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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1956)
f-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tlmrs., Jan. 5, 06 40() . Agriculture 4C3 frit H'I.l,-ni.Orn!:n White Miniature Poodles. $.15 nd $40. Phone in,i fil.ACK rurij -haired puppict, 5 . Ph 4-5n6'j- 1 0 V ! N D -U -i mi m t h 7n al I b I a rk friendly tl..g, v ill five iwav. Ph. a-'.... .4 9 tn IS nr a.'trr S .Ml. CI VI. AV AY nice dog Lovei'tnil dren. Ph. 2-0233. IU"TR1F,VF,R pups half Chesapeake A half Sorlngrr Spaniel Enth P'r uf eligible for resisti-ation. Ph. 4-43Q9. C.1VE wy"FklttitnPh-a) after 4 430 Merchandise 4SS HtchoM Goodi For Sot 4!0 Merchandise 464 Bicycle L'SFO Fnellfh Bicycle. Good rimrtl Iion, $i.V U't N, 16th, Ph. l-82i5. 600 Employment 606 Help Wonted, Femole CUTE, lovable, rocker spi.riel pup. plea, honey It red. Ph. 3-7E14. PAHAKi.ElS itm su.ipne 4 tot r Awir 41 in Hurtao J FaRAKLFTS. faf'S A- Suptflirt B J. M Aviary. I'iCi Myuod 4-5C5. HOLL 1 ouJAiu."riu in " ' 1 wFsSe Cov 7rooni gololisn tQt .prmnt iH7ib I'areais tor biros inti tup Clltt 8180 Livingston I IMl 4l2 fruit and form Produce BAI.FD wr-eit ":rw, ' 40r per bale F.Hllip? Pros.- Prt, 4-vCai. ffi"? H rerrot A apple Juice. Pint Quart Fre reL Ph. 2-'l FASfEURIZrn whni mlik75r gi dlivrd Clery Drflry, 1-303$ BM.TV TLL Inventory specials - New luvtnn fwing Rocker. $119 f5 "2 pe. c.Uonnt. 11 .It no, Swing Rnt it M Term. Clen Wood ry. I6W N, Summer. lf.tTs tin Yvoirrt home "w as in 1 CS. f-,eiitty folded, ton. Fact end rheai.. 183. Ferry bt LAt'NDF.!l. fttf.. ru. f-4..:i. n Block Ert f V, Illume:! 11, ( $' DOVN VilMhuy" I "rooms nf furmiur complete with sppll 'icf. E.'.l. on rsy terim. VVowiry's Ihril y I'sed Furn. BIS 8. CnmmHTUl Et. Ph. 4-:"! 7-PC. Mihni, Bdrm. et, txrtll. rnn tliiim, mn t'wrt Mdai Mirt, 870 l,ib-ly Ph.4-T?1. TOP CASH TRICE , fUIiNITURI. APPLIANCES, ITC. Lt.J) MiCiiCHANDJSE MA11T. Tin s, i.u k;:iy ph. 3-Pr. BFDROOM wt Includet bed, r"i!5t. drffr.r with mirror Wil li, t 4H0 V.oodry'i Thrif.y Used Furn. ll? S.Commr;ll Rt, Hh. -33! hF.'.v 4-pi' wrought Iron dltiftten, f WOO. C;cn Woodry, 1K1 N. Sum nr-r. 468 For Rent, Miscellaneous FOR RENT nr l, l wurphouM" imr remM flnnr, hru k b"t dnwnluwn Inqulrt li. U Stiff ' Furn , 3-tlJM 370 For Sole M.icella neout WANTFO Ijdv'ln krp h'n A fur fixir ilii'drrn. J'h, 3-4.(23 CHI1.U t'AHli A- hinin-kiiin. No ronking iiv In, Ilmli. kc. Moun tain Houte, tri!(li, Or. 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Roomi, Boord 707 Mouiei For Rent 3 SI-FKI'INT, rmi, ul1lili. fnr 3 nhiml briji. 340 N. Capitol. Th. 3-R.'..1 Sl.t:EIHScTf.iriif"i'790 N, Church. Ph. 3-41.15, 413 rVrt.titr OTTFO MANURE Rich fma man ura by arn nr yarn Df !ivro or a: farm. Phillip'i Br 01 Rt I Box 493. Ph . ONE ONLY ONE Used Auto, washer ITS. 3.50 down, $) 25 Jper week. Firestone Stort, Uhertv t- Ontrr St. Ph. J-2t!)l. DAVENO andd5Vnport irtt,""mry to choon from all rKnably priced. Te'mi. Opan noor 'til t - Mnn. and F'i, ' , Wootlry'i Thrifty I'scd Furn. St. S, CommerclH St. Ph. 4-."Sl U.Sf'D liivulld wrllter In good ton d.tlon. Phoii Dalle V A 3-2ir, UKK new Sump pump, .'iS, Ph. 4-j74S. 3123. Lawrence, f:12"hKOAni.OOM "Tiig'wVpitd, . SO. Glen Woodry, 1M5 N. Sum mer. , ! PORT, fjiundi-y travn BS 00 . earh, l!d Md. Mart, 270 S. Liberty. Ph, 4-rri. LIONEL Trak&Swltr'feimounted on 4'xS'x"4. Sell with train or without Ph. utter t p m. 4-lit'i4. ""$19 DlToVm Woodry," 1"05 N." Fum" IIIiAHS. Clen Woodry, 1W5 N. gum. mer. privll. ir2 Court, Ph. 3!m2ll. WARM, clean. It. housekeeping rni 135 N. Church. Ph. !-6HW. SI f M'ING r m ' , " r 1 n'Til 1. 11 1 7" hnd. 110 per month. HMO N. Cottas. BAtiV MTTF.fl ifler hofl Middle WARM leepm rpi., twin bed., kt. l.rm-e tllfl. my Jiooir. j n. j-ninu after . MONTCiOVF.nV WARD hea opening for 'rjualified hoitM'Wear rtept. hwd. fund pay plui rnmmini. Cinnd working' roiid. Pd. vacation, houp, tt medic, benefiln SF.CRETAHY ' Sorneh"orthBnd re, quired II. h. Stiff Furnitura Co., 4j Court. 610 Solci Pertoni Wonted . NICELY FURNISHED ' Sleeping rm., 5.19 N. Wlntr TV "SLFEPINO rmr Board optl1nT. Friendly horn. Man. 21) mo. 2720. CLEAN warm rma TvTcioIp Fred rirkion Hall. 211 8, Winter. J-1721 HAVF, opening fnr a gnnd Peal F.- IAf A ,,. I , late falea-nen t.r fijlenwoman. See oa ApartmetlU -rot Rent USED Montag oil furnace. Complete with blower, thermoitat and fuel tank. Good rond A real barrnn. Stite- Street Market Ph. 3-127. WCHEVr"nd wrinter -washer for ale cheap. Ph. 4-78MI, MAH.ecretiry very pic. 179.50 Glen Woodry, 1W.5 N. Summer. SMALL patch 2nd growth Ml'ogTph. 2-2.161. Pen Cnlhath. Cothatl Land Co,, Realtora. 517 Court St. W A NT FD -' Ii n " r. (i w "e r n I n" "7S t i' llftO weekly, who desire earmnja 1 25 per werk within mot. Fuller Brush Co. Mr Flory. jPIv 3-8.j7 KIKHt in tiaiTian ni princ car Becfar Call I 4'4'4 TVPEWRPTERS adding machine cah rgiiter duplirato'i. deaki chain, f ilea It aunpliea Roen'i 455 Court St 4ha-6773 KF.W breaa dravTirecreena. tl2.f)3s. 450 Merchandise 4S1 Machinery ond Tools tOO AMP. Marquette AC welder with hood lead. 5125. Ph. 3-S75S. SAVE aeverel uaed wtlder AC DC Call 4-7544. 454 Sewing Mochinet tg uacnina : 4 STAR SPECIALS CABINET ELECT $19 85 Rd. Bobbin - CABINET ELECT . . $38.95 Forward and . rtviri EINGER PORT. $50.50 Demonatraior ' SINGER TREADLES ..$5.00 V Haul . SIN.GER SEWING MACHINE CO. lM N. Commercial ph. 1-351 4SS Hiehotd Goods For Sols ILECTRIC Rang and refrigerator. both t7t 50. Clan Woodry, 1(05 N. Summer. a Glen Woodry, 1B0S N. Summer. INVENTORY clonout New --e. bedroom art inc. box aprlng, nrrt-t-e. fW.SO. Gltn Woodry, 1605 K, Summer. SELL 1 used carved oak dining art. table. I chair, bufiet, 100. 724 N. High St INVENTORY eloaeout Veuum w ttach Filter Queen Electrolux -Banlttrert. Glen Woodry. 1505 N. Summer. NEW Metal Kltch. Table, $12 M 130 value, Uaed Mdaa, Mart. 270 S. Llbsrty. Ph. 4-4371. -YH. CRIB, lull panal, birch. Com- plete, with inneraprlng mattrca. $22 50. Woodry'i Thrifty Used Furn. Ill 8, Commercial St. Ph. 4-3311 456 Wonted, Hschold Goods r"1 , CASH FOR -FURNITURE VALLEY K'RN. CO. . t-Wl 4S7 Rodio end TT RL'MMAGE SALE. 1M Center St. Open I day I week, alo evening CTDARot71wler"Ph""4,-30r. FLOOR aample new Simmon Foam Rubber Hideabed cloneout. I1M.50. Glen Woodry. 1(05 N. Summer, USED adding machine rash, recia CTarr. 1B7I Fairground Bd 2-5375 NEW BOX aprlng, lnnerprig mat tre. f-ee Hollywood frame. $49 50. Glen Woodry, 10S N. Summer PIT RUN GRAVEL PH. 2-4310 1 FOR I NEW modern ore, rocker, modern ore. chair both 139 50. Glen Woodry. 1505 N, Summer NEWT1RK-Raw$40 Set of 4. 7 15 x 15, whitewall. Flreitone Champion deluxe. 4-3412. 472 Wonfed, Miicelloneoui WANTED Fir and Cedar piling, pre ferably long length. Phon COL- LECT CA-J-fMl, Niedermeyer- Mrtin Co , 715 Portland Trut Building. Portland 4. Oregon. 474 Miicelloneoui DENTAL PLATE RFPAIR 1-HR SERVICE IN MOS1 CASES DR HARRY FEMLER. DENTIST Adnlph rtldg Stat A Com I St. SALEM PH. 1-3311 VF.AR-END Fait rf T V. Console 476 Fuel 1 new Pa-kard-Bcll. 1 new R.c.A. nd 1 used Admiral. Huyttt T.V. Co.. 1991 Fairground Rd. Phone 1-7M1. 612 Wo. Wanted, Mole PRUNING and praying, tree topping and removal, f rre eatlmate. L. w. Caudle. Ph. 4-1461, .' ; ' FOR QUICK radio. TV & elee., appli ance repair, call M, wuicn. ring In aet Aaave. l'hL4-4324. CEMENT work W. W (BilK Ship- man, 40(70 DurbjjAv 2-8318. 4-7314. PAINTING - crX"3-5860 Interior or exterior. Eatlmate glad ly Excellent reference. i.A Kr-t.Vi tH wir an una da oi art 2-142 ot l-;S CARPENTRY, old ot pew, miac. re pair. R. Ra. Ph. 1-47H. . CABINET work, carpenter work Hi remodeling, free itlmate, work nywhere Ph. 2-7015, Cha. Exlln. CEMENT work, ill kind Prompt ervic guar E Drake. Ph 4-5339 LOU'S TREE aervir. Spraying, top ping, pruning, cabling. Ph. .4-5501. 614 Work Wonted Female WOULD you lik quirk iilert. de pendahle employe In your office who i -food -t- figure -it - also typea? Call 2-7481. I BDRM, atove A refrlg, furn. Sal vador apt. Ph. 2-3841. 205 E. Mil- ler. CLEAN furn. 2 rm. apt. Adulla. pri vate hajh Ai entrance. Lig'it At wa er pd. D0. 1820 Ferry. Ph, ,4-8137. MOD. elcc. heated, garage Apt. Triv. entrance. Ph. 4-7841. 2 RM. furn. apt, Near S. Salem High. $33. Ph, 2-7D45. 4-BDRM, country home, newly deco rated, S.E. 110, Ph. 3-0BI4. FURN. 2 rm. Apt, reaaonable, . tc tmall bdrm. on 1st fir. 1 aeparate waVm hiltp'ing rma, in baaement mltable for man. All very reaaon- ahl.j5!) N. CotUge. , ' 1, RM. FURN. Apt. Utlmiea furn. Cloae In 245 Marlon. Ph. 4-1645. NICELY furn. 1 rm. apt, pvt. bath, cloae In. 690 g. Com'l. . XPT. for rent. 2blocki from Capitol. 8.13 Mill St. CLOSE IN, nice clean apt., range, refrigerator, T V. plug In. Auto, laundry. Adulta, 336 Oakjt. FURN. 3-RM CT. A FTELEC . HEAT, 160SO. OTJI SJISSJI-SSM ENGLEWOOD Diit. Walking diitanc of State & General hospitals, large ant. 1 furn. & 1 partly furn. 'Lots of itorage apace, garage AV laun dry facil. Ph. 2-50.15 diyi Ac 1-7796 after 5:30 -At wk. end. NURSE wanted Waleno. experience A X-ray. Full , time employment. Box 7.15 Statesman-Journal. LOVELY downstair bdrm.. food A e?re for t!drly lady. $25 week. Write Box 727. Statesman-Journal. BAEY utting In my home. Dist of Chemeketa Ac 17th. 4-5738. BABY sitting after 4 p.m. & nighti. Ph. 4-2885. CARE for children, my home. $1 day or 25c hr, 4 Corner. Ph. 2-957J. LIGHT housekeeping & child car. Ph. 2-93S8. IRONING IN MY HOME 857 N. Kith St. Ptv 3-7447 WANTED Child or baby. rjntTTcIre by day. By Mornlnind Schoo), So. of town Ph. 4-60C5. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing, reason able. Mr. Poe. ?5 N. 16th. 3-3643. HFDUCED. repoaseued merchandise. New guarantee, Flreatone rotary power lawnmower. Batdorfg, 1420 Stat. Ph. 1-9582. FhTLCO Tofrig., . advanced design, frown food aeroea top, $169.50. Clcn Woodry, 160$ N. Bummer. aVIONTAO wood circulator $27.50, Eaty Spin Dry washer $34.50. Enameled ga circulator $19 50. Judaon 279 N. Com'l. I-RIGIDAIRE apt. line refrtg. New $199.50. uvi $60. CI a Woodry, 1605 N. Bummer. USED diahwaaher. automatic waah era. Ironera. Judaon a. 271 N. Com'l. -MODERN blond7-pTbdroom aC new $550, now 1199.50. M" mirror, Ig. chert o' drawer, duatproot drwrs, are to appreciate. Term. Clen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. 1FW National automatic water" heat- en, $i3. Judaon 'a. 279 N. Com'l INVENTORY SPECIAL Kew Bi It-well daveno act. $11111. Clea Woodry, 18(15 N, Summer. LINOLEUM RUGS xl2$3795' VA LLEY rURN. 211 W COM'L. SAVE! New 8-oc. chrome.dlnetti" Va.W. GIerWobdry,:i(k)$ K Sum. ' mer. VsZO AB Eiectiic rang, good contl Ph. I-29CI SPECIAL New -pc, daveno (roup, Inc. daveno, mod. occ., chair, mod. ecr. rocker. 2 table lamp. 2 lamp table, cocktail table, ash stand, $129.50. Glen Woodry, 160$ N. Sum. mer. - UNFINISHED ehesta new -drawer. $10 95; 4-drawer, $$ 95 Cash It .Carry, no ph order Hogg Broa Salom. JVFW 9x12 leaf pattern ruin, $26 99. GlenWoodry. Itti N. Summer. RECONDITIONED and guaranteed refrigerator and ran, apt. or full sire, term and trade. Open noon til I Mon, It Fri. Woodry 'i Thrjfly Used Furn. 119 8. Commercial St. Ph. 4-3311 i-tVl Benduc dryer on sale $123. $12 50 dn. $5 mo. Judson . 171 N. Com'l. tll INlaHiD furniture. 8 L. Stiff Furniture Store. 17$ H High . NFW Biltwell twlng rocker. $33.88, Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Bummer. 1VEW Box Spring & Foam Rubber Mattrea. off. Uaed Mda. Mart, 170 I Liberty, Ph. 4-6371. Inventory special New i-pe. Daveno group, Inc. daveno, mod era occ. chair, modern rocker. 1 end table. 2 thl lamp, cocktail ash atand. Term. Save at Glen Woodryt, 160$ N. Summer. USED heating eqpmt preaaure burn era, fir. furnpws, oil clrc., basin $3.50, gink KM. bathtub, laundry traya, toiieta, auto, water heater. Judaon 'a. 279 N. Com'l. FROGAL oil , circulator, real nice. $39 50. Clcn Woodry, 110$ N, Sum. mer, DA VENO and chair act, $.19.50. Uaed Mdae. Mart. 278 S. Uberty. Ph. 4-8371. - 20" MAH. Console T. V.. $89 50. !J Clen Woodry, 160$ N. summer. OREGON FUEL CO.' - Peeler Core a. n r.r.n Ktamna 1087 Brondway ph $-5533 ' DRESSMAKING, button hole & ! 615 Situation! Wonted 458 Building MotorioTi NOW WRECKING LARGE APT. BLDG, ATI Materials for tlt at our yard. Door, all kind $1 4 up Used aaah : 75c It up V used plywd. ghtg.e q ft. Kitchen Ink $4 a. Toilet complete $15 Kitchen cabinet!, all i. low priced. Ued 1x4 flooring $4$ per U All kinds light fixture, wiring At supplies. Reject hard board 50x100 . 1.25 ihgt. RITTER & CO. Rt. 1, Box 167 v Ph. 4-1311 la mi. No. of Salem, -ft mil N. of Totem Pol on IDE Open ill dy Slurdy. SELL" No. 1 eomp. roofing, 111 lb. Cheap. Naila per keg. $195. 12-2 electric wire, 4e ft. Mahog. door gr. A. $4 74 to 13 65 Bldg. paper, $00 q, ft.. 12.25 25-gal. surplus, green paint, 51.50 6) Galvanbed pipe, all lire, cheap. Sinks, toilets, tubs, Close out. Weather strip, window. Close out. Roll blanket Insulation. Snecisl. 0 Overhead gerige hardware, $11.75. 500 gal. a:eel aeptic tanks, $30. 4-ia. black ewer pipe, 30c-Sc. 6) er. A murine plywood, 3fc. STRICTLY CASH - U-HAUlc C. G. LONG V SONS 1 ml. N. Ke'ter Ph. 4-4051 $100 SQUARE STOCK REDUCTION First Gride 215 lb. thick butt fompoiiUon ihinglei, F. 0. B. 512 Loom Wonted jird. Hiehwav Fuel Co. Clean lawdust, wood, green or dry Stove Diesel ell. Ph. 3-444 CAPITOL FUEL. CO. Sawduat, blower or puin out Choic ilab md block mtxed. - - Planer end, dry oak wood. 1420 Broadwty Ph 1-7721 " Wood For Sale Silverton Roid Eist of Little Pudding River W. L SUMMERS Rt. 6, Box 189 Ph. 2-3293 WEST SALEM FUEL Sawduat, blower or push out Planer and Pond Lilie SPECIAL Semi-Dry Block and Slab 1521 Edgewater Ph. 1-4031 500 Bus. & Finance $10 Money .to Loon MONEYto loan on 1st mtjPhone .' 1-8417. Allen CT7onlnC " LOAN'S $50 00 to $1500 00 Buy what you need. Consolidate ."our bill. Finance through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 182 S Church St Phone 2-2457 WE HAVE casn buyer for real e Ute contract and 2nd mortgage. Ohmart It Calaba. Realtora 471 Court St Phone 2-4115 terln. at 607 N. Capitol. Ph. 4-7MM, ' Apt. 4. WE DO houserleanlng. gardening. PH. 3-7743 , CARPENTER work, any kind, reas. 4240 Maclray R. Ph. 4-5961. SEWINO de - dressmaking home. Ph. 1-6061. in . my COURT Apt. Extra nice furn. 2 rmi. St hath. TV. laun,. parking avail able.. Inquire 1348 8, 12th. . - SM. FURN. pt. close In. V blk. MelerA- Frank'. 549 N. Cottage. ATTRACTIVE 3mind1idiial ct. apt, Furn. or part turn. Handy util ity, bu route, pleasant aurround lnrs. 1951 N. Church. Ph. 3-5578 after 6. CLEAN, furn., close In, pvt entrance 4 bath. 4P2 S. High.' VACANT Jan. 1st 1-room, range, refrigerator, garage. Ph. 3-6670. 2-RM. FURN, apt. Extra bdrm. avail able. Ph. 3-9829. " 1-RM. nicely furn. pt. Private bath, $33. 2-B R. furn. apt., good con dition, $63. Ph. 4-3266, 3-8841. 1-RM.' furn. apt., all utilities furn. 897 N. Liberty. Ph. 1-7695. 2-RM. Furn. Apt. Douslaa Apart ments. 355 S. 14th. Ph. 3-6648. NICE clean 4-room with bath. Range, refrigerator, TV plug, Adult. $40 mo. 1135 Mill St. ' NRM. furn. apt., util. furn.. $24 Adult. 2-POt4. 2261 Haiel Ave. - NEWLY r-novated bachelor At 2 & 3 rm. Cot'ages. Garage A Utilities furn. $W to $50. 3215 Portland Rd. Ph 4-5373. FURN. APTS. $20 PER MO. 111 CHEMEKETA 3-ROOM furn., all utilities. $60. Adult only, 360 Bush. 4-1673. 1- & 2-ROOM apt., nicely furn. Close in. Emp. lady. 666 8. Summer. OPENINGS available. A.B.C. Nursery. Infants to 6 yr. 4-3232, 1-8086. RAY'S-Tree Surgery. Topping, trini mingr pruning, treating, apraylnf. Ph 2-9709 SMALL carpenter Job food work reaaona'ble. Ph. 4-1424. PAINTING, paper hnglng, your paint or mine Re price, free est term. Ph. Nelson 3-8493. 1-8243 PAINTING It papering rree estl maH Dos Lucern, Ph. 3-5322. 616 Imployment Agenciei PAGENSTECHER S PRIVATE MONEY to loan, cash for real estate mortgages and contract. B M. Mason or W. B. Minier. Rita.. 341 Chemeketa, Ph. 3-8841. MORTGAGE LOANS To buy, build or refinance. Con struction financing to qualified builder. C. V. KENT & CO. 456 N. Church Ph. 4-2293 COLONIAL Investment Co. ' Real Property Loans Contract Pur chased. 687 Court 4-2283. C&K LUMBER YARD 852 N. Lncaster Ph. I-15O0 500,000 FEET New, fresh-milled eld li teeond growth lumber 2x4 to txll in to 24-foot length Delivered price Salem, $30 per thouaand minimum. Ph. Ted Midler 2-U&4 45v Do It Yourself U-FIX-IT-GARAGE Repair your own car. 2091 a Cora l Phone 4-5281. EASY Spin washer. Ph. $-447. tlKYER. (lightly damaged in ahip ment, with this purchis I new 180 tank vacuum cleaner free, Fire Won tor. Liberty at Center. Ph. 1-2491. CONN. Alto tax weaie, $8$. Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. USED APPLIANCES -Youngatown 48-in comb. ink & dish washer, $99 80; Gen. Elee. drop-in. counter auto, dishwasher, $49 50; Gen. Elee. .portable d,hwshr, $70; Hotnoint range, a bargain t 19 ,50; Hotpoint auto, clothe wash r, fecond It guar.j $95; Thor Iron, er. $30; Bendix auto washer, re rond It guar., $90. iudson , 27$ N. Cornmerci!, 462 Sporti Equipment NEW Remington It g. Wlngmaater, 7. uiea woodry, im n. sum. mer. INVENTORY Special New modern foara rubber Davenport . Club Chatr. 1119 50. Clen Woodry, 160$ N. Summer. IoOALEor trade C E. puah-but-ton range, like new. Bendix auto, washer, reasonable. Will conaider I table caw. Ph 4-5530. REDUCED Repossessed merchandiae, new guarantee, Firestone II ra. ft deepfreere. Batdorf', 1420 Stat. Ph. a-9481.- -- - AUTOMATIC wahlng mchlne. $35. -C1B Woodry. 1605 W. Summer. jVEW'l-pr. chrome (eta. $W9ir'l7a7t Mda. Mart, 27$ . Liberty. Pfe. 4-4371. , .. IOAM rubber mattrea and match- trig box pring, need anly 1 me. , Ortg, 13S, now ffl 59, v . " , . W'oodry'l Thrifty Uied Futb. ' $15 S. Commercial Bt. Ph. 4-1311 Fn-VENTORY Sperlal Free Holly wood frame weach new box apnng and lnnerprlng mattr. $4I.M. Clea woodry, Ka J. Rummer. 460 Muticol Initrumenti Clen CONVERT YOUR PIANO into an organ. Let u enow you how. Wiltaey Muaie House. 1160 Stat St WANTED -i- $6,700 on email farm. Pay back $1,200 per year including interest Aopralsed at $11,500 for appraisal. Writ Box 737 SUteaman-Journal. COMMERCIAL -Placemen t-Afetiey- . Since 1948 Soeciallsta In Office Pluementa F Tvoist. lOwm. must be ac curate - . $200 F Typist, &0-60 wm, good wfigs. filing exp.. thrp, perm. $20$ F PBX-Reception, must be out Standing Open F Bookkeeper 21-40. Banking ex perience necessary . Open F Accountant, reporta, tax ex perience preferred Open F Gen. Office, phone, reception. good Judgment, adaptable upn j n--.( e PH-Typist. irregular achedule. 4 da. wk. I hr. l hr. F J-.ut-a.iw, day Gen. Office 25-35. Intelligent able to meet public $123 h. F Temo. Accountant, tax report. experienced upen T Secretarial. horthnd. typing. good English essential: Must have 3 yr. college, pref. ec. trinin. 34-hr. wk.. 8 day Open F Fretirv. r-ersonnel. ahthnd.. ble to write own letter zza test Wy To The Best Job 494 State St.-(411 Or. Bldg ) 4-3351 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted APPLICATIONS are now being taken for Sutra man bicycle route. Sev eral route will be open. Appli cants must be accompanied by their parent or have their writ ten bermission. Apply at the Circu lation Department of the State. man-Journal, 6fl4 Help Wonted, Mole MAN. 11 to 30. sell revolutionary new roofing. Eaay term, eaay selling but hard worker wanted. Inquire Mathi Bros., 2081 State St. WINCHESTER 23 rifle, model I2A, practically new, $35. Call 4-4534. CASH paid tor used (una, modern ana anuque. cascao Merc., me Broadwa E 23 H P. JOHNSON ,.$365 1954 model. I ft remote control. Extra prop. It HP. MERCURY $299 151 Model, scpiret gaa tank, fear shift 13 H P. EVINRUDE $294 1951 ModeL 10 H P. JOHNSON $189.50 Gear Shift teparte fa tank. 7H H P. EVINRUDE ... . $159 . Neutral, Very food condition. ARE you retired or semi-retired. hv your own ear. would like something Interesting ta do to keep -btwy end at the m -time -produce good Income' Write I. Lloyd, PO Box 4235, Portland. JOURNEYMAN machinist, steady Work, pd. in. It vac. Mater Ma chine Works, W. Weatherbee, frmn,. Corvalllt, or. PLaia l-Wix. 606 Help Wonted, Femole MIDDLE AGED housekeeper for motherless bom. Prefer refined lady who desire aerurtty. home life, attractive surroundinga, and who will accept modest eaiary. No drmer or smokers. Write Statesman-Journal, Box No. 731 or call 1-8217. BABY litter for small child. I da. wk Vicinity of 17th & Market Ph. 4-7060 after I p.m. or Bat. FRI.. SAT., Sun., Mon. It Wed. eve. I to 11:30. Age 25 to 45. Experi enced, non smoker. Viral refer ences. The Pike, Ice Cream store, 131 8. Liberty. WANTED lady to care for lady and do housework. $7$ mo. F, A. 1-1511, Jefferson, ore. Open Sundays 10 to 6 GSiC7a!sd Z80 WALLACE RD. 2-247$ 1 WANTED woman or girl fnr house work 'ind car of children.' 360 Water St - To Plaee Ada - Phono C31l CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone 2-0631. 354 N. Winter Adjoining Presbyterian church Free parking in rear excuuuve usungs on il type of PAGENSTECHER'S COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 1941 - Specisllst la Office Placements 494 Stat St (411 Or. Bldg 1 4-3351 LARGE 3-RM. furn. apt. Close in So. Ph. 4-3661. 3-RM. court apt, unfurn., newly decorated. . low . rental. Klngwood Courti, 3rd St. Ph. 4-8514 fter I ROOM with kitchen, priv., close in, reference required, rn. 3-tszo. COMFORTABLE 1-rm, turn., close in North, $33, Ph. 1-5448 or 1-3000. 700 Rental 3-BF.nnrtriM house, cloae In, $.) Phone 34171, Ext. 46. CLOSE IN 2 or 4-brim. hotiae, part furn, h, 3-4332 or 3-74(1,1 GOOD 5-ronm hoime. basement, auto. sawdust heat, fireplace. Imm poa aeaaion, $17.50 mo. Sr Glen Wood ry. 160$ N. Summer. l-rtB N E. near achool, , A $40 2-llH south, suburban. NICE ,. $45 1-HR.Xnurt Rt. Range, refrlg, $55 I-PR east, completely furniahed $10 2-BH 4 Cor. Bans-e, htr., 1 A, .. I HO 3- RR N E, auhurhan. Oil furn. . 110 Z-hH N E. Hwd firs, fireplace ... $70 4- ROOM furn apt , close In IM Center St. Realty Rental Service 1748 Center Ph. 4-66.11 Eve, 1-7612 4-BEDROOM house ntar St, Vincent A Hiehland schools. Available Jan. 13. Call 3-4.129. 4-BEDROOM, 2 up. wired for range, suburb. Ph. 4-3404. 2-BDRM, heuse. gar, a'ttarhed, nil circulating beat. Imm. poaaesslon, $73. 675 N. 18th. Ph. 4-6768 OT2-1931. 2-BEDROOM hou. lnqulr 1508 Court St. FOR RENT 5-room modern real- dene north of Chemiwa at 6010 Qulnshy Rosd. $60.00 per month. Contact R. F. Smart, Phone 4-2171. Ext. .717. Stat Highway Depart menC Salem. , , FOR RENT-S-room modern resi dence. 531 Thorndsl Circle. $60,00 per month. Contact R. F. Smrt Phone 4-2171. Ext 717, Stat High way Department, Salem. $-RM. FLAT, range, refrigerator, hot water heat, bemt, garage, close in, $43. 2-B.R. furn. house, garage, South Salem, close to bus stop. $65. B. M. Msaon. Rltr., 341 ChwnekeU, Ph. $-8341. $ ACRES, large old house, 1 bdrm. down, 3 bdrm. up. 5 tn?hion barn, hog house, brooder house. $7500. $500 down, $65 s month. E. A. McGLAUFLIN, BROKER 335 N. HIGHEST. 1-8611 1 BEDROOM unfurnished house nesr shopping renter It State Bldg. fn. day .1-550., Eve. 3-8405. 1 BDRM. house, oil circulator. Util ity rm. School close. Ph. 3-4353. $ RM. OIL heat, quiet. W. Salem. $42. Inquire 370 Veall Lane after 5. BDRM, pompleteljTfurn. Ideal for couple. South. Ph. 2-3423. NEAT Clean 7 year old 2 Bedroom Home Located at 4749 Thorman Ave., Krtier Dit Cll Dy$ 4-4494 Eve. 2-6314. COLBATH LAND.CO. 517 Court St Ph. 4-4494, Eve. 4-2714 HOMES FOR RENT 2 bedroom home. Suburban. $40 per month. 2 bedroom home. Basement. Oil fur nace. Fireplac. Clou In, $75 per montn. Call Walt Jones. Ev. Ph. 4-7832, ALISAAK&CO., REALTORS 322 N. Church St. Ph. 4-3311 or 3-7820 r,00 Real Itatr 1100 Real Frtatc E06 Houiei For Sola tZi Houiet for Sett CLOSE IN Convenient to Rial Of- flcea and Shopping Center, Fine 1 bdrm. horn wllh llv. rm., fire- flace, din, rm,, kltc'ien nd nook, till basement, aulo nil heating. $9200. CALL 1. . LAW. , FAIRMOUNT HILL Thl old 4 bed- room home Is handyman dream. Ideal for remodeling and redecor ating, A corner lot with excellent location Prlc $10,750. CALL H. K. LAYMON, SOUTH COMMERCIAL In I really good business none. Near Safeway Store 98 ft frontage on 8. Qim- merrlaN-114' deep. 1 alory houao on on corner of lot which leaves plenty of mom fur buslnea on balance pi lot. This good buy won ! teat, as It la an reawnhly prlc d. CALL NOW FOH DETAILS MRS. RICHARDSON, FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR HOMel FOR K4UITY 160 acre farm lo rated six miles out on paved road. 1(1) acres of seeded (rasa. Batanco paitur and timber, fenced and croas-fenccd. Small home, feeding ahed and shop, 2 snrlni. A dardy aheep or cattle ranch Price t.'J.c ). CALL G. H GRABENHORST, JR. PLEASE STOP IN it PICK UP YOUR 1956 CALENDAR! ' ' GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS ' 134 S. LIBERTY ST. . ' PH. 2-2471 Evenlnx and Sundava Call Salesmen H. K. Lsymon 1-5193 J. E. Lsw 3-5113 Mrs. Richardson 4-8IMI Business Buildine With good Income, close-in location. Would trade for a horn. $23,000. 2 Bdrm. South Llv. rm , with frpl., kit. breakfast nook, tile bath. F. A. heat, patio, nesr bus, $11,000. Sell or Trade i bdrm., Ig. llv. rm din. rm., kit. and bath, w-w earpet. Would trade for 1 to 5 seres with 1 bdrm. home. $7,950. , 1VE.' Klumpp, Rltr. 1 3055 Portland Rd., Ph, 1-7642 or 4-8095 Eves.: Leavens 3-4733, Carpenter 3-6648,. Dnnahoe 2-8856 insulated. City "bus 'j block, ga- 565 N. Capital St, rage t utiniie m oaaemeni. ma Ewald Ave. $60. Ph. 2-3787 sfter 5:30 or all day Saturday At Sun. FOR RENTwlth option to buy.-1 bedroom ranch type home, fire place, dining rpom, kitchen has nook & dishwasher, $110 mo. 702 Illinois. .Ph. 2-0445. . 2 BDRM. house & fsrage, Suburban. Ph. 2-2640. iJoUHMMEll rtaftor' 7-'T NEW YEAR SPECIAL On Csndslaris. Extra large living room; 2 bdrms., hdwd. floors, cor ner lot, walking distance to Super mkt. $14,300. SO. SALEM HI Is 2 blocks from this older 4-bdrm. house, nice bsmt, new furnsce. A good buy, $6,500. INCOME PROPERTY Extra large side by side duplex, also f. clean little 1-Bdrm. home on 100x1 50-ft. lot, '- S-car - garage; -all furnished It rented. Show good return on Investment. Easy terms. COUNTRY LIVING 1 bdrms., bsmt., knotty pine kitchen, lovely horn. 2 acres on pave ment. Call us. Ph. 2 6979 SALESMAN Bon Cieary 3-l39 Peck 3-54J3 "150DOWN,"$50 A MONTH buy this . 2 bedroom house. Just north- of Salem. Candlewood drive, near Brooks Ave $4500. E. A. McGLAUFLIN, BROKER 335 N. High St. . 2-8611 BDRMS. It DEN ON 'i ACRE--Cloae In. Single at. gar. It dhl. far. with workshop, wood ahed. chicken house. Large dining room, fireplace, garden It shrubs. Neal as a pin. Owner leaving state, $13 000. Ses Bill Fldler. Ev. pit, 4-7448. NICE. COMFORTABLE 1-bdrtn. home on Madrons Ave. Lsrge kit chen with dining sres, Separa's utility A fruit room, garage At workshop. 73x170 lot, 1 blocks to school A- bus. Home It worth $ 400, See Ron Krsus, Ev. ph. 1-5661. - ACRES OF EXCELLENT SOIL Adaptable for berries, general farming or fruit. On good paved road. Has some bldgs. Small grove of fir timber. Wou'd maka -good bldg. site, $500 down. Bat, eaay term, ace Ron Krau. CAN YOU BEAT THIS7-50 acrel cleared valley soil with Irrlg. Pav. ed hlway. It close In. For 1370 per acre. 60 sere Grid A dairy, 3-bdrm. house. Willam. soil Is irrigated Improved pasture. $25, 800. Se Herb Barnas. . SELL OR TRADE FOR SMALLER FARM Approx. " 212 acre, all in cult Tiled. Irrlg. well It Irrlg. system. Grsln elev. Other good bldgs. Very nice 4-room house, lovely yard. etc. Priced right. Sea Geo. Kraus. RENT with option to buy: 2-br. En glewood Dist Stoves, refrtgerstor furnished, $4$ mo. CsII Woodburn 6631. CLEAN 1-bdrm.. unfurn, house, car port, no pets. Prefer adults. Ph. 4-5155. 707-A Furnithed Homtl FOR RENT Neat t bedroom apt Walking: dis tance to snopping ana state duiiq ines. $30 per mo. AL ISAAK At CO., REALTORS. 3C2 N. Church St.. Ph. 4-3311 or 7-7820. NICE furn. 3 rms., pvt. baths, $30 to $60. 1075 N. Cspitol. 3-8706. FURN. 4-rm. fist. Adulta, ref. Call p.m. 3-7541. farag. NICELY furnished anartments. 850 N. Summer. Ph. 2-9206. FURNISHED 2 rooms $36 and $3$. Utilities furn. 725 S 13th. -CAPITOL-PLAZA- t BEDROOM FURNISHED APTS. 1 163 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-8630 LARGE 1 nd 2 bedroom, redecorated modern, extra clean. 105$ Edge-water. 1411 STATE St. 1 room It kitchen-etter-Ground floor. Util. furn. NICE, cloae in 3-rm. furn. apt, also 2-rm. apt. Ph. 3-6768. 3 RMS. furn. Private bath, near cap ttol building. 940 Mill. 1 UNFURN. Apt , 1 or 1 bedrms. Stove, refrig. Bedrm. , set avail sble. 816 N. 14th St 1 At 1 RM. APTS., Clean. 2-8744. 585 utilities furn. 8, 12th. SM. 1 bdrm. hse. doss In. Adults. Csll 4-7830. FURN. 1-rm, house Wor 1. gsrden pce. $35. 390 Tylor St. Corner of 4th. Ph. 3-6012 fter 5. , $500 DOWN J-bdrrn. home with lsrge living room snd dining room combination. Cute kitchen finished in knotty pine. Utility plumbed for wssher snd dryer.1"" Basement. Bui by floor. Only $6,250 lull pric. Call 4-1671 day or eve, STITES REALTY 3431 Center Ph. 4-1671 1-BDRM. house, furn., $42.50. 475 W. Madrona. Salem Heights. 2-2704. iOOMfurnished house. 2125 Myr tle Ave. 709 Wonted to Rent WANTED to les good farm or Grade A Dairy, write P. O. Box 231, Hood River, Ore. 7 1 0 Wonted to Rent, Houses WE NEED MORE HOUSES. DU FLEXES. It APARTMENTS TO RENT.-WE SPECIALIZE IN REN TALS It PROPERTY MANAGE MENT. CENTER ST. REALTY. PH. 4-0631, EVE. 2-7811 714 Business Rentoli FURN. rooming and apt house, low rent food Income. Ph. 2-1879. 718 Convalescent Homes VERY NICE close In large apt and one smsll apt 1 bdrm. furn. Ph. 3-8933 after I p.m. COTTAGE CONVALESCENT HOME. 252 N. CotUge. J-Wiu. mix NICELY furn. 2 rms., utilities. 420 S. 20th. kit, bath It 2 ROOMS, priv, bath It entr. Refrlg., utilitie furn. Adult. 735 S. 13th. Larmer Transfer 4 Storage Complete moving service. Also sgehts for blkiins nation wuu movers. Ph. 3-3131. 706 Duplexes PH. 4-1407 for 1-bdrm. furn. duplex apt. TV ant Cpl. only. 2595 N. 5th. 800 Real Estate 1 OR 2-bedroom furn. court apt., all utilitie furn. Weekly or monthly rate, children welcome. Ph. 3-8723. 801 Business Opportunities NICELY furn. modern duplexe. S. of town. $50 It $55 mo Some- util itie. Couple only. $-5765. 3-RM. duplex apt, full bsmt Holly wood Dist. Ph. 1-8036. AVAILABLE for Lease by mJor oil company, modern. 1 bay aervice station at busy intersection tn Ss lem. $2500 Investment will handle for, Qualified party. For informs tlon csll 1-4838 after 1 p.m. 4-3882. UNFURN. 5-rm. duplex, frplc, gar, bsmt Walking dist to town, $65. Ph. 3-737$. r... 618 Educotion HAPPY TIME Nursery School now hss several openings for 3 4-year-olds. For Information, csll 4-5730 Or 1-5024. 620 Doy and Controct POWER ditchlnf It bsck fill, lnsuls- tion. sewers, aeptic tank, oriw field. Ph. 1-0108. HOME BUILDING, remodeling, sid ing It roofing. Free st Ph. 4-634Q, BUILDING Hour 27663 or 43151. or eontrict Ph. SCHARFF BROTHERS Installation and Repairing Sewers. Septic Tanks, Dram Field Power Ditching tt Backfill Ph. 8-8561 r 1-8072 BULLDOZING It LEVELING Leland C Smith. Ph 34582 BRICK and block work, guaranteed, Ph. 4-6435 LAND CLIARING-D-I. Hr. or con tract L. C. Mitchell. Ph. 1-5337. OCHT erswler dorer. dirt 'teveUnf grading. Phone i-tcuz, l. Kurtn. DOZING & LEVELING PIL 2-0952 D PaNTOVICH BULLDOZING. Levellaif. Clearing. Road Dean Robinson, 169$ Lee PH. l-8i97 1 ' OR 1-410$ GENERAL EXCAVATION tt yird It V yra novl crane, baft hoe, drag line, 16-ton Lorain mo bile crane D4 and D7 rat with carry-all and clearing blade. Rental contract ar unit price. CLEAN 2-bdrm.. all elee. duplex, car port auto, washer It dryer. $60 per mo. 1031 8th St, Ph. 3-3136. Ton? ousts For Rent TWO-BDRM. bungalow, unfurnished. Box 733, Statesman-Journal. NEW 1-bdrm. Range, refrig. It washer furn. Ga het all util. In cluded, $60. Cold Spring Cottages, 4010 S. Pscific Hlway. Ph. 2-6890. MODERN 1-bdrm. home, tov It re frig. 53. rn. a-y74 titer p.m. GOOD 1-rm. cottage, adults, 83$. Call 3-5267. NEAT 4-room house, unfurn., welt located near Capitol building. 1145 Oak St. Inquire U43 Oak. FOR RENT 1955 Modern trailer house, 4 Corner Trailer Court, 4040 State St. Fh. j-nva. NICE partly furn, 1-bdrm, glewood. Ph. 3-3000. 85$. En- UNFURN. 1-bdrm. lec heat fire place, utility, rm, itt garage, $76. Ph. 4-819. NELSON'S RENTALS Very nice 8 bedrm. home only 2 blka. from South Salem High It bua. 1100 unfurn. or $125 furn. Will conaider leaae with option to Buy, 1H bedrm. duplex, itove as refrld. $50 2 bedrm. unfurn, South $70. S Bedroom It enclosed cleeplng porch, suitable for office, located at 13th t btaie fit. NELSON It NELSON. RTLS 1590 8. Commercial . Ph. 1-3661 1-BDRM. house on Mlaaion St. woll heater, utility rm. It garage. Ph. ' 3-4091. - -- 1-BDRM. modern house, Weat Salem, $45. Ph. 1-8004. SK. 2?Jt "KiPlDial 4-6811 to Place Ad ovino TTti orogi LOW COST storage. H. L. Stiff Fur nitura o. i-giaa. ATTRACTIVE ROMAN BRICK' I bdrm. home. Living rm.. besutl- tul fireplac. modern kitchen, tile bath, oil F. A. F attached garage. - large lot Pric $13,950, only $1,170 down. OWNER TRANSFERRED, SELLING At sacrifice price, very nice 1 bdrm nome. i,ivina rm. wim nrepiace modern kitchen, eating area, tile bath, utility rm.. oil heat, attached garage, near school. Prlc only 10.300. CALL MR. BRAULICK WITH jdhirlrDantvReaitoi 405 N. High Ph. 4-3483 Eve. 4-3220 ACROSS FROM M&F STORE WILL TRADE or sell my equity in large apt house. Rental Income of $130 monthly, with large 2-bedroom living quarters. Close to City Cen ter snd State CsoitoL for smsll home. CaU 2-6197. $150 DOWN. BAL. $40 M0, Located st 638 So. Lancaster. A Ittle "Do-It-Yourself ambition snd you have a home. Close to School and stores. Lot 51' x 200'. Only $2,500, 2 HOUSES SELL OR TRADE $400 Dn., $50 per Mo. Wsnt small acreage near Woodburn or will take contrsct or mtgs. in trade. Consists of 21 bdrm. houses 2 and 3 yrs. old both facing street rrice i,uu. COURT ON Vt A. SELL - TRADE Will take 2 B R. home in trade, sub. urban or city up to $9,000. Consist of 4 houses from 1 to 25 yrs. old in immaculate condition. Com 1 Ga rage for Auto Repairs snd l'i Acres. A wonderful piece of prop, erty with rm, for expsnsion. Ill ness force sale st $27,500. ATTENTION CARPENTERS! Unfinished 2 bdrm. home. South City wtr. Frsmed. with roof on snd - partitions in. Wired and consid erable olumhln material, shakes flooring, ceiling and misc. material included. Only $3,150. Allen C. Jones, Realtor 231 No. High St, 3-5831 Eve. 4-1889, S-9648 Or 3-2708 ffOTTT ouies tor Sole FOR SALE by Builder; New 1-bdrm. view home, $14,900. 3349 Crestvlew. Ph.-1-5198. ..-.......... OPEN HOUSE DAILY PH. 4-5868 Builder offer new 1 bdrm. 1031 Red wood. Alio 1 bdrm. Fireplace, forced lir heat Westridgs Add. l'i ml. No. Wallace Rd. - Ma OWNERf When U sell Glen Woodry will pay top price for your furnitur It appliance Ph. 3-5110 MUST sell lmmedlstely-2a Yesr, 2 bdrm. house, til bath. Lawn It shrubs in. Close to school. Ph. 3-3536 evenings It week ends. UNFINISHED 3 bedrm. Exterior com plete, shskes, siding, doors, win dows. Concrete foundation. Lot 75x 22 ft Priced $2900, very reason able terms to right party. C. W. Reeve Real Estate. I860 Mission St. Ph. 34590. Eve. 39336 or 20691. $750 DOWN. 2 bedrm. home on V re. Hwd. firs, turnout Alt gsr. Nest It clesh. Lovely brick work front porch. Excellent gsrden soil. Smsll chicken hse. Priced $7950. C. W. Reeve Reel Estate. I860 Mis lion St. Ph. 34590, Ev. 39531 or 20898. 1 BDRM. house with rental. Lrg. fenced lot. $4,950. 1839 It 137 N. Church. Ph. 4-7757. CLOSE in 4 bdrm. home in exc. condition, Csll F. L. Knspp R. X. 2-6286. SMALlf-d home. Cal own payment Mod. 2 bdrm I F. L. Knapp If. x. !--" CLOSING ESTATE Lars 3 Bedroom Home with baa ment oil furnsce. Locstea si e-w Thomoaon Ave. Immediate Posse- lon All Bid be given to Ben Colbath, Realtor. 117 Court St Ph. 4-4194 Eve. i-4314. i C. D. McCARGAR, RLTR. VIEW OF THE CITY Lge. 1-bdrm, home wunllmited closet space: fireplaces: hwd. floors; li plumb ing. bsmnt wparty rm. Lg. dble gar., I'a yra. old. Must he seen to be appreciated, price i9,aoo; terms, Call Gobi, v. 4-5258. 4-LGE. BDRMS . Inaid uUL wired for washer It dryer, lge. lot ml fruit, nice garden spot, close In NE. This shake home Is about yrs old. Price $8,000; essy terms. Call raya seal. 4-jjm. 1-BLK9. FROM CAPITAL SHOP. PING CENTER on Chemeketa St Older 3-bdrm. home only $3,250 low down pymt: $500 mo. Call TUlllUS, V. 4-BOM. CLOSE TO SOUTH HIGH-Charm ing good 3-bdrm. home, Ig. ltvln rm., den, wall to wall carpet, din- Ing rm., kit, nook, l'i bath, full bsmnt ta nest, a Die. gar, lge corner lot City Bus by door, tea! buy. Will sell on contrsct 11,500 dn. Price $10,800. Csll Martha Thlesen, v, 1-5497, 108 n. High St. Ph. 4-4441 MR. AND MRS. CATHOLIC Thl beautiful buy I for you. Over 1.500 sq. Ft. of Gracious living on one fir. with 3 Bdrms. plus s den or study all nicely srrsneed. Lovely Di Rm. Nook Inside utility . fireplace, very near St. Vin rent's. Price $11,900. See Mrs. wells. COLBATH LAND CO 517 Court St Ph. 4-4404 Eve. 1-373$ Krai 1 Dewitt- 3 Rial Eitate Loans 1 316 N. Church f ? Ph. 4-6871 9 Roy Todd, Realtor WANTED Farm and acreage " list ingj. We have buyers with money to buy but we are short of prop erty to show. We advertise and work hard on our listings. Giv us i call. ACRES SUBDIVISION PROPERTY Close in East. Older 3-bdrm, home, good barn. Irrigation well. Wilt make 18 lots, 100x115 with a " eJO-ft. road. -Ideal for country estate. A real buy at $7250. Call Walter Shw. MORE FOR YOUR COMFORT, CON- VEN1ENCB AND MONEY 3-bdrm. in St. Vincent are. Well-built. In excellent condition throughout Bamt. It very nice party room, fireplace, large dining area is sn L-off of Hying room,. Good bu servirs, shopping facilities, and one block from St. Vincent's school and church. $12,500. Call Roy Todd. , H A, APPRAISED $9450. PRICED $9200 A well-built 2-bdrm. home shit 1 bargain. You can move right tn and not spend t dime on this. 2 year old and on larga lot. well-located east. Call Jo Gra ham. . WELL-LOCATED SOUTHEAST Owner will trade for larger home. 2 Jsdrmi., on large lot House Ig S,..Sfri$Wt. joodjondlljoa iraida . and out. Oil furnace. Good loan, low monthly payment. Call Chuck DeSenno. 67 ACRES, 6, MILES FROM CITY CENTER 25 acres clear with pring water, 42 acre in fir and oak. Good pasture, older bouse. Could be developed for resort $15,750. Terms to suit. Call Fred Doerfler, Roy Todd Real Estate 2319 State St. Ph. i-P.591 Ev. call:, Vndervort 4-7602: Doer fler 2-3784; DeSerano 3.8095; Mrs. Graham 4-4748; Todd 8-1711; Shavr 1-3512. ESTATE SALE . Residential located it 453 Montgom ery bi, woodDurn, ore. Make of fers to Pioneer Trust Co. 3-3136. BY OWNER CANDALARIA HEIGHTS DISTRICT mew 3-bdrm. ranch type home, hag 1,533 sq. ft. plus double garage. Beautiful view of Coast Range mt. ' Large living room, Urge family room, l'i. bath, built-in oven, built-in electric tove. utility room, 3 block to school, low taxes. Leav ing state, must sell. Csll 2-9519. EQUITY In 2-bdrm. house on large IOI, On. 4-371)8. 2-BDRM. 4 Corners. $950 down, bal stwuu. r.A. neat rn, 3-3335. BY BUILDER Custom-built 1-bdrm, horn near So. Salem High 2-7071. NEAR STORES Thl attractive 2-bedroom home ll located South near the VIsti Mkt. 8 year old. Plaatered. hardwood floored, s ttach ed garage. Wide lot with 1 huge fir tree. All for only $7,950. Call 4-1671 day or ev. . STITES REALTY . 1435 CENTER PH. 4-1671 Older type 2-bedroom home only 4 DiocKs from Engiewood schooL Basement, wood furnace, LR., DR, bath, kitchen and nook, large lot 50 x150' I. A very comfortable home for only $1200 down snd $65 per month. Total" price, $7800. HOOVER SCHOOL Located on 'D Street Just east of Park Ave. 1 bedroom, kitchen, dinette, bith, utility room, fire place, elee heat, garage, fenced-in lot, in first-clas shape. Priced at $7750 with $800 down, balance like rent Abrams & Skinner, Inc. .411 MASONIC BLDG. . REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOAN1 INSURANCE OFFICE 39217 EVES 24708 OR 37388 $750 DOWN Buy this older typ. roomy home. Large living room with fireplace, 3 bedrooms, corner lot $7Jooon E. A. McGLAUFLIN, BROKER 331 N. HIGH ST,- 2-8811 NEW 3-bdrm., 1240 sq. ft., plastered dble. garage. r.A. furn. Sm. dn. " payment. Ph. 1-5951. 1-8122. No. Keuer U ax lake Uai - 3 BEDRM. LANCASTER WAY Not old, wU built tt farag. Ono . Derm, on., 1 up. Lot 75x106. Shop i'Ltt,r,,r' lnut trees. $45mt ' 'AM J4ADSEN, LTY. 8-5580, -$40t,. . .-.Ml' - . .