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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1956)
800 Heal Estate 1)00 Ural KMate 806 Mouses For Sale 135 Houses For Sole KENT'S NEW-HOME HEADQUARTERS r0R.1fnJAnCllvliMr!iI"'wf,'u HT? 1 UD S.p,r... d.ninl mom. (arpet in living rMin UIaH wnrkt inn. Tim 1-vrai-nld home an i. -arre tn excel, cond. Price $io,O.HI Cell Mr f.rtonl eve I-7". " pr!vr,Mh?,hJ0i VinuLuv-MA "' ,,m, ,nm h" C... Mnd.M ?;rb,n' ,Ch""' k bU' ,U'm m' CASH TALKS-Neet J-Mrm. plastered home loctted rtne In, suburban Northeatt Only $5,730. Call Mr, Klini v. ,P0 YOU WANT A NIC! NEW HOMEJ-Thll is II. Large, iptdnul rooms. I bantu,, dole, garage. Extra ', bath, srparate dining room, fireplace of court. I'rlct only SU.Wio. Owner will consider new rir at part down payment. Call Mr, Cuthlnf ere. 1-8048. IDEAL LOCATION FOR SIGN PAINTER or cabinet shop. li,aerei north In the ahtde with S8x(il bulldln on btck. Concrett floor, hot Ik cold 'wittr, plus office wdesk, I bdrm. horn with fireplace, dining room, kitchen with nook. html, with lurn. Price $17,500. Good terms. Call Mr. Keene tvt. 1-6071, WHY LOOK FURTHF.R-IS acret with 1-bdrrn. modern home. Rarn, chicken houie. eorn crib, food well elee. pump. Some Irult, tchoel but at door. Priced at only $8,700. Call Mr. Leavenj eve. a-4751. CVJENTUOJllS , 458 N. CHURCH Phone 4-JW1 mm EC0..REALT0RS W $3. Hih Street 5M0. Englewood Dlit. on N, 18th St. Older ttyla 1-bdrm. horn, large garage. Very neat lot with .fruit, and garden tpace. Homa In good condition. A good buy In won derful location. Call 0, V. Hum. Ivet. phopa 2-1204, MODERN 1-bedroom home on Vi Acre South on pavement. Clone to . , tchool and high tchool but. $8,500. Termt or trade for river frontage. Celt, W. H. Bteveley, talesman. Ives, phone 4-J818. f 11.250. Will tell on FHA or CI. Ideal location Eatt on 84x150 lot. House hat 4-BR., lge. living room with flrenlice. Double plumbing. Auto oil heat. Covered patio with fireplace. Cloee to tchool. Thti It a beautiful home. Call Stanley Brown. Eves, phone 1-8581. 10 500. ' acree with very clean 4 BR homa cloie la South, Hard- Phone I-31J1 wood floori. Auto oil forced air furnace, large garage. Workthop .with concrete floor. Chicken houae on black top it. Water piped for Irrigation. Let ut ihowAou thli lovely home. Termt, Calf' Stanley Brown. Evtt. phone 1-5581. $ ACRES Eatt 1 yr. old modem home. Large living room, dining room, breakfast nook. S-lge. bed reomt. Hardwood floora, fireplace, batement, furnace. Will tell on GI appraltal or eontlder trade for Salem home. Call W. H. Stavtley, aalettnan. tvet, phone 4-Jflll. $11,500. Located In a beautiful let ting of fin. 1 Acre with good J bedroom home with unfln. attic. Double plumbing. Hat double ga rage, converted into apt. The home la eloae In North. Wonder ful black garden toil. Small barn. - Call O,- V,- Hume.- Ives.- phone l-520t, . "TAKE NOTICE" We have Jutt Hated thlg brand new I bedroom home South, complete with family room and fireplace, 1 car garage, oil heat end Eatt front. Oh, what a bargain for 114.2501111 Call Ralph Middy anytime thlt it new lilting." , Rl'Dt t'ALARA '"'IN'' 4 t l-m -fmtf 'wj LEI OBMAIT ' RESOLVE NOW To give yourtelf enough room In thlt almoet new S bedroom Candalaria home, well located on quiet ttrtet. convenient birch kitchen contain! tpacloua nook, more ttorage ipace than you normally find, full bate ment with tecond fireplace, The price of $15,750 can t be beat In thit exclujlve area. Owner traniferred and eager to move. Call Adrlenne Sercombe. 18 ACRES TOP GRADE SOIL EAST Kew 1 bedroom home with den, lfixle living room with teparal dining ( room, 1 fireplace!. Jdctl for chickens, berries, etc. 10,000 capacity broiler tet-up, t ttanchlon barn. All bulldinji leu than I yean eld. Call Henry torvend. UNUSUAL! SPACIOUS! BEAUTIFUL! Here It that i bedroom ranch home you have been waiting for lovely kitchen with nook, a tett plumbing, beautiful living and dining room, covered patio and well loeated on aurfaced ttrtet with nicely land- acaped yard. Call Don Doughton,- ' FAMILY. HOME 4 BEDROOMS' Kait sf town, well built, I bedrooms down. 0 up, fireplace, quiet afreet, lawn ln-only 1 year old and a REAL BUY at Juit 111,500. Call Loun Loreni. IT YOUR HOME IS FOR SALE OR TRADE CALL US 77 Court St AHMARUflAIM V I III VA VI IU IISI1 ; Phone 1-4113. S-4116. 1-4117 Eve.! Ralph Maddv 1-MM. Artri.nn Stmimka l.ankl Henry Torvend 3-3632, Don Doughton 4-1414, Loun Loreni 3-5590 BUILDING LOANS 5 UP TO 25 YEARS. MARKET VALUE APPRAISALS AVAILABLE TO HOME OWNERS OR CONTRACTORS fUST LISTTD 1 BDRM. HOME Nice living room with fireplace, teptrate dining room, breakfaat nook, Intide utility, double garage, forced air oil heat. Home juat old enough to already have the lawn In. Located In a new fast growing dittrict aouth. Priced at 1113,500.00. CaU Henry Bund to tee. . Si, 1 ' -- WANTEDHANDY MAN WHO NEEDS 4 BDRMS.-HxM living room with fireplace. 8x1 J dining room, kitchen, utility, separate garage, large lot, paved ttreet, citv but by door. Clote to tchool. Thlt-dean home hat 2 nice bedroomt down, unfinished up could be 1 nice bdrm!. Thlt It tine horn priced at only ft.MO.OO. To tee call Dale Raybum. NICE LITTLE S BDRM. ON CORNER LOTLoeated near Highland School, priced at $4,050.00. Good termt offered. For appointment to tee call Chet lVwllna. f MEG. ISLAND JERSEY DAIRY NEAR SALEM CITY LIMITS-19 cowl, t Interest In 2 bulls. 13 helfen, 3 bull calves, 10 ttanchlon milking parlor, 4 box eUlla, good loafing ahed, milk house,' machine shed, 2 ga raget. Nice 3 bedroom home. Average monthly income. To tee call Fred Ron. . JUST THINK OP IT You can buy thlt attractive i bedroom suburban homa with approx. 1,350 tq ft. of floor spaae for only $10,900.00. Only . 4 yeara old. Thlt la $1,000.00 under market price for tlmllar hornet. Good location neer tchool and bus. If you need a 1 bedroom home you are misting aomething if you fail to tee thlt, CaU Dean Xlarr, RAWLINS REALTY (ACROSS FROM STATESMAN JOURNAL) (05 Chemeketa Street Office Phone 4-l73 Eveninga phone taleamen Chet Rawllnt 1-02M, Dale Raybura 2-2045, fred Rote 4-7471, Henry Rund 4-1720, Dean Klerr 3-7060. CLOSE IN DUPLEX Live In one lei the ether make the payment!. Walking distance to downtown or atate buildings, Clean aa a pin, Only $11,000. Termt. SMALL MOTEL four rental Unite plut ewnert quarter!. Completely furnlthed. Ground room for expamlon. Trade (or home - or busineti property, Asking $23,000. Terme. j t . SUBURBAN SOUTH Over 1400 tq. ft. In thlt Just completed 3 bdrm. home. Modern thruout, with double plumbing, 1 car garage, paved ttreet, aidewalk. Only $14,200. ..Termt. SUBURBAN SOUTH ' Very nice S bdrm. Living. Large kitchen. Attached garage, fenced yard. Fruit trees. Paved ttreet, Good location. Priced right. Only $7500. Good termt. NEELON ACRES Hew I Bdrm. Birch kitchen. Family rm. Double plumbing. 1 car girage. Large lot. Filbert treel, Paved ttreet. Good termt. Only $13,500. LIST WITH US FOR RESULTS A. A. LARSEN REALTOR til I Ulafc Eve.: Andy Halvoraen 3-7163, Helen Lewis 4-3001, A. E. Beckett Ph. LM2 an JOE HUTCHINSON. REALTOR LET US tolve your home need. To Buy. Sell or Rent-Call Ph. 4-574J 1131 Edgewater Ph 4-7074 ' niO So Coiam'l ESTATE SALE. Retid. at 1785 M. Ctpltal. Offert are being accepted at Pioneer Trutt Co. 808 Lots For Sal MORNINGSIDE DIST. lew lot with $l-foot frontage with paving and water. Ideal for day light bemt. . Only 1350. STITES REALTY $433 CENTER j Ph. 4-1671 flO Farmg, Acrtagt FoTSalii BY OWNER Juat completed. 3-bdrm. home. Birch bullt-int, flrpt., F A. hett. hdwd. Art., family rm, w Petlo doort. Termi.North Salem. $12$ Hagel Green Rd. Ph. 1-5971. I ACRES beautiful building aite with - view. Year around tprlng. Eaty terma. Price $4500. 0. W. Reeve Reel Estate. 1M0 Minion St. Ph. 14590, Eva. S0$M Ot V3. 810 formi, Acretig For SoU $12,500. S A., beautiful eld home with 2 atone fireplace!. Lovely large , oak treet In yard. Good barn and outbldgi. 6 ml. out. 13 down. Bal. $6$ per month. C. W. REEVE REAL ESTATE 180 Million St, Ph. 3-4590, Eve. 2-08t or 3-9M6 ACRES Willamette toil. Clot in en saved rd. I ' bdrm. . hte. can easily be made Into 3 bdrmt. Irrigation well. A ttetl at $6400. Can be aubdlvlded. ' C. W. REEVE REAL -ESTATE , I860 Million St. Ph. 3-4500, Eve. 3-(03t or 14891 Dial 4-6811 to Place Ad 111)0 Ileal Ftate H00 Krai Estate tC4 Houtag Fer S! V tZi Hut For Sl r Wr "i rir-rrfisrf i , DATE WAV TO STATI PARK. r ' V. OOOC PLACE TO LIVE. 1 rm. tnd bath and dinette, built 1947. cement fnundstlnn. double-con- sirurtea. insulated, wlitd for range, lec. water heater, 2 big lols Re. ductd to j. $2,700 Very good $ rm. and bath, plastered, full basement, furnace, double- romiructea, wired for range, elce. weter neater, garage. Nice kit. Pleasant location. Full price ,.,.., , $4J30 Good 3 bedrm, home, large attractive kitchen, view lot, garage, partly lurn , , , aijM I acree all cleared, fine toll, clone to SllveHon, Silver Creek on tine. 1 rm. ana beth and full ttt bldgt. See thlt for well located acreage. Full price : .. m ..... . ... $5,$oo 32 acre valley farm, commuting distance te Salem, nearly all cultivated, very good buildings. 3 bedrm. modern home with basement, excellent 1 1 ttory barn., Thlt ll t good value -.... $16,000 4$ acre valley farm heerly all cultivated and under Irrigation. Lading Clover tirade A. Wood home, milk parlor, oarnyieanng anea, alio, ate. Irrigation well and Irrigation equipment. A. fine farm termt $31,500 CaU er write for lilting bulleUn and free City Map and Picture' Folder H0MESEEKERS 'AGENCY - (Acroia from the Benk) Sllverton. Oregon i Ok EG074 DEVE10PMR1T CO 318 NORTH CHURCH PHONE 1-9238 LET US HELP YOU BUY AND SELL OWNER TRANSFERRED. Suburban South, beautiful modern I bdrm. home plut large den with fireplace, 16x30 living rm., w.r. carpeting, hdwd. fin., 2.000 tq. ft. floor space,, 1',, plumb., attached garage, plut carport, low taxes. Must tee to appreciate, aik for Mn. Lamm. SUBURBAN. Only minutei drive to city center. Move In thlt brand new mveiy nome, 3 DOrmi., large living room wiin iirepiace, ia. piciur wlndowt, dining rm. with Ig. glass sliding doort to pttlo, Birch kitchen with nook, Utility. Double garage, F.A, OU furnace, l',i plumb., only $14,900. Ask for Mrs. Wootten. OWNER MOVED EAST; Mutt tell neat modern 1 bdrm. home, attached arage, fenced back yard, hdw. flnH located in neat dittrict S.I. price 9,750. Aik for Al Crote. .. I ACRES. 1 bdrm. home, cloee In aouth. good welL Meke offer en down Styment, needs elbow great to clean up, only $5,900. Aak for Don IcFarlane. . . . , $7,950 CLOSE TO STATE STREET: 1.300 tq. ft. floor tptce, neat 1 bdrm. k.n. with anrf ir.r,i. Handv kitchen. Batement with furnace. erage, encloetd back yd, reaionaoi terma, ror paro aw sor d Hcnreaer. I'd APARTMENT HOUSE: only I block from State buildlnge, I unite, 1 fur . mahed, room for extra apt in batement, If- lot, ttreet to alley. Shown by appointment only. , ' - Oregon Development Company Evcnlngi: McFarlane 4-881$, Umm 3-119$, rCroe 1-9333, Schreder -7$21. Wootten 3-8060. . , mum mm mm 3?2 N. CHURCH ST. WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES PHONE 4-33U0R 3-7820 - ; WORTH THE MONEY Very nice 1 bdrm. home It being offered, it the low of only $6950, - only $750 down.- And Juit look at what your money buyt for you: Nice alzed living room. Br k fit. nk. in lovely kitchen. .Oil heat. Near .achnol and trantp Lawn, ahruht, garden, and fruit. On large lot. Be ture to tee this ont. CaU Walt Jonet. Eve. Ph. 4-7833. iter listed And really dandy. 1 bdrmi. en one floof'.'l.arge liv. rm. Brkfrt. nk. Oil heat. Intul. W-itrppd. Hdwd. firs. Tiled bath. Att. garage. Ex cellent location. Near tchool and tranap. Lovely lawn. On large lot. Almost new home. Full price only $10,500. Don't mira thlt one. Call Mr. Crawford. Eve. Ph. 4-5020. VARIETY STORE Ideal aet-up for man and wife. Very clean stock. Showt good income. Closed on holidays and Sundays. OPn i.'o ..daily.. Lit,,of.,.fquip ment and fixtures. Full price $000 plue inventory. Call Mr. Wood cock for an appointment to ace thia today. Eve. Ph. 1-7106. R0SELAND BEAUTY Truly a home you'd be more than proud to own. Well located. In - new Roaeland tubdlvition. Spacious rooms. 1 lovely bedroomt. Sep. din. rm. IV, batht, 1 tiled. F. A. oil heat. Dble. gartge. Patio. City sewer. Well worth the asking price of $16,500. CaU Mr. Paulton. Eva. Ph. 3-4033. WELL LOCATED Really a dandy home In good dittrict. Exceptionally clean. Liv. rm. Sep. din. rm. Inaul. Garage. Aluminum roof. Near tchool. Really a buy at the low reasonable price of $9M. Call Mr. Sword. Better hur ry. Eve. Ph. 2-804$. FINE BUILDING SITE 1 acres, woodsy letting. Welt drained. Brush College District. Pull price only $3300. CaU Mr. Crawford to day. Eve. Ph. 4-5020. EXCELLENT BERRY LAND 'J S "ptutacretTWeTP (lrai'neo'TJoo well. Haveivllle Dist. At the low $3750. CaU Mr. Crawford. Eve. Ph. 4-1020. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Evening! 4-5020. 4-7832, 1-7106. 2-4163, 2-8041 If No Answer, Dial 4-234$ 2 9? ATTRACTIVE CANDALARIA HOME In the lower price bracket but lovely in every respect. Excellent neighborhood, good sired lot with view. Hat 1,01$ tq. ft floor area. $10,500. Call Dick Schmidt, Eve. 1-1561. , DANDY 8 ROOM home for your large family. Hat five apacloue bdrmt. Lovely living rm. and spacioui entrance hall, dining rm., all beauti fully decorated and have wall-to-wall carpeting. Dble. plumbing, full basemt. Close-in. $13,950. Call Echo Yeater, Eve. 3-4072. ; FAMILY DUPLEX IN LOVELY SUBURBAN SETTING, en very food street of nice homes. Thlt duplex detigned for double family aet-up. Hei privacy and congeniality combined in well arranged interior. Deluxe in tile batht, tile Utchent, beautiful floon. $16,800. CaU Chet Nelaon, Eve. 2-1350. (' ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A 1 STORY, 1 BDRM. HOME? Thli property In Richmond Sch. Dlit hat fuU basemt., oil FA. Furnace. Good interior arrangement. One bdrm. down. 1 upstairs. Low taxes. Good terma, $8,750. CaU Cordova Stepheneon, Eve. 4-0140. WAREHOUSE LOCATION. 150 feet 260 ft. plut, corner lot, paved ttreet. Excellent location close to truck route. Haa a 1 bdrm. home and other bldgt. on property. AU for $6,30. Call Clyde Foulk, Eve. 2-3826. NELSON AND NELSON, REALTORS 1590 8, Commercial - . ph. 3-3661 FERRIS REALTOR FIVE STAR PLAYHOUSE Double ftrtge, double flrepltce. cenlrtl hall way, double bath, family room. $13,950 and $15,950. Of count, each hat 1 bedroomt. Phone 2-8010. RESIDENTIAL LOTS Filrmount Hill with Ent view, 12 950; Wett view $2,750; Candalaria, $1,500 to $5,000; Laurel Springs, lOO.ft wide includ ing pavement with beautiful West view, $2,950. ELITE NOB HILL FAMILY HOMTt-You'll love ttt tlze, large tpadout dining and living room with European marble type fireplace, and .adjoining den, 13x11 in paneled hemlock. Charming entry hall with open staircase, 1 large Bedrooms and a lovely full flniihed btmt. Dripet and sprinkling system and a large ground level covered pttlo Pre-wer built with the finest mautriala. The beit value anywhere at $25,500. STAT DRY IN M ON FAIRMOUTfT HILL-Charm ll only thia area Wrm... 1 complete hatha, full bamt, Urge matter bdrm. CaU today, $15,750. WINTER TIME IS THE TIME TO BUY In lovely Walnut Park, large bdrmt., living room and dining room lead te (trge patio In bricked beck yerd, big kitchen, dble. plastered garage, full bsmt., 1 fireplacet. Only 1 yeara eld. all living area en one floor. Reduced tn price. Owner wanta offer. CaU 3-1010. RUSTIC LODGE TYPE RANCH Not the run-of-the-mill type but eome thing different, big beam ceiling living room with adjoining dining . room, rustle comer fireplace, natural kitchen with utility end i bath within one etep: 1 bdrmt.. dble. garage In nature'! own letting of Otke and Fin. In elty en pavement "and aewera. Pull price $14,900. ... ' TO SELL YOUR HOME IS, MY ONLY BUSINESS 270 N. 24th St Mono 24010 Statesman, Salrrn, Ore., Tluin., Jan. 5, ',":3 (Sec. H)-7 C,"0 Automotive P.30 Automotive B.10 Automotive SS2 UtoJ Caro For $a! IS1 UiJ Can for Salt 32 UitJ Car for Salt EARLY SPRING VALUES AT USED CAR CAPITOL . TRADE NOW 1954 CHEVROLET Sharp Bel Air Hardtop powtr glide and fully equipped 1 owner only 1900 mile ivory over Horizon Blue don't mii $eclnf thl$ ont lor true dollar value. - $1795.00 1953 CADILLAC : 62 Seriei Sedan, Power Steering, $eati and windows. Dual Range hydramatlc lull ao eessoriei group. $2495.00 ., 1953 CHEVROLET Bel Air Fordor Sedan radio It heater, under coated A real nice car for only 1953 BUICK Special Tudor Sedan (no dynaflow) radio heater A defrotter dir. aignals $eat cov er w$ waiheri backup light beautiful dark metallic green finish. A real buy. $1195.00 1954 FORD Customline Tudor Sedan heater defroster Dir. $ignal$T-w$ washer w$w tire. Thia blue beauty haa been well cared for, only ,24,000 milea. $1395.00 $1150.00 LOWER PRICED VALUES 48 PONTIAC 6 CYL SEDAN CPE. Radio It heater, hydramatic. $129.50 '47 PONTIAC FORDOR SEDAN Radio It heater, teat coven. $89.30 49 DODGE CORONET FORDOR SEDAN '48 DODGE CUSTOM FORDOR tnd Series, radio It heater ft fyromaUe trap. Radio heater. $369.50 . $149.50 REAL CLEAN '47 CHEVROLET TUDOR $295.00 , . , MANY MORE MAKES, MODELS & PRICES TO CHOOSE FROM CAPITOL CHEVROLET CADILLAC UNION & COMMERCIAL PHONE 3-3175 -NOBODY Could be expected to buy a car in this Rain, But it's worth getting your Feet wet to get a Bargain At-Wilson'i. - '55 BUICK R0ADM ASTER RIVIERA ....$3395 We sold new and gavt quality cart In our aervice de- partment record available, Luxurioua equipment, 12,318 mile. Power steering. T' , '54 BUICK CENTURY RIVIERA ... . . . . .$2395 We- old new and aervlced . regularly,., Dynaflow, EZI -glass, dark green with matching nylon interior trim. '54 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA SEDAN. .. .$2395 Like new with only 26,000 milea, Dynaflow, EZI glasa, Whitewalls, two tone green. '55TORD FAIRLANE SEDAN ......'....$2195 Radio, heater. Fordomatic, new whitewall tire. TJ8hrwu '54 '53 '52 '51 '51 '50 '50 '49 '47 '46 T BUICK SUPER RIVIERA COUPE.... $2395 BUICK. SPECIAL RIVIERA COUPE ..1395 BUICK SUPER SEDAN-A GEM .... 1295 BUICK ROADMASTER RIVIERA .... 1095 995 695 595 395 M I M t i I M t I I BUICK SUPER SEDAN BUICK SEDAN CHRYSLER WINDSOR SEDAN. BUICK SEDANETTE SUPER BUICK SUPER 145 FORD SEDAN 125 OREGON'S OLbEST DEALER W LSON'S COMMERCIAL AT CHEMEKETA .... PHONE 4-5711 800 Real Estate 810 Ftrms, Acrto jt For Sola) 1 ACRIS berries, and garden, under irrigation, with older 1 Bdr. house, 2 arege It barn, clote in. $9,850. $790 own. 5S A. tine fru land. It A. In Red. No blde-t. MUM. See T. T. Andertnn COLBATH LAND CO. $17 Court St. Ph. 4-44M Eve. 4-S714 It A. GOOD land. Ready to farm. txe, view. Terma. Ph. 1-42111. NEW J-BDRM. home. 1 acre land. South. Claaa heat $5,800. S-nO. 800 Real Estate 110 Forms, Acrtogt For Solt $41.50. l-BDRM. HOUSE. KEIZER. E. A. McGLAUFLIN, AGENT 331 N. HIGH ST. 1-8811 812 tichowtjes Rtol Ettoto 111, ACRES North, excel, aoll, food home, barn 4c out bldgt. Take tome trade. ALSO t-unlt ant. house, cloee In So. for lale or trade JOE NOONCHESTER, RL. EST. 198$ N. Cottage Ph. 4-M81 - Business Directory For tht best profegslonal terrlces, call ont of these popular experts. ADDING MACHINES AU makee addln machine, cal culators aV typewriters, told, rent ed, repaired Roen, M Court Mill APPUANCBS WISTINGHOUSE Woodry rurniture C 474 la Com ! Ph. 4-1111 BEDDING CAPITOL Bedding Mattrete rene ttort New mattreeeee. I-40M. BCU.DOZINO Buildexins, eleerln roada. ponda. D-4. tanrau. v S-tlet. Hutaey Ph CONTRACTORS DITCHING, batemenU due, all types of dralnate work, tile laying, etc 10-B and Hydraulic thovele, Phone 4-1154. General contracting Boerlallrlnt) In remodeling free ettim Ph 4-14W8 citAWt wosa ' 15-ton Lorain moto rrane Salem - Band eV Grevet to 1-HI - ploor covrniNOt Norrtt Walkr Paint Ce Floor-cov. erlng Dileoei Wuallty Inetalla Uona Unnleuma, Aennilt 111 Rub ber Tile. Will TUe. Eta, ftUS U- TiUATU. Ph. t-zra. PAPER1NO AND PA1NTINO) EXTRA careful paper-hanging h painting. Jerry Johnson, Ph. 4-8534. PtlnUng end paper-hanging Free estimate! Ph 1-8511 1180 Shipping hENTAL SERVICE We rent most anything UNITED RENT ALL'S 158$ STATE ST. PR 1-1414 SAND 41 GRAVEL Salem Sand es Gravel Co Reedy mix concrete. Crushed and round grevel. tend and top aoU 140$ N Front St Phone 1-1481 WALUNO SAND at GRAVEL CO 1825 McCllchrtel Crushed quarry rocks and gravel AU tltea for readt. drtvewayt and Barking lota RiADv mixed concrete 1 Garden tana. Dull-doiing enneei and dragging Work Phone 1-834$ HfcHTIt IIIVKI MIKES (Sep tie Senrtre Tanks cleened D' rooter dun eewert drains Phone t-l4t Hamei'e eeptie tahki cleaned, line eervlre Guarenteed worai pheew 1-1404, 1-0774 HOWARDS Rota Rooter, drtlna, sewer, aepue taaka eleaaed. 1-aUl, Autorjotive 1 tllVfi Cora for $i!t T'S Impossible TO GET BETTER CARS OR ' ; BETTER DEALS JHAN WE CAN OFFER YOU RIGHT HERE AT LODER BROS. YOUR HOME TOWN OLDS. oiuDii,!!, DEALERS, WHY WASTE TIME LOOKING ALL OVER WHEN WE HAVE IT. Look At These l5$ EJCctrrfVE CAR -$r OLD. 4 DOOR SEDAN f!.u.-'u..,.bronM h rher. Kt "rici!" PWW' ,,J0 ,9M COUPE " DtLUX HOLIDAY Pull power. fully eaulooed fiatny color $334$ 15$ BEL AIR CHEV. 4!fjNVERT. Reel iharp. low mlleefe. V-S engme . $xh$ 1853 SUPER $$ 4 DR. SEDAN' lUdio, heeler, hydra., newer ;,'!?.nV P0' hr. e owner . 13t 185 CUSTOMLINE FORD , V-$ A DOOR SEDAN Jordor. The Cleeneat, reedy roll . iai 150 CADILLAC tt SHOAL 4 DR. Black beauty, top ahape, $lta WE SPECIALIZE ., In Fair Dealing tnd Top " Lint Merchandise . COME AND SEE! .t i 'I LGDERS 456 Center St PTJ 1 TOTe BERGLAND 3-843$ GAIL 4-1344 '$$ COUNTRY Sedan Ford St. Wg. THE LOT WITH t,0 mi. Equity At $900. Ph, aft t. A LOT" 4-t$. . . V A 'SI FORD. 39.000 mile.. R A H"7VeTy" , SACRIFICE good. $850. Ph. 4-3914. 185J Mercury euitom hardtop. Fully in 55 Ford pickup. RAH. 2919 811- N. Bummer St. 4-T048 eve vrton Rd. . . nrORDCoupe.. Good eond, Full fcSJ Allto Fortt 4 Rtpoirt houae Eng. Cheap. Ph. 4-r787. 1 ' ,. 51 BUICK Super tdrTRlTHTdTna tP0S?0 tubelete tirea. $16 er flow. OriginVl owner. Exc condl- ,.6UI' fX UL ""dto- rir" Bon. Ph. 4-354$ eft.r ,.,"M' Uberty A, Center SU Ph. 55 CENTURY 4 Dr. Sedan. Best" of- ' ' " ' ' ' " fer. Ph. 4-114$ after 1 p.m. JM PLY. coupe lor tale, eaU after 854 TlTlckl, TrolUrS For Stlo 8 P.m. 4-8551. SUBURBAN 1849 Plymouth, " fuii? TRwD5' SS,,. T; liui equipp. Good With extri 2art2? ttuSEln net of T new aawduat tirea. PW to wncnm'nt- plt- IBM CHEV. T. pickup. Exrel. . " 1 1 cond. Bee to appreciate. Ph. 4-t58t WCHEV, aub - Cpe. - Good con ortsitl. -? $798. Ph. 1-4201 er tee mo Monroe . . Ave. r9-R SALK r trade '44 Cher. 1',. T. - 1 : Truck, good cond. tt tiret. Ph. 51 CHRYSLER V-S Imperial, R. tc H., Elee. wlndowt. origlntl owner. 1848 KBT InL dump 4-t-yd "t0"7. Mrt. Sarthe E. Cranford, 4-4584. Edwin Roner, rI 1. 3 tt. fC 1934 FORD 4-dr., overdrive, wwalla, '3,XS 8cto' ron- radio It heater, 1 owner, will ac- riA j . ill n cept older trade. 4-8747 after 8 p.m. OOw AtttQ MlSCtlloweout ''"P"? -X0",t r.ORD Reg. $22.85 hatteoujwye, used.. cond. Power glide, new tirea, low $18.85. Ph. 1-8O01. mileage. Ph. 1-4654 after $ p.m.- Krr.. ' , , e- - " DUAL InUke manifold tor U te 84 PLYMOUTH Sta. Wag. RAH. S3,- 'U Chevrolet with Rochester car 000 mi. Afts . list Saginaw: eves., burator. Complete new coet about Felnberg 4-8811. $S5. WU1 teUfor $20, Ph. 1-4478 te - day. TO PIAPF Afl itu M0M" Tf0ilm " IV 1 LTVVje. tU FOR RENT trailer houat with wtter. lightt k hett turn.. $30 mo. er would contider telling. 1-7351. CALL 4-6811 TRAILER TOWING " JAYHAWX TRAILXR SALES . - i 1849 Portland Rd Ph t-antt 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 831 New Cart tSI Now Cor GET OUT OF THE ORDINARY AND INTO AN "OLDS." TERRIFIC SAVINGS DURING Loder Bros. Warehouse bale OF , 35 BRAND NEW 1956 BONUS CARS ALLOTTED BY OUR FACTORY1 IN CELEBRATION OF Oldsmobile Sales Achievement Of placing 3rd In Sales and Registration in 1935 Right Here In ' Marian Co. Latest Available Figures As of Nov. 30, as Follows: lit Place FORD Ind Place CHEVROLET $1108 1048 3rd place OLDSMOBILE . . J .... 408 4th Place BWCK ........ ith Place PLYMOUTH 8th Place PONTIAC . 31$ 159 15$ Sale , continues thru January 16th. Here's a chance to make a WHALE OF A DEAL -t while the Bonus cars last (only 28 Mt) : : ' ' .w. LODER BROS. 438 CENTER ST. TO. 4Sl