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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1956)
(Sec, I) Statesman, Salom, Ore., Tliurs., Jan. 5, '56 Icnson Gives GOP eck at Farm Plan; j Demo Hurls Charge Valley Floods Easing After Heavy Rain (Story also on Page 1.) Now flood conditions were ras- Una in Salem and the mid valley neany lonay siit roomer jiure nerved eeneroun leftovers from WASHINGTON W! Secretary : that for Benson to meet with Re-: her pre-ChrlMmai storm 01 Agriculture Benson gave lie- pumicarm ione is not me way publican members of the House.: to win friends in Congress and It Agriculture Committee a look-in Is not the way to win bipartisan Wednesday on the administration'! ; lupport for any program." farm program and Chairman Coo- W'hite House Secretary James C. Hagerty said at Key West, Flo., j I that ' Eisenhower iif speeding his program, to Congress because of I the great Importance be attaches I to the farm problem. ley (D NC) promptly accused him ef playing politics. , By meeting privately with the Jtepublicans only. Cooler said, Benson showed that he "seems more concerned with the political angles of this program than with the good of the country." The White House announced that President Eisenhower would send his farm message to Congress on Wqnday. Sen. Ellender (D-La), chairman of the 'Senate Agricul ture Committee, said his group would go to work at once with a broad new farm program with the Idea of getting It to the White 1, v It "ouse . LONDON l - Political ba Area u Agreement rometers showed a sharp decline Tne election year race io neip Wednesday in the popularity of the farmers whose income has Vrlm.,r vAen a tlm been falling while the rest of the, when n. Dlannin- hil tflk. iflter Popularity of Eden Shows Sharp Drop conomy booms immediately produced one big area of agree ment; ; "There should be a "soil bank" or ("fertility bank" scheme under which the government would fun nel money to farmers who retire cropland from unnecessary pro duction. Tha main purpose, all hands agreed, should be . to get more money into the farmers' pockets and cut down on the vast piles of government-owned surpluses. Cooley, in hjs statement, said this month In Washington President Elsenhower, with The new storm dropped two Inches of rain oh Salem Wednes day and over five inches in other partsof the valley. Surface wa ter rose rapidly, but was report ed receding in virtually all areas early today, In southeast Salem, streets were impassable for a time. Rur al and South Capitol Streets were closed at 3 a.m. but reopened by 7:30. Flooded Basements ' Many inundated basements oc curred in the South 22nd-Hoyt Streets area. Flooding of resi dences also occurred in the Sil verton Road area north of Salem and east from there, but by noon much of the water had abated. Residents" ilortg- a section of East Rural Avenue were awak ened by city police early Wed nesday and warned of the rising water in that low-lying area. Roads closed Wednesday in cluded the one linking Dallas and Falls City. The Brooks-Labish Center strip was closed by a Marilyn Monroe Sollies Dispute With Film Studio HOLLYWOOD - Twentieth Century-Fox Wednesday an nounced settlement of. Its pro longed dispute with Its most shapely hold-out Marilyn Mon roe, ' , Miss Monroe, who walked out of her contract a year ago, has been living in New York. Under a new deal with the studio, she will make four pictures in the next seven years all under the banner of Marilyn Monroe Productions. Eden'i leadership has come fwsh"" mile east of Brooks, under attack from sections of- his ! South River Road from Salem to own Conservative Party. This hat ' Independence was closed again, given heart to his Labor opponents Road Blocked now hammering at the 58-year-old j A slide closed Marion County prime minister's government. TRoad 402 just west of Newberg Laboritet have accused Eden of , Highway in the north end of the failing to make decisions on dlffi- county. Crews were working on cult problems. Now these charges ! trouble spots an,d some roads art being echoed in some Conserve-! were expected to be reopened tive quarters, including rank nnd rile Tories in Parliament and big Conservative newspapers. The Daily Telegraph and the Daily Sketch, both Conservative, have told Eden the British public expects firm decisions. Flood Damage to Hnnvsrdu Uncertain Recent public opinion polls lndl PORTLAND VI Flood damage cated the Laborites might defeat rain in the 24 hours ending 4:30 to Oregon and California hnpyarris the Conservatives if a national p.m. Wednesday. . till is not fully assessed, the State eiecuon wera neiti now. acnoois ai ram city, Perrydale today. Old Silverton-Salem Highway was closed when Pudding River went over the paved road to a depth of two feet in the quarter mile low stretch. Monmouth cut off road out of Dallas was closed. Valseti reported 8.15 inches of Composer of 'Sixteen Tons' Slugs Wife NORTH HOLLYWOOD. Calif. I Composer Merle Travis of the ; hit tune "Sixteen Tons" was jailed ; Wednesday after, police said, he ' slugged his wife with a pistol and barricaded himself in his home. He was booked on suspicion of wife beating after officers broke into the home. He surrendered meekly, although his wife, Betty, had reported he -threatened to shoot anyone who entered. Mrs. Travis, SI, said she grabbed a pistol from her 37-year-old hus band and clad in a pink dress ing gown fled to a neighbor's with her two children by a previ ous marriage, Mike, t, and Den nis. 10. She told officers Travis was in toxicated and heavily armed. More than a score of officers, armed - with rifles, shotguns and tear gas bombs, surrounded the modest bungalow. Fire trucks stood by. I Sid Hughes, assistant city editor of the Los Angeles Mirror-News, 'reached Travis by telephone and I kept him on the line while offi cers broke into the home-and ar rested him. "- Former CA A Head in Doubt About Firing WASHINGTON (JP - Frederick B. Lee testified Wednesday he never found out exactly why lie1 was discharged as head of the Civil Aeronautics Administration last month. He told a Senate commerce :ub committee on aviation, headed by Sen, Monroney (D-Okla) that the. nearest thing to an explanation came from Commerce Undersecre tary Louis Rothschild in these words: "We haven't been getting along too well, Fred, and 1 don't think we will be getting along. We've reached a parking of the ways." Monroney said his committee wished to Investigate U;e's dis charge in .view of the possibility that 'ground-minded' officials r.f the Commerce Department spe cifically, Rothschild end Secretary Weeks were dictating aviation developments to the detriment of aviation. Monroney said he would intro duce legislation" Thursday to make art independant agency out of the Civil Aeronautics Administration, which now is a part of the Com merce Department. Motor 'Firm, Union Dispute Hearing Due Tublic bearing will open today on a complaint charging Capitol City Lodge 1506, At'U CIO Machinists, with unfair labor practice, The complaint, set for hearing at 10 a.m. in the Marion County Courthouse, "is based on a charge filed against the union by Pete Bennison, president of Valley Motor company. It accuses the union of unfair ly picketing the company in July in an attempt to coerce the Com pany to agree to a union shop. The hearing will be before a National Labor Relations Board examiner, who will file a report on his findings with both the company and union. If an excep tion is taken to his findings, the board will make a final decision. Slate Republicans Name Secretary PORTLAND - Douglas P, Huegli, a regional program direc tor for the National Assn. r.f Manufacturers, is the new execu tive secretary of the Oregon Re ; publican Party. I lluegli succeeds Clyde V. Bruin 'mell, who has been named direr tor of the GOP precinct orgnniza ; tion. p Wendell Wyatt, Astoria, chair man of the Republican Central j Committee, announce the appoint ment. Theatre Time Table , KI.SINORK "5ECOND GREATEST SEX" it Km unci le-es TOUGHEST MAN AUVt" at: IS) CAFITOI. "THE COURT MARTIAL Of R1I.I Y MITCHELL" at J 20 and in no. S4-HOUB ALERT at :07 HOLLYWOOD TO HELL AND BACK at! 100 and in si, FEMALE ON THE BEACH at: 114 Department of Agriculture said Wednesday, r.iifn,i v.. ouately with inflation at home and uffertd considerable loss but ore-i1"'"'.' fon seems to have been less hard hit, the department said. Specifically, Eden'i critics ac-1 nd DHa were closed but were cuse him of failing to deal ade-; expected to reopen today. Stock Moved Mt Angel firemen and other volunteers worked through the early hours Wednesday to move PHONE -M71J iH'iVM.H The Story of America's Moat Decorated Hero Audle Murphy TO HELL AND BACK Cinemascope and Color CO-FEATURE Joaa Crawford Jeff Chandler FEMALE ON THE BEACH Growing Russian penetration in the Middle East, an area of tradi tional British influence, and failure I ,toc ln Eberle's Pood Market to stop anti-British outbreaks in if en .an-inch of -water flooded Cyprus have caused the most concern. OPEN 6:45 (CM V? f pprv I dJ,jrxiri Sloryvf tbaMeiiWht (utrtf imerki'i Skies "24 HOM ALERT" Bad Weather Blamed for 4 Accidents At least four auto accidents in Salem were blamed on the weather Wednesday. , I Rose S. Porter, 77 of 4H N. Summer St., received a leg frac ture when struck by a car ln rain and traffic congestion shortly before 4 p.m. at Center and North Capitol streets, first aidmen said. Driver was listed by police as Leona Mae Killinger, 3804 Midway Dr. j Another pedestrian, Vesta Han na, 425 N. Winter St., was struck bv a backinf laundry truck short ly after" noon in "the BaxteFHaT driveway at Willamette Universitf, 'police said. She received face ab rasions and bruises, they said. Two cars were heavily damaged in a collision during hard rain shortly before noon at 13th and Court streets, police said. Drivers were listed as Mildred M. Dyke. 1245 Center St.. and Robert W. Wyatt. 1125 Alpine St. A collision which resulted in ex tensive damage to two cars about 1:40 p.m. in rain and high wind at Chemeketa and North 12th streets was attributed by one of the drivers to brakes that would not hold. Drivers were listed as Lynn J. Moodhe, (32 Catterlin Ave. and Morris King Crothers, 1517 Court St. into the store and threatened ouier stores. Turner School was dismissed early because of the high water. Aumsville School reported water seeping through the roof of the building housing Its' kitchen and gymnasium. Basement of the main school building was flooded. Water flowed across yards at Polk and Main Streets In Inde pendence. Ferries Doted Al Silverton, water superinten dent Lewis Yates and his crew worked steadily at water supply headquarters on the Abiqua River to keep debris from clutter ing up the clam. The main water line was still in use Wednesday .night. ,.-,'''. Ketzer School s basement flood ed due to a blocked drainage tile. Both the Buena Vista and Wheatland ferries were closed. Dead Airman's Girl Friend Found Slain GREAT FALLS, Mont. UB - The body of the second of two young lovrs was found Wednesday, spur ring Hice to intensify the search for their "lover's lane" killer. Discovered in a ravine six miles northwest of this Central Montana city of 56.000 was the fully clothed body of 16-year-old Patricia Kalit rke . She had been shot in the back of the head. Sheriff D. J. Leeper said the girl apparently had. not been at tacked. . ..,.. ... - Her body was found about eight miles from where A2C, Lloyd Du ane Bogle, 18, Waco, Tex., her airman sweetheart, was found Tuesday with his hands bound be hind his back and a bullet hole through his head. They had last been seen at a drive-in-restaurant Monday-evening. Bogle's body was found near his car in a "lovers lane" about four miles northwest of the city. Leeper said there was little doubt that the same person had committed both crimes. Wane Bomb9 Element From Soldering Iron PITTSBURGH I - A Civil Aeronautics Authority spokesman said Wednesday night that a mys terious object found aboard a Trans-World Airlines airliner was a heat element for a soldering iron. Lewis Rinebold. head of the CAA office here, said the object had been identified after a thorough examination by bomb disposal experts-lie -expressed Jelief that it was ''comparatively harmless." "We have released the plane for service and our investigation is ended," Rinebold said, i The heat element was found 'aboard the Chicago to Washington two-engine plane Tuesday, It was I turned over to authorities nt Wheeling.- W. Va., one of the plane's stops. TWA PRESIDENT DIES , MINEOLA, N. Y, (P) Ralph S. Damon, 58, president of. Trans World Airlines, died of pneu monia Wednesday in Nassau Hos pital. He had been a .leading figure in aviation for 23 years. Do FALSE TEETH . Rock, Slide or Slip? f ASTEBTH, an impro'vod powder io ' be oprlnklfd on uppor or lower plitcs, boltlo faint teeth mora firmly Id place. Do not tilde, allp or rock. No summy, fnoer. ptstv tte or feeling. PA8 EETH la Mlknlliie (non-cldt. Doea not aour. Cbecko "plte odor" (den ture breath): Oct rASTIKTH at any drue, counter. Fastest service to SAN FRANCISCO hr. SEATTLE mhru CHICAGO 19 , f JEW YORK wa hrC fast on-stop sarvlca laov I M0 p.m. dally UNITBi Airport terminal. In Salem call 9.9441 a atM ttit4hnrlvjl travel agent. I f ; v.- ...... T i .-.v,. w8i. nnwv'w W' twty ffk sW' tajr-i Vr t. J LA I i STARTS TODAY ESmDY STC.1Y CF A GOCD GUY WilO WAS WKITED BAD... lad hot tery beautiful ira! J - A' .tZZ I r "-fn i I COLOR XJANNI PHK, RAYMOND ALLISON v.L:sr;o cjiey . hayes V AUO jar 1 - 1 1 NOW at DANA'S BOOTERY . . . TERRIFIC MSG roYoicxA n W Havt to Get Rid of tht Stock on Hand . . . We Need the SpacY . . . and the Money! ALL SALES FINAL NO EXCHANGES NO REFUNDS Jon Sale JW"a o.O a.m. VALU ALL SIZES AVAILABLE . . . BUT NOT IN EACH SHOE IN STOCK "4 . v ) v y , II ,.. . .; ) l t lii j ' ' ' ? s n a a a v J!VLjV MEIl'J SHOES Priced to Save You Dollars - Buy Nowl 5 rS 781 91.. f ftitff ' STRETCH SOX S MEN'S 788? 1 CASUAL FLATS BOY'S SHOES 745, I CHILDREN'S SHOES TX&- 7,i Sises te ONLY OO 22 60 GAUGE 15 DENIER OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 9 OTHER NIGHTS TIL 6 l(c 17 2) 1RY IN THE CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER