reported the curr-nt
fog, which set in three days ago,
also brought an increase in breath
ing troubles, but nothing like the
big one.
Traffic disruption, however,
looked worse this time than in
1952. The fog spread wider ind
trains and trucks in Eastern and
Midland districts Priay night still
were kept down to a crawl.
Londnn'i shipping got moving
down the Thames again. The big
northern ports of Liverpool, Hull
'and Middlesbrough still were fog
bound. , Weatherman Noa-f ommlUI
j The weatherman pondered the
future and wound up noncommit
tal. In some places he said, the
fog probably would disperse. In
others, it might not.
The fog was attributed officially
to a layer of still, warm air over
laying a ground layer of . cold.
moist air. Loadpn i millions of
chimneyi funneled aoot, aulphur
dioxide and other coal fire by
products into the grey mist. Mild
northeast winds finally freed the
mab T.
E n v
-n z s
M3 4? R7
I 2 W31
3? 5 53
qJJ rum r.
: u ti in th
43 5055
.AUG 2."
14TN57 59-R
!J S"T 75
S 3- 6- 1-341
kvV 46 75-W vfl
JM . Teur Daily Acridly GW 11
According It lh Slori
To develop me sscqe 'or Saturday,
reod words corrf '.ponding to number
of your Zodioc birth 3'gn
I Mef'"si C(vprott
Cmd 3? V.iS
3 l-Vj''fl Jl lrtpfr'l
4 You re 34 CHWI
i rt hcv
t l-odei i 3 V.'fk
7 C'Miv 3' ''"
I A'hlet It
9 ri : w
10 Tcrtoy 9 And
II F.n 41 8uV"tti
- 7J 0 33 -
17 41-74 V-,.
13 Intern 43 Coui
15 Prom
T Mad
II Work
JO Uti4
J I Aciii
25 Vrk
T4 Mo'tri
.16 Cou'd
77 Bflo-f
2 To -
30 RothM
Good (&)AJv
44 Pnrg
45 ft gM
46 Afl
47 tictlltnf
49 Snciel
49 rrirtmw
51 H
52 Vtllina
53 Assoc .oiM
54 Imoorton
55 Advorttog
54 frttn
57 Don't
iJ Fundi
59 fpnmnl
ft 0-
t,l AAivir-v
f 3 Ic I
f 4 !rm9 "81
6 MoltK
? W.fh
7 Todny
S Nr
f9 Thrtn
70 S'"
71 G'
72 R"lum
71 Tofl-ry
74 Sni
75 MiA
77 Thou
7S Start
7 Wn
10 Unioirly
11 AHoirt
82 Fovartd
83 N '
14 On
S5 T.itfd
8 ProctdurM
87 And
(8 Penoltt
89 fspeHY
90 foveifd
?0 21-29 44,-
47-72 73 VI
Um aim
56 AO 14f 1
77 79 "o'M
ias xi vS
5-33 39-51,
IM 64 67 V:
rtt 2oY?k
1-16 1936,
Ltd 48 81 82vv
Once Eugene
Communist to
Get Freedom '
rarole board Friday announced
New York, Stock Quotations
Compiled by The Associated Press
min Fine, education editor of The
New York Timet, testified Friday
he wu a Communist Party menv
ber for about a year while a grad
latc student at Columbia Univer
sity in th 1930s.
He acknowledged he had made
a tragic mistake and cautioned
present day students against the
same error.
Dr. Fine was the final witness
I L - C..l 1H,H...t Cam. .filt.
9 UlC fvcilBiC llliri iiai itcvuiii
rmmillnA nln.-n mil k,u Aa-m
vuillllliucv vivnru vui min pji
'f public hearings into alleged
' Communist infiltrations of the
press and other news fields.
hi Cltisea
Chairman Eastland (D-Miss)
mnA fin .lnnr ( R .1 nrt 1 nrftitfH
Dr. Fin as "a fine citizen" and
"credit to your business."
When the hearings ended, East
land and Jenner issued a Joint
statement in which they said the
hearings "disclosed many things,
including a significant effort on the
trate leading American newspa
Eastland and Jenner hinted at
contempt proceedings against
some witnesses who refused to an
swer questions:
Testimony Friday included:
said he was a member of the Com
munist Party from 1935 until 1949.
He said he left the party before
joining the Times.
Member af Red falls '
He Mid he was a member of
Red units on the New York Star
d Mil. J II M i
L jnere was inwctu on in ,nd PMi Mwspapers no ionger in
New York Herald Tribune in the existence. Peck declined to name
l40- 'one-time Red asorlatr.
WiiMai Fired
1. iwo witnesses wno rnaay in- thal tncre WM , smflll Red ce
voked the Fifth Amendment pnvi- xhe New York Herald Tribune
lege against compulsory aclf-in- wh?rf he worked befora ioinine
ins Close
On Firm Note
Admiral Corporation
Allied Chemical
jAllis Chalmers
j Aluminum Co. Ameri'
'American Airlines
'American Motors
(American Tel. Tel.
American Tobacco
Anaconda Copper
Atchison Railroad
Bethlehem Steel
Boeing Airpla ne . Co,
Borg Warner
Burroughs Adding Mach.
California Packing
Canadian Pacific
Caterpillar Tractor
Celanese Corporation
Chrysler Corpn
Cities Service
Crown Zellerbach
Curtis Wright
Douglas Aircraft
du Pont de Nemours
Eastman Kodak
Emer on Radio
General Electric
General Foods
General Motors
Georgia Pac Plywood
Goodyear Tire
Homestake Mining Co.
International Harvester
International Paper
'Johns Manvilie
21 S Reynolds Metals
112'. Richfield Oil
(Ml ss ' Safeway Stores inc.
MV Scott Paper Co.
2.3 H Sears Roebuck Co.
I 4 Sinclair Oil
tl ! Southern Pacific
72 Vt ! Standard Oil Calif.
.V) i
57 H
ISicJf, EUlcrh
Woman Helped
By Rescuers
I'KIAH. Calif. i-A 71-year-old
woman, critically ill of pneumonia.
I is undergoing treatment at a I'kiah
! hrumtal aflcr a dramatic tourncv
out of the ruRged and isolated Kol it nas granira a paroie 10 Mrs.
River Canvnn by railroad, hand Barbara Hartle of Eugene, Ore.,
car and helicopter. I imprisoned former Communist
Doctors at the Mendocino Gen-j who has assisted the gnternment
eral Hospital said Thursday night in prosecution of subversives.
Mrs. Ava Morgan was not out of, Mrs. Hartle will be released
danger but at least had a chance from the federal women's reform
for life. story at Alderson, W. Vs., on
Mrs. Morgan was stricken at 'Feb. 1.
her lonely ranch at Sky rrbck.l She was one of five persons
some to miles north of i'kiah In convicted at Seattle, Wash., Oct.
northern Mendocino Countv. (10, 1953. of violating the Smith
Her son Ralph called on Sheriff act by conspiring to teach the
Reno Bartolomie for aid because violent overthrow of the United
slides blocked Northwestern Pa ; States government. The grouo
cific Railroad tracks and roads appealed to higher courts, but
into the canyon. i lost.
Bartolomie summoned a heli-' Mrs. Hartle beijan serving her
copter from Hamilton Air Force five-year sentence May 17, 1354,
Base. Because the country was j and became eligible for parole
rough the 'copter couldn't land After comnlcting one-third of
closer than 13 miles from the Mor-that time. She is the first person
gan Tanch.- " jgranted a parole after being con
So. Charles Neal. Northwestern Ivicted under the Smith act. ,
Facific division engineer, gathered I Justice Department officials
. i I I At 4, a! A k AAHIIIAtlAN
a crew of section hands ana, sam inai mmt ''ii
Mrs. Hartle nad aeieciea irom
the Communist party, and has ap
peared for the government as a
th sick woman was taken witness in otner smun aci cases,
railroad motor speeder that land proceedings oeiore ne aun-
carried Mrs. Morgan three miles
t3 the railroad. After being trans
ported to the slide area by hand
to a
took her to the helicopter.
Iversive Activities Control Board
alleged subversive
Charge Faces
4 Can Firms
crimination were fired by The New
York Times after they indicated
they would take this course.
Those who said they had lost
their lobs were Nathan Aleskov
sky, until recently assistant book
review editor of The Sunday Times
and Jack Shafer, a copyreader.
All of the witnesses Friday were
from the Times. They were, in or
der of taking the atand:
1. Robert Shelton, a copyreader,
who refused to say whether he is
or has been a Communist and
challenged the right of the sub
committee to inquire into his asso
ciations and beliefs.
2. Alden Whitman, also a copy-
reader, who readily admitted be
was a Communist between 1935
and 1948. but refused to name his
Red associates.
Nat Comasaalit
CHICAGO I Grains ended
the week on a firm note on the
Board of Trade Friday, leaving all
cereals higher for the first week
of the new year.
Wheat closed H-S higher, corn
Vt to 1 cent higher, oats V4
higher, rye -lVt higher, soybeans
Whitman reluctantly testified l.jjjjr t"ZZ,m
higher ftenneco.i Conner
nJ.i u " U-..1.: 1. Libby, McNeill
simmered down after the excite
ment of the previous day, leaving
traders to wait until Monday for
President Eisenhower's farm mes
sage to Congress.
Other reasons existed for the
buying today. A fair amount of ex
port business was put through.
Egypt bought a large quantity of
wheat while Japan, Holland and
West Germany purchased soy
beans. '
the Times.
Investment Trusts
(tllk. Smlthr-r Co., Inc )
A(fllild Fund
Canadian Fund
... s as
17 t
Crolui jr Shar Trmt ...25 IS
. J-.i
Chfmli-tl Fund
Dtlawir Fund .
Dlvr. Invnt. Fund
Dividend Slhirn ..
Eattnn k. H. B.
Cm Ind .
Group Tobtm
lncorp invntom
Key. Cut. Fundi:
B-4 .:
Mn. Bnnd Fund ..
4m. Invest. Trutt
Mitl. Sc. Srl
Income Srln
Stork Srrtrn
Prf. Stork Srlt
ti. div Srnri
miADELPmATIl'TheTia" -ky
is si
.... 10 2
Fund 1123
ij a
4 .
......IS 91
ia os
II 21
19 7
.....u ia
S !
.. a 44
... S 77
:.. soa
17 10
10 21
Zi 71
J4 0S
4 71
""JO. SI
10 82
. 2157
10 M
3b It
7 04
5 55
Vilur Lin Inc. Fund
wtiiinfton rund
.1 OS
250 2SSI
Portland Livestock
tion's four largest can companies : nimseir ss unemployed. h
were accused ot ' monopolistic con- ! w winmumsi
t")l" of the industry Thursday in! but refused to say whether he had
1Bk utt fcr $1,704,000 damages filed ever been.
in U. 5. district court. j Matilda Landsman, a linotype
The action was brought under operator on the Times, who in-
hi-i anti.triKt lwt hv in ran- i voked the Fifth Amendment re-
ning and packing companies and peatedly. She refused to say wheth-juneven. generally active except
iiled by the law firm of Scoblionko ! er she is a Communist, whether J" Ied hei(er good steers
and Frank, Allentown, Pa.
Named defendants were the
' American Can Co., Continental Can
Co., Crown Cork and Seal, Inc.
and National Can Corp.
, Plaintiffs include the Canners
- Pricing Protective Assn., Quaker
.City Packing Co., Inc., Allen Prod
ucts Co.. Deep Run Packing Co,,
Conte It Sons Packing Co., Foster
salable for week 1,125; market
she knew people wha have been I wi'h M 'eers and heifers steady-
w lower, cows luiiy steady except
few late sales weak-50 lower, bulls
SO higher; good-low choice fed
steers 11 50-19 00: load 1.1 11 lb
mostly choice 19.50 with high
'rhnlra 1 ln( II, I...
: :rr i-. - iv tl ut ft nn ';
Os1 fr 1 ! 1 mui vi-uciiria;
II IliVrlilirrlitc u,Uity teers- neifer io.oo-m.oo;
Portland Produce
PORTLAND Ui Butterfat
Tentative, subject to immediate
change Premium quality, deliv
eied in Portland 51-61 lb, first
quality S5-5I; second quality 50-53.
Butter W holesale f o b. , bulk
cubes to wholesalers Grade AA,
93 score; 57; 91 score, 56; B
Lockheed Aircraft
Loew's Incorporated
ll.nnr RpII A
Montgomery Ward
New York Central
Northern Pacific
Pacific American Fisb
Pacific Gas Electric
Pacific Tel. Tel.
Penney (J.C.) Co.
Pennsylvania R.R.
Pepsi Cola Co.
Philco Radio
Puget Sound P L
Radio Corporation
Rayonier lncorp.
Rayonier lncorp. Pfd.
Republic Steel
.74 S
40 S
44 l4
20 H
.3 '
z "I
94 V4
39 i
113 4
40 V,
51 4
19 4
37 4
93 4
45 '
73 4
10 4,
49 4
23 h
40 H
Sundard Oil N.J.
Studebaker Packard
Sunshine Mining
Swift Company
Transamerica Corp. ,
Twentieth Century Fox
Union Oil Company
Union Pacific
United Airlines
United Aircraft
United Corporation
United States Plywood
United States Steel
Warner Pictures
Western Union Tel..
Westinghouse Airbrake
Westinghouse Electric
Woolworth Company
152 !a
41 H
24 '4
53 H
179 V
38 Vi
69 ' i
19 4
21 H
51 H
47 H
Salem Market
Premium .,...
No. 1 .
Wholcal .
EGGS (Buy In )
i As ol lit yetrdavl
(Wholesale prim rnf from I
to 1 cnu over buyinf price)
Ijrae AA
t.arae A
Medium AA
Medium A
Colored Heni
Leihorn Heni
Colored Fryert ...
Colored Roaileri
Old Rooitcri
Onion Futures
CHICAGO (APr Ontons:
Open Huh Low Close
,.4 . I ..IS 1 40 I J 1 n
1 44 1 44 1 19 1 30
1 SJ 1 55 1 37 I 39
1 50 I SO : 1.49 1 49
Jan. ...
Feb. .
Commissioners' Court
.r.A. on ,. mi. n ilr. ik- -raif uuaiey, oo. Jisirm, sniei
tuners iwn ior me epiemoer
Term for 1834. with th amount
linked with communism, or where
she had been employed before be
coming a Times linotype operator
about a year ago.
S. Seymour Peck employed on
Canning Co., Doyle Packing Co.. O. Ill' VV
.of New Jersey. National Yesst MOCK A(lVailCC t X
Corp., Neuweiler Brewer Corp.,
nd Malt Disatase Co.
The suit alleged the four 'de
fendants have, by tacit agreement
or otherwise, conspired with one
another in fixing prices, allocating
customers, dividing markets and
generally acted in restraint of
Big Quantity
Of Anti-P&lio
Scrum Freed
Health Service Friday announced
release ot anotner l .017.531 coses
-of Salk anti-polio vaccine for use
by physicians and health depart
;Benta. '
The new vaccine was produced
.by Eli Lilly Co., Indianapolis, a
''regular contributor to the vaccine
releases since production and test
; Ing standards were revised last
A total of J0.979.J6J cubic centi-
strongly Friday in a moderately
higher stock market. It was the
beat advance for the shortened
week for the market, but the rise
lacked broad vigor,
canner and cutter cows 7.50-9.50
SiVlls down to 6 00 and under-
cows 10 00-12.00, early sales
50: commercial erades to
IMS StOOQ out , m M.11 nn- !iM ..... j
..... vuiicie uuwn iu
11.00 or under.
Calves salable for week 275;
market strong-1.00 or more higher,
most advance on choice vealers:
The Associated Press average of i J"1. 20 00 25 -,ew
60 stocks gained 80 cents at $179.30.
The industrial component ad
vanced $1.10, rails were up 40
cents, and utilities added 30 cents.
The list contained 1,1W individual
Issues of which (22 advanced and
311 eclined with 34 new highs and
7 new lows for the year.
Volume expanded with the bet
terment in prices and came to
2.570,000 shares. That compares
with 2,110,000 shares traded Thurs
day :,,.; .
Stocks and Bonds
Coatplled er Tk AiaeM-talei Preu
97 I
t7 I
ft S
97 4
Year aio . M
1953-M Hlh .MS
19S5-S Low .. MS
1M Mih 100
1964 Law ....... 4 J
Prev. day
dine. i iiwrj-nave nuw urcri Montn a0
released since the vaccine was li
censed last ADril 12.
' States and territories have been
allocated 16,145.399 doses since
July 31 for use by physicians and
health departments under the vol
untary control program. 1
The Health Service aaid that in
addition ' to the new vaccina re
leased Friday it had reallocated
40,500 doses of unused vaccine
from Louisiana.
It alsa said that Idaho was fiven
i replacement allocation of 16.542
-doses la addition to its regular al
lotment to replace a portion of
. that state's supply returned some
time ago because of lack of de
mand. The service aaid the state and
Ufntrs-ial health official handling
tnir program ia their
1 fcad fcact advised A their
luient, ,
k is ia is
Rails Induat Ulil Fen
chanf ...Unch A I Unch Vnch !
m 7 947 S4S
MS 94 7 S4 S 1
Ml 941 S47!
ri 1 mi S3 1
M 7 99 9 94 3
MS 1001 SIS
M 4 MS S4 O
100 4 IMS SSI
S7.4 Ml SOS
neaa 26.00-27.00, latter new recent
high; few good above 325 lb calves
16.00-17.50; cull-utility calves and
vealers 7.00-14.00.
Hogs salable for week 1.925;
market dosed 50-75 higher; late
sales sorted lots U.S. No. 1-2, ISO
235 lb mostly 13 V). few to 13.75
late; No. 3 lots down to 12.25 late;
sows 350-558 lb 9 50-10.50; few
lighter weights 11.00.
Sheep salable for week 1,475;
market uneven; slaughter lambs
opened active, string with some
sales 25 higher, closed slow with
advance fully lost; feeder lambs j
and ewes -unchanged; good-choice 1
lambs 17.00-U.OO. few lost mostly
choice 16.25-50 with several lots to
11.75 early; good-choice feeder
lambs 15 00-16 00, large lot heavy
fleshy feeders early 16.50; scat
tered sales good-choice ewes 4.50
5.50, one at 600; culls down to
I Portland Grain
1 ' 1
Nat ehan . Al l
frmv. day
wawk ...
Month at ..
Year as ...
19SS-M Mifh
19SS-M Low
IBM Hifh ...
19M Low
..155 S
.157 a
. 137 1
.. sua s
137 S
. Ill
ms a
134 7
134 I
13 1
111 1
114 S
113 S
77 1
71 1
47 1
15 4
179 1
1st a
ill I
141 I
PORTLAND 0B Coarse grains,
15-day shipment, bulk, coast deliv
ery: Oats Ne. 3, 36 lb white 11.00.
Barley No. t, 4$ lb B. W. 46 M.
Cera Ne. J, Z. Y. ahipment J 2S.
Car reoelpU: Wheat V; barley
11 Hour eon 4; mill ftad f .
- - .- - . - -
Mar. .
July .
May .
July .
May ....
July .......
Srnt. ...
Mar .
Julv .. ,.
. 1 10',-,
I 324-,
. 1 J5'..i
. 1.34',
SOYBFANS-New Contrarti
, SS'i
S3 ,
I K'i .
11', .
I 0'
I. A
Mar. HI'.
L. t 43';.41
1 44i-4S
July 4S,4
Sept ... 1 J4i,.i.
Jtn. . m inn
score, 53.
Cheese To wholesalers Oregon
singles. 384-41 lb; Oregon 5-lb
loaf, 41-44.
Eggs To wholesalers Candled
f ob. Portland, A large. 59-634;
A medium, 57-614; A small,
Eggs To- retailers Grade AA
large, 63-67; A large, 61-65; AA
medmm,60-4: A mediums 59-63;
A small, 54-55. Cartons. 1-3 cents
Live poultry No 1 quality,
f ob. Portland-Fryers, 24-4 lbs.
24; at farm, 23; roasters. 24, f o b.
Portland; light hens 17-18; heavy
hens, 15; old roosters, 11-14.
Turkeys To producers, eviscer
ated torn 33-344; fryer turkeys,
live weights, 6-10 lbs, 34.
Rabbits Aversge to growers
Live white, 34-44 lbs, 23-26, 5-6
lbs, 18-21; old does. 10-14. few
higher. Fresh killed fryers to
retsilers, 58-61; cut up, 62-65.
Wholesale Dressed Meals
Beef carcasses Steers, choice,
500-700 lbs, 31.00-35.00; good, 29.00
33.00; comercisl, 27.00-31.00; util
ity, 25.00-28.; commercial cows,
canners and cutters, 18.00-22.00.
Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind
quarters, 39 00-45 00; rounds 38.00
42.00; full loins." trimmed, 58 00
63.00; forequarters, 26.00 30.0C;
chucks, 27.00-31 00; ribs 40.00-46..
I Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-10 lb,
'34.00-37.00; shoulders, 16 lb down,
123.00-27.00; spareribs, 33.00-38 00;
j fresh hams. 10-14 lb, 40.00-43.00.
Veal and calves Good-choice, all
weights. 30.00-45 00; ' commercial
j 25.00-38 00.
i Lambs Choice. 4-5. lb, 37.00-
40.0; good. 35.00-38 00.
Wool Nominal clean basis,
blood, 95-1.00 lb; S blood, 1 .00-03
lb; 4 blood, 1.12-15; fine, 1.18-23.
Cualry-drit Meats, I.e.b.
Beef-ows, utility, 20-22 lb;
canners and cutters, 15-17.
Veal Top quality, lightweight;
32-33; rough heavies. 20-25.
Hogs Best light blockers, 18-19;
lean light sows, 15-17.
Lambs Good springers, 33-36;
yearlings, 24-26.
Mutton Lightweight ewes and
weathers, 10-12; rough heavies 7-9
Fresh redne
Potatoes Ore. Russets, No. 1-A,
3.25-3.75; 25-lb sk 15-90; 10 lb
mesh, 40-42; 10 lb paper 30-32; win
dows, 33-35; 10-lb. pkb. bags, 35-40;
No. 2, 50lb, :. .0-1.25: Idaho Bus
sett 100-lb No. 1, J 50-3 75, some
hieher: ba. 5 10-lb mesh, 2'T
2.75; Wash. Russets No. 1, 1001b,
1 M4.I41 3 W-3.50; Calif. Reds. 50-lb No. 1-A
I i:n,-14 ; 2.40-2 50.
Onions Id aha Yellows, med.,
2 25-50; lge, 2.75-3.00; Ore. Medford
Yellows, 2 50-75; lge, 2.75-3.00;
Calif. White Jumbos, 4 25 50.
Hay New crop, No. 2 rn
alfalfa, baled, f ab. truck, Port- 1 land and beams. $9.00-41.00 too.;
I 9'.
I -4
1 -';
4'i '
1 11
I. II '4
, S 444-44
I .V,-4
f 44,-4S
I 174-U
towed, billi continued, etc., accord
ing to the record In the offlc of
th County Clerk.
Louil Bersman, ItW, S30 00: Cap
itol Farnn Inc. RW. 1.00: Robert
C. fc Loys K. Robrrtson, nW. 100:
Jamei E Whelan Jr. ac J. E. Whelan
Sr.. RW, 100; State Hiehwav De
partment. Matchinf Funda. 11.700.00:
Mrs. Edith Wilaon. Labor. 13 00; Ladd
Sc Buth Salem Mr. U. S. Nat l, of
Prld . Withholdlni. 1 475 W: Public
Employe Retirement Bd Soc. Sec.
1942 22; Public Employei Relirement
Hyitem. Retirement, l,S23al: Stat
Indujtrial Acc. Comm., Ind. Ace,
12418 Attestor: Leo Q'letnel. Depu
ty. 34.141: Frank T. Stone. Draflt-
man; SK 7trHm-ard J. Wood - Dep;
uty. 167 42: 'Henry Juhgwirth. do.
isill: J. L. Siegmund. do. 149 41;
Dalbert J. Jeoaen, do. 13S.04:' Rich
ard Kirkuiaon. do, 12111: Ralph
Srcor, do, 367 41: David Terbell. do,
19 7; Harvev Frnnkum. do. 122 41:
Ida Baillie. do. 30 32; Anabel Moon,
do. 31192: Dixie Mever, do. 11917;
liana P. Davia. do, 51184; Barbara
Snyder, do. 22166. Cirrvtt Court: R
B. Hughes. Court Kr Doner. .;
B. D. Pevton. do. 3'1 10; R Howard,
Clerk It Bailiff. 140 10; Dan Poling,
Secretary, 107.4S; A. A. Rtcharda,
Court Reporter, 332(4; u. m. j on ni
ton. Secretary. 207.19. Civil Detente:
Wallace S Wharton. Director. .150 S4:
Dorothy H. French. Secretary, 234 23.
Clerk: A. M. Roethlin. Deputy. 307 37;
M Retnicack. do, 200 00: Ola Hughea,
4o, 231 43; H. P. Baker, do. 231 59:
G. Barrv, dq, 1S4 S3;- E. Tavet, do.
13113; B. Olson, do, 94.00: H. Kiel
hege. do, 120 71; D. M Chance, do.
143 49; H. Mulkey. do. 224 14: F. Cum-
mlngt, an. 114 01: w. uiftora. ao.
220 17. Court 4V remmlttlonert M.
RetnlCMk. Clerk. SO.OO; Joy Doya).
Stenographer, 101 SS. Ceurthantcl T.
0. Rickman. Cuttorilan, 3R 11; Fd
Booth. Janitor:1 199 SS: R. L. Bair,
do, 10S 10: Ed Kortrenorn. do. M5 20;
D J. Jacob, do. 134.73: A Scott, do,
toS 31: R. Honoer. do. 104 SS: i. Cold
ade do. 309 35; C. E. Waltman, do,
194 SS; M. J Morrtaon. Switchboard.
17911; R Hutchlna. do, 1S 33; M.
Seberrt., do. 1S1 94: M H. I jcher,
Elevator Operator. 1MI 11. nittrlrt At
torney: Harold W. Adams. Jr.. Dep
uty. 35 00: George N. Croaa. do,
15 00: Richard H. Allen, do. 131 30;
Thomat W. Hanten, do, 131 50; Dor
la DeVill Secretary, 121 13: Tma
Thamai. Stenoerapher, 177 S3: Jna
eph P. Meier. Deputv, 41 JO Dltlrlrt
Court: L. Beal. Deputy, 104 II: D.
Ruined, do. liw.33: N. Becklev, Clerk,
117,13; B. Anderson. Deouty, 103 94
Diet, faurt ten-table: Farl Adami,
Conttsble, 170.73: John O. Licer,
Depulv. I'fl II: Barbara L. Smith,
do. 197 90. Health pent : W. J Slone,
P. H P. H ees.04: W P. Green, San
itarian II, 3:i M: F. R Colman
Sanitarian 1. 302 44: I G. Lermon,
Sanitarian It. 10114: W. G Hellie,
do, 197.34! Bernjire Yeary. P. H N.
IV, 323 19: Etta Mil DeUrlng. P H.
N. II, 17130: Effi Col, do. 2S0 43;
Viola Eisanbach. do. 235 17: Edith
Haulman. do. S 13: Buth Ingram,
P. H N I. 141. S3- Evelyn Krutger,
do, M0 9S; H Marta Flsl. do.
1139; Muriel Swcnngen. do. 12124;
Helen Poujad. do, 13 99: Ern Ber-
Hecher, P. H. N.' Trainee. 247 33;
Sade Ptteraon. Health Educator,
1.14 90: Vera Wood, Clrk-Stenogra-oher
III. 139 17: Ethel lermon. Clerk
Sieno. II, (IS S; Ane Hetutr8on,
Clerk-Tvoitt II, 1-03; Lvlh Peivy,
Clerk-Typt I, 17.4: Sh'rifv ur';-.
en, do, isoai: Junn M"o'-, rio,
144 30: BiinrH Stnrcr " y. Frw.
Workr. n-TV. Nora 'Vnd. F-'ra.
13 44. Sheriff: Hnvrd W. t"mv.
Jailer, l:w si: Harold Fox, do. 2Y. ;
Thomat W. frown, do, 744(D); Lel
R. Chandler, do. 17174: Winifred Col
fan, Matron, 193 49: Maybell B. Mc
Donald, . do. 20A 85; JoAllen Brad
ley, do. 110 S3: Robert Caldwell, Jail
er. 177.11. Juvenile: Jamea H. Ah
baugh. Juvenile Cnunaelnr. S3IK;
IrkD Mulder. Ast Juvenile Caunael
or. SMSS: F. W. Kehrll, do. 134 41:
Deloret Kra, do, 144 09; InnelU
lutlIrFXurtTSonild M. Orange. Mt.t
Angel Justice, 3S SO; Joaeph Faulhab-
er. Constable, 10 00. Jrffertea Juttlr
Court: Marvin A. Hutching. Jus
tice. 247.03: Martha T. Hulchinga,
Secretary, IS 50: Gen F. Armtlrong.
Conatabie, 13 93. Sllerrto Justice
Court: Quintm B. Eatell, Justice,
101 43; Harley R. D Peel. Constable,
94 5S; Lois M. Eatell. Clerk. 17 00
WeodkHrn Juttire Court:- Harold
Eirhsteadt. Justic of fcac. SO0 M;
Blanch Chrlstensen. Secretary, SO OS;
Cecil I. Oman. Conatabie. 31 20.
Plaanlng: W. J. Kvarslen, Planning
Technician. 134 33. Recorder: Virgin
la Ston. Deputy, 131 39; Irene John
ton, do, 124.11: Irma Moon, do, 309 33;
Joan Lanka, do. 120 42; Sandra Gra
ham. Clerk, 45; Doris Odgeri,
Clerk, 182 22 Registrations A Klec-
tientt- Gladys White. Deputy.-.: 14S.4.
aiaooi auperintenaeni: ttelty Jeanne
Parrett, Supervisor, rS8.14; Glen Rob
ertson, do, 111. 00;- 3. F. Remington,
Deputy, 221 30; Christine V. Morley,
Secretary, 201.16; Gloria Jackson.
Clerk. 114 30. Sheriff Tax: H. T. Ev
ans, Depu'.v. 313 34; Leonard Combs,
Cannier, IT 71; Raymond Kleen, Anst.
Cashier, 2'WTO; Violetl West, Bkkp.
Super., 242.94; Marian Maas. Bkkp.
Mach. Oper., 21418: Delores Georg.
Deputy, 209 97; Hernlc Harlan, do,
109.17; Sidney Nelson, do. 114 28.
Sheriff Legal: A. 1. Malitrom. Dep
uty, 29106; Amos Shaw, do. 321.93;
B. R. Smith, do, 263 41; Richard
Boehringer, do. 157 18; E. J. Boust,
do. 2S3.4I: Joha Zablnski. do, 247 SS;
Herman Donev, do, 24S 49; Roy Lamb,
do, 173 41; Cecil Johnson, do. 344 M;
Jesa W. Gutiler, do. 113.70. Cecil C.
Cross, do. 154 91; Mary E. Strayer,
Matron, 193 49; James D. Painter,
Deputy. 174 IS. Surveyer: A. D. Gra
ham. Surveyor, 364.75; Betty Morrow,
Secretary, 22005: Sandra Graham,
do. 25 SO. Treasurer Audrey H. Sw
ing, Deputy, 22140: Charlotte Walk
er, do, 208 47. Veterans' Office: Bidg
Iry C. Miller. Service Officer, 348 62;
Hazel H. West, Secretary, 190.37.
Weed rBtrl: J. K. Ncufeldt. La
bor, 263 41. Engineer: John A. Ander
son, Engineer. 499 SS; Theo. Kuenri,
Asat. Engineer, 130 44: A. M. Presnall,
Secretary, 14141. Dog. Mr. Fund: E.
A. Ward. Dog Control Officer. M 15;
B. Olson. Clerk, 12S 59. Law I.larsry:
H. W. Barlow, Extra. 10 00. lennly
Property: Georg N. Gross. Dep.
Diat. Atty., 110 30: Harold W. Ad
ams, Jr., do, 93.23; C. A. Lewis,
Agent, 77 14; Flovd L. Siegmund,
Watermastrr. US S3.
Labor: Irving H. Johnson, 171 IT;
Robt. Hari, 329 OS; Delbert J. Bair,
3.17 SO; Elmer T. Ideen.VIO 13; Har
old U Martin. 29S 94; Hary Nieman.
.116 64: Robl. V. Stoops, 271.92: Wm.
Naftrger. 30J 17;-- Lew. A. Andreaa,
KS.Si; Lawrence Fahey. -284 43: Vir-
jgil R. Fahey, 233 M: r. C. Hunt,
2b03i; Meivin Monnier. i.nii: Al
bert K Wengenroth, 140 13; C. O.
Ross. 29597; Albert L. Canoy, 26141;
Chas. P. Canov, 27002; L. R Cooper,
254.95: E. J Coover. 2:514: Wilmer
Dahlberg. 233 34; Robt. Martin. 233.58:
H. J. Peterson, 298 09; A. B Rostad,
13170: W. J Starzl. 271 42; Ralph
Wickam, 220.33; S. K. Ely. 304 59;
Floyd Blackburn. 351 OS; Wm. M.
DuchaUau, 341.42: Arthur Thayer,
174 2: Kenneth WatU. 269 42; Rob
ert O. Bve, 113 OS: Jos A, Robl.
307.73: Jess R Carter, 17100: Men
no Dalke. 244 17; Lloyd Jarman,
264 SS: Arnold L. Kirk, 151 14; Leo
McCallister, 294.30: Henry RasmiKs
en, 231.10; Tom Ritchey. 247 26; Earl
E. Shade, 281 IS; Erwin Vierguta,
.'",717; Frsnk Wrtelk. 328 88; D. P.
S-hrf, 107 73; John Anderson, Jr
r.-l.M: O. D. Binegar. 30:1 08; Odi
ronnellv. 177 68; Jov Dehacon. 288 59;
J. -T- -eDbfcnn, S'7 SS; Robert Foss.
holm. Ml :: Willmer Fnashnlm,
353.02; H rvcv M Glrod, 186 IW: Clair
Htrvev. 591,49; Roy Hatfield, 173 1J;
Dick Hoover, 161 SO; R. C. Kammler.
lb 14; Laurel Lamb, 187 41; Virgil
Lor,f. 13150; H A, Martin. 129l;
W. R Matsev. 170 44: John MrAll'B
ter. 105 O0; Ralph McAllister, 2S6 S;
Rav MrCanister, 2.18 94: Ernest
Pag. 130 17; Jaa. Riggl. 24 24; Glenn
Robertaon, 2SM; W. Shelley. 252 33;
Dclbcrt C intUit. 151 1. KennUt
Slvter. 311.17; RoM. Smith. 2.56 ol;
Earl D. Slandley. 2.17.64: Ted Stolle,
294 96; Llovd E. Tavlor. 293 4P: A. M
Theis. 2S9 38: Hugh Webb. 311 S3: Sim
Wees. 234 93; Geo E. Willis. 3.14 m;
Lile L. Wilt. 174 28; Tonv Woelke.j
314.12: Tom Bowden. 197 98; rrana.
I. HerihA. 110 09; R. Fail. 130 00;
Keith Austin. 268 94; Robert C. Jnhn
kon,207.1I: Ronald Dalrymple, SO 61.
Assesior-Reappraital: Nanry t. Wil
son. Extra, 163 M; DeLoria E. Nick
erson, do, 174 73; Nevelle Ina Tan
ner, do. 78 70; Anabel Moon. do.
76.76: Dixi Mever. do, 9 02. Circuit
Court: Kay Chamber. Hailiff. 30 36;
Esther Ward do. 43 20 Mt. Angel
Jstir Ct.t Eleanor I Fisher. Sten
ographer, 2413. Registration 4k Elec
tion: Kalherlne M. Jrlderks. Dep-:
uivl, 33.42. Weed Control: John A.
McKav. Labor. 127 02. Stayton Jut-i
tire Ct ! W. H. Bell. Justice. 169 75;
Gal Chriten.en, Conttable, 15 40;
A ' H. Avmong. Slenng , 11.10.
Health Dept.: Mary Testermin. P.
H. N. I. 145 91. Miscellaneous Bow
ers, Davis K Hoffman, Reappraisal
Program. S.0O0O0; Burroughs Corpo
ration, OS. 144; H. F Domogalla.
TE. 17.43; H. E. Frankum. TE. 3L98;
Triden Calculating Machine Co., QE,
35 00; Dlbrt J. Jepson. TE. 182;
Henry Jungwlrth. TE, 3010; Richard
Nickelson, TE, JS 73: Leo Quesnel.
TE. 19 04: Ralph S. Secnr, TE. 83 SO;
J. L. aiegmund. TE. 13.11; Davit Tr.
bell. TE. 21 00: Slate of Oregon,
Cherry Flv, 29911: Golden Pheasant,
Meals. 17 30: The Pengad Co.. Sup.
.49L4SMlldrd Warrick r Hportr
i, rw, 220i)0; Wallace S. Wharton.
i TE Si Pettv Cah, 7 50; Flcher 4V Co ,
' Sup . 1 87; F M. Sercombe. do. 7 00;
li il.enton W. Howell. Per Diem A: TE.
J Rice, O St C Durs. 353 to: Acme
Supply Co. Sup. 3150; Bureau of
Labor, F.xp.. 16 00; Electric Corp.,
Exp, 8 73: Electric Motor Service
rn itn rrnn- l.armer Transfer
Storage, Fuel. 348 91: Portland Gas
K Cok Co., Lights Ic Power, 1193:,
Stubbt Electric Co,, Sup.; 42 03;
Westinghouse Elec. Corp, Exp .
125 00; Kenneth E. Brown. Tl. 482;
A C. Gragg, Postmaster, Potag.
9 00: George N. Grots, TE, 1 .38;
Thomai W. Hanten, TE. 4 90; B. D.
Pevton, Transcript. 28 50; Earl Ad
ams. TE. 379 36; Hailev Libbv. Bd.
of Equal., 3 80; Dr. Geo. Mursell,
Exam., 13 00: Paramount Pest Con
trol, Garbage Ditp.. 13.00; John
Schmld. do, 100 00: Silvrtoit Sani
tary Service, do, 5000; Dr. W. G.
Burrowa, Psy. Serv., 113 34: Dr. D.
E. DiUconi, Med. Serv., 10 00; Dr.
Margaret Dowell, do. 13 00: Dr. Lu
cille Fortner. do. 60 00; A. C. Gragg.
Poatmaater. Postage, 40 00; Hendne
Merilral Laboratory. Lab . 318 75: H
At H Garage. Trans. 1123: Pacific
Supply Corp. Rodent Sup., luzo;
Paylesa Drug Store, Med. Sup., 1 20;
Phvsiciana A- Hospital Supply Co.,
Med. Sup., 12 33; Ouianbrrv Phar
macy do. 2.92: salem Clinic, aneo
Serv . SI 66: Salem
Ann., Kent. 185.00: Salem Memorial
Hospitil; -Lab Sr X-Rt AOIJal;
School District No. 4. OE. I IS: W. J.
Stone, OS, 174: Dr. J H. Treleaven.
Psy. Serv., 113.34: Arthur N. wiens.
do. 23.00; Bernlce Yeary. TE. 1812;
n Hoe Hera insoeri.. .11.3; ui-
Austin W. Elvers, do, n.i.13: jonn
Hanrahan. do, 134 50: E. L. Henkel.
do, 20 00; F. G. Rankin, do, 11 00;
Dr Glen E. Schwenke. do. 113 25;
John R. Hinderliter Sr Sons. Indem
nity, 16 00: D. P. MacCarthv Ai Son,
do. 13 08: Neal Miller, do. 12 00; Tom
Webb," do 5800; Dr. Chat. Campbell,
Exam.. I SO;- Dr. Dl laconl, do 30 00;
Dr. Arthur Fisher, do, 13 00; Dr.
Alan King, do, 7 50: Dr. Ralph Pur
vine, do, 7 50; Dr. Gordon Stetnfeld,
do. 1.30; Dr. B. TreUlad. do, 7 30:
McEwan Photo Shop, Sup., 15 25:
Sanitary Service Co. Inc , Sup. Si
Exp:;.00; Semter,rNui Way Clean
er, do. 1140: Denver Young. Sher
iff, Meals, 1.03066: Harvln A. Hutch
ingn. Rent Sr F.O, 1190; Geo. F. Arm
strong. TE. 10 36; D. M. Orang. Rent.
23 00; Quintin B. E-'tell. Rent A.- OE.
43 87: Harley R. DePell. TE. .96: W.
H. Bell, Rent. 3000; Gale M. Chris
tensen. TE. 3 04; John Becker. Rent,
35 00; Cecil I. Omans, TE. 10 48: Mrs.
Ferria, Detention, 44 00: Norman M
Janzer. Psy. Serv., 13.00: Mrs. Mary
Nye, Detention, ' 44 00: Mrs. Arthur
Roberg, do, 71 00: Mri. Georg W.
Roberts, do. 50 00: Scienc Research
Association. OE, 12 82; Toy Ic Hobby
Shop, OX, 1184; Dr. E. Paul Wedel,
Detention. 100: Salem Printing It
Blut Print, Maps, 190; Albertlns
Kerr Homes (Louis Homel. Court
Com. Children, I.OO: AlberUna Kerr
Home (Nursery!, do,- 500; Catholic
Services for Children, do. 10 00: Chll'
dren's Farm' Home. do. 23 00: Chris.
tie School, do. 13 00: Our Lady of
Providence Nuraerv. do. 100: St
Mary's Home for Boys, do. 19 84;
State Public Welfare Comm.. Misc
14.203 50; A. C. Gragg. Poatmaster,
Postage It Sup., 2.1124. A. e. orasg,
Postmaster, do. 42.00; Agnes C. Booth,
TE. 21 22: California Test Bureau,
Testing. 9 SO; Fred Remington, TE.
3 AOt Capitol Office Equip. Co , OE,
29 80; J. K. Gill Co., OK, tin; stale
Dept. of Education. OE. 30 00: Ah-
raina SKinner at lo , nana. !;
W. L. Andernon Inc . Transn., 8 40:
Commercial Seat Cover Co., do, I 30;
F. Morton Pitt Co., Sup., 1122; Pac.
Tele. Ic Tele. Co., Radio, -13 73: J.
D. Painter. Transp , 1 30; Secretary
of State. Tele. Rental, 3000; H. T.
Evans, TE, LBS; Public Employes Re
tirement. Soc - Sec , 131.76: W
fail, TE. 173; Miller's. OE.
h H Sale Corp.. OE. 333 50;
Gragg, Postmaster, Pottage,
Roen Typewriter Exchange,
12 30: Ridglev C. Miller, TE.
Floyd L. Siegmund. TE, 1300;
A. McKay. TE. 32 22; J
that involved
Sales Co.. Mise., 24 46: Th Commer
rial Bonk Store, do, 377.78; Contract,
ort Equipment Corp.. do. 87.78: Cook
Stationery. Sups.. 41.42; Doughton
Hardwar. Misc., 16; G. A. Downs
Glaus Shop, do, 133: General Pe
troleum Corp. Grease. 8.71: Albert
l Gilman, RW. 300 00; Hank I Park
ing Lot. Parking. 69.03; J. E. Hasel
line Co.. Misc. 147: A. C. Haag. do.
Howard-cooper n,, ne
63 30; Intentate Tractor equip
ment. Mic . I8 W; jenxs-wnne seen
Co do. 1 80; Johnson At Blewert. do,
47 83: lr jorgensen Co., do, 90 41:
loggers Sr Contractor Machinery
Co. Frt . 1.73; C. G. Long Ic Sons,
Signs. 51 84: wueenie v- i-ong, nn.
00 00; L'tles Tire Mart, Tires,
79 79; Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co.,
Miac, 12 31: H. C. Mattton, Petty
rash do. 1413: Dirk Meyr Lumber
Co . do. 43.50: Mill Supply Corp . do.
74 SS- Miller Products Co., do. 780 00;
Montgomery Ward, Repa . 1; Na
tional Automotive Servlc. Sup.,
10 00: Ndhm'i, Misc.. 13.46; Norrit
Walkr Pint MJg. Co. do, 4140S:
Oregon Electric Railway Co. Oil
Coat. 1.436 18; Oregon Gravel Co,
Miac M. nVn,.?ul HwI;
Dpt , Signs, 110; Pacific Power At
Light Co.. -L St P. 16?; Padfle Pjw
r 4V Light Co.. L 4t P. 1 85; Tht
Pacific T.I. Ic Tel. Co. Tele. 1
07101; Peck Bros., Misc., 3,10512;
Phllippl Motor Co . Reps . S 31; Plo
near . .Trust- Le-... BonA 35-00; - Port
vna Vfnerai umiw -v.. .
703J7; Pratum Co-op Warehouse.
Reps , 25: nemingion nana inc..
Misc. SOS 13; J. F. At Mary F. Rlng
wald. RW, 10 00: Roberts Bros ,
Misc., 3 94: Ernil W Ross Oil Co,
Diesel. SS 61; Saffron Supply Co..
Misc S14; Sslem Auto Parti, do,
29 35: Salem Brake A- Wheel Align
ing Serv.. do. 30.87: Salem Conrret
Pip At Productt Co, CulV.. 488 22;
Salm Hardwar Co., Misc.. 7 SO: Sa
lem Laundry Co . exp.. e ra; saiem
Medical Ub , Misc , SI SO: Salem
Steel At Supple Co., do, 19102: Shell
Oil Co.. do. 17.11; Shurway Co., do.
4 51; Frd W. Smith lAimber yard.
do. sa il; ansp-un jooi. o.
Stan Baker Motom, do, .11; States
man-Journal, Adv., hjih; oiaies
man Publishing Co., Misc.. 2.15.37;
Steven Equip. Co, do, 140; J. R.
Taggart. Gravel, 5100: Tld Water
Associated Oil Co., Misc., 2.288 36;
Union Oil Company of Calif , do, I4.
2124.0; - Urwuh-Knapp - Printing Co..
Print., 3125; Valley Farm Hardware,
Reps . 2 81; Valley Motor Co., Misc ,
1 143.28; Valley Tractor Co., do, 2 70;
Valley Welding Supply Co., do,
35 28; Viesko Sand It Gravel, OM,
730 30; Walling Sand At Gravel Co ,
OM. 1,039.22; F. Alfred Wllllama.
Map. 24 91; Ltl Wilt, Trans., 33 00;
Denver Young. Misc., 28 54; Zeller
bach Paper Co.. Supa , 4313; Walter
H. Zoael Co . Misc., 798 94; Warrea
..'."'-.-Ir: Northwest Inc., do, 14.460.18; Jean C.
.61; P
A. C
50 00;
Sup ,
34 99;
K. Neuteldt,
Wood. Reporter, 40.00.
'Sept. 1, 1953 Order cancelling 7
yr warrants. Sept. I, Pipe lln per
mit, Henry Roth; Permit to hlul
loes. J. M. Strlckfaden: Beer license.
Anlo Feskens. Sept, S. Permit tn
haul logs. Fisher Bros.; Pip line
permit, Hugh Wells; Bond covering
Deputies in th Sheriffs office; Q.
C. Deed from Louis Bergman t Mar
ton County; Minutes of. Budget Com
mute meeting, Ray 1. Glatt ap
pointed on Committee, Sept. i, per
mit' to haul logs, Jack B. Thompson.
H. R. Smith; Permit to mov build
ing. Arthur Berg; Pipelln permit,
Meivin DuRette. Sept. S. 3 Aff. of
Publication of Call for Blda on
Building to be leased by Marion
County Health Dept. Sept. I. Final
hearing on indemnity ciaim or u. r.
MacCai Uiy . 4Y Son; Permit: to haul ;
logs, Clav Porter: Semi-annual re-
rrt of Sheriff and Tax Collector;
Affidavits of Publication of No
tice of hearing on proposal to Clot
County offices on Saturday: Permit
to haul logs, Shilling Bros. sepi. ii.
Final hearing on Indemnity claim
of Wm. J. Meier; Petition for Im
provement of Heather Lan: Copy
of Speed Limit Resol. No 104 by
Oregon State Highway Commission;
Petition for Improvement of Crest
rlew Drive: Permit to haul logs.
Bender Logging Co. Sept. 13. Permit
to haul logs, Guy Music; Order for
Sale of Properties acquired by Coun
ty on 1933-51 Tax Foreclosure list;
Order for Survey and report on pro
posed Improvement of Heather Lan.
Sept. 14, Copy of "No Parking Res
olution No. 114" by Oregon Stat
Hwy. Comm.; Prmit to haul logs.
Enoch Skinner. Sept. 15, Permit to
haul logs. Felix Haaalng; Pip Una
permit, Wm. L. Grn: Pip lin
permit, S!em Water Department:
Orders accepting work done on Scott
Ave.. Middle Grov Drlv. and Dov-
r Av.; Resolution by County Court
in Re: FAS protect No. 139 en N.
River Road: Bids opened nn build
ing to be leased by Marion County
Health Dent. Sept. 18, Order Vacat
ing portion of Union Street and an
Alley in Butteville; Indemnity Claim
of Tob Webb, final hearing 1-31-53.
S.nt 19 o c Deed from Capitol
Farm! Inc. In Marion Coutny; Q. C.
Deed from James E. Whalen Jr.
al to Marion bounty Sept, 30, Plat
of Carl Addition; Permit to haul
logs. Earl R. Rlbbers, Ray D Moles,
Harold E. Waller, A. U Fletcher;
License) or permit for X. A. Meithof
et ux'to occupy nous parnv in pun-
tic street; Permit to haul logs.
gging ci
Sup. A: TE 167.13: Pratum Co-op.
Warehouse, Sup., 33 31: C. A. Lewis,
TE. 8 54; Adi Iphson'f. Sup., ISO;
Oregon Phvslcians Service. OPA,
964 98; George Grant," Per Diem,
129 00; Buck Main, do. 3 00: Ervin A.
Ward. TE. 11093; Etlher Ward, Per
Diem, 62 08; Mrs. E. Beugll, Co.
Fair. 100.00; Bancroft Whitney Co.,
Law Library. 1230: Oregon Law Re
view, do, 100; Addrassograph Mul
tifraph Corp., Supa., 150 00: Ceorge
E. Allen Hardware, do, 11.26; Allied
Supply Co., do, 227 85; Alloy Weld
ing Snpplv. Inc., Shop. 131 45; Amer
ican Asphalt Paving Co.. C. Mix, 4 -107.51;
Leo A. Andreas. Trans.. 23.00;
Armco Drainage Sr Metal Products,
Mic . 1,396 24: Ball Br , New Equip.,
1 4.15 38: Ballou It Wright. Misc..
M 05: A. T. Bernhardt, Gravel, 8 48;
Rearing Specialty Co., Rent.. 1341;
8 J. At Eleanor Bieele. Easement,
100; Jo Bnokthnlrt. Trt., 10311; J.
E, Brown Printing Co , Sup.. 69 70;
F H. Burrelr. Mine . 144 42; Albert L.
Canoy, Trans., 11 00; Capital Aulo
Part. Misc. 47 64; 'Capital Drug
Store, Med. Sup.. '1.66; Capitol Lum
ber Co., Misc, 1.423 04; Capitol Trac
tor St Equipment Co.. Misc., 27.11:
City of Salem, da. 11 41: City Water
Dept . Water. 107 42; Chae E Clark
son, Misc., 206 11; Clvd Equipment
Co., Rep., 16.58; Cnlgata-Palmollv
Co , Sup . 44 SI; Columns Equip
asaa! Oa sUps, UM, Clf ear Motor
1 . . '
Permit to haul logs, Hoy
Moon Bros., C. St H.
Sent. 11.
Jacobsen; Date aet to hear objections
to proposed Assesamenta on Dover
Ave. Middle Grov Drive, and Scott
Av. Sept. 12, Permit to mov build
ing. Bales and Bradvy. Arthur Berg;
Permit to haul logs, Victor Thomas.
Herbert Hutchinson. Sept. 23. Street
opening bnnd, Salem Height Water
District; Pip line 'permit. Salem
Height Water District; Bear Ucense,
Caroline I. Miller and Ruth C. Hod
ges; Quit Claim Deeds to Marion
County from Emery Jon t ux,
Helen Hayfield, Raymond J. Eiel
injkl; Order for tranafer from Emer
gency approp to Appro p. for Court
Hoiim. Sept. 37. Permit to haul logs.
Keith Miller. Henry Query; Q c
Deed from Brarier ct ux to Marina
County. Sept. 26, Order for urvy
for RW, proposed Improvement of
County Road No. 1S3; Q. C. Deed
from Herbert C. It Loy K. Robert
aon to Marlon County. Sept. IS, Per
mit to haul logt, Howard X. Endi
cntt, Mehama Lumber Co.: Q. C.
Deed from Geo. I. Amundson et ux
to Marion County. Sept. St. Final
hearing on Indemnity claim of Tom
Webb; Petition for Improvement or
Gary Street; Order for transfer of
fund from Emergency Approp. to
County Court Ic Commissioners for
O At C Lands; Permit to haul logs,
JsmM K. Fun: Transfer Order, var
ioua; Order for tranafer front Emr
Sencjr Approp. to County tchon!
upt ; Order for Transfer of fuaet
from aanargene A pomp, tn Boar
oi atualiiaUon, thonae