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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1956)
r Statesman's HOME anorama V.':r.:n . . . f.Vjsic . ... Fcshicns , .. . Features 4t)thf Wedding Anniversary ForOrcutts 6-(Soc. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., Jan. 5, '56 Around Town . . . By JEBYME ENGLISH ROMANTIC NEWS ... revealed! Portland with his fiancee, Miss New Year's Evt was the betrothal Nan Mishler . , . their engage cf Miss Marlyn Lorenj, attractive, ment was announced just before blonde daughter of ;wr. ana Mrs. j i-nnsimas, ""; Louis Loreni, to Ronald Loew, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Loew of ' Portland ... the duo plan an August wedding. . . . The bride elect and her fiance are seniors at Lewis and Clark College. . . . Mr. Loew is a member of Sigma ' loha Sterna fraternity and is a Guests , , . at the home f Dr. and Mrs. Edwla F. Snider are her brother-in-law and .liter. Mr. and Mr. J. J. Salovaara, and children, Laurl and Kaarlna, wb recently moved to Oregon from ottsvllle, Pa. . . . their new home will be la Albany, where Mr. Salovaara we-law student . . . the couple ! bat keen appointed the new city engagement was announced at the manager. . . . They arrived Jont 6igma Alpha Sigma fraternity ; before New Year's and will re dance In Portland. ... temporarily at the Snider . Being welcomed ... home from " 1 7 Uv, three weeks' so)iin la the Ha-' Mmm.datlons in Albany. . . . walla. Wands ar Dr. and Mrs.;"- Snlevaara ha. already Uke.j t-,..a i i:,.r -h. Mi.n,.H u-tr his new duties.. . . . vv " F. rr.l,f..W r..rm... J cornea news of the birth of a daughter on January S to Lt. and Mrs. Deryl Peters (Virginia Ben aer) . , . Graadparenta of the little girl are Mr. and Mrs. Moody Ban ner and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pe ters of Salem . . . Lt. and Mrs. Pe ters have been living hi Hanan, Germany, where he has been sta tioned the past year ... they ei pect to retnra to Salem to make then- heme hi the spring , , . Change of addraa ... for Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lorenz Jr. and daughters,. Susan and Belinda . . . they left Wednesday, for Coquille to reside, where Mr. Lorenz will be with the Coquille Valley Bank . . . he was formerly with tne Udd and Bush Branch of the United States National Bank A hostess . , . Monday was Mias Lorraine Harms, who Invited the feminine members of her bridal party to luncheon at the Sunny view Avenue home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard K. Harms . . . during the afternooa the gnestt .wrapped dream rakes . . . The wedding of Miss Harms and John 1Jndcr-ccwc5 jS Mrs. Paley and Grace Kelly Tie orage... cor First Among Best Dressed the states New Year's Day th?y made the trip both wars by plane. . . . While la the Islands they, made their headquarters la Honolulu and visited with Miss Ana Monson, a former Salem resi dent . . prior to leaving the Ut ters met Dr, and Mrs. Carl Brasoa of Salem, who had Just ar rived for a three weeks'-stay la Honolulu. . Flying East , v . Wednesday was Dick Unruh, sop of Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. Unruh, who is returning to Boston to complete his studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ... he has been spend ing the holidays in Salem and in Mrs. FinsetK Will Head Button Club Mrs. Luke Johnston entertained members of the Salem Button Club at luncheon on Tuesday. Plans were made for the coming year and officers elected. The New Year's theme was used in' the decor. Newly elected officers are Mrs. A reception honoring the 40lh wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, Elmer R. Orcutt w ill be held Sunday, January B at the Holly wood Lions Club between 4 and 7 o'clock, ' . . Greeting guests at the door will be the couple's two oldest grand children, Carol Nunn and Sammy Orcutt. Michele Manolis will pass the guest book. Presiding at the coffee urns and serving will he Mrs. Llsie Roth, Mrs. lrvan Frost, Mrs. (Kto Schi eman, Mrs. W, C. Orcult of Mol alla, Mrs: 0. G, Luehrs and Mrs. J. A. Fehler, Assisting about the rooms will be Mrs, Samuel Orcutt, Mrs. George Manolis, Mrs. Lloyd Pat terson and Mrs, J. A. Nunn. The marriage of the couple took place in Salt Lake City and they have resided in Salem for 33 years. They have two children, Samuel Orcutt and Mrs. J. A. Nunn, and 7 grandchildren. , Thejwhy anniversary theme will be featured in the decor with a white lace cloth caught with red lace and satin ribbons. The center piece will be ruby red roses in a silver flanked by matching tapers. Leeks Hosts for Holiday Party Mr, and Mrs. V. D. Leek were hosts to a large group of rela tives and friends on December 30 at the Mayflower Hall. A covered , dish dinner was served to 83 j guests. , j Coming frotn out-of-town fori the occasion were Mr;, and Mrs. j Gale Green of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. . Dean Glenn of. Hayward, Calif., and Donald PicKell, who is home on furlough from the U.S. Air Force in France. . Teen canteen will be held Satur day evening in the YWCA gym from 7:30 to 10 J.m. Parents are! encouraged to attend as adult I chaperones and to pick up their teen-agers inside the. .building at 10 o'clock , .... . , i . fin, 'irr . '- j I 4 t I L I' .gN" u 1 t;. ;.'"' f'fy 1 1 1 Need more storage space? Here's a do-it-yourself idea for an attic bedroom that combines the beauty of western pine paneling with maximum use of space. Book case rolls out of wall on casters to permit easy storing of trunks and suitcases under the eaves. Daytime floor area is enlarged through pushing bed into shallow recess. Reception Will Fete Gleasons On Sal itorday Club Calendar -H It. Tilgner-wilt be an event t-f Friday alcht at the Tint Chrla- Letf Firseth. president; Mrs. Utri church . . . Attending the Hsrnisch, vice . presidrnt;; Mrs. parly were the Misaet Lois Dew- Luke M. Johnston, secretary-treas urer; Mrs. E. E. Maschnl, histo- ( rian. and Mrs: W. W. McCuIly, program chairman. The Englewtod Woman's Club will be entertained at a 1:15 des sert luncheon Friday afternoon at . the home of Mrs. Ellen Fisher, 1055 N. 30th St. Mrs. B. C. Hall and Mrs. Orrin Chase will be the assisting hostesses. Mrs. Carl Richards will lead the devotions. tell, Patricia Edwards, Am Ber- ger, J a alee Button, Charlotte Gcrlg. Betty Fischer, Charlotte and Sharoa Tilgrier, Mrs. Law rence TUgner and Mrs. Leonard Harms . . Entertaining . . . members of her club today at luncheon and bridge will be Mrs. Robert F. Wulf, who has invited the group to her South High Street home , , . Mrs. Arthur Erickson will be an addi tional guest ... THURSDAY American Cold Star Mothers, VFW Mall,- S 'P.m." ' FRIDAY Trinity and Ainiworth chapter OE3. Joint achool of inrtructiort' Wert Salem my butldinf, S p m. ' Smra Mother'! Club meet at Serra Hiflh School. S p.m. Altruu Club dinner, Marlon Hotel. (:1 p.m. Salem Chapter, OES, inatallation, Srottiah Rite TampI, S p.m. Engiewood Woman't Club with Mn. Ellen rither, 1055 N. 20th St., 1:16 daaaert. .'SATURDAY Friendship Shrine. White Shrine of Jerusalem, Scottuh Rite Temple, 8 p.m. Chemeketa Chapter. DAR. 1 p m. luncheon, Marion Hotel. Willamette Shrine. .Order of White Shrine of Jerusalem, Masonic ' Tem ple, no-host dinner, S:S0 p.m. Mr .and Mrs. Leon W. Gleason will celebrate their golden wed ding anniversary at an informal reception Saturday night, Janu ary 7 in the social room of St. Paul's Episcopal Church., Friends of the couple -are be ing invited through the press to call between 7 and 9 o'clock. The Gleasons request there be no gifts. " The' Gleasons were married in Hennessey, Oklahoma and have lived in Salem for 47 years. They have one son, Clifford Gleason. Assisting during the reception hours will be Mrs. William E. Scandling.Mrs. C. E. Brown, Mrs. William M. Cook, Mr E. C. Hobbs, Mrs. Ora Harder and Mrs. Gerald Fisher. Co-Rec Club Dance . Friday night, the Co-Rec Club is holding a dance wilh dancing instruction from Don Allen of the Don Allen Dance Studio between t to 9 p m. aL the YWCA. All young people between the ages of 18 and 35 are invited to attend. Wedding Held in Gold Beach - WEST STAYTON - Word has been received of the marriage of. a former resident. Albert Ethera Chickleero, and Miss Elnora Na omi Johnson of Gold Beach, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Iva Bi John son of Nesika Beach, which took place on December 84. The bride groom is the son of Mrs. J. W. Yeley of Stayton. The Rev. Sidney Walker perform ed the rites at the Community Presbyterian Church in Gold Beach at 2 o'clock. The bride wore a pink crystal lette ballerina gown and fingertip veil held by a headband of pink flowers. She carried a nosegay of pink roses and white carnations. Miss Rita Elell of Gold Beach was the honor attendant and Sam uel Twilhoft was best man. Ushers were James Sharp and Tomi Brown. A wedding reception followed in the church parlors. The bride is a senior at the Gold Beach high school and will com plete her studies. Her husband is a graduate of West Stayton schools and Cascade Union High School, where he was active in sports. . Mr. Chicklero is employed by the Oregon State Highway Department at Coquille, where the couple will reside. NEW YORK - The t Young women tripped ahead of their el ders "Wednesday in the art of ele gant attire. They , dominated the new listjof the world's best-dressed women, and that's not normal. The experts said it upsets a fashion tradition. " Usually, it's most women of more years, more seasoned tastes and experienced eye who rule as the queens of excellent apparel. But this time the accent was on youth as the New York dress in stitute announced results of its annual poll of more than ' 1,000 fashion editors and designers. Instead of the usual 10, there were 14 choices, because there wer ties for four places. Nine of the 14 are under 35 the biggest proportion yet of the younger set. Tied for first place were Mrs. William Paley of New York, wife of the president of the Columbia Broadcasting System, and screen actress Grace Kelly, one of few Hollywood notables ever to make the top rank. . ' Others are: Tied for second the Duchess of Windsor, a perennial winner in the realm of tasteful dress, and young princess Margaret of Great Britain, i The princess' older sister. Queen Elizabeth, didn't make it.) Tied for third Mrs. Byron Foy of New York, also a regular win ner, and the Countess Rodolfo Crespi of Rome (former New York Debutante, Consuelo O'Connor.) Fourth Mrs. Winston Guest of New York and Palm Beach, wife of the millionaire polo player. Fifth-Mrs. William Randolph Hearst Jr., of New York, wife of the publisher. ' Sixth Mrs. Jacques Balsan of New York and Palm Beach, the former Consuelo Vanderbilt. (Now past 70, she's among the elderly of the top-fashion list.) U Seventh Mrs. Alfred ' Gwynne Vanderbilt of New York. . Eighth-Mrs, Henry Ford H of Detroit, wife of the automobile industrialist. Ninth Mme. Arturo Lopez-WiU-shaw of Paris, young wile of an art collector. ( ' Tied for tenth the Countess of Quintanilla of Madrid (the former Mary. Elaine Griffith of Rockland County, N.Y., who married Into Spanish nobility) and Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby of Houston, Tex., former secretary of health, educa tion and welfare. The Institute said; "The title of best dressed woman is in no way a synonym for wealth or extrava garice in dress, but a symbol of contemporary good taste. . . ," OES Installation Slated Friday Salem ch.ipler, Order of Faster of Kaslern Star will Install the new . officers on Friday, Jaminrj 6 at I p.m. at the Scottish Hit Temple. Mrs. Harry llidoy will be install ed as worthy matron and KffW'i't Dodge as worthy patron, The outgoing officers will be in charge of the reception following the installation. AUBURN Mary Feaklna wal hostess to the Auburn Roometlei 4 11 club. A dance was planned for January 7 from 8:30 to 12 o'clock with Maxine Brcssler as hostess. An invitation was read from the Lucky Live Stockers Club to County Wide Skate on January 17 at West Salem- Skatcland. .Edwina Ballard is a new mem White Shrine Meeting The social meeting of Willam ette Shrine. Order of the Whit Shrine of Jerusalem will be held Saturday night at the Masonic Temple. A no-host dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. with a pro gram following. The committee for the evening includes Mrs. G. W. Howe, Mrs. Pearl Jones and Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Grub. - MAuay V si h WICKS rrAVVAPORUB Ship4! Sliore exquisite j pure Irish linen HOUSE BAR MAIN FLOOR Cr7 Imported Irish linen... a blouse to delight the discriminating! A cisply fine lightweight... Tebilized for crease-resistance... soft-tailored with graceful 1 scallops. Flower white or pastels. ..launder ' lustre-lovely as new. Sizes 30 to 40. Other new Ship'n Sliorei...broaddotht, pattern, 2.9$ The Best Place to Shop , . . After All Nbw! rea Afoffff 1 V : j " owin J. v r 0 .1 . ' ; VA mm- 1 ,) UUitiddor Originals Jke 0C00I1 IJou oCove ' Windows! Floor displays! Newspapers and radios will herald the news of Miller's great spring showing of "Kay Windsor Originals." Kay Windsor care-free cottons - . . Kay Windsor disciplined cottons ... all are here, all are lovely in their new spring color schemes . . , new silhouettes. (A few are illustrated in this advertisement). The featured price in this showing is only $10.95! aiur.- a These famous fabrics are the darlings of the cotton world! Overprints in lacy patterns . . . French gingham plaids in delicate pastels . . . Exotic darker (hades in both plain and printed cottons add to the . wide range of choice this week. iiowb.i At look yon love or Cottons by "Galey and Lord' "Lucinda," "Everglaze" . ... Make note on your shopping list of "Kay Windsor" and plan seeing the entire group showing as early as you possibly can this week. You are sure to find the dresses you've wanted and at the price you'll be happy to pay. Newest Spring Dress Fashions These care free, crease-resistant cotton frocks are truly the cottons destined to save you time, money and fashion worries this season. Size ranges include junior, regular and half sizes. 1 THE BEST PLACE TO SHOP . . . AFTER ALL ' WWB . Joshing 'uctons... 7 "Jusf foss it j into the 'A.6 a. - " w -r 4 f't At i '' ' " .' af-r'."' ' ' 4V 1 :- 4 , ' : I 1. ) .. .. ., Jr.. I :