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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1956)
uV' ", ui, Oj t, i urn's., Jan. o, t(i 'Siren- Voiced Tokyo Rose' to Leave U.S. Federal Prison This 31onth (picture on Wirrphoio TflKr announced he rrnnin hrr'wifr of Felipe I)' Aquino, a Tortu-1 Tnkyo II(i, i he irlcnlifiid background of American music IrPwnmnn in the jtroup. Slie InM.strd throuuliotit thr trial it jm AnKclos, she wrnt to Japan WASHINGTON ufl Almond- (rrrdum on or jitinul Jan 28, hav- nurse national. IktmII to Aiikimhii Irmips m the programs dcAicnrd to Mir up dis-' Mrs. D'Aquino wan convicted of that her rnnsnenre .i"t clear. in to visit- siicaunt. e;id Tokyo lUise, oiif o( the irrn ins then completed a in year fen-- At her Sn Franci'rn trial fix Pacilie. errd her time in the foment and mutiny. Actually' Mrs. treason, fined $10,000 and en- Mr. D'Aquino In the daughter, The war trapped her there. Voice of the Jnpnnrte radio dur- trnce for treason, with time off lor year ago she was riffled an "arch federal wnmen'i penitentiary at D'Aquino was only one of six FnR- tencrd to 10 years' imprisonment of Jun Toguri, who wns a Los1 , In; World II, pets Ait of jail good behavior. traitoress" and a "female Rene- Alderson. W. Va. . , : Irsh-speakinj! women who handled after a three-month trial which ' Angeles and Chicago grocer at the ' More than half the married worn at ti e end of the month. Tokyo Roe Is Mrs. ka IkuVo diet Arnold" because of the broad- Thousands of VS. fighting men the Tokyo Rose broadcasts, but cost the government mora than time ol her trial. After gradualinj en under 23 years of age have hua Federal prison bureau officials Toguri D Aquino, now 39 and the casting she did for the Japanese, hearf' her dulcet voire against a she waj the only American-born , half million dollars. ifrom the University of California bands who are 25 or older. CAN f? A (? GET V,-AtrO For Your CHURCH, PTA, Your CLUB or Any flOK-PROFtT ORGANIZATION ot Your Choice . . . - " nnn ffry ""1 k. .;'.i.S!lbp ( n 1 1 Grapefruit -:..ic?., u uu (hsup V- IS cy cL ws ss-cj i"c i y I AV i . . ; Shop at Salem IGA Stores It Is Simple ... No Red Tape Just ihep at your IGA stores . . . save your cash register tape receipts and your IGA stores will give the Non-Prof it organization of your choice a check totaling 1 of your total purchases each month . . . Yes, you can get extra cash for your Church, P.T.A., club or Non-Prof it organization of your choice and save extra cash by shopping regularly at your friendly IGA Food Stores - Fea turing Everyday Low Prices. START TODAY! I -- ! 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 r- l I b 4 t m ra p 4 fUt ' 1 T.v.v.v.vZri.'. - i. Mf llaW f CvSj Club Presidents Here is a project that can get you actual CASH just by getting your members to save their cash tape receipts from Salem IGA Stores . . For additional information see your Salem IGA Store owner . . . Do it right away . .. You'll be amazed how much cash your club can. earn. v ? lo.oouft NRVOV I . Ilozri rn' I"5 . ?. . vXv? XvC F fc? OBMi 1 1 ibt. 1 1. I -. v.'.v.vd. Jir.v. pi p.Tlrt ).00l J CPrA I . GET STARTED TODAY TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND HAVE THEM WORK FOR YOU ffflBE IGA Brand iltercjcirine Pound Pkg. IGA Irond alad Oil Quort 1956 ill OA's Tricennial Annivenarr (30 yai). By way of celebrating thii mile-, tone in our hiitorr, we want you, the con- O) f fumtr, fold or new) to be the first to gain, thru added savings, from our long ex perience. So here u the trot of many value packed sales we are going to bring to you this year. As in the past, we ask you to comp-'H , and wi art suie that you will fin4 IGA has Low Prices Everyday and not just f on weekends. Make IGA your head v quarters for household and food needs... shop and save the IGA way I CARNATION INSTANT DRY SPECIAL OFFER! 4 .13-tl. Engrivid IniliiJ 6li lor inly $1.00 ind tin llui hntl from i faxkigi if Caraittoa Instant Dry Milk , MILK KORMEL CHILI CON CARNE Z WITH IUNS CJI.., lO'l-M. lor U STEWED TOMATOES .... I6A IRAND 1 rnniAru Heini Cream of ' TOfAATO SOUP. 5. 56' t IEYH0LDS HLAYY DUTY ALUMINUM FOIL ltd. ...A.... NIAGARA GLOSS STARCH I2 oz. Miji. loo vCabin SYD0P KA IRAND EVAPORATED MILK Till CM. 24i. mm U.S. Good Grade Blade Cut LB. Cascade Cello Pack life Wieners lb. Lean Mealy SPARE RIBS lb. 3 2C Mild Cheddar Cheese GROUND BEEF Pure, Lean Fresh-Ground lb. o)(oV Pkg. y SHOP and SAVE at IGA STORES PRICES EFFECTIVE' THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1 AND 7 Yisla IGA Market SOU 8. OaamfMal St. First ia SiMith Mt m Crcull's IGA Market AM H. River Rd. . Emery's IGA Focdliner , Wallace Koad at Seventh, Wert Saleai Stale Street, IGA Market lilt State St POTATOES UJ. R0. L DV-ID. I Q Deschutes MM m . . . . , i ; TODAY ( t) I J Ofol U S No. 1 Orcaon ONIONS AVOCADOS Large Size Arizona White Grapefruit O lb. i 5c ...........,r..: . 2 for 25c . . 5c 10 size Eacli IGA STORES RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Chiffon Toilet Tissue hi ffi) Ueenex K White Fociol Tinue WKitt Kinf Liquid" Detergent' llZ 31c WKitt Kinf ''Detergent Una oi Ntkaft W IC Whitt Kinf Soap Powder Packaja J IC ' Wkitt Kinf ' Water Softener Small C m ' ' 1 fackaie XJC 2 lam tf 400 3 i) llu loniwl 0 C rtuiid Pkf. XjC SMwdrlft M. ( SHORTENING FLAPJACK MIX 73c 37c BUCKWHEAT MXrr: 39c aM.drais: IEG MORE Cat Food um Sweetheart Soap "1c SALE" ' Buy I Bart at Refalar friee, Get 4th Bar far Only 1 c 4fiSL26e- 4':239c ' Whitt Kinf Cleanser '3r.M29c Dial Soap 2Cmpleilon OT. Site Bart XC Dial Soap 5 Bath' sin Ban 3 C Fell Ntptha Soap-:- J liztBart TC