CONKER ON COl'NTY ROAD Marion County Judge Rex Hart ley and Commissioner! ftoy Rice and E. L. Rojrri met Wednesday afternoon at the George Benson home with a delegation of Powers Creek residents concern ing possi ble Improvement 0 the Powers Creek Road. A portion of the road has already been improved by the county; the new section would In clude elimination of curves' in the vicinity of tbe old Mt. View school southeast of Silverton. 4-11 CLL'B FORMED Nancy Kinton heads a new 4 II club, the Merry Mixers. Other of ficers are Donna Burton, vice pres ident; Cheryl Cole, secretary; Ma rianne Baldwin, 'n e w s reporter; Nancy Thompson, song leader; Do re ne Worthington, yell leader. Meetlrgs are held at the home of Mrs. Robert Cole, leader. Mrs, H. P. Thompson U assistant leader. See outstanding wall paperj with Gladden, Staff Trim Oregon Pen Escapes Treuure mint at flirke'i. FRESH HAM ROAST (LEG of 220 N. Com! (adv.) Pork) 40c lb. Midget Market, 1 - (sdvl YOUNG STEER BEEF ROASTS, - ,35c lb. WHOLE PORK LOINS, The Top Hat Restaurant will be for your freezer, 39c. Midget By PAUL W. HARVEY JR. AimcUU4 Press Writer You don't read much about tbe Oregon State Penitentiary any more. It Is escaping the headlines because Warden Clarence T. Glad den and his staff have quieted the place down, and art keeping the men locked up. During 1955, only sis. mea es- matching fabric and glamorizing caped. All were trustiea who warned away. That is the lowest number of escapes that I can remember. Con trast it with the 45 escapes in 1952, the year before Gladden took over closed Thurs. Jan. death In Family. 5th due to Market (adv.) Fast efficient roof service. Cascade Roof Co. Ph. 3-4823. (adv.) DONATE ROAD PROPERTY Deed for property which will be used In widening a section of Crest view Avenue just outside the Sa lem city limits was received Wed n e 1 d a y by the Marion County Court from C. A. and Gladys Vib bert. The section is located. in the vicinity of Candalaria school where additional width was needed for walks for children going to and from the school. (dv.) TOASTMASTERS TO MEET Tom Mosher will be toastmaster at the Capitol Toastmasters Club There were M in 195 and only seven In 1954. ' " . Ne Credit Taken Gladden doesn't take any credit for that record. He gives It all to meeting 6:15 p.m. Thursday in, the prison classification commit Hollywood Lions. Den. Speakers will be Dick Batdorf, Carl Dam aske, Jack Bush and Bill T?w. Evaluators will be Fred Morgan, George Van Dusen, Dayle Jory and Ellis Sanders. LEAN PORK STEAK. 35c lk. Young Pork Roast, 25c lb. Fresh Side Pork; 39c lb. Midget Market. (adv) Bargains In ladies coats. Y.W.C.A. FOR A PROSPEROUS NEW . Fit k Mon, 10 to 5. YEAR' begin the New Year with New Job. See PAGENSTECH ER's Commercial Placement Agency for moremoney-in-your-pocket opportunities. 411 Ore. Bldg. 404 State St. 4-3351. (ady,) tee, which is headed by L. R. Barnes, deputy warden In charge of individual treatment. The classification committee de cides everything about what a prisoner must do In prison. If he needs education, he goes to school. If he needs to learn a trade, be takes vocational training. It also decides the ticklish ques tion as to how much custody prisoner needs. If it makes a mis- Budget Shop. 141 S. WinterOpen ln ivLin P" minimum Motion for Non-Suit Ends Damage Suit have been adding a year to the A motion of voluntary non suit terms of escapees. I Wednesday In Marion County But lately, some of the escapees 1 Circuit Court ended the third at have been getting an extra lg!Ht to try the defamation suit months or two years, and Gladden ! Drouht cby. 0tt ,,A- Bo Uch'r (adv.) Having roof troubles? Call Cascade Roof Co- (adv.) CANADIAN STYLE BACON BACK fresh from our Smokehouse. Mid get Market. . (adv) Have Mathls Bros. Check yourtoof before it leaks. . (adv.) Public I Records . CIRCUIT COURT . ' Mary L. Shelley vs James Arthur Shelley: Complaint for divorce charges cruel and inhuman treat ment and seeks custody of one minor child with 130 support money for same. Married at Portland; Ore., Aug 12, 1949. , Alice M. Johnson vs Robert Lee Johnson:-'Complaint-for ' divorce charcei cruel and inhuman treat. ment, seeks custody of two minor children and $55 a month support money for each. Married at Dal las. Ore., May 14. 1945. Edgar S. Fortner vs Thelma Jones: Defendant's demurrer as serts complaint docs not contain sufficient facts for suit. Lonnie E. Stewart vs Leo Wed dle: Defendant's demurrer asserts complaint does not contain suf ficient facts for suit. State vs Addle Pauline Hodges: Order releases defendant to cus tody of authorities of state of Wash ington for prosecution on charge of parole violation - - -"6tate vs Spurgeon Fitzhitgh Beckner: Defendant waives pre liminary examination and bound over to grand jury on charge of forgery. Bail set at $2,500. Mellie Jean Ernest vs Boyd B Ernest: Complaint for divorce charges cruel and inhuman treat-1 ment. seeks restoration of former 1 m TT . f Vlalli. loo- Ca.nln. . nA ' 1 I 1 11 T t I 1 fl 1 T - ilAUt AflV 111 V 90 a mopin support money. Marjorie G. Zeeb vs Stanley Zeeb: Complaint for divorce charges cruel and inhuman treat SNYDER TO SPEAK Walter E. Snyder. Salem district school superintendent, will speak on overcrowded conditions in jun ior high schools at a pie socirl of the West Salem Parent-Teachers Association Friday , in the school gymnasium. LEAN SIDE BACON, fresh from our Smokehouse. Midget Market. adv' Unsightly facial hair removed per manently. Price's Beauty Salon. (adv.) LEG BRUISED IN FALL Miss Edna Hastay, 13, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Lynne Hastay, 1045 N. Cottage St., was treated by first aidmen about 2:15 p.m. Wed nesday for a leg bruise received in a fall on stairs at Parrish Junior High School. Dental plates repaired while you wait at Painless Parker " Dentist, 125 N. Liberty. Salem. CLUB SLATES SLIDES Miss Loretta Gaylord Fisher, as sistant state librarian, will show color slides taken on a tour of Europe last summer at the Salem Optimist Club meeting Thursday noon in the Mdrion Hotel. Mathls Bros, will survey your roof Fret of charge. Ph. 4-6831. (adv.)' ALTERATION PLANNED Mr. and Mrs, Dwight Quisen berry were Issued a city building permit Wednesday to alter a house at 355 Jerris St. Estimated cost was $1,500 Hollywood Associated. Flying A New Ph. 2-9100: Pick up & deliver. (adv.) custody, the man escapes. So the committee has to be right almost all of the time. 'Good JoV The fact that only six minimum custody men, or trusties, , walked away last year ii evidence that the committee is doing well. - Besides Barnei, the members of the committee are the deputy war den in charge of mass treatment; the two chaplains, the psychiatrist, the ' supervisor of classification, and the educational director. "We haven't had anybody break out for a long time," Gladden says. "We hear lots of rumors, but none of them have panned out. . "But we have a lot of men who are thinking all the time about ways to get out So we'll have some attempts some time. In the meantime, all our officers and staff must stay on the alert." Added Sentence When a man escapes, he can have up to 10 years added to his sentence. Until recently, the judges thinks this is a good Idea. Gladden has tightened the secu rity of the prison lately. There now are strict rules that won't let prisoners stand idle in the" prison yard. There used to be hundreds. 1 When I walked through the grounds last week with Gladden, I saw only one idle prisoner on the grounds. Gladden took care of him quickly, putting the man back to work. Another security measure is the new arsenal tower, located In the middle of the driveway in . front of the administration building. Every Stops Anybody used to be able to walk into the administration building. But not now. The tower guard stops everyone and questions him before letting him proceed, to the main building. Yes, things are much different now than they were ln April, 1953, when Gladden came out of retire ment to bring order out of chaos at the prison. At that time, Gladden said It would take him about three years to get the institution operating the way he wanted it to run.' He worked IS hours a day, and drove his men hard. Many em ployes were replaced. Discipline was restored among the inmates and employes. The Jood . was im proved greatly. And the inmates were given a wide choice of vo cational training, as well as edu cation through the college level. Now Gladden is pretty well satis fied... "We still have many things I'd like to do." he says, "but 1 feel now that the Oregon penitentiary is as good as any in the United States." against Salem Attorney Ray H. Bassett. The motion by Boetticher was allowed by Circuit Judge George R. Duncan alter part of the jury bad been selected to hear the case involving a damage suit for $4(1.000. An earlier court session ended In a mistrial in Judge Dun can's court; a second effort end ed when Circuit Judge Val D. Sloper disqualified himself from bearinj the case. Boetticher's complaint accused Bassett of making two alleged statements defaming his charact er two yean ago. ' Registration Stressed for School Vote School officials continued Wed nesday to stress voter registration in connection with the coming Feb, 6 vote in Salem School District on a $2,900,000 bond issue to finance twe new junior high schools and remodeling of present schools. Citizens must be registered by this Friday in order to vote In the election. Voter registration is con ducted at both Marion and Folk County Courthouses. Three special registrars have been appointed In the Polk County area of the Salem School District. They are Person Drug Store, 995 Edgewater St., Salem: Lawrence McClure residence, 299 Wallace Rd., Salem Joe Singer residence on Salem Route 1 in Brush College area. Zone Change Requests Dn At Hearings Two zone changrs arc being proposed in the South 12th Street area where construction of a new Erickson supermarket is planned. Salem Planning Commission Wednesday set public hearings I for its Jin. 17 night meeting at City Hall on both ion change j petitions. I Arthur trick sea Is seeking a' C-3 business of property on the south side of Oxford Street, be tween Berry end 12th Streets and at the rear of the market sit on 12th which is already ln a com mercial zone. At the same time, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Dougherty, whose business property on 12th is be ing sold to Erickson, will request a similar change to C-3 zone for property at 1100 Oxford SL in the rear of their residence. Dougherty has operated sn auto motive shop for many yean en 12th and la seeking to continue it at the Oxford Street property. Statesman, Sam, Ore., Hun., Jin. tt 'Zj ". I Group Eyes Election Law Authority Bill The legislative interim commit tee on elections decided Wednes day to sponsor legislation to let tbe secretary of state oversee ad ministration of statewide election laws by county clerks. The bill will be Introduced at tbe 1937 legislature. The committee also agreed to sponsor bills giving the secretary of state full responsibility for ad ministration of election laws st tbe state level, giving .PcrLs-Advhsry , ' Group to Meet The sta'e parks advisory cor miltee Will hold a public heanrf Feb. 24 and 25 at the Portlar.-I state office building, William IU T u g m a n. Re edsport, eommitue chairman, announced Wednesday. The committee is studying opera tion of the park system, including whether it should be transferred from the highway commission so an independent agency. Salem Lions to Hear Report The six Salem area Lions Clubs will join ln a luncheon meeting Thursday, Jan. 12. at the Marion Hotel, with A. L. Hawn of Eugene, an International Lions official, as speaker. Hawn will report on the Interna tional board meeting he attended recently in Santiago, Chile. James W. TindaU of tbe Holly wood Lions Club is chairman for the Joint meeting arrangements. Many state Lions officials are In vited lo attend. powers to county clerks tn local elections, and providing tor ap peal, boards in the state and counties. Sam Haley, legislative counsel who drafts bills, said Interim committees should have their re quest ready by July 1. , Howard Morgan, state Demo cratic chairman, protested sgainst letting parties snd candidates use registration lists. He called the practice "scandalous." and said it could result in swamoini the county clerks. Mate Rep. E. H. Mann. Med- ford Republican, disagreed, say ing mat the practice makes it possible to get information to the voters. CARD OF THANXS Our heartfelt thanks to all who extended comforting sympathy and helo in our recent sorrow. similar Lrr th outWu' wrvtee. flor4 offerings and other kindnesses wt are very grateful. Mrs. Chris Ringwald Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ringwald Mr. George Ringwald. (adv.) lymptoma of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS oucto EXCESS ACID QUICK RELIEF OX NO COST Onr mtlxm packita of to Stun Ttf Anmtr kni tM M h Mai af Wim of AMimt w Minj tma IIimi ml m w. NMrtlura, SlMftewi oSu inn ana. juk tmmm MaMt hick Ml miiIiim torn ht PAT-LESS DRUG PERRY'S DRUG STORE .WILES DRUG STORK EEDSAl'l t:Sl ticrmay mam 1 - Silver Piatt Tablsj Swiv k (at Stainless Steal Prices) 50-pc. atrvict ; for eight I24JM. Van fcance to tvy fine. Over even tor Miiy M. . 2- The F I n trt Economy Stainless Sft t e I that, we've t ee a 50-pc service for eight 17.53 3- GIANT Special . Made 54-ounce Food & Drink Blender . 24.M Stt rtwta unsMtdiflfl vlu( mm et your Ubm import HndfM trt. t 1721 Center Pht 5-9172 The . OrWtOe 3 6 Signed for Businessin Salem Tar From Static' Salem busleess is anything but static, it appeared Wednesday with the announcement that Dun l Bradstreet had made - 788 changes .last year in the DfcBj Reference Book listing of 1,150, Salem businesses. The reference book lists Wnu facturers, wholesalers, retailers,! some service companies like laundries and gas stations. , Be sides 1,130 Salem businesses, the ; new volume lists 133 for Silver I ton, 123 Woodburn, 77 Stayton,1 42 Mt. Angel. i Changes made since last year in the bock indicate new busi nesses, discontinued business, changes in ownership, trade names, credit rating or other items. : : 1 1 i . : l llf ii gnu ciiiiaiiiiK linn iui iiic I "Marion Webfoot Squad" from ment. seeks custody of minor child Marion, folk and Yamhill coun and 1125 a month sunoort money; tics during pendency of suit and $100 a month for 18 months thereafter. Married at Coquille. Dec. 24, 1951. Otto A. Boetticher vs R. H. Bas iiSngS ti Woman Released To Washington State Authorities Six men already signed for the squad are Anthony J. Konen, Martain F. Provost and Phillip J. Ebner, all of Mt. Angel, Ray- sett: Motion of plaintiff for order mond L.. Mack, Scotts Mills; of voluntary non-suit allowed on Dewey D. Combs, Aumsville, and complaint for damages for alleged"Osoar H. McCoy, Dallas, defamation of character. This select group of men will Dale Dorn and Gale Dorn as Western Motors Company vs Har ry March: Order gives plaintiff judgment of $2,662 SO. PROBATE COURT Estate of John Fikan, deceased: Order admits will to probate and estimates value of estate at $55, 000. MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS John Robert Tilgner, 19, Dallas, clerk, and Lorraine Marie Harms, 18, 4075 Sunnyview Ave., clerk-typist. leave Salem for Portland Jan. 10, to be enlisted into the service of the U. S. Marine Corps Jan. 11, as part of the Sth Oregon Beaver Platoon. Births RUX To Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rux. Salem Route 4, Box 273, a son, Wednesday, Jan. 4, at Salem General Hospital. LOWERY - To Mr. and Mrs. Dean Lowery, 3825 Welty Ave., a son, Wednesday, Jan. 4, at Salem MUNICIPAL COURT Gordon Wallace Spurgeon, Grand Ronde Box 633.; charged with il legal possession of liquor, released: General Hospital on payment, 01 u uau. Charley Barlow Watkins, Willa mina Box 555, charged with illegal possession of liquor, released on payment of $35 bail. Rebecca Jane Runbolz, 119 E. Birch St., Dallas, Ore., charged with illegal possession of liquor, pleaded guilty-and fined $25. Linda Ruth Beck, 755 Ferry St.. charged with illegal possession of i: ....m.. - m m 4 uvuui g yieaucu gum $25. Jesse Warren Glasgow, uaues, cnargea wun anving wnne , ,tu.- dry iB1 roUhcl unaer me miiuence oi uquor, rA vo-m eim m tmxh. oiir nlearied innocent, trial set 1:30! Rwinol. Help, nature bfti. p.m. March 9, released on pay ment of $250 bail. A Roseburg woman, who was held here on a charge of passing a bad check at a Salem clothing store, was released Wednesday to Washington authorities for prosecu tion on another charge. Addie Pauline Hodges faces charges of parole violation In Spo kane and was ordered released to Spokane police for return to that city after she had waived extradi tion proceedings in Marion County Circuit Court. TATCHIO To Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Tatchio, 140 Maryetta Dr.. a diughter, Wednesday. Jan. 4, at Salem Memorial Hospital. j HADLOCK - To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hadlock, 2201 W. Nob Hill, a son, Wednesday, Jan. 4, at Sa lem Memorial Hospital. I irir', dry ind roufhea. i'A w-jfof-ful teliH ia tmooth. oily ' Rninol. Help, nature J)i. inesinoL""'"" Qnler Given for Mans 'Release- Zale Alden Bancroft, 34, Salem, was ordered released on his own recognizance Wednesday after be ing apprehended here for Douglas County on a charge of non-support. Douglas County made the re quest for Bancroft's release. His bail had been set at $1,000 at the time of his arrest 'Sunday. SURGICAL SUPPORTS- Of All Kinds, Tresses, Abdominal Supports, Elastic Hosiery tipert Fitters Private Fitting Rooms Ask Your Doctor" Capital Drug Stere . 405 State Street Corner of Liberty ' fytf Green Stamps I Jit rh LEATHER GOODS 125 N. Commercial Men's and Wq . Off discontinued Pieces of Luggage. . . . V2 Price All Leather Handbags . . 14 Off DOOR BUSTER SPECIAL! Women's POM-POM Ladies You just can't afford to mist this Terrific Savingl You'll recogniit thest Slipeprs at sold elsewhere at $1.00. Your choice in wine or blue - Sizes 5 to 9. Hurryl wniwww sWfc. 'MHpassjw siPWMMWii iswjawi n.iswj i wiiuasi wamaf 1 STORE HOURSi MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS 9-9 - OTHER DAYS 9-5:30 ' uj. "u.' GanncG" go TOM MUM M lAIUMsVOt VOU MONIV MC ' vv,mivs-Br"aart'lW-s,'''t "-"'" ft " sW '4 . sW . a afe at .. I w emu tiw roawMutt fy&'t- .1 : ill ': fjf .I ' I - I 1-1 t I Uu than H what you'd expect fe pay 60 CAUCI I A f V 0 I il : Do not judge these dress es by the sensationally ' low price. The reason yoti buy for lets it Granti it be cause our buyer was in the market early, placed -orders in quantity, pick ed the cream of the new t cotton crop. Snap up at least 2 for double savings. In Size f IS) 10 te 20 14 te J4H ensl 42 te It Values to 1.98 Sanforized broadcloth GIRL'S IMPORTED This sale only Rush down tot Grants today to gat your share of the savings. Sea thai smart blouses in the. dreamy styles your daughter wants. All have Ocean pearl buttons. Solids, gingham shacks. 714. This special buy enable you to' haye first quality,) full-fashion nylons st a one-time-low-price fines , 60 tiugt, IS denier with dark or tell teams M-U,' US! CREDIT COUPONS JUST UK1 CASH 260 No. liberty