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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1956)
(fn Heguctl Old Files Yield Recipes for Flank, Steak and Crisp Sweet Bread By MAXINF. BL'RF.N SUtrsman Woman's Editor By mall, from Monro, Washington, we received an SOS asking for two recipei we knew of old. - The first wai in. an old cookbook published by the Seattle Tost Intelligencer when I wai on the staff, and called A Kitchen Scrap Book. I didn't remember this ai a particularly good recipe but it must be, for the woman making the request cornea from family of juit about the best cooks I know. The recipe, was given us by the chef of i popular, though not stylish, , Spanish restaurant. SPANISH FLANK STEAK , 1 tablespoon parsley 1 bayleaf J teaspoon sugar Dash of allspice Salt and pepper 1 heaping teaspoon chili powder 1H cups broth or water 2 pound flank steak Flour Olive oil 1 can tomatoes 1 onion, chopped fine 1 green pepper, cut 1 clove garlic Can mushrooms (2 oc.) cup chopped celery Pound flour and some salt -Into the steaks, that have been cut Into servlngsiied portions. Fry fast in olive oil. Vt minute on each side, add small can heated tomatoes, onion, green pepper, garlic, celery and parsley. Add bayletf. sugar, allspice, alt and pepper and chili powder and liquid. Simmer 14 hours nd just before serving, add mushrooms and juice. Serve with rice made by putting 1 cup of the rice Into a trainer and dipping into boiling water for S minutes. Finish cooking in double boiler with 14 cups salted water. Her other request was for Biscotti, which I have made every Christmas season for t good many years. This Is flavorful cake-like bread with lots of almonds, baked and cooled, then-sliced and toasted. It is hard, and at 1U best when dunked. . Though it's listed among my Christmas recipes, it is good at any time of year. This, incidentally, ii to be found in the . cookbook put out by The Statesman two or so years ago. BISCOTTI 4 cups flour 1 to 2 cups almonds, 4 teaspoons baking powder 4 eggs teaspoon salt 14 ,cups milk 1 tablespoon anise seed 2 cups sugar Sift dry Ingredients into a bpwl, stir in almonds which are coarsely chopped, pour milk In center, drop in eggs unbeaten, stir from center out until thoroughly mied. Line a 10x12 pan " with olled parchment paper and turn dough into it. Place in 300 degree oven, set for 375 degrees and bake 45 minutes. Invert pan on a tray and tear off paper, cool thoroughly, then lice Into pieces the size of iweibach. Place pieces on a tray,.' place in cold oven set for 275, turning top and bottom elements on low, and remove when thoroughly dried and lightly browned. Just by way of a bonus, we'll publish another recipe from the old scrapbook, and though we do not remember it particu larly, the Pine Tree Tearoom was a. place we often ate with great pleasure. This recipe is from the chef: CRAB CREOLE IN THE SHELL 2 cups crab meat, broken 1 egg yolk I tablespoon cream . Salt and nutmeg 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon minced green pepper 2 tablespoons flour . in. i cup mil Cook butter and pepper together, then add flour. When bubbling, add milk and when boiling, add crab, broken not too fine. Add egg yolk mixed with cream-when sauce is hot, season and put into buttered crab shells, top with crumbs and 'brown. If shells are not available, serve on toast or patty shells. Jerrylee Grabel Weds in South From Berkeley, Calif, comes news of the' marriage of Miss Jerrylee Ann Grabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Grabel of Oakland. Calif., formerly of Salem, to Roger Earl Brusse on January 1. t - - The ceremony took place at the Epworth Methodist Church in Berkeley with the Rev. Donald A Getty officiating. The bride, who is a sister of Mrs. Jack W. Baker of Salem, graduated from South Salem High School last June. V.rr Brusse ir attending he Oregon College of Education at Monmouth. LyonsMr. and Mrs. Forrest Nydegger are announcing the fnrthrnmlnff mirriaae of their -TrMRhterrMwa-Mther-Nydeggeifr to Tommy Mesnew ot Mayion. January 27 is the date set for the wedding. Welcome Home Dinner At iusi House Watercolors And Oils on Exhibit The Bush H4ue Salem Art Museum is featuring throughout the month of January an exhibit of oils and watercolors by Salem artist Emma Tweed Drinnon. Sixteen oil paintings, three watercolors, and one pencil sketch comprise this show. The works are new and they were painted in Europe where Mrs. Drinnon studied and traveled last year. Outstanding among the paint Inn art Dutch Facades, French Village, the lovely Blue Hduse, a nice figure. The Peddler, La Laveuse, and a Young Lady in Yellow. Mrs. Drinnon has a pleasing, loose, spontaneous style. The painttngs verge on the abstract and she uses unusual colors. , Mrs. Drinnon is night super visor at the State Tuberculosis hospital. She started to paint about ten years ago at the re quest of a young man who had bad a double amputation and who wished to have a painting of a certain scene in his room He liked the work she did so well, and praised it so highly, that she "just bloomed" and has been painting ever since. During the past year Mrs. Drin non studied at Teachers Art Academy of Amsterdam. She has worked with Carl Hall, Carmalita Barquist, and Robert Voigt The Bush House la open dally, except Mondays, from 10 a.m. until noon, and from 2 n.m. un. til 5 p.m. The public is Invited ro see mm. prinnon's work. Son is Greeted FOUR CORJIERS-Felicitatlons go to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fes kens (Claire Maxwell) on the birth of a son born December 30 at the Salem General hospital. The little boy has been named Michael Lynn and he weighed eight pounds and thirteen ounces. There is a brother, Gary Wayne, and the grandparents are Lambert Feskens and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Maxwell, all of Sa lem. Great-grandfathers are H. J. Erickson of Eugene and Charles Masquart, Salem. Statesman. Salem, Ore., Tlnirs., J,m. 5, Ti (r r. I)-7 Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE AUBURN A discharge from the Army Signal Corps and a family dinner on New Year's 'dav mnn i Victor S. Johns aware that his New Year had gotten off to an auspicious beginning. Victor ar rived home on New Year's eve, i after 31 months duty with the Army at Cama, Japan. On New ! Year's day his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Johns, were hosts at a family dinner honoring their son. Covers were placed for the guest of honor, and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hockhold of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. 'John French. Mr. and Mr U'il. fred. Wilier Dorothy Keith and Fred Wilier, all of Salem, and the l hosts. . I ' Q. How should the butter knife be rjaced on the Individual butter plates, horizontally across the top or vertically at the right side? A. There is no set rule about this, but the consensus is that it looks better placed in the same direction as the other silver,-- Q. Even if the wedding is to be very small and Informal, would it be all right for a bride to wear a white bridal veil? A, Yea, provided it ii not her second marriage. Q. If a girl has promised a certain dance to a man, and the music begins, should she seek him out? . . . A. . Never; It is the man's dutyi to find his partner as quickly as possible. Prague Lorry 'Mighty Fine' TOKYO OH This sample of Communist conversation ' was broadcast by the North Korean radio Wednesday: "I will drive my 'Prague' type lorry sent by the Czechoslovak people 200,000 kilometers without a single breakdown by the 11th anniversary of the Aug. IS libera thn and thus carry out my quota for this year." 1 The speaker was identified as labor hero Ke Bong Woon, a truck driver passing the time of day with a Communist correspondent. Two hundred thousand kilome ters is about 124.000 miles, almost five times around the. world. WAGE BOOSTS WASHINGTON (It - The Labor Department (aid Tuesday at least . million workers will get auto matic wage boost in 195 under long-term union contracts. (Beault'Pleat I ' I I JJro perieS Exclusive) dealers for the revolutionary now Beautl-Ploat Method for making and Installing draporiot. Prices Art I Surprisingly Low! t coMnrri MiAiuiiNO anb INSTALLATION SflVICL FAItlCS Ot All TvVif - COMKITI UNI Of BIAMIV HAIDWAII IHIDINTIAl AND COMMHCIAl INSTAUATIONS Free Esthetes ijijmmi-uxr ii ii i ii"t " 1143 S. Commorelal Phone 4-1543 mm JOMtOSS-SCIIOOL OF CHARM AND FASHION MODELINO I A FINISHING SCHOOL ' WINTER CLASSES START JAN. 17 At Salem Y.W.G.A.' ' - All Inslraition bv Ross ' WARDROBE AND STYLING VOICE AND DICTION . VISUAL POISE, WALKING ' COMPORTMENT PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT FIGURE CONTROL ' MAKE UP '. . V " PRESENT DAY ETIQUETTE FASHION MODELING Complete Eight Weeks Course $35 A personal interview with Joan Ross costj you nothing, puts you under no V Teen Age and Adult Classes Tuesday and Thursday " Evenings Starting January 17 CALL 3-9167 TODAY iCMOOL 0 CH AIM AND MINION MODflINO ! I . 7. I TRoeelal ft Uby . group rate! VI V ? j Speaker 1 i A Available .... j P I - .9 Q n n.' n UTJ n Every tiling f.Ius? Go Cy J:::u::ry 1 "u 111 ill ill llil J KMl 6 All Sales Final d Prices Good While Quantities Lasts ' Plain White- , Regular 10c Regular alio, pur whho. Package of II envelopes. 5 for 0)G -'Filler ; Paper I Reg. I 10c R(3 . We'll Do Baclr SALEM WITH A NEW, COMPLETE STORE , Duo to tho limited di f cur prosonf Um Store, wo havo toon unable to aorvo yov wolt, with comploto selections of merchandise found In our Portland Stores. So wo hovo decided to close January 14th, and open largo, comploro, modern storo as soon at suitablo location can bo found. A storo with amplo room for comploto selection of Poods, Drugs, Varioty, Toiletries and Apparol with amplo room for convenient parking. Until rhen many thanks for your valued patronaoo wollbobackl . Plastic Covered m Regular 1.09 Red and Hue.' largo slzo, with rack for silverware. m 1 f 1 I v 0 8 Plastic ,! r.'t i 'ft '. i 1 Regular 69c Keeps cUthos damp, ready for Ironing. Soft, pliablo, odorless, acid resistant. Corning . Mm Milk Glass Regular 39c 1 I inch, scalloped edge, Milk Class Cako Plato. n.i; Roclcingham ill c u .. . . 35c Value Make your cup of tea as you liko It. -' Dixie Dogwood 5 piece"llve0 Set' Reg. 2.25 Value 49-ot. Tumblers and 32-ot. Wafer Jug. Hand painted. w W"1 T"1- Pottery Broivn .leaii.-PoS 3 n Regular 19c Individual loan Pots for baked beans. Import Sambi fflk -ft Regular 39c Hand painted, hand made Pottery Milk Mug. 1 Air Metal n .jl, J n one! -Regular 2.19 Sturdy built, metal Patio Tables, rod, yellow' and groon. 9!4-ozf Clear Regular 10c Clear Class Tumblers, largo six. , II hup n !' II mm m . - -,,'.. . I lot bmm Certified i' " Regular 45c Pull pint bottle. For clem, frosh breath, gargle with certified Mouth Wash. 7- p: ill uucJaliil ' ' . ; ' t.Y'. -.V' 1 1 Sto Avay Regular 2.98 ' I With I Rock . I Certified Reg. 2.89-BottU of 30 Caps. -.1 ,